Why does the computer often turn off by itself? Why does the computer turn off spontaneously? Classification of reasons for shutdown

Greetings to all! In this article I will tell you why the computer turns off by itself. Often, diagnostic measures and PC repair involve searching for an answer to a fundamental question: why does the computer turn off on its own? This is a fairly common problem with current PCs.

This article will discuss common precedents for turning off a PC on its own and methods for solving them.

The computer turns off by itself while playing

Some people, when their computer turns off by itself, in such cases begin to blame the video card. However, it should be noted that in this case it should be considered only after completing the check of two components of the computer. As a rule, a faulty video card causes problems, but not shutdown.

Most likely the power supply has failed.

If your PC systematically turns off during the game, then the power supply may be to blame. There are two possible reasons. The first is that a video game puts a strain on the video card, as a result of which the power supply, which is not designed for such a huge load, simply cannot withstand it.

Due to this, overload occurs system unit. For what other reasons can a computer turn off? On this topic! If you are interested, you can find out, and also.

Problems with the processor itself.

This is one of the common reasons. Or more precisely, its peak temperature. This is also due to the increased load - during the game the demands on the power of a given computer component increase. As a result, the temperature increases. If the cooling system on the central processor socket is unsatisfactory or of poor quality, then protection is activated, i.e. The PC instantly turns off.

The symptoms listed do not necessarily relate to video games. This can also happen P when watching movies or activating “heavy” software products- all this entails high load on the CPU.

The computer reboots on its own

This case is somewhat more complicated. In addition to the above factors, there are other system components that can cause the PC to not work properly. These include the motherboard or RAM ( RAM) computer.

Problems arising with RAM.

Symptoms of failed RAM vary. It includes system freezes, “braking” of software products and video games, and even the notorious PC overload. I recently told you about it, and I also said, be sure to read it.

However, it is necessary to check the OP first, since it is not difficult and the process itself will take less time than diagnosing the motherboard.

Problems associated with a faulty motherboard.

When you are convinced that everything is fine with the RAM, we recommend focusing on the motherboard. Only a specialist can handle this procedure; an ignorant person will not do anything useful. Despite this, we will try to talk about certain measures in the corresponding chapter. However, now we suggest you look into the symptoms, which will help you establish that when activated, the PC turns off due to incorrect operation of the motherboard.

  1. The first factor is that the operational life of the motherboard is coming to an end. In this case, its repair is impractical, since it will be easier to buy a new one. If the PC is not that old, then just buy a replacement.
  2. The second factor is minor cracks in the soldering of the board. There are already 2 options here - this defect will either go away on its own (after a certain period of time), or you will need to purchase a new board.
  3. Third factor - incorrect work capacitors on the motherboard. This can be cured by changing the capacitors by resoldering.
  4. Fourth factor - If the PC turns off while the operating system is loading, then the chipset on the board may be overheating. This can be easily checked using a multimeter.

The PC restarts for other reasons

In reality, there are many reasons, and if you do not have the knowledge and testing skills, then seek help from a knowledgeable specialist.

In addition to the above problems, independent shutdown occurs for the following reasons:

  • The wiring is faulty.
  • The extension cord has failed.
  • Dust has accumulated in the system unit.
  • Changes in electrical voltage.
  • Reduced voltage in the electrical network.

It is also better to take this into account; besides, checking the listed reasons will not take much of your time. It should be noted that factors can also be of a programmatic nature. For example, if your PC turns off every two hours, it is probably infected with viruses.

How to find out why your PC turns off spontaneously

Let's consider checking the factors that caused the computer to permanently shut down. You can check what is failing by replacing the system node that is under suspicion. However, first we recommend cleaning your computer from accumulated dust.

In order to remove the processor from the list of possible causes, you need to change the thermal paste and conduct a test using special software products, for example - S&M. But the best way to find out the processor heating temperature is through the BIOS.

RAM is checked using the MemTest86 program. Whenever critical errors you can think about the OP malfunction.

The power supply is checked with a multimeter. Of course, only specialists have access to it. Do not get into equipment operating under high electrical voltage without special skills! This is the golden rule that must always be followed.

The motherboard can be easily checked visually; look for swollen capacitors on it. But it is unlikely that you will be able to find microcracks and chips. If it's all about them, then feel free to throw away the board.

All procedures are replaced by one single test - eliminating the suspected element and replacing it with one that works 100%. Although not everyone can afford this method, it works and is easy to implement. This is particularly relevant to motherboard, the symptoms of which are so diverse that you can replace half the system nodes of your computer before you get to it.

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With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Good day, my readers! I am pleased to present to you the second part of my article on the topic: Why does the computer turn off during operation? How to determine the cause?

And today we will talk about hardware diagnostics. This is when you need to look at the inside of the computer system unit.

Let me remind you that in the first part we talked about software diagnostics. Read the article

Let's not delay and get started! And let's get one step closer to answering the question: why does the computer turn off by itself?

Hardware diagnostics directly affect the performance of your computer.

Anyone can do it without much difficulty. It is done by hand without using special software. The only thing you need to know technical information, characteristics of computers and build on them.

Necessary rules you need to know

  • Always turn off the power when performing any operations inside the system unit or laptop.
  • After opening the case, write down and remember all connected wires, contacts, connectors, cables, etc.
  • Be careful when using any components, cables, or contacts.

Stages of hardware diagnostics

  1. De-energize the device: to do this, unplug all plugs from the sockets. Take care of your own safety!

Always make sure the power is turned off before opening. To prevent a short circuit from occurring.

  1. Open the case of your laptop or PC. Usually you need to unscrew 2 screws.

On the slide below you can see a detailed location with the names of all the components of any computer. It will be useful for any user to know this.

Do the same with the hard drive, processor and other components.

CPU overheating

The most common reason why a computer restarts or turns off by itself- this is a normal processor overheating.

About computer overheating in more detail Here

Symptoms of overheating:

  • The system supplies more revolutions to the cooler fan
  • Freezes while playing or working
  • High temperature in Hades
  • Incorrect assembly after cleaning
  • Noisy
  • Turns off
  • Reboots

If your device is new. Carry it under warranty! You will save money and time.

It happens that due to poor quality assembly or maintenance, the cooler radiator is installed so that it does not fit tightly to the processor.

The power supply has failed

Over time, the power supply wears out, dust accumulates in it, dust gets into the cooler and it cools less well, and individual components fail due to overheating. Make sure it is ok.


  • Insufficient nutrition
  • Not enough power

power unit modern computer enough complicated thing. I would even say it is the key to stable operation of the entire system.

Very often the computer turns off by itself due to swollen capacitors on the power supply itself.

If your computer no longer turns on. Then immediately check the power supply. And also the motherboard.

This primarily applies to desktop computers. Therefore, the power supply must work properly and provide adequate power.

For example, some more expensive and advanced modern boards test the power of the power supply at startup, and automatically adjust the consumption mode of the entire system for stable operation.

Advice: do not skimp on the power supply when calculating your computer configuration

Important! Take a tester and check whether the real indicators correspond to those indicated on the charger.

Problems with RAM

appears on the computer blue screen? Does it overload on its own? Does it slow down? There is a solution! Try installing a different RAM board.

Often the computer reboots due to broken RAM. In order to check if the RAM is working, you should always have a spare RAM.


  • Blue screen
  • Overheat
  • Not working memory stick
  • Software problem
  • Incompatibility of the system with the equipment
  • Viruses

It happens that when starting up the computer turns off due to RAM. This usually appears as a blue screen. This could be either overheating or a glitchy bar, or a software problem.

When the memory itself is faulty, it is difficult to install a system on it. I would say - almost impossible.

During the OS installation process, the memory is tested so thoroughly that you cannot expect a “smooth” installation with faulty memory.

A few minutes before shutdown it may pop up "precursor"— a window with the message “Memory cannot be read.” Usually users simply close this absurd message, scratching their turnips.

Other problems

And the last point is clearly software problems. This may be an incompatibility between the system and the hardware.

Also, if you really want to install some very good software. But it turns out that it’s paid, and you install it with “crack”, having first disabled the antivirus. This way you infect your computer.

Actually, viruses can also cause system malfunctions, including shutting down or rebooting the computer.

All of the above symptoms basic, and about 90% correct.

There are a bunch of other smaller, more rare reasons for the computer to turn off spontaneously. Therefore, as in that medical joke, “the most accurate diagnosis is made by a pathologist.”


Let me summarize. It is important to carry out diagnostics twice a year. This is the key to long-term operation of your computer. This also includes reliable power supply, plus high-quality cooling - the result is a stable system. You can't skimp on these things.

So you got the answer: why the computer turns off by itself.

Write, ask questions, I will always be happy to answer and help. Now, you will know why the computer turns off when turned on

Any PC breakdown is an unpleasant incident, and if failures occur regularly, we begin to wonder why the computer turns off by itself and what to do about it.

Possible reasons and their solution

#1 Problems with the system unit

If the computer turns off by itself after a while, Windows 7 or 10 does not matter - the reason may lie in the system unit, which has accumulated dust and dirt. Remove side cover and check. If the components are covered with an unpleasant layer, take a vacuum cleaner and use it on low power to treat the inside of the PC. Use a paint brush and a cotton swab for hard-to-reach areas.

#2 High hardware temperature

Triggers when overheated emergency system shutdowns. There are many programs to check the current state, for example CPUID HWMonitor. What to do if the computer turns off by itself for Windows 7 - instructions:

  • Download the program from https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor-pro.html
  • Install and open. In the “Temperature” section you will see the necessary indicators.
  • If the temperature of the motherboard or video card is higher than the established norm, you should change the location of the PC itself and clean the fans.

Attention, if you have a laptop, purchase a stand and do not place it on soft surfaces.

Contact a specialist to change the thermal paste on your processor. Too large a layer is just as harmful as a dry layer, so it is not recommended for a beginner to do this on his own.

#3 Malware

When the computer turns off by itself, what is the reason is the most logical question. In Windows 7 we are looking for the answer in antivirus program. Launch it and go through a full test. If you use pirated versions games or frequently download from the Internet, your computer is probably infected.

Same thing with a common question, which comes to us, sounds like this: “If the computer (PC) turns off by itself - what could be the reason on Windows 10 and what to do about it?” The very first advice we give to such requests is: your protection is reduced, activate Windows Defender. This is a built-in antivirus, which also copes with its task quite well.

#4 Nutrition

When purchasing components (video cards, etc.), few people pay attention to the power of the power supply. But it is from this that the hardware receives electricity. When assembling a new PC, check how much all components consume. You can obtain this information from the device documents.
If they are not saved, look in the task manager for the correct name of the equipment and look for information on the Internet.

To find the reason when the computer turns itself off, in Windows 7, call the manager from the Control Panel (Start button). Write down the names associated with the word “Chipset” in the system section and rewrite the name of the video card from the block "Video adapters". Further check on the manufacturer's website.

The same sequence of steps must be followed to find out why the computer turns off by itself after a while for Windows 10. In it, the manager is called by right-clicking on the main button.

#5 Bad RAM

When the computer turns off by itself after a while, the reasons may lie in bad sectors RAM or malfunction of the dies themselves. You can run the test yourself. To do this, hold the +[R] buttons together and enter the sequence mdsched.

Reboot your computer as prompted by the system and wait about 20 minutes for the verification process to complete. If there are too many errors, it is better to replace the RAM. A specialist will help you understand in detail.

#6 Problems with the motherboard

When figuring out why the computer suddenly turns off by itself, you cannot ignore the motherboard. Due to voltage surges, a capacitor on it may swell or a transistor may be damaged.

The first problem is immediately visible, the second can be identified by a professional in radio engineering. He will change it. It's better to contact service center.

#7 Bad contact

When the computer begins to turn off on its own during operation, remember whether the system unit was hit or whether you disassembled it. Any contact could have come loose, from the power supply or motherboard. Disassemble the system unit and check all the plugs - they should fit tightly into the connectors.

#8 Upgrade

Before purchasing new components, check their compatibility - whether there is enough power from the unit. We wrote above how to do this. Another way is to enter all the parameters on the website https://ru.msi.com/calculator and click the count button. As a result, you will get the desired values.

Turning off your computer on its own is a serious and common problem. It is worth noting that such problems occur not only with PCs, but also with laptops. On the Internet you can find a lot of information explaining the occurrence of this type of failure. But there are few sensible answers. So why does the computer turn itself off? And how to fix this problem? Let's first look at all the possible causes of this problem, as well as ways to eliminate it.

Why does the PC turn off on its own and how to fix the problem

Let's start with the fact that a computer consists of a large number of parts, microchips, capacitors, and so on. We will not list all the components, since there is no need for us to do so. But I focused your attention on this for a reason. The fact is that the reason for the computer's power outage may lie in one of the faulty nodes. But more on that a little later.

Now let's talk about the user as the reason for the unauthorized shutdown of the machine. And no need to be surprised! First of all, we are often to blame ourselves. The computer communicates with us, notifies us of possible problems that, it would seem, do not pose serious problems. And we don’t even pay attention to such messages. Just “alt+F4” or a cross in the corner of the screen. But in vain. Very often, from a certain number of small problems, one big one turns out. And often this means turning off the power to the machine. The system often notifies us about problems, about the inability to read any sector, and so on. If at first glance it seems that this is just Microsoft’s troubles, then in reality everything is much more serious.

The OS does warn the user about problems that are minor this moment, but may soon cause serious disruptions. For example, the inability to read a sector may indicate the imminent death of the hard drive.

There are also situations when the computer, after booting, turns off after a certain period of time without saying a word. Let's say you booted up your computer and opened your favorite toy. You are playing carefree and suddenly the screen goes dark and the power to the system unit is turned off. In this case, there may be several options.

  1. CPU overheating. This is possible if there is insufficient cooling or the cooler is very dusty. The BIOS system constantly monitors the processor temperature using special sensors. When the proc. heats up to a critical level, a command is given to turn off the computer, and instantly, since in the next second it may already be too late. The solution is simple:
  • disassemble the system unit, carefully remove the cooler and clean the radiator from dust.
  • If there is no dust, then it is very possible that the installed cooler does not remove heat well. Buy a more powerful cooling option.

  1. Dusty video card. This is also possible. The BIOS also monitors its temperature. When there is a threat of overheating, a command is given to turn off the PC. You can fix the problem by cleaning the card from dust, or by placing an additional fan next to it.
  2. Insufficient voltage power. In this case, the power supply is most often to blame. It is necessary to replace it with a more powerful one.

The solution to each problem, if it applies to you, should be applied as quickly as possible.

If reached critical temperature processor or video card, after turning off the power, the computer will not turn on for some time. This is a reinsurance of the security system. Wait 15 minutes, after which you can start the car.

Sometimes there are situations when the RAM may be the reason for the automatic shutdown of the PC. On one of the rulers (if there are several of them installed), the microchip fails and it begins to work incorrectly. The BIOS records this and, as soon as there is a suspicion of a RAM malfunction, turns off the power to the computer. You can check the health of your RAM directly from Windows 7. No matter how much we blame Microsoft, we should give them credit here. A useful thing was built into the operating system. You can check your RAM using the mdsched command. To do this, press “Win ​​+ R” on the keyboard and in the “Run” window that opens, enter this command. Next, a RAM test will be performed and the system will prompt you to reboot. We fulfill her request and after loading, read the test results in the tray.

It also happens that the reason for de-energizing the system unit may be HDD with a faulty file system. But in such situations, the system may not even boot. If it boots, but the power is still turned off, check the disk using the Run item (press “Win ​​+ R” on the keyboard, or Start, and Run) and enter the command chkdsk "drive letter". Or, through your computer, open the disk properties and go to the service tab. Further click check disk, check the checkboxes to scan and repair damaged sectors and automatically correct system errors.

By the way, some viruses can include parental control and set a certain operating time for the computer. If your PC is technically fine, then check this feature and scan all drives for malware.

Turning off the PC immediately after turning it on

Sometimes users encounter a problem when the computer turns on and turns off immediately. There are much fewer options here and not all of them are optimistic.

  • Processor malfunction. It is very easy to define. After pressing the power button the screen does not even light up. The machine runs for 30 seconds and, showing no signs of life, turns off. There is only one solution: buy a new processor.
  • Failure of one or more capacitors. In such cases, the computer will notify you of a malfunction with a signal. But don’t try to fix such a problem yourself if you are a non-professional electrician. They will only help you with service.
  • Problems with the power button. Sometimes it happens. If the capacitors and processor are ok, check the contacts start button, as well as her condition.
  • Power unit. In this case it is not his output voltage. The wires may be damaged or the plugs may be poorly connected. Check everything and replace the power supply if necessary.

Based on my own experience, I can confidently say that in most cases the computer turns on and immediately turns off due to a faulty processor. Therefore, I advise you to first pay attention to this device.

Automatic shutdown of laptop

When the problem of self-shutdown occurs with these gadgets, it is easier to install it. Here are the main reasons why this can happen:

  1. Still the same processor overheating. But here the cooler cannot be replaced. Either clean it from dust or buy a cooling pad.
  2. Video card overheating. In the case of a laptop, even cleaning it from dust will not help, because there is nothing there to collect dust. Just give the technique a rest.
  3. Faulty RAM line. Perform the test as described above. If a problem is detected, take the device to a service center to have the RAM replaced.
  4. HDD. Laptops are often moved from place to place, so problems with it arise very often. Periodically check the disk for system errors and damaged sectors.
  5. Also parental controls. Check this service and also scan your hard drive.

There are not many cases when a laptop turns on and turns off immediately. But, unfortunately, all of them are not at all rosy.

  • Processor or motherboard. In principle, for a laptop it is the same thing. In laptops it's one thing. Therefore, if the equipment turns on, but the screen does not light up and after 30 seconds the beech turns off, it means that one of the two has failed. And what doesn’t matter anymore, since everything will have to be changed together.
  • Battery problems. I came across gadgets that had a damaged battery installed. It all ended with the purchase of a new one and it wasn’t very expensive. But there may also be a problem with the power socket. Then everything is much more serious. The equipment will have to be sent in for repair.

We looked at the main reasons why computers and laptops turn off power on their own, as well as ways to troubleshoot problems that arise. As you can see from this article, all these problems have a solution. If it is not possible to fix them yourself, then service centers will always help.

Hello! The most unpleasant thing that can happen to a computer is that it stops working altogether. And the first signs of such a serious breakdown are spontaneous shutdowns. Why does the computer turn off by itself while working? , and how to eliminate the cause of such a shutdown? About this and we'll talk in this article.

Computer turns off during gameplay

Many gamers, faced with the computer turning off during a game, believe that the reason lies in the video card. In fact, when there are problems with the video card, completely different signs appear - the picture freezes, the screen blinks, etc., but certainly not the computer turning off. Therefore, for such problems, other components should be examined, namely:

power unit

The most common reason why a computer turns off during a game is an overload in the power supply. They arise mainly due to the increasing load on the video chip. A weak or low-quality power supply cannot withstand excessive loads, which leads to a reboot.


The processor is the second thing you should pay attention to when turning off or restarting your computer while gaming. Central processor During demanding games, you have to perform maximum tasks, which leads to its overheating. By the way, how measure the CPU temperature, and what temperature is considered normal, you can read. One of the reasons for processor overheating is a faulty cooling system, or blocking the air supply to the fans (especially for laptops).

Important! The described problems may apply not only to games, but also to performing other demanding tasks - working with energy-consuming programs, performing multiple tasks at the same time.

The computer turns off immediately after turning on

If you turn on the computer and as soon as it boots operating system, it reboots, then the reason may be one of the above. In addition to problems with the power supply and processor, problems with the RAM and even the motherboard are also possible.


It is easier to check RAM than the motherboard, so we will start identifying the reason for the computer reboot from it. In addition to shutting down the computer, a breakdown of the RAM can also lead to freezes, various glitches and slowdowns in the system, especially when performing demanding tasks.

You will learn from this article.


If the computer turns on and then turns off immediately, then it is quite possible that the motherboard is to blame. It will be difficult for an “uninitiated” person to check the motherboard, but he will be able to identify basic problems on his own. But first, let’s try to check whether the “mother” is really to blame for turning off the computer.

Unfortunately, the motherboard is not immortal, and over time it wears out its resource. True, in most cases, other components become obsolete or break before, and therefore the motherboard is replaced or thrown away along with them. If it’s the motherboard that’s damaged, but the processor, video card, and RAM are not outdated and work great, then it makes sense to buy a new “mother.” Such a purchase, of course, will be expensive, so you need to make sure that it is inevitable.

It is possible that it is in the soldering of the motherboard microcracks have formed. Such troubles are unlikely to go away on their own, and repairs will be more expensive than the motherboard itself. Therefore, in this case, you will have to buy new components.

Capacitors burned out on the motherboard - this is also one of the reasons why the computer turns on and immediately turns off. Fortunately, at least in this case you can get by with a fairly inexpensive repair and replace the capacitors with new ones. Burnt-out capacitors can be detected visually - they are swollen. The next problem with the motherboard that leads to the PC turning off is overheating of the chipset.

Other reasons for computer shutdown

Random shutdown of a computer is a fairly common breakdown that can occur for many other reasons besides those described above. We list the most popular of them:

  • The wiring is short or the electrical circuit is open;
  • Breakdown in the extension cord or uninterruptible power supply;
  • Significant accumulations of dust on the cooling elements;
  • Significant voltage drops in the home network;
  • Voltage too low.

In addition, it is possible that the reason for the shutdown or reboot was viruses - they also should not be written off. If, after checking all these reasons, you have not identified a breakdown, and the computer continues to act up, it is better to contact a specialist.

Having another computer or at least the basic components for it would be very helpful. Then it would be possible to alternate the devices on which suspicions fall and test the computer. By the method of elimination, a faulty component is detected, and then it is checked in more detail and then either repaired or replaced with a new one.