How to remove the verification code on aliexpress. Aliexpress asks for a verification code at the entrance - what is it? How to pass verification when entering Aliexpress? Why on aliexpress many users often have to drive in captchas

There are a number of security measures for logging into any of the systems. also developed some of them, which you will need to go through in order to enter your account. But, this article will help you figure out how to properly remove the check from you. In which all the steps necessary for you to be able to go to your page on the site and enjoy all the existing privileges are described in detail. And also in this article, you can learn more about the possibilities of setting up your personal account.


Why does “Please remove checks” appear when logging into my account

For greater security, the site administration has developed a number of security measures for logging into your account. In addition to the main ones - the introduction of a login, as well as the introduction of a password, the site developers also applied an additional check - introduction security code. Now let's consider how and with what sequence it is necessary to carry out the entire procedure to remove this type of protection.

These precautions are designed to protect the data that is located and has been entered by you for the procurement process on . After all, very often you can encounter problems with hacking pages, and attendance of robots on popular sites. All this can lead to irreversible consequences, such as the withdrawal of your personal funds or the order of the product from your page but, in the name of another recipient. It is also important to protect the site itself from hacking.

Existing problems for which you cannot access are provided in this video and Possible Solution this problem. Looking carefully this video video, you can figure out and independently solve all the problems with the site.

But, if you can’t do it yourself, you can read step by step instructions to remove the kipcha-type protection.

How to remove checks, step by step instructions

What can you observe when choosing " input » to your account.

So, after you entered your login and password to enter your account, and found that you could not log in, and an additional inscription appeared on the page “ Remove check ". You need in the line labeled " Verification code » move the pointer to the right side until the green color of the line marked « Checked «.

But, in case this is not enough, you will be asked to manually enter the verification code " captchaat » to the line intended for introduction. Captcha must be entered exclusively in the language in which you observe it, and in the same font that the code is written in. Basically, they use different letter sizes in one code and dilute them with numbers. Then select " Request ". If you are unable to read the captcha, you can refresh the page or use the captcha resume sign. This sign is located on the far right side along with the code, by clicking on which, the code will change to a more convenient one for entering.

After entering the verification code, the verification will be passed, and you will be able to enter the page under your name.

The next time you log in, you may encounter this problem again. But, it will be enough just to hold the slider in the line "Verification code" so that it changes color and the mark " Checked ". And you can safely go to your account.

Re-entering the verification code can also be requested, and you should not be afraid of this, just repeat all the steps again.

How to enter your personal account, step by step instructions

When you enter your personal account, you first need to go to any page of the site. After that, in the upper right corner, the inscription enter. By clicking on which, you will be prompted to enter a username and password to enter. If you successfully initially registered and entered your data correctly, namely login and password. The system will allow you to go to your personal account of the site without any difficulty. Your name will be highlighted in the same upper right corner as confirmation.

After that, you will be able to carry out all the necessary manipulations with your data, orders, view all messages, ratings, etc.

Let's take a closer look at what exactly the entrance to the personal account of the world sales website offers you. The first thing you can see is the main menu bar " my aliexpress ". After going through which, you can see some sections, namely:

  1. My orders in translation my orders - makes it possible to monitor all the orders you have carried out, which have the form of a list.
  2. message center, namely the message center - in this section, you can once again read all the messages that you personally wrote to the seller or the seller notified you of his decisions regarding your questions. In a word, all correspondence with sellers is stored in this section.
  3. My Lists or my lists - this is an opportunity to see all your favorite sellers that you have marked and will be able to follow in the future in this section of your personal account.
  4. Store List given link, will allow you to view all the products you like and those that were sent by you to your favorites.
  5. wish list . This service very convenient, with its help, large sellers can offer you a discount on the product you are interested in. It was previously sent by you to your favorites for more detailed further viewing. And in turn, large sellers have access to the goods that are placed in this section and can independently offer you all kinds of discount options for purchasing these products.
  6. My Coupons (My Coupons) - All sorts of discounts will be placed here, and more specifically coupons for a discount on the total cost of the next purchase. Receive AliExpress coupons perhaps for certain actions, for example, participation in promotions or when making a purchase from a specific seller for a certain amount, you can also receive a coupon. But, you need to know that there are two types of coupons, one of which can be used for the entire range of products. And another type of coupons (Seller Coupons) issued by a specific seller, makes it possible to apply to the goods from this seller no more.

Cart menu, allows you to view all the goods that you sent to the basket. You can send the product you like for payment immediately or send it to the basket and continue your shopping. After going to the basket department, analyze all your purchases, add a few more units or, on the contrary, remove them. Also in the basket, you can correct your order, change the data for sending and select several units of goods for payment. Or pay for all units of products located in this section.

Help tab, will help you with the work with the store. Help Center (Help Center) in this section there is all the saved documentation. A section Submit a Complaint (Submit a Complaint) is required if there are problems with the operation of the site and with this service. You can contact the support service to clarify all your questions by clicking on this link.

Community section - this is a community, it does not have a translation, but is carried out exclusively on English language. This is a kind of small inconvenience for people who do not speak this language. But, in the event that you want to know all the events that are described in this section, contact the translator for help.

Go to my - will help you move to your account. Below is a list of products offered.

In the navigation through the pages of your personal account, as a buyer of the world sales site, you can find such items as:

  1. My AliExpress - the main page of your personal account.
  2. Transactions - this section displays all your purchases. As well as this page completely repeats the section All Orders.
  3. Message Center - the main message center.
  4. My Lists - in this section you can see all selected sellers and goods.
  5. Account - account settings.

Account on Aliexpress in your personal account

In chapter account , you can enter or change your personal data. By using Upload My Photo, upload a photo or avatar if desired. If you need to change your password, you will be helped - Edit Member Profile . Also, for security purposes, you can use the settings, which are also located in your personal account under the section Security Information Settings .

Existing need to change address Email to which your page is linked to, you can go to Change Email Address . Also, changing the login password will help you - Change Password . And for greater security and the ability to additionally restore your page, you can install Secret Question with help Set Security Question .

There is also a level of reliability of your account from all kinds of hacks. Security Levels , given server is specially designed to notify you about the reliability, and if the security and passwords you set are not enough to be safe from hacking, the system will prompt you to take a series of actions to secure a secure account.

Remainers- will remind you of your orders, their number and their status. This panel is located in the center of the screen, which is very convenient.

Status Payment Required, indicates that the product you have chosen was not paid for by you, and payment is pending. This panel will notify you about orders that you have not yet paid for. And if your order is placed but has not been paid for a certain period, it will be automatically canceled after a certain period of time. You can view all changes with your orders in the messages section.

Status Shipment Required will notify you about parcels that are waiting to be sent. This section is required if you have paid for the goods. It will take several days for the seller to prepare the goods that you paid for, you will receive this data in a message and you will be able to observe which goods are being processed after your payment. If, however, it does not fit within the deadlines indicated by the seller for processing your parcel, the order will automatically be canceled as well, and your money will be credited to your account. With return Money there may be slight delays, and this is directly related to the work schedule of bank branches. Since banks do not work on holidays and weekends. With this, there may be a delay in the transfer of your funds to your card, this information must be taken into account.

Status Unconfirmed Delivery will notify you of an unconfirmed delivery. You can meet this status on a product that was ordered by you but the delivery time has been exhausted.

Item All Orders (All orders). Here you are offered the entire list of your orders.

Status Feedback Required displayed in the panel and sometimes a very important function, which consists in the ability to leave a review. This is a very convenient service developed by the site. Namely, after receiving the goods and confirming it, you will automatically be asked to leave your feedback, both about the product that you received, and about the store, seller, and delivery service. You may not use this service, but if you still decide to write a review, write it truthfully, you will help form an opinion about the work and about the product to all other buyers. And also increase your loyalty and be able to receive additional discounts from sellers.

Item Unread Message allows you to view all unread messages. Provided that, you cannot constantly be on the Internet, and directly read all the messages that come to your address. This item will prompt you to read and see the number of messages you have received.

Personal panel

The panel located on the left side of the screen displays your data, namely the last name, first name, and if you have uploaded a photo, it will also be visible. Also in this part of the screen, you will be able to see the number of reviews and the rating you have received.

Block Shortcuts - will help to implement fast access to the main sections that you will need in the process of work. This is for example:

  • All orders - a list of all your generated orders, regardless of their current status.
  • Manage Feedback - all the information about the reviews that you wrote, and the answers about their publication.
  • shipping address - the data that you indicated, and more specifically the delivery address of the goods. In this section, it is possible to enter five different addresses and, when making a purchase, control and indicate exactly the address to which you really expect to receive your package.
  • My Coupons - all coupons that you have and were sent to you by sellers.
  • AliExpress Alert - Notification system Designed to notify you about possible discounts for a particular type of product. You determine this product yourself and as a result you receive all kinds of notifications about existing discounts for a specific type of product.
  • Change Password - This function will help to change the password for authorization on the site.

The status "Payment is being verified" appears in the order for Aliexpress immediately after you have made the payment. This means that the money has been debited from your account. The previous status was "Payment Pending" and the next status will be "Ship Pending"

Why does Aliexpress check the payment?

Aliexpress cares not only about the safety of the buyer, but also tries to protect its sellers from fraud or problems with payments from the buyer. Since, in addition to dishonest actions, the transaction may not go through, or be blocked payment system for different reasons.

Therefore, the Aliexpress platform does not provide confirmation of payment to the seller until it is convinced that everything is fine with your payment and the money has arrived (guaranteed to be sent) to Ali's account. And only after checking the payment, the seller begins preparations for sending the goods.

Status “Checking payment” Has the money been withdrawn?

This status usually means that the payment went through, the money was debited from your account, but the transaction has not yet been verified by Aliexpress.

Cancellation of an order with the status "Payment being verified"

If you need to cancel an order, then it is better to do it at the “Payment is being verified” stage than with the “Awaiting shipment” status. Since the money is returned to the account very quickly: within 1-3 days (as soon as the payment processing is completed).

In order to cancel the order at the "Payment is being verified" stage, you need to select desired order. Next, click on the “Cancel order” button and then on “Request order cancellation”. The system will ask you to select a reason for canceling the order. It is best to select the item "I do not need this order." And the submit button.

is very complex, and the great popularity forces the development of modern and user-friendly security systems. That is why site users, when trying to enter the site, are faced with a verification code. What is it?

What is a verification code on Aliexpress?

So on Aliexpress several measures have been developed for logging into the account. In addition to the fact that you need to enter a username and password, there are additional measures - entering a special verification code.

It is needed to protect your account from hacking. By passing the verification, you confirm that the account is really yours and you are not a robot trying to guess passwords. It is imperative to protect your page, because in the event of a hack, you can lose funds from your card and orders can be placed in the name of another buyer. And if your password is also changed, then you will lose access to your orders.

How to pass the security check on Aliexpress?

So when the system Aliexpress you need to enter a verification code, then when you try to log in, the following message is displayed:

That is, you are asked to remove a certain check. What to do with her?

Under the line with the password, you will see another one, gray color. Your task is to click on the white switch with the mouse button and move it to the right until the line turns completely green.

That's all! This completes the verification and you can safely enter your account. It seems that you might think that it is very simple, but not a single robot can definitely cope with it. Only a human can pass such a test.

If the system considers your actions suspicious, it will additionally ask you to enter a captcha. It will be displayed in the middle of the page in a separate window. A captcha is a picture with a small set of numbers and letters. Enter everything you need and click "Entrance".

Video: Personal account on Aliexpress

for successful purchases, you need to log in to the site every time so that you can place orders. As a rule, the authorization process takes very little time, but in some cases the system asks you to go through an additional check. Let's see what it is for and how to get through it.

What is a verification at the entrance to Aliexpress?

Aliexpress Login Check

This measure is provided for the safety of Aliexpress users. It allows you to always keep your account protected and cannot be hacked.

Earlier on Aliexpress they demanded to enter a word or a set of letters from the picture, but it was not very convenient, because someone simply does not like to do this, and it happens that it is impossible to make out what exactly is shown.

As Aliexpress considers himself advanced Chinese shop, then changes are constantly taking place on it, they also touched on the check, which they made easier.

Now, to pass the test, it is enough to do one simple action - click on a special line and move the sliders to the right. By the way, some people get lost and still cannot understand what this field is used for. That is why it is not always possible to log into the account.

How to pass verification when entering Aliexpress?

  • To get started, login to home page Aliexpress and choose "To come in". You will be prompted to enter a password and login window. Enter this information. Below is the line "Verification code", where is the slider "Swipe Right".

Aliexpress Login Page

  • If you do not check, then when you try to enter, an error notification will be displayed - "Please remove checks".

Aliexpress login error

  • To remove the check, left-click on the two arrows and drag right to the end. Wait a couple of seconds and release the button. If everything is correct, then the strip will turn green and on its background will be highlighted "Checked".

  • It is worth noting that until the line turns green, you should not even try to enter, as the system will not let you in.

Additional check on Aliexpress

  • Sometimes it happens that after passing this one, one check is displayed on the food. Just enter the code from the picture in a special line and you will be on the login page, where you need to repeat the verification again.

You should also be aware that the check is not always displayed. For example, if you passed it in the morning, then during the day it may not bother you.

Video: Personal account on Aliexpress

You must first pass . After that, you need .

Authorization will not take you too much time. All that is required of you is to provide a username and password. But sometimes this is not enough to enter and the system asks for additional verification. Let's discuss what it is and why it is needed.

Why do I need verification when entering Aliexpress?

  • Open the main page of the site Aliexpress
  • Select at the top right "Entrance"
  • You will see a login and password form.
  • Enter this information

Verification code for Aliexpress

  • Just below there is a field "Verification code", where there is a slider and an inscription "Swipe Right"
  • If you skip this item and immediately try to enter, you will see a message "Please remove the checks"

  • To remove the check, left-click on the two arrows and drag the mouse along the length of the entire field
  • When everything is done correctly, the signature will be displayed "Checked"

  • Now you can press the button "To come in"
  • Sometimes after pressing this entry key, it may display additional form. It also contains a verification code, but already in the picture

  • Enter it in a special line and confirm the action
  • You will again be taken to the login page, where the whole procedure must be carried out again

By the way, the slider is not always shown. If you recently logged into your page and are trying to log in again, then you only need to enter your username and password.

Why is the check for Aliexpress not removed?

Sometimes the check is not removed. This situation occurs when you did not move the slider to the end or did not wait until the line turns green. Therefore, until you bring the slider to the edge of the line and it turns green, then do not press the enter key.

Thanks to additional verification before entering, Aliexpress considered a trusted site. You can safely buy things and not be afraid that someone will take over your data.