Is it possible to pick up tests from the clinic? Free tests under the compulsory medical insurance policy: list of tests! The story of how a lawyer came to the hospital

The Unified Laboratory Testing Reference will also advise doctors which test to prescribe depending on the possible diagnosis.

A unified reference book for laboratory tests (IF) has been developed in the capital. This is the result of the transfer of all laboratories to a single method by which they decipher tests. Already in the first quarter of 2017, doctors in clinics will begin to be given access to this electronic directory. He will tell doctors which laboratory tests should be prescribed in which cases. In addition, IF will become a base that will allow you to prescribe and receive test results in in electronic format. This system will be operational in all city clinics within two years.

Department of Health and Department information technologies Moscow cities have been collected into a single service background information more than 2.7 thousand laboratory studies and 4.6 thousand tests. We are talking about 12 types of studies: clinical, biochemical, immunological, microbiological, genetic and others.

Now all laboratories in the city work according to the same methodology, software integrated with the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (UMIAS).

“Over the course of two and a half years, the Department of Health together with the Department of Information Technology have done a tremendous job,” explained Deputy Head of the IT Department Vladimir Makarov. - To convert tests into electronic form, you need to equally and correctly understand the entire range of laboratory tests and tests that are included in each type of study. It is also necessary to interpret them in the same way, to translate them into reference values ​​(intervals showing the norm. - Approx.”

In the first quarter of this year, a pilot project will begin in several city clinics, during which doctors through electronic system appointments will have access to a unified directory of laboratory tests. It contains tips for both doctors and patients. Thus, a doctor can enter a proposed diagnosis into the system, and the “smart” directory will give him lists of recommended studies and tests, as well as mandatory tests that are provided for by the Moscow clinic standard for a specific diagnosis. If several doctors have ordered the same tests, the system will prompt you to perform them only once. In this case, you can print out a reminder for the patient about preparing for the study. From it, for example, he will find out whether he needs to go for an analysis on an empty stomach and the like.

The nurse who takes the biomaterial sees detailed instructions: which tube to take, how much biomaterial is needed, which laboratory to send to. “This significantly improves the quality laboratory diagnostics, since 70 percent of errors occur precisely at the preanalytical stage, that is, before sending the biomaterial to the laboratory,” noted the EMIAS press center.

By the end of the year, all outpatient clinicians will have access to a single reference book of laboratory tests with tips.

Within two years, according to Vladimir Makarov, all appointments and test results in city clinics will be converted into electronic form. By the end of the year, it is planned to complete the work on converting the most common tests into electronic form - venous blood, urine, feces. After this, the list will be supplemented by microbiological, histological and other studies. The system will significantly speed up the issuance of research results. The application for them is sent directly from the clinic doctor to the information system of the centralized laboratory; the patient’s sample is determined using an individual unique barcode. The result of the study appears online in the computer of the doctor who prescribed it.

After this, the EMIAS laboratory service will give doctors hints on the necessary studies, including based on an analysis of the previous results of a particular patient. Currently, the electronic prescription system is being tested in clinic No. 115 and its four branches in the north-west of the capital. 76 types of venous blood studies were converted into electronic form. In 2015, more than 700 thousand laboratory tests were already ordered electronically.

In order to take advantage new service, you need to register on the site. The service will allow patients to save time, since they will not need to visit the doctor’s office again.

You can now get the results of medical tests taken at a city clinic By e-mail. He reported this on his Twitter page.

The service is available to patients who have subscribed to the newsletter and taken tests after June 1 in clinics under the jurisdiction of the capital.

To use the new service, you need register on the portalmos. ru. To do this you will need a number mobile phone and email address, and upon confirmation account- SNILS. Then you need to subscribe in the “Services” section, selecting “Health” in the subsection.

While the service is provided in test mode, not all results are provided electronically. More accurate information can be obtained from a doctor at the clinic. In the future, the list of test results that you can subscribe to will expand.

“Every patient over 15 years of age registered on the portal and who has a compulsory medical insurance policy will be able to receive the results of their laboratory tests. At the same time, parents of children under 15 years of age can receive the results of their tests by confirming parental rights in personal account on the portal,” said Elena Shinkaruk, chairman.

On average, after visiting the laboratory letter results should arrive by email within 24 hours. It should also indicate whether the indicators being studied correspond to the norm or whether there are deviations from it.

In some cases, laboratory tests take three to four days. If the user has not received a letter with test results within the specified period, he should report this to the EMIAS system support service at the email address: [email protected].

New service will allow save time patients, since they will not have to visit the doctor’s office one more time. If you need consultations from several specialists, test results will always be at hand. Information about analyzes is confidential. No one has access to it except the doctor and the patient himself.

Entering a service will not affect workload Moscow clinics. After the test results enter the EMIAS system, the service will automatically send them to patients within 24 hours. If desired, Muscovites will be able to receive printed copies by contacting the clinic.

The launch of such a service was proposed by the townspeople during a crowdsourcing project, then the idea was supported by the participants of the “Active Citizen”.

“Together with the State Services Committee and the Department of Information Technology, we continue to digitalize the capital’s medicine. The ability to receive test results by email is another step towards developing convenient services for patients. In the near future, we also plan to provide citizens with access to their electronic medical records. There are already more than nine million of them in the EMIAS system,” said the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Health.

Today, residents of the capital can receive a range of healthcare services electronically. So, since December 2015, you can access the site , from December 2017 - . Six months ago, registration with dental clinics became available. Already used the service 22 thousand Muscovites.

At the end of March 2018, citizens had the opportunity to apply for... Now portal users can make an online appointment with a doctor several children.

Total available on site more than 330 electronic services and services. They simplify the interaction of citizens with various institutions, registration or submission of documents, payment of bills, and help to receive useful information. Among popular services— receiving readings from water meters, searching for and paying traffic police fines, receiving and paying for a single payment document, making an appointment with a doctor, as well as receiving readings from electricity meters. Last year, the most popular services on the site were viewing electronic diary and transmission of water and electricity meter readings.

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The story of how a lawyer came to the hospital

Briefly: how to get tested under compulsory medical insurance

  1. Obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy from a medical insurance company. Without it, you won’t be able to get tested and generally get treatment for free - only by ambulance.
  2. Join the clinic.
  3. Visit your doctor and get a referral for testing.
  4. If they say that tests are paid, call your insurance company and find out whether they should be done under compulsory medical insurance. If yes, then ask insurers to help you get the study done for free.
  5. If the insurance company did not help, write a complaint to the head physician. Send it by mail or take it to the reception in two copies and register there: pick up one copy with a secretary’s mark.
  6. If the head physician did not help, complain in writing to Roszdravnadzor, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the insurance company.

Join the clinic

All Russian citizens are insured by the compulsory medical insurance fund. There is only one territorial branch of the compulsory medical insurance fund in each region, but there are many hospitals and patients. Therefore, the fund sends the collected funds to medical insurance organizations that pay hospitals and clinics for your medical services. They are free for you, but in fact they are paid for with your own money.

Attach a clinic near your home: it will be most convenient for you to go there. You can change a medical institution no more than once a year, except in cases of an official change of residence.

To attach to the clinic, you need to take your passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, SNILS and copies of these three documents and fill out an application addressed to the head physician at the reception desk. You can also submit an electronic application for attachment through government services - in Moscow my application was reviewed within 24 hours. If the clinic refuses to accept the application, complain to Roszdravnadzor.

Compulsory medical insurance policy on your phone

In order to provide you with insurance assistance, the clinic must know its number. It is not necessary to physically present it; it is enough to have a photo on your phone.

If you do not have the details of your compulsory medical insurance policy, call the insurance company that issued the policy. If you don’t remember the name of the insurance company, look on the Internet for the number of the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund that issued the policy to you and check there.

Medical care in another region

If a patient with a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy goes to a clinic in Sochi, he will be able to receive assistance only in the amount provided by the so-called basic program.

Regions approve additional lists free services- they are called territorial programs. They can only be obtained if your compulsory medical insurance policy was issued by the region that accepted the program.

For example, Muscovite Vladimir temporarily lived and worked in Chelyabinsk. He needed to do a Mantoux test. This analysis is provided for in the territorial program of the Chelyabinsk region, but it is not included in the basic one. In this regard, the hospital refused to do this test for Vladimir. They verbally explained that in 2016 the hospital was fined by the territorial fund for providing Mantu for free to a patient with a policy from another region. It is legal.

If you are going on vacation or to work in another region, take your compulsory medical insurance policy with you. If a medical institution refuses to serve you, call the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund in that region.

If you plan to travel to another region for a long time, renew your compulsory medical insurance policy in advance. You can change your insurance company once during a calendar year and no later than November 1.

Some medical institutions claim that they work only with certain insurance organizations. This is illegal: the compulsory medical insurance policy is uniform throughout the country. If service is denied, call your insurance company and ask to speak to the Civil Rights Division. The insurance company's phone number is listed on the back of your compulsory medical insurance policy. In general, in any unclear situation with compulsory medical insurance, call the insurance company.

Learn the phrase: the patient by law has the right to free medical care throughout the country. This is written in Part 1 of Art. 16 of the law on compulsory health insurance.

If you need to get tested in another region

It happens that there is no confirmed disease, but tests need to be taken. For example, to participate in competitions.

By law you can do this: Art. 3 of the law on compulsory medical insurance states that an insured event is not only a disease, but also preventive measures. Tests are just needed to determine whether there is a disease or not. Therefore, insist on the need to obtain objective data, and not a subjective assessment of your health by a doctor or receptionist. Refer to the law.

If the regional medical institution where you came for tests does not technical feasibility conduct a study, the doctor must give you a referral for examination at another medical institution participating in the compulsory medical insurance system in this region.

At the same time, the patient can take the test free of charge in a private clinic participating in the compulsory medical insurance system. The list of commercial medical institutions providing free medical services can be found in the territorial fund or on the MHIF website: Part 1 of Art. 15 of the law on compulsory medical insurance.

Is there a list of free tests?

The legislation does not contain a specific list of free tests. Sometimes doctors themselves don’t know whether the test is free or paid.

For example, the list of the basic program includes a disease of the endocrine system - diabetes. This means that, upon referral from an endocrinologist, the patient must have a free blood test for sugar levels. Most likely, the patient will not have problems with this analysis.

But if the results of the analysis reveal a problem, the patient will have to look for the cause of the disease and undergo other tests, such as hormones. Not every hospital has the equipment to perform such an analysis. The doctor may refer the patient to a private laboratory.

But there is a list of tests that are prescribed free of charge under compulsory medical insurance without any problems. Doctors themselves are interested in conducting them, because they are part of the clinical examination:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. Blood sugar.
  4. Blood chemistry.
  5. Fluorography.
  6. Mammography.

In fact, the algorithm for checking the availability of analysis for a compulsory medical insurance policy is simple. Check what:

  1. Is the disease included in the government-approved basic free medical care program? Basic means valid throughout the country. If the disease is not listed in the basic program, check to see if it is included in the territorial program in your region.
  2. If you find a disease in a basic or area program, check to see if the test you need is listed in the standard of care for that disease.

What is standard of care

The standard of medical care is a minimum set of requirements for medical procedures prescribed to a patient, including tests. If the test you need is included in the standard of treatment for a disease, and the disease itself is included in a free treatment program (basic or territorial), then you should get this test for free.

Let's look at this algorithm using a specific example. Let's say Olga has a suspicion of cystitis. The doctor told her that the tests were free of charge. Here's what Olga needs to do:

  1. Open a basic medical assistance program.
  2. Section 3 states that for diseases of the genitourinary system, medical care under compulsory medical insurance is free.

Go to the Ministry of Health website, in the section “Diseases of the genitourinary system”, and find there the standard of primary health care for women with acute cystitis.

Health is the most valuable asset

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  • Hello! My question is: can I take copies of tests from the outpatient card of someone else’s patient? Will they provide me with this information?

Question: No. 660 dated: 2014-05-16.

Good afternoon, regarding the essence of your question we can clarify the following. According to Part 1 of Art. 22 Federal Law dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in Russian Federation » everyone has the right to receive, in a form accessible to them, information about the condition available in a medical organization his health, including information about the results of a medical examination, the presence of a disease, the established diagnosis and prognosis for the development of the disease, methods of providing medical care, and associated risks, possible types

By virtue of Part 4 of Art. 22 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, the patient or his legal representative has the right to directly familiarize himself with medical documentation reflecting the state of his health, in the manner established by the authorized federal executive body, and to receive advice from other specialists on the basis of such documentation .

However, the right to information only concerns the right to receive information about one's health status. There are different rules regarding information about the health status of others.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, information about the fact that a citizen applied for medical care, his state of health and diagnosis, and other information obtained during his medical examination and treatment is included in medical secret.

Information about the test results of another person is a medical confidentiality.

By virtue of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, the disclosure of information constituting a medical secret, including after the death of a person, is not allowed by persons to whom they became known during training, performance of labor, official, official and other duties, with the exception of cases established by parts 3 and 4 of Article 13.

According to Part 3 of the above Federal Law, with the written consent of a citizen or his legal representative, it is permitted to disclose information constituting medical confidentiality to other citizens, including officials, for the purpose of medical examination and treatment of the patient, conducting scientific research, and their publication in scientific publications , use in the educational process and for other purposes.

According to Part 4 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation,” the provision of information constituting medical confidentiality without the consent of the citizen or his legal representative is permitted:

1) for the purpose of conducting a medical examination and treatment of a citizen who, as a result of his condition, is unable to express his will, taking into account the provisions of paragraph 1 of part 9 of article 20 of this Federal Law;

2) when there is a threat of the spread of infectious diseases, mass poisonings and injuries;

3) at the request of the bodies of inquiry and investigation, the court in connection with an investigation or trial, at the request of a body of the penal system in connection with the execution of a criminal penalty and monitoring the behavior of a conditionally convicted person, a convicted person in respect of whom the serving of the sentence is suspended, and a person released on parole;

4) in the case of providing medical care to a minor in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 2 of Article 20 of this Federal Law, as well as a minor who has not reached the age established by Part 2 of Article 54 of this Federal Law, to inform one of his parents or other legal representative;

5) in order to inform internal affairs bodies about the admission of a patient in respect of whom there are reasonable grounds to believe that harm to his health was caused as a result of illegal actions;

6) for the purpose of conducting a military medical examination at the request of military commissariats, personnel services and military medical (medical flight) commissions of federal executive authorities, in which federal law provides for military and equivalent service;

7) for the purpose of investigating an industrial accident and occupational disease;

8) when exchanging information by medical organizations, including those posted in medical information systems, for the purpose of providing medical care, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data;

9) for the purpose of accounting and control in the compulsory social insurance system;

10) for the purpose of monitoring the quality and safety of medical activities in accordance with this Federal Law.

This list specified in Part 4 of Article 13 is exhaustive. The legislation does not specify cases of disclosure of medical confidentiality to a citizen who is not a representative of the patient.

By virtue of clause 4, part 1, art. 79 Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, a medical organization is obliged to maintain medical confidentiality, including the confidentiality of personal data used in medical information systems.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” Personal Information- any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

Patient information constitutes personal data, which means information about facts, events and circumstances of the patient’s life that allow his or her identity to be identified.

In accordance with Article 7 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” operators and other persons who have access to personal data are obliged not to disclose to third parties or distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Information about the results of analyzes is not publicly available in the sense of Art. 8 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

Thus, you can take or even get acquainted with them only if you are the legal representative of this patient (close relative), a representative based on a power of attorney. If you are not a patient representative, the information you request will not be provided to you legally.

Attention! The information provided in the article is current at the time of publication.