New statuses every day! Cool statuses for mail agents

Hello, men and women, as well as those who still have everything ahead

-I want to be so beautiful that his friends even go away - where?? - jerk off....

Do you have a higher education? Yes, 6 higher educations. Where did you work before? During the transition I sold diplomas.

It also happens to me that I come to visit reality!!! :)

I confess my love to him on April 1st. If he doesn't take my feelings seriously, I'll say I was joking.

I just want to write: “Hi, I like you and I don’t care what you think about it.”

This asshole owes me a couple million nerve cells.

Yesterday on the bus some asshole climbed into my bag, I didn’t notice at first, in the evening I open the bag - he’s sitting.....)

You can miss everyone, you can love one, but you can be nobody’s...

But why sometimes it hurts so much and you want to go back, WHERE it was so good, at least for 5 minutes... It’s funny, but sometimes it’s just NECESSARY...

- You know, in psychology there is one concept that very accurately describes your behavior...
- Which?
- Stupid.

You know, I thought: they say: “there is no friendship between a guy and a girl” and “there is no female friendship.” Who the fuck should I be friends with?

In the column "Marital status" he wrote "No way out"...

What we call life is usually just a to-do list for today.

The time has shifted by an hour, there is a fuss on the globe, before x... was standing in bed, but now on the bus

All our lives we are shrouded in chains that we forge for ourselves.

It's a nightmare what's going on in our alley. Yesterday I walked by and they pestered me, today I walked by and they pestered me. Cheeky! I'll go again tomorrow)))

How brave and self-confident becomes one who gains the conviction that he is loved.

My friends’ cat’s name is Saucepan, to my surprise – why? - they answered - So castrated...

- Remember that you once turned out to be the fastest sperm! - Alas... I remember well that the fastest one managed to escape, but I was sucked in...

Even in the worst person you can find something good if you search him carefully.

You say that I am strange because I am not like everyone else, and I say that you are strange because you are the SAME...

A man is a tan that sticks and then washes off

Vredina is complex socio-psychological work for which no one pays, but you enjoy it

On the bus. Grandmother to a guy with long hair: Girl, give me the fare. He: I’m not a girl! She: I found something to be proud of!!!

I deceived everyone.. by saying that I hate you, in fact I only need you.. but you don’t need me, I just don’t understand why =(

The worst nightmare: making sandwiches, pouring tea, bringing it all to
bed, wrap themselves in a blanket and forget the TV remote...

I'm not lonely and not looking - and I'm not going to register on a dating site!

Men's fashion responded to skirts with revealing slits with pants with revealing flies.

A person has in the depths of his soul an indelible demand that his life be good and have a reasonable meaning

The girl’s best phrase in justification: “So what?...”

This is probably how the limit on happiness expires. It’s probably even more correct, even more honest and better, when the one who used to save your soul is aiming at you...

If I gave you a balloon for every lie you told, you would have flown away a month ago!

I don’t care what you think about me - my grandmother says I’m sunshine!

Luck doesn't exist! There is a conclusion based on introspection and analysis of sensations.

When someone turns to you with the request: “Just tell me honestly!”, you realize with horror that now you will have to lie a lot...

You only need to sort things out with those with whom you have these relationships. The rest - fuck off to the shore of silence, collect shells!!!

Flowers...Movies...Restaurants...Expensive gifts... -This is not happiness, believe me...Happiness is just clinging to someone who is dear...

If your name is Sasha, the bust is good, but Masha is better.

And your grandmother also carefully takes your mobile phone with two fingers, looks at it suspiciously, doesn’t press anything, and just as carefully puts it back?))))

There's nothing funnier than a video of someone thinking they're being photographed.

I came home in the morning, hungry. I go into the kitchen and say: Mom, what smells so good? and she told me: Pussybugs!

To the teacher’s question “Why weren’t you there?” 97% of students will answer “I was sick,” 2% will answer “I overslept,” and 1% will remain silent. And ONLY I could answer in front of everyone, “Darling, well, you didn’t wake me up yourself.”

The girl undresses. The man asks: - How old are you? - Thirteen. - Thirteen?! Get the hell out. - Oh oh oh! How superstitious we are!

I wonder how much love costs? It will probably take a long time to save...

Do you want to avoid oversleeping for work in the morning? Eat watermelon before bed.

From your best friend to your sworn enemy, you're just one handsome guy away.

One Georgian goes into a store to buy chicken and forgot how chicken in Russian looked at the eggs and said: I want their mother.

They say that a minute of laughter prolongs your life by 5 looks like with my friends I will live forever :)

Mom, mom... A boy offered me a coin so that I could climb a tree and pick an apple... - My fool, he wanted to look at your panties! - I’m not a fool, mom, I took off my panties!

We consider her our best friend only until we find out what she says about us behind our back...

The football referee removed his wife from the bed after showing a red card for simulation :)

Dear Nevedimka, you come to my page so often, but I still can’t understand, are you my husband’s mistress or my lover’s wife?

You can rely on everyone, believe only in yourself...

Poor English commentators! They probably didn’t immediately get used to the surnames - Arshavin (arse shaving - “shaving the ass”) and Zhirkov (jerk off - “masturbate”)

Beautiful... a little modest. perhaps happy. not like other girls. obnoxious - does not talk about her problems, but listens to the problems of others. kind and for some reason lonely =(

There's nothing worse than being betrayed by your friends...

I’m waiting for a guy.. I said to myself angrily: whoever comes first (you or the minibus), I’ll come up to him.. YOU came up.. after the fifth minibus..

Only Russians can have the end of the world in 2012, and Olympic Games in 2014!!!

If I fall...make a wish, A STAR has fallen!=)

Only thanks to close people and friends will we be happy...

I have no means to support my conscience. so if there's anything I'm sorry...

I'm sleeping) Write quietly, crawl around the page without noise!

That's enough, I don't want to remember those times. You exchanged your friendship and betrayed me with it.

I am against the slogan “Russia only for Russians.” Let others suffer too!

It hurts so much when you go to the page of a person who died in a car accident, and in his news you see how his friends are gradually disappearing... WHY?!

If you have a washing machine that jumps while doing laundry, don’t be afraid, sit on it and lose a couple of kilos...=)

Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends. Everyone will give 2 rubles, I will have 200.

Do you, too, when you want to freak out throw your phone against the wall, remember its cost and carefully throw it on the sofa?

This is a mystery girl in France... and a rebus woman in Russia...

When they turn to you with the request “Tell me, just be honest...”, you realize with horror that now, most likely, you will have to lie a lot...

A situation that happened to everyone in childhood: - Bring out a drink. - Oh well... If I go in, they won’t let me out... :)

The worst nightmare: make sandwiches, pour tea, bring it all to bed, wrap yourself in a blanket and forget the TV remote...

If you don’t feel like working for the third day in a row, then today is Wednesday...

She loves to cry, but she won’t say what she’s dreaming about, only songs on the pages will tell about her tears...

In childhood, girls love beautiful dolls, and boys love beautiful cars, but with age everything becomes the other way around..

On the website we collect the best new statuses from all over the Internet for the social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter and Internet messengers ICQ, Agent.

We live in a century computer technology and the Internet. The Internet has not only given us necessary tools to find necessary and interesting information, but also offered us the opportunity for limitless communication. The Internet gives us the opportunity not only to find people with whom we have long lost contact, but also to easily make new acquaintances based on professional interests. On resources like LinkedIn and MoyKrug you can find Good work, passionate employees, get necessary advice, and simply expand your range of interests. The Internet has become a full-fledged part of our lives, its basic element. We stop withdrawing into ourselves and begin to share our information on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram... We write notes about our joys in personal blogs, we note our disappointments in statuses on social networks, thus revealing our “I” to everyone curious and caring. You can now change your attitude towards your loved one very simply; you just need to change the status “dating” to “it’s complicated.” Social networks have made wonderful changes in our lives, now we have the opportunity to easily find new friends every day with the click of a button. Today you don’t need to look into the eyes of a loved one for a long time to understand who he really is, just take a good look at his page. Today, from the very morning, going to our page to change our status and view friends’ updates has become a common thing for us, like brushing our teeth. We don't part all day long, loading our favorite social media. network on your mobile phone to check how our friends are spending their day and what’s new with them. Favorite music and movies - no problem, finding the necessary content takes 5 minutes, and if you like everything, you can mark it with a “like” and a “heart”. If you want to constantly stay up to date with what is happening, just register in a “group” that matches your interests.

Just 10 - 15 years ago it was difficult to imagine that with just a few button presses you could, in a matter of seconds, receive information about the lives of not only your loved ones, relatives and friends, but also about the lives of almost any person. Previously, when graduating from school, college, or moving to a new place of work, contact with former classmates, classmates and colleagues was often lost. With the development of the Internet and the advent of social networks, everything has changed radically. And if previously only your closest people knew about your mood, plans and dreams, now you can share this information with literally everyone. And, in our opinion, this is wonderful. This takes social relations to a whole new level. One of the ways of communication in social network- this is the status on your personal page. He can tell you a lot about you. And the more often you update it, the more versatile and interesting you look in the eyes of other people. Mood, experiences, doubts, dreams and your views on life - all this can be expressed and shown by status on your page. Therefore, add new statuses to your page as often as possible!

If you want to express yourself, express your mood, set an interesting status. All your friends will see it at once, no matter whether you are online or offline. Enough with the banal “busy” or “away” statuses - surprise your friends with new statuses every day. All materials on the site are collected in many categories and headings, so you can choose new statuses without any problems! The service site will be useful for you, and you will delight your friends every day :). We have groups for statuses on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter. The latest statuses are waiting for you - add yourself as a friend, comment and criticize.

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✔ If you don’t have a headache in the morning, but you’re in a great mood....that means you drank the day before yesterday.

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✔ Hysteria is a woman's way of having fun.

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✔ If a girl sent you a text message in the morning “Darling, you are the best,” it means that night she compared you with someone.