Viber encountered problems during installation. Why Viber does not work on the phone - possible reasons and solutions. Consequences of an incorrect update

Viber developers strive to make the service more stable and better with each update. When using the messenger, errors occur quite rarely, but in some cases it is not possible to avoid them completely. All phones and firmware are different, so problems with Viber often depend on the device itself and are difficult to predict. However, you can prepare yourself by learning about common application errors and how to fix them.

Symptoms of the problem: Viber error appears

Depending on the version of the system on which the smartphone operates, the content of the message with a problem with Viber may be different. Here are some typical options:

  • “Viber application has stopped”;
  • “An error occurred in the Viber application”;
  • “Viber has stopped working.”

If one of the the above options(or something else, but with a similar meaning) you need to remember what preceded the launch of Viber and what actions were performed in the messenger itself. Incorrect work depends on many related factors that can cause internal conflicts in the system. Depending on the cause of the error, you can solve the problem in different ways. Moreover, each method requires strict adherence to the sequence to successfully resolve the problem.

Solution 1: Clear Viber cache and data through settings

Most often, it is an overabundance of temporary files that causes Viber to refuse to work. To get rid of the disease, the first step is to clear the cache. To do this you will need:

  1. Open the settings menu.

  1. Go to the “General” section (may be called “Device”) and select the “Application Manager” section.

  1. Find the messenger in the list and click on it.

  1. In the window that appears with information about the service, select “Clear cache”.

If the error persists, you can resort to deeper cleaning. To do this, you will need to select “Clear data” in the same window that appears in step 4 of the instructions discussed above. After that in account Viber will need to be re-entered according to the standard procedure.

Solution 2: uninstall and install similar Viber

Sometimes they help complete removal And new installation Viber. In particular, this solution is suitable if the device has modified or cloned versions of the messenger. There are situations when both types of services are installed. In all cases, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Uninstall Viber through the “Application Manager” or through the main menu. If there is a cloned version, that should also be deleted.

  1. Open settings and select the “General” section (or “Device” or “Applications”).
  1. Select the “Memory” group in the “Device Manager” subgroup (or in the general settings menu).

  1. Click “Cached Data” and confirm deletion.

  1. Click “Other files”, check the “Viber” box and select the delete icon.

  1. Download the current Viber, install and re-register.

Simple removal will not lead to the desired result, since it is necessary to clear all the so-called “traces” of the old Viber.

Solution 3: Uninstall and install an older version of Viber

A much less common situation is when the problem is a consequence of a conflict between the API level offered by the firmware and a similar parameter requested by Viber itself. As a rule, a similar situation occurs before installation, however, for some system reasons (artificially increasing the API level, installing an update through root programs), the problem may occur after it. Such a case is called a syntax error.

The solution for older smartphones (Android 4.0 and below) in a similar situation is as follows:

  1. Remove Viber in accordance with points 1-5 of the previous instructions.
  2. Download and install Viber corresponding to the system API level. Version ratio:
  • 3.3.67 for Android 2.2;
  • 5.2.36 for Android 2.3;
  • 8.0.0 for Android 4.0.

  1. Go to Play Store, find Viber in the search and go to it.

  1. Click on the three dots icon in the upper right corner and uncheck the “Auto update” box.

The last two points are mandatory, since failure to comply with them will lead to updating the stable working version of Viber and, most likely, to new errors on the old phone.

Solution 4: Updating an outdated version of Viber

The problem with performance, no matter how surprising it may be, may lie in the fact that the smartphone has a non-working or simply outdated version of Viber. Versions prior to are not fully supported, while others may cause internal system conflicts. To resolve this situation, just go to the Play Store and install the current build of Viber.

Solution 5: Install Google Play Services

A number of users to lighten the weight of the internal software, free up memory and increase autonomy remove Services Google Play, which weigh quite a lot and take up a decent amount of volume random access memory. This often leads to many errors. To fix the problem you will need:

  1. Install Google Services Play by downloading them directly from the Play Store. In addition, you can use a lightweight version for legacy or weak devices, however, to do this, the firmware on the smartphone must initially be cleared of “traces” of Google applications.

  1. Clear the Viber cache and data using the method discussed in “Solution 1”.

  1. Log in to your messenger account and check its functionality.

Problems and various conflicts when using Viber are, to a large extent, the result of user actions. Their occurrence actually stops the service, so each of the ways to solve the problem is worth taking into account.

Download Viber for Android

  • Download the current version of Viber for Android
  • Download outdated versions of Viber for Android from the full archive

Viber is a very popular messenger designed to facilitate communication between people all over the planet. The audience of the Viber application is constantly increasing, the program is installed on all large quantity mobile devices and gadgets.

Every user of the messenger at least once during the use of the application wondered why Viber stopped working on the phone. Let's look at the main reasons for application failure and possible options solving problems with the Viber messenger.

Error 495: File not found

The situation when error number 495 appears occurs quite often. This error means that installation file"Vibera" was not found on the developer's server. Why is this happening?

Most likely, the user started downloading the application installation file at a time when the program version was being updated on the server, that is, the new installation file had not yet been posted for download, and the old version had already been deleted. There is no need to panic, it is better to just wait a while and try downloading the Viber application again.

No internet connection

No matter how trivial it may sound, the most common reason why Viber does not work and displays a connection error may be the lack of connection to the Internet. Therefore, first of all, you need to check the network operation in other applications, for example, in a browser. If website pages open quickly and without errors, it means that the connection to the network is functioning correctly, and this is not the reason.

If the browser does not display pages, you need to figure out the connection. Let's say a smartphone is connected to the network via Wi-Fi. You should try switching from Wi-Fi to mobile network 3G or 4G and re-check the Internet. If the connection problem persists, you need to sort out the phone’s APN access point settings or contact your company mobile operator. Company specialists cellular communications must have the knowledge necessary to set up almost any telephone.

Alternatively, you can check your balance; perhaps the Internet was blocked due to insufficient funds in the account. In this case, replenishing your balance will solve the problem.

Outdated version of Viber

There are also less obvious reasons for the situation when Viber does not work. What to do with the Viber application if it does not work? You need to check which version of the program you are using. Possibly outdated.

To solve the problem, you need to update the messenger and recheck its functionality.

Consequences of an incorrect update

The Viber application is constantly being improved, new functions and capabilities are being added to the messenger. Unfortunately, sometimes after installation new version the functioning of the program may be impaired. This is often due to errors in the update package itself, incompatibility between Viber and operating system Android. As a rule, if such problems arise, they are fixed in the next program update packages. Until the release of a corrected modification of the application, you will have to use old version messenger, having previously downloaded it online.

In any case, you need to report the current situation to the support service so that the developer can start working on the problem. The more requests from users, the faster a correctly working program update will be released.

Block messages from another user

If the Viber application works, but messages are not sent to all contacts, it means that receiving messages from this account has been blocked by another user. Why on the phone and what to do in this particular case? Technically, the program functions, it’s just that messages are not sent to all contacts. If such a situation arises, you need to somehow alternative way Check with unavailable contacts for the reason for blocking.

The application is unstable, some actions are performed incorrectly

So, Viber is not working, what to do and how to fix it? The following manifestations of improper functioning of the messenger are possible:

  1. Sending messages does not work, but receiving them occurs without complications.
  2. The application stops and unexpectedly resets when performing standard actions in it.
  3. The application displays a message about a missing Internet connection, although in fact the connection is fine.

First, you can try rebooting mobile device. To do this, you need to hold down the device's power button until the menu appears. In the window that appears, you need to select “Reboot” and wait until the phone turns on.

If after a reboot the Viber operation does not return to normal, you will have to reinstall the application. To do this, you must first uninstall the program. To erase Viber, you need to enter the list installed applications, find the desired item with the name of the program, select it and in the window that appears, click the “Delete” button. Now you can install the messenger again. To do this you need to download and install Viber app from Google Market or from the developer's website.

Blocking for spam by Viber administration

Cases of blocking messenger users by the developer himself have been described online. Why doesn't Viber work on the phone in this case? If mass messages are sent from one account to any group of contacts, then the Viber administration perceives this as an attempt to send spam. Sending outgoing messages is blocked. Incoming messages arrive to the user as usual.

To resume normal work with Viber, the user needs to contact the developer and explain the reason for sending mass messages. In this case, the administration may decide to remove the blocking and warn the user to avoid a similar situation in the future. But there are other cases where the messenger administration permanently blocked the accounts of certain users. In such a situation, there is only one way out: create new account linked to another phone number that has not previously been registered in the Viber system.

Technical work on Viber servers

If various possible options for messenger failure have been analyzed, and it is still unclear on the phone, you must in any case contact support. The application may not be functioning due to temporary technical work on servers responsible for communication via Viber. The support service will provide assistance in any case, even if the failure is not related to the messenger servers.


The Viber messenger, like any other program, may sometimes not work correctly. The article listed the main problems that arise during the operation of the application and answered the question of why Viber does not work on an Android phone.

Even an untrained user can restore the program to functionality; however, there are malfunctions in the application that only Viber support specialists can deal with.

Viber(Viber) is a very popular messenger for phones and iPhones, which is developing rapidly in Russia and abroad. The main function of the application is to provide free calls and exchange of SMS between users who have the program installed. Many users often experience errors in Viber that prevent them from communicating for free. If Viber does not work immediately after installation, the problem may be with the hardware of your phone. If Viber stops calling and displays an error after some time of operation, this problem can be solved in several ways, which we will discuss today in this review.

For the program to work without connection errors, Viber is required for comfortable operation following parameters phone or tablet:

Basic requirements for Viber to work on your phone:

  • Android– Viber 3.0 or higher (latest version)
  • iPhone– Viber 3.0, or higher
  • Blackberry– Viber 2.4 or higher
  • Windows Phone 8 – Viber 2.2.3 (partial compatibility, synchronization problems may occur), or higher
  • Windows Phone 7, S40/S60 & Bada- No minimum requirements for Viber.
  • Availability of Internet on the phone - 3G or Wi-Fi for high-quality communication when making calls.

For Messenger Viber to work on a computer, the following requirements are required:


  • Windows XP Service pack 3 or higher.
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8

Mac: OSX 10.7 or higher.
Linux: 64-bit distribution (only)

Minimum hardware requirements to run Viber:

  1. CPU: Dual processor.
  2. Memory: 1GB RAM.
  3. Microphone And speakers for making voice calls, as well as a webcam for video communication.
  4. Compatible Bluetooth receiver, for using Bluetooth devices.

Requirements for making video calls in Viber (if the video call does not work):

  • Installed Viber versions 5.0 and higher.
  • Operating system Adnroid 4.0 and higher.
  • The front camera of the phone must be 1.3 megapixels or more!!!.
  • The amount of RAM installed in the phone is 1.5 Gigabytes or more!
  • If your phone does not meet at least one requirement - Video calling via Viber WILL NOT WORK!

Why doesn't Viber work on my phone and won't connect?

The first thing you need to check is the presence of Internet on your device. First, turn off the Wi-Fi network if it is connected, and try to launch the Viber application, connecting via mobile communications. If performance does not return, restart your phone or tablet and try again. In most cases, this helps solve Viber errors and return the program to stable operation.

VIber gives an “error” when activating the number - what should I do?

Message "Error" in Viber appears either immediately upon activation of the program, or after deactivating your account, or rearranging the messenger. What can cause an Error message in Viber?

1. Your number was blocked due to sending spam (the robot considered you a spammer). This error is very common among users who send many messages to a large group of people. Be it congratulations on the New Year, or another holiday. Urgently We recommend that you do not send messages on Viber to a large group of people ! The system automatically blocks and bans your number FOREVER! There have been cases when users wrote a letter to Viber technical support to have their number unblocked, there was no spam mailing, and this will not happen again in the future. But unblocking a number upon request is almost impossible. Therefore, the solution to this problem would be to activate Viber on another number that has not yet been blacklisted by the system.

  • 1. Reboot your gadget (phone or tablet);
  • 2. Disconnect from the network (Wi-Fi) and check the availability of the Internet;
  • 3. If steps 1. 2. did not help, completely remove and reinstall Viber (All correspondence will be deleted without recovery)
  • 4. There may be problems with your provider or on the Viber servers, wait until the service is restored.
  • 5. Your number may have been blocked (in the spam list).

If you have a different error and have not solved the problem, leave your problem in the comments, which we will be happy to help solve together with you.

Even though Viber works smoothly, the app sometimes experiences errors. The causes of the problems lie in both hardware and software. If an error occurs in the Viber application, then first of all it is recommended to figure out what caused it. Most often, problems arise in the following cases:

  • during installation;
  • after update;
  • after installing additional software.

Installation error

Some users are faced with the fact that the application is not installed on the device or does not download at all. This can happen when someone tries to download the messenger on Android via Google Play. The reason for the error is simple - the memory in the device is full. In order to correct the situation, you will need to clear the cache through the settings menu.

A fairly common error in Viber when setting “495”. It is not issued by the application, but by the system. One reason may be that the installation file has been deleted from the server, so it cannot be installed on the device. The second reason is that the Download Manager memory on the smartphone is full. It is recommended to clean it using standard tools and try to repeat the procedure.

Error after update

Many users are interested in what to do if an error occurs in Viber and how to resume the application. The most common problems after updating the program:

  • the status of the interlocutors is not visible;
  • the messenger freezes and stops working;
  • messages are no longer sent;
  • a message appears indicating that there is no connection.
  • restart your smartphone or computer with the messenger installed;
  • check network access;
  • uninstall Viber and then install it again.

If updates have negatively affected the operation of the application, you can try to return to an earlier version.

Error after installing software

If the messenger stopped working after additional software was installed on the device, then the problem may lie there. There are programs, including antivirus programs, that block other applications from accessing the Internet. To rule out that the problem is in the software, it is recommended to temporarily disable the utilities and try using the messenger. As you can see, most errors in Viber can be fixed on your own.

When the application is installed and launched on a mobile device, Viber contacts are synchronized automatically - each of the phone numbers recorded in the smartphone’s phone book will be taken into account. If any numbers have subscribers already registered in the messenger, this will be noted special character. You can write or call these subscribers through the application.

Synchronization with the computer version of the program

With the advent of the desktop version, the application's capabilities have expanded significantly and attracted a new audience. However, there are nuances - many users do not know how to synchronize Viber contacts on Android with a computer, that is, with mobile version. There is no need to take any special actions here - it will happen automatically.

What you need to do to use the messenger on a PC:

    • Download the program and install it on your computer.
  • Perform authorization. Here you should use a smartphone on which the application is already running.
  • Wait for the data to be transferred.

The only problem with the desktop application is the inability to add or edit user data. To or change information about it, you need to use a mobile messenger.

Time and possible synchronization errors

It takes some time to synchronize Viber with contacts, as well as data between your smartphone and PC. Usually the wait is very short. In some cases, Viber synchronization may fail when the application “does not see” new subscribers or does not show the list at all. Data may also not be transferred temporarily from mobile application for the PC version.

You can understand this in detail using our other article. To quickly resolve the problem, you can try the following:

  • Restart your mobile device and computer.
  • Check the stability and quality of your Internet connection.
  • Update subscriber database..
  • Check if the subscriber is included in phone book smartphone.
  • Check that the user information is correct. First of all, the full phone number.

You can find out why Viber does not synchronize contacts by contacting support, but it is better to first take the above measures. In extreme cases, you may need to reinstall the program.