Tablet computer failure problems. How to restart Samsung: methods and prevention of freezes Samsung Tab 3 tablet freezes, what to do

Any tablet, even the most technologically advanced and expensive, can upset its owner with unexpected freezes and reboots. In this article I will tell you why your tablet computer freezes and how to deal with it.

Causes of freezes

Firstly, weak hardware, poor-quality assembly of the device.

Some tablet owners do not understand that resource-intensive applications and games cannot be run on a weak hardware platform.

The processor and graphics chip in a budget gadget will not be able to perform calculations quickly enough, as a result of which the game or application will run slowly or even freeze the tablet. Therefore, if you have a budget model, then try to install simple programs, for example, for reading books. Which are the most convenient programs for readings you can find out in this. Also, the cause of freezes may be a manufacturing defect.

Secondly, lack of RAM or permanent memory. Features of the Android operating system are such that each application hangs in random access memory device, often not even appearing in processes, and slow down its operation.

If there are a large number of programs running in the background, the gadget may freeze.

The same can happen when the tablet’s internal or permanent memory is more than 90% full. By the way, this problem is one of the main reasons why the tablet freezes Samsung Galaxy Tab 2: Users install too many programs, fill the memory to capacity, and then experience slow device operation and freezes. Therefore, if you are a big fan of games, then you should give up your tablet and choose a laptop for games, read about it.

Thirdly, the operation of some programs, antiviruses, live wallpapers, and interface “decorations”. Here, the cause of freezes can be all sorts of program bugs or poor optimization.

Fourthly, user actions are fatal for the tablet. Some gadget owners, who consider themselves experts in the field of electronic devices, can turn their tablet into a useless piece of plastic through careless actions. This may be an attempt to access account administrator, incorrect firmware, changing important system settings.

Problem solving

For a tablet with poor performance, there is only one solution - do not run applications on it that consume too many resources.

If a device is found to be defective - poor quality assembly, poor cooling system, problems with microcircuits - the only solution is to replace it under warranty or buy a new one.

Helps you get rid of the constant load on your RAM special software to unload unused applications, clean the operating system of all kinds of garbage, disable unnecessary services. You can also remove unused programs - this is especially true for games.

It’s worth remembering: when watching a video or starting a game on a tablet, it’s better to disable the antivirus - it will be more useful when using the browser.

If your device freezes more often, you need to remember which programs were installed recently - perhaps they are the ones that lead to system crashes. In some cases, you can reset the device to factory settings.

The main rule: if you’re not sure, don’t interfere! If the user's technical knowledge is not sufficient to fine tuning or flashing a gadget - it’s better to contact a specialist who will do everything right.

What to do when your tablet freezes

If your tablet computer freezes, the first thing you need to do is turn it off and on. To do this, you need to hold down the power button for a few seconds, wait about five minutes and turn on the device again. If this method does not work, you need to remove the battery, memory card and SIM card, wait a few minutes, insert all accessories back and turn on the tablet. In some cases you will have to do Hard Reset: to do this, you need to hold down the physical buttons of the gadget in a certain order (for each model the order is different), but it is worth considering that this erases all information from the tablet’s memory. Well, if this doesn’t work, only flashing or repairing it will help. service center.


The conclusion is this: in most cases, the user himself is to blame for the tablet freezing. Trying to change system settings and files, installation of a large number of programs, resource-intensive applications - all this can lead to malfunctions of the device. In order for the tablet to work without interruption, you need to be careful when using it.

If you regularly use a Samsung Galaxy Tab family tablet, then over time you may need to perform a hard reset - a simple operation that many people know as a Hard Reset.

This operation will restore (reset) the tablet settings to factory settings. Thus, the tablet has every chance to return to its “virgin” state at the time of purchase, that is, to initial settings. Making a Hard Reset (data reset) for Samsung Galaxy Tab tablets is quite easy and can be done by an inexperienced user. We suggest you familiarize yourself with two methods of hard reset.


First method: Hard Reset through the Galaxy Tab settings menu

  • Let's go to the phone settings. Tap the Settings application icon to go to settings. The easiest way to find this icon is through the menu Apps Menu, available in the upper right corner of the home screen.
  • Let's go to the Privacy settings. Scroll down the list of menu options until you see the Privacy option. Click on its icon.
  • Select the option “Factory Data Reset » . The factory reset option is located in the lower right corner of the settings screen.
  • We perform hardware Galaxy reset Tab. After you press the Factory Data Reset button, a warning will appear - read it. If you agree to the possible consequences of hard resetting your tablet, click Reset button Tablet, located at the end of the text. Then select the “Erase everything” option, which will launch the Hard Reset procedure.
  • We are waiting for the reset procedure to complete. Depending on the performance and condition of the device, this procedure will take from 10 to 15 minutes.

Second method: Hard Reset using the Power Button

Turn off samsung tablet Galaxy Tab. We do this as standard, using the hardware Power button. If for some reason you cannot turn off the tablet, remove the battery and put it back after a couple of seconds.

  • We put the tablet into hard reset mode. Press and hold at the same time Home buttons and Volume Up. You need to hold down the buttons until the Samsung boot logo appears on the screen.
  • Once the welcome logo appears, click Power button while releasing the increase button Volume Up. Note that there is Alternative option entering the reset menu - to do this, you need to simultaneously press three buttons Power, Home and Volume Up.
  • After this, a list of various options for restoring the device will open on a black screen. You can only move between items in one way, by pressing the Volume Up button.
  • We perform a hard reset of the tablet. Find the “Wipe Data/Factory Reset” option in the list of recovery procedures and select it by pressing the Volume Down button Volume Down.
  • Confirm the hardware reset. Confirm your choice by pressing the "Power" button. Next, go to the “Yes -- delete all user data” option by clicking on the Volume Down button. To confirm that all your data will be deleted, press the Power button again.
  • Reboot the tablet. Wait for the hard reset to complete and then reboot your device using the Power button.

Warnings and Explanations

1. Hard Reset, also known as " factory reset"," "master reset" or hard reset, is actually a software restoration of the Samsung Galaxy family of tablets to the original (factory) state of the operating system. This involves deleting all user data stored on the tablet and resetting all tablet software to original condition at the time of purchase. Remember, after a “Hard Reset” all personal data, OS settings and applications stored in the gadget’s internal permanent memory will be lost forever. Therefore, you need to take care in advance to do backup copy data. In the article, I will show you one example of creating a backup copy.

2. Typically, a “Hard Reset” is performed to solve the following problems with the tablet software:

  • to resolve problems associated with spontaneous freezing of the tablet,
  • to delete files that cannot be deleted normally,
  • for removing malware and viruses,
  • to return to default settings,
  • to clear memory by deleting unnecessary files,
  • to cancel password protection if you have forgotten your tablet lock password,
  • to delete personal and confidential information, before selling the device to another person.

3. MOST IMPORTANT WARNING! Never forget to copy your personal information from your tablet to your computer before performing a Hard Reset.

As you can see, even a child can do a Hard Reset on the Galaxy Tab 3 - the main thing is that this does not happen by accident and you do not lose your data. The result of a hard reset will be simply amazing - the smartphone will work like new, although now you will have to spend time installing missing applications and transferring personal data.

We all come across various gadgets sooner or later. For example, devices from the Samsung company of the same name are of excellent quality and delight users with new products year after year. In most cases, owners of such devices rarely encounter any problems. But it happens that interference in operation may occur due to the system itself. For example, the tablet may slow down due to lack of free memory or you have many applications open at the same time.

Someone tries to flash the device on their own, and then cannot “revive” their device and bring it out of the “brick” state. In any case, if you see that the tablet is frozen, it does not respond to presses, or suddenly the system or some application has slowed down, you should restart it. Yes, there may be something more serious here, but the first thing you can do on your own is to reboot. There are several ways to do this, which you will learn about below.

How to reboot the tablet?

The most “narrow-minded” way to reboot a gadget if it does not respond to button presses is to simply remove the battery, reinsert it, and then turn on the device again.

  • On most tablets back cover It can’t be removed that easily, but if you can remove it yourself and take out the battery, do it.
  • If not, try removing the memory card and then inserting it again.

It didn’t work out again and you don’t know how to reboot your Samsung tablet? There is one for all devices universal method reboot - hold down the volume down and power buttons. Hold for up to 30 seconds.

After which your tablet should reboot.

What to do if none of the methods help?

If your device still does not respond to presses, try waiting until it is fully loaded, this will happen in any case. Then try turning it on again. If the tablet “shows signs of life”, but will not load beyond the logo designation, try turning it off again and entering recovery mode. This is done differently on different models; you can read about the methods in the open spaces world wide web

Finally, let’s say that if after a reboot the situation repeats, it is better not to try to “reanimate” the tablet yourself, but still take it to a competent technician.


Galaxy Tab 3 slows down, what should I do?

Unanswered messages Active topics. Currently people are viewing this forum: Mon Jul 31, 7: Brakes on the Galaxy Tab 3. Tue Jul 08, 9: I started receiving complaints about the brakes on the Galaxy Tab 3. Before that, I only had Tab 1 and for the old device with Android 2. I bought a Tab 3 7" to figure it out, and was horrified - only FPS!

But the device is dual-core with 1. Even on single-core devices with MHz the speed is higher. There are no errors in the JS console. I also noticed that on this particular device WebGL is rendered upside down; I didn’t notice this on others. Some kind of stupid device.

Has anyone besides me encountered similar problems? Tue Jul 08, This applies to all my games.
What to do if your Android is slow? Smartphone or tablet is buggy | SmartGid

But as it turned out, it’s not only that. Today we conducted a small test with Kedicik.

My Android is slow or how to get it back up to speed

I have Tab 3 7. The devices are no different in technical specifications except maybe the megapixels of the cameras. As a result, in the default browser on a regular tab there was FPS, but in the lite version there is such a significant difference on identical devices, but with different version axes I watched games on agame. So it’s interesting, maybe someone managed to figure out what the ill-fated Taboo 3 doesn’t like? According to my observations, if you do not draw the background, the speed increases by 2 times.

Also, apparently, he doesn’t like it when the sprite’s drawing angle is changed. Wed Jul 09, It seems like they wrote more than once that the stock browser works very poorly on Galaxy tabs.

My browser just crashes halfway through HTML, and the phone instantly heats up and loses some of its charge. Wed Jul 09, 3: Checked it on my game. I have a Tab like yours. Stock browser gives fps, Chrome - Despite the fact that the game is optimized with fanaticism. So forget it. One sponsor has no way to pass QA on Tab2.

Almost any tablet computer, no matter how modern and expensive it is, is capable of periodically experiencing problems in its operation such as freezes and reboots. Of course, Samsung tablets are no exception. We need to find out why this happens and what to do about it, namely, answer the question: why did the Samsung tablet freeze?

Reasons why tablets freeze

There are several reasons why Samsung tablets experience these problems. Each of them requires a separate approach and the choice of a specific method to eliminate it.

One of the representatives of the Samsung tablet family

Hardware weakness

To begin with, one of the main reasons why the owner of a device has problems using it is the weakness of the hardware or the dishonesty of the device’s assembly.

It is important to know that a weak hardware platform cannot use resource-intensive programs!

The built-in processor, and along with it the graphics chip in an inexpensive gadget, will not be able to provide fast calculations, due to which the running game or application will not be able to work quickly or will even cause the tablet to freeze. Therefore, owners of budget models need to remember next moment: You need to install simple programs on your device that do not require large energy consumption, for example, programs for reading books.
In addition, the cause of the tablet freezing may be a manufacturing defect.

Memory problems

Another reason for the device to freeze may be insufficient memory, RAM or permanent memory. operating room Android system has the following feature: after finishing its work, each application remains in the tablet’s RAM for some time, often not even appearing in the processes, which slows down the operation of the device.

It is important to know that if there are too many programs running simultaneously, the gadget will most likely freeze.

The same thing can happen if the internal and permanent memory of the tablets is overflowing by more than 90%. In general, this problem comes first among all the others; it is for this reason that the Samsung tablet mostly freezes. Its users install a lot of applications, thereby filling the memory to the maximum, subsequently encountering problems incorrect work of your device and frequent freezes. So if the owner of a tablet prefers to mainly use his gadget for games, then he should think carefully about another device for these purposes, for example, a laptop.

Using resource-intensive applications

Bugs and insufficient optimization

The deplorable state of the device can also be caused by the operation of some applications, antiviruses, live wallpapers, and various interface decoration features.
In this case, the cause of freezes is various program bugs, found in various versions, or poor optimization.

Incorrect user actions

The actions of the owner himself can be fatal to the operation of the tablet. Many users do not see any difficulties in controlling a gadget; they think that they are able to cope with any problems on their own and that they know almost everything about electronic devices. Thus, with their careless actions, they can easily completely ruin their tablet. Such actions could be:

  • an attempt to gain access to the administrator account;
  • incorrect firmware;
  • changing the necessary system settings.

Solving emerging problems

The most important thing that a novice user of a tablet gadget needs to know is that if the device’s performance is poor, there is only one solution - not to install programs on it that consume a lot of resources.
If there is a defect in the device, then in this case the only way out is to replace it under the warranty card or buy a new device.
Such marriages can be:

  • poor quality assembly;
  • problems with microcircuits;
  • incorrect operation of the cooling system.

In general, ways to get rid of RAM load can be:

  1. special software to unload applications that are not in use;
  2. cleaning the operating system from various “garbage”;
  3. disabling unnecessary and unused services;
  4. deleting programs that are rarely used, especially for games.

It is important to know that when watching video content or launching an application on a tablet, it is advisable to disable the action antivirus programs– then it will be most useful for the period of operation of the browser.

Antivirus running on a tablet

Also, if the device freezes frequently, you need to find out what software installed recently - it is likely that they led to problems with the system. And in some situations you will have to reset the tablet to factory settings.

Hard reset

You can do this as follows:

  1. Hold down the power key for 10 seconds to turn off the device, and it should turn off and turn off;
  2. After this, the tablet turns on by holding the volume up, and then the power button;
  3. Then, using the volume up and down buttons, you need to select the enable function in the Settings menu;
  4. Here you need to select the wipedata/factoryreset item in the menu;
  5. Next, select rebootsystemnow and reboot the tablet.

Now operating system Android will automatically update, but everything is earlier installed applications and the settings, unfortunately, will disappear.

Hard system reset

Softer ways to fix problems

Of course, this is a radical way to solve the problem; before applying it, you need to try less global options. If the gadget is frozen, the first thing you need to do is simply try to turn it off and on by pressing the power button for 10 seconds. After about 5 minutes have passed, you can try to turn on the device again. Well, if this method does not help, you can try to solve the problem by removing the battery, memory card or SIM card, or better yet, do all this at the same time. You also need to wait a while and try to turn on the tablet again.

If none of the methods listed above help, the owner of the device can only be helped by flashing or repairing it at the appropriate service center. But at the same time, you must always remember: the owner is mostly to blame for interruptions in the operation of his device. You should be careful and attentive to its use, then similar problems with freezing and reboots will not arise.