How to find out the master password of a hard drive. Removing the ATA password from the HDD. List of known Master passwords

ATA password on the hard drive is usually set in two cases:

1. The user himself sets a password and forgets it (perhaps another user, or a child sets it by accident), but the fact remains that someone manually passwords the hard drive in the BIOS of a laptop or computer.

2. The hard drive itself (hdd) or the BIOS of the laptop motherboard sets a password on the storage device due to a system failure (such cases also happened). These failures are usually due to problems with the electrical power of the device.

So don't be surprised if all of a sudden your hard drive gets corrupted: here are two options, see above.

To remove the ATA password from hard drive Samsung needs to take a few simple steps in 5 minutes, it's not difficult at all, but you need to reset the password special program to remove it, which works very simply (you can get the program by making a request to receive it on our website at the link. Upon receipt of the request, I will send you the program to the specified mail or send a link to Yandex or Google cloud where the program will be located.) I can’t post the program for free, it is very rare and closed, thanks in advance for your understanding.

The program works for all major manufacturers of hard drives:

Samsung, Hitachi, WD, Seagate - personally verified (if you didn’t manage to generate the key the first time, then you may have entered the error code incorrectly, try again the key should consist of 8 characters as in Fig. 4., when entering the code, the layout should be on English language, if it didn’t work the first time, try again and again, usually no more than three times you need to carry out this procedure to get correct key to unlock the hard drive.)

In order to remove/reset the ATA password from the hard drive, see Figure 1, 2, 3. Just turn on the laptop and enter the wrong password 3 times and get the code that is generated by the system.

Next, run the program that I sent you at your request on any other computer and enter the code that you received when you entered the wrong password three times. Fig 4.

The hard drive password reset program generates a reset key. You enter this key instead of a password on your locked hard drive and that's it! The storage device is unlocked, forever 😉 well, or until the next random password.

So let's summarize:

1. We request a program to reset the password on the hard drive.

2. We get the code (we enter the password incorrectly three times)

3. Enter the code into the program and get the unlock key.

4. Enter the received key in the password entry field - PASSWORD IS RESET.

As you can see, the procedure for resetting the password from the hard drive is very simple, you don’t even need to pull out the hard drive, you don’t need to disassemble anything, you don’t need to climb for any batteries (it won’t help anyway). All you need is a special program for resetting hard drive passwords, which you can get from me.

However, this would not be a problem if people did not forget these very set codes. If this is the first time you have encountered such a situation and do not know how to remove the password from the hard drive on a laptop, then this article is designed just for you.


If you installed the code on internal media and forgot, then you will not even be able to boot the OS installed on your PC. That is, the possibility of using a laptop or computer for its intended purpose will simply be absent. In such a situation, the user can only delete the set password, because otherwise access to the computer cannot be obtained.

Online service

There are several ways to remove the password from the hdd, and one of them is the well-known online service " BIOS Password Removal for Laptops».

In order to get rid of forgotten code by using it you need to:

  • Enter it incorrectly 3 times (any combination of numbers or letters).
  • After that, a special code should appear in the window.
  • We copy the received numbers.
  • We enter the same combination on the site, at the link above.

A few seconds after entering a combination of numbers in a specially designated line, you will receive a code that will help you reset the password from your drive.

It should be clarified that this program suitable for all models and manufacturers of hard drives (seagate, hitachi, toshiba, wd, etc.). Moreover, it doesn't matter what operating system is installed on your computer or laptop, because. this service is considered universal.


You can remove the password from the hard disk in the BIOS only if the cipher was originally set via bios'e.

All you need is to use the standard option to reset the default settings:

Thus, we reset the password from the HDD.

Second way

The next option is free, specially designed for a variety of hard drive operations.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the scheme of the password protection of the drive:

  • Winchester can have high or maximum protection.
  • Using the MHDD application, you can set a custom protection level.
  • The master password set by the manufacturer can only be changed.
  • The use of a master password makes it possible to unlock the drive only when high level protection.
  • In the case of the maximum level of protection, the hard drive can only be unlocked if a user code is set.
  • If the maximum level of protection is set and there is no user password, then the drive can only be unlocked by destroying all data using the Security Erase Unit ATA command.

Given the above information, in order to remove the password from the hard drive, you should:

Thus, you can extremely quickly remove the previously entered and forgotten cipher.

Third way

The HDD_PW.EXE (18KB) program will also help you remove the password from the hard disk. In order to remove the code with its help, you need to do the following:

  • Find out the error code (when loading, press F2 and enter the wrong combination of numbers three times, after which a special code will appear on the screen)
  • Launch an MS-DOS application.
  • Select the name of the utility in the window that opens.
  • After a space, enter the error code that you learned earlier, and add 0 through the space.
  • By pressing "Enter", several passwords will appear in front of you, one of which is sure to work.

After entering the code, be sure to change it to a new one and write it down.

When performing these steps on a 64-bit system, you may encounter some difficulties. The system may generate an error due to a utility mismatch. In this situation it is necessary:

  • Download DOSBox, install and run.
  • Mount drive "C" with the command "mount c c: /".
  • Then, at startup, press "F2", again type the wrong cipher 3 times and do the same steps.

To eliminate the possibility of such situations, it is recommended to completely get rid of the cipher by disabling it in the PC settings. If you are in dire need of it, then you should write it down in a notebook or any other place so that you do not have to reset it again.

In case you have lenovo laptop and at startup, the message “enter hdd password” is displayed on the screen, the method discussed in this video will help you:

How to Recover deleted files is not a problem, there are dozens of utilities for this. But what if the drive is corrupted, has a bad geometry definition, or is password-protected at the controller level? Then the Victoria utility comes to the rescue. It is written in assembler, takes a few kilobytes and works directly with the controller.


Victoria was conceived as a tool for advanced diagnostics of drives (then - hard drives, and today also SSD) and control the settings for their work through low-level commands. Belarusian programmer Sergei Kazansky has been developing it for ten years and has released an author's set of utilities for data recovery. During this time, there were many commercial releases of Victoria, several free versions̆ and one unofficial one, to which we will pay special attention.

Victoria was originally a disk utility for MS-DOS written in assembler. The ancient operating system was better suited than Windows, due to the fact that
in a single-tasking environment, it is easier to provide exclusive access to a disk. With the advent of support for the porttalk.sys driver, Victoria versions 4.xx learned to work in the WinPE multitasking environment, as well as in Windows from XP to 10 of any bitness. It has become easier to run it, the actions in the graphical interface have become clearer, and the mode of operation itself has changed. But here's the problem: without understanding the new features of the program, some users began to lose data and entire disks instead of restoring them. Therefore, the latest official version 4.46b has a developed "fool protection".

By default, only non-destructive operations with drives are available in it. This is not just a read-only mode, as in other utilities that access the HDD / SSD using the Windows driver. Victoria also blocks the ability to change HPA (and mess with disk geometry), accidentally start low-level formatting and “shoot yourself in the foot” in more sophisticated ways at the first start.

Victoria is the most versatile utility. It accesses any type of storage device (HDD, SSD, USB Flash) and with any ATA-compatible interface. Its job is to send ATA commands to any device that supports them. Therefore, everything said about the work of Victoria with disk drives is also true for solids, except for what relates to their design features. It is clear that it is pointless for an SSD to watch the spin-up time of the spindle and try to control the positioning speed of the heads - it does not have either. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to test and even restore an SSD using Victoria.

Recover data on hard drive using VICTORIA 4.47

This version was made in 2013 by Oleg Shcherbakov, a programmer from Moscow. He patched the latest official build of Victoria 4.46b. Download better (zip). On this site, Shcherbakov published it along with the patch sources. The rest of the resources can distribute anything under the guise of the new Victoria.

Although Victoria is far from new program, it also contains critical errors that needed fixing. One of them led to the fact that running Victoria in 64-bit Windows versions was impossible. Because of the other, problems could arise when working with large disks. If the volume was higher than a terabyte, then Victoria 4.46b simply spent all the virtual memory on rendering and color marking the checked LBA blocks. In version 4.47, Shcherbakov fixed all this.

Running Victoria 4.47 on Windows 7 SP1 x64, API Mode

Victoria has two modes of operation: PIO (Programmed Input/Output) and API (Application Progoramming Interface). In PIO mode, the drive controller is polled by the program through the porttalk.sys driver. If you select API, the operating system tools will be used. Disk performance in PIO mode drops because DMA and high-level read and write optimizations are not supported. However, PIO mode allows you to use all the features of Victoria and send any ATA commands directly to the disk controller, bypassing the OS and standard drivers. It is through PIO that they most often work with disks in data recovery laboratories. Victoria supports both drives with a modern SATA interface, as well as old ones - PATA (it is often mistakenly called IDE). Victoria knows how to work with external drives(features will be described below).

Having selected the PIO mode, at the beginning of work, you need to scan the bus and determine the disk controllers with the PCI-Scan button. To the right of it, a disk port selection window is displayed. Internal drives are usually detected without problems, but for external drives, you will first have to find out their port numbers. This can be done in the hardware properties or in any diagnostic program (for example, AIDA64). After that, you must manually set the port in Victoria. Also, even at the scanning stage, you can check the All dev checkbox (all devices) and use the exclusion method to find the desired disk in the list of found ones.

Victoria 4.47 in PIO mode

It is advisable to use the PIO mode for low-level commands. A simple search for bad sectors and their reassignment to a spare disk area is much faster (but less reliable) in API mode.

The limitations of the API mode are as follows: you cannot set or remove ATA passwords, work with the Host Protected Area and view registers are also disabled. If any of these functions are needed, then you can switch to PIO mode. However, it happens that the PIO mode is not available. This happens when using older versions of Victoria on 64-bit OSes. Another reason may be errors in working with the porttalk.sys driver or the choice SATA mode AHCI in BIOS/UEFI. You can definitely get out of the situation in the following way.

  1. We record with WinPE x86 and put the Victoria program on it by simple copying.
  2. We connect the required drive to the SATA / PATA port, if we have not already done so.
  3. Disable all other HDD or SSD (optional).
  4. We go to CMOS setup, switch the SATA controller mode from AHCI to compatible (compatible, native or IDE).
  5. Download WinPE. If necessary, install additional drivers, including porttalk.
  6. We start Victoria in PIO mode, initialize the required HDD or SSD and execute the necessary command.

Settings can be set through the GUI or in the vcr40.ini file. The same file will help to remove the blocking of work with the primary port. It is enabled by default to protect the system disk from accidental modification. To be able to select Primary from the list of ports, you need to do two things:

1. Disable the option "only non-destructive functions" and close the program.
2. In the section of the vcr40.ini file, add the line Enable PM=1, save the changes and restart the program.


The latest versions of Victoria are able to automatically install the porttalk driver, but it is completely useless on 64-bit systems. The fact is that, for the sake of greater security, they removed a couple of functions that are needed for porttalk and Victoria to work. Therefore, the porttalk driver (and, accordingly, the PIO mode) only works in 32-bit versions of Windows, where there are Ke386SetIoAccessMap and Ke386IoSetAccessProcess functions.


External drives are ordinary laptop (2.5'') or desktop (3.5'') models in containers with USB and FireWire interfaces. They are supplied with various controllers with the general name "SATA bridge". Many of these bridges do not translate low-level commands. Therefore, with some external drives, Victoria can immediately work in PIO mode in the same way as with internal drives, while with others you will first have to suffer. In the simplest case, it will be enough to remove the disk itself from the case (do not open the HDA!) and connect it directly to the port.

SATA hard drive without SATA port

At western digital and, possibly, other manufacturers, some external hard drives were already produced with a soldered SATA - USB bridge. Therefore, they do not have a conventional SATA connector. Nevertheless, they can still be connected directly to the port by soldering the SATA cable to the pins on the drive board. To understand if your drive belongs to such a series, you will have to disassemble it, or google by model number and look for datasheets.

HDD password recovery

One of the most requested low-level commands in PIO mode is working with passwords. According to ATA certifications, disk access can be restricted with a password. It is set by the user from the BIOS or using external utilities. There is also a factory-preset master password. You can only lock a drive with a custom password. If you forget it, then the lock can be removed with a master password.

Depending on the set security level, the result of entering the master password will be different. At a high level (high), the master password acts on a par with the user password. It just unlocks the drive and that's it. If the maximum security level (max) is set, then entering a master password instead of a user password will unlock the disk only after all data on it has been completely erased (secure erase).

Working with ATA passwords is further complicated by the fact that, according to the standard, they always consist of 32 bytes (no matter how long you set it). Extra characters are ignored, and the missing ones are added automatically. The problem is that different programs spell them differently. Regular security utilities on some laptops are especially guilty of this. Instead of traditional zeros (or at least spaces), they use non-printable characters. The code 00h cannot be typed at all from the keyboard (even through (ALT) + code). There is only one way out: do not enter the password in the program window, but read it from a file. Any characters can be written to a file using a hex editor.

It is not uncommon for a user to be unable to unlock a drive even when they enter the correct password. When changing a laptop or losing a regular utility, any other utility (for example, HDDL) will append the password to 32 bytes with its own characters.

There is also a preliminary modification of the password. In many laptops, it is actually encrypted before being sent to the controller. These are usually the simplest logical operations but it doesn't get any easier. The user thinks that there is a password known to him, while in reality the controller accepts a completely different one. If you have tried all the variants of the supposed user and standard master passwords, but have not achieved a result, then there is only one way out - to carry the drive to the laboratory, where they will work with it in the technological mode.

How to get back the lost terabyte

Sometimes Victoria's ability to work in PIO mode with HPA (Host Protected Area) is very helpful - a service area of ​​​​memory in which the disk geometry is recorded. It determines the capacity of the drive by specifying it as the number of LBAs.

In my practice there was an amusing case. Received the standard complaint: "the computer does not turn on" (read, the OS does not boot). The owner complained that he had been suffering for about a month. First he traveled all over service centres, then invited different enikeys - to no avail. I came, looked and also thought hard. All components are correct. The disk is detected in the BIOS, but it does not boot from it. Launched Linux from a flash drive. The hard drive is visible, but the logical partitioning utilities show a strange picture: 64 MB in total and one partition with an unknown file system.

And then I realized that the HPA just crashed on the hard drive. As a result, a terabyte disk began to be defined as a 64-megabyte stub. I switched the SATA port mode from AHCI to compatible in CMOS setup, took a USB flash drive with WinPE and launched Victoria in PIO mode. Then he sent the NHPA command (restore factory volume).

Usually in such cases it is possible to instantly restore the passport value of LBA blocks, but this time the miracle did not happen. Therefore, I found a service utility for hard drives of this series and sent a similar HPA recovery command from it. A terabyte of data returned from oblivion on the next reboot.

Why did Victoria let her down? I suppose because this disk had some specific features unknown to me or the universal program.


Most often, Victoria is used to find and fix bad sectors. If everything is in order with HPA on the disk and there is no password protection, but no utilities can read files from it in a reasonable time, then it's time to perform a surface test. Victoria can do this in any mode (PIO / API) using sector-by-sector reading (read), writing (write) and writing with verification (verify).

Bad sector detection

When restoring data, you can use read-only, but its options also vary. The simplest of them is sequential: from the first block to the last. The start and end values ​​of LBA can be specified manually, which is convenient for many reasons at once. Firstly, this way it becomes possible to check disks of any size, simply by performing the test in fragments up to one terabyte. Secondly, you can re-check the suspicious area and exclude external factors. Victoria analyzes the sector access time. Usually, for new disks, it does not exceed 5 ms in 80% of sectors. Sectors with a polling time of less than 50 ms are also considered normal. Those for which it is measured in hundreds of milliseconds are candidates for bad sectors.

If the sector was considered after a few seconds, then this is an unambiguous bad block. Such a disk controller must identify itself during idle time and replace them in the address table with good sectors from the spare area. However, in practice this does not always happen. Victoria can ask the hard drive to perform such an operation (Remap) for those sectors that have not responded to requests for too long. Formally, part of the information is lost during this procedure, but in reality it was already lost at the moment when the sector became faulty.

In the paid version of Victoria, the Restore function was available - an attempt to read data from a bad sector at any cost and then overwrite it with a good sector. However, the program has not been officially supported since 2008, so purchase it full version Not sure it's going to happen. Free Victoria has more than once helped out by restoring HPA, resetting passwords and fixing bad sectors, which caused other data recovery programs to freeze.

Reading chart for HDD surface test

HOW free Victoria saved a secret job

Let me share with you another story. Laboratory at the research institute, our time. The analytical instrument is controlled from the computer that came with it. A very specific software is preinstalled on the computer, which the developers no longer support. The distribution kit is neither on the disk nor on the site. There is only installed program and she stopped working. The laboratory performed research under a multi-year government contract. Without a miracle device, the employees were bound hand and foot. We tormented ourselves and found out that the problem was with the disk. From antiquity, it was covered with bads, and normal work became impossible. An attempt to make a clone of the disk with skipping bad sectors was unsuccessful - the cloning program hung tightly. We ran the disk with the Victoria test with the Remap function. Pre-selected the necessary settings. By the evening of the same day, they successfully removed the disk image, and then restored everything from it to a new hard drive. The device came to life, the contract was completed on time.

Victoria has four methods and three types of surface testing (twelve modes in total). In each, it automatically counts the total number of defective blocks and writes their addresses to the log. Like a disk editor, Victoria can show the contents of sectors and allows you to change it. In PIO mode, Victoria displays information about the logical partitions on the media, even if it is not detected at all in the BIOS. Not a single utility with access through the API is capable of this.

Additionally, Victoria can control the level of acoustic noise of the disk (AAM), adjusting the speed of movement of its heads during the search, run low-level formatting, change the HDD volume and perform benchmarks. It can even be used to check the physical interface (cable and port status). At home, it will save the HDD or SSD in many difficult situations, except for severe mechanical damage that requires opening the HDA. The lab will handle them too, using Victoria as one of the proven utilities.

In fact detailed description The operation of the security system is well described in the ATA-5 standard and above. Also, a more convenient, in my opinion, presentation is present in the Product Manual on any IBM disk.

I will try to explain the essence in two words.
Master password- a unique code that is stored in the service area of ​​the drive, sometimes in encrypted form. On some hard drives it is present after exiting the assembly line and does not affect hard drive access. The master password is designed to remove the set user password (for example, if it is forgotten).
Some manufacturers have their own Master password for a specific drive family ( the lineup). For other manufacturers, on the contrary, the Master password can cover quite a few models and lines. Any information about Master passwords is not subject to open distribution and is the property of the manufacturer.
User password is a code up to 32 characters long, entered by the user using special utilities or with the appropriate function Computer BIOS(present, basically, only in NoteBook). The password is also stored in the firmware area of ​​the drive and is also sometimes encrypted.
The security level can be High or Maximum.
1. At the High level, it is possible to unlock the drive using the Master Password, in this case, all user data is saved.
2. At the High level, it is possible to unlock the drive using a User password, in this case all user data is also saved.
3. At the Maximum level, the drive can be unlocked using a Master Password, but user data is completely destroyed without the possibility of recovery.
4. At the Maximum level, it is possible to unlock the drive using a User password, while the user data is completely preserved.
Accordingly, if the drive's security mode is activated, and neither Master nor User passwords are known, the drive cannot be unlocked. A locked drive must be correctly detected in the BIOS, however, it will generate an error for any read or write operation. And brute-force password guessing with the help of self-made utilities is excluded - after five incorrect attempts, the drive goes into the Freeze state and can only be recovered from it by turning the power off and on again. (

Small caveat: If you set a user-password in MHDD ver.4.0 (appears on Maxtor screws, possibly on others) for "FAST ERASE", then after this operation you should REMOVE the password WITHOUT REBOOT, because. it is possible that after a reboot the password cannot be removed using the MHDD itself.

So, the password is set by us.
MHDD -> read the documentation and remove using the unlock and dispwd commands. In this case, the data will be saved. (the password is removed by the _same_ version of the program that was set)

Another option: After loading mhdd, turn off the power and try to remove the password, i.e.:
1. Download mhdd.
2. Remove power from the screw.
3. Insert it back.
4. Dial unlock and enter the password that you set.

You can also try the ATAPWD program (

2. ATAPWD: First, do ERASE PREPARE (Preparing to remove the user password by completely erasing the disk), then - ERASE UNIT. The data will, of course, be destroyed.

Empty password.
Dmitry_Postrigan: An empty password in MHDD can be removed by entering the character with the code 255 as a password (press ALT + dial 255 + release ALT). (- mhddsoftware forum).

We do not know the password (forgotten/lost/etc):

MHDD: You can try to enter 32 characters "B" (large and Latin) to ask for a password.
VTOOL: In the disk editor mode, find in the negative sectors a sector with the text "SECURE" and clear it (except for the word Secure) and one more sector - a copy of the 1st.

Master password- "Seagate + 25 spaces".
The presence of a terminal (you need to make a cable) will greatly simplify the solution to the problem.
In terminal:
T>GFFF3 (for Barracuda V)
There you will see your password. Then ATA commands F2 and F6 with a buffer containing what you saw ....

Also for U5, Barracuda II, III, IV, you only need to read B0,0.
For 7200.7 you need to enter GFFF2.

"The password is at the end of the second sector on track -2 in the clear."
Hddl: 57 44 43 00 00 A0 8A - send, 00 01 01 00 0F E0 21 - send, clipboard - receive, view - at the end. 00 01 01 10 0F E0 21 - the same, but for the first head.

for WD307AA 272AA, 450AA and 205AA:
"The password is at the end of the third sector on track -1 in the clear."
Hddl: 00 00 00 00 E0 A0 8A - send, 00 01 02 00 0F E0 21 - send, clipboard - receive, view - at the end. 00 01 02 10 0F E0 21 - the same, but for the first head.

fakel.exe: count the modules and look at #12 and #13.
PC3K: You can rewrite module 0D.

Master passwords- "Maxtor INIT SECURITY TEST STEP" (for N40P), "Maxtor+26 spaces" (541D).

Can be used HDDL:. Read the documentation for this program.

PS. There are other effective programs (eg PC3000). If it was not possible to remove the password using the above methods, then your path lies to the owner of these products. I also advise you to use search engines on this topic. there is a lot of information on the net.

Good afternoon, dear blog readers! Today we will talk about not so frequent, but important. I have never encountered such a problem as the set password on HDD or BIOS. Probably many do not quite understand, and perhaps do not understand at all what I mean. Now I will explain in more detail.

BIOS password

Bios is software, located in a read-only memory (ROM), engaged in self-testing of devices and searching for a bootloader. Naturally, the functionality of the BIOS is much wider than described above, but we will not dig deep, but consider directly on the topic of our article. The BIOS password is set to avoid manipulation by third-party people.

How to remove bios password

Installed bios password does not make it possible to get into it, and in this case there are three options for solving this situation: by removing the CMOS battery on motherboard, move the CMOS jumper (jumper) on the motherboard in the opposite direction (not provided in laptops) or simply close the jumper contacts.

And last way remove the BIOS password using the BIOS Password Removal for Laptops online service. If you know the password and it's just inconvenient for you to constantly enter it, then you can turn it off by going into the settings.

HDD password

Here the purpose and function of the password is slightly different. If in the first case you simply cannot get into the BIOS, then with set password on the HDD you will not be able to download operating system. And this is the inability to use a computer or laptop for its intended purpose.

How to remove password from HDD

If we considered three options to solve problems with the BIOS, then in order to remove the password from the hdd, I have only one for you, all the same bourgeois online service. I have not described above how to use this site. To unlock a password you don't remember, you need to enter it incorrectly three times (for example, 1234 or whatever). After the attempts made, a code will appear in the window, enter it on the website and in return you will receive a code to reset the password from the hard drive.

How to put a password on a hard drive or bios

Set these passwords to protect data and from various manipulations. Every BIOS has this feature. Current computers and laptops have a Security tab where you can set passwords. More about this in the pictures.

Setting passwords for BIOS and hard drive

Set Supervisor Password– set Administrator password
Set User Password– set User password
HDD Password- hard drive password
Password on boot is used to enable or disable the password on boot.

Well, that's it, my little article has come to an end. See you soon!

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