Numbering 1 page. How to number pages in Microsoft Word. Numbering excluding title page

There are a lot of documents that require page numbering. This is a coursework, a diploma, or just a contract. And I sincerely hope that you will not number the pages manually by putting the number at the bottom of the page as my friend did. In any case, after reading this article, you will probably know how to number pages in Word 2013 and open office. And you will also have a little secret of how to do page numbering in Word from page 3 (it was a joke about the secret).

How to set page numbering in Word from the first title page

So, the most common method of numbering in your documents will most likely be direct continuous numbering, which starts from the first page. If you're just starting to print a document, create a page numbering template right away so you don't have to think about it later.

For simple page numbering, go to the INSERT tab at the top of the document. In this section, find the section called "Header and Footers".

Finding it is not at all difficult. It looks like in Word 2013 as in the image below. This block in the section is responsible for setting up headers and footers. A document has a header and a footer, and each can be customized differently.

In our case, we need to add numbering to one of the headers and footers. Click on the “Page Number” link and select where on the page you want to place the number. Most often the numbers are placed at the bottom of the page.

Page numbering in Word 2013

The layout at the bottom of the page looks like this (as in the image below). For simple numbering, you can choose 3 types of number placement. Left, center and right side of the page.

I selected the footer to place the page number and chose the left side of the footer as the location. It all looks like this.

In the header and footer section, you can configure how the numbering will be displayed (page number format...). Click on the menu item corresponding to the name.

A window with format settings will open. Here, as promised, I will tell you the very secret of secrets :). In order:

  • Number format - select the type of display of page numbers: numeric, numeric with hyphens, alphabetic, alphabetic in capitals and display in Roman numerals.
  • Include chapter number - allows you to add the page number of the current chapter to the page numbering.
  • Page numbering - in this block you can specify the number from which page numbering will begin. For example, select number 3 to make numbering from page 3.

To add a current chapter page, you need to specify the format in which the chapter is displayed in your document. If you have set the chapter display as “Heading 1”, specify “Heading 1” in the settings accordingly and Word will automatically determine on which page the new chapter of your document begins. You can set the format for displaying chapters on the main tab as shown in the image below.

If your document has a title page (such as an essay or dissertation), you will most likely need to remove the numbering from this first title page. This can be done, for example, by turning on page numbering starting from the second, and printing the title page in a new document separately without numbering. But Word developers took care of users and introduced a function to disable numbering for the first cover page. To turn on this option you need to switch to the header and footer mode. To do this, double-click the left mouse button on the header or footer area.

After double click to appear new inset"Working with headers and footers." In this tab, look for the option called “Special First Page Footer” and check it. This will turn off the display of numbering for the first page and you will not need to create new file separately for the title page.

To remove pagination from already existing document go to the “INSERT” tab and in the “Header and Footers” section, click on the “Page Number” menu item. Select “Delete page numbers” from the drop-down list. It's so simple and not difficult.

Despite a seemingly similar approach to document editing, in Open Office the page numbering differs significantly. First, you must add a header and footer to which you will add fields (as service elements are called in the open office). Each header and footer must be enabled (or added) separately.

In an open document, click on the “Insert” menu and select the desired header and footer from the drop-down list. For page numbering at the top of the document, I chose the header. In the right menu, click on the words “Normal”. After clicking, a corresponding header and footer will appear in your document, with which you can now work.

The header looks like the image below. Place the cursor in the footer area to edit. This is where you will need to place the numbering code.

Click the "Insert" menu item and select "Fields" from the list. In the right menu, find and insert the “Page Number” field.

Add a field for numbering

A number with the page number will appear in the footer where the cursor is placed. Grey colour means that this is a special field and not a regular character. To this number you can add any text that will be repeated on all pages. On the image I have added the text “This is the page number.”

You can also format all text in the header and footer like regular text (change the font, size and alignment on the page - left, right or center).

To change the format of the field to display the page number, you must double-click the left mouse button on the gray page number. This will open a window with field display settings. For the page number field, you can change the format display (Arabic, Roman, or alphabetic) and set the offset. Offset allows you to specify which number to start numbering from. At offset 2, the first page will have number 3, etc.

Removing numbering in open office

To remove numbering in Open Office, you simply need to disable the corresponding header and footer. To do this, in the “Insert” menu, select the appropriate header and footer and click on “Normal” with a check mark.

Disabling a header and footer removes all information that is specified in it. Confirm the deletion and the numbering will be deleted. If, in addition to numbering, you have any other important information and which you plan to use, you can simply remove the gray page number in the footer. This will disable the numbering, but will leave the footer itself with different information.


Once you have finished writing your work (or started it), design the pages in accordance with your wishes or the requirements of the customer. Adjust margins, paragraphs, change font and other settings. To number pages in a Word editor document, find the “Insert” tab in the top panel of the editor. There you will see several sections, among which select "Header and Footers". Headers and footers are areas in a document that are used to add repeating information to the bottom, top, or side margins of a document. One of them is page numbers. Headers and footers are needed to automate the process of arranging pages, making notes, and more.

In the column for working with headers and footers, in the drop-down list in the "Page number" field, select required format placement of page numbering. As you move through the sections, click right button mice are the appropriate choice. Numbers will appear on each sheet of your document. As a rule, they are placed in the middle of the bottom of the page or in the upper right corner.

If you need to number pages in Word not from the first sheet (in scientific works, as a rule, you need to put the number on the second or third page), then in the “Page Number” section, open the “Page Number Format” tab. There you can choose which sheet Word will start numbering from. There you can change the type of number. For example, number the sheets with letters or Roman numerals.

If you do not need to put the number on the title page, you can easily remove it while maintaining the rest of the numbering. To do this, go to "Page Layout" in the main Word panels, click on the arrow next to page options. In the dialog box that opens, click on the "Paper Source" tab. There you will see the line “Differentiate headers and footers”. Check the box next to the “first page” option and save the changes. This is how easy it is to do page numbering in Word.

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  • Page numbering in Word 2013

Your wonderful essay is ready to be submitted, all that remains is to complete the smallest thing - format it as expected, print it and protect it. A design requirement such as numbering is mandatory. How to do it?

You will need


Select a pagination location. "Top of Page", "Bottom of Page" or "Margin of Page". Select the type of page number format from the list offered in the collection.

After you add page numbers, you can edit them in the same way as header and footer text by choosing a font, size, and format for them.

To do this, double-click on the page number footer - it is now available for editing.

To remove page numbering, select the “Insert” tab, select “headers and footers” and then “page number” and “remove page numbers”. For Windows 2007, you can simply remove the header and footer on the page after selecting it by double-clicking.

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If the section in which you are removing numbering contains different headers and footers for the first page, or for even and odd pages, or if there are unrelated sections in the document, you should remove page numbers from all types of headers and footers.


Microsoft Word 2007-2010
Page numbering is even easier in this version of the program. First you need to select the "Insert" menu, and then open the "Page Number" list. In it you can choose the location of the numbering on the page and its format.

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Any well-written document is perceived much better and looks more serious if it follows certain rules of formatting and design. If the work, report or talk contains several pages and is intended to be printed as visual material for students, it will be necessary to number the pages. This is also a rule of good manners, showing your respect for your readers.


If you use one of the most common text editors, MS Word, you do not have to manually enter numbers on each page. It already has a function that allows you to put it in the document automatically. To do this, open the working file and go to the “Insert” menu. Next, select “Page Numbers...”.

In the numbering window that opens, indicate following settings:
Number position (up or down);
Number alignment (right, center, inside or outside).
By clicking on the “Format” button, select the type of page numbers. These can be ordinary Arabic, alphabetic symbols, Roman symbols, as well as a combination of document chapter numbers with separate page numbering for each subparagraph.

If the open document is part of another, larger work, MS Word has the ability to set page numbering, starting not from the first, but from any given number. To do this, enter in the “Start with...” field the number from which the subsequent pages in the document will be counted.

Typically, documents different types allow different numbering principles. Thus, often the first page number is not placed on the first sheets of work. To put numbering on all other pages of the document, skipping the first one, check the “Number on the first page” option in the settings window.

In the graphical editor Microsoft Office Word numbers pages are one of the types of headers and footers. Therefore, to add numbering to documents, you can use both the option of inserting a header and footer, and inserting page numbers, which is a separate function. Both options are described below.

You will need


The first method uses the dedicated function of adding numbers to document sheets. To use it, go to the “Insert” tab in the text editor menu. In the “Header and Footer” section, the bottom line is the “Number” option you need. But if the document at this moment contains only , then this function will be . If there is more than one page, then click the drop-down list and see a menu of numbering placement options. When you hover your cursor over each item, icons will appear showing possible ways number positioning. Select the most suitable one and click on it.

Immediately after choosing where to place the page number, the footer editor will open, and you can set the distance from the edges of the sheet and from the main text of the document. By clicking the "Options" button, you can set separate settings for even/odd pages and for the title page of the document. To exit the header and footer editing mode, press the ESC key.

Returning to the “Insert” tab and once again expanding the “Page Number” list, click the “Page Number Format” item - here you can choose how to write the numbers. In addition, using the “start with” field, you can make gaps (or vice versa - repetitions) in the page numbering.

When creating text documents, there is often a need for page numbering. For example, in a thesis, course work or training manual. You can number pages in Word using Arabic, Roman numerals, and even letters at the top and bottom of the sheet.

Before performing any of the described operations, you need to go to the beginning of the sheet from which the numbering will begin or end.

You can insert page numbers in Word using the button of the same name on the “ tab Insert" on the panel " Headers and footers».

The next window indicates the location of the numbering (top, bottom, left, right). Click with the left mouse button on the selected option.

This is the simplest and quick way insert page numbering.

This method is suitable if the user does not need to specify Extra options, for example, the type of numbers or partial numbering.

How to number pages without a title page or from a specific place

When writing dissertations, there is a need to insert numbering not from the first page. You can create a title page in a separate file, and then number the pages in the same way as described earlier. But in such a situation there is a possibility of losing information (the first page). Therefore, it is better to indicate the settings right away.

  • First way. On the " Insert" - "" select the item "".

In the next window you need to specify the parameter “ Beginning with" and press the button " Apply».

For example, you need to number the pages in Word, starting with the third. In this case, you should enter the number 3.

At this stage, the numbers can be edited, for example, changing the font or color.

A header and footer strip appears on the page sheet.

To make it disappear, you need "" in the top menu bar.

Here's how to number pages of text other than the beginning.

  • Second way. Insert numbering in any way in a convenient way, and then press the button “ Change footer/header».

On the " Constructor"Select the item "" and close the menu.

  • Third way. How else can you number the pages, starting with the second? On the "" tab, click the down arrow button.

In the "" window go to the "" tab Paper source" and put a tick in front of " First page».

In this way we can number pages in Word and edit them.

How to number pages using letters, Roman or Arabic numerals

You can insert page numbers in Word in any format, for example, Roman numerals or letters. This can be done in the same menu "".

This time you need to specify the “” parameter by selecting, for example, Roman numerals from the drop-down list.

This is what the finished page numbering looks like.

Removing numbering

When working with text documents There is a need not only to number the pages, but also to remove the numbering. This option is available on the " Insert» - «» – «».

Page numbering in different versions of Word

In different releases of the program, access to the " Page numbers» is located in different menu items.

In Word 2003, page numbers are created through the “ Insert", subparagraph " Page numbers...».

In the settings window, you can select the location of the number (top, bottom), alignment (left, center, right) and the presence of numbering on the first page.

Roman and Arabic numerals and letters can be configured using "".

For the changes to take effect, click OK.

Number the pages in Word 2007 you can through the item “ Insert» - «».

Otherwise, this feature is implemented in Word 2013. On the “ Layout» select « Gap» - « Next page».

On the next sheet you need to select the header in which the number will be displayed (top / bottom). On the " Constructor"go to the section "" and click " As in the previous section" to separate the headers and footers.

In field " Running title"select "".

Here's how to open the settings window in different versions Worda.

Non-standard solutions

Sometimes there is a need to selectively number sheets. For example, you need to insert a graph, booklet or table into a presentation and there should not be a number on this page. This setting can also be implemented in Word and consists of a combination of the previously described options.

In the process of writing an essay, diploma or book, we all use text editor Microsoft documents Word. Proper formatting should generally include page numbering within the document. Many people have difficulties and do not know how to number pages in Word, although it is quite simple to do.

This article describes in detail how to number pages in Word, choose the numbering location, format, and also exclude numbering of any document page.

Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

In all versions older than Word 2003, numbering is the same. The screenshots below are based on Word 2017, but they will also work for older versions.

To add numbering in an open document, go to the “Insert” tab. In the “Header and Footer” section, click “Page Number” and select a numbering position. In the screenshot below, I have chosen the footer location with centered placement.

After this action, numbering will appear at the end of each page, as well as displaying a header and footer. To close the display of headers and footers, click the “Close Header and Footers Window” button.

If desired, you can change the numbering format, for example, by making the numbers not Arabic, but Roman. To do this, again go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Page Numbers” item open “Page Number Format”.

Here you can choose appearance, as well as what number the numbering will begin with. Why this may be required you will find out in the next paragraph.

Removing numbering from the title page

In most educational institutions, one of the requirements for document formatting is the absence of numbering on the title (first) page. If you simply enable page numbering, as shown above, then the numbering will be on the first sheet. To start numbering from the first page, but not display it on the title page, you must do the following.

Go to the “Layout” tab and click on the “Page Setup” link, as shown in the picture below.

Go to the “Paper Sources” tab and check the “Distinguish between first page headers and footers” checkbox. After that, click OK.

Now numbering is carried out as before, but its number is not displayed on the first page, in our case number 1.

When you want the numbering not to be displayed on the first page (title page), but on the second so that it starts with the number 1, you need to set the numbering from 0 in the menu “Insert” - “Page Number” - “Page Number Format”. the first page will start with number 0 without display, and the second page will start with number 1, the third page with number 2 and so on.

Numbering from the third page

Let's complicate the task a little. We need the numbering to be present, but not displayed on the first and second pages. After all, the first page is usually the title page, the second can be a table of contents, where numbering is also not required.

To number from the third page you will need to do an operation called “Page Break”. First, return all numbering settings to default if you have hidden the numbering display on the cover page. Let's assume that on this moment you have numbering enabled from the first page and the number 1 is displayed on the title page, the number 2 on the second page and so on.

For convenience, turn on the display of all characters in Word. To do this, on the “Home” tab, click on the “Display all signs” button.

Now that you have all the characters in your documents displayed, including spaces and empty lines, left-click on the last character on the first page of the document. Then on the “Layout” tab, click “Breaks” - “Next Page”.

Do the same steps with the second page of the document. If you did everything correctly, then the enabled display of all characters function will show you break lines at the end of the first and second pages. In the picture below they are shown with red arrows.

Now the third page is numbered 1. If you want it to be numbered 3, then in the menu “Insert” - “Page Number” - “Page Number Format” set the value to “Start from 3”.

There is only one problem left, on the first two pages we have page numbers displayed. To remove them, select the first page, go to the “Layout” tab - “Page Options”. Next, in the “Paper Source” tab, check the box next to “Distinguish between first page headers and footers.”

Do the same on the next page of your document.

Thus, we were able to make sure that the numbering on the first two pages was not displayed and started from the third, and from the number we wanted.

By the way, this method with a break, allows you to start numbering not only from the third page, but from absolutely any one.

To remove numbering, double-click on any page number and press the DEL key. All numbers will be removed from the document.

Page numbering in Word 2003

There are still quite a few people who use the outdated Word 2003. In it, page numbering is done in a slightly different order than for newer versions of the program.

IN open file Word 2003, click on the top menu “Insert” - “Page Numbers”.

Set the position of the numbers (for example, at the bottom of the page) and alignment (for example, to the right). By unchecking the “Number on the first page” item, you can disable numbering on the title page of the document.

Click on the "Format" button. Specify the numbering format (for example, Roman numerals), and also specify which digit to start page numbering with.

After making changes, click OK and all pages will become numbered.

To number from the third or any other page in Word 2003, first turn on the display of all characters. After that, move the cursor to the last character on the first page and click on horizontal menu“Insert” - “Page Break”. Do the same on the second one. From now on, numbering will start from the third page.

Microsoft Word or simply Word is one of the most popular programs among users. Thanks to a large number of functions and a simple interface, Microsoft Word has become almost a standard among . Therefore, it is rare to find a computer with operating system Windows, but without Word.

One of the typical tasks that users encounter while working with this program is page numbering. Many users simply cannot find this feature. In this article we will talk about how to enable and configure page numbering in Word.

How to enable page numbers in Word 2007, 2010 or 2013

Since 2007, Word program uses the so-called ribbon interface. In this interface, all program functions are distributed over several tabs. The Page Numbering feature is located on the Insert tab.

By clicking on the “Page Numbering” button you will see a drop-down menu in which you can select the arrangement of numbers. For example, page numbers can be placed at the top of the page, at the bottom of the page, or in the margins. To add page numbering in Word, select one of the proposed layout options.

If you want the page numbering to start with another number rather than one, you can specify this in the “Page Number Format” menu.

Open the Page Number drop-down menu and select Page Number Format. In the window that opens, you need to enable the “Start” function and specify the number from which page numbering should begin in Word.

Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, or 2013 without a cover page

One more possible problem when numbering pages is numbering without title page. Users simply don't know how to disable pagination on the first page of a document.

To set up page numbering without a cover page (first page), you must first number all pages as described above. After a number appears on all pages of your document, you just need to turn off the display of numbering on the first page.

To do this, go to the “Page Layout” tab and click on the small button to the right of the “Page Settings” inscription.

After this, a window called “Page Options” should open in front of you. Here you need to check the box next to the “Mark headers and footers on the first page” function. As a result, the page numbering will disappear from the first page of your document.

In the article “” you can learn how to make the first page without a number, and the second with the number “1”.