The difference between nano sim and microsim. What are the differences between the microsym and the ones we apply? Video: how to cut a SIM card for nano

As it became known from the presentation, iPhone 5 owners will need to change their SIM cards from micro SIM to cards of a new type - . But this is not always convenient; you have to go to the operator, bring your passport, and stand in line. Is it possible to have another, more easy way? To answer this question, let's first delve into history.

The development of nano SIM was carried out not only by Apple, but also by many other giant companies, such as Nokia, Motorola, RIM, etc.

Apple proposed this nano SIM card format, a standard arrangement of contact pads, but smaller in size:

To which Nokia developers proposed another option. In their opinion, such a card should be inserted into the phone like a memory card - on the side and without a SIM slot, and for these purposes the card was equipped with side protrusions:

But Apple said that SIM card too long and may get stuck in the classic micro-SIM connector...

Motorola and RIM decided to combine everything best qualities two proposals and created a card that contained standard pads, as Apple offered, and spare pads in the center. Also, the new card received contact pads in the center and a side protrusion on the side, as Nokia proposed:

In principle, everyone is happy with the solution from Motorola and RIM, the card is not long, the contact pads are in place, even with a protrusion! But Apple engineers used their own version in their devices no matter what...

It follows that this is, roughly speaking, a smaller copy of a micro SIM. But by how much is it reduced? Is it possible to cut it, as is the case with SIM->micro SIM?

To do this, let's look at the dimensions of the card and compare it with micro SIM.

  • nano-SIM – 12.3x8.8 and thickness 0.67;
  • micro-SIM – 15 x 2.5 and thickness 0.81;

It turns out that you need to cut off all the plastic from the micro-SIM and leave only the chip. After that, file the chip with sandpaper so that the card becomes thinner and we get a nano-SIM.

Of course, this is not easy, but sometimes it’s easier than changing, for example, if the number is registered to a company. If you need to adapt a card, contact our service, we will help!

MTS nano SIM card is a chip that is used in many modern smartphones. But how to get it or make it yourself? We will study all the nuances in our article and provide advice for subscribers.

Nano SIM is a card with dimensions of 9x12 mm. Outwardly, it looks like a small chip; there are no plastic edges, or they are minimal. Has a compact size.

Why did manufacturers start creating slots? similar format? The main reason is the desire to save space. Regular card takes up a lot of space inside the case.

Do not forget that manufacturers have switched to a completely monoblock design. Consequently, the cards are now installed on the side. I had to reduce the format and get rid of excess plastic around the edges of the chip.

What are the advantages?

  1. The card takes up less space.
  2. You can make a slot for two SIM cards.
  3. It is possible to optimize the placement of components inside the case.
  4. The plastic part around the chip is still unnecessary and has no practical function.

Users have found out what a nano-sim looks like. But where can I get it? Let's explore the possible options.

Where can I get nano sim?

There are a number of ways:

  • Buy a new card.
  • Order an exchange.
  • Perform trimming.

How to order?

Where can I get a card? The client can purchase a nano sim along with the tariff from the operator. Necessary:

  1. Come to the nearest salon.
  2. Ask to connect.
  3. Select a tariff.
  4. Provide a passport.
  5. Sign an agreement for the provision of services.

How much does an MTS nano SIM card cost? The price of a new card is 0 rubles. The client makes only an advance payment according to the tariff; the chip for access to the network is provided free of charge.

Delivery is available in major cities. The availability of such a service should be clarified separately by contacting specialists contact center by calling 8-800-250-0890.

The client is given a medium similar to by bank card. The usual mini-SIM is squeezed out of it. Then take out the central part; the grooves were made during production.

You should not throw away excess plastic elements. In the future, they can be used as an adapter, which will facilitate installation in other phones.

How to order an exchange? Necessary:

  • Come to the salon.
  • Provide a passport.
  • Ask to exchange the card.
  • In the future, the client will be given a modern product.

Important: only the owner can request an exchange upon presentation of a passport! Employees do not have the right to perform an operation at the request of the user of the number if the account is not registered to him.


Old media can be trimmed. Necessary:

  1. Choose any store that sells smartphones.
  2. Find out about the availability of trimming services.
  3. Come to the point of sale in person.
  4. Give the media to a specialist.
  5. He will trim it and return it to the owner.


The cost of the service is from 100 to 500 rubles. Usually the price is in the range of 100-200 rubles, the procedure takes no more than 1-2 minutes for a specialist. You can clarify the specific parameter in the selected store.

How to trim yourself

You learned how to get a nano SIM MTS. But is it possible to cut the card yourself and how safe is it? this procedure?

Doing the process yourself is highly not recommended! What problems may you encounter:

  • Chip damage.
  • Complete card failure.
  • You need to spend time replacing it.
  • If the card is registered to another person, you will have to ask him to visit the office and leave a request for exchange.

Aren't you afraid to risk the performance of your SIM card? Then we offer a simplified method:

  1. You need to download the template online.
  2. Print it on paper.
  3. Cut out.
  4. Glue to the back with double-sided tape.
  5. Perform trimming.

Once upon a time, when you had to use push-button mobile phones, there was only one SIM card format. Therefore, the SIM card could be easily moved from one phone to another - I quickly moved it and immediately started using it. In the era of smartphones, three types of SIM cards appeared at once. Let's talk about them in more detail.


A standard Mini-SIM is exactly the SIM card that was used in push-button mobile phones and early smartphones. Today it is much less common, because most modern smartphones simply do not support this type of SIM card. The dimensions are:

  • Length: 25 mm
  • Width: 15 mm


Guess which company created micro SIM cards? That's right - it's Apple. The card is much smaller in size. They are as follows:

  • Length: 15 mm
  • Width: 12 mm


After some time, a nano format SIM card was shown. Who became the innovator? Again Apple company. Most modern smartphones support Nano-SIM.

And here are the dimensions of the SIM card:

  • Length: 12.3mm
  • Width: 8.8 mm

And this is a comparison of SIM cards of three formats:


Do you think the decline in SIM cards will continue? It’s unlikely, since eSIM was invented some time ago - this is a special chip that is already built into the smartphone. The user chooses which operator to connect to, and there is no need to go to the office - this is done using the application. If he does not like the tariffs of one operator, he can connect to it through the application of another operator. Convenient, but eSIM is supported in a small number of countries.

Are different sizes bad?

You can say so, since new smartphones mostly support the Nano format. If you have a Mini SIM card, you can either cut it or replace it with the desired size at a communication store - not very convenient.

What if you have Nano-SIM and your smartphone supports Mini-SIM? There are convenient adapters that are sold even in supermarkets. Like these ones:

Today, SIM cards are distributed in the form of a universal SIM card, when the user can choose which SIM card format to use.

What is the difference between a nano SIM card and a micro SIM card?

In fact, only in dimensions - Nano-SIM is somewhat smaller. In addition, formally Nano-SIM should be a little thinner - 0.67 mm versus 0.76 mm for Micro-SIM, however, as far as we know, both formats may have the same thickness. When used, this usually does not cause any problems.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with SIM cards different sizes, although a couple of years ago this brought users mobile communications into some stupor. When purchasing a new phone, you need to clarify which type of cards is acceptable for this model. Many of the devices are adapted to all three types (standard card, micro and nano SIM cards). But what to do in a situation where the phone only receives data? It is in this article that you can learn about what types of SIM cards there are, what is the difference between a regular SIM card and Nanosim, and also how to cut a SIM card for nano.

SIM card formats for phones and their differences

What types of cards are there for mobile phones? In fact, there is nothing complicated here. Modern phone models support three types of SIM cards:

  • Standard;
  • Microsim card;
  • Nano SIM card.

The difference between them is only in the dimensions of the cards; the innovations did not affect the electronic chip at all. The dimensions of the regular SIM card, the predecessor of all current SIM cards, are 25x15 mm with a beveled corner.

It is used in most modern phone models, but recently Mini-UICC cards measuring 15x12mm have become increasingly popular.

For the first time, such an example began to be used on the iPhone, and then the fashion was picked up by other “flagship” manufacturers.

After the release of the fifth iPhone, SIM card standards again required changes, because the devices themselves are now of completely different dimensions. Now the dimensions had to be even smaller, in addition to this their thickness also changed. And then a nano SIM card appeared, what it is, I think, is already clear from the name itself.

Reference. Nano SIM is the smallest SIM card used in modern gadgets.

Let's summarize the dimensions of the cards:

Is it possible to get nano yourself?

And now you have a brand new phone in your hands, but the problem is that the old one has a mini card, but just give this one a nano SIM. What to do? Of course, you can use the services of communication shops and purchase completely new number. Or change the card format itself to a nanosim card, so Beeline offers to do this for free and at the same time you will retain your phone number, balance on your SIM card and tariff plan.

But useful information There was a lot on the old card, and you don’t want to lose it, right? In this case, we suggest that you take the situation into your own hands and, with the same hands, start cutting the card.

To make a mini micro SIM card (for example, for an iPhone 5 s) you will need:

  1. A ruler, but a caliper is better.
  2. Good sharp scissors for cutting out SIM card plastic.
  3. Pen or pencil.
  4. Sandpaper (it is better to use fine sandpaper, since the work ahead is delicate).

The first step is to save all important information from a SIM card, because this method transformation has a high chance of damaging the technical part. Therefore, if you do not want to risk important contacts on the card, then it is better to go to your native operator and change the SIM card.

If you are not afraid of difficulties, then feel free to proceed to the next stage: building a template. For this you need not only a ruler, but also a good eye, since every tenth of a millimeter is worth the price. For your convenience, here you will find a diagram that will help you cut out the required part of the SIM card. This template can be downloaded, printed and transferred directly to the SIM card.

When marking, be sure to mark the cut corner first, as this will help you determine which side to insert the SIM card into the phone. This is very important, since the chip is divided into certain contact zones, which must subsequently fall into place in the device.

Therefore, do all the work very carefully so as not to cut or leave anything unnecessary. When cutting, try not to touch the electronic chip of your SIM card.

When you are done with measuring work and getting rid of excess parts, proceed to sanding the SIM card. But before that, check whether this procedure is really necessary. Most devices perceive cards that are only 0.1 mm thick as their own, and perhaps the need to work with “sandpaper” will disappear by itself.

Now insert the cut card into your phone. Works? We congratulate you on successfully completing the quest. If it doesn’t fit, you should cut it or sand it again.

Well, if it works like a glove and the phone can’t detect it, then you can’t do without operators - feel free to go to a communication store and buy a new SIM card. To prevent such a nuisance from happening, practice on some old and unnecessary SIM card that is lying around idle.

Is it worth the risk?

In fact, you can do without this whole procedure of trimming excess parts. You can use a special device - a cutter. It will reduce the SIM card to the size you need in a matter of seconds.

A similar tool can be found in all communication shops in any city. The price of such a service is ridiculous, and in certain cases you won’t spend a penny. It all depends on the operator. Also, such establishments can change the SIM card format to a nano card.

To issue a new kit, you just need to fill out an application and do not forget to bring your passport.

If at some point you suddenly want to use this card on a phone of an older model that supports earlier formats, do not panic ahead of time. There is a special adapter for this; by inserting a nano SIM card into it, you can easily use it even in very ancient devices.

Adapter for nano-SIM card

Attention! This article serves only as advice on how to change your SIM card, but not as an instruction. Therefore, all responsibility for further actions and their consequences lie entirely with its owner and the performer of the above-described manipulations.

Video on the topic

Recently it has been used in modern smartphones new standard SIM card format - nano sim. The most famous representatives that support just such SIM cards are new models Apple iPhone And Samsung phones. Due to this circumstance, many subscribers needed to cut a regular SIM card to the size of a nano SIM, since it is simply not possible to insert a standard SIM card into modern phones.

How to cut a SIM card for a nano-SIM?

You can reduce your SIM card to nano size either on your own or by entrusting the work to specialists. If you decide to cut a SIM card at home, prepare the following materials that will be useful in the process:

  • A utility knife or sharp scissors.
  • Pen or pencil.
  • Caliper or ruler.
  • Sandpaper or nail file.

In order to cut a nano sim from a regular SIM card, you should follow the given procedure:

  1. Using a pen or pencil, draw the dimensions of the future SIM onto the surface of the old SIM card. Required dimensions nano SIM cards - 12.3 by 8.8 millimeters. It is necessary to apply the markings as accurately as possible - a caliper and a ruler with a fine scale can help with this. You can also print it on paper and transfer it to a regular SIM card.
  2. Using a utility knife or scissors, cut off any excess pieces of plastic, being careful to do the job as carefully as possible without touching the electronic chip.
  3. Take sandpaper, trim the edges and grind off the plastic layer on the top side of the SIM card. The required thickness is 0.67 millimeters. Under no circumstances should you try to sand the chip - this will inevitably lead to its malfunction.

Before cutting a SIM card to nano sim size, you should remember that at home you can damage the SIM card and render it inoperable. In this case, the SIM card cannot be restored - you will have to purchase a new one. To reduce the risks, we recommend that you first practice on an old, unnecessary SIM card and only make sure that you can cut off your current one.

Alternative ways to cut a SIM card

It is not necessary to trim the SIM card manually yourself; it can be replaced with a card of the required size or cut out regular SIM card Apply using a special cutter. This tool It is a kind of hole puncher or stapler in which a regular SIM card is placed and with one click it is carefully cut into a micro or nano SIM. Similar tools are available in salons cellular communications, one of which you can contact to replace your SIM card with a nano standard size card. You can also replace the card without cutting it - you need to fill out an application at your operator's service center and receive a new set with a SIM card of the size you need.

You can insert a nano SIM into a phone with a standard size SIM card slot only using a special adapter for nano SIM cards. You need to place the nano SIM card in the adapter, which in turn is inserted into the socket mobile phone. It costs a penny, but the benefits are very noticeable - you don’t need to change the SIM card again in the future if you want to use it in a phone that supports a different format.