Pleasant for a man sitemap xml. How to create and submit Sitemaps. What is a sitemap and why is it needed?

Using our sitemap generator, create XML files that can be submitted to Google, Yandex, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines to help them index your site.

Do it in three simple steps:

  • Enter the full website URL into the form.
  • Click the "Start" button and wait until the site is fully crawled. At the same time, you will see the full number of working and broken links.
  • By clicking the "Sitemap.xml" button, save the file in a convenient location.

  • Sitemap is a site map in XML format, which In 2005 Google search engine began to be used for indexing website pages. A sitemap file is a way to organize a website, identifying the address and data for each section. Previously, sitemaps were primarily aimed at site users. The XML format was developed for search engines, allowing them to find data faster and more efficiently.

    The new Sitemap protocol was developed in response to the increasing size and complexity of websites. Business websites often contain thousands of products in their catalogs, and the popularity of blogs, forums, and message boards forces webmasters to update their materials at least once a day. It is becoming increasingly difficult for search engines to track all the material. Through the XML protocol, search engines can track addresses more efficiently, optimizing their search by placing all the information on one page. XML also shows how often a particular website is updated and records last changes. XML maps are not a tool for search engine optimization. This does not affect rankings, but it does allow search engines to make more accurate rankings and search queries. This happens by providing data that is easy for search engines to read.

    The general acceptance of the XML protocol means that website developers no longer need to create Various types site maps for various search engines. They can create one file for the view and then update it when they make changes to the site. It simplifies the whole process fine tuning and website extensions. Webmasters themselves began to see the benefits of using this format. Search engines rank pages according to the relevance of specific content keywords, but before the XML format, often the contents of pages were not represented correctly. This is often frustrating for webmasters who realize that their efforts to create a website have gone unnoticed. Blogs, additional pages, adding multimedia files take several hours. Through the XML file, these hours will not be wasted, they will be seen by all known search engines.

    To create your XML Sitemap and keep search engines up to date with any changes to your site, try our free sitemap generator.

    You can very easy create your sitemap. First type in your URL and then select the parameters you may wish to change. (change frequency, last modification date and page priority. You may also alter default settings for exclude extensions, do not parse extensions and session ids. In the next fields you can declare which URLs you want to exclude from sitemap (see example below). Finally you may select the maximum number of pages and the depth level. Optionally you can select to create additional sitemaps, like ROR sitemap, HTML sitemap or TXT sitemap.

    What is "Page changing frequency" ?
    Change frequency affects when and how often search engine spiders visit your site's pages. It may have one of seven values: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never. This tells the search engines how often each page is updated. An update refers to actual changes to the HTML code or text of the page.

    What is "Last modification date" ?
    This parameter can take one of the next three values:
    Server's response. Set the date of last modification of the file using server response headers. This value, gives crawlers the information to not recrawling documents that have not changed. We recommend to keep this setting.
    Current time. Set the date of last modification of the file using the current date and time.
    None. Do not use any value for Last modification of the files.

    What is "Page priority" ?
    The Priority is set to a number between zero and one. If no number is assigned, priority is set to 0.5. This number determines the priority of a particular URL relative to other pages on the same site. A high priority page may be indexed more often and appear above other pages from the same site in search results. Automatic priority reduces the priority of a page depending on depth level.

    What is "Depth Level" ?
    Depth level of a page means how many clicks away is this page from homepage.

    What is "Exclude extensions" ?
    Files with these extensions found in your website pages are not included in sitemap (not crawled). Separate input values ​​with spaces.

    What is "Do not parse extensions" ?
    Files with these extensions will not be fetched in order to save bandwidth, because they are not html files and have no embedded links but will be included in the sitemap. Separate input values ​​with spaces.

    What are "Session IDs" ?
    If URLs on your site have session IDs in them, you must remove them. Including session IDs in URLs may result in incomplete and redundant crawling of your site. Common session IDs: PHPSESSID, sid, osCsid. Separate with spaces.

    What is "Exclude URLs" ?
    URLs that contain these strings (or regex) will not be included on sitemap. Input values ​​one per line.
    e.g. 1 Use string: component/ in order to exlude all pages in
    If regex, add in the end: \s* (example: blo\s*)
    e.g. 2 If you have any of the following websites, you may exclude these strings: (copy and paste to Exlude URLs box)

    Free Sitemap generator for quick automatic creation full site map. You just need to specify its address and run the program.

    A sitemap usually comes in two formats:

    1. Like a regular page in HTML format, designed in the style of your site. Such pages are more intended for visitors;
    2. In a special XML data transfer format, which is more convenient for search robots.

    Using the first version of the map, you can find a page by name and assess the scale of the site (by seeing a list of all its pages).

    And the second helps to improve the indexing of the site by search engines.

    AND SiteMap program Generator from WonderWebWare gives you the greatest opportunity to create a sitemap with minimal effort on the part of the webmaster.

    Program features

    URL(English Uniform Resource Locator) - a way to record the address of a website page or document on the network.

    The most important thing that this program can do is create sitemaps in different formats (XML, TXT, export links to a CSV or HTML file).

    Like an Internet search engine spider, after receiving the starting URL, it scans your entire site, producing a list of all links.

    The program even has a built-in browser to preview the site.

    Another useful thing: the program can be used by scanning several sites at once (not in turn). To do this, just launch several SiteMap Generator windows and work with them simultaneously.

    Installing SiteMap Generator

    The installation of the program is quite standard. Download the archive from the site and run the installation file.

    We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”

    Suppose you have a website full of unique content, on which SEO optimization and you sit, rubbing your palms, waiting for your brainchild to begin to be visited by a search robot, indexed and bring the coveted traffic. Time goes by, and the result of your efforts is not particularly visible. What's the matter? Perhaps something was still overlooked, something was forgotten in the pursuit of goodies. Let's assume that the site is still unique and there are plenty of optimizers out there. Then you need to figure out why the search engine is so reluctant to visit you and why everything is happening so slowly.

    Each web project must have two important, and perhaps even main, files: robots (robots.txt) and sitemap (). If any of them are missing or filled out incorrectly, there is a high probability that the resource will not give the result you expected. After all, search bots have set limits both on the time spent on the resource and on the number of documents that they can check and enter into the database. And this is all to say that if you have not specified travel paths for the search robot, then it may not get to the content very soon, having first wandered through the engine files.

    To avoid such confusion, in the robots file we say what bots should not waste time on, and with the help of a site map, on the contrary, we suggest where to look and where to wander.

    Let's assume that everything has come together for us and search engines have begun to index our project, but the absence of the second one may delay the achievement of our goals. And now more about creating a sitemap.

    XML and HTML versions of the site map

    Sitemap.html acts as navigation for guests of our resource, which helps them understand the structure of the site and find the section they are interested in.

    Sitemap.xml prompts and helps search bots discover and begin indexing the pages of our project. If we have a high level of nesting and a large number of web pages on the site, XML ensures that bots do not lose sight of what needs to be indexed. As a nice bonus, we get a plus to our karma in the form of increased trust in the resource from search engines.

    Positive aspects of having a sitemap. xml on the website

    • accelerated indexing of recently created pages;
    • one hundred percent probability that the search engine will find the necessary pages;
    • ability to specify scanning priorities, frequency and date last update pages;
    • Trust in the resource increases slightly.


    • use UTF-8 encoding for your sitemap;
    • The file's weight should be no more than 10 MB and its content should not exceed 50 thousand URLs.

    How to create and add a sitemap. xml to the site

    We take any text editor, for example Notepad++, and start creating.

    The first block is the standard part, in which we indicate:

    http://Наш сайт.ru/ 2016-05-23T23:45:36+00:00 daily 1.0

    Tag meanings:

    • “loc” - we included in it the address of the page of our website, which search robots should soon index;
    • “lastmod” - displays the last update date of the page specified in the first tag;
    • “changefreq” - shows how often the content will be updated (in our case, every day);
    • “priority” - sets the priority for indexing the page (from 0 to 1)

    We save the resulting file in XML format and place it in . Next, specify the path to it in robots. txt with this line:

    http://Our site/sitemap.xml

    Or we can use one of the online generators. For example,, which is designed to create no more than 500 pages. But often you don’t need more, so we work with it.

    In the first line we enter the full URL of our site withhttp://Our website.

    The second line, which is called " Change frequency " shows search robots how often web pages will be updated. We can choose:never, weekly, daily, hourly, monthly, yearly.

    Third line "Last modification" » shows when last time the page was updated, we can select either the date when we decided to create a sitemap, or select “ Use server's response " - then the generator will automatically enter the date of the last change.

    And the fourth line " Priority ", as we previously discussed allows you to select the priority for indexing, select "Automatically Calculated Priority».

    Press the “Start” button and wait for it to be generatedsite map in XML format, then we again perform manipulations with placing it in the root and specifying the path in robots.txt.

    How to report a sitemap file after creation to Google and Yandex

    Go to Webmaster and proceed as follows.

    Select sitemap check:

    And set the path to our sitemap file.

    Let's check what happened:

    Making sure everything is okand go to bow to Google.

    In order to get into Search Console Google, in which, in fact, you can report about our map, go to

    Refresh the page- we have the result of the check in front of us, and if there is a dash in the “Problems” column, it means we did everything correctly.

    Let's sum it up

    Create and place a sitemap file. xml on the resource is actually a matter of minutes; for this you can use any text editor or online generator. If you have a site map on your resource, you speed up and simplify life for the search robot, which follows the specified path and indexes required pages. This means that the result of your optimization work has a chance to become noticeable faster. But it is important not to forget about the site map and update it periodically, because the page may stop participating in promotion, and bots will continue to visit it, which will affect positions. Also, our XML explorer can serve as an assistant not only to robots, but also to content thieves, because in the sitemap we indicate the documents we need, which greatly simplifies the life of copy-pastors. Therefore, we recommend periodically checking the content of your resource for uniqueness. By following these rules you increase the trust of search engines. Google systems and Yandex to your resource.

    By completing your website with a file Google Sitemap, You kill two birds with one stone: firstly, You maybe sure is that Google will index all pages of your site in this file, secondly, Google will scan this file regularly for the presence of new pages for indexing.

    In this article we will discuss a number of issues regarding Google Sitemap:

    1. Benefits obtained by implementing Google Sitemap in your activities;
    2. Who should use it;
    3. How it works;
    4. How to create a Google Sitemap for your website;
    5. How to create a dynamic XML file Google Sitemap;
    6. Third party Google Sitemap generation tools.

    Benefits obtained by implementing Google Sitemap in your activities:

    1. Speeding up the process of discovering and adding site pages to the Google index.
    2. Google can quickly find pages of your site that have undergone changes.
    3. Ensuring that your site appears in results faster search results Google.
    4. Helping Google improve its index fresh content, as a result of which Google users receive relevant and fresh content in response to their search queries.

    Who should use it?

    Every website owner can use Google Sitemap, regardless of whether the site has one or a million pages. But anyway most necessary Use Google Sitemap for owners of sites whose pages undergo very frequent changes.

    It usually happens that a certain number of website pages not indexed, although links leading to them are correctly recognized by search robots. The reason for this banal - the location of links to these pages deep in the site, i.e. search robot does not reach these links, and therefore does not find these pages. You can avoid this problem by using Google Sitemap.

    Remember: using Google Sitemap does not provide any ranking advantage!

    How it works?

    Google Sitemaps are created using XML (Extensible Markup Language). This language is often used in feeds and blogs.

    Below is an example of XML code that you should include on every page of your site:

    Below is a description of each line of code:

    • location– web page address, for example
    • last modified– date of last modification of the page
    • change frequency- Google tells you how often you refresh a web page. Possible values: never, weekly, daily, hourly, monthly, yearly
    • priority– sets the priority that Google will assign to a specific web page. Possible values: 0.0 (lowest priority), 1.0 (highest priority), 0.5 (medium priority).

    Some web pages on your site may be especially priority, because updated frequently, for example, the main (home) page of the site, the article page, so they need to be given the highest priority...

    I repeat once again - Google Sitemap does not affect the ranking of a site in any way.

    How to create a dynamic XML Google Sitemap?

    If your site consists of 1000 pages or more, then creating a Google Sitemap manually will be too long, tedious and inconvenient.

    Luckily, Google provides its own script called Sitemap Generator, which allows you to very quickly generate the required file. This script is written in Python, it creates a Sitemap for your website using Sitemap Protocol. This script can create Sitemaps from a list of URLs, web server directories or from access logs.

    Third Party Google Sitemap Generator Tools

    Google also provides information about other sitemap generators.

    For example, I use a free sitemap generator. It is easy to use and quickly generates the necessary XML code for the site.

    Below I provide a step-by-step plan creation of Google Sitemap using one of the many free Sitemap generators:

    1. Go to the website and enter the address of your site in the form located at the very top of the site page
    2. Click Submit
    3. Copy the code generated for your site and paste it into a clean text file notepad
    4. Save this text file under the name sitemap.xml
    5. Upload this file to the root directory of your site (where your site's home page is located)
    6. IN address bar In your browser, type the full path to the generated file, for example If you did everything correctly, you will see a list of URLs and no errors
    7. Now open your Google Sitemap account and add this path (from step 6) to the corresponding column in your account
    8. Follow these steps for each of your sites.


    Google is the largest and most popular search engine all over the Internet. Every year, millions of websites are indexed by Google, which naturally makes it harder for your site to rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). So create and start using Google Sitemap right now.