7z latest version. How to unpack a damaged, multivolume and regular archive. How to archive files and set a password

7-Zip - free archiver files offering high compression. The program is analogous to the popular WinRAR, but it is distributed absolutely free of charge.

The 7-Zip archiver is easy and simple to use. Its intuitive and user-friendly interface translated into 60 languages, which makes the program quite universal. One of the main advantages of 7-Zip is that the archiver has a powerful file manager plugin for FAR Manager... The program can be embedded in Windows Explorer and self-extracting 7z archives.

Among other things, 7-Zip has a high compression ratio and works with files 7z, ZIP, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR (packs / unpacks) and archives in RAR, RPM, ARJ, LZH, CAB, Z, CPIO, CHM, DEB ( unpacks).

7-Zip supports AES 256-bit encryption and can work with such popular archives as RAR (including RAR3 and CAB), ZIP.

The main characteristics of the 7-Zip archiver:

  • the program supports the following formats: 7z, ZIP, MSI, CAB, RPM, Z, DEB, LZH, NSIS, RAR, ARJ, CHM, WIM, GZIP, BZIP2, CPIO, ISO, TAR and RPM;
  • 7-Zip offers a very high compression ratio in the 7z format;
  • working with ZIP GZIP formats, you get a compression ratio 2-10 percent higher than in WinZip and PKZip;
  • creation of self-extracting archives for the 7z format;
  • encryption of archives;
  • the presence of a built-in file manager;
  • shell integration operating system Windows;
  • availability of a plug-in for FAR Manager programs and Total commander;
  • powerful support command line;
  • the multilingual interface also includes Russian.

The 7-Zip application is a serious player in the world of archivers, whose main trump card is its own LZMA algorithm, which “squeezes” files into the 7z format. This free archiver differs from its “competing colleagues” WinRAR and WinZIP in slower operation, while the “reduced” speed is easily compensated for by much more high degree compression. As a result, 7-Zip is perfect for working with giant files, and this "powerful archiver" can work up to 30% more efficiently than its faster competitors.

At the same time, 7-Zip is not as secure as WinZIP or WinRAR due to the lack of a virus scanner, but this program has no less capabilities. 7-Zip works with big amount archive formats and contains such handy tools as update and splitting modes.

I think every computer user should download 7-Zip for free, since the program is really irreplaceable and also has a free status.

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An archiver is a program that compresses computer files by placing them in an archive file (a folder with the extension .zip or .rar, or .7z). In the process of compressing files, their total size is reduced, and the process itself is called archiving files. Also, the archiver successfully performs the opposite function - it unzips files, that is, it takes them out of the archive and restores them to original condition... For example, a USB flash drive can fit much more files if you archive them. Also, which is very necessary for a couple, when moving files to the archive, you can set a password to access the archived files, which means that you can open the files only if you know the password.

To archive files, you need to download and install the archiver:

More details about the Keka archiver for macOS .

Download video from Youtube in 1 click here http://downloady.org

How to archive files

1. After installing the archiver, in the menu, by right-clicking on the file, the 7-Zip item will appear.
2. For a quick backup, click right click with the mouse on the file to be archived, select 7-Zip, and then click "Add to" Filename.zip ". Immediately after the end of the archiving, where the duration of archiving depends on the file size, you will see the file "File name.zip" in the same folder as the original file. This completes the archiving process.

How to unzip a file

1. Right-click on the file "Filename.zip", select the 7-Zip menu item, and then click "Unzip here" and wait for the unzipping process to complete.

The files from the archive will be located in the same folder where the archive is located.
In addition, you can view the contents of the archive by opening it as a regular folder double click... In the screenshot, in the archive, there is a folder "My photos".

How to archive files and set a password

1. Right-click on the file to be archived, select 7-Zip, and then click "Add to archive ...". A window like this will open:

2. In the "Archive format" field, select ".zip", enter the password in the "Enter password" field and click "ok".

In addition to the actual archiving, 7Zip can encrypt compressible data. For this, a reliable 256 - bit AES encryption algorithm is used. The program is free to download and distributed with open source source codes. Download 7Zip free for windows 7... The program has a simple russified graphical interface user.

Archive creation

7z archiver supports several formats for archiving data, so there is a choice of the required archive format. By default, the program uses its own format - 7z. It is he who provides best quality compression. ZIP and TAR formats can also be used.

If you need to restrict access to the archive, you can protect its contents with a password. To provide a higher degree of data protection, the program can encrypt file names, which will not allow guessing their content by name.

Extracting files from an archive

To extract files from the archive, in the main window of the 7Zip program, select the desired archive or file in the archive and use the button Extract or the menu command file 7 –zip Unpack (if instead of the Unpack command you select Unpack here, the program will automatically unpack the archive into the current folder)

Performance test

7Zip contains a built-in benchmark of your computer's performance when backing up data. To start the test, use the menu item Service - Performance testing... After selecting this menu item, the PC test window will appear. By default, the program itself correctly determines the number of cores and threads in the processor you have installed. The developers of 7Zip for Windows 7 recommend running a performance test immediately after installing the program in order to be sure that it works on this computer.

7-Zip is a popular version of the archiver for operating Windows systems with increased compression rates. He is the leader among the family of paid and free software.

TO distinctive features This archiver should be attributed to the fact that it supports 265-bit encryption of the AES type. Works with popular RAR archives including RAR 3, CAB and ZIP. On any specialized site, you can download the 7-zip archiver for free.

7z archiver

In general, this archiver provides the following features:

  • supports unzipping formats: CAB, MSI, DEB, ZIP, 7z, Z, RAR, ARJ, LZH, CHM, GZIP, WIM, TAR, CPIO, RPM, ISO, NSIS, RPM, BZIP2;
  • supports archiving formats ZIP, 7z, BZIP2, GZIP and TAR;
  • shows the highest compression ratio in 7z format with LZMA compression;
  • compresses GZIP and ZIP formats by 2-10% more than WinZip and PKZip;
  • 7-Zip archiver provides the ability to encrypt archives;
  • has a built-in file manager;
  • integrated into Windows;
  • has a plug-in for FAR Manager, as well as in Total Commander, Windows Shell;
  • works from the command line with advanced features;
  • has multilingual support, the archiver is translated into 74 languages ​​(you need to download 7 Zip rus);

All you have to do is download the 7-Zip archiver, and you will have an excellent software with open source under the GNU LGPL mixed license, unRAR is closed. There is an opportunity to download for free without any hidden fees, however, the possibility of voluntary assistance to the project is also provided.

Multifunctionality of the archiver and free delivery means its popularity. For effective use, it is enough to download and install 7z archiver on your computer. In 99% of cases, the provided formats are sufficient for successful work with archives.

Strong 256-bit encryption allows it to be used in secret archives or, if you wish, pack the archive with a high compression ratio. For maximum compression, you can use the proprietary format. The capabilities of the archiver complement each other well and confidently take it to the leading positions in the rating of paid and free archiving programs. The project is developing quite strongly, which implies regular updates that are available to users. It is assumed that the 7 Zip project will hold the leading position in the near future and promote the new 7z format.

An archive is just one file that has other files compressed in order to shrink overall size... If you still sigh when you receive another file in a ZIP, RAR, 7-Zip or any other archive, then this article is for you.

For those who like to watch, I'm posting a video:

The easiest way to unpack a zip archive

ZIP archives are regular files with a ".zip" extension. In fact, you don't need any programs to simply unzip files from ZIP, everything is already built into Windows 7/8/10 Explorer. It is enough to right-click on the file and select "Extract all ..." from the menu.

In this case, a dialog box will appear where you will need to specify the path to unpack the files, or leave it by default (current folder). As you can see, for example, I have a file "Checklist.zip" with an archived Word document.

If you leave the "Show extracted files" checkbox enabled, then at the end of the unzipping procedure, another explorer window will open with a new folder open. Or you can not unpack the files at all, but go into the archive as in a regular folder and open the desired file from there.

How to unpack a RAR archive

Unfortunately, Explorer does not know how to work with RAR files. For them, you need to install one of the programs that will be discussed. The free 7-Zip program has long established itself as a simple and free archiver. Can unpack files 7z, zip, rar and others.

Using the program is almost as simple, just right-click on the file and select one of the items from the 7-Zip submenu:

  • "Unpack" - to open the extract dialog
  • "Unpack here" - to simply extract the files into the current directory
  • "Unpack to" Folder name "- extract the files into a folder with the name of the archive (recommended)

The simplest are the second and third options, because do not require any more action. If you choose the first option, the following dialog will appear:

Here we can specify our path for files. If you select the "No paths" option, then all files from the archive will be one heap, without subfolders. The "Overwrite" parameter is responsible for the mode of overwriting existing files. By default, the program will ask for each such file.

You can check out files not only from the right-click menu. If you double-click on the file, it will open in the 7-Zip program window. To unzip files, simply select them and click the "Extract" button

Alternative free method - Hamster Lite Archiver

I would also like to introduce you to one newfangled program Hamster Lite Archiver. It's even simpler, free and has a modern interface. After its installation, new items also appear in the explorer context menu. To unpack rar archive or zip, right-click on it and select one of the options:

  • Extract files ... - opens a dialog window
  • Extract Here - extracts files to the current folder
  • Extract to "Folder name" - unzips to a folder

Despite the fact that the items context menu in English, the program itself is in Russian. Apparently, they have not yet reached the translation of these points, but at the time of reading this article, the situation may have already been corrected. The dialogue looks like this:

Universal program WinRAR

The WinRAR program is widely used to work with RAR archives, I only use it. The program is possible. Look for the Russian version (Russian) immediately in the list. Installing WinRAR very easy, just press "Next" all the time. The program is paid, but with a trial period of 40 days. After graduation trial period WinRAR continues to work, but starts annoying with a window with a license reminder every time it starts.

To unpack a RAR file, or any other archive, just right-click on the file and select one of the options:

  • Extract files ... - the unpacking dialog will open
  • Extract to current folder - content will appear in the current folder
  • Extract to "folder name" - unzips the content into new folder with archive name (recommend)

Most simple options this is the second and third. If you select the first option, a dialog will appear in which you can specify a specific path where your files will be placed and a few more parameters:

Update mode:

  • Extract with file replacement - if the folder already contains the same files as in the archive, then they will be replaced with new ones
  • Extract and update files is the same, but only older files will be replaced
  • Update only existing files- only the update will take place, the rest of the files will not be extracted.

The "Overwrite mode" items are responsible for the program's behavior when replacing existing files.

Using this dialog, you can unpack a damaged or incomplete archive. By default, if a file is in error, it will not be unpacked. If you check the box "Leave damaged files on disk", then the damaged archive will be partially unpacked. If it is video or music, then it can be opened. But, of course, the completeness of the resulting file will depend on the degree of damage to the archive.

You can also unpack files from the WinRAR window. To do this, just select the necessary files and click on any of the buttons: "Extract ..." or "Master".

Also WinRar will help you to organize the backup of your information.

Please note that after installing any of the listed programs, the standard "Extract ..." menu item for ZIP archives may disappear from Windows explorer.

How to unpack a multivolume archive

Multivolume archives are created to split one huge archive into several smaller ones. In this case, there will be numbers at the end of the file name, e.g. z01, .z02, .z03 or part1, part2, part 3 or 001, 002, 003, etc. To unpack such multivolume archive you will need ALL the parts, otherwise nothing good will come of it. The unpacking process itself is no different from the usual one.

You just need to unzip the first file from the list in the usual way, and the rest will be pulled up automatically.

If, in addition to the numbered parts, there is also a "regular" archive, then this file must be unpacked, it is the main one.

Please note that multi-volume ZIP archives created by WinRAR can only be unpacked with the same program! Other programs give an error and at least you crack! Conversely, WinRAR does not understand multivolume books created by other programs.


So, you can extract files from zip, rar, 7z archives using Windows Explorer (ZIP only) or using the free 7-Zip and Hamster Lite Archiver programs, as well as using paid program WinRAR. Choose a method that is convenient for you and use it for your health!

Imagine how your friends will be grateful to you if you share this information with them in social networks! By the way, with the help of these programs you can also create your own archives.