How to completely remove firefox windows 10. How to completely remove Mozilla Firefox from your computer? Windows Standard Tools

How to completely remove Firefox from your computer? This question is asked by many users, since sometimes the standard method of uninstalling programs does not cope with this task. And we have to come up with alternative options.

It is worth noting that when using the standard option (using the control panel), various “tails” from the web browser may remain in the system in the registry and system folders. And something needs to be done about this.

Also, when using the standard method, sometimes errors occur that prevent the browser from uninstalling normally. And in this case, you also need to do something in order to somehow remove the browser from your computer.

In this material, we have collected the most effective methods for uninstalling “Fire Fox”. Of course, in this article we will also consider the standard method. We’ll also talk about what to do if it doesn’t work. So, let's begin.

Case #1: Standard Windows Tools

It is built on the capabilities of the operating system itself. And it is he who is considered the most correct. However, many experts note that with this uninstallation option, the browser leaves a bunch of unnecessary waste both in the registry and in the system directories. And it is not clear why this happens.

For this method of removal, the panel is used Windows management and the installation wizard for the web browser itself. This process is probably familiar to many users. However, just in case, we will provide detailed step by step instructions, telling you how and what to do so that beginners don’t get confused:

It is worth noting that after this you must restart your computer. The installation wizard itself does not say this. But in an amicable way, this should be done after erasing any program. Only then will “Fire Fox” completely disappear from your computer.

If mistakes happen

This situation is not uncommon. Often the browser simply cannot be removed by various reasons. The main problem is that it is impossible to determine this very reason. So we have to go through everything possible options to correct the situation. And now we will talk about them.

Search for viruses and remove them

This is a popular reason for errors to appear when uninstalling applications. various types– malicious objects on the computer. They can block everything. Moreover, they can significantly damage the files of the operating system or some program. Hence the problems with removal. There is only one solution - use an antivirus.

Recovering important files

If there were viruses on the computer, they could significantly damage some operating system files. Hence possible mistakes during the browser removal process. Moreover, damage to important components may cause other programs to not function properly. Not to mention Windows itself.

However, there is a way to restore the integrity of OS files. And for this you don’t even need to reinstall Windows or use a bootable flash drive with the operating system distribution. Everything will be done using the command line. Here detailed instructions on this occasion.

The search process itself damaged files and their restoration will take about 15 minutes. After completing the procedure, you must restart your computer. Otherwise, restoration will be of no use. Only after the restart can you try to uninstall Mozilla Firefox again. Everything should work out.

Case #2: Revo Uninstaller utility

How to completely remove Mazila browser from your computer? Standard method This is not suitable for this, since in any case there will be some tails left in the registry and directories. Will have to use third party utilities. One of the best among them is Revo Uninstaller. This product copes even with very advanced cases

In addition, it is able to erase the program correctly, without leaving tails in the registry or system folders. You can download the program from the official website of the developer. But it is worth considering that it is paid. However, for our purposes, the capabilities of the free version are quite sufficient.

Instructions for use:

  1. Go to the page
  2. Click on the button FreeDownload to start the download.
  3. Open the file revosetup.exe.
  4. Then simply follow the instructions of the installation wizard.
  5. Finally, click on the button "Complete".
  6. A list of programs will appear in the main window of the utility. Left click on Mozilla Firefox.
  7. Then click on the button "Delete".
  8. Go through the standard uninstall procedure.
  9. Then in the utility window, click on "Scan".
  10. Check "Choose all" and press "Delete".
  11. Confirm cleaning.
  12. Follow steps ten and eleven again.
  13. Click the button "Ready".
  14. Restart your PC.

This is the most effective way. It helps even in cases where the standard control panel option does not work. Revo Uninstaller will never let you down.

Case #3: Linux

How to uninstall Firefox on Linux? The fact is that “Linux-like” operating systems differ significantly from Windows. Installing and uninstalling applications there occurs in a completely different scenario. It's no surprise that newbies get lost in these types of systems and are eager to return to Windows. This feeling is natural.

But if you look at it, uninstalling programs in Linux is even easier than in Windows. It’s just that a terminal (console, command line). This is what scares most users. However, there is nothing complicated about it. Now we will look at the process of uninstalling Firefox on Linux example Ubuntu:

That's the whole uninstallation process. Just remember that after each command entered in the terminal, you need to press the button Enter in order to initiate its execution. After uninstalling the browser on Linux, you don't even need to restart your computer. That's the beauty of it.


Within of this material we tried to tell you how to completely remove Mozilla Firefox from your computer. It turned out that it is not so simple. Especially if some errors occur during the uninstallation process. However, methods for fixing them have also been provided, so there should not be any problems.

However, if you want to uninstall the browser completely, you will have to resort to help Revo programs Uninstaller. Only it will help get rid of program remnants in the registry and system directories. The easiest way to uninstall programs is in Linux OS. Just a couple of commands are enough.

If you decide to remove Mozila from your computer, then it’s your right, but I’ll tell you honestly that as a browser it’s not bad at all. It seems to me that Chrome works faster, if only because it does not spray a separate process on each tab... You see, you have 20 tabs open in Chrome, and there are the same number of processes from Chrome, or even more...

So. Meanwhile, Chrome has firmly occupied the minds, that is, the computers of users, to be honest, I don’t know how they manage to do this, but I read that Chrome occupies a decent share of the browser market and this number is growing! That's it. Although I agree in a sense that Chrome is not bad, it displays many heavy sites more easily...

Well, okay, let's move on to what I should write about here. Namely, how to completely remove Mozilla Firefox from your computer, I’ll say right away that there’s nothing complicated about it and you’ll succeed.

Just in case, I’ll say that there is a certain uninstaller that specializes in removing software from a computer. He knows how to both remove the program and clean the debris after it. In general, my job is to offer it, and you can see for yourself, but I will say that the program is suitable...

So let's get started with the operation.

Click Start and select Control Panel:

If you have Windows 10, then congratulations! But there this item is in the menu, which can be called up with the Win + X buttons!

Then we find the Programs and Features icon:

Now what? Now let's look at the list of software. This list is all you have. Let's see where Mozilla Firefox is, find it and click right click, and then select Delete:

Then click Delete:

Well, that’s it, the deletion will begin, it will all end quickly and it will be written that everything went fine:

Well, is it difficult? No, there's nothing complicated

Now about how to clean your computer from small debris, it is better to remove it. It is not necessary to do this cleaning, but since there is nothing complicated about it, I personally do it. Still, I don’t delete programs that often. If you are lazy or difficult, you can skip it. So. Press the Win + R buttons and write in the Run regedit command window:

What have we done? We opened the registry editor, here you can find and delete all traces of Mozilla, that is, everything that is left here, in the mention of which there is the word Mozilla, then all of this can be deleted! Here's how to do it - hold down Ctrl + F in the editor and write in the Mozilla field, then click the Find next button:

As a result, the registry will look for folders and keys that contain the word Mozilla, this is all trash and needs to be deleted! But how? Look, you only need to delete what is selected. Don't just delete anything. When a folder or key is found, it will be highlighted, and you need to right-click on it and select Delete from the menu. To continue the search, press F3 and so on until there is a message that the search is over.

Look, here's how to delete a folder:

And here's the key:

Well, that is, almost everything is the same!

When this message appears, it means that you have already cleared everything and there is nothing more:

Well guys, everything seems to be fine, I wrote here and I hope everything is clear to you. So all that remains is to wish you good luck and that you have good mood


If you paid attention to this article, your favorite Mozilla Firefox is probably “sick” - it takes a very long time to start, it slows down; or you changed something in about:config, on the settings page, and don’t remember where and how, but FF doesn’t work. Or maybe you were seduced by the user benefits of another browser. Well, this can happen too.

However, regardless of the circumstances described above or any others similar to them, Mozilla Firefox needs to be completely removed from Windows. This can be done in two ways: a built-in system function and an uninstaller program. Choose which one is more convenient for you.

But first, if you plan to reinstall FF, check out the guide on how to backup and restore your browser profile previous settings on a “fresh” distribution.

Backing up and restoring a profile using the MozBackup utility

Making a copy

1. Open the utility’s website -

3. On the page that opens, click “install program” in the “Download from SourceForge” line.

4. Install the downloaded distribution into the system, and then run it from the desktop (click on the icon twice).

5. In the MozBackup window, in the “Operation” block, click the mouse to set the command “Backup a profile” (creating a copy of the profile).

6. Click on the browser in the list.

7. Click the "Next" button.

8. Click “Browse” in the “Save backup...” field. " and specify where the utility will save the copy file.

Advice! Don't keep a reserve in system partition(on drive C), since it can be deleted if the system is reinstalled.

9. In the “Details” block, select (check or uncheck) which profile elements need to be reserved:

  • General settings - basic settings;
  • Bookmarks - bookmarks;
  • History - visit history;
  • Extensions - extensions;
  • Cookies - cookies;
  • Save from details - saving details;
  • Certificates - certificates.

10. Click "Next".

Upon completion of the procedure, a file with a copy of the profile will appear in the specified directory. Its name by default indicates the version of Firefox and the date of creation.

1. After you succeed in completely removing old version FF and install a new one, run MozBackup. Set the operation to “Restore a profile”.

2. Click “Next”.

3. Click Browse, select the copy file and click “Open” in the system window.

4. Again - “Next”. Specify the items that need to be restored (by default, all those in the copy are included).

5. Start the recovery with the “Next” button.

6. In the additional request “Restoration can overwrite...?” Click "Yes".

7. When the operation is complete, click “Finish”.

Open the browser, it will look the same again (it will be the same as it was before the reinstallation).

Method #1: standard uninstallation

1. Click the “Start” icon in the taskbar.

2. Go to Control Panel.

3. Click the “Uninstall a program” section.

4. Right-click on Firefox in the directory.

5. In the panel that appears, click “Delete”.

7. Perform similar actions on the remaining folders and files.

Happy Firefox uninstallation!

If any application is removed from your computer incorrectly, it can lead to problems in the future use of the system. In particular, if you do not completely uninstall Firefox, then when you reinstall it of this browser errors may occur. How to remove Firefox correctly?

There is not always a standard removal procedure available in the installed operating system, indeed completely erases all data of the required application. So, in the case of Firefox, you need to perform a few more additional steps before uninstalling Firefox completely.

Recently, after an update and some experimentation with "deep tweaking", my Firefox started to glitch. The usual troubleshooting methods (reboot, reinstall, system rollback) did not help, so I decided to completely remove the browser from the system and install it again.

After archiving my passwords and bookmarks (thanks MozBackup), I got to work. However, as it turned out, Firefox is not as simple as it seems - even after deleting folders from the user’s directories, the problems persisted.

After some searching, a solution was certainly found.

How to completely remove Firefox

1. Make a backup of your bookmarks and passwords.
Do backup copy anything else is not recommended because along with the necessary data you can import old problems.

2. Removing old cache and cookies from Firefox.
You can delete cookies as follows. In the tab menu "Tools" click on the item "Settings".

In the window that opens, select the item "Privacy"(1). Then click on the button "Show all cookies" (2).

In the window that opens "Cookie" (3) press the button " Delete all cookies" (4).

To clear the cache you should also use Firefox settings: "Tools" - "Settings"- go to item "Advanced"(1) and in it - to the tab "Network" (2). Now, to delete the cache, you need to press the " Clear now" (3) .

There is another way. On the menu "Tools" you can select the item "Erase recent history."

A window will open "Clearing all history."

By clicking on the check mark next to the inscription "Details" (1), you can see a list of history items that can be deleted. Check the box next to the items "Cookies and Cache" (2) and click on the button “Clean Now”(3).

3. You can proceed further to uninstall Firefox using the standard Windows procedure : using the utility « Programs and components» (V Windows Vista or 7), or Start - "Control Panel" - « Installation and removal of programms" (1)(in Windows XP).

In the list that opens installed programs you should select Mozilla Firefox. After this you need to press the button "Delete"(2).

4. Start Uninstall Wizard Mozilla Firefox.

In the Uninstall Wizard window, click the button "Further",

To remove Firefox completely with all existing bookmarks, saved passwords and other personal data, you must check the box « Delete personal data, profiles and settings from my Firefox»,

and then click on the button "Delete". After this, the program removal process will be initiated.

If one or more Mozilla Firefox browser windows are still open, then the wizard will suggest closing them. The uninstallation process cannot be completed if the windows remain open.

To complete the Firefox removal process, you must click the " Ready".

5. To remove Firefox add-ons and extensions necessary manually delete the folder containing Firefox components. By default this folder is located:

C://Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox (64-bit)

C://Program Files/Mozilla Firefox (32-bit)

6. The user's personal profile contains data such as bookmarks, passwords, and cookies.

To remove Firefox completely, the user's personal profile must also be deleted. By default, profile data is located in the following folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\

(or C://users//AppData/Local/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles - in Windows Vista or 7)

Also you need to delete the profiles.ini file — by default it is located in the following folder:


7. Remove the following directories (if they are):

On Windows XP:

\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Mozilla
\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla

— In Windows Vista or 7:


Where is the username.

This could close the question of how to remove Mozilla Firefox from a computer, but in some cases, after removing this browser, some information about the program still remains in the registry. This may cause problems if you plan to install Firefox again in the future.

8. Last step - advanced PC users usually manually remove unnecessary registry keys Firefox.

This must be done extremely carefully!

Using Registry Editor (Start - Run - Regedit) , remove the following items:

To delete, right-click on the selected item in the left panel of the Registry Editor and select « Delete»

After this process complete removal Firefox can be considered complete.

I have to say that I didn't have some of these registry keys, but it worked great. After following these instructions and installing the new Mozilla Firefox, all problems disappeared.

I think, if not everyone, then definitely many of us are familiar with the situation when a program installed on a computer begins to work incorrectly, simply put, “glitchy.” Usually all your attempts to “bring her to her senses” are zero, but the situation must be resolved somehow! WITH Mozilla browser Firefox, as with any other browser, incidents are also possible, so you should know what to do in such cases.

But usually everything is banal and simple: you need to remove the browser and then install it again. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do this, and therefore the topic of this material will be the question: how to remove mozilla firefox completely? Let's find out!

By normal removal

There are two options to completely remove Firefox: the standard way and manually. To use the first one, do the following:

Manual removal

Usually everyone successfully uses the first method, but if for some reason it is not possible, you can also use manual removal. You are required to delete only a few folders, namely:

So, to summarize, I would like to note once again that there are only two ways to remove Mozilla Firefox, or any other browser: manually or using standard means. It’s quite easy to do, the main thing is to know how.