How to reset your password in contact. What to do if you forgot your VK password and lost your phone? How to recover a password in a contact without a phone

Now we have to learn about what to do if the user has forgotten the password for VK. There are several options for the development of events. And among them you will definitely find the one that suits you best. Situations may be different. That's why alternative solutions The administration of the social network offers a lot. For example, if a user has forgotten the password for VK and lost his phone, then it is still possible to regain access. Although it will be a little difficult. But the true owner should not have such problems. Let's take action as soon as possible.

The usual option

Let's start with the most common and simple method. What to do if you forgot your VK password? Just restore it. A mobile phone will help with this. Go to official page social network, click under the authorization form on “Forgot your password?”.

You will see a window asking you to confirm your phone number. Next, a field will appear in which you must enter an access password. He will come to your mobile phone. After that, come up with a new protective combination and repeat it. To complete the process, simply confirm your actions. Ready. Now you know what to do if you forgot your VK password, but have your phone at hand. This is the simplest and most familiar scenario for everyone.


The next method is somewhat similar to the previous one. Cases are different. Phones and numbers are lost, changed, and so on. And sometimes people wonder what to do if they forgot their VK password and lost their SIM card. In this case, it is better to play it safe in advance and link the page to your e-mail. She will help you if necessary.

Let's assume there is a link. Go to home page social network, select “forgot your password?” under the authorization form. In the window that appears, you need to enter not your mobile number, but your email. You will receive a letter with a link to change your “password”. Follow it, enter new data and save the changes. You can now use your new passwords to log into the system.

Unfortunately, this option developments are not particularly popular. Almost no one links pages to email. Therefore, if a user suddenly forgot his VK password and lost access to his mobile phone, some problems with recovery may begin. For this reason, it is still recommended to link your profiles to email addresses. As you can see, sometimes this can be very useful.

Recovery form

What to do if you forgot your VK password? And provided that there is no access to the phone, and there is also no connection to email address? Then a special access recovery form will help you. True, you will have to try pretty hard here. After all, you will have to prove your rights to the profile.

Go to the start (main) page of the social network "VKontakte". Now look for the “Forgot your password?” message again. Click on it and look carefully at the window that opens. At the very bottom you need to find and click on “Page access recovery form”. You will be “transferred” to a new page where you will have to fill out many fields. Including explaining what is happening. For some reason you cannot restore access on your own.

Next, the most difficult thing is to prove your rights to the profile. To regain access, they usually require a scan of your passport with a photo. Therefore, it is always strongly recommended to provide only correct information about yourself. Otherwise, you will have to talk for a very long time with the administration and technical support. And if you manage to prove that you are the owner of the profile, then access will be returned to you. However, this process can take a long time. About 2 weeks if you don’t have a photo of your passport.

All over again

But there is another way about what to do if you forgot your VK password. For example, sometimes it’s easier to create a new page for yourself. This is especially true for fakes and profiles with some fictitious data. To do this, you only need a mobile phone.

After the new profile is created, immediately link it to your email. This will help avoid many problems in the future. As you can see, there are many options for the development of events. And each user can choose for himself what suits him best. Try to handle your gadgets more carefully and not lose them. Then there will be no problems with virtual pages. And don't forget about the email link. She can help in most cases.

Many people probably had the following thought: “That’s it, I’ll delete myself from all social networks, I’ll spend more time doing useful things, I’ll finally see my friends in person!”

But after a month has passed (some have more, some have less), you think that you should go to VK or Facebook and find out what interesting things happened there during your absence.

If you deleted your account yourself, then you shouldn’t worry about this incident at all. This problem can be solved in one click, the main thing is that your absence from the Internet does not last longer than seven months. Otherwise, this will no longer be possible and you will have to create a new profile.

So, what steps need to be taken:

  1. Login to VK.
  2. Enter your username and password in the appropriate place.
  3. In the window that appears in the left corner, click on the inscription “Restore”.

But in addition to the above-described case, it happens that you forgot your password or login, you were hacked or blocked. Then things will be a little more complicated with restoration. But you can - just read the article to the end.

How to restore access to a page in contact if you have forgotten your login information

Yes, it happens that after a long absence from your page, you completely forget your login information. Therefore, I strongly recommend saving them somewhere, especially since you can’t always trust the browser in which this data is supposed to be stored.

So, to log into your account, you need an active phone number or e-mail that was used to login. A message with a new password will be sent to it if you entered everything correctly in the “Restore access to page” menu https://vk. com/restore (enter without spaces). Enter the numbers received on your phone or email and then change the password to a more convenient one for you.

If there is no link to the number, you should contact the service for restoring access to the page for help. https://vk. com/ restore?act=return_page (remove spaces). Here you will have to enter a link to your profile. If it is not saved in memory, then, in principle, it’s okay, you can simply enter the first and last name under which you were registered.

Unlock procedure

VK may not open due to your device being infected with viruses, and the problem with logging in can be solved by simply cleaning it with an antivirus.

The login block is also the result of a violation of rights that you were warned about during registration (and most people do not read them and immediately click “Next”). VKontakte moderators indicate the reason for the blocking and provide a link with instructions on how to prevent them in the future.

You may also receive messages offering to restore your lost account for money. This is a scam! VK moderators perform these procedures for free.

This type of blocking, called “freezing,” does not last long. The page is simply unavailable due to minor errors. You just need to go to VK and link your number.

After linking, you will receive an SMS with a code. Let's invent New Password and click on “Unfreeze page”.

If the site is blocked for serious violations, then there is nothing left to do but wait for the end of the period for which access is blocked. It is indicated in the same way as the reason.

If you have done something completely unforgivable, then you are unlikely to get permission to enter. You will receive this message:

You, of course, can talk to technical support workers, but it’s easier to create new account and no longer violate the rules for using the social network. But you can still try. Maybe you can make the VK specialists feel sorry for you.

If somehow a hack occurred, then you need to try recovery methods using the phone number or technical support that were indicated above.

The support service will help with closed access to your account, but you will never be able to restore lost connections with family and friends. Moral of the story: Meet more often in real life, not online!

Now you know how to restore access to a VK page, if you still have questions, ask them in the comments below.

How to recover VKontakte password: 7 ready-made solutions+ 5 ways to get your page back without a phone + how to recover your password after being infected with a virus + 3 methods for scammers to hack your password.

As a rule, the majority modern people uses 2-3 social networks from a computer or by installing the appropriate ones.

To enter each of the resources, for the security of your personal data, you need to come up with a unique and complex access code to the system. It's happened to everyone at least once that they can't remember set password.

In this article we will look at how to recover VKontakte password and options for solving non-standard situations.

1. Instructions for recovering your VKontakte password

If you forgot or lost the note with your VKontakte login and password, then don’t worry. You can usually restore such data and get back into your profile in just a few minutes.

7 steps to help you recover your password

2. How to recover VKontakte data without a mobile number?

This is necessary in order to be able to recover the access password + notify VKontakte users about logging in from other unknown devices.

For example, you constantly use VK from your phone, but suddenly you decide to log into your profile via your laptop. A notification will be sent to your phone in the form of a message that you have logged into your account with unknown device.

If you were not the one who logged in, you should immediately change the password so that the hacker does not have time to do anything with the user’s personal data.

It is possible that a person may lose his mobile phone along with all the passwords and card, or simply change his phone number, forgetting to indicate a new one in the VK settings.

You can change your password and log in without a mobile number, but it will take a lot of time.

5 steps on how to recover VKontakte login data without a phone

When applying for extended access, you must make a clear scanned copy of your passport and a photo against the background of the monitor, where you can see that you are filling out the VKontakte login fields.

If everything is done without errors, then there should be no problems with recovering your VKontakte password. All that remains is to wait for a response from the administration (usually received within 1-3 days).

3. Recovering your VKontakte password after being infected by a virus

Password recovery is sometimes required even after the device (computer or computer) has been damaged by a virus. In such a situation, VKontakte users may be presented with an offer to restore their account for a fee.

Sometimes, a virus may request to transfer a certain amount to restore data using specific payment systems, such as Svyaznoy, Megafon, etc.

Please note: even after transferring money, the account remains blocked. This suggests that you have become a victim. virus program created by scammers.
Therefore, if you receive a notification about transferring money or sending a paid SMS, urgently check your device for viruses.

While your antivirus scans the device, you find the "Hosts" file. It can be found like this: From: /Windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts. This file opens through the Notepad program (click right click mouse and select “open with”).

What are we looking for in this file? If your computer has been infected with a virus, then Hosts will most likely contain posts from social networks. To restore access, you need to delete all lines of this type (for example, they will mention “”).

Don't be afraid that you'll delete what you don't need. Such lines should not be there in any case.

It is possible that Hosts files there will be two, you always need to check both, and delete all posts related to social networks from there.

Then turn off the computer for a couple of minutes or restart the device, and then try logging into the VKontakte program again. After changes to the file, access must be open.

These tips are suitable for those who are part of social network via computer. If you cannot log in via smartphone, then download antivirus program, scan your device. If your phone is infected with viruses, then after removing them with the program, you should log into the VKontakte application without problems.

4. 3 special services for password recovery in VK

Today there are many servers that promise, for money, to restore VKontakte login as quickly as possible without a login and password. Essentially, this is a hack of the page. Some believe such advertisements and give money into the hands of scammers.

Precisely to scammers, because in most cases, after transferring funds, no one hacks the page and restores the login to the system. The person is left without access and without money.

Remember, it is impossible to log in to the system without a password and your personal data. Now VKontakte administrators have maximally strengthened the security measures for users of the resource, so such offers are clearly fraudulent schemes.

We have selected 3 popular methods of hacking a VKontakte page, because knowing the “enemy” will help you avoid meeting him.

No. 1.


Phishing works on the principle that a certain viral site “masquerades” as the one you need in terms of design and address, but at the same time is malicious.

Due to the fact that the phishing site looks like a real one, in order to log in, you may recklessly type the real username and password that you use to log in to VKontakte.

The resource remembers your data and transfers it to scammers.

The scammers, in turn, enter the gullible user’s page and send messages to friends like: “Help! Send 200 rubles to the card, I’ll give it back tomorrow.” Your friends send the specified amount to the attackers, without even thinking that you have been hacked. Why can you confuse a real VKontakte site with a phishing one? The website address has similar characters, for example

. In addition, the design is usually completely identical to the “original”:

If your computer or phone has a powerful antivirus program, then you should definitely get a notification that this site is malicious.

No. 2.

Trojan viruses

Many people still buy the slogans of applications and programs that promise to show your visitors. VK applications of this kind are not so dangerous, but the programs that are installed on the computer are dangerous. Together with the “guest” you also install a bunch of Trojan viruses.

Moreover, some users download programs to hack other people's pages. Now the social network VKontakte has improved its security level, so a “hacker” may eventually lose access to his personal page.

No. 3. Method "Brutus"

The “Brutus” method is a hacking of the system by selecting numbers from the password and login. That is, the attacker tries to independently select a password and login, based on information about the date of birth, place of study, work, etc.

This technique is ineffective, because rarely does anyone nowadays simply use their date of birth for passwords, and going through the entire Latin alphabet to enter someone else’s page is not the best idea.

What to do if you forgot your VKontakte password?

An excellent life hack on how to quickly restore access:

If you have a question, how to recover your VKontakte password, then use only reliable methods, not hacking programs. They can harm your device and block access to your account forever.

  • page freeze. As a rule, this happens in the case of sending spam or using programs associated with the so-called cheating;
  • the page was hacked. That is, an unauthorized person gained access to your account by guessing a password, spreading a virus, or in any other way;
  • The account was previously deleted. It is worth noting that this is one of the most simple problems problems that may arise if it is necessary to restore the VK page;
  • There are some problems with logging in. In this case, there are usually problems with linking a phone number or e-mail address, as well as losing a password.

Freeze page

If your page is frozen for the first time, then there is no need to worry, since you will be able to resume activity almost immediately.

Important! The more bans you have, the longer each of them lasts.

What do you need to unfreeze your account?

The page has been hacked

It is worth understanding that the account will be blocked by the administration if spam is sent from it. If someone simply knows your username and password and periodically visits your page, the system has very little chance of tracking down the fraud.

How to restore a page after it has been hacked?

Important! The phone number must be entered in full: “+” and the country code cannot be omitted.

The account was deleted earlier

If you deleted the page yourself for some reason, then if you try to access it again, a window will appear in front of you notifying you that the page has been deleted. The date until which you have the right to freely restore your page will also be indicated.

Important! If the account was deleted more than seven months ago, the possibilities of restoring it in this way are exhausted.

How to restore a page after self-deletion in this case?

On a note! Such restoration will take quite a lot of time than that which takes place within seven months after removal. When restoring the page after seven months, the site will request information confirming your identity, namely: a page with a photo from a document confirming your identity; photo against the background of the monitor, where you can see the question for technical support.

Login problems

When entering your login and password, you must enter a specific VKontakte page. Otherwise, there is an error when entering this information.

But suppose you sent a request for recovery, entered the attached login and password, but even after that nothing happens.

Important! The solution to the problem is quite unusual, but it is still worth knowing about: you need to submit a second application for restoration. In most cases this procedure can be implemented only after this, and 10% of users receive full rights to the page even after the third application.

This may be to ensure that your intentions regarding recovery are genuine. Or perhaps technical support simply does not have time to process all requests.

Overall, restore old page VK, regardless of the methods of its removal, is not particularly difficult. The main thing is patience and willingness to follow instructions.

Video - How to restore an old page in Contact

VK does not allow access to be restored via SMS. There is a linked number, but VK sends the code to the post office or, if the post office is not linked, it immediately demands to be restored upon application with a document and photo.

Why is quick password recovery not available to me?

You have login protection enabled (login confirmation via SMS). You forgot your password and are trying to restore access, but you receive an error message:

Quick password recovery is not available. Your page has login confirmation enabled by mobile phone.

Or this:

Unfortunately, you cannot recover your password using the specified phone number.

Or another option:

Error. This function is not possible for this page.

This means that once before you yourself enabled login confirmation by mobile phone, when to enter the page you need to enter not only a password, but also a code sent to your phone:

When is entry protection set? (two-factor authentication), this increases security and protects against hacking, but you forgot your password. What to do? It is now impossible to receive a recovery code on your phone because login confirmation- this is when you know the password and have access to the phone. Both together. This is the only way to ensure security, which you yourself voluntarily turned on. It is no longer possible to restore a page with only a phone number if you do not know the password. The VK website warned you about everything, but you didn’t read when you turned on the protection. Maybe that's why you feel like you weren't warned.

Below we will consider all the options for restoring access in this situation.

Attention! Here are absolutely all the ways you have in 2019. It's no use looking for anything else or asking in the comments. Only you can restore access yourself. Read to the end and do as written. Blue links take you to other pages that will help you.

How can I now recover my password and access to the page?

1. Recover by email

If you have additional login confirmation enabled, then instead of quick password recovery via SMS, password recovery via e-mail (e-mail) is used. Is your page linked to email? If yes, then you can request a link to reset your password. (instructions will open in a new window). It may turn out that the page is linked to the mail, but you cannot enter the mail (you don’t have access or you simply don’t remember it) - in this case, it is better to try to first restore access to the mail, otherwise you will be left with the only way, it is more complex and requires much more time - recovery through support.

2. Restore via support

When login confirmation is enabled, but you forgot your password and the page is NOT linked to an email (or you don’t have access to your email, or you don’t remember the address), the only way to restore the page is technical support request. This link will open an access restoration form that must be filled out. It's better to do this from a computer rather than from a phone. Look detailed instructions Here:

If it doesn’t work, do it through the full version on your computer.

You will have to prove that the page is yours. If your real photos are not there or your real name and surname are not indicated, then it is almost impossible (or very difficult) to restore the page. After all, you were warned about everything when you turned on the login protection. You can see why an application might be rejected. Of course, there is an opportunity to contact VK support and try to prove in some way that the page is yours. If they see that you are a normal person and that the page is really yours, they may meet you halfway. If even then nothing works out, register a new page in VK. This is a lesson for the future.

Why can’t I recover my password via SMS if login confirmation is enabled?

Because you yourself enabled TWO-Factor (TWO-Step) authentication, and now you want to reset your password with only ONE factor (phone). But it doesn't work that way. Imagine: if someone had access to your SIM card, they would steal your page without even knowing your password. This would no longer be two-factor authentication. I should have read the warning when I decided to turn it on this function. We described all the ways to reset a password in this situation above, there are only two of them.

I have backup codes, why can’t I recover my password using them?

Because the backup codes that you wrote out or printed are needed when there is no access to the phone- that is, when you cannot receive an SMS to log in. And you don't have password, you forgot him. In this case, the backup code will not help.

Is there no way to restore it?

There are no other ways to restore access. It is useless to look for them. That is, there is no other way to restore it at all. You just read everything possible ways. , if you don't understand.

I don’t have login confirmation enabled, but VK still requires me to restore it upon request

Is it possible to disable login confirmation?

Of course you can. But to do this you need to know the password and go to the page, and then to the security settings. And if you can’t do this yet, then you can’t disable login confirmation either. Even having access to the page won't help if you don't remember the password. Restore access as described above.