The vacuum cleaner under warranty began to work poorly. Robot vacuum cleaner malfunctions: best troubleshooting methods. Can't see the base

You can return the vacuum cleaner back to the store, even if you just don’t like it anymore. However, this can only be done in the first 14 days from the date of purchase. In what cases can you return a vacuum cleaner to the store later than this period? What rights does the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” give the buyer when returning goods? Read in the article.

According to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, return a vacuum cleaner you don’t like good quality You can return to the store under the following conditions:

  • If it does not suit the buyer in size, color, dimensions or configuration;
  • If no more than fourteen days have passed since the purchase of the vacuum cleaner;

The day of purchase does not count. The 2 week countdown starts from the next day.

  • If the vacuum cleaner has not been used by the buyer and has retained its presentation;

There are no signs of use on the vacuum cleaner: scratches, dents, etc.;

  • If the buyer has retained all the components supplied with the vacuum cleaner: attachments, labels, replacement units, etc.;
  • If a receipt or other document has been saved that can confirm that the buyer purchased a dust collection device for a specific point of sale, on a specific date and from a specific seller;

If all of the above conditions are met, then returning the vacuum cleaner to the store will not take much time.

Return procedure

  • Pack the vacuum cleaner in the same box you would have purchased it in. Find the receipt, warranty card and other documents issued upon purchase;
  • Decide why you are returning the vacuum cleaner. According to the Law, you can return a vacuum cleaner of proper quality only if it does not fit in shape, size, dimensions, color, or configuration;
  • Come to the store and state the reason for the return;
  • The seller asked to fill out a special application for the return of goods of proper quality;

In it you will have to indicate for what characteristics the vacuum cleaner did not suit you.

After filling out the application, the seller may offer you:

  • Exchange the vacuum cleaner for a similar one (according to pricing policy), but with a characteristic that suits you;

For example, in your application you indicated that the vacuum cleaner did not fit (too bulky). The seller can select a smaller device, similar in price to the one being returned;

  • Return money;
  • Exchange for a vacuum cleaner of another brand with recalculation of the purchase price;

Other cases

If the vacuum cleaner turns out to be defective, you can return it:

  • At any time later than 14 days, if defective elements are detected;
  • In the presence of warranty period You can return the vacuum cleaner only within this period;

Sample documents

Nowadays, robotic vacuum cleaners are increasingly used to help housewives keep their homes clean. However, almost every owner has at least once encountered a situation when a robot vacuum cleaner suddenly began to make noise, creaks during operation, does not turn on, does not charge, does not connect to Wi-Fi (if we are talking about high-tech models controlled from a smartphone), and also with other damage. Today we will look at the most common malfunctions of robotic vacuum cleaners, the reasons for their occurrence and how to fix them yourself.

Does not work

Most often, you can hear the comment from users of this type of equipment that the robot vacuum cleaner does not work. This definition can mean anything. We will look at several cases when the robot does not turn on or has stopped working on one type of floor covering, as well as how to fix such a breakdown.

If the device does not turn on with the power button, then the reason may be a low battery. What to do in this case? First of all, the robot vacuum cleaner must be installed on the docking station and left until the battery is fully charged. Make sure that the charging base is properly connected to the network: check that the power cord and plug are connected to the outlet, and that there is voltage at the outlet itself.

If the robot cleaner still does not turn on and the red light is on, then the reason is probably a malfunction of the robot cleaner itself. battery.

If the robot vacuum cleaner does not respond to the buttons on the remote control and does not start, you should check the batteries inside the remote control and replace them if necessary.

It happens that when cleaning, devices designed for cleaning all types of floor coverings do not work well or bounce on the carpet. This malfunction is typical for iClebo robot vacuum cleaners. This indicates a malfunction of the rubber scraper due to a manufacturing defect, damage, or drying out of the rubber. In this case, eliminating the breakdown consists of replacing the scraper with a new one.

In addition, a robot vacuum cleaner designed exclusively for dry cleaning may not work due to the fact that it accidentally sucked in water. To prevent it from breaking, you need to do the following:

  • turn off the power, remove the dust container, clean and wipe dry;
  • remove existing filters and dry;
  • remove, clean from tangled hair, wool and dust, wipe with a dry cloth and after complete drying, install back;
  • thoroughly dry the device itself, make sure that the circuit board is dry;
  • turn on the power.

Not charging

Owners often note that their robot vacuum cleaner has become poorly charged, does not hold a charge throughout the entire cleaning cycle, or does not recharge at all.

As we have already described above, if the robot vacuum cleaner suddenly stops charging from the base or does not turn on from the mains, then the problem may be a faulty battery. Even lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries wear out after 2-3 years, begin to hold a charge poorly, and the robot quickly discharges even after being fully charged. Therefore, if your battery drains quickly and other signs of degradation appear, simply replace the battery with a new one.

If you are confident in the battery, then the charging connector on the docking station may be damaged, the charging cable itself is faulty, or there is a problem with the base board. Rarely, there is also a malfunction of the control board in the robot itself. Therefore, the robot vacuum cleaner does not charge the battery. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to carefully examine the device for mechanical damage, diagnose and repair knocked out elements. It is also a good idea to clean the charging contacts for better docking of the robot with the base.

Can't see the base

It also happens that a robot vacuum cleaner copes with all functions perfectly, cleans cleanly and efficiently, but has difficulty returning to charge or does not find the base every time.

To figure out why the robot does not go to the base on its own and finds it poorly, it is necessary to carry out a number of the following measures:

  1. Make sure you remove the protective film from the infrared panel of the docking station. Check that the sensors are not covered or dirty and that there are no foreign objects on the bumper.
  2. Visually inspect the docking station and cord for mechanical damage.
  3. In some cases, the robot vacuum cleaner cannot enter the base because the cleaning process as usual was started not from the base, but from another area of ​​the room.
  4. If the robot vacuum cleaner does not see the base, then it is not necessarily broken. The docking station may simply not be installed correctly. Make sure that there are no obstacles within a half-meter area on either side of the base and select the most optimal location for its placement in accordance with this requirement.

The brush does not spin

The vast majority of robot vacuum cleaners are equipped with one or two side brushes. And some models have a turbo brush. It is not surprising that one of the types of malfunctions is brush breakage. If your side brush does not work, or the turbo brush does not rotate, then most likely they are simply clogged with dirt, dust and too much wool and hair. For the same reason, one wheel of the device may fail, or both wheels at once. Therefore, the brooms and wheels must be periodically carefully removed and thoroughly cleaned. If you notice that the device is too noisy during operation, then most likely you have not installed the brushes back correctly.

If after cleaning the left brush or the right brush still does not work, then the problem is much more serious. It is possible that the side brush motor is broken or the gearbox is broken. In this case, we recommend that you contact a specialist and do not try to fix the problem yourself.

The video below clearly shows what to do if the brushes on the iRobot Roomba do not spin:

Doesn't suck up dust

When a robot vacuum cleaner suddenly has a decrease in performance, it moves around but does not pick up debris and does not suck up dust well, most likely its dust container is too full. Remove the dust container, empty it, rinse with water if necessary and dry thoroughly. Carry out the same manipulations with cleaning filters. It is important to note that not all filters can be washed with water; this is usually written in the operating instructions.

The second reason that the robot does not collect garbage in the container and does not clean the room well may be contamination of the side brushes, as well as the central turbo brush (if your device model has one).

The next reason for the malfunction of the robot vacuum cleaner, due to which it does not vacuum and does not remove debris well, is that the brushes are not dirty, but broken. The malfunction is solved by replacing them.

The most serious reason that a robot vacuum cleaner moves across the floor and does not pick up debris is a motor malfunction. The efficiency of the device itself depends on the correct operation of the engine. In this case, do not try to find information on how to repair a robot engine with your own hands, since this process is quite complex and time-consuming. Seek help from a specialist, explain to him that there is no traction in the device and that you have already ruled out other reasons.

All of the above situations may also be the reason why the robot becomes loud. Therefore, it is always worth remembering that the robot is helping you, and you must treat it with care and provide basic care.

In vacuum cleaners with a wet cleaning function and automatic wetting of the cloth, in addition to the problem that the robot vacuum cleaner does not pull, there is a common problem that the robot does not wet the cloth when wet cleaning. It is likely that your gadget's water supply holes are clogged, or they were initially too small. Carefully punch them and clean them, then the problem should be eliminated.

Orientation problems

The robot vacuum cleaner is oriented in space based on the functioning of the navigation unit. In budget models, it usually consists of side obstacle sensors and anti-fall sensors. In more expensive models, navigation is carried out thanks to laser rangefinders and the built-in camera. These elements tend to fail, after which the robot vacuum cleaner often does not see the obstacle, twitches, stops in the middle of the room, works for half an hour and leaves for the base, only drives in a circle in one place, backs away, etc.

When the device constantly drives in a circle in one place and is not at all oriented in space, this may indicate a malfunction of the side obstacle sensors.

If the device suddenly stops during operation and beeps, then the problem may be a failure of the battery, a failure of the navigation unit, or simply getting tangled in wires and other foreign objects on the floor.

A malfunction in the form that the robot vacuum cleaner simply drives backwards when cleaning, or drives backwards and turns off, can be eliminated by removing the front wheel and cleaning it from dirt. It could also be the sensors that need to be cleaned of dust, or faulty LEDs need to be replaced. If this does not help you, and the vacuum cleaner also only goes backwards, the problem probably lies in the device board.

Also, the reason may be poor quality assembly. For example, at the factory a screw was not tightened enough, as a result of which it got into the mechanism and contributed to the overheating of the motors. The video below clearly shows how to repair an iLife robot vacuum cleaner if it moves backwards and turns off:

The subfloor is the weak point of most automated robot cleaners. You can hear from almost every user that their robot vacuum cleaner does not work on the subfloor and does not see dark furniture, constantly bumping into it. Also, a minimum number of products can navigate in the dark. This feature Smart vacuum cleaners cannot be called a failure; rather, this is more of a drawback of all robotic devices.

So we looked at typical faults robot vacuum cleaners, the reasons for their occurrence and how to eliminate them yourself. If you are just planning to purchase a household robot to help you clean your apartment or house, we advise you to give preference to well-known companies that have service centers and warranty support. In most cases, failure is caused by a malfunction of electrical components, which are unlikely to be repaired by a person without experience. We hope it becomes clear to you why the robot vacuum cleaner does not work, does not charge, or does not find the base. You can also describe your problem in the comments, our editors will try to help solve it!

Nowadays, automated assistants for minor cleaning of premises are increasingly appearing on sale. We will talk about repairing one of these assistants in this article, or rather about the pandaclever x1 robot vacuum cleaner.

Let's talk about how to disassemble the pandaclever x1 robot vacuum cleaner and replace the faulty wheel. This model It was no coincidence that I chose a vacuum cleaner, since usually in such equipment, in order to replace a faulty wheel, you just need to unscrew the faulty module and install a new one. But there are models such as pandaclever x1, in which the design of the device does not provide for simple replacement of a faulty module.

Below I will describe the parsing procedure so that you do not have any difficulties when self-replacement faulty wheel. You can also use this article when replacing the pump, since to replace it you will also have to completely disassemble the body of the robot vacuum cleaner.

The photographs below show the niches in which the screws are located that need to be unscrewed in order to disassemble the pandaclever x1 robot vacuum cleaner.

After we have removed the screws, we should also disassemble the front bumper, since it interferes with our disassembly. Along the lower edge of the bumper, unscrew the screws marked in the photographs below.

Carefully lift the top of the cover and disconnect the wires marked in the photo below and set it aside.

Once we removed the top housing, we had access to the control board, pump, left and right wheel modules, and side brush motors. The following photo shows the wheel mounting screws; unscrew them and replace the wheel with a new one.

As you can see, if everything is done carefully, then this repair you can do it yourself.

Complace repairs iRobot Roomba boards of all models. If you bring in an iRobot Roomba robot vacuum cleaner with a faulty main board, there is a 90% chance we will repair it.

The cost of repairing the board of the iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner depends on the model and damage to the board. In other words, how many parts burned and how. In addition, the price depends on the complexity of the board. For example, the iRobot Roomba 980 board is much more complex than the Roomba 550 board. The price range is from 3,000 rubles. for an inexpensive vacuum cleaner up to 10,000 rubles. for top models with multiple faults.

iRobot 780 main board repair

An iRobot Roomba 780 robotic vacuum cleaner that was flooded with water was sent in for repair. Turned on only for charging, did not work.

After disassembly, traces of leaks were found on the main board.

The iRobot Roomba 780 motherboard also showed signs of flooding and minor corrosion. After cleaning the corrosion, the robot vacuum cleaner began to turn on, but the right wheel did not move. The check showed that the right wheel unit was working properly, the fault lay in the motherboard.

The dial test showed that the assembly of complementary transistors, and then the 0.2 Ohm resistor connected to it, had failed. After replacing these elements, the wheel began to rotate, but continuously. The search revealed a faulty transistor.

After replacing the transistor, the faults were eliminated and the 780 was completed. The price of repairing the iRobot 780 board is from 5,000 rubles to 10,000 rubles.

Roomba 561 repair

Another example of repair motherboard iRobot 561, which was brought in after being flooded with water. Most iRobot motherboard malfunctions occur after they have been flooded with water or a vacuum cleaner has cleaned a wet floor.

In the red circles there are burnt elements and large traces of corrosion after the grandmother washed the robot vacuum cleaner.

Below you can see the burnt microcircuit.

There is a broken element in the red circle.

The repair consists of finding all faulty elements, replacing them and thoroughly washing away traces of corrosion with alcohol.

Here's what the same iRobot Roomba board looks like after repair.

Board repair iRobot Roomba 561, 521, 530, 532, 551, 550, 560, 555, 595, 552, 620, 630, 650, 660 from 3000 to 6000 rubles.

iRobot Roomba 880 board repair

Here is an example of a complex repair of the iRobot 880 motherboard

Repairing the main board costs from 6 to 10 thousand rubles.

The burned out elements of the circuit board of the flooded robot vacuum cleaner are outlined in red. On the other side of the board, the burnt tracks were restored.

Repair of electronic boards iRobot Roomba 980

We have already repaired several boards of iRobot Roomba 980 vacuum cleaners. All of these robotic vacuum cleaners were flooded with water.

Repairing the iRobot Roomba 980 boards cost 15,000 rubles when two boards burned out - the main one and the control board. But this was a rare case - a bucket of water was thrown onto the vacuum cleaner.

In any case, repair the mother robot vacuum cleaner cheaper than buying a new one or replacing a burnt one with a new one at an official service center. The fact is that the “new” robot vacuum cleaner issued service center according to the promotion, is restored. We found this out by analyzing the board of such a vacuum cleaner. The soldering of individual components was very different from the soldering of a factory-produced machine, and the soldering of some elements was done entirely by hand.

Replacing the board

There are times when board repair is impossible. For example, a scarce processor burned out, the contact pads for soldering microcircuits rotted, and part of the board burned out. To prevent the repair from being expensive, we will try to select a not very expensive used board with a warranty for replacement. In any case, we will offer options.

Ask a question here.

Sometimes the seller can return the money for the vacuum cleaner or exchange it for a similar model without litigation. But this is rather an exception to the rule. From this it follows that you can return a vacuum cleaner to the store only with a manufacturing defect. If it was broken during use, the store may not refund the money. When the main reason for returning a vacuum cleaner is the wrong color, model, etc., it will not be possible to return the product to the store. It is important to consider these nuances when purchasing and returning a vacuum cleaner. Our specialists will help you deal with this problem. Source: Procedure for returning a vacuum cleaner to a store Returning a product depends entirely on the presence and origin of defects. If you are sure that the vacuum cleaner was faulty even before use, the law is on your side.

Vacuum cleaner broke under warranty

To return the vacuum cleaner to the store, you need to perform a number of steps:

  • Contact the store where you purchased the vacuum cleaner.
  • Provide the defective item
  • Make a claim to the seller and require his signature

If the defect does not raise any doubts among the administration, the money for the vacuum cleaner will be returned within 10 days. Our specialists will help you correctly file a claim and speed up the refund process.
After receiving the claim, the seller must conduct an examination, which will take up to 45 days. When he refuses to do this, it is better to involve independent experts.
If the examination finds that you are right, the store is obliged to compensate for all losses. You need to present the seller with a receipt for payment and the results of the examination.

You may be denied next case: according to the inspection results, there are no defects or they appeared due to your fault.

The vacuum cleaner is broken

The 2 week countdown starts from the next day.

  • If the vacuum cleaner has not been used by the buyer and has retained its presentation;

There are no signs of use on the vacuum cleaner: scratches, dents, etc.;

  • If the buyer has retained all the components supplied with the vacuum cleaner: attachments, labels, replacement units, etc.;
  • If a receipt or other document has been saved that can confirm that the buyer purchased a dust collection device for a specific retail outlet, on a specific date and from a specific seller;

If all of the above conditions are met, then returning the vacuum cleaner to the store will not take much time. Return procedure

  • Return procedure: Pack the vacuum cleaner in the same box in which it was purchased.
    Find the receipt, warranty card and other documents issued upon purchase;
  • Decide why you are returning the vacuum cleaner.

Is it possible to return a vacuum cleaner to the store?

Our vacuum cleaner is broken (a sock got sucked in and it won’t come out). Should we have the vacuum cleaner repaired under warranty? If it is still under warranty. read answers (1) Topic: Warranty repairs household appliances The robot vacuum cleaner is broken, under warranty. I contact the seller every day for three weeks, they promise to call back and solve the problem, but there is silence.

What should I do? read the answers (1) Topic: Vacuum cleaner breakdown The vacuum cleaner is 7 years old, the massage attachment is broken, where can it be repaired and will it be at your own expense or under warranty? read the answers (1) Topic: KIRBY vacuum cleaner The vacuum cleaner broke under warranty - Vacuumed 2 times, buzzed on the 3rd.

Is it possible to return a vacuum cleaner if you don’t like it?

The condition of technical expertise also applies here. If you damage your vacuum cleaner in the first two years, an inspection will easily reveal your negligence and improper operation purchased.


Don't take the risk and go to the store in this case. So, you are convinced that you did not damage the vacuum cleaner with your actions, and there is a manufacturing defect.

  • Write a complaint to the store;
  • Contact the service center.

If you want to have your vacuum cleaner repaired, you should go to your manufacturer’s service center with a warranty, a receipt and the faulty unit. The advantage of this option is that if the breakdown turns out to be not your fault, you should have it fixed without any problems within 45 days.

The downside is that the examination can last 30 days, and if the decision on your issue is negative, you will have to pay for it out of your own pocket.

How to return a vacuum cleaner to the store?

Poor quality vacuum cleaners must be returned in two cases:

  • You find a minor defect - return within 15 days;
  • If you find a serious defect - return under warranty for up to 2 years.

Refunds up to 15 days are made when the defect does not interfere with your use of the vacuum cleaner or interferes only slightly. Its appearance should be assessed by an expert to eliminate the possibility of your guilt in the current situation.
The exchange or return of any low-quality equipment is carried out using a procedure for identifying quality defects - examination. In this case, the return of the vacuum cleaner under warranty is subject to the application of the terms of warranty service. Each manufacturer has the right to set its own terms and conditions. However, when this was not done, the product still has a warranty - the law limits it to two years from the date of purchase for absolutely any equipment.

  • Consumer rights Protection
  • Hello. We bought a vacuum cleaner in Eldorado on May 5, 2014, with a one-year warranty.

    The vacuum cleaner did not suck up dust well and was not really used, but that is not the point. In January 2015 it broke down, they sent it for repairs under warranty, and about a month later it was supposedly fixed.

    Eldarado sellers began to show a vacuum cleaner, it turned on every other time (they changed the engine). Again it took a long time to apply for the second repair. We asked if we could exchange it for another vacuum cleaner, pay extra and get a normal one. We were told that it is possible only after it breaks for the second time. And here's my question, time is running, the vacuum cleaner is being repaired, soon the year of warranty will expire, I’m sure they’ll do halam balam, and again it will break (the vacuum cleaner doesn’t really suck up garbage), is it possible to refuse our broken vacuum cleaner and demand another, albeit with an additional payment, but a normal vacuum cleaner. Thank you in advance.

The vacuum cleaner broke a month after purchase, what should I do?

  • Compensation for losses you incurred in connection with repairs;
  • A discount if the defect is superficial and does not interfere with the operation of the equipment;
  • Repair under warranty, which will be paid for by the store.

One of these possible results should be indicated in the complaint that you submit to the management of the point where you purchased the vacuum cleaner. It would also be a good idea to provide the following:

  • Copies of receipts, delivery notes or other documents capable of identifying the date, place and cost of the purchase;
  • Warranty card;
  • The results of the inspection, if it has already been done or you have checked the vacuum cleaner with an independent expert;
  • Box and packaging of the vacuum cleaner with all instructions.

The latter is optional, because according to the law, you can hand over defective goods even without the proper packaging, since they will not sell it again.
You can return the vacuum cleaner back to the store, even if you just don’t like it anymore. However, this can only be done in the first 14 days from the date of purchase. In what cases can you return a vacuum cleaner to the store later than this period? What rights does the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” give the buyer when returning goods? Read in the article. The content of the article:

  • Is it possible to return a good quality vacuum cleaner?
  • Return procedure
  • Other cases

Is it possible to return a good quality vacuum cleaner? According to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, you can return a good quality vacuum cleaner back to the store under the following conditions:

  • If it does not suit the buyer in size, color, dimensions or configuration;
  • If no more than fourteen days have passed since the purchase of the vacuum cleaner;

The day of purchase does not count.
How to return The law establishes two options for the possible return of any purchase:

  1. If you don't like the product;
  2. If it was used and it turned out to be defective.

back to contents High-quality Usually, a high-quality product can be returned to the store in the first two weeks after purchase, but in the case of a vacuum cleaner this rule does not work. It's all about the well-known government decree No. 55, which contains a list of products that cannot be returned in proper condition. The vacuum cleaner is included in this list, as it belongs to technically complex units, and even for domestic purposes. However, there is one exception here. If you prove that the store or manufacturer withheld all the necessary information from you before purchasing, you have the right to cancel this transaction.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” states that: “The consumer has the right to exchange a non-food product of proper quality for a similar product from the seller from whom this product was purchased, if the specified product is not suitable in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration ." However, this right will not apply to the list of technically complex goods. Since the vacuum cleaner belongs to this category, it is almost impossible to return it to the store without compelling reasons.

Refunds will only be made if there is a fault.

  • 2. Proper operating procedures must be followed to return the vacuum cleaner to the store.

    If the damage was caused not during production, but during use, you will not be able to return the vacuum cleaner to the store. To conduct a quality check, in most cases an examination is carried out.

  • 3. Stores often offer additional promotions and services.