How to restore the sign to close the page. How to open closed tabs. How to open an accidentally closed tab in Chrome, Opera and Mozilla. Opening tabs in Google Chrome

We are used to working with large volumes of information: 5-10-20 or more pages simultaneously loaded into the browser is not the limit for us. Usually we don’t try to remember the addresses of open sites - why, because here they are - before our eyes. But suddenly they accidentally pointed the mouse in the wrong place... and everything was gone.

Imagine: you are preparing for a test, writing a report, or performing another important task, and suddenly you close a web resource with important data. Is it possible to restore it if you don't remember what the resource is? I'll tell you a secret: you can! What human memory misses is easily remembered by the browser. Let's talk about how to open closed tabs in Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex.Browser and Safari.

How to open closed tabs in different browsers

Internet Explorer

To return to the screen one of the recently visited pages in Internet Explorer 11, click the create a new tab button. She is in top panel Near address bar– when you hover the cursor over it, an icon in the form of a sheet of paper appears.

Alternatively, press Ctrl+L.

To reload pages that you weren't most recently viewing, press Ctrl+H. This combination will open the visit log, by the way, not only here, but also in other web browsers. Expand the list of sites you viewed for the desired period of time and click on what you were looking for.

Microsoft Edge

IN Edge this is done just as easily as in IE, but a little differently.

Click on the “Hub” button on the top panel of the window (in the form of three horizontal stripes) and select the “Journal” section (hidden behind the icon that looks like a clock). The most recently opened materials are collected at the top of this section. Click on the one you need right click mouse and select “Open in new tab” or “In new window” from the context menu.

Mozilla Firefox

To restore the last page in Mozilla Firefox, just press the combination Shift+Ctrl+T once. Click again - the penultimate session will be restored, and so on, until the entire recent session is opened.

To open one of the viewed pages of your choice, go to the main menu (located behind the three-bar button) and click the “Journal” icon. Or press the combination Ctrl+H on your keyboard.

In the “Restore closed tabs” list, click on the name of the site you want to load again.

Google Chrome

Bring back recently closed sites to the screen Google Chrome, as in Mozilla Firefox, you can press Shift+Ctrl+T. By the way, this combination works everywhere except Microsoft and Safari browsers.

To access other viewed pages, click on the striped button in the upper right corner of the window (this button hides the main menu) and select “History”.

The “Recently Closed” list will open in front of us - a place where records of the most recently viewed sites are collected. To reload any of them, just click the mouse.

To restore a web resource that is not there, press the hot keys Ctrl+H or select the “History” command from the menu and then “History” again. There is a log here - a long list that lists the pages visited for the entire time you used the browser. They are sorted, as everywhere else, from latest to earliest.


IN Opera For our purposes, there is a separate menu - an inconspicuous button in the top panel with the image of two horizontal stripes and an arrow. Inside is a list of recently closed and currently open resources.

If you don't find what you're looking for here, you'll need to access your earlier browsing history. It opens through the main menu, hidden behind the button with the letter “O”. You need to select, as you understand, the “History” section.

In the Opera magazine, the pages that have ever been opened are sorted into the submenus “Today”, “Yesterday” and “Old”. The latter includes everything older than “Yesterday”.


Restoring recently closed tabs in Yandex.Browser organized in the same way as in Google Chrome: all the “good” is stored in the “History” section, which is located in the main menu. And it, as you guessed, is also hidden behind the “three stripes” icon.

The full visit log page (history) opens by pressing the hot keys Ctrl keys+H. Here, as in Chrome, a general list of sites is stored, indicating the date and time of opening.


IN Safari on Mac OS X, everything is also done simply and easily: go to the “History” menu and select “Open the last closed window” or “All windows of the last session.”

To view other “historical events”, click on the second item from the top in the same menu.

Today we will look at - how to open a closed tab in any browser. Browsers are essentially the user’s “only” way to the Internet, because without their help it is not possible to see the contents of sites.

Each developer tries to bring a certain flavor to their browser, but in general they are all quite similar.

For example, everyone modern browser the interface allows:

  • Open many sites at the same time, without resorting to creating separate windows;
  • Each open page located on separate tab in one window (which is very convenient).

Here's the most the main point of this article- press the keyboard shortcut -> Ctrl+Shift+t and the newly closed tab will open, works in absolutely any browser!

Let's look at how to open a closed tab on the Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is in the top three popular applications for browsing websites due to the fact that it is the only one installed in Windows system by default (that's why I'll start with it). There are several ways to open an accidentally closed tab in this browser.

1. Through your browsing history

From your browsing history, you can open even those tabs that were closed a month ago, but this path is the longest.

1. To open a closed tab, click on the “Star” icon or use the keyboard shortcut – ALT+C.

2. Click on the “Log” tab and select the time when the tab with the desired site was closed.

3. Let's say the tab was closed today. Select this item from the list, all open sites today will be displayed below. Click on the site name to expand the list.

4. Select the desired site, right-click to bring up the menu and click “Open in new tab”. If you simply double-click on a page from the list, it will open in the active tab.

2. Via the context menu

The presented method is much shorter than the previous one, but the downside is that you can only restore the tabs of the current session.

2.1 On any tab on the panel, call the context menu with the right mouse button.

2.2 Hover over the “Recently Closed Tabs” drop-down list.

2.3 A list will appear with closed tabs for the current session. The pages will be arranged in chronological order. The last closed ones will be located at the top. Clicking a site name in the list will open the page in a new tab.

How to open a closed tab in Google Chrome and Yandex

Despite the fact that Chrome and Yandex are browsers from different developers, they work on the same engine.

All functionality and settings of these browsers are absolutely identical, which means the algorithm below is suitable for both.

In this case, we will consider the browser interface from Google. There are three ways to open tabs in Google Chrome, described below.

1. Through the menu

1. Click on the main menu icon.

2. Move the cursor to the “History” item and wait for the drop-down menu to open.

3. Select the desired tab from the list and click on it. The desired site will open in a new tab.

2. Context menu

2.1 Right-click on an open tab to open the context menu.

2.2 In the menu that opens, select “Open closed tab”. The last closed tab will appear to the right of the active one. This way you can sequentially open previously closed tabs. But this only applies to tabs open in the current session.

3. Through browsing history

As with Internet Explorer, the Chrome browser stores information about all pages visited, which means that you can open any of them in a new tab.

3.1 Move the cursor in the main menu to the “History” drop-down list and open the “History” item in it.

3.2 A list of all visited pages will automatically open. Find desired page by date and name, right-click to open the context menu by clicking on the desired name. Then click on the “Open in new tab” option.

How to open a closed tab inOpera

Opera is based on the Chromium engine, like previous Yandex and Chrome, but the Opera developers tried and made their own individual interface and settings layout. Therefore, this browser will be considered separately. Recover closed tabs from of this browser possible in three ways.

1. Button for working with tabs

The developers of the Opera browser have provided a special button for working with open and closed tabs. It is located on the right side of the tab bar and looks like this:

This button allows you to switch between open and open closed tabs.

1.1 Click on the tab organizer button.

1.2 Click to open the “Recently Closed” drop-down list.

1.3 Select the tab you are looking for in the list and click on it. A new tab will open with the desired page.

2. Tab context menu

In this case, Opera is no different from all previous browsers, and working with tabs through the context menu is carried out in the same way.

Right-clicking on the active tab brings up a context menu that looks like this:

Then select “Open the last closed tab” and it will open to the right of the active one. You can open tabs until the very first one in the current session is opened.

3. History

You can open closed tabs from your browsing history in Opera as follows:

3.1 From the Opera main menu, select “History”.

3.2 A list of all visited pages will open. Any site can be opened in a new tab; just call up the context menu and click on “Open in new tab”. This way you can open any page from your browser history.

How to open a closed tabMozilla Firefox

This browser does not differ significantly from previous ones in terms of working with closed tabs. But its interface has some differences. There are also three ways to restore closed tabs.

1. Panel context menu

This context menu is opened by right-clicking on the active tab or on the plus icon, which opens a new empty tab. What the context menu looks like Firefox next way:

You can open a closed tab by clicking on the item context menu“Restore closed tab.” A new tab will open and automatically become active.

2. Magazine

The entire history of visits and tabs is stored in a separate item in the main menu - “Journal”.

2.1 Call the main menu with a special button, which is located under the close window button. The Journal is there.

2.2 The Journal contains the 10 most recently closed tabs, any of them can be opened. The tab will open in the place where it was closed.

3. History

In the Journal, you can open closed tabs for the entire period of the stored history. To do this, click “Show entire log” at the bottom.

A new window will open with a list of all pages visited for the entire period the browser was on your computer, if the history was not deleted earlier.

You can open any closed tabs using the context menu, just like in previous browsers.

No matter what browser you use, there is always a way to restore closed tabs.

Let me remind you about a little trick - if you can’t figure out the browser interface, but need to open a closed tab, then you can use a win-win option - the CTRL+SHIFT+T hotkeys work in all browsers and open tabs one at a time until the start of the session. This option will be the fastest and most effective.

Sincerely, Vladislav Nikitin.

Quite often we open several tabs in the browser at once for study, work or entertainment purposes. And if the tab or tabs are closed accidentally or due to software error, then finding them again can be difficult. And to prevent such unpleasant misunderstandings from happening, it is possible to open closed tabs in the Yandex browser in simple ways.

If the desired tab was closed accidentally, you can easily restore it different ways. Very convenient to press key combination Shift + Ctrl + T(Russian E). This works with any keyboard layout and while Caps Lock is active.

Interestingly, in this way you can open not only the last tab, but also the tab that was closed before the last one. That is, if you restored the last closed tab, then pressing this key combination again will open the tab that was on this moment is considered the last one.

View recently closed tabs

Click on the button Menu" and point to the item " Story» - a list of the sites you recently visited will open, among which you can go back to the one you need. Simply left-click on the desired site.

Or open new tab « Scoreboard" and click on " Recently closed" The sites you recently visited and closed will also be displayed here.

Browsing history

If you need to find a site that you opened a relatively long time ago (it was last week, last month, or you just opened a lot of sites after that), then using the above methods you will not be able to open the desired site. In this case, use your browsing history, which the browser records and stores until you clear it yourself.

We have already written about how to work with the history of Yandex.Browser and search for the necessary sites there.

These were all the ways to restore closed tabs in the Yandex browser. By the way, I would like to mention a small feature of all browsers that you may not have known about. If you did not close the site, but simply opened a new site in this tab, or new page site, you can always quickly go back. To do this, use the arrow " Back" In this case, you need to not just press it, but hold it left button mouse or click on the button " Back» right-click to display a list of recently visited web pages.

You can configure your web browser so that each time you open the program, all recent tabs and windows open, or so that only one, empty window opens each time.

If you've set Chrome to start new sessions each time instead of restoring them, you won't be able to pick up where you left off. If you accidentally closed a window with necessary tabs, you can restore them. There are several ways to restore closed tabs:

  1. Normal recovery.
  2. Restore recent sessions permanently.
  3. Recovery using extensions for Incognito mode.

Video - restoring a closed tab

Step 1. Launch the Chrome browser.

Step 2. Open your browsing history, see the screenshot below to find it, or press Ctrl+H.

Step 3. Select the required tab in your browsing history and restore it.

This simple way to save what you've viewed can save you a lot of time in the future.

Video - How to restore tabs in Google Chrome

In the settings of any browser, you can specify that each time you open it again, all the tabs that were opened last time will appear. In the end, you won’t even remember what you had there and why, but it was definitely incredibly important.

A few years ago we had to suffer and restore sessions manually. Browser developers have heeded the voices of dejected users; now, in most cases, browsers themselves cope with the problem and restore tabs. Where to look for them?


In Chrome, closed tabs can be restored one at a time using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T.

A list of tabs that you have closed recently is in the settings menu. Select “History” → “Recently Closed”. The browser will offer to open several tabs at once that were closed.

It was possible to restore the session using the file Last Session and its renaming to Current Session. Unfortunately, this method no longer works, so with closed and untraceable Chrome browser tabs will have to say goodbye.

You can, of course, open the history file in Notepad and sort all the links. But this is shamanism, subject to specialists, not ordinary users. The solution is extensions. At the end of the article there is an example for each browser.


The browser home page itself, by default, offers to restore the previous session. The corresponding button is located in the lower right corner, you only need to click it.

If your home page is not Firefox by default, you can restore closed tabs in the History menu → Restore previous session.

The browser also has a session recovery page that appears in the window after the program crashes. The page can be called manually by typing in the browser line about:sessionrestore. Firefox will offer to restore the tabs from the previous session or start a new one.

Alas, if these measures did not help, then most likely it will not be possible to restore the tabs: they were not recorded in the history.

There are still chances, but for this you will have to arm yourself with patience, knowledge, or even a tambourine. That is, try to recover data from files with information about the current session. To do this you need:

The trouble is that this may not work either. Just bad luck. For insurance, it is better to use the already mentioned extensions.


Working with runaway tabs in Opera is similar to working in Chrome. This is a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T that saves tabs and works with recently closed tabs in a special menu.

If the menu of recently closed tabs does not help, you will have to rummage through the history and install extensions for the future.

Extensions to help

To insure users from troubles, they were invented to work with tabs. special extras, which solve most problems with losses and sudden closings of browser windows.