Crash of the game Stalker Clear Sky. Solving problems with crashes and scripts. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky gives an error about the missing DLL file. Solution

Fans of STALKER Clear Sky are faced with an unpleasant situation when, after installation, the game does not start. Or errors appear during the installation process. Let's figure out what the reason is and fix the problem. The methods outlined in the article are suitable not only for STALKER Clear Sky. If this is not enough, the problem remains unresolved, read other materials on the site.

STALKER Clear Sky is not installed

If STALKER Clear Sky is not installed, see if you have enough free space on your hard drive. The distribution requires free space, so a few gigabytes of extra space will not hurt. Many modern games require a significant amount of space.

Installation STALKER Clear Sky is blocked by antivirus

Often, antivirus programs, in the fight against viruses, protecting our computer from external threats, for security purposes, they block numerous processes performed by the operating system. Sometimes such security is so strong that the antivirus blocks access not only to viruses, but also suspends some normal processes, perhaps by mistake, considering them potentially vulnerable. Disable your antivirus during installation.

Cleaning your computer and rebooting

Sometimes, a simple system reboot can immediately solve many problems that arise both during the installation of games and their subsequent operation. The same goes for programs and applications. There are many reasons: the computer is full of garbage, full system cache, the maximum permissible number of simultaneously running processes, perhaps some are frozen and not executed, but they put a load on the system. Cleaning your computer and rebooting will fix the situation.

No Internet access

Some game clients require an Internet connection during the installation process, providing access to the installation server or update server. Make sure the quality of the connection, and if there is no Internet, be prepared for problems when installing STALKER Clear Sky. It's good if the system displays an error message. And if there is none, you can think for a long time and wonder why the toy is not installed.

STALKER Clear Sky does not start

Before looking for reasons why STALKER Clear Sky does not start, make sure that the installation itself was successful. Otherwise, if there were failures during the installation process, but at the same time the game was installed, it is impossible to guarantee subsequent launch and performance. If it starts, you're lucky. What will happen next is unknown. Review the installation process.

Reinstalling the game

Many gamers have more than once encountered a situation where they had to reinstall games. Apparently, this is the case when reinstalling STALKER Clear Sky will fix the problem. It is unknown what this is connected with, perhaps the antivirus or firewall “ate” some files or something else during installation, but after installing the game again, it starts and works. Remove STALKER Clear Sky and install again, paying attention to every detail during this process. Perhaps at some point the program will request additional files, etc.

There are times when installing on top of an already installed game solves the situation. The installer may prompt you to update the files. Thus, there is no need for removal. Well, something like this.

Searching for information by error text

Another option. Problems when starting STALKER Clear Sky are usually accompanied by a corresponding system message. Enter the error text in the search, as a result of which you will receive the most detailed answer, and, moreover, concerning this specific problem. Actually, the solution will not be long in coming. This way you can pinpoint the cause and fix the problem.

By the way, for some reason I always forget about this. Until I turn over the whole computer. But this one the method works 92%. You just need to enter the text into the search and find a useful article. This way you will definitely solve the problem, there is no need to send your PC to a workshop ahead of time and incur additional costs. There's a lot on the Internet useful material- study.

Run STALKER Clear Sky as administrator

Run the game as administrator. In our case, to launch STALKER Clear Sky as an administrator, you need to click right click mouse on the game shortcut and select Run as administrator. Subsequently, if this method helps solve the problem, make it the default. Open the Shortcut Properties, in the Compatibility tab, and check the box Run this program as administrator.

STALKER Clear Sky is not compatible with the system

Another obstacle to launching STALKER Clear Sky may be incompatibility with your operating system. In this case, still there, in the Shortcut Properties, add a checkbox Run the program in compatibility mode, select the desired OS from the drop-down list.

.NET Framework not installed

A very serious problem with running STALKER Clear Sky is the lack of an installed library on the computer. NET Framework, which ensures the launch and maintains the functionality of programs and applications, including games. This is a prerequisite and Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed on your PC.

There are different versions of the .NET Framework. The presence of any one of them on the computer cannot sufficiently guarantee the correct operation of the program. If, for example, the library is already installed on your computer, but the game requires it, download and install it. Restart your PC. previous version will not be deleted, will not be rewritten. They will simply work together.

Use programs that will prepare your computer for the game to run properly and help you avoid many problems and errors.

operating system Software
Windows XP/7/8/10
Windows XP/7/8/10
Windows XP/7/8/10

Availability of DirectX

Perhaps the most important condition, requirement that must be met for games, including STALKER Clear Sky, is the presence of . Without it, not a single toy will work. Almost all distributions that require DirectX installed already include this set.

As a rule, DirectX is installed automatically during installation. If it is not included in the distribution, download and install it. It is not necessary to do this before installation, you can do it after, but it is simply necessary to have it on your computer. Download links are located above.

What to do if STALKER Clear Sky does not work?

Do not despair if you have already tried all the methods and nothing helps, the game does not work. Perhaps these tips will seem too vague, incomprehensible, errors are still present. Review again, did you do everything correctly? If necessary, download another STALKER Clear Sky distribution; if purchased in a store, contact the seller (manufacturer) for help. Maybe the disk is damaged or something is missing. This is normal, quite natural, this happens. Use another distribution and install the game again.

As a last resort, there are situations when operating system still incompatible with STALKER Clear Sky. Update your system using Windows(via Update Center). The game will work. If the manufacturer has indicated compatibility, then he is responsible for it. Update your operating system.

Reinstalling the OS is a last resort. Not sure about statements like "the operating system is pirated... the assembly... will not work..." or "the toy is hacked, pirated - throw it away...". A point that is worth your attention is to remember whether similar problems have arisen with other games, in particular similar to STALKER Clear Sky. And if problems were observed, this indicates that it may be time to update or reinstall something in the system. Thank you for attention!

Other materials

If you are faced with the fact that S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky slows down, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky does not start, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: CLEAR SKY is not installed, S.T.A.L.K.R.R.: CLEAR SKY does not work Errors, in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky saves work - we offer you the most common ways to solve these problems.

First, check whether your PC's specifications meet the minimum system requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000(SP4)/XP/Vista (SP1)
  • Intel Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz / AMD XP 2200+
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 10 GB disk space
  • 128 MB DirectX 8.0 compatible video card / nVIDIA GeForce 5700 / ATI Radeon 9600
  • Keyboard, mouse
  • LAN/Internet for multiplayer

Be sure to update your video card drivers and other software

Before you remember the worst words and express them towards the developers, do not forget to go to the official website of the manufacturer of your video card and download the latest drivers. Often, drivers specially optimized for them are prepared for the release of games. You can also try installing a later version of drivers if the problem is not solved by installing the current version.

It is important to remember that you should only download the final versions of video cards - try not to use beta versions, as they may have a large number of unfound and unfixed errors.

Do not forget that for stable operation of games, you often need to install the latest DirectX versions, which can always be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky won't start

Many problems with launching games occur due to incorrect installation. Check if there were any errors during installation, try uninstalling the game and running the installer again, after disabling the antivirus - often files necessary for the game to work are deleted by mistake. It is also important to remember that in the path to the folder with installed game There should be no Cyrillic characters - use only Latin letters and numbers for catalog names.

It also doesn’t hurt to check if there is enough space on the HDD for installation. You can try to run the game as Administrator in compatibility mode different versions Windows.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky slows down. Low FPS. Lags. Friezes. Freezes

First, install the latest drivers for your video card; this can significantly increase the FPS in the game. Also check your computer's load in the task manager (opened by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE). If before starting the game you see that some process is consuming too many resources, turn off its program or simply end this process from the task manager.

Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First of all, turn off anti-aliasing and try lowering the post-processing settings. Many of them consume a lot of resources and disabling them will significantly improve performance without significantly affecting the picture quality.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky crashes to desktop

If S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky often crashes on your desktop slot, try to start solving the problem by reducing the quality of the graphics. It is possible that your computer simply does not have enough performance and the game cannot run correctly. It's also worth checking for updates - most modern games have a system automatic installation new patches. Check if this option is disabled in the settings.

Black screen in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

Most often the problem with a black screen is a problem with GPU. Check if your video card is compatible minimum requirements and install the latest drivers. Sometimes a black screen is a result of insufficient CPU performance.

If everything is fine with the hardware and it meets the minimum requirements, try switching to another window (ALT+TAB), and then returning to the game window.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky does not install. Installation stuck

First of all, check if you have enough HDD space for installation. Remember that for the installation program to work correctly, the stated amount of space is required, plus 1-2 gigabytes of free space on system disk. In general, remember the rule - there should always be at least 2 gigabytes of free space on the system disk for temporary files. Otherwise, both games and programs may not work correctly or may refuse to start at all.

Installation problems can also occur due to a lack of Internet connection or unstable operation. Also, do not forget to pause the antivirus while installing the game - sometimes it interferes with the correct copying of files or deletes them by mistake, considering them viruses.

Saves don't work in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

By analogy with the previous solution, check the availability of free space on the HDD - both on the one where the game is installed and on the system drive. Often save files are stored in a documents folder, which is located separately from the game itself.

Controls don't work in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

Sometimes game controls do not work due to multiple input devices being connected at the same time. Try disabling the gamepad or, if for some reason you have two keyboards or mice connected, leave only one pair of devices. If your gamepad does not work, then remember - games are officially supported only by controllers defined as Xbox joysticks. If your controller is detected differently, try using programs that emulate Xbox joysticks (for example, x360ce).

Sound does not work in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

Check if the sound works in other programs. After this, check whether the sound is turned off in the game settings and whether the sound playback device to which your speakers or headset is connected is selected there. Next, while the game is running, open the mixer and check if the sound there is muted.

If you are using an external sound card– check for new drivers on the manufacturer’s website.

GAMES Daedalic Entertainment and Action Squad previously announced that time-manipulating tactical RPG Iron Danger will be released in March of this year. Today they released new trailer games with a specific date...

I won't pour too much water. I'll start straight away and head on.

4. The most important thing!!! We change scripts. Their crookedness is the main evil!!! Download the archive. Unpack it into the game folder.

I warn you right away - those saves after which the game crashed will not work. At least that's how it is for me. You'll have to roll back to the last working save. It’s not a fountain, of course, but it’s not like going through the whole game all over again.

The game worked fine for me in both the Dark Valley and the Red Forest. Fortunately, I carefully saved all the saves.

I would like to express special gratitude to the user with the nickname ozokerit for the idea and inspiration.
Happy hunting and rich swag everyone!

Mack5 Mack5

2008-09-20T20:42:21Z 2008-09-20T20:42:21Z

Play Clear Sky without crashes Finish what you haven't finished

- I won’t pour a lot of water. I'll start straight away and head on.
The gaming community all over the world, and there is no need to talk about the CIS countries, greeted with great joy the long-awaited prequel to Shadows of Chernobyl - Clear Sky. My pants (for me personally) were full of joy - I immediately bought the licensed version, not sparing 500 honestly earned rubles.
I played without stopping for almost the whole day, studying in detail the entire world of the zone, looking into every corner, finding almost everything that could be found.
Along the way, I studied the forum, and was very surprised to learn that the game often crashes, which in some cases actually makes it impossible to play. Save every 5 seconds, and then load saves again - I’ll tell you, it’s not for the faint of heart.
Happiness did not last long... Having moved to the Dark Valley, I discovered the following: when entering a location, if you save BEFORE talking to the checkpoint, the save is readable, and does not lead to a crash after loading in 5-10 seconds (for some, it takes up to a minute ), if you save after the conversation, the save is broken and leads to departure from the game. If in this case we try to leave the location, we get a broken save, i.e. A save game crashes when you try to load it during client synchronization.
To say that I was upset is to say nothing. The game is up! There is NO opportunity to go further!
Everything was decided by loading someone else's save. Naturally, this is someone else’s game, someone else’s life, someone else’s strategy... But as they say, for lack of fish there is cancer. I started further passage - in the end I got stuck again, this time in the Red Forest. These are the pies.
There was no desire to install the next patch and go through everything from the very beginning for the 3rd time.
It would all have ended there - the game would have gone into the trash (believe me, the desire to tear the disk to shreds arose many times), but...
After surfing the web and following the advice of forum members, the following was found out:
1. Crashes are almost independent of the hardware.
2. The problem is hidden in the scripts. Here's more details - for some the game does not crash at all, for others it crashes. It all depends on HOW you play through the game.
3. Many problems are associated with the fact that the game is installed by default in a folder whose path contains spaces and Cyrillic characters. This is very critical for scripts! I advise you to avoid this. For example, put it in the e:GamesStalker2 folder. It is also strongly recommended to edit the fsgame.ltx file located in the root folder of the game. We change the first line of the file to $app_data_root$=true|false|E:GamesSTALKER2save , each will have its own path. And then in the folder with the game we create the SAVE folder and copy everything from C: Documents and Settings All Users Documents STALKER-STCS into it. Thus, we remove Cyrillic characters from the save paths
4. The most important thing!!! We change scripts. The main evil is in their curvature!!! Download the archive

StarForce - ClearSky. Questions and answers

The game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky" was protected using the "Periodic Disk Check" technology for a period of 3 days. Therefore, after the first launch of the game and successful verification, it is no longer required to have original disc in drive for 3 days. After this period, the protection will again require you to insert a license disc and after passing the check, the disc will no longer be needed in the drive... etc.

The most common errors:

1. The disk does not pass the test. The message says that the disc is not licensed or is not in the drive at all. The message is especially common with NEC drives.

Occurs due to incompatibility of the drive or its firmware and protection system.

Try reducing the drive speed using Nero Drive Speed ​​to 5-8x and repeat the test. Sometimes changing the firmware to a more recent one helps.

Site with firmware -
The link has been removed.

2. When checking the disk, a message appears about detected emulators. At the same time, the system may not have emulators themselves.

Occurs due to a conflict between the protection driver and the emulator driver (if there is an emulator) and/or a conflict between the protection driver and the driver motherboard responsible for the work disk subsystem computer.

Remove emulators from the system. It is important to note that after removing the emulator, the emulator drivers remain in the system, they are in an active state and working. Virtual disks also remain.

To remove the SPTD driver from the Deamon Tools emulator, the easiest way is to use special utility SPTDinst (882 KB):
Select the Uninstall button, after which the computer should restart.

If you have Alcohol, you can try disabling the “Ignore media type” option in the settings and repeat the check again. If you once had the Alcohol emulator installed, but you deleted it, and if this option When you removed the emulator, it was enabled, then the driver most likely remains in the system and works with the option enabled. You can either remove the driver or reinstall the emulator itself and turn off the option.

3. When you run a disk check, the security system asks you to enter a key, but the key is nowhere to be found.

Occurs if optical drive cannot correctly read a disk key entered into the disk data area when disks were manufactured at the factory.

You can try entering the key manually by reading it from the disk using the readcd program.
Please download the small utility - readcd.exe:
The link has been removed.
Insert the game disc into the drive and launch the utility.
Follow the instructions on the screen. After the program finishes running, files like readcd_хх.bin will appear in the folder with it. In the readcd_16.bin file you will find the disk key. Enter this key when prompted by the program. Or start the game by holding Shift key, and you will be prompted to enter the disk key.
In any case, save the Star-Force error report file and send it to [email protected]

4. When checking the disk, the system freezes, or reboots, or a blue screen appears.

Associated with a bug in the Deamon Tools emulator driver versions 4.x. As a rule, it appears when trying to emulate a licensed disk.

You need to turn off the emulator and run the game using the licensed disc. If you are absolutely sure that there are no emulators in the system, then you need to send to technical support the minidump file that is created when blue screen. The minidump contains debugging information that will help you understand what caused the error and is necessary to successfully resolve the problem.

How to make a minidump:
Delete all files from the C:\Windows\Minidump folder.
Right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select "Properties". Select the "Advanced" tab, in it there is the "Download and Recovery" section. In this section, click the "Options" button. Uncheck "Run" automatic reboot". In the "Write debugging information" section, select "Small memory dump (64kb)". Close all windows with the "OK" buttons.
After the next blue screen occurs, the computer will send the information necessary to understand the problem to special file. You can find these files here:
Send all files to technical support [email protected]

5. Update protection drivers.

To update the protection driver, use the protect.exe utility, which is located in the root folder of the game. In some cases, this will help avoid certain problems.
More information about updating security drivers:
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Updating the protection driver using protect.exe requires an Internet connection. If you have such a connection in this moment no, then you can use the connection from a friend/neighbor/at work. To do this, send a request to email address our technical support and they will send you the necessary files and instructions on how to install everything.

If you have Windows Vista and the utility does not work normally - run it with administrator rights. The corresponding option is available by pressing the right key.

6. The game installs normally, but the protection driver is not installed

You most likely have Windows Vista. Before starting the program, disable User Account Control. In the future, this option can be activated again, since the driver is installed only once before the first launch of the game.

To enable/disable User Account Control, go to the Control Panel, select User Accounts. Inside there will be an option Turn UserAccount Control on/off.

Taken from the site
On my own behalf, I’ll add that I swore without emulators, maybe on a card reader, or maybe on a second physical DVD.
Reinstalling the game helped or you stupidly press next and after two or three bsods it stops throwing it out. Then the game itself throws it away -))).