“Super First” is a new MTS tariff for active communication. Tariff “First MTS Super first promo MTS


OJSC "Mobile TeleSystems" announces the launch of a new federal tariff "Super First", a unique feature of which is a very low price- 15 kopecks per minute, - for all outgoing calls in your home region from the third minute of conversation.

“Super First” is a tariff that provides for a stepwise reduction in the cost of a call depending on the duration of the call. The first minute of any outgoing local call costs 1.90 rubles; second minute – 0.95 rubles; and the third and subsequent minutes of conversation are 15 kopecks per minute.

The “Super First” tariff is charged per minute and does not provide subscription fee.

“Subscribers of the “Super First” tariff get an excellent chance not to limit their conversations by mobile phone, since attractive tariff conditions apply to all outgoing calls in the home region, regardless of which operator numbers, fixed or cellular, are dialed by subscribers,” commented Mikhail, Vice President of MTS OJSC, Director of the MTS Russia business unit Shamolin.

Subscribers of the “Super First” tariff will be able to further optimize their communication costs by connecting the following MTS services:

  • “Favorite numbers” - as part of a special promotion, the cost of calls to one selected MTS subscriber number home region– 15 kopecks per minute from the first minute of conversation;
  • “WE Group” - preferential calls between subscribers of the “WE” group (7 numbers)
  • “Credit” - the ability to pay for MTS services on a deferred basis, staying in touch even with a negative balance;
  • "MTS numbers".

In addition, subscribers who subscribe to the “Super First” tariff before August 31, 2007, become participants in the MTS “Triple Bonus” promotion (http://www1.mts.ru/discount/3x_bonus/) and within six months receive on their subscriber account bonus in the amount of three starting balances.

You can subscribe to the “Super First” tariff at any MTS store or at dealer communication stores and points of sale.

Existing MTS subscribers can switch to a new tariff from any tariff plan in the following ways:

  • by sending an SMS with the text 012 to number 1771;
  • using the service " Mobile assistant» by number 002227;
  • using the “Internet Assistant” service on the website www.mts.ru;
  • in the MTS contact center at 8-800-333-0890 or by short number 0890;
  • in the MTS showroom.

For an MTS subscriber changing their tariff for the first time, the transition is free of charge. In other cases, the cost of switching to the “Super First” tariff is 90 rubles.

More detailed information the conditions of the “Super First” tariff can be found at www rnd.mts.ru, in the MTS Contact Center at 0890, as well as in MTS showrooms.

Every mobile operator offers its subscribers a large number of different tariff plans, differing in their parameters and conditions. The line of tariff plans (tariff plans) is updated annually. Some TPs are different unlimited internet traffic, some require a subscription fee, within which the user is provided with a package of minutes for calls and SMS. The Mobile Telesystems operator is actively promoting the Smart MTS tariff, but the terms of this tariff plan presuppose the availability of a certain package of minutes, SMS and Internet traffic for a set monthly fee. If a person does not spend the provided volume of services, then the mobile operator does not reimburse him for the spent funds. For everyone who does not want to overpay for communications, the operator offers the tariff “ Super MTS».


A distinctive feature of the Super MTS tariff plan is its focus on making outgoing calls by the subscriber within the operator’s network. According to the operator’s assurance regarding the “Super MTS” tariff, a description of which can be downloaded in pdf format on the official website, it is the only TP from MTS without a subscription fee.

This means that when switching to a tariff, a person will pay exactly as much as he actually says. As part of the action of this tariff MTS does not force the user to purchase additional services in the volume of the package, as with “Super MTS” or other operator’s tariff plans. It is for this reason that people who make a small number of calls (for example, pensioners) will benefit from connecting to the Super MTS tariff plan.

The reason why using the Super MTS tariff is impossible in roaming is the issue of cost. The price for incoming and outgoing calls will be too high. If you travel abroad frequently, it is better to look for information about which tariffs will be more preferable outside the territory of Russia.

The main characteristics of “Super MTS” according to the tariff description are as follows:

  • plastic bag free minutes for outgoing calls within the region (20 minutes for every day);
  • calls to numbers registered outside the home region. The package includes 100 minutes, which can be used if the “Call for free to MTS Russia” option is activated;
  • “Super MTS plus SMS” assumes the presence of 10 free messages per day, if the SMS Smart package is activated;
  • "Super MTS plus Internet." Initially, the Internet on the “Super MTS” tariff is estimated at 9.9 rubles for each megabyte of traffic. Payment is made for the actual volume consumed. If desired, receive large quantity Internet user has the opportunity to activate the “Bit” or “SuperBIT” option.

The archived tariffs of this plan, which are gradually being closed (and users are offered to disconnect the old tariff plan and switch to a new tariff), underwent a slight increase in price at the end of 2016. The average cost of Super MTS 2016 model increased by 20 kopecks per minute.

How to activate the Super MTS tariff? A question that interests subscribers who decide to switch to a tariff or simply change their tariff plan to a more profitable one.

The operator offers several transition options:

  1. USSD command. To activate a new tariff, you need to dial * 888 # and confirm the action with the call button.
  2. You can also change your current TP by using a service from MTS such as “Personal Account”.
  3. One more in a convenient way How to switch to “Super MTS” is the application mobile application“My MTS”, available for users of phones running Android and iOS.
  4. If the subscriber cannot independently configure the connection of the option, then he can simply contact any operator’s showroom, where a specialist will explain in detail all the nuances of the selected tariff and make the connection.


Sometimes a situation may arise when a person, succumbing to advertising, connects a TP that he does not need at all. In this case, the question arises of how to disable Super MTS. This can be done in any of three possible ways:

  • disconnection will occur if the user switches to a new TP using the appropriate USSD command;
  • tariff closure also occurs through installed application"My MTS";
  • The last - third - way is to contact a communication shop to connect to a new tariff. You should definitely take your passport with you, since it is legally determined that a SIM card is issued only upon presentation of a passport.

Using this TP, without using additional options, will cost the user the following amounts:

  • the first 20 minutes of outgoing calls are completely free;
  • starting from 21 minutes, all calls to phone numbers of the Mobile Telesystems operator in your home region will cost 1.5 rubles per minute;
  • How much will a minute of calls to landlines cost? 2.5 rubles for every minute;
  • the cost of calls outside the home region costs the subscriber 5 rubles;
  • an outgoing call to numbers of other operators costs 2.5 rubles;
  • similar calls outside the region will cost the user 14 rubles;
  • the cost of one SMS within your home region is 2 rubles;
  • a short message to a number outside your home region will cost 3.8 rubles.

Having information regarding the cost of each type of service according to the tariff, the subscriber will be able to determine how much it will cost to use the TP in accordance with the plan for their own mobile communications use.

Additionally, the user is offered a set of services. What are they needed for? To expand the capabilities of the TP and give the subscriber the opportunity to use them to their fullest extent.

  1. “Free calls” service on MTS Russia. This option involves providing the subscriber with an additional 100 minutes for calls. Activating the option is completely free, but using the service will cost the subscriber 3.5 rubles per day. To activate the function on the tariff, you will need to dial the command “* 868 # call button” or send a short message containing the text “868” to number 111.
  2. SMS Smart. A package that allows the subscriber to send a larger number of SMS within the scope of the tariff plan. When switching to a tariff, the first two weeks of the service are provided completely free of charge. Then a fee of 5 rubles per day begins to be charged. The option is automatically activated when switching to “Super MTS”. How to disable the service? You should dial the following USSD command: “* 111 * 9009 # “, confirming it by pressing the call button. Additionally, as part of the option, you can activate one-time SMS packages - 50, 150 or 300 messages. They are activated using the command “* 111 * 444 * xx # “, where instead of xx you will need to set the desired number of SMS.
  3. "SuperBIT". This option designed to receive additional megabytes of Internet. How to connect the Internet within this TP? You can use the command “* 111 * 628 * 1 # call” or using a short message containing the text “67” to number 111. Another opportunity to take advantage of additional megabytes of the Internet is to connect the service using personal account.

MTS has developed the “Super MTS” tariff plan, which allows subscribers to communicate within the network for free. The connected package does not require a monthly subscription fee. Besides voice communication, customers can use the Internet and SMS messages.

For comfortable communication, subscribers can connect to additional traffic, SMS or calls. Parents of schoolchildren were given the opportunity to activate the “Children’s package” option. For activation additional services you need to make monthly payments.

The Super MTS tariff offers subscribers free calls within the network. Compared to other TPs, there is no monthly fee for using the services. To make free calls within the network, subscribers should activate the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” option. A daily fee of 3.5 rubles is charged for using the service.

You will have to pay 2 rubles for sending SMS. If you don’t want to pay extra money, it is recommended to additionally activate the “SMS” option, which may include:

SMS messages are connected for a fixed monthly fee. The Super MTS tariff plan allows you to activate the Children's package. The option provides:

  • Secure communication (bans on unnecessary calls are established);
  • Convenient communication (receiving notifications about the student’s balance);
  • Determining the location of the child (upon request, an SMS is sent with a link to a map with coordinates).

As for the Internet, the cost of 1 MB is 9.9 rubles. Subscribers who actively use mobile Internet services are recommended to connect:

  • Bit - 75 Mb;
  • SuperBit - 3 Gb;
  • Mini - 7 Gb;
  • Maxi - 15 Gb;
  • VIP - 30 Gb + nightly unlimited.

Subscribers who connect to VIP receive a discount on satellite TV.


Payment for services 0 rub.
Payment after switching to TP 90 rub.
Cost of calls with the “Call for free” option
Calls to local MTS subscribers 100 min/day
Communication with MTS subscribers (local region) after 100 minutes 1.5 rub.
Connection with landline numbers 1.6 rub.
Connection with MTS subscribers (Russia) 100 min/day
Voice communication within the network in the Russian Federation after 100 minutes 5 rub.
Calls to regional landline numbers 2.5 rub.
Cost of services without the “Call for free” option
Connection to any numbers in the region 20 min/day
Regional calls to internal numbers after 20 minutes 1.5 rub.
Calls after 20 minutes to city and other operators 2.5 rub.
Connection with MTS (Russia) 5 rub.
Calls within the Russian Federation (any operator) 14 rub.
Calls abroad
Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, etc. 35 rub.
Austria, Great Britain, etc. 49 rub.
Dominica, Cuba, etc. 70 rub.

How to connect a tariff and options

Subscribers who are interested tariff plan Super MTS can use 5 methods to connect to the service:

  • Dial the command “*888#” on your smartphone or tablet;
  • Use the functionality of the “My MTS” program;
  • Call tech. support by dialing “0890”. The operator will help with connecting the TP;
  • Log in to your account on the MTS web resource. Change the tariff plan in the settings;
  • Go to a communications store or company office. MTS representatives will make the transition to a new TP.

The cost of connecting a tariff is 0 rubles, provided that no TP change has been made in the last 30 days. If the package has changed within a month, a commission of 150 rubles will be debited from the client.

To connect additional traffic you need to dial the appropriate combination:

  • VIP - “*111*166*1#”;
  • Maxi - “*111*161*1#”;
  • Mini - “*111*160*1#”;
  • SuperBIT - “*111*628*2#”;
  • BIT - “*111*252*2#”.

Subscribers who decide to use the “children's package” just need to dial “*111*1112#” and go to section “1”. After activating the service, you need to add parent numbers (only 2 numbers are available). To do this, an SMS with the text “Parent phone” is sent to “1112” (instead of “phone”, indicate the parent’s current number).

How to disable

If the Super MTS tariff plan does not meet your needs, you can disable it. First, it is recommended to choose a service that matches the characteristics. To disable TP you need:

  • Call the call center;
  • Visit a communication salon;
  • Use the functionality of the website;
  • Enter the combination corresponding to the new TP.

Regarding the shutdown additional packages, then it’s easier to deactivate them through your personal account. If it is not possible to go to the site, it is recommended to use the “My MTS” program.

Who is it aimed at?

The Super MTS tariff plan is suitable for subscribers who prefer to call internal numbers. Due to the lack of a subscription fee and the ability to connect to the “Children's package”, parents of schoolchildren may be interested in the service. Customers who need a package with all services are advised to pay attention to “”.

Any operator tries to attract more customers. Some archival offers still remain popular. MTS: “Super First” tariff is one of them. This plan was released in 2007. It was intended for those people who are used to talking on a mobile phone for quite a long time. The opportunity not to limit oneself in communication was manifested in the cost of outgoing calls, which varied depending on the duration of the conversation.

The MTS “Super First” tariff did not imply the presence of a subscription fee, which was largely captivating regular customers companies and encouraged them to join the new program.

  • Switching from one plan to another was free for first-time users. Subscribers who repeatedly changed their tariff had to pay 34 RUR. The transition procedure was carried out in different ways:
  • from your personal account on the MTS website;
  • via SMS command; through Contact Center
  • companies by calling their toll-free line;

by contacting any MTS office.

Today, the “Super First” tariff has been replaced by more modern offers. But among the operator’s clients there are people who remain faithful to this plan due to flexible conditions.

Talk longer - pay less Creators' Rate mobile plan

“Super First” was made for lovers of intimate conversations on the phone.

MTS created favorable conditions for long-term communication, which ultimately brought great profits to the telecom operator. Using the tariff plan, the owner could feel its benefits only after 3 minutes of conversation. From this moment on, payment for communication services was minimal.

  1. Basic conditions of the “Super First” program:
  2. No subscription fee.
  3. Incoming calls are free.
  4. The first minute of conversation with subscribers of any operators within the home region costs 6 rubles. 50 kopecks
  5. The second minute is paid at a rate of 3 rubles. 90 kopecks
  6. Starting from the 3rd minute of conversation, the client pays only 15 kopecks for 60 seconds of communication.
  7. A call outside the home region costs 5 rubles if we are talking about an MTS subscriber in any subject of Russia. A conversation with a person using the services of another mobile operator will cost 21.50 in domestic currency.
  8. For outgoing calls within the CIS you need to pay 35 rubles, to European countries - 71 rubles. 50 kopecks, to other countries - 76 rubles.
  9. Incoming sms and mms are free. Outgoing text messages home region subscribers cost 2.25, regional numbers - 3.80, international subscribers — 5,25.
  10. mobile operators
  11. Outgoing mms are charged at a rate of 6 rubles. 50 kopecks Behind Mobile Internet

in the absence of special options, you will have to pay at the rate of 9.90 per 1 MB.

At first glance, the offer looks like a very profitable one. However, there are several hidden requirements.

Underwater rocks The “Super First” tariff has several nuances that the company did not mention in the advertisement. It's about

In the conditions for the provision of communication services under this program, there is a rule that the indicated cost is valid only if certain requirements are met. Firstly, the subscriber must activate the “Favorable Balance” service. It is provided free of charge. The client's account must have at least 75 rubles, otherwise preferential tariffs will not be provided.

Today, MTS customers can choose a suitable plan; the company is constantly updating offers. For owners of the “Super First” tariff, the conditions remain the same.

MTS "Super First": Time to break stereotypes?

A very ambiguous tariff that falls outside the usual tariff structure of this company. A tempting offer for those who like to chat heartily. “Super First” is clearly aimed at a specific market niche and, most likely, will successfully occupy this niche. Of course, if no one “interferes” with a symmetrical proposal. On the other hand, the new tariff conflicts with existing ones and may provoke an active transfer of its own subscribers to Super First. But you and I only benefit from such conflicts, since a choice appears. And in this case, a very interesting choice.

An image to overcome

Over the course of its work in the market, any operator develops a certain image and forms a kind of consumer stereotype. The created image is largely determined by the realities of the market and financial policy, but the operator himself, as far as possible, tries to control and adjust its formation. In this sense, MTS had a hard time from the very beginning of its entry into the mass market: by this time, the image of a serious operator already existed for respectable officials, merchants, entrepreneurs and other wealthy people. The stereotype “feels good”, but is not suitable for the mass market. The creation of a separate “Jeans” brand made it possible to divide the network into a solid-contract and mass-denim network. The first includes conservative and unshakably high tariffs, personal managers and other attributes of elite communications; in the second - mass prepaid boxes, their own advertising campaigns, gift giveaways and a continuous series of seasonal discounts. “Jeans” tariffs were never low, but capricious prepaid subscribers were retained by constant discounts, gifts and marketing campaigns, one discount program smoothly flowed into another with an interval of one and a half to two weeks. Moreover, the advertising and marketing message was always the same: discount programs in most cases applied to calls within the network.

Accordingly, by the time of the transition to CPP (all incoming messages are free), the image of MTS from the position of a mass consumer could be defined by several key definitions:

  • High-quality, but expensive and conservative (slightly behind technically) connection.
  • Periodic distribution of gifts for connection, it is important to follow the advertising and not miss it.
  • Regular discounts, programs and promotions will not go unnoticed.
  • It may be expensive for the city and other operators, but new opportunities for cheap communication within the network appear all the time.

After the transition to CPP, the operator’s tariff policy changed, and regular “feeding” of existing subscribers with temporary discounts almost ceased. A characteristic feature of the new tariff offers is a temporary reduced price for certain types of calls; a beautiful number is used in advertising and stimulates new connections. Starting from a certain point, the focus on promoting exclusively intranet communication began to fail, ignoring most mobile market began to have a negative impact on the company's subscriber base and overall revenue. The first massive step in the right direction - RED tariff Text, in which for the first time since the days of “Super Jeans” subscribers of other operators were given equal rights with subscribers of “their” network. It may not be cheap and only for voice calls, but still. The next step is the “Free” tariff, a direct successor to the popular “I Want to Say” (Beeline), then the “Regional” tariff. Now we are seeing another example - the current “Super First”, in which all operators have completely equal rights, and benefits for intranet communication have moved to the section paid options. The company's tariff policy has changed, but the stereotypes are still strong and work: even we assumed that the notorious 15 kopecks are allocated exclusively for calls within the network.