RollBack Home Edition is a free Windows recovery tool. Alternatives to replace Rollback Rx

Version: 10.2

Developer: Horizon Data Sys.

Compatibility: for Windows 7, 8, XP, Vista, 2000

Interface: RUS (in Russian)

License: Treatment: carried out


Size: 6MB

Description of the Rollback Rx Professional program in Russian

Rollback Rx Professional - the program is designed to create so-called “snapshots” of the system, which, if necessary, can be used to rollback and restore accidentally lost data in the event of a virus infection of the computer and changes that have recently been made to the system installed programs etc. RollBack Rx restores not only files, but also system settings, including registry settings, desktop settings, security, user management, etc. Using the program, you can go back hours, days, weeks and even months , searching for the desired state of the system. “Snapshots” can be created at the user’s request or automatically, according to a predetermined schedule.

RollBack Rx is the leading computer security utility. This program uses advanced, previously unused technology to protect computers from viruses or system problems.
RollBack Rx allows computer users, regardless of their skill level, easily and quickly solve problems with their computers within seconds. Using this program like ordinary users, and professionals in the field information technologies will be able to save their time and money. Whether you are an administrator, MIS (Management Information Information system) specialist, technical coordinator, secretary, teacher, program tester, librarian or novice home user, with the help of the proposed program you can save time and money and solve your computer problem. RollBack Rx allows users of any level to restore the functionality of their computer.
RollBack Rx is powerful and easy to use. This program eliminates the need to create backup copies or save duplicate images from hard drive. With the help of the proposed program, users and/or administrators will be able to take a snapshot of the entire system at a specific time. You can take as many pictures as you need.

RollBack Rx does not affect performance
Can be managed remotely and deployed (Enterprise versions)
RollBack Rx™ takes up only 0.1% of total hard drive space.
Supports virtually unlimited snapshots.
Takes less than 3 seconds to create a new photo.
Creates a complete system snapshot without restarting the system.
Create new snapshots manually, automatically, or when executing a file.
Restores damaged or deleted files take any pictures easily and quickly.
Recover file history in any of 60,000 snapshots.
Recovers the entire system in any of 60,000 snapshots.
Sets up the system for automatic recovery to the photo of your choice.
Highly customizable interface - the program interface can be hidden from end users.
Enables dynamic disk space management. Releases unused disk space on deleting snapshots.
Contains intelligent disk space monitoring, informing users about the disk space usage of each snapshot.
Offers flexible and powerful access controls.
Supports multiple operating systems.
Consists of several protection selection sections.
Unites quick reset basic level systems.
Supports all standard deployment options.
Includes configurations during installation. Allows you to customize the program during installation and much more...

Windows snapshots are an analogue of system restore points, implemented by third-party software. In this article, we’ll talk about the advantages and disadvantages of snapshots, and also look at how to work with them in the RollBack Rx Home Edition program.

1. Advantages and disadvantages of snapshots

Like , snapshots are snapshots of the state of the system to which it can be rolled back, thus traveling through time. Figuratively speaking, of course. The system date and time will be immediately synchronized after a rollback. This refers to the possibility of switching to various branches of Windows development - both successful ones, where everything works fine, and unsuccessful ones, the results of unsuccessful experiments with system settings, third-party software, web surfing on dubious sites, etc.

Snapshots have many advantages over the standard functionality of system rollback to restore points. Snapshots are created instantly. And rolling back to them is done quickly - usually a few seconds longer than a regular computer reboot. Whereas the standard functionality requires several minutes (at least 10) to carry out the system rollback procedure. All control options for working with snapshots are collected in the interface of their implementing program. It’s convenient that in one place you can create snapshots, run a system rollback to them, and delete unnecessary ones. But with dots Windows recovery not so simple. The standard functionality can only offer the removal of all points except the last one. And then, only those who know that the standard Disk Cleanup utility is responsible for deleting recovery points will take advantage of this opportunity. And deleting a selective point without third-party software will not work at all.

Separate programs for implementing Windows snapshots may offer convenient schedulers to automate the creation of snapshots and rollback to them.

Do backups using third-party software like Acronis True Image or AOMEI Backupper, like recovery points, snapshots will benefit from efficiency. But if the Windows bootloader is damaged, snapshots will fail miserably backup. In this case, a reliable tool can only be a backup prepared in advance for a rainy day. copy of Windows. So, no matter how tempting the capabilities of programs for implementing snapshots may seem, it is still necessary to have a backup copy of the system and emergency media with its program in a safe place.

2. About RollBack Rx Home Edition

One of best programs for working with Windows snapshots – RollBack Rx. The program makes changes to Windows boot loader(both on the MBR and on) and installs its environment, which functions before the operating system starts. This environment provides the ability to rollback to a successful snapshot if further Windows startup impossible for some reason. Naturally, provided that the bootloader itself is not damaged.

The free version of the Home Edition program is limited to the possibility of simultaneous existence of no more than 7 Windows snapshots and closed access to the planner. As you can see, the conditions are not suffocating, and the potential of the Home Edition is more than enough for home needs. You can download RollBack Rx Home Edition on the official website of the developer company Horizon Datasys Corporation. IN official version The program does not support the Russian language.

3. Creating Windows snapshots

The first Windows snapshot is created automatically immediately after installing RollBack Rx. This snapshot is referred to as the baseline defense and cannot be deleted by the user. You can view its properties in the “Snapshots” section of the program by selecting the “Properties” option in the context menu of the snapshot.

Creating snapshots

All snapshots following the first one will be created based on it and contain changes relative to it. This explains the efficiency of the program when creating snapshots, as well as its economy in terms of disk space use. So, in the tested case, after installing the program and creating the first snapshot, only 700 MB of space was occupied on drive C.

You can create a new snapshot either in the first section of the “Home” program by clicking the “New Snapshot” button at the bottom, or in the same “Snapshots” section where snapshots are managed. IN the latter case Click the “New” button and fill out the snapshot creation form – name it, enter a description (optional) and, if necessary, check the options below. The first one immediately blocks the photo, making it impossible to accidentally delete it. But this can be done at any time later. The second option is responsible for cleaning system cache before taking a photo. Click “Next”.

Creating snapshots in the RollBack Rx program

After a second or two, the snapshot will appear in the list of the “Snapshots” section - the snapshot management environment. Using the options in the context menu, pictures can be blocked from accidental deletion, unlocked, deleted, mounted in virtual drive, and also use for system rollback.

Taking System Snapshots in RollBack Rx

4. Windows rollback

Windows can be rolled back to the state from the snapshot using the “Rollback” option in its context menu or in the first section of the “Home” program by clicking the “Rollback System” button.

System rollback process

In the latter case, accordingly, it is necessary to indicate which of the snapshots you want to roll back to. Next, in the window that opens, select a snapshot. The option “Take a snapshot of current...” active at the bottom of the window will automatically create a snapshot of the current state before the rollback. Click “Next”.

Then we will see a program warning, where it is recommended to save important files on a non-system drive or in the cloud. Click “Restart”.

After which the system will reboot. And when you start again, it will already be in the state captured in the selected image.

5. Recovering files after Windows rollback

If necessary files were not saved in a safe place, but before the rollback a snapshot of the current state was created, no need to worry. In this case, RollBack Rx has a mechanism for extracting files from snapshots. The wizard of this mechanism automatically appears on the screen after Windows rollback.

You can restore unsaved files by entering their exact names with extensions, just extensions or folder names into a special form. If you need to restore user profile folder files, the folder names must be indicated in English.

The files or folders will be displayed in the scan results window. Call on the required data context menu, click “Recover” and select one of the options – either “Save As” or “Overwrite”.

The File Recovery Wizard can be launched at any other time by clicking the “Recover Files” button in the “Instant Recovery” section. In this case, files will be restored not from the last snapshot, but from the specified one.

Recovering files after a rollback

The program has another mechanism for restoring individual data.

6. Mounting snapshots into a virtual drive

RollBack Rx's functions include mounting snapshots into a virtual drive. Any of the existing snapshots can be displayed in Explorer as a regular disk partition. And from this disk it will be possible to extract all the necessary files, finding them where they were before the system rollback. To do this, go to the “Instant Recovery” section of the program and click “Explore Snapshot” at the bottom. Then select the required snapshot in the window and click the “Explore” button.

Mounting a snapshot of the system into a virtual drive

7. Updating the Defense Baseline

As mentioned, the free Home Edition of the program is limited to the simultaneous existence of only 7 snapshots, including the first one - the basic line of defense. This limit will quickly be exhausted, since Home Edition provides for the creation of a new snapshot after each reboot of the computer. This is a software scheduler setting that cannot be changed. So at a certain stage of working with the program, before creating a new snapshot, you will have to delete one of the old ones that were created automatically. As an alternative to creating new snapshots, you can use the program's ability to update the defense baseline. To do this, in the “Tools & Settings” menu, select “Baseline Manager” and click “Update the Baseline” at the bottom.

Updating the Basic Line of Defense

After you restart your computer, the first snapshot taken immediately after installing RollBack Rx will be replaced with the current system state.

8. RollBack Rx Pre-Boot Environment

If a serious failure occurs or a virus has entered the system, and this prevents either the system from starting or performing the necessary operations within it, you can roll back to a successful snapshot in the RollBack Rx pre-boot environment. How to get into it? As soon as the program logo appears on the screen when you restart the computer, you must press the “Home” key. The creators of the program in this environment have provided full management of snapshots - their creation, deletion, and other options, but first of all, it is designed for the ability to restore Windows. To do this, use the navigation keys to mark the “Restore System” item and press Enter.

Pre-boot environment

Then in a small window, using the same navigation keys, select the desired snapshot and press the Enter key to start the rollback process.

Have a great day!

No operating system is stable in terms of functioning, since external influences, the initiative of the users themselves, and software conflicts are the reasons that can lead to various failures in Windows. As a result, system freezes, file loss, etc. are observed. Usually in this case one turns to the OS capabilities, which consist in rolling back the system to a certain date (restore point), but where the best solution I see the use of the RollBack Rx Home program.

This program has free version, characterized by certain restrictions, but not so significant. In particular, in Free versions You can only take 7 pictures of the system. Otherwise, the functionality of the proposed software is quite sufficient to allow you to restore Windows:

  • take pictures of the system, which allows you to return OS settings, registry settings, desktop state, etc. to a certain date. Files and folders can also be restored;
  • create a virtual disk in accordance with the system snapshot, which allows you to open it for research in the same way as you usually work with a hard drive;
  • restore not the entire system, but individual files and folders.

How to use RollBack Rx Home

  1. Install the program and reboot the system. After which the first snapshot of the system will be automatically created.
  2. For manual creation image, you need to go to the New Snapshot section, where you come up with a name and set a description, and then click on the Next button and wait for the process to complete.
  3. Restoring the system to a specific date, arbitrarily far from the current one, is carried out in the Rollback System section. Having opened this section, you will need to select a specific snapshot of the system, that is, click on it with the mouse, and use the Next and Restart buttons in sequence.
  4. If there is a need not to restore the entire system, but only some files or folders, then you should open the Recover Files section, in which you can specify three search options: by name, type and location. Then click Next and wait for the result.

Using the RollBack Rx Home program is not absolutely safe, since this software is registered in boot sector, which can sometimes lead to failures in the form of the inability to load the operating system. Therefore, you should approach the operation of the program’s functionality relative to the OS installed on your PC with some caution.


A convenient program with a simple interface, which makes it accessible to all users, regardless of their level of professionalism.

Good day, dear friends, acquaintances, readers, admirers and other individuals.

The safety of our data, and most importantly the operability of the system at any time, is one of the key factors in the operation of your computer, because, in fact, that’s what we use it for (I mean interaction with data and the system).

Much has already been said about the creation backup copies whole, right inside the system or outside it, as well as a bunch of free and paid software, be it , or .

Today I offer you a more interesting way of backing up a system, namely, the use of snapshots, which can be rolled back at any time, both inside the system and outside it (that is, when it is unviable or, say, infected with viruses).

This is an extremely convenient and reasonable approach, which, personally, I really like and, in fact, will allow your system to live almost forever.

However, aside from the lyrics and let's get to the point.

Download, install and review features

We will talk about such a wonderful program as RollBack RX. For home use, it is completely free, supports the Russian language, and is also incredibly useful and easy to use.

You can download this joy of a programmer's thought or. The installation is extremely simple and I will not dwell on it.

After a reboot (and it will be required), if everything went well, then before the loading screen Windows will slip through loading screen RollBack from which it will be possible to restore if the system is inoperative or infected with viruses. But first things first and let's get back to the program.

The program interface is simple and concise, and also, to some extent, reminiscent of the good old recovery system in Windows.

On the right you can see the pictures, as well as their age, size, the reason for which it was taken, as well as, in fact, a calendar with the dates and times of these pictures.

By right-clicking the mouse you can restore, block, delete and examine pictures (a very convenient thing, which is discussed below in the text).

On the left you can see a menu with only a few items (more, in fact, is not needed). Let's look at each of the points.

For example, on the tab " Fast recovery"You can start restoring both the system itself and, in fact, folders or any files from them. In particular, you can examine any (as I mentioned above) snapshot:

Press the appropriate button, select a photo and wait. The program will mount a virtual disk, which will be accessible through " Conductor" (aka " My computer") and with which you can work as you please, i.e. copy, move and otherwise interact with image files at your discretion.

This is very convenient and cool.. And especially this so-called “feature” will be appreciated by those who once worked with Acronis and other image cutting programs, which are essentially closed and do not allow you to interact with files.

Recovering from any image is very quick, easy and pleasant. You can check the box " Take a snapshot of the current system before the rollback, in case I want to go back" and, in fact, return to any state. This is extremely useful when testing software, drivers and manipulating anything in the system.

The task scheduler allows you to manage tasks for creating snapshots or restoring from them. You can select the frequency and/or time, configure blocking and unlocking + deleting pictures, link the whole thing to the moment of reboot, and so on.

The tab with the event log.. Oddly enough, it keeps an event log :) Here, which is logical, you can actually see what, when, why and why happened.

Now, as for the settings and related nuances.

Setup and use

Let's go through each point a little. For example " System Security" allows you to enable password requirements and image encryption.

Tab " Basic Shot Control" involves changing the first snapshot created during the installation and configuration of the program. This is the main snapshot of the system, which most likely stores the most current system configuration.

Here you can return to it or update its contents, changing, say, to the current state of the system (do not forget to first configure it as you need :)).

The defragmentation tab involves... defragmenting snapshots, which improves overall performance and all that stuff. In general, you can use this function here, or you can simply resort to using third-party software.

Well, as for the settings, everything is no less simple, easy, concise and, as they say, “nothing superfluous.” I think that everyone will deal with them themselves and set everything up at their own discretion.. Or leave it as is, fortunately standard settings are quite optimal.

And now the last thing I wanted to mention is the recovery mode mentioned above Windows outside the system, that is, when it does not work or works, but you need to roll back to the old state before loading it.

To do this, when you restart the computer, when the corresponding screen appears, click on the button " Home" and we find ourselves in a shell RollBack RX, where we can take new pictures, restore from old ones, do defragmentation and all that stuff.

Perhaps that’s all and it’s time to move on to the afterword.


I strongly recommend this joy of programming thought for careful use. This is one of those programs that will allow you to save a whole carload of nerves and make, as I already said, your operating system quite immortal.

As always, if you have questions, additions, opinions or anything else, we will be glad to see them in the comments to this post.

PS (UPD): For those who don't read the comments: support Windows 10(at the time of writing) absent; use defragmenters, Acronis, Chkdisk(with error correction) and others like them are not recommended.

Version: 10.2

Developer: Horizon Data Sys.

Compatibility: for Windows 7, 8, XP, Vista, 2000

Interface: RUS (in Russian)

License: Treatment: carried out


Size: 6MB

Description of the Rollback Rx Professional program in Russian

Rollback Rx Professional - the program is designed to create so-called “snapshots” of the system, which, if necessary, can be used to rollback and restore accidentally lost data in the event of a virus infection of the computer and changes made to the system by recently installed programs, etc. RollBack Rx restores not only files, but also system settings, including registry settings, desktop settings, security, user management, etc. Using the program, you can go back hours, days, weeks, and even months ago, finding the desired system state. “Snapshots” can be created at the user’s request or automatically, according to a predetermined schedule.

RollBack Rx is the leading computer security utility. This program uses advanced, previously unused technology to protect computers from viruses or system problems.
RollBack Rx allows computer users, regardless of their skill level, to easily and quickly resolve problems with their computers within seconds. Using this program, both ordinary users and information technology professionals will be able to save their time and money. Whether you are an administrator, MIS (Management Information System) specialist, technical coordinator, secretary, teacher, software tester, librarian or a newbie home user, with the help of this program you can save time and money and solve your computer problem. RollBack Rx allows users of any level to restore the functionality of their computer.
RollBack Rx is powerful and easy to use. This program eliminates the need to create backup copies or save duplicate images from your hard drive. With the help of the proposed program, users and/or administrators will be able to take a snapshot of the entire system at a specific time. You can take as many pictures as you need.

RollBack Rx does not affect performance
Can be managed remotely and deployed (Enterprise versions)
RollBack Rx™ takes up only 0.1% of total hard drive space.
Supports virtually unlimited snapshots.
Takes less than 3 seconds to create a new photo.
Creates a complete system snapshot without restarting the system.
Create new snapshots manually, automatically, or when executing a file.
Recovers damaged or deleted files from any snapshot easily and quickly.
Recover file history in any of 60,000 snapshots.
Recovers the entire system in any of 60,000 snapshots.
Configures the system to automatically restore to a snapshot of your choice.
Highly customizable interface - the program interface can be hidden from end users.
Enables dynamic disk space management. Releases unused disk space on deleting snapshots.
Contains intelligent disk space monitoring, informing users about the disk space usage of each snapshot.
Offers flexible and powerful access controls.
Supports multiple operating systems.
Consists of several protection selection sections.
Incorporates a basic level system quick reset.
Supports all standard deployment options.
Includes configurations during installation. Allows you to customize the program during installation and much more...