How to log into Facebook on your personal page. Social network Facebook: login to your Facebook page home

Want to sign up for Facebook to meet new people and have new experiences, but don't know where to start? - We will be happy to help you - in Facebook registration takes just a few minutes.

It is important to remember that the site does not charge no cash registration fees, so if you are asked to pay for anything, you are being deceived. It would be a scam to ask to send the code with mobile phone. The real Facebook address is (that's the only way).


Before registering, you need to create email, or use an existing one. Then, be sure to come up with a password, preferably a complex one (a-Я0-9#@%) to avoid unpleasant hacking of the page. Once you have an email and password, you can start registering:

Go to the website - and in the window that appears, enter the necessary data:

  1. first and last name;
  2. email address (twice);
  3. password (be sure to remember, or better yet, write it down somewhere);
  4. date of birth d/m/y;

Then click the “registration” button. Before clicking, make sure the information is correct, and also read the terms and conditions of working with the site (there will be a transition to the “registration” button).

Step one . Enter the password for your email account. After which, Facebook will offer to add your contacts from your email account as friends. It is also possible to skip this step and return to it later (after you have already registered).

Step two. Here you need to enter some personal information:

  1. First and last name in Russian (will already appear automatically from the beginning of registration);
  2. First and last name on English language, will also be automatic. Check - it should be like it is in the passport;
  3. Hometown;
  4. High school. If you studied at several schools, then choose for now the one from which you graduated;
  5. University. If you studied at several universities, you will enter them later;
  6. Employer. Place of work.

You can skip this step, or, if you have entered data, then click the go button - “ save and continue».

Step three. Uploading a photo to the site. There are two ways to upload a photo.

  1. Upload a photo you already have on your computer;
  2. Take a photo via webcam (if you have one).

You can skip this step, or, if you uploaded a photo, click on the button - “ save and continue».

Your next step should be authorization. That is, you must go to your email inbox, find a letter from Facebook (if you don’t see it, look in spam) and follow the link. If there is no letter, then re-submit a request to send an email to authorize your account. This can be done on your Facebook page (in the window below - resend the message). That's it - authorization is complete.

So, the registration procedure is completed, now you can log in and enjoy communication.

Login to page

Don't know how to log into the site? Everything is very simple here. The main thing is not to forget the password and enter it correctly in this window (below).

Many beginners may have a question, where can I get this window? From here (window below). Remember – this is the registration window, the very first one. At the very top there are windows for logging into the site.

Enter your address Email and password – login is complete.

If something doesn't work out for you, don't worry.

First on home page Try to enter all the data that you have not already entered (during the registration process).

This way, you will find your friends faster, and they will be able to learn more about you.

How to register on Facebook in Russian for free?

If you decide to join the large Russian-speaking Facebook family, then this article was written especially for you!

New User Registration

The number of its users exceeds two and a half billion. Impressive, right?

So, how to register a new user in? This is not that difficult, and usually takes very little of your personal time.

But there are certain conditions:

Even famous people use their real data. We advise you to do the same, as this allows you to increase the popularity of the user. Nobody likes fake pages, right?

  • After you have filled out the fields with your data, it is time to come up with a password.

It would be better to come up with a unique password that you do not use on any other sites and that does not match your email address or number. This will protect your personal data from being hacked by scammers.

This is necessary so that the site administration has the opportunity to send you an email confirming your registration, as well as to search for already registered Facebook users who may be your friends, colleagues, or simply useful people for promoting your business.

The site will also ask you to indicate your hometown, university, school or your current place of work to clarify your possible acquaintances, friends and colleagues.

These steps can be skipped and postponed until later by clicking the appropriate "Skip" button.

  • Next you will be asked to upload your profile photo. If you have your photo on disk, you can download it from there, but if not, then you can take a photo directly from the webcam. This action will help your friends quickly find you among your namesakes. You can also skip this step if you don't have enough time or don't have a suitable photo, and come back to it later.

The final stage of account registration

Read also:

Last stage of registration

The final stage of registering a Facebook account is to confirm registration from the email you provided during registration.

When registering, you will be asked to provide your mobile phone number. This step is optional. But if you provide a phone number, it will be much easier to recover lost data.

A message will be sent to your phone with verification code, which must be entered in the appropriate field.

Of course, not every person has the desire to make their phone number available to all network users.

In order to hide your number, you need to go to your profile settings and opposite the inscription: "Who can see my mobile number" check the box next to “Only me”.

At this point, registration of your Facebook profile can be considered complete.

So, it will not be difficult for registered users to find possible friends, colleagues or people who can help develop their business.

But what should those who are not eager to expose their data to the public do? Searching for people without registration will help you. Which, by the way, is available on many modern sites.

So how do you do this?

Read also:My Instagram page: how to log in on your phone and computer. Instructions 2018

Facebook is a huge community of people, which includes about two and a half million users, among whom there are certainly your current or old acquaintances, or friends from school, university, colleagues, potential clients or people who can help promote your business.

There is an easy way to find the people you need without first registering.

You just need to go to the browser you are using and select your favorite search engine, and then enter the first and last name of the person you want to find in the search bar.

After entering your first and last name, you must enter the word “Facebook” in order to go to this person on Facebook with the first link shown.

That is, you do not need registration, the profile will be displayed thanks to the search engine, however, namesakes or people with common names can be quite difficult to find.

After all, instead of, for example, Ivan Ivanov, who is exactly what you need, the same one or can show a dozen others, but not the one you are looking for.

Now, if the desired person is displayed in the results, you can simply follow the link and view the profile of the person you need.

It is worth keeping in mind that you will not be able to view a person’s profile if he has limited some functions in his account settings or has temporarily deleted (deactivated) his Facebook account.

Finding your page without registration

How to log into your Facebook page without registration? Unfortunately, you won't be able to do this. Simply because you don't have a Facebook page.

The registration procedure takes no more than five minutes of your personal time and is absolutely not difficult for the vast majority of users.

If you have just registered on this social network or you already have a Facebook page, you just need to use your favorite browser and search engine by entering in the search bar "Facebook my page".

To enter your page you must enter your username and password.

If you do not have a registered Facebook page, you can go through a very simple registration procedure described above in this article.

Many users have finished using social Facebook networks they simply close the browser tab, mistakenly thinking that the session is over and exiting does not matter. But, unfortunately, this opinion is not correct, since if other users also use your computer, then when they go to the Facebook website, they can get to your page. Therefore, by correctly logging out of your account, you can protect your profile data from changes by other users and maintain their confidentiality. It should be noted that logging out to end a session and deleting an account are different functions and when logging out you will be able to access your profile after entering email address and the password that was used during registration.

In this step by step instructions With photos you will learn how to log out and log in to the social network Facebook.

Step 1

How to properly log out of your Facebook profile

Start by clicking on the “triangle” in the upper right corner of the page and selecting “Sign Out” by left-clicking on it.

Step 2

Step 3

How to log into your Facebook page (account)

Now let's move on to how to log into your Facebook account. Start by entering the email address and password you used to create your profile. Next, you can check the box next to “Do not log out.” This will allow you to continue using the social network without re-entering your email address and password the next time you log in. Now click on the “Login” button.

The first thing to remember is your own safety. Excessively detailed information scammers or just strangers can take advantage of it. Even after setting the limit " Only for friends“, you cannot be sure that only they will see the information. The profile is visible to both criminals and law enforcement agencies. In addition, the deeper you reveal your preferences and interests, the more advertising will come to your profile. Facebook is equipped with bots that recognize user priority requests.

Design of “My Page” on Facebook

Properly designing a personal Facebook page is not that difficult. This is especially important for those who use their own page for dating or their own business.

Having successfully logged into your Facebook account, a home page will open with a welcome message and “ News feed", where the latest posts from friends are constantly updated. You can view ratings, posts left by other users, give your own rating or comment, share them, and by clicking on the avatar you can go to that person’s page. Here you can check in by adding your own message, attaching a photo or video, which will also be seen by people in the designated circle.

To open “My Page” on Facebook, you need to find the entrance to the social network in the top menu (an icon with your own nickname). A public profile section will appear with information about everything that has been done recently: posting photos, videos, likes, new friends and subscriptions.

Be sure to start designing “My Page” by setting an avatar. You need to choose a beautiful and presentable photograph. For this:

Now you can select a photo for the cover, the background of the page header, located at the top of the page next to the avatar. To do this, click on “ Add cover photo", and then upload a photo from your computer that matches the size of the window.

Here is an example of setting up the background of a personal Facebook page.

Chapter " Chronicle" will not appear in the user profile immediately. Made in the form of three tabs " Status", « Photo video", « Life Event" reflecting the main positions, some details, as well as significant life events. All this is entered optionally, but it will be very useful as additional information.

To designate users who will be able to view information from the “ Chronicle" or vice versa, access restrictions, there are settings options for each message or posted photo/video material.

« Information" — a section of your personal page that can be filled with useful, interesting information that will help you find other people.

Now you can find a person by additional parameters search in the section " Find friends".

Home “My Page” of the Facebook social network

The transition is carried out using the button "Home" located next to the name in the top menu. In the administrative panel on the left are all necessary tools to work with the page.

Here's what you can change/do in the sections above:

  • In chapter "Edit Profile" you can adjust the entered profile information and its viewability for different people, including random ones. Each item is equipped with an additional menu for setting the degree of accessibility of this information for guests (confidentiality;
  • « Friends" represent all users with whom there are connections on the network and links to directly enter the Facebook page;
  • « Applications" a very diverse department where the subsection “ Games", additional tools and functions for the operation and design of the “My Page” of the social network. They will be especially useful for people just getting acquainted with the network;
  • « Pages" - here are sections with recommended popular infotainment pages, as well as famous people. You can choose the network group that best suits your interests and it will always be displayed as news in your feed. You can create and issue a personal one;
  • It is possible to create your own community in the “ Groups".

Adding friends and friend requests on Facebook

When actively using Facebook “My Page”, the entrance to which is described above, many encounter various problems, connected with adding friends on Facebook. Questions like: “ On the Facebook page you can’t see what a friend has added as a friend.”, « How can I find out who viewed my page?How to delete a Facebook friend request?, « How to see your friends list on Facebook" « Does Facebook add friends itself?», « No add friends button?», « How to add someone as a friend?», « Where can I see the friend requests I've sent?», « Why can’t I add someone as a friend?” etc.

To answer all these questions, it was created special section V

What is the difference between login and registration


If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one in a few simple steps. To create a new account, fill out the registration form with your full name, date of birth, gender and email address. Then choose a password.


If you already have a Facebook account, you can log in to it on the same page. Simply enter your email address and password in the appropriate fields at the top of the page and click the Login button.

I forgot my Facebook login information

If you don't remember your login email address or mobile phone number, or this information has changed recently:

After logging in, go to settings account and find the email address associated with your Facebook account or update your mobile number.

I can't log into Facebook using my mobile phone.

People who register on Facebook using a mobile phone can use their phone number and the password they created when registering.

If you have problems logging in, remember that you must enter the full phone number with the country code. Excludes zeros, + and other special characters.

How to change Facebook email address

To change your email address Online:

  1. Open your Facebook account, select from the drop-down menu in the top right corner account settings.
  2. Click the Change button next to your email address.
  3. Click the button Add another email address.
  4. Enter your new email address in the free field and then click Save changes.
  5. For security reasons, you will be prompted to password.
  6. You will then receive a confirmation email with your new email address. You will be able to log in using your new address only after confirmation.


  • All verified email addresses can be used to log into your account.
  • If you cannot access your account on the site, do not create a new account because this is violation of conditions and may result in a delay in resolving the problem.

I received an email asking you to confirm your Facebook registration.

If someone was able to register one of the addresses in the user's account, Facebook sends a notification for each email address. This happens when a user clicks on a link sent to an email address when creating a new account, or when they add an address to an account.

If you still own the email address, you can add it back to your account. To do this, go to the "Settings" section in personal account and follow the above steps.

Due to the fact that someone may have access to your email address, in order to confirm contact, you must change the password for your email address.

If you are not the owner of the email address, you cannot add it back to your account. If you are still the owner of the email address but you cannot access it, contact your email service provider for assistance in regaining access to the address.