Bad micro usb contact what to do. What to do if your phone is not charging properly. How to check the connector

How to charge telephone if the socket is broken. How to fix the charging connector at home with video

In the beginning, a mobile phone was a common device for making calls. On this moment This is a multifunctional device, without which a person will not be so comfortable. If used carelessly, the power socket breaks from time to time. In this case, you need to know how to repair the phone charging connector or charge it using another method.

How to fix your phone charging socket change of position

It is necessary to immediately indicate that fix This method will not work for your device. A broken power socket remains that way and repairs cannot be avoided. This half-measure is needed in situations where there is no suitable amount for repairs, but it is necessary to use a mobile phone. Abstract how charge the phone if the socket is broken:

  1. Connect the charger to the accessory and plug it into the network.
  2. Try to move the cord, moving up and down the position of the plug.
  3. If the battery cannot be charged because the contact has become loose, such actions can short-circuit it.
  4. If the cell phone finds the charger, try to fix this position. Try to slip books or other objects under the wire so that the phone can lie there overnight and the battery can be charged.

Before carrying out such manipulation, make sure that the problem is actually in the connector and not in the battery. When used for a long time, they tend to stop holding a charge. In this case, you should purchase new battery, and not fight with a supposedly warped socket. If the problem really is with the connector, then it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid repairs. Keep in mind that such manipulations with the wire can further weaken the connection point or break it completely.

Replacing the charging connector with a universal “frog”

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In a critical situation when you don’t understand how charge the phone, if the socket is broken, you can use a universal charger. From time to time they call an accessory a “frog”; it is relatively expensive, so it is not a fact that this is better than giving the accessory for repair. This device has a special groove into which you need to insert the extracted mobile battery. But this method has several obvious drawbacks:

DIY phone charging socket repair.

Replacing the connector for charging your phone without soldering.

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Not charging? Cleaning the charging/data socket

I have repeatedly heard from people that their phone does not charge or does not connect to the computer - it happens.

  • During charging, the phone is turned off and cannot be used until the battery is charged;
  • the price of the “frog” is the highest and sometimes does not justify the costs;
  • Among user reviews, there are situations when the charger broke the battery.

The charging connector on the phone is broken - charge directly

If you don't understand how to change charging socket on your phone, you can try to replenish your battery without having to use the power socket. The method is relatively complicated and requires some abilities in the field of working with electricity. The essence is as follows:

  1. You need to remove the battery from the phone.
  2. Cut off the insulation from the charger wire, expose the wires (unplug it from the outlet).
  3. Strip the veins, determine where the plus and minus are.
  4. Find the correct terminals on your phone battery. It is important to observe the polarity of the wires and the device.
  5. Secure the wires and insert the plug into the socket.

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Absolutely not recommended for use this method, if you are not 100% convinced of your own abilities. You should not carry out manipulations when you are alone at home; there should certainly be a person nearby who could help you in case of a possible electric shock. Please note that this connection option is not normal for a battery and can lead to breakdown or premature depletion.

How to replace charging socket on the phone

The only proven method to get rid of a difficulty is to leave the matter in the hands of professional workers. Maybe after they tell you how much it costs to fix it nest to charge your phone, you don't want to use any "workarounds". In modern accessories, this connector also performs the function of connecting to a computer and transferring data, so its failure greatly reduces the functionality of the accessory. This is a microcircuit that cannot be repaired at home without the help of others. Repairing a phone often costs a lot of money and you should be prepared for this.

With all this, it is best to contact a certified center. The perfect option would be a branded service point from the same manufacturer as your mobile phone. They know all the intricacies of their own products and will be able to provide qualified assistance to eliminate the breakdown. Inexperienced or careless workers can worsen the situation and lead to even greater damage to the device.

If your phone's battery isn't charging properly, don't think it's just the battery or the charger that's causing the problem. Based on personal experience, the problem and its solution may be much simpler than you think. If your smartphone or tablet is charging poorly or not charging at all, then check out 10 ways to fix these problems.

Why is the device not charging?

Problems arise to varying degrees. Either the phone doesn't want to charge at all when it's connected, or the process is too slow. Here are some solutions for you.

1. Poor contact

Very often the metal coating inside the USB port and micro USB has poor contact, either due to a manufacturing defect or due to cable wear.

All you need to do is turn off the device, remove the battery if possible, and clean the contacts inside with something like a needle or toothpick. Do this very carefully and carefully, then insert the battery and connect Charger again. 9 times out of 10, that's all you need to do.

2. Clean the charging port from dust and foreign fibers

Do you keep your phone in your jeans pocket? If so, then fibers could be the culprit: we've lost count of the number of times fibers in our clothing have caused faulty charging.

You can also return the charging connector to normal condition by blowing it out. compressed air.

3. Try a different cable

The most fragile part of the charger is the cable. It is constantly bent, which can damage it over time.

The easiest way to diagnose a damaged cable is to take another one and see if it works properly with your device. If yes, you know that the original charger wire is faulty. If not, then you need to look for a solution further.

4. Use a different adapter

You have ruled out problems with the cable, then you need to check the functionality of the charging device itself. This is much easier if you can pull the wire out of the adapter. We've encountered many chargers where the USB ports have become worn out due to endless plugging and unplugging of the cable.

Also check the charging/wire functionality on other phones as this will help rule out the possibility that it is a problem with your smartphone. In addition, you should make sure that the outlet is working properly.

5. Remember - safety comes first

Do not charge your device near water or in extremely hot or humid conditions. Do not keep the device connected to the charger for too long. Don't leave it charging overnight when it only needs 2-3 hours. This may cause hardware damage.

If you want to replace the charger or its cable, be careful: cheap adapters third party manufacturers quite dangerous. There have been many fire incidents recently mobile phones because of them.

The video below captured one of these cases:

6. Replace the battery

Life battery does not last forever and after a few years of use it loses its capacity. The more often you charge and discharge it, the sooner it will deteriorate. Of course, if the battery stops working after six months of use, then you need to contact the seller for a warranty.

Some defective batteries can be easily identified by appearance. If it is swollen, then it should be replaced immediately.

7. Charge from the correct source

Charging from a wall outlet will always be faster than from a computer because its USB ports have too little power. Thus, the phone charges much faster from a wall outlet.

The problem may also be that you are using an adapter from another device, for example, from a Bluetooth headset, which is not intended for your gadget. This adapter does not supply enough current. When latest models high-end smartphones, you may have a device that supports fast charging, but the adapter is not suitable.

8. Update the software or roll back to previous version

Updates software can worsen the battery life of a mobile phone, especially when an old device receives a fresh one Android version. Newer smartphones and tablets are often optimized for benefits latest version BY.

If this happens to you and you can't find a solution, try rolling back to a previous version. Of course, you can try first full reset, as recommended by manufacturers, so as not to compromise the data on the device due to old version Android.

Likewise, sometimes autonomous operation smartphone can be significantly improved with a fresh update.

9. Try turning it off

Usage heavy applications during charging affects the duration of the process. For example, if you are chatting on Skype or playing games, the device will take longer to charge.

Therefore, charge the device in the off state or in airplane mode.

10. Calibrate the battery

Sometimes, the battery charge level displayed on the screen may differ from the actual battery level. Because of this, your phone's behavior may seem strange to you.

Kirill Sobolev

If your hands are golden, then it doesn’t matter where they come from.


Initially, a mobile phone was a simple device for making calls. Now it is a multifunctional device, without which a person will not be so comfortable. If used carelessly, the power socket sometimes breaks. In this case, you should know how to repair the phone's charging connector or charge it in another way.

How to fix a phone charging socket by changing its position

You must immediately indicate that your device cannot be repaired in this way. A broken power socket will remain so and repair cannot be avoided. This half-measure is necessary in situations where there is no required amount for repairs, but you need to use a mobile phone. Instructions on how to charge your phone if the socket is broken:

  1. Connect the charger to the device, plug it into the network.
  2. Try moving the cord, moving the plug position up and down.
  3. If the battery cannot be charged because the contact has become loose, such actions can short-circuit it.
  4. If your cell phone detects the charger, try to fix this position. Try placing books or other objects under the wire so that the mobile phone can lie there overnight and the battery can be charged.

Before carrying out such a manipulation, make sure that the problem is really in the connector and not the battery. When used for a long time, they tend to stop holding a charge. In this case, you should buy a new battery rather than deal with a supposedly damaged socket. . If the problem really is with the connector, then it is unlikely to be able to avoid repairs. Keep in mind that such manipulations with the wire can further loosen the connection point or break it completely.

Replacing the charging connector with a universal “frog”

In a critical situation, when you don’t know how to charge your phone if the socket is broken, you can use a universal charger. Sometimes the device is called a “frog”, it is relatively expensive, so it is not a fact that it is better than sending the device for repair. This device has a special groove into which you need to insert the battery removed from the mobile phone. However, this method has several obvious disadvantages:

  • During charging, the smartphone is turned off and cannot be used until the battery is charged;
  • the cost of the “frog” is high and sometimes does not justify the costs;
  • Among user reviews there are situations where the charger broke the battery.

The charging connector on the phone is broken - charge directly

If you don't know how to change the charging socket on your phone, you can try to recharge the battery without having to use the power socket. The method is relatively complex and requires some skills in working with electricity. The point is this:

  1. You need to remove the battery from your phone.
  2. Cut off the insulation from the charger wire, expose the wires (unplug from the outlet).
  3. Strip the veins, determine where the plus and minus are.
  4. Find the corresponding terminals on the cell phone battery. It is important to observe the polarity of the wires and the device.
  5. Secure the wires and plug the plug into the socket.

It is strongly not recommended to use this method, if you are not 100% confident in your skills. You should not carry out manipulations when you are alone at home; there must be a person nearby who can help you in case of a possible electric shock. Please note that this connection option is not normal for the battery and can lead to breakdown or premature depletion.

How to replace the charging socket on your phone

The only proven way to get rid of the problem is to leave the matter in the hands of professional workers. You may not want to try any “workarounds” after they tell you how much it costs to fix your phone charging socket. In modern devices, this connector also performs the function of connecting to a computer and transferring data, so its failure greatly reduces the functionality of the device. This is a microcircuit that cannot be repaired at home on your own. Phone repairs often cost a lot of money and you should be prepared for this.

In this case, it is best to contact a certified center. The ideal option would be a branded service point from the same manufacturer as your mobile phone. They know all the intricacies of their products and will be able to provide qualified assistance to fix the breakdown. Inexperienced or careless workers can aggravate the situation and lead to even greater damage to the device.

Video: how to replace the power connector on your phone

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It's hard to believe, but until recently mobile phones were nothing more than a simple means of communication. Today, these are real multimedia centers, hiding a thousand and one entertainments in their small buildings. “Communication” with a mobile phone is so addictive that many people cannot take a break from it even for that short time when the phone is charging. The result is logical - the leading position among all mobile phone breakdowns is occupied by various damage to charging sockets. You can find out how to charge your phone battery if the charging socket is broken in our article.

How to charge your phone if the socket is broken?

Let's say right away that in the case of a loose or broken charging socket, as in most other mobile problems, trouble is much easier to prevent than to fix. Therefore, we advise you not to forget about prevention: when using the phone in recharging mode, you must ensure that the load on the socket is minimal. Otherwise, the charger plug will serve as a kind of lever that destroys the socket from the inside. The same rule applies when removing the phone from charging - the force to remove the plug should be directed parallel to the plane of the phone, and not at an angle to it. If trouble could not be avoided, then you can charge a phone with a broken socket using the following algorithm.

Phone or tablet not charging? The charge keeps running out and you don’t know what to do? You can try to solve this problem in just a few steps!

What to do when your phone's charger goes out?

In order not to wobble the wire or hold it at a certain angle, in order to charge the phone, try the following steps.

  • The most important thing to do first is check USB port for contamination. If there are any, then it needs to be cleaned. This also applies if there are oxidations that need to be removed. This procedure perform with a needle or toothpick and only when the phone is completely turned off!
  • Are you sure that The phone charger cable comes off, because the phone is charged from the cable only at a certain angle? Then tie the wire so that it does not unbend.

  • If you have a lot USB port is loose on the phone, then you need to find the position when charging occurs and place some object.

  • If the charger gets very hot or makes noise, replace it. Don't risk your phone!