Why can't you change the sleep mode on your phone? How to turn off closing applications after the Huawei screen goes off. Setting up sleep mode using native Android tools

Honor 6 is equipped with a non-removable lithium polymer battery with a capacity of 3100 mAh (11.5 Wh). The battery capacity is not record-breaking, but very good and sufficient to ensure long battery life.

In software provided by Honor 6 there are a large number of power consumption settings. In the "Energy Saving" menu, you can select one of three energy consumption profiles - "Performance", "Smart" and "Energy Saving". In this case, the smartphone predicts the remaining operating time in each mode.

The energy saving mode in Honor 6 is implemented in a very interesting way. It blocks almost all phone functions, except calls, SMS and access to contacts. But in this mode the smartphone works for a very long time. This good decision for those moments when the battery is almost empty and you definitely need to stay connected. Moreover, when the battery charge drops to critical low level The smartphone itself will prompt you to switch to energy saving mode; the user can choose the threshold for triggering this warning (8, 20 or 30 percent).

Due to aggressive settings, the built-in power manager often closes applications running in background. Messaging applications (for example, Viber) may also be targeted. But the user can manually specify which applications should be protected from being closed in sleep mode. For example, on my Honor 6 I enabled this option for Viber.

Finally, there is a special mode in the menu, which for some reason is called “Screensaver” in the Russian version of the interface (in Ukrainian it is called “Economy robot mode”). In this mode, the smartphone draws and displays graphics in a resolution of 1280x720, resulting in increased performance and reduced power consumption. However, the clarity of small fonts suffers somewhat.

In balanced mode Honor power consumption 6 can last about two days with three hours of screen time per day. This is a very worthy result. If you play games on your smartphone, the operating time is expectedly reduced, but even in this case, the device survives until the evening without any problems.

From year to year Cell phones They become not only faster, thinner, more beautiful, but also more gluttonous. Most modern gadgets hardly work for a day without recharging, especially in the hands of those who like to hang out on social networks.

To extend the gadget's precious operating time, Honor smartphones provide many settings. Let's look at the example of Honor 9, how you can improve the autonomy of the device by one and a half, or even two times.

  • Activate energy saving mode

    Perhaps the simplest and most obvious way to extend the operating time of Honor 9 is to enable proprietary power saving.

    • Go to Settings - Battery - Energy Saving Mode

    When the mode is activated, the smartphone completely limits background activity and synchronization. This means that messages from instant messengers, letters from Email and notifications (push) from other applications will not arrive on the device in a locked state.

    As a last resort, you can still see what they wrote to you - you need to open the right application and all the missed information will begin to arrive.

    Enabling energy saving reduces the brightness of the display and reduces the number of interface animations - this also has a positive effect on the autonomy of the device.

    In addition, you can enable Ultra mode in the battery settings. Only calls and SMS will be available in it - this will allow you to use the device for more than a week without recharging.

  • Setting up background applications

    Another effective method Extend the operating time of your Honor smartphone by manually adjusting the operation of background applications. While you carry the gadget in your pocket or bag, some programs continue to work - they receive new messages or send reports, are updated, etc.

    This may consume an extra 5-10% of the battery. To avoid unnecessary battery waste, you need to do the following:

    • Go to settings - Battery - Background applications

    Here you need to select those applications that you rarely use - they will be closed after the screen is locked.

  • We prohibit unnecessary programs from accessing the network

    It's no secret that one of the main consumers of battery energy is the connection to the Internet. Almost all software now goes online to download data, determine location, weather and much more - in normal mode this also eats up 5-10%.

    However, with low Internet speeds, downloading even small data takes much longer. Because of this, the smartphone practically does not “sleep” when locked and is discharged literally before our eyes.

    It’s good that the developers foresaw this situation and added it to the Honor 9 parameters flexible setup Internet access for each application.

    • Go to the “Phone Manager” application - “Mob. data transfer" - "Network applications"

    Before us are two columns with check marks - data transfer via mobile communications or via Wi-Fi. For example, if you don’t need mail, instant messengers and social networks (all or only certain ones) on vacation or a weekend in a country house, you can prohibit them from going online - this will significantly save the battery.

  • “Pacifying” Google

    Mobile operating room Android system developed by the search giant, it's no surprise that Google wants to know as much as possible about you. He needs this in order to then offer you more accurate advertising.

    There is nothing bad here, but constantly monitoring your actions and sending them to the server eats up your battery.

    Luckily, Google allows you to turn off many of its search options. Go to the Google application of the same name - settings.

    We remove all sliders in the following parameters:

    • “Feed”, “Offline search”, “Screen search”, “Autofill”, “Notifications” - “Feed”

    This “diet” is from Google services helps save another 10-15% of battery per day.

  • Optimization

    In the battery settings you can find a utility for optimizing battery performance. When activated, unnecessary background tasks are unloaded and a hint is given as to what else can be configured to improve operating time.

    The program offers to reduce the screen brightness, turn off auto-sync, and prevent applications from running in the background.

    It’s also worth looking at the battery consumption level there to understand which application is consuming the most energy.

    In addition, by going to the battery settings (gear icon in the upper right corner), you can prevent Wi-Fi and or mobile data from running in sleep mode - this will prevent the smartphone from draining in the background when it is in your pocket and on the bedside table during sleep.

A familiar situation: you are reading some information from the screen of your smartphone, and at that moment the display fades out. What if it takes not a few seconds to read, but much more? It is clear that constantly pressing the power button is annoying, to put it mildly.

How to prevent the Android screen from going dark? It turns out that the situation is not as critical as it might seem. There are several ways to solve this, which we will talk about now.

To adjust how your phone's screen turns off using the pre-installed tools, you need to go to " Settings", open section " Screen", select the item " Sleep mode"and set there the time the smartphone is “awake” that is comfortable for you, after which the screen will go dark, or remove sleep mode altogether by checking the corresponding line:

How to disable screen timeout using third-party software

I think it’s not worth going into too much detail about why the “Sleep mode” function is needed, or turning off the screen after a certain period of time (timeout from English - timeout). It is clear that if the smartphone is constantly in active mode, then the battery charge will begin to tend to zero too quickly.

In this case, the problem can be easily solved using special utilities.

Hold Screen On Demo

This program will not let the screen go dark while you are looking at it. Using the front camera, Hold Screen ON captures your gaze and prevents your smartphone from falling asleep. When you stop looking at the screen, it fades and, accordingly, resource consumption stops.

It is possible to bind the operation of the utility to a specific application, and then the phone screen will not go dark, identifying your eyes in this application, however, if your camera works in another application, the program will have to wait until it is free.

Owners Samsung Galaxy S3 use this function without installing the utility, since this model has it by default, and if you have a simpler device, then you just need to download Hold Screen ON:

KeepScreen (now free)

Another good app, which does a great job of disabling the timeout. Unlike the previous one, Keep Screen controls the position of the device using the built-in gyroscope. Therefore, when you hold your gadget in your hands, the utility, taking into account its angle of inclination relative to the horizontal axis, will prevent the screen from going dark.

In addition, there is also the ability to block the screen from turning off on your Android device for selected applications. To do this, after specifying the desired program, press" Start/stop service“, and on the phone, in the screen darkening sensor (see the first screenshot), set the interval to 30 seconds.

Keep Screen takes care of your smartphone's resources and works in the background; to do this, click " On", and after that " Save and restart app».

Important! If you turn off (lock) the device using the power button while the program is running, then after thirty seconds the screen will turn on and will not go off. Therefore, before locking the gadget with the power button, you need to close the application or simply return to the main desktop.

We have nothing more to add on today’s topic, and, of course, you can judge how useful the information presented was. Good luck!

In most Android smartphones and tablets, the screen turns off after 30 seconds and the device goes into sleep mode if the user has not performed any actions on the device during this time. This setting is set by default by manufacturers in order to save battery power, because The most energy-consuming element in a gadget is the turned on screen.

In what cases is it undesirable to turn off the screen automatically?

However, a situation often arises when this option becomes annoying. For example, when leisurely reading from the screen, without scrolling, it may go out after half a minute and you have to press the power button, unlock the device and look for the necessary fragment to continue. Also, a timeout can interfere in the following cases:

  • viewing photos and videos;
  • games in which a break in the user's actions can take a lot of time (for example, chess);
  • working with navigation maps when GPS positioning is turned on.

Timeout is a break in any action or activity. Time – time, out – absence, cessation, inactivity. Used to indicate a break for a specific time.

In some programs, developers provide a system timeout blocking function (video players, games), but not in all of them. Let's figure out how to prevent the Android screen from turning off and the device not going into sleep mode.

Setting up sleep mode using native Android tools

You can configure the time after which Android turns off the screen and goes into sleep mode due to user inactivity. system settings. To do this, you need to go to the settings of your smartphone or tablet, although it should sound more correctly like “go to Android settings" and select the section " Screen", where in the subsection " Sleep mode» set the required time or turn it off altogether this option, if the ability to turn it off is provided by the device manufacturer.

The screenshots show the timeout settings Huawei tablet MediaPad T3 8, which does not have the ability to disable sleep mode. In other gadgets this may be the item “ Never" or " Disable sleep mode».

This is the simplest way, but far from the most rational, because... in this case, the waiting time is set for everyone installed applications. If we need to set a different wait time for each program or completely disable the transition to sleep mode while a specific application is running, then we will have to use special utilities.

Setting the screen to turn off using third-party tools

In the catalog Google Play you can find a large number of applications for sleeping control Android mode. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Never-fading screen

A small and lightweight application called " Never-fading screen» disables sleep mode and prevents the screen from going dark while pre-selected applications are running.

Working with the utility is extremely simple - run it and select those applications for which the screen will be constantly on.

The utility correctly detects what is installed on a smartphone/tablet software, free and intuitive.

An interesting application that uses front camera so that the screen does not turn off while the user is looking at it. A camera controlled by Hold Screen On Demo monitors the user's eyes and as soon as he stops looking at the screen, the utility turns it off.

Hold Screen On Demo allows you to customize the list specific applications, during which the camera will track the user's gaze and turn off the screen if the user leaves. The application is free and without advertising

If these utilities are not suitable for you, then in the Google Play section " Similar» you can always find alternatives to the tools discussed above

A modern smartphone is, first of all, mobile device. He is with us all the time and we are in touch all the time. Its mobility is both its main advantage and its weakest point: its performance largely depends on the phone’s battery charge. Therefore, the task of managing the power consumption of the phone becomes extremely important.

How to reduce the battery consumption of a Huawei (Honor) phone?

It turned out that battery consumption depends on literally several dozen parameters that need to be taken into account when managing the phone’s power.

Manufacturers of HUAWEI smartphones, understanding the urgency of this task, took this issue very seriously. Now opening the section "Battery" V Settings phone, you can select the most suitable energy saving management mode for any user. It has functions automatic control energy saving, there is an extreme saving mode and there is the possibility of thin manual settings parameters.

Screen No. 1 of the smartphone – view of the screen of the “Battery” section in the phone Settings.

This section presents a menu for managing phone energy saving, the items of which can be divided into three groups:
1 group: Power saving modes performed automatically.
2nd group: Mode for optimizing phone parameters to save energy.
3 group: Items for manually setting phone parameters to save energy.

Group 1: Energy saving modes performed automatically.

A) Item power saving mode "Ultra".

This is the most efficient battery saving mode, which allows you to increase the operating time of your smartphone significantly. In this mode, the smartphone blocks access to applications installed on it. Only the most important ones remain included:

  • making calls;
  • working with phone book contacts;
  • sending/receiving SMS messages.
Screen No. 2 of the smartphone – turning on the “Ultra” energy saving mode.

B) Paragraph "Power Saving Mode".

Enabling “Energy Saving Mode” allows you to extend the battery life of the device up to 1.5 hours. When enabled, the screen brightness decreases, the maximum processor frequency decreases, and a limit is introduced on background work applications.

Go to the article describing “Power Saving Mode” - “What does the Leaf icon mean on the screen of a HUAWEI (honor) smartphone? »

Screen No. 3 of the smartphone – turning on “Energy Saving Mode”.

Group 2: Mode for optimizing phone parameters to save energy.

IN) Paragraph "Optimize".

By launching this mode, the phone will analyze the phone's parameters, make suggestions for optimizing important parameters and implement balanced power consumption settings. If you agree with the optimization option, click on the icon "OPTIM." near the selected point.

Screen No. 4 of the smartphone – turn on the “Optimize” mode. Screen No. 5 of the smartphone – selection of optimization items.

Group 3: Items for manually setting phone parameters for the purpose of energy saving.

G) Paragraph "Screen resolution".

By choosing screen resolution settings, you can reduce your phone's power consumption. At this point you can select a function "Smart Resolution", which will automatically reduce screen resolution for optimal energy saving.

Smartphone screen No. 6 – select “Screen resolution”. Smartphone screen No. 7 – enable the “Smart Resolution” function.

D) Point "Launch".

This feature allows you to limit the number of applications that start automatically and use certain power-saving modes. Here you can select in manual mode applications to which these requirements will not apply.

Screen No. 8 of the smartphone – select “Launch”. Screen No. 9 of the smartphone - disable the automatic launch of the “2GIS” and “Documents” applications.

E) Icon "Settings""Battery" section.

At this point, you can control the operation of energy-intensive applications, allow connections in sleep mode, and data transfer via Wi-Fi networks And mobile transmission data.

Screen No. 10 of the smartphone – select the “Settings” icon in the Battery section. Screen No. 11 of the smartphone - disable data transfer via Wi-Fi in sleep mode.