Find a person on social networks without registration. How to find a person by phone number on social networks. Calculating geographic location

There are many reasons to want to find a person by their phone number. For example, if you need to communicate with a person you don’t know personally and you only have his phone number. Calling or texting a stranger is not always convenient; you will feel much more comfortable when communicating through a social network. From this article you will learn how to find a person by phone number in social networks(Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or Facebook).

You can find a person by his mobile phone number through absolutely any social network. In some places this is easier to do, in others it is more difficult. Unfortunately, this is not always possible to do. Even strict adherence to instructions does not always guarantee success. In order for you to be able to find a person by number, this number must first of all be linked to his profile; if this is not the case, or if he has independently blocked the search by number, this will not be possible.

We will look at the three most popular social networks in Russia, but it is best to look for users on VKontakte, since linking a number there is required during registration.

How to find a person on Facebook by phone number

Searching for someone by phone number via Facebook is both the easiest option and the most difficult. Finding someone here by phone number is not at all difficult, just enter his number in the search bar located at the top of the page - and that’s it, he’s “gotcha”. But there is one caveat.

In order for you to find a person on Facebook by phone number, he must give appropriate permission to do so. If he didn’t give it, then no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to find it.

If you suddenly become interested in the question - “Can they find me by my phone number?” - then let’s figure out how this function is turned on:

That's all, now you can be searched using your phone number. If you do not want to be searched in this way, you can limit this function only for friends or for friends of your friends. You can't completely turn off search by number on Facebook.

How to find a person in Odnoklassniki by phone number

The first method is very simple, but the likelihood of its success is extremely low. You can try simply entering the word “Odnoklassniki” and then the phone number in any search engine. If you are lucky, then desired page will appear in the search window, but this can only work with the pages of some companies that post their phone number in the news feed.

The second method is more complicated, but the probability of its success is very high. To find a person in OK you need to do the following:

Unfortunately, this method also has two big disadvantages. The first is that the search can take a long time if you don't have any additional information about the person you need to enter into the search box. There are a lot of people with the same names, including in social networks.

The second disadvantage is the optional linking to the number; you will not find a person if he has not linked his number to his account. When registering with mail and classmates, you can choose the option that you do not have a mobile phone and register without a number. Many users do this.

How to find a person on VKontakte by phone number

Among all the options for finding a person by phone number on social networks, searching through VK is preferable. As already mentioned, here when registering you must indicate your phone number, and therefore if the person you need is registered here, one way or another you will definitely find him.

To begin with, you can try to find a person using a search engine. Go to any search engine and enter “VKontakte” and your phone number in the line. The chance of a successful search here is much higher, since many VK users enable the display of their phone number on the page, but in Odnoklassniki there is no such function.

If you were unable to find the user using the first method, then let’s move on to the second. The second method is a little more difficult, however, it almost always works.

This is how you can find a VK page through a phone number. This method may not work in only two cases: the person you need is not registered on VKontakte or the number he linked to the page is different from the one you have.

Searching for a person through the VKontakte mobile application

In addition to how to find a VK person by phone number via a computer, there is also the option of searching via mobile app. This method is quite different from searching through a PC, but is just as effective. Here's what you need to do:

As you can see, this method It’s also not very complicated and any VK user can handle it. Now let's look at some additional options for finding people on social networks.

More search options

If the standard search for people by phone number on social networks does not produce results or for some reason does not suit you, then you can try to find users in more sophisticated ways. Let's look at each of them separately:

  1. Hire a person. On social media there is always a certain type of user who calls themselves “Private Detectives”. They are engaged in the fact that, based on the information provided, they calculate not only a person’s pages on social networks, but also various personal information about him. You should use their services as a last resort and only if the reasons for searching for a person are very serious, since firstly their services are not free, and secondly there is a risk of being deceived.
  2. Special Applications. Today, there are various applications that allow you to search for people through social networks and services by their phone number, photos and other personal data. Such programs are often paid, but there are also free options that can be found by searching the Internet.
  3. Telecom operator databases. You can try to find a person through databases mobile operators. Chances of success this option very small, since most often these databases turn out to be outdated. But you can try.

These are all the options for finding people through mobile phone, which exist on this moment. There are, of course, other illegal search methods, but you should not resort to them under any circumstances.

As you can see, there are quite a few options for how to find a person by phone number on social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook). The chances of success in them are usually not very high, but if you take advantage of each of them, you will certainly find the person you need if he has registered somewhere at least once, indicating his phone number.

This section contains complete surname catalog, which provides information about the meaning of surnames, collects mentions of surnames in archival sources, search advertisements and information from users. This section is useful for anyone who wants to find a family tree by last name.

Sources of information in this section are genealogical archives, directories, comments from users and experts. With this section you can quickly and easily find a person by last name. If he is registered on FamilySpace, a link to his name will be available on the search results page. Personal Area, in this case you can add him as a friend or send a message.

If it was not possible to find a person by last name, we recommend leaving a search advertisement, in this case, as soon as a person with the required last name is found, or FamilySpace users know something about him, the system will automatically notify you about this, and they can help you in your search people for free.

A few tips on how to properly search for people on the Internet online:

  • Avoid sites that offer to send SMS to find a person. Search people for free by last name is a popular topic, but there are a lot of scam resources.
  • Use only trusted online resources
  • Check out the Yandex service for searching people by last name -
  • If you can’t find a person by last name, try expanding the search with additional information - search by place of birth, etc.
  • Check out search ad services (such as Search Ads for a person by last name on FamilySpace) or the “Wait for Me” project
  • Checking various spellings of surnames with typos. Don't forget that your last name can change, so it makes sense to look for your maiden name as well.
  • Use the search for people within other major social networks (Russian and international)
  • Read the recommendations on how to search for people in our webinars on genealogy; they provide specific recommendations and advice from experts, historians, and users, not only on how to find a person by first and last name, but also how to conduct a search without having any data on your ancestors.

How can the search for a person by last name section on FamilySpace be useful to me?

Firstly, this section is useful if you want to get more information online about what your last name means, what names people in your last name are called and who they are according to the horoscope, what the spread is on the world map.

Secondly, you will learn more information about your possible ancestors and namesakes. By searching your last name, you will immediately find out where it is mentioned in various historical sources. You might even find your great-grandparents there, as well interesting versions about the origin of the surname from our users.

Thirdly, here you can find information about your namesakes, and there is every chance of recognizing them as your distant relatives. If you wish, you can continue communication in family groups (a link to them will be available on the search results page).

If you know any additional information about your own or someone else's last name, you can tell us about it in the comments to the page.

An example of searching for a person by last name Ivanov:

Enter the surname “Ivanov” into the search bar and click the “Search” button, or you can select a surname from the catalog by first clicking on “All surnames starting with I”, and then selecting “Ivanov”.

On the search results page, information about the meaning of the surname is available (according to experts and FamilySpace users), pages of archived records, advertisements for searching for people and other interesting information are presented (if there is a video about the meaning of the surname, it will be automatically available on the page). You can add your own version of the origin of the surname if you suddenly know some other version.

In other tabs, information about registered users found on the site is available; it also makes sense to check them.

Do I need to register to use the section to search for a person by last name?

You can use this section without registration, but registered users have a number of convenient and useful functions. For example, if you have built your family tree, the system will automatically check all your relatives in the surname database, and you will instantly receive comprehensive information about everyone at once. When new archives are added, registered users are the first to have access to them, and if the last name matches, the system automatically notifies about this and helps to find the person immediately on the desired page.

Registration on the site is free and takes less than 1 minute. When registering on FamilySpace, you do not need to enter a mobile phone number and access is activated without SMS. Registered users can leave comments on archive pages and add advertisements for people looking for free.

Hello dear friends! Today the topic of my article will be how to find a person on the Internet by first and last name, and we will also search by city if you know where the person lives. Not all methods are effective, because of this I would like to talk about free methods.

The most popular means of finding people is undoubtedly the TV show “Wait for Me,” here is a link to their website. Today the name of this project has become widely known as a brand, thanks to this the search procedure has also been simplified. There is a form on the TV show website in which you can enter your first and last name to check if they are looking for you somewhere on the other side of the Earth. In order to leave a message about searching for someone, you need to register on the site. These simple steps can effectively help in finding lost people if they know that they are being sought and are looking for meetings themselves.

In the event that the wanted person does not know that they are looking for him and lives his life calmly, other methods can be used. Searches can be organized on the Internet on social networks and various services communication. An important condition for success when searching for people on the Internet is that a person must use the Internet. That is, it will definitely not be possible to find an elderly grandmother who does not know how to use a computer and certainly does not use the Internet.

Search engines

You can start with simple queries in search engines Google systems and Yandex. To search, you just need to type the available data (last name and first name) in the search bar. After receiving the results, you should look through the first 1-3 pages of results; if what you were looking for is not among them, then you should not look further.

After an unsuccessful attempt with the first and last name, you can refine the search criteria. To do this in search query You need to add additional information, for example, date of birth, hometown, intended city of residence. You should also try to write your first and last name with Latin letters. If somewhere on the Internet the person you are looking for left his personal data, then with a high degree of probability search system will give you a page containing them.

Sites for finding people

Searching for people on the Internet can be done using specialized sites. To do this, you need to search for such sites and leave a request for the person you are looking for. One of these sites that search for people for free.

In addition, you can independently search on common social networks. Social network is Internet resource designed primarily for communication. It allows its users to create their own page on which they can post various information: name, place and date of birth, place of study and work, a list of favorite films and performers. As well as a variety of media information: photographs, video and audio recordings. Users of social networks can join communities (groups) and exchange messages.

After registering on a social network and filling out a form, you become a full member. Such resources usually provide convenient search forms for all users. In them you can set various search criteria, such as place of residence, date of birth and others. Photos make searching on social networks easier. Usually, each user has at least a few, and some even have entire galleries.

Social media

Now let's talk about how to find a person on the Internet through social networks. The most popular social network in Russian segment Internet – “VKontakte” ( or vk.vom). This social network is mostly preferred by young audiences. To register, it uses not an e-mail address, but a mobile phone. After entering the necessary data, including your mobile number, you will receive an SMS - a message with account access data.

If the registration process causes difficulties, you can ask one of your friends or acquaintances who are already using the social network to send you an invitation. This is done from the “My Friends” section. After registering and logging into your account, you need to click the “People” button on the top panel to search.

For details about how to search VKontakte, read: "".

If you use the Skype program, then using it you can also try to find the person you need. detailed information.

The next resource is the social network Odnoklassniki ( This resource is mostly preferred by older users. At the time of writing, the registration process is taking place in a classic form. It requires you to enter an address Email and subsequent confirmation of this address. After registering and logging into the site, you can start searching using the form located in the upper left part of the page.

The most popular social network in the West is Facebook ( In our country it also has quite a lot of receivers and is undoubtedly the most “advanced”. After registering and logging in to the site to search, you need to click the “Find Friends” button on the right side of the top panel. The social network “In the Circle of Friends” ( allows you to check if they are looking for you, even without registration. You can do this directly at home page. To search for yourself, you need to go through standard registration and go to the site.

The social network “My World” ( is part of the multi-purpose service Accordingly, if you have Mailbox on this site, you can use the same data to enter “My World”. On your personal page for searching people there is a “People” button in the top bar.

The last on our list will be the social network “My Circle” ( It is a service of the Yandex search engine. This means that if you have mail on Yandex, you can use the same data to log in. You can also use data from other social networks to enter “My Circle”, this convenient feature It's called "Social Authorization". You can search for people on this network without logging in at all, right on the main page. There is a special field at the top for this. However, if you find a person you are interested in, then in order to contact him, you will still need to log in to the service.

Quickly search for people on social networks

If you do not understand the information above on how to find a person on the Internet through social networks, then you can use more quick search on them. There is a wonderful service from Yandex. With it you can find a person on all social networks at once. After going to it on the left, enter the details of the person you are going to find.

Provide more information so you don’t have to spend too much time digging through the results. After all fields are filled in, click “Find”.

Next, you will need to go to profiles and look at photos in order to determine the person you are looking for. You don't have to register on social networks to view profiles. If a person is found, then in order to contact him you will need to do this.

Finding a person on the Internet is not difficult (I think you already understood this), but you must remember (as stated at the very beginning of the article) that it will be easier to find a person who uses the Internet.

If all these actions did not lead to anything, then it is better to turn to the TV show “Wait for me.”

You can watch the video for more information:

The Yandex search engine service is constantly being improved and one of the very useful and practical developments can be considered Yandex People Search.

It allows you to easily find profiles of various people on social networks.

To do this, you do not need to register or fill out even some minimal data - the service works like a search engine familiar to everyone. Registration may only be required if you decide to write to the person you found.

It is important that the service groups all the results found for a given query. This, in turn, allows you to build on your preferences and choose which social network to start communicating with.

Also, the clear advantages of this development include the attitude of its creators to data confidentiality. They, not wanting to cross personal boundaries, adhered to the following rules:

  • If in the settings of a social network a person wishes to remain invisible to the search engine, then so be it. Information about it will not be displayed.
  • As a result, only information that is available to unregistered users is displayed.
  • Only pages that are clearly related are grouped together. At least one of them must contain direct links to the others, and only then are they linked by the search engine.
  • Information about users is not stored, it is only displayed as a result of the search.

This approach allows you not only to use the Yandex People service as a unique system, but also provides the opportunity to look at your personal data as a result of the request.

You can always take a look at how other users see your personal account on the Internet and, if anything, correct it.

What to do if your account is invisible?

Special Yandex robots process the request and display everything that they can find on all available social networks.

However, there is a lot of information and sometimes in order to get results, you have to wait a little. It also happens that recently registered pages are more difficult to find.

But if you have been maintaining your profile for a long time and, using the analysis, do not find it, then the best option will contact support.

In order for your problem to be dealt with, you should provide contact information, formulate a question, and also, if necessary, you can upload a screenshot that clearly demonstrates the problem. They will contact you shortly and will definitely help you.

How to use the service

First you just need to use Yandex, opening it with any in a convenient way. Afterwards, you need to select the “People” tab, from which the analysis is carried out.

Next, you are given a choice of various parameters: age, residence, work and study. You can do without them by simply entering the name of the person you are looking for. However, there are many namesakes on the Internet, and to reduce their number, it is better to indicate all those known to you.

Please note: User review can, if desired, occur only on one selected social network. This is convenient if you know for sure that the person you are looking for is registered there, but if you are not sure, it is better to conduct a full review.

Yandex People can easily find the right person in these services:

And if you leave the column empty, it will display all existing profiles, grouping them into a single list of one person.


Data is grouped in two cases:

  • If both pages have links to each other.
  • If one of them has a link to the second and it is necessarily verified, that is, confirmed by entering a password.

In any of these cases, it will successfully display all your pages, but if this does not happen, there are a number of solutions. If you don’t want to delve into your profile settings and have an account in Yandex, then you can safely use their linking service.

Important! When the service asks you to use information about connections between profiles (you will see this message in a pop-up window), allow it, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

Speaking about individual networks, if you maintain a page in My Circle, you can add links using the “I’m on other sites” function. Those who use Odnoklassniki, unfortunately, do not have such a service; they can only do this thanks to Yandex.Passport.

Those who are registered in LiveJournal will find a solution to this issue in the “Methods of Communication” section.

For VKontakte residents, in turn, there are two options at once: Contacts - Specify a personal website, Contacts - Integration.

How to hide your profile

Many people don't really like the fact that their data is visible and can be easily found through the system.

Somewhere there is an opportunity to allow only those people you choose to access your data. Somewhere such a function is not provided and you can either make the page visible or hide it, but immediately from everyone.

Many networks even have the ability to restrict robots. And now in more detail for each of them:

In contact with You should select your privacy settings, find the column “Who can see my page on the Internet” and select “Everyone except search sites”.
Facebook All changes here are made in Privacy Settings, where a whole section “Do you want to search services was there a link to your personal Chronicle?” To disappear from them, you need to uncheck the corresponding box.
Classmates Go to Publicity Settings, and then next to the “Make open page for search engines" specify "no".
My Circle There are only two options in the settings - visible to everyone and visible only to My Circle users. Choose the second one.
Livejournal Among the settings, find “Minimize the entry of my journal into search engines”, check the box next to your choice.
Twitter This social network does not have such an opportunity. It only has a profile deactivation function, after which the account will be closed.
GooglePlus Among the Privacy Settings, you need to find “Edit visibility on profile” and disable the necessary items.

If you are faced with a situation in which you urgently need to find a person, but you do not know his phone number, home or work address, then you are probably interested in the question of how to find a person by last name and first name. And even better, how to do it without leaving home and completely free.

It is not uncommon for people to maintain a relationship for many years, and then their connection is severed. This situation may arise according to various reasons, for example, your friends have planned to move to another city without notifying you about it, and you don’t know where and how to look for them. Or maybe you haven’t kept in touch with your relatives or classmates for many years, and now you really want to find out how their lives turned out, where they live, what they do, and, finally, organize a meeting. But how can you find a person if you know so little information about him?

Despite the availability of information about a person, searching is a rather complicated process, but possible.

Today there are several ways to find people by first and last name for free.

Searching for people on social networks

Today, the popularity of social networks is so high that this option may be the most convenient for you. Browse the most popular current networks, focusing on the person’s age. For example, a network such as VKontakte is most popular and in demand among young people. If we're talking about about an adult 45–60 years old, then it is advisable to look for him in or Odnoklassniki.

If you assume that the person you are looking for could have left for another country, then, first of all, you should search for him by last name and first name on social networks that are very popular abroad, for example, Facebook or Twitter.

  1. Register in the selected network (create an account). As a rule, this stage does not cause any difficulties and is done free of charge. When registering, you just need to follow the instructions and now you already have your own page.
  2. In the search bar, enter the first and last name of the person you are looking for and click on the “Find” button. Typically, the search section of social networks will prompt you to enter other parameters if you know them.
  3. For example: age, hometown, school number, position, etc. Remember that the more data you provide, the faster you can find a person. But if all the specified parameters do not produce results, try removing specified city or school number, etc. and leave only the first and last name. If the person you are looking for has not indicated the city on his page, the search engine may not give you this person, despite the coincidence in the first and last names, because you have indicated more detailed information. Of course, in this case, you will have to spend a little more time scrolling through the pages until you meet the person you know in the main photo.
  4. If you are looking for your classmate, it is likely that you can find him by first and last name through your other friends at school by visiting their pages and looking at the “Friends of a Friend” section. In the same section there is a search bar. Indicate all available data in it.
  5. Remember that searching for people is successful only if the person is registered under his first and last name, and not under a fictitious pseudonym.
  6. In one of the social systems you can leave an advertisement for a specific person. Such advertisements are posted free of charge. To do this, indicate your first and last name, as well as other information known to you. In such networks, many groups and forums have been created, usually with the same name of the city, and there are also groups for searching for people. Knowing the city in which this person lived or lives, you can find a similar group and tell your story there about the search for your relative, friend, classmate, etc. It is quite possible that someone will respond and help you.

Finding people through search engines

If a search on social networks does not produce results, enter the person's first and last name in Google search or Yandex, or in other search engines. If the wanted people have their own business, then it is quite possible that they have their own website or online store, which may contain their data. Or maybe once upon a time an article or news was written about a wanted person in news portals. Also, knowing a person’s phone number, you can try to enter it into search engines. If a person once left his data on the Internet and never deleted it again, then it will be very easy for you to find this person, since the search engine will give you this information.

Such resources are very popular today among people of any age category. Maybe a person created his own page on one of these sites. However, most people registered on dating sites also have accounts on social networks. The main thing is that the person is registered under his first and last name, and uploads his photo.

Search services on specialized sites

There are many sites on the Internet that provide this type of service. Of course, in most cases, this type of people search does not work for free. Yes, and caution does not hurt, because there are also quite a few scammers trying to make money. If you decide to find a person using such services, then look for those that do not require either registration or entering your phone number. If you indicate your phone number, payment may be automatically debited from it without your knowledge; moreover, a certain amount may be debited repeatedly over a long period of time until you contact the salon cellular communications, where the phone number will be checked and all subscriptions will be disabled. Sites that don't charge you money to search for information are more reliable and more trustworthy. They are just trying to help people.

Search through the “Wait for me” program

This program was created to search for missing people and it works completely free of charge. By leaving a request on the official website Wait for me, after a while you will receive a response about the search results. Or you can leave an ad with your photo so that someone can find you too. Looking through other people's advertisements on the “Wait for me” website, you may recognize someone, come across a photo of an old friend or just someone you know.

Other ways to find people

City address bureau. Not always effective, but it can help you find the one you're looking for. When contacting the address bureau, you need to give the person’s first and last name; it is also advisable to know his middle name in order to shorten the search. But it is not so easy to use such a service in every city; sometimes you may be required to provide an identification document. And in some cities there is no such bureau at all.

  1. If possible, you can contact city residents or neighbors of the wanted person. It is quite possible that one of these people could have seen him. As they say, the world is a small place, and maybe there will be someone who will help you find the wanted person.
  2. And finally, if it is very important for you to find this person, you can contact private detective agencies, which for a certain amount can provide you with all the information about the right person, including his address, telephone number, place of work, etc.

Unfortunately, not every person tries to find someone with good intentions. In addition, people have the right to the protection of personal data. For these reasons, finding a person is quite difficult. But if you persevere and don’t give up, your chances are positive result will be very high.