Why are files not downloaded to my phone? The tablet does not download - possible causes and methods to correct the problem. Files are not downloaded over mobile network or Wi-Fi

Many users sooner or later encounter problems when downloading applications from Google Play Market. These could be different types of errors or other possible reasons, due to which applications may not load or load incompletely. But since every problem or error has a cause, there are also ways to solve it.

Why applications are not downloaded from Play Market

Reasons why apps may not download from Google Play Market, there are a lot of them and each of them has its own cause and solution options. The first step is to determine the cause of the problem in order to choose the most correct approach to solving it.

Applications are not downloading

If when you try to download Play apps Market freezes and closes or the text “Not enough space on device” appears, then the problem may be in the Google Play server itself or in the amount of free memory.

Solution: if the reason is really in the Google Play Market service, then you just need to wait about 15 minutes and try again. Also, it is worth noting that if the server hosts large-scale engineering works, then users are necessarily warned with a text notification indicating the timing of technical maintenance. works

In cases where text appears on the screen indicating a shortage free space on your device or SD card, you just need to clear the memory by deleting some little-used applications on the device or memory card. After clearing the memory, applications will be downloaded from the Play Market again.

Programs are not downloaded completely

Sometimes users encounter a problem when a program or game does not download completely. This occurs due to issues related to the device cache.

Solution: To solve the problem, clear the cache of Google Play Market and Google Play services. To clear the Play Store cache you need:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Then go to Applications > All.
  • Select "Google Play Market".
  • Click on “Clear cache”.

To clear the Google Play Services cache, the same combination of actions is used. (“Settings” > “Applications” > “ Google Services Play Market" > "Clear cache").

After these steps, the applications will be downloaded completely.

Files are not downloaded over mobile network or Wi-Fi

Via mobile network (3G)

Before looking for a solution to the problem, you must check whether data transfer is enabled in the device settings and whether the mobile Internet data indicator (3G or H/H+) is shown at the top of the screen.

Solution: try disabling and enabling the “Data transfer” function in the device settings, and if that does not help, turn on “Airplane mode” (airplane mode), wait 1 minute and turn it off. If the problem persists, you probably have a traffic limitation. To clarify the information and solve the problem with this limitation, you must contact your mobile operator.

Via Wi-Fi

The reason that applications from Google Play Market are not downloaded from using Wi-Fi, there may be a weak connection or no connection. If the download process does not start or stops at 0%, and after a few seconds the text “Waiting time expired” appears, be sure that the problem is with the Internet connection. You can also check this by trying to load any website (for example, Google) in the device’s browser and if the site does not load, the problem is a weak connection.

Solution: First you need to try rebooting the device, as in most cases this will solve the problem (if it is from the device side and not Wi-Fi router). You should also try turning off and on Wi-Fi on your gadget or rebooting your router.

Applications are not downloaded due to a Play Store error

If there are problems downloading an application from the Play Market due to an error, a text appears on the device screen describing the error and the reason for its occurrence. There is an optimal and most important effective way solutions to similar problems used by Android device users.

Solution: commit hard reset, that is, reset the device settings to factory settings. To do this, go to “Settings”, then click on “Backup and reset”. Next, you need to select “Reset settings”, after which all device settings will be reset to factory settings.

Note: do not forget to create a backup copy so as not to lose important data. The backup copy can be used after resetting the settings, after which all data will be restored.

How to create a backup on Android

Google Play Market is not working

There are very rare cases when the Google Play Market stops working, which prevents users from downloading applications. There are two options to solve this problem:

Solution #1: Uninstall Google Play Market updates and Google Play Services. To remove Market and Services updates, the same algorithm of actions is used:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Next, go to “Applications”.
  • Select "All".
  • Then select "Google Play Market" or "Google Play Services".
  • Click on the "Uninstall updates" button.

Solution #2: Delete and then add your Google account. Go to Settings > Google Accounts > Account Setup > Delete Google Account. Next, restart your device, and then add your Google account again.

Other problems downloading apps

There are also other problems that make downloading applications from the Play Market impossible.

Error with the text "The content filtering level does not allow downloading"

An error with such text means an age restriction that contains the downloaded application.

Solution: you need to allow all age categories, to do this go to Google settings Play Store, then in “Customize filter” and check the boxes next to all applications. After clicking the “Ok” button, the user will be asked to create or enter a four-digit password (if one has been set). The password is used to ensure that no one other than the device owner can change the age categories.

“Connect SD card” and “Damaged SD card” errors

Such errors mean that the user has a damaged memory card.

Solution: the first thing you need to do is connect your memory card to your computer using a card reader and try to transfer all the files from the card to the computer, because if the memory card completely breaks, the files on it cannot be restored. Next, try checking the memory card for errors using the chkdsk command in command line(Win+R > cmd), or try to format it. If the SD card still doesn't work, you'll have to buy a new one.

How to download from Play Market to SD card

It is worth noting that relatively new smartphones of all brands have built-in memory of 8 Gb or more, and after all the internal memory is full, applications begin to download to the SD card automatically.

If the user has a smartphone old model, which has a small amount of internal memory and there is a need for all applications to be downloaded immediately to the memory card, then you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to “Settings” of your device.
  2. Select “Memory”.
  3. Under “Default recording disk”, select “SD card”.

After the completed actions, all downloaded applications will be immediately installed on the memory card.

How to prevent download problems in the future. What to configure

Prevent occurrence Play errors Market or any other problems with downloading - impossible. You can, perhaps, download applications from sources other than the Play Market, but before that you definitely need to acquire good antivirus. Also in the device settings, in the “Security” section, you must allow the installation of applications from other sources.

Using one of the methods for solving problems and errors, each user will be able to restore the ability to download applications from the Google Play Market, and also learn how to download applications directly to the SD card, and not to the built-in memory.

Having downloaded a file to your smartphone or tablet for the first time, a novice user wonders where to find it now? After all, just starting to use mobile device, he doesn’t yet know where files are downloaded on Android. In this article we will try to find this place.

Where are the downloaded files located in Android?

In the Android operating system, files downloaded from the network use a folder named Download. The Download folder is usually located in the root directory of the user-accessible internal memory. If it is installed on a smartphone (tablet), then the system can also access downloaded files. The path for it can be specified in the settings of the application that downloads the files.

To find downloaded files, you need to install any file manager on your smartphone (tablet).

If you do not find an object downloaded from the network in the Download folder, then the application has probably created its own folder and saved the file to it. For example, the UC Browser downloads files to its own folder called UCDownloads.

You can change the location for downloaded files in your browser settings.

Open the application settings, select “ " and specify the folder in which the files downloaded by the browser will be placed.

Problems downloading apps from Google Play are common on devices running Android 4.1 or older. If Android does not download files, check the availability of free space and integrity file system and availability latest version Google Play services.

The error also occurs in built-in browsers, but Google Chrome and Opera very rarely write about failures to download music, images or games. It’s worth noting right away that in most cases the problem is solved by clearing the system program cache.

There are two groups of faults why information is not downloaded: hardware and software. In the first case, the data may not be loaded due to memory corruption. The situation applies to external SD cards, cheap models of which fail at the most inopportune moment. If you specify the SD card folder as the target folder in the browser, the program will generate an error at the beginning of the download.

Among the software reasons, we note:

  • Lack of free space on the internal storage is perhaps the most common problem on most smartphones. On inexpensive devices, the memory quickly fills up, and the browser is unable to independently change the save location to the SD card. To fix the problem, go to Google Chrome settings, then General, and then select a folder on your memory card. In Explorer external memory usually designated as SD Card 1.
  • Google Play error is a common problem on older phones. On Android older than version 4.0, applications and games were not downloaded regularly, and the Play Market showed “Error Code 5.” To fix the problem, clear the cache of Google services and the store itself.
  • System message "com. android. browser" has stopped. Error in the built-in web client of the Android system.

In some cases, the files don't even start the download process, but usually a runtime error appears at the end of the download.

Problem solving

If files from the Internet are not downloaded to Android, determine whether you are using the system’s built-in browser or third-party software. Android below version 3.0 generally does not support downloading files using the built-in web surfing client.

  • Try clearing Opera or Google Chrome cache. To do this, go to the smartphone settings, then open the “Applications” tab.
  • Find the required program and click on its icon. Tap "Storage Usage". On Android 7.0 and newer, there are 2 memory-consuming tabs at once - one for the RAM, the second for the built-in permanent memory.
  • Click "Clear cache" and confirm the selected action. If you still can’t download the information, click “Clear data”.

Important! Clearing data will delete all information - history, saved passwords, Cookies and image cache. If possible, sync your browser with cloud storage before deletion.

  • Try reinstalling the web surfing client if the above steps did not help. To do this, open Google Play, then “My Applications”, find your web client, tap “Delete”. Once the uninstallation process is complete, click Install.

Sometimes the inability to download is caused by bugs in the latest version of the browser. Try using alternative option to log into the Internet and wait until the developers release a patch containing fixes.


If you were unable to download the file, but you can access the SD card through Explorer, use a third-party download manager.

  • Go to Google Play. In the search bar, type "Fast" Download Manager" Click Install.
  • Fast Download Manager is equipped with a built-in web client; to use it, open the application and tap on the “Browser” tab.
  • Open the page from which you need to download information and click on the download button. Saving always occurs in the “Download” folder on the internal storage.

There are quite a lot of applications with similar functionality available on the Play Market, try installing a few and choose the ones you like.

You cannot change the download folder in this program; this option is available Turbo Manager and DVGet. All programs are free and available on the Play Market.

Hard Reset

If Android still does not download files, remember whether the device was flashed with a third-party version of the OS and whether Root rights. Some firmwares begin to work incorrectly over time, which affects the functioning of the Android system. In this case it will help.

  1. Turn off your smartphone after doing backup important information to the cloud or SD card.
  2. Turn on the gadget in “Recovery” mode. To do this, hold down the lock button and “Volume up”. When the Android logo appears on the display, release Volume Up. On different models the combination may differ, look for the desired one in the gadget topic on the w3bsit3-dns.com forum or similar.
  3. Select the "Wipe data/Factory Reset" option. All data from your Android phone will be deleted. The device will be reset to factory state, which should resolve the issue.


Information on Android may not load due to software or hardware reasons. In most cases, clearing the browser cache or checking the functionality of the memory card will help. A solution to this problem is also possible using third-party download managers available on Google Play. If the problem is not resolved, perform full reset settings or contact the service center.


Despite the prevalence of third-party resources with programs for Android, the main source of applications for this operating system The Play Market store remains built-in. Providing convenient access to a centralized database of verified software, Play Market cannot, however, boast of 100% reliability and stability. Examples incorrect operation There are many Android stores. Thus, users often complain that applications from the Play Store are not installed or are not downloaded at all.

There may be plenty of reasons for this: settings failure, bugs in the Store itself, problems with the Internet connection, the presence of viruses, difficulties in unifying the platform for different processors, and much more. Due to the many potential causes, it can be difficult to determine the source of the problem; you often have to act at what is called the random method, trying one thing or another. Now let’s imagine that you have exactly this situation, and you cannot immediately determine why applications are not downloaded from the Play Market. In this case, you need to start your search with the simplest thing.

To eliminate the consequences of temporary failures and malfunctions, reboot your device. This may seem very obvious to some, but this is the method that often allows you to restore the normal operation of applications, including the Google Store.

Lost system settings

If rebooting does not help, check step by step that all system settings, as well as Internet connection settings. Firstly, make sure that the date and time are set correctly on your phone, secondly, you must be connected to your Google account, and thirdly, the Internet connection must be stable.

If the download does not start or after a while the message “Timeout has expired” appears, it is highly likely that the problem lies with the Internet connection. If Play Market does not download applications via Mobile Internet, check if there are restrictions on mobile traffic. This can be done in the “Data Transfer” or “Traffic Control” sections.

Using modified versions of the Play Market

If possible, avoid using modified or hacked versions of the Play Market; they may often not work correctly. If you are using such a program, uninstall it and update it to the latest version.

Accumulation of conflicting temporary files

Another and very common cause of such problems with the Google store is the accumulation of temporary data in its folders and cache. Go to the application management section, find Google Play there, stop it and clean it by pressing the “Clear cache” and “Erase data” buttons. We do the same for the Google Play Services and Google Service Framework applications.

As an additional measure, it is recommended to go to the section Accounts - Synchronization and uncheck all the checkboxes there. After this, the smartphone must be rebooted, re-checked in the synchronization section and rebooted again.

Thanks to these simple manipulations, you can eliminate most of the problems that arise in the Play Market.

Bugs with Google Play updates

It is possible that the Play Market does not download applications due to the presence of some bugs in its update. Try rolling back to previous version Store, for which again go to the application management section, find Google Play there and click the “Uninstall updates” button.

Additionally, you can try uninstalling updates to the Google Play Services and Google Service Framework applications.

Google Account Problems

The Play Market is closely linked to the user's Google account, so it wouldn't hurt to rule out problems on this side as well. Try it first. To do this, go to settings, open the “Accounts” applet, highlight Google entry, call up the menu for it and select the “Delete account” option.

Reboot your device and log in again. Alternatively, you can create new account Google and log in using it. If the smartphone does not download applications from the Play Market even after that, the cause of the problem must be looked for on the device.

Low memory

Applications may not be downloaded or installed if there is little physical memory left on the device. Make sure there is enough free space on your phone, otherwise delete or move some data to the memory card. To remove temporary files, you can use a program like CCleaner or Clean Master. If the amount of space freed up with their help is small, move some of the applications to an external card. To do this, go to the application management section, switch to the “SD card” tab, check the box required applications and click the "Move to SD card" button.

After transferring to the card, widgets of some programs may stop working. It is also undesirable to transfer system applications to external media.

Regional and age restrictions

Games and applications from the Play Market may also not be downloaded due to regional restrictions. In this case, the user usually receives the message “The application is not available in your country.” It is not difficult to bypass this blocking. There are two options. The first option involves using a VPN service, the second involves downloading the installation APK file of an application or game from a specialized resource www.apkmirror.com(APKMirror). You can also use the service apps.evozi.com, which allows you to “straighten” links to Google apps Play.

Unknown error code 24

A user may encounter this error when trying to reinstall an application that was previously uninstalled. The cause of the failure is the program files remaining in the system folders. The error is resolved as follows. Need to go to system folder /data/data/ and delete from it a directory or database file containing the name of the application being installed. Root rights are required to perform this operation.

Download queue

It is also worth noting another common malfunction in the Store - applications are not downloaded from the Play Market, and the Store writes “Waiting for downloading”. In general, this is normal if this moment the user downloads and installs several applications. A message may also appear when, for some reason, an application is temporarily unavailable in the Play Store. It's a different matter when the message does not disappear for a long time, which usually indicates a download order error. In most cases, the problem can be resolved by simply clearing the download queue. Launch the Play Market, go to the “My applications and games” section, find stuck downloads there and delete them. If the error continues, clear the Play Store cache and temporary data by first stopping the Store.

Many of the errors have a code that can be used to determine the cause of the problem and take appropriate action. For example, an error with code 403 most often indicates a conflict between two accounts on the same device, errors 194, 492, 413, 495, 498, 504 indicate the presence of “extra” files in the cache and Play Market directories, as well as Google Services programs Play" and "Google Service Framework". These errors can be resolved by clearing the cache and application data. But fixing error code 491 needs to start by deleting your Google account.

And finally, a radical method is to reset the device to factory settings. Like flashing, this is an extreme option and it makes sense to resort to it only when other methods have not brought the desired result.

Android owners are constantly faced with the need to download information and applications to their device. The Play Market program makes it much easier to find the necessary content and download games and applications. Many simply cannot imagine the existence of a smartphone or tablet without this virtual store. But it happens that when trying to download music or a movie, the user sees an error message and service failure on the screen.

Causes of problems in Play Market

The Play Market service is the most convenient and reliable to use Android system. There is everything to ensure a decent level of technology use, but sometimes problems may arise with using or logging into the service.

The main reasons why it is impossible to log into the Play Market:

  • no Google account;
  • the presence of malicious software (software) on your device;
  • failure in date and time settings;
  • cache full;
  • Internet connection failures.

If applications do not download

It often happens that the service works, but does not download the required information. There are also several here important points, which are worth paying attention to. After installing the Play Market, the delighted user begins to download applications, but nothing works. And the loading bar seemed to move, but nothing happened. The problem is also completely solvable.

Return to the previous version of Play Market

Sometimes you just need to “roll back” to the penultimate Play version Market.

  1. In order to remove updates, go to “Applications” (“Manage Applications”).
  2. Find the Play Market and click on it.
  3. In the menu that opens, select “Uninstall updates”.

If the previous actions were not enough, there is a universal method.

Usually, after these maneuvers, the first launch and update of the application takes longer, but everything works like clockwork again.

If you can't download files without Wi-Fi

Some users of Android devices may encounter a situation where the Play Market works perfectly via Wi-Fi, but when they try to download something via the mobile Internet, it displays “Failed to download file.” The moment is unpleasant, but it is eliminated in a few minutes. This is all due to incorrect mobile Internet settings.

Video: Enable or disable background data limit on Android

If there is not enough memory to download from the Play Market

Many owners of devices running on Android are familiar with the situation when a file is partially downloaded or the system displays the message “Not enough space in Android memory" Here you will have to free up memory.

You can do the following:

This is the simplest thing you can do to free up memory. It is also possible to use various utilities for more thorough cleaning.

The most popular and easy to use are Clean Master and Link2SD. It’s important here not to clean up too much, but once you read it in detail, everything is clear and even a beginner can handle it.

Video: what to do if there is not enough memory on Android

What to do if Play Market displays an error message

Often, when you try to download information, you receive a message about various types of errors. There is no need to panic here either. Everything can be solved easily if you know about the problems that arise. Let's look at the most common mistakes and find ways to solve them.

  • error number 194. Try clearing the cache and removing updates, disconnecting and reconnecting Wi-Fi. If positive result no - download through another account;
  • error number 403. The application does not load due to the use of different accounts on the same device. Try logging in with a different account;
  • error number 413. Updates and applications cannot be downloaded. In the settings, click “Erase data” for the “Google Play Services” application, then click “Stop”. We do the same for Google Play Market and clear the cache;
  • error number 491. Indicates the inability to download and update applications. Here we start by deleting your Google account;
  • error number 492. Do the following: “Settings” - “Applications” - “Google Play Services” - “Erase data” - “Stop”. We will do the same for Google Play Market. If no positive changes have occurred, roll back to the original settings;
  • error number 495. Negative response when downloading and updating products from the Play Market. It can be solved using this method. In Play Market, check “Erase data”. We perform the same procedure with Google Services Framework. Go to Google and delete yours account. Restart the device, re-add the account and enjoy the result;
  • error number 498. Download from Play Market is interrupted. The problem here is a full cache. Clear your internal memory of unnecessary applications and files. Clear cache;
  • error number 504. Does not allow you to download the application. Let's solve the problem this way. Open the Play Market settings and select “Erase data”. Then in the “Download Manager” we clear the data. Download the application again;
  • error number 919. The application has been downloaded, but cannot be opened. Clear internal memory;
  • error number 921. Does not allow downloading applications. Cleaning residual cache files in Google Play Market. If we clear the data to no avail through the menu “Settings” - “Applications” - “Erase data”;
  • error number 923. Delete Google account, clear the memory and enter your Google account again;
  • error number 927. Play Market is being updated. Wait until the update finishes and try again;
  • error number 941. Often pops up when trying to update the application. Eliminated using the same method as error 504;
  • error 961. To eliminate it, clear the cache.

These are the main ways to solve the most common problems, but there are cases in which an individual approach is needed. The problem of insufficient internal memory is quite common. This is where knowing how to download files from the Play Store to a memory card will come in handy.

Video: how to remove all errors in the Play Store

How to save information from the Play Store to an SD card

When free time ends inner memory, convenient to use external devices for storing information. These are represented by all kinds of flash drives and memory cards. Flash drives for smartphones are called microSD cards. It is convenient to store some information on them.

Here's what you can do when the internal memory is full:

Video: how to transfer applications, files, data to a microSD memory card on Android

In order to ensure the stable operation of your gadget, it is enough to follow certain measures:

  • to prevent data theft, use only secure browsers and programs;
  • Make sure that the date and time correspond to your time zone - incorrect date and time settings can lead to failures;
  • a full cache is one of the main problems, clear it on time;
  • Keep an eye on how full the internal memory is.

If you follow these simple rules when working with Android, the likelihood of errors occurring when downloading and updating applications in the Play Market is minimized.

If problems arise with Play Store Clearing the cache or updating or rolling back the application store itself, as well as clearing memory, often helps. In any case, you should understand that there are no insoluble problems in this industry. It’s not for nothing that users choose this service to search and download content.