Windows 7 RAM cleaner. Closing unnecessary programs. Removing unnecessary programs from startup

If not cleaned RAM on a computer, its operating speed slows down significantly (it begins to “glitch” and “slow down”). A RAM cache filled with unnecessary processes and fragments of applications that the user regularly launches does not provide operating system work at full capacity.

Let's take a closer look at Windows example 7, how you can clear your computer’s built-in RAM Windows functions and using special utilities.

Using standard OS functions


Before clearing the RAM memory, check its functionality (diagnostics). Perhaps the problems are caused by a violation of the integrity of its design (for example, damage to memory cells).

1. Press the key combination “Win+R”.

2. In the Run window, enter - mdsched (built-in testing program). Click OK.

4. After restarting the system (on a laptop or PC), the default memory test will automatically start.

5. To select and configure another verification method (basic, normal, wide), press the “F1” key. In the settings panel, moving from option to option is carried out using the “Tab” key, and activating the setting is “F10”. To close the panel, press "Esc".

6. Wait until the operation is completed and review the test results. If the utility does not detect damage or malfunctions, all that remains is to clear the RAM programmatically (remove reserved information from it by third-party applications).

Manually offloading RAM

1. Press the “CTRL” + “SHIFT” + “ESC” keys simultaneously.

2. Click on the “Processes” tab. Please note which of the active processes consume the most resources central processor(CPU) and memory. Disable useless and suspicious applications (these may be elements of viruses trying to extract data and system resources):

  • click right click by name in the list;
  • Click the “End process” function in the menu.

Advice! In the manager window you can see memory and CPU load in expanded form. To open the dashboard, go to the “Performance” tab, and then click the “Resource Monitor” → “Memory” button. An additional window will display which part of the RAM is reserved and which is in use.

3. Close Task Manager. Press the "Win" and "R" keys together.

4. In the “Open” line, type - msconfig. Click "OK".

5. Click the mouse to activate the “Startup” tab. Uncheck the box next to programs that you do not use or use but rarely (you can launch them manually from the desktop or Start panel).

6. Click "Apply" and "OK". Reboot your OS.

Cleaning RAM with special utilities

Distributed free of charge (Freeware license). Compatible with Windows 8. Occupies minimal disk space. Automatically effectively cleans RAM and optimizes CPU operation. Monitors PC resources. Unloads unused DLLs from memory. Supports fine tuning cleaning.
The main functions of RAM Booster are located in the “Tasks” panel:

  • Smart Optimize - optimization;
  • Recover RAM - cleaning;
  • CPU Boost - speed up the processor.

Powerful RAM cleaner. According to the developers, KCleaner will not lose sight of anything: it will delicately remove everything unnecessary from the cache and at the same time will not disrupt the operation of the OS. Plus, the utility can efficiently “clean up” directories system partition(drive C).

Launch the utility and select the cleaning mode (automatic or manual). If necessary, in manual mode you can select the command configuration: Clean & Shutdown - clean and shut down; ...Reboot - clean and reboot; … Close - … close.

Mem Reduct

A fast cleaner. Operates with one click. Easy to use, no complicated settings.

1. When you launch Mem Reduct for the first time, enable the display of the interface in Russian:

  • open File → Settings → General;
  • in the “Select language” option set “Russian”.

2. Go to the “Memory cleaning” section and, if necessary, change the cleaning settings (you can leave the default values). Click "Apply".

3. On the main application panel, click the “Clear memory...” button to tidy up the RAM.

Upon completion of the operation, Mem Reduct will display information about the completed work in the tray.

Creating a script to clear RAM

If you don't have RAM cleaner utilities on hand, you can create your own software tool(VBS script) that performs cleaning and, accordingly, use it:

1. Open system program“Notepad” (Start → Accessories).

2. In the Notepad window, enter the code:

MsgBox "Do you want to clear your RAM?",0,"Exclusive RAM cleaning"
Msgbox"RAM cleaning completed successfully.",0,"Exclusive RAM cleaning"

Note. The FreeMem parameter specifies a value for 3GB RAM. To set a different value, use the formula: x 1024 + 00000 = ... For example, for 2GB RAM you need to set 204800000.

3. Save the created script with the .vbs extension (for example, cleaner.vbs):

  • open in Notepad: File → Save As...;
  • indicate in which folder you want to save the script;
  • in the “File name:” column, enter the name and extension of the script;
  • Click Save.

4. Double-click with the left button on the created script.

5. In the window asking “Do you want...” click “OK”.

6. When the RAM cleaning is complete, the display will show “RAM cleaning completed successfully.” Also click “OK” on it.

Happy cleaning!

Many users have problems with their computer. Its speed decreases, processes slow down. This means that the RAM cache is full to capacity. There are processes that are constantly launched by the user, reducing the performance of the operating system. You can help it if you clean Windows 7 in a timely manner. Special utility programs have been developed for this. With rational consumption, cleaning and professional care, the benefits are obvious. This allows you to avoid having to buy new sticks of RAM.

Standard OS functions

Before cleansing and liberation windows memory can be carried out RAM diagnostics. This will allow you to identify violations, for example, determine whether there are damaged memory cells, and then work with Windows.

Diagnostics can take place in the following order:

Can be carried out checking RAM with basic, in the usual or broad way. To do this, select the F1 key. Option transitions can be made using the Tab key. To confirm activation, press F10. To close use the Esc key.

After completing the testing operation, you can view the results cleaning windows. If there is no damage or irregularities, then you can clear the RAM with other programs.

Manually offloading RAM

The process can go this way:

Cleaning RAM with special utilities

Mz RAM Booster. This utility is located in free to download and use access. You can use the program on computers with an operating system Windows system 8. It takes up several megabytes, but it’s worth the work.

The utility cleans up all unnecessary processes that load the system in offline mode. With it, every user can optimize the CPU and monitor computer systems. Setup program windows work has three main functions and helps free up the system. To do this you need:

  • Smart Optimize. By pressing this key, the system optimization process is carried out;
  • Recover RAM. The cache is being cleared;
  • CPU Boost. System operation speeds up.


This utility can improve RAM performance, does not take up much space. With it, you can quickly and smoothly remove all unnecessary background processes and clear the cache without disturbing the system. And also able to work with directories DLLs. That is, it removes libraries that RAM has never used, or has been used for a very long time.

Fast program. Starts cleaning RAM with the press of one button. For a clearer interface, you must install the Russian language during the first launch.

When the process is completed, the utility will open a window with information about the work done.

Creating a script to clear RAM

If there are no cleaning programs on your computer, and there is no way to install them, then you can create it yourself VBS cleaning script. Of course, without knowing the cleanup code, the user will not be able to do anything. He must have at least basic knowledge of programming.

You need to create a regular text file. This can be done using a notepad, or by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting Text Document in the “Create” tab.

Now you need to write the code in the open document window. The file is saved under the extension . vbs. You must select the file tab and click on the “Save As” sub-item. You can name the file anything you like, for example, cleaner. vbs. The main thing is that you need to be format specified correctly. vbs. Save the file.

Open it by double-clicking the left mouse button. A window will open with a request in which it will be written: “do you want...”. You don’t need to write anything, just click OK. The window will close and cleaning will begin as follows: background process. When the cleaning is completed, a window will open with the message “RAM cleaning completed successfully.” Click OK again. All is ready. The system has been cleared. Now you can safely use your computer and the programs on it. RAM is ready.

Over time, users notice that their computer begins to function more slowly. And when freezes appear, you can forget about comfortable work. If, after launching the Task Manager, you see your RAM fully loaded, this article will help you fix the problem. Therefore, let's look at how to clear RAM Windows computer 10.

Ways to clear RAM

There are many ways to unload your computer's RAM. Let's consider everything possible methods from easy and less effective to complex and more effective.

Manual cleaning

The most popular way. Do the following:

If some processes do not terminate, suspicion falls on viruses that have infested HDD computer. To scan your device, it is recommended to perform a system scan using AdwCleaner and Dr.Web CureIt! .

But processes that don't close are not just viruses. They also include standard services and other related software. To disable them completely, you need to exclude the corresponding fields from autoload. This requires:

Using special utilities

If you don’t want to or are afraid to clean it yourself, you can use special utilities.


KCleaner is one of the most powerful RAM cleaners. The program effectively cleans RAM without disabling system-critical services and processes.

To start optimization you need:

Also available in the program additional functions. For example, clean and reboot.

Mz RAM Booster

A more eminent representative who also copes well with his duties. Moreover, the application allows you to optimize the functioning of your PC and speed up the processor (through overclocking). The program has an intuitive interface and launching the “accelerator” is not difficult: you just need to download the software, launch it and click on the appropriate button (as of November 20, 2017, the developer’s website stopped working).

Using a script

The most creative method, which is almost as effective as all of the above. You need to write a script yourself that will perform this difficult task. Interesting, isn't it? To do this you need:

Now you know how to clear the RAM of a Windows 10 computer. If the article helped, share it with your friends and acquaintances. Let them experience the benefits of using a hardware-offloaded PC.

Among users computer technology There is an opinion that there can never be too much... And you can’t argue with this, dear reader, especially when it comes to modern machines whose hardware configuration corresponds to solid specifications, and the Windows system installed on board the PC is a 64-bit version. However, the “painful” problem of many - “the computer’s physical memory is loaded, what should I do” - still continues its inglorious existence, perplexing the average user and sometimes forcing an experienced computer guru to rack his brains over solving the “lack of RAM” problem. However, we will not delve into the extreme complexity of “operational misunderstandings” and will resort to simple but effective methods of diagnosing and optimizing the computer swap system. Well, the article promises to be memorable. RAM secrets are waiting to be revealed!

Guard, the computer's physical memory is loaded!

What to do and how to deal with it? Probably, these are the questions that come to the user’s mind when he becomes an involuntary witness to the monstrous slowness of the Windows operating system.

  • With each subsequent turn on of the PC, the startup of the OS becomes slower and slower.
  • The clickability of the operating system at startup and during use becomes unbearable due to the “long-lasting waiting process.”
  • The once “flying” applications, to put it mildly, take a long time to start.
  • Incomprehensible service messages attack the monitor with their “unobtrusive” presence.

In general, any of the above scenarios (not to mention their complex manifestations) can quickly drive any user crazy. But not everyone who is “expecting” understands that everything described above may be the result of our own omissions. And it’s unlikely that the average user even knows how to make sure that the computer’s physical memory is loaded?

What should you do first if your PC loses performance?

Of course, first of all, you need to diagnose the system. Moreover, everything necessary for this is provided in advance by Microsoft developers. Well, it's time to move on to the practical part of our story.

  • Right-click on the taskbar (the lowest area of ​​the screen).
  • From the drop-down list, select “Manager...”.
  • Once in the work area of ​​the service window of the same name, use the “Performance” tab.

  • A visually presented graph will allow you to evaluate your RAM. If Vista or a later version of Windows OS is installed on your PC, then the value of memory used should not exceed 70-75% of the total nominal value of the physical swap. Otherwise, you need to unload the RAM area.

Memory problems start from the start of the OS

When you observe that your computer's physical memory is loaded at 80% or above this value, pay attention to startup. Most likely at the moment Windows startup the mentioned service activates many background applications and various software. Often, it is for this reason that the RAM becomes overloaded, literally “torn” between requests from multiple programs to allocate the amount of memory they need to operate. However, such an unpleasant situation can be corrected quite easily.

  • IN search bar launcher Windows menu enter the command “msconfig”.
  • After pressing the “Enter” button you will be taken to the “System Configuration” service menu.
  • Activate the “Startup” tab and edit the priority list of startup software.

You will be surprised how quickly your OS will boot after a system restart. Nothing prevents you from making sure in practice that the problematic situation when the computer’s physical memory is loaded on Windows 7 will be exhausted after you remove all unnecessary things from startup.

How to clear RAM: two “fundamental” optimization methods

Let's start with the main thing - you need to disable unused software. Typically, in order to see exactly which programs are running in background, you need to look into a special area of ​​the OS - the system tray - and directly from there (by pointing the marker at the object and right-clicking) deactivate the selected software. It may well turn out that immediately after you implement the proposed recommendation, the question “The physical memory of the computer is loaded, how to clear it” will be completely resolved. After all, some applications running are incredibly “gluttonous” in terms of using system RAM resources.

Another way to free up memory

So, in order to see which programs or utilities are “secretly” consuming the kilo- and megabytes of RAM you need so much, do the following:

  • Press the key combination “Alt+Ctrl+Del”.
  • After you get to the service window that is already familiar to you, open the “Processes” tab.
  • Analyze the presented list and use manual correction to turn off background application which you don't need at the moment.

However, you should not rush to deactivate “aggressive items”, since disabling some critical Windows services can have a detrimental effect on the overall stability of your OS.

“Miracle” RAM optimizers

When the physical memory of the computer is 90 percent loaded (from the earlier section of the article you learned that this value is a deviation from the norm), some users rush to clear the RAM area using various utilities. However, not many of them realize that this type of RAM optimization is a waste of time, since they do not contribute anything concrete to solving the problem. The “promising functionality” of such optimizers only creates the illusion that memory is freed up, while introducing some difficulties into the operation of the OS... Rest assured: the manual method is much more effective and more expedient to implement than imaginary “help” from third-party developers. By the way, we advise you to simply forget about this (second) method of RAM optimization...

Malicious code and methods for detecting it

Often the user asks the question: “The physical memory of the computer is loaded: is it a virus or not?” This problem is especially acute when all the above actions have been implemented in practice. What's the matter and why does RAM continue to lose its working potential? Let's figure it out.

It is worth noting that the traditional antivirus installed on your PC is not always able to fully protect your system from penetration and the subsequent negative impact of one or another “digital infection”. Therefore, it makes sense to check your OS using the above utilities.

When the amount of RAM corresponds to the concept “NOT TOO”

If you are working in Word and at the same time listening to music using an Internet browser, and you see that the physical memory of the computer is 77% loaded, there is no reason to worry. But if things are different, it makes sense to consider the problem with technical point perspective and ask some questions: how many RAM modules are installed on your PC and what are their nominal “capabilities”? It is worth noting an important fact: depending on the version of the Windows system used, the requirements for the amount of RAM can vary from 256 MB to 2 GB (only for the “needs” of the operating system itself). Well, if you still decide to use a resource-intensive program on a computer with limited RAM, then it’s time to think about expanding

Summing up

So, with some confidence we can say that the once difficult situation for you “the physical memory of the computer is loaded, what to do” has now been resolved. Nevertheless, one important “operative” point is still worth mentioning.

  • If you are using Windows Vista, the seventh OS or later versions of the Microsoft product, then if you do not have enough RAM, you can try disabling the Superfetch service.

And one last thing: do not miss the opportunity to upgrade your PC - adding an additional RAM module will significantly expand the functionality and “combat capability” of your computer equipment. Don't let your computer fall into unconsciousness!

Virtual memory in any operating system works this way: individual, usually inactive, fragments of memory are moved from random access memory (RAM) - technical device, which implements the functions of RAM - and free it (RAM) to load other memory fragments. Pages paged out of memory are temporarily stored in the paging file. From it you can extract information that is used during system operation. For example, in some organizations where they are constantly working with some important secret data, specialists periodically clean up the virtual memory.

We’ll look at how to clear virtual memory below using Windows 7 as an example and do it in three ways: through the control panel, through the search bar and by editing the registry

Method number 1. Activating virtual memory cleaning through the control panel

Open the control panel - click menu "Start" and select a team "Control Panel".

Rus. Windows 7

English Windows 7

A window will open and at the top (in the explorer line, if you click on the small triangle, a drop-down list will open) open an additional menu All Control Panel Items.

Rus. Windows 7

English Windows 7

From the list that appears, you must select a section "Administrative Tools",

Rus. Windows 7

English Windows 7

and then in another window that appears - "Local Security Policy".

Rus. Windows 7

English Windows 7

Further in the section « Local policies» let's come here - “Local Policies” - “Security Options” and find the line .

By default, this security option will be disabled in the line. Double-click the mouse and a new window will appear: this is where you need to activate the status "Enabled", then confirm your choice by pressing "OK".

Rus. Windows 7

English Windows 7

Method number 2. Activating virtual memory cleaning via the search bar

To clear the system’s virtual memory, use the search bar. Calling up the system menu "Start", where there is a convenient search bar at the bottom - that’s where we enter the file name gpedit.msc. Next - key Enter.

Then we will see a new window open - "Local editor" group policy» (Local Group Policy Editor)- and in it we make a choice according to the following scheme: Computer Configuration, Further Windows Settings, Further Security Settings.

Rus. Windows 7

English Windows 7

The last window will provide us with a separate list in which we need to select a folder "Local Policies",

Rus. Windows 7

English Windows 7

and then the final item - the string Security Options.

Rus. Windows 7

English Windows 7

By clicking on this line, as in the first method, we find another line Shutdown: Clear virtual memory pagefile. Status "Enabled" activate exactly the same as in the first method, then click "OK". That's it, the process is completed successfully.

Method No. 3. Activating virtual memory cleaning by editing the registry

The third way to activate virtual memory cleaning is by editing the registry. As before, press the menu "Start" and at the bottom in the search bar enter "regedit" press the key Enter.

A window will appear on our screen Registry Editor- here we will open the folders in the given sequence: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", Further "SYSTEM", Further "CurrentControlSet", Further "Control", Further "Session Manager" and the last item is the folder "Memory Management".

In the last folder we find the parameter "ClearPageFileAtShutdown",

open the window by double clicking the mouse and edit - enter the number in the value column "1" instead of «0» .

That's it, the process is completed successfully.