My VKontakte page: how to go directly to your page, use it, settings, secrets. How to go to the main page Odnoklassniki How to go to the main page

“Let me in, I’m one of my own” or how to enter the site

I present to your attention a series of comics "How to access the site".
To begin with, let’s denote that we have three independent units with their own logins and passwords.

2. Webtop
3. Admin panel of your site

After updating the system, all users of the system automatically created profiles in uNet"e. The login is the e-mail to which the site was registered, the password is the password from the site’s admin panel. If there were several sites, then the password was taken randomly from one of on your sites. this moment profile owners received an e-mail indicating which site the password was taken from.

There are two ways to get to your profile:
By following the link

And by entering your email and password in the form that appears:

Or from the main page

After these steps, the first time you log in, webtop is loaded, for which you need to set a login password and the pair “ Secret Question-answer":

After this, the webtop itself is loaded:

Now, if for some reason the session is interrupted and you are logged out from webtop:

You can simply refresh the page and the session will resume.
If you are kicked out for authorization:

Then you need to enter the password that you set for webtop. Please note, not from uNet!
When you log into uNet again after entering the administrator password, you will be taken to.

Regarding how to get to the site in the admin panel.

Yes, exactly the same as before.
Or via the address bar:

The full name of the site is now substituted as a login. In the password field, enter the same password as before:

Or from the main page of, via old uniform login:

And here it is, your beloved admin panel:

If you changed the owner of the site, collecting all your wealth into one Webtop, then with such actions the password from the site’s admin panel and the security question CHANGED to the password and security question from the webtop.

When creating a site via webtop, the default password for the admin panel will be set equal to the password from the webtop itself"a. Subsequently, it can be changed to any other one in the “Security” tab.

In total we have three passwords:
1. For uNet (login is).
2. For webtop, which we set ourselves at the first login.
3. For the site admin panel, the same as it was (if you did not change the site owner).

Now regarding logins and passwords for site users. Several situations are possible.

1. You support both local and uNet users:

In this case, you can also log in as a global user:

And as local:

If you remove support local users

Then the user will not log in with a local login-password:

Absolutely all materials (texts, photographs, videos) are entered onto the site through a content management system. For simplicity and brevity, we call this system the admin system. To start editing any page, you must go to site management. The Nubex website builder provides two ways to enter the site administration.

Method No. 1. Login to site management through the main service control panel

This method is available to the site administrator and is the main one. Its advantage is that when logging in, the administrator sees the status of the site, and in case of any problems (the site is turned off or not opens, doesn't works Domain name, incorrect site settings and T. d.) the system will reflect them reasons and will allow the administrator to take appropriate measures. Also, when using this method, the administrator can manage all of his sites (if there are multiple) using only one input.

How to log in to site administration

To log in to the service management system, click “Log in”

You will be taken to the login page of the main service control panel. Here is her direct address:

In the “email” field, enter your email address that was used when registering or creating the site.

In the “password” field, enter your password. If you do not remember your password, you can use the password recovery link.

If to your registration form profiles on social networks VKontakte or Facebook have been linked, you can log in by clicking on the logo social network.

After logging into the service control panel, you will find yourself on the main screen, where you will see a list of all your sites. Opposite each site there is a “manage” button: by clicking on it, you will go to the site management system.

Method number 2. Login to the site administration system

This method is used to provide access to site management to individual employees who receive limited rights to manage the site, but do not have the ability to manage some services (site payment, financial information, domain management, etc.).

Open your website in a browser and search for its domain name in address bar. For example, http://site.

We will help you register with Odnoklassniki. Registration on this social network is completely free. Having successfully completed it, you receive your new page.

We will open Odnoklassniki in a separate window, and this article will remain in the previous tab (or in a separate window), and you can switch to it at any time to get help. First, let's check if everything is ready!

What do you need to prepare for registration?

You need to have:

  • A mobile phone whose number you know and which you are not going to part with. You may need it in the future to restore access.
  • Preferably, but not required - address Email, where you have access.

In addition, you need:

  • Create a password (code word from 6 to 12 characters, you can use large and small letters, numbers and any of the symbols: .!#$%^&*()_-+ ). The most important thing is that you must always remember the password, but no one but you should know it! In other words, the password must be complex enough that it cannot be guessed, but at the same time it can be remembered. The password has a distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, if your password starts with a small letter, then comes with a capital letter, and then again with small letters, then this is how you should always enter it. And it’s also important what language you enter it in. If you initially set a password in the English layout, and then enter it in Russian, the site will not understand you.

Let's start registering!

So, let’s open the Odnoklassniki website. Press on this link, and Odnoklassniki will open in a new tab or window. Then switch here (back).

Attention: if, when you open Odnoklassniki, you see another person’s page or your own old page, which is no longer needed, click "Exit" in the upper right corner. Only then will you be able to register a new page.

The very first thing you will see is an invitation to log into the site or register. We can’t log in yet, since we don’t have a login or password yet. But we see the link “Register.” Just click on it in the window that opens:

Or this picture could be:

Filling out personal data

Now you need to provide basic information about yourself. This is necessary, firstly, in order to register your page, and then, when you go to it, you will be able to see your name and confidently say that this is your page. And secondly, so that your friends and classmates can find you on the site:

Let's get started. You must specify:

  • Name. What is your name?
  • Last name(the fairer sex who has a maiden name can indicate it in parentheses, that is, first write the current surname, then a space and the maiden name in parentheses).
  • Date of birth- day, month and year. Each day or month must be selected from the list: for example, click on "year", Find your year of birth in the list, then click on it.
  • Country of residence— most likely, your country has already been selected there, for example, Russia. But if you need to specify another one, you can do it right away. Selected from the list - the same as the year of birth.
  • City— here enter the city or town where you live. When you type the first letters, Odnoklassniki suggests cities so as not to type until the end. You can simply choose from options that begin with these letters.
  • Email or login: here you need to indicate one of two things - your email address (for example, [email protected] ) or a login you created (for example, petr.ivanov). Please note once again that if you indicate your email address, this is done for a reason! You must have access to this mail. If you do not want to contact the mail and indicate your login, then it must be no shorter than 6 characters. And if someone has already taken such a login, then you will have to invent another one. Finally, you need to remember your login. Same as the password.
  • Password: everything is clear here, enter the password you came up with. You need to remember the password, because knowing the password allows you to enter the site.

When everything is entered, press the button “Register.” If something is wrong, the Odnoklassniki website will indicate the error (highlight it in red and write the reason). If everything is in order, you will immediately go to your new page. Hooray!

Page activation

Now it’s important to take one more step: indicate your number mobile phone. This is necessary to activate the page and receive full access to the site. Activation is free, after which your page is linked to your phone. If you need to restore access and you order a recovery code via SMS, it will be sent to your number.

Now an SMS will be sent to your number with a code that you need to enter on the website. That's it, your Odnoklassniki page is now activated. You can use all the functions of the site. We advise you to do the following:

  • Upload your photo from your computer.
  • Indicate the educational institution (or several institutions) where you studied.
  • Look for friends and classmates.

If you need to change any information about yourself, you can do this on your page at any time - just click on your name, which is written in large font. There you can indicate your interests, and follow the link "Edit personal data"— change first name, last name, gender, date of birth, city of residence. In addition, you will be able to indicate your hometown.

Is it possible to register on Odnoklassniki without a phone number?

Unfortunately no. To register, you need to provide a valid phone number, which you always have at hand. This number may be required in the future to restore access. Some people use "virtual" telephone numbers who buy on sites, but in fact, if you don’t want to show your personal number, it’s much easier to buy an additional SIM card. But keep in mind that if you do not use this SIM card, the operator will disconnect you, and it will be difficult for you to restore access (and anything can happen in life). Therefore, it is better to register with your main phone number.

If I deleted my page, can I register again with the same phone number?

If you turn to the help of Odnoklassniki, you can find the following information there:

A mobile phone number can only be registered on one page. It won't work on the other one. If the page is deleted, you will not be able to register a new page with this phone number immediately, but after some time.

Since “some time” can mean several months, in such a situation we advise you to buy a cheap SIM card, activate a page with it, and then, after “some time,” try to change the number to the old one. This is done like this:

  1. Under your main photo, click "more".
  2. Choose "change settings" and onwards "Phone number".
  3. Click "Change number."
  4. Enter the number to which you want to link the page.
  5. Confirm your choice.
  6. You will receive a code via SMS, which you will need to enter to confirm the number.

Email address confirmation

Don’t forget one more thing: if you indicated your email address when registering, now is the time to go to your mail and look at new letters. You should receive a letter like this:

Quick login to Odnoklassniki

Good luck! To quickly enter Odnoklassniki, use home page“Login”, on it you will always see if anyone has written to you or come to visit you to look at your page. Or maybe I rated your photo! You will see this before entering the site.

If there are any other incomprehensible moments during registration, look help section on Odnoklassniki- most likely, there will be an answer to your question.

My page in Odnoklassniki - Go to the page “Social networks”

Go to Your page on Odnoklassniki

Help in Odnoklassniki»Go to page «

We would like to say right away - this instruction suitable for those who really forgot their password. Those users of the Odnoklassniki social network who simply want to change their Odnoklassniki password can do this by reading our article at the link.

You can recover your Odnoklassniki password, as we already wrote in the article about restoring the Odnoklassniki page, in two ways - by indicating your email address or phone number. Accordingly, in the first case you will receive a letter with a password to your email address, which you specified during recovery, and in the second, a temporary password will be sent via SMS to your mobile phone number.

The service in question offers a beautifully designed greeting. Any experienced user knows how to access their page in Odnoklassniki. However, a beginner may have problems. In the window that opens, you must first enter your login, phone number or email address. If all the data was entered during registration, then you can enter your profile without remembering any of the parameters listed above. After all, your mobile phone number modern man must know by heart. After entering the information in the first line, you should enter a password. By default, symbols are not displayed, so be careful.

At the moment, OK has a good base of users in the 30+ category - younger users almost universally use VK as their main method of communication. However, the daily traffic of the two resources is quite comparable:

According to the site's own statistics, there were more than 100 million registered users as of July 2011, and more than 148 million users as of March 2012. Site traffic - more than 30 million visitors per day.

In this case, you will need to go to home page and click on the button " Forget password or login?«.

  • In addition to the basic ones, you can change public settings and notifications at your discretion.
  • You can place your photo on the left side of the site. To do this, click “add photo” under the icon. A window will open in front of you to select a photo from your computer.
  • When your photo is posted on the site, by clicking on it with the mouse, you will see the inscription “more” in the lower corner, by clicking on which you can select a section for editing your photo. You can add a description to a photo, rotate it in any direction, or tag friends in it.
  • Using your profile, you can edit your audio and video recordings by adding them to your page from the site or uploading them from your computer.

To edit your personal data, in the upper right corner you must click on the arrow located next to the thumbnail of your photo. In the list that appears, you need to click the “change settings” button. You can edit your data that you entered during registration, and also change your login password if you wish.

On the site you can make your profile private and even invisible to other people. How to do this?

License agreement

Click on “Register”

08.01.15 — 21:05:36


08.01.15 — 17:19:41

I remember both login and password. But since I log in from my phone, I still can’t delete the page. I follow the instructions though. It’s just that after the regulations there is no link to refuse services. Tell me what to do?

07.01.15 — 03:19:12

I left... hurray hurray... messages were copied and forwarded. Supposedly I did this????,.. I've played enough

06.01.15 — 16:26:12

I haven’t logged into Odnoklassniki for three years. I don’t remember my login and password, help me delete the page or tell me what to do...

06.01.15 — 13:33:07

Please delete my page in Odnoklassniki - I don’t remember my login or password!!

05.01.15 — 20:39:24

help me delete all pages in Odnoklassniki I don’t remember my password and login


04.01.15 — 19:16:01

help me delete the page in Odnoklassniki. I don’t remember the password, login, or phone number. The one I registered with doesn’t exist for a long time

03.01.15 — 19:45:31

Help me delete the page. I haven’t logged in since 2009, but it turns out there are still photos. I don’t remember either the password or the email address. Nothing... Thanks in advance

03.01.15 — 09:02:51

help me log out of classmates forgot my login password and didn’t indicate my phone number

31.12.14 — 16:23:54

28.12.14 — 18:23:56

Thank you very much, you helped me a lot.

25.12.14 — 21:45:22

I want to delete the page, but I don’t remember either the number or the password, I only remember the login.


24.12.14 — 14:12:14

I don’t know how I deleted my profile, I made a new page in Odnoklassniki, But I find my page when I write to find friends, How to delete so that it doesn’t happen

24.12.14 — 00:58:47

I wrote an offensive message to my classmates, and after half an hour I regretted it. First I changed my first and last name, and then deleted my profile altogether. Tell me, will my message reach the recipient under a fictitious name or not at all?

23.12.14 — 21:59:16

How to delete a page from Odnoklassniki? Forgot my password!

22.12.14 — 19:48:34

help me delete my father’s page, he doesn’t remember his password or login, and the phone number with which he registered has not existed for a long time.

Sophia Christ Weber

21.12.14 — 17:47:05

Please help me close my son’s page, he has been dead for 4 years Alexander Weber born April 20, 1981 It pains me very much to see this. Please!

21.12.14 — 02:44:11

in the regulation column, no” refuse services

20.12.14 — 19:17:23

how to remove the password I forgot it

19.12.14 — 19:08:46

Please help me leave 2 years ago I registered I don’t remember my password and login

What if the phone number has changed or doesn’t exist at all? Answer: use your login or email address to log into the site.

If you have any other questions, you can ask them through the comments section.