Possible causes of the error

Error 0x000000ed Windows can easily be classified as one of the most unpleasant. The thing is that when it occurs, the user’s freedom of action is limited. That is, a person can perform a minimum of actions to try to find a way out of the situation.

What to do if there is blue screen death, error 0x000000ed during operation operating system Windows XP or 7? We will try to sort out this problem.

Blue screen, error 0x000000ed – causes

So, the reason for the unpleasant situation stop 0x000000ed could be:

The consequence of these reasons is the error code 0x000000ed, which manifests itself as follows:

  • Every new launch operating system only leads to an unauthorized reboot of the computer.
  • That famous blue screen of death appears, which prevents you from doing practically anything.

However, how to fix error 0x000000ed? Is there a method? Undoubtedly.


So there is a screen of death, error 0x000000ed. The task has been set to correct the situation.

The problem with error 0x000000ed in Windows 7 (XP) is that it may be caused by a faulty hard drive. If this is so, you will have to spend money on new equipment, which is not so cheap.

To finally make sure what leads to the 0x000000ed error in Windows XP or 7, it is enough to perform one procedure that will either cure the computer or make it clear that the problem is caused precisely by a damaged disk. What to do:

  • You will need to insert the boot disk and restart the computer.
  • Press the “R” button to go to the system recovery menu.
  • You will have access to the command line. Type: chkdsk with: /r.”
  • After completing the procedure, you should remove the disk from the drive and enter the “Exit” command.

After this, you can restart your computer and hope that the problem is solved and its cause is not HDD computer. If the stop 0x000000ed error still continues to occur, you will have to say goodbye to a certain amount of money, since it will be needed for a new hard drive.

Unmountable_Boot_Volume or STOP : 0x000000ED, both errors are the same BSOD (blue screen of death). As you can see, this error only appears on a blue background. The reason why this BSOD error is stuck on your computer or laptop is: most likely HDD
has some problems. In fact, you may see this error on your computer due to various reasons. For example, this error may occur in Windows installation process. You can see this error inprocess launch Windows and sometimes this problem just happens in time work at computer , even when we didn't make any changes to.

computer system I think now you you know possible reasons occurrence "

error 0x000000ed ". What I want you to understand clearly is that you don't need to worry about this error right now. Because in this article, you will definitely be able to fix this BSOD Error problem once you completely read and follow all the instructions.

Troubleshooting Guide problems stop 0x000000ed or “Blue Screen of Death, what should I do?” So, as I said before, this problem mainly occurs due to a bad SSD or Hard Drive of your computer and basically there are many different reasons why your storage device might have become damaged.


Junk Software, viruses, registry database overwrite etc. d. And if you encounter this problem while starting Windows, then there is a 70% chance that the boot volume of your computer's storage device is also damaged.

Because of this, your system cannot boot the installed Windows from the local drive of your computer. Now you can see that there are many different reasons why this error appears on your computer screen. In fact, this is the main reason why I wrote this tutorial. I want to give advice on

  • possible solution
  • this BSOD problem, in any situation. How to fix Blue Screen of Death? As far as I know there are three main reasons why you get this
  • BSOD problem: 0x000000ed

, and these reasons: The boot volume is damaged. Damaged files.

your Windows operating system. read every step and open every link that I offer. In case the suggested link also does not help you, then you will have to return to this article and continue trying further.

And there is one more thing, after each step you need to restart your computer or laptop to test it. You can see that the problem is gone. Sometimes you can fix your problem by simply applying one step.

Note! If you encounter this issue while installing Windows operating system, you can go straight to step 3 which talks about fixing this error by making some changes in the Bios setting.

Step 1 — Fixing a Corrupt Boot Volume

First of all, this first step of this troubleshooting guide is for those who are facing this problem when Windows starts because if your operating system's boot volume is damaged, then you cannot start your computer (usually) without fixing the error.

If you encounter this problem while working on your computer, you can skip this step and move on to the next one listed below.

To fix your computer's corrupted boot volume, you can try to repair it using startup repair utility, using a Windows installation disk or USB, and in case the problem persists, then you will need to follow the instructions to manually install the boot volume using the command line.

  • First way. This feature is a very useful and effective Windows recovery tool. The main job of this feature is to restore Windows when something prevents it from starting. working with a computer. In normal language, I can say that he restores files if the operating system has problems loading . More details -
  • Second way. Besides using the startup repair tool, there is one more thing you can use to repair a damaged boot volume. This is, recovering the boot volume of the hard drive using CMD Commander (command line). Read more about this in the article:

Or you can move on to the next solution if this problem occurs in the middle of installing the operating system.

Step 2: Fixing corrupted Windows files.

Blue screen when loading windows 7 etc. 90% of this problem starts only because of some damaged files your Windows OS. When this file starts to work, an error appears on your computer screen.

So, to fix this problem, you can check the link given below to see a list of fully described solutions to fix your Windows operating system to make it behave normally.

Again, you can continue with this tutorial if the problem still exists even after you tried to reinstall Windows, or maybe you received the same error in the middle of installing Windows.

Step 3. Correcting errors by changing BIOS settings

Basically, this step is only for those users who are experiencing this issue when Windows installation to your computer or laptop.

I can't say 100%, but almost 90% of users found this trick useful. I hope this works for you too. And to do this, firstly, you need to press the key Del or F2 on the keyboard again and again, immediately after starting your computer system. If your computer is turned on now, you need to turn it off and then turn it on again to perform the procedure of pressing the Del or F2 key, because this can only be done when the first black wallpaper type screen appears on the startup of your computer.
When you successfully enter the menu BIOS, then you will now have to look for a setting called " SATA mode" or " SATA configuration".Once you find the setting, you now need to change it to " AHCI».

Finally, you just need to save the settings and restart your computer and that's it. After that, try installing Windows on your computer again. I hope this time you will install the operating system successfully without receiving any errors BSOD.

If the setting is already in mode IDE, you can also try another mode to fix this error, otherwise proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Troubleshoot by troubleshooting the hardware.

If any particular solution procedure above does not work for you, even when re-installing Windows, then it is 100% possible that it is hardware error. And, as I said, this is a boot volume error associated with the storage device.

Sometimes it is also quite possible that BIOS your computer is also damaged. In order to solve all those problems, there are 4 possible things that you can try to identify the hardware failure, and these are -

  • Try completely formatting your main storage device. Then install a clean operating system on your computer.
  • Try replacing the cable SATA your hard drive or SSD, which is usually connected to motherboard from your storage device.
  • Use another hard drive on your computer to test.
  • Update the BIOS of your computer or laptop.

Useful video:

If you are using an operating room Windows system XP and when I turned it on I saw a blue screen with an error Stop: 0x000000ED, then you have come to the right place.

In this article, I want to consider quick way restoring the operating system when the error Stop: 0x000000ED appears. This type of error is primarily associated with damage to the file system or, in some cases, to the hard drive itself.

The symptoms that can be used to identify such a breakdown are the constant reboot of the computer. If automatic reboot when the system crashed, was disabled ( You can find out how to disable this function in the article on), a message appears with the name of the error STOP: 0x000000ED against a blue screen background ( People also call it the “blue screen of death”).

Here's an example of what it looks like this error 0x000000ED.

Resolving error 0x000000ED

On the blue screen, first there are some tips to resolve the error. The first thing we are recommended to do is simply restart the computer if there is an error Stop: 0x000000ED appeared for the first time. Next, check the installed software and hardware, whether there is a drive, the connection of the HDD cable, or to identify unusual sounds for the hard drive (clicking, etc.).

If the problem does not disappear after rebooting, it is also recommended to reset the BIOS settings or try booting into safe mode to disable the latter installed components which could affect system loading.

As a rule, if the problem does not go away after a reboot, I simply move on to System Restore. To do this, we need a simple one from which we need to boot. Don't forget in advance. Having launched the disk, a window will appear in front of you, where to launch the recovery console we need to press the “ R».

Enter the disk check command: chkdsk /r

chkdsk /r– this command searches for bad sectors and restores information; it also includes a check, even if the disk is marked as having no errors.

By clicking " Enter", the disk check will begin in several steps, the process is completely automatic, you just need to wait for it to finish.

Having finished checking and correcting the error Stop: 0x000000ED, let’s draw “ Exit", after which the computer will reboot.

In 90% of cases, this method of solving the error, Stop: 0x000000ED, is very effective. But, if after checking the computer boots again with an error, then you may need to reinstall the system or check your HDD for damage with additional software (Such as: Victoria).

STOP error: 0x000000ED, how to fix

The error 0x000000ED, which was discussed in the previous article, quite clearly indicates the source - the hard drive. In English it sounds like this: Unmountable boot volume, and means that Windows was unable to boot from the installed hard drive or other boot device. Using the algorithm proposed below, you can easily solve the problem and fix the error 0x000000ED.

Error 0x000000ED, how to fix it without outside help

If this problem occurs, first simply restart your computer. If this does not help and the error appears again, proceed to fixing it.

The reasons for the error 0x000000ED are as follows:

  • Problems with Windows system files;
  • Problems with the hard drive;
  • Viral activity;

Let's look at each point in more detail.

Error 0x000000ED due to problems in Windows

For example, you turned off the computer during the boot phase, or while performing defragmentation, or while performing a full disk scan - these actions may result in the appearance of 0x000000ED. Best used for recovery installation disk Windows. Boot from it, to do this, set it as the first one in the BIOS boot device, and follow the “System Restore” link in the installation window.

Next, the system may prompt you to enter the administrator password or select which operating system to restore. After entering everything necessary, the mode will start command line. Enter the command: chkdsk /r, where the /r parameter is responsible for fully checking and correcting disk errors.

Be sure to wait until the verification is completed (no matter how long it may seem). Reboot normally. Check Windows startup.

Error 0x000000ED – reason – hard drive

When a hard drive fails and “bad” sectors or another problem forms on its surface, the user sees this message with 0x000000ED. Typical signs of disk problems are extraneous sounds during its operation, or vice versa, complete silence. The first step is to follow the steps above. If they help, check the disk for errors special programs, defining its SMART state (Victoria, MHDD-test, etc.). Replace the hard drive if serious errors occur. Information from the old disk can be copied by connecting it to another computer.

Error 0x000000ED – viruses

Yes, some dangerous viruses capable of damaging system files and lead to an error. Therefore, if state of hard disk is normal, but the message with 0x000000ED continues to appear - run a full anti-virus scan by connecting your disk to another computer. Or use it to check boot disks large antivirus companies.

Error 0x000000ED, how to fix it - video instructions

To many Windows users, it is often unexpectedly “pleasant” to view ominous messages on a blue background. On the popular "screen of death" the system indicates to us that it has encountered a serious problem that prevents it from continuing to function. The message contains information about the error. The technical details are contained in the line that begins with the word STOP. It is followed by a series of numbers with parameters, from which you can obtain all the information necessary for recovery.

This error is also called a fatal system error and can lead to damage or loss of data. It should be recognized that in Windows XP these exceptions appear much less frequently than in previous versions this operating system. There are a lot of such errors, but most often users encounter UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME with the code 0x000000ED. This appears due to the fact that system disk not working correctly.

You can understand that Windows is not working correctly by several features:

  • constant appearance of a blue screen with the inscription “UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME”, all active programs turn off;
  • in Russian versions you can also read this: “A problem arose and the system was turned off to avoid damage to the computer” or “During the verification process, it turned out that UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME has the value 0x000000ED. This indicates that the I/O subsystem attempted to mount the boot volume but was unable to do so";
  • When you run the same program, the computer constantly turns off;
  • Windows performance is low, the OS responds late to working with a mouse or keyboard;
  • Short periodic computer freezes occur.

Most often, BSoD with error 0x000000ED appears after installing new devices or programs. It may also appear when installing new programs; when an application associated with the OS bootloader is running; when working with drivers or starting/closing the system.

Reasons for the error

After the “death” screen appears, experts advise trying to reboot the system, reset the BIOS, or try to start the system in “Emergency mode” and try to restore Windows standard means. This may help if a blue screen begins to appear after installing programs.

Advice! But first of all, you should check whether the power cord and hard drive cable are damaged. It is worth checking them, and also connecting the hard drive to a different connector on the power supply. If everything works, then you need to use the solutions below.

Login via Safe Mode

You need to boot the system in “Emergency mode” by pressing the F8 button while it is booting. A menu will open with a small list possible options. Use the arrows to select " Safe mode» and press ENTER.

For its operation, this mode uses only the main drivers. This helps in case of problems with incorrectly installed software. All that remains is to perform a system restore after the system starts.

Scanning a disk through the console

The disk utility chkdsk.exe allows you to repair or lock bad sectors. This tool runs in the console without having to boot the system. This will require bootable usb drive or disk with XP.

The methods described should help solve the blue screen problem. If unsuccessful, you need to scan the hard drive with other specialized programs. The worst result in this case is a non-working hard drive and loss of information. But if everything goes well, the computer will continue to delight the user with excellent performance.

Video - 0x000000ed Windows XP how to fix