Yandex browser news feed. What is Yandex.Zen and how to make money on it. How to enable Yandex Zen after disconnecting

Good day everyone, friends! In this note I want to tell you about how to enable Yandex Zen on your computer and phone. Why you might need it and how to use it.

If you actively use the Yandex browser and are a fan of this company’s services, then most likely you should have noticed that this corporation has released a huge number of utilities and add-ons to them, and has also introduced many functions into its programs. All of them are intended for the convenience of users, although people are more than critical of many of them. The same story applies to Yandex Zen.

Yes, this “trick” will spy on you, or in other words, follow you. She will always know what you are doing in world wide web and what sites you “walk” through. However, it's not all bad, friends. Firstly, Yandex assures us that all received data is used exclusively to create a personal feed. Secondly, this is done for our convenience: we will be able to quickly receive up-to-date information about everything that interests us.

Now let's talk in more detail. What kind of fruit is this Yandex Zen and how to turn it on, as well as how to use it.

Enable Yandex Zen on your computer

It’s easy to turn on Zen - it will do it itself the very first time you start it, after installing the browser. The utility simply prompts you to activate it, so you need to click the appropriate button.

After clicking this button, a new window will open where you can choose from five sources, which in the future will form the basis for a selection of individual recommendations. You can choose at least all the proposed resources in a variety of categories.

It should be noted here that Yandex does not offer its users just any sites; those shown include only verified and safe portals that publish reliable and interesting news, collections, reviews, etc.

It’s impossible to make a mistake when turning on Zen, so after some time recommended and current news will begin to appear in your browser’s start window.

Important: If you already have Yandex Browser installed, but do not have Zen, then you need to either update the browser or reinstall it by downloading the installer and running it again.

Enable Yandex Zen on an Android phone

Everything is as simple as on a computer on a phone.

If you have Yandex Browser, you can simply update it so that it prompts you to enable this feature in your browser.

Another option, if you do not have this browser, then you need to download latest version Yandex browser, install and enable the function accordingly, and only then mark your favorite materials in your personal feed.

The option to enable/disable Zen on Android is located in the settings. There you need to go to the tab "Additionally" and check the box "Display Zen Recommendations News Feed".

What to do if Zen doesn't work

In the event that a vinaigrette comes out with news that is not at all interesting to you, in this case the answer is very simple, be patient. The fact is that artificial intelligence needs some time to “feel” all your preferences and interests.

This will help him form more accurately news feed and make more interesting selections just for you.

At the very first activation, you will notice that turning on Zen is not enough - it shows you who knows what. Some uninteresting news, incomprehensible articles, collections of photos and videos that will not be useful to you for anything at all.

In this case, there is no need to panic, since the situation is the same as described above - the system simply analyzes your actions and creates personal recommendations. At first glance it may seem that it is not working, but in fact everything is fine.

For your information: If you actively use the Zen feed, then do not forget to like interesting news, and accordingly dislike if the news is not interesting to you. With your help, Zen will quickly create a feed that matches your interests.

The more active you are on the Internet, the faster Yandex.Zen will understand how to learn to recognize your interests. If it happens that it doesn’t show anything at all for a long time, then we can advise the following:

  1. Check the settings and, if necessary, enable the function of showing Zen under the scoreboard in the browser.
  2. Remove Yandex Browser, download it again and install it.

What is Yandex Zen

Yandex Zen- This special service, capable of “indicating” to the browser all your preferences, hobbies and interests, in order to then create a unique news feed. The utility built into the browser shell automatically monitors search queries, records when the user presses the “Like” or “Dislike” buttons on a particular news item, and looks at what sites the person visits.

After collecting and analyzing all the collected information, the smart algorithm begins to make personalized recommendations and show exactly what, in its opinion, may be of interest to you.

The program code is equipped with an information mining algorithm; it is constantly being improved by the developers, which allows them to make it much “smarter” and more accurately generate news collections.

To create your own feed, you don't have to do anything. Just put “Like” so that Zen in Yandex Browser recommends you more similar materials, “Dislike” so that it does not show you articles on similar topics and "Block this source", if a certain site does not suit you at all as a source of information.

The function is quite interesting, thanks to it you no longer have to surf the Internet on your own and look for something that may interest you. Now everything found will be collected together by artificial intelligence and displayed directly in the start window of Yandex Browser.

If you think this might be useful for you, then let's figure out how to enable the feature on different devices and use its capabilities to your satisfaction.


It is quite possible that some of you have not even heard of this feature, but now you can take full advantage of all its delights. It seems to me that Zen in the browser will be very useful, because thanks to it you can always keep abreast of the latest world news, receive only fresh, relevant and verified information from reliable sources.

Well, an even bigger advantage is that you no longer have to open many sites, because all the most interesting things for you will be collected in one place, in one window, in one browser. And if you suddenly lose access to your feed, you can easily restore access to it - just log in to the browser using your email.

Hello, friends! In this article we will deal with an interesting and useful function, which of all browsers first appeared in Yandex - this is the Zen feed.

Zen is a special service that offers news and publications from various sites that will be of interest to you. The list of posts is generated based on the history of the web browser. That is, Zen analyzes what sites you view and what information you are interested in. And when there is enough material for analysis, then the Zen feed will appear in the browser.

How to turn on the Zen feed

To start using it, you don’t need to install any third-party extensions or applications. Launch your browser and open new tab. At the bottom of the page, immediately below the display, you will see the line “Yandex Zen”. Click on the “Enable” button in it.

You need to select at least 3 sources. Then click on the “Continue” button.

After this, when you open a new tab, Yandex Zen will be displayed below the display. To view it, click either on the line “your personal recommendations” or on the empty area of ​​the top tile.

It is presented in blocks that contain the name of the source, the topic of the news, and a small fragment of text. If you are interested in a recommendation, click on it, and the article will open in a new tab, where you can read the entire text in detail.

After each page refresh or when you open a new tab, the recommendations here change.

To open the scoreboard again and close the feed, click on the up arrow on the left.

If, when you open a new tab, you do not have the “Yandex Zen” line at the bottom, and the feed itself is not displayed in the browser, then click on the three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner and select “Settings” from the menu.

On the settings page in the “Settings” section appearance» Check the box “Show in new tab Zen feed” personal recommendations».

Setting up Zen in Yandex browser

If Yandex.Zen starts showing a lot of information in the feed that is not interesting to you, then you need to customize it a little.

At the bottom of each news tile there are two buttons: “Like” - thumbs up, and “Dislike” - thumbs down. If the material is interesting, click like, if not, dislike. The opinion will be taken into account in the future, the feed will be formed from the material (or similar to it) that you like.

Also, by clicking on the tile with the news and reading it in separate tab, in the feed on this tile, after that, a small window will appear with buttons: “More of this” - the same as Like, “Less of this” - this is a Dislike, and “Block this source”. When you click on the last button, the news that is posted on the site that has just been blocked will no longer be shown here. If you do not want to take any actions, click on the cross to close the window on the tile.

How to remove Zen from the browser

Now let's figure out how to remove it. There is nothing complicated about this. You just need to disable it in the browser settings itself.

Go to the settings page and in the “Appearance Settings” section, uncheck the “Show Zen personal recommendations feed in a new tab” field.

After that, when you open a new tab, the Zen feed will not be displayed under the scoreboard.

Zen on Android in Yandex browser

You can use it not only if the browser is installed on your computer. You can also view recommendations with interesting material on your phone or tablet with an operating system. iOS system or Android, if Yandex browser is installed on the device.

To enable it on an Android device, go to your browser and at the bottom you will see “Yandex Zen - personal recommendations feed.” Swipe the page up with your finger.

After this, you will see the same message on the screen. Click on the “Try” button below.

Just like on a computer, you will be asked to choose which material interests you. Check the boxes for at least three sources and click Continue.

Now the news tiles will appear in the browser. You can view all the news offered by scrolling up the page.

If you liked the post, click on it and read it full text on the website where it is published. Tiles with the news that you read will turn light gray.

You can set up the Zen feed on your phone as follows. At the bottom of each tile on the right there are three horizontal dots, click on them.

Recommended articles are displayed on home page browser in the form of cards. If you want to see more recommendations, move the ribbon with cards up. If you want to read the article, click on the card that interests you and the text will open.

Since the analysis algorithm is controlled artificial intelligence, in order for him to begin to better understand all your preferences, the developers introduced a scheme self-determination user's range of interests. This is not necessary, but with its help the service will quickly figure out what to offer you. Thus, the user is asked to select at least five sources of information that he likes.

At the same time, the ribbon that is configured through the initial selection interesting sources, may have significant differences from the one that would have been formed after a certain time only on the basis of a computer analysis of the user’s choice of certain articles.

Among other things, under each article there is an opportunity to like or dislike. Please note that the rating should not relate to the essence of the content of the article. It should show whether you like articles on similar topics or not.

In other words, if you find the information in this article interesting but want to disagree with the specific content of the post, you'll want to give it a thumbs down. But Zen will take this as a reluctance to see posts on similar topics in the future. Over time, the browser will provide messages about the reduction in the number of unwanted articles in your Zen feed. Or proposals to block the source of the article.

After a certain period of time using Zen, you will see that it has become better at adapting to your personal interests and providing you with only those articles that are truly interesting to you.

How to reset preference settings in Yandex Zen

The simplest and quick way to do this is to clear your browser cache. Clearing the cache will be shown using the example of Yandex Browser.

You need to click on the “Menu” button, then select the “Advanced” and “Clear history” lines. Next, in the field that opens, you will need to indicate the period for which the information will be deleted. Don't forget to check the box next to "Files saved in cache".

Please note that when clearing history, there is no synchronization between devices. That is, it will be removed only where you cleaned it.

How to change settings in other ways in Yandex Zen

You can change settings by managing the list of channels and sources - blocking them or adding them to favorites.

Your subscription to a channel or website does not mean that all materials appearing in the source will be published in your feed. Zen will still filter content based on your interests.

To customize your Zen feed, you need to subscribe to the channels and sites that interest you so that their materials appear more often in your feed. And also block those sources that you don’t want to see in your feed, then Zen will eventually stop showing them to you.

How to change and add a new theme in Yandex Zen

To add a source to the list of those interested, after logging into Zen, open any article from the source that you like. Then, in the upper right corner, click on the + icon or scroll down the article, then go back up and click on the “Subscribe to channel” button that pops up.

If you want a source from the list, go to its page and click on the check mark in the upper right corner. Articles from this channel will not disappear from the feed completely, but will be shown less often.

You can completely block a channel, but do this only if you are completely confident in your choice. To block a channel, click on the dislike icon at the bottom of the post that you are not interested in. Then click on the “Block” button.

The article that interested me was the third in a series of posts about Yandex.Zen ( Before this there was no constructive structure, but here it appeared. What I liked about this topic was that it was clear and obvious. possibility of obtaining light traffic and its simple monetization. In addition, during my time working with information sites, I personally wrote so many articles that creating small notes for Zen by simply rewriting from VK or suitable sites was not difficult for me.

On the same day, based on the recommendations in the article about creating channels for women, as the most loyal audience, I created the Hostess channel (, where I decided to post notes about everyday affairs , about relationships and interesting facts. At first, I concentrated on the facts, because I found such headlines interesting.

10 interesting facts about laundry soap - the first article of the channel.

I was proud that I became one of those 5 people out of 100 who would certainly get down to work and bring it to fruition. In addition, the prospect of reducing the number of sites with connected RSS and the service’s emphasis on displaying its channels seemed like an optimal and understandable development in the future. Yes, yes, yes, but Yandex.Zen definitely has other plans.

Work days

I started posting materials to the channel. Usually it was an article of 2-3 thousand characters, designed according to all website standards. There were headings H2, H3, quotes, bold, I inserted photos that I cropped and compressed so that the posts would load faster. In general, he approached his work responsibly. I ordered several articles from the stock exchange, but the vague prospect of earning money cast doubt on this idea.

Subscribers, of course, were added to the channel, but obviously I was wrong with the topics and rarely reached the audience, so the upward movement was very slow. I remember how happy I was when I beat the number of subscribers that were on the screenshots in Arb’s article. To speed up and finally get 30,000 views for monetization, then the bar was like this, now it’s 10,000, I hired an assistant - a girl who roughly understands what posts are needed and can write and post the material herself. We have been working with her on information sites for a long time.

Things went much better for the girl, posts began to be more or less received, received views and clicks, and sometimes even likes, and I diluted the feed with my experiences and facts.

And then a significant day came when Yandex.Zen really liked two publications at once. I remember how I woke up on Saturday morning, leisurely checked the channel and saw a miracle.

Please note that dislikes are visible in the photo; back then they were still in the statistics interface.

Then we posted 3-5 posts a day, but then I realized that if something else came up like this, we would finally be able to overcome the monetization barrier. We posted 10 posts that day, and the same number on Sunday morning. Late Sunday evening, the monetization opportunity opened up. It took us exactly 2 weeks to reach the 30,000 views mark.

The opportunity to turn on advertising appeared the next day after filling out, on Tuesday. What can I say, I didn’t know then that Yandex.Zen employees do not work on weekends, and if I filled out the form on Friday, I still would not receive an answer until Tuesday. Although now you may have to wait even longer, since technical support response times have increased significantly since then.

Users of the well-known SERCH forum came to the conclusion that the cost of 1000 impressions in Yandex.Zen with simple monetization is in the range of 30-60 rubles, depending on the topic.

I decided that it was imperative to see how much this monetization format would bring, and then look for other options. July showed that there was some money in the system, but it didn’t feel like what the organizers said, that channels through one were already earning more than 30,000 rubles a month at that time.

Withdrawing money to Yandex.Money is simple, clear and instant. But everything is clear here; it would be strange if the Yandex team could not properly organize the work of its two services.

Consolidate the result

Inspired by the money actually withdrawn, it was decided to increase the pace of Zen work. Now we published about 5-8 materials daily. We tried to make a high-quality rewrite, somewhere we used copyright personal experience, everything was decorated just as well. Checked for copypost on

To try to interact with our audience, we tried to use the VKontakte group, but this did not give any results. There are very few conversions from Yandex.Zen, and they don’t count those from contacts.

It was in August that we came across the concept of “waves,” when traffic on a channel fluctuates from zero to the Nth value without any good reason. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with waves of Zen; technical support responds to everyone in this spirit, but at that time it was a new thing. Thus, regardless of the quantity, quality, or size of publications, we reached approximately the same total of 6-8 thousand rubles per month. We wrote to support several times when the shows were just standing still, usually at this time either the statistics broke or there were “waves of zen”.

However, some entries still showed excellent results. However, the result of the month still brought us to the same amounts as the month before.


We didn’t want to drop the topic; some money was still coming in, so we tried to work on earning money. Looking at SERCH interesting advice about how to place your YAN ads instead of just making money, I quickly implemented the whole concept.

This is done like this:

  • First, you need to add a mirror to some site in the panel.
  • Then create an RTB block on this site, the block should be 300x250 in size, this is what Zen says, and in the Direct tab, make it adaptive so that it looks normal on the desktop.
  • Next, copy the block number in the format R-A-123456-7 and paste it into the field in Zen, as in our screenshot, click check, if an advertisement appears on the right, then everything works. Ads do not turn on immediately, after about 30-40 minutes, so don’t rush to check, just save for now.
  • The mirror is usually added in about a day, if it is not a weekend. Until it is moderated, ads will not be shown.

Let’s say right away that for those guys who don’t have sites added to YAN ( Advertising Network Yandex), you will not be able to customize your ads. Zen's channel is linked to a website with a mirror, and then you can make your own announcements. If you really want to test YAN, buy a site with 100+ traffic on the exchange and add it to the system, enter into an agreement with Yandex and get started.

YAN’s own blocks showed lower profitability; it turned out to be approximately 30 rubles for every 1000 impressions, as you can see by looking at the screenshot.

Thanks to the experiments, it became possible to receive not only Yandex.Money, but also live transfers, but the amount of profit for the month hovered within the same 6-8 thousand rubles, despite the fact that we posted 10 posts on some days, posted every day, without interruptions (almost 300 posts per month). All the more interesting were the statements of the Zen team that bloggers with thousands of people earn from 30 thousand a month, and we already had more than a thousand subscribers.

Sad ending

As you probably already guessed, in September (month 3) the income was at the same level, but we have almost gotten used to it and have come to terms with it. The subscribers were approaching 2 thousand, we were posting our simple women’s posts, when suddenly I decided to try advertising an offer, try the CPA model.

The idea was as simple as three kopecks: we post an article about a women’s offer (I chose an invisible bra), post it and put a couple of links to the offer. I didn’t do any special rewriting, I uniqueized the appropriate article, placed links to the offer and published it.

This is where the history of our channel comes to an end. We immediately received pessimization, which cannot be removed even if this post is deleted. Simply put, I think this is a channel ban. We tried to add 10 new entries, all with zeros, but in the YAN ad statistics, impressions dropped from 5-6 thousand to 10-30. We wrote to technical support, and after 6 days they answered us, and even then we had to look up their press attaché Rodion on VKontakte and write to him in a personal message.

The answer is banal, such pessimization is normal by several thousand times. We wrote to support several more times with a request to unblock the channel, but received no further replies. Now about 3 weeks have already passed, when the channel is without impressions, and new entries do not work at all, and it is obvious that most likely we will not achieve anything, although we will persistently write to them.

If the ban is lifted, then we will continue to post our simple women’s posts, earning our 6-8 thousand, publishing 8-10 materials a day. It’s a difficult income, but given modern realities, it definitely won’t be superfluous for us

We hope that our reading was interesting to those who do not work with Zen, or vice versa, who have gone through all these periods of formation of an incomprehensible and illogical service with us.

What advantages does Yandex Zen give to authors?

Expansion and involvement of the audience Users who regularly use Yandex Zen and also subscribe to the channel see new publications more often, essentially becoming regular subscribers.
If a channel becomes popular, new users begin to see it.
Channel monetization If your channel collects more than 7 thousand article reads per week, then it gets the opportunity for additional monetization.

Also, every month the most popular Zen channels receive additional promotion support and the opportunity to apply for a sponsorship grant from Yandex in the amount of half a million rubles.

How to add your website to Yandex Zen

  1. To add your site to the Yandex Zen channel, you need:

    Create your own channel;

  2. The channel will be linked to the account under which you are logged in to Yandex. I recommend creating a separate account for a separate project.
  3. Prepare a specially marked RSS feed (there is a plugin for WordPress below);
  4. Add a site to Yandex Webmaster from the Yandex account that is the owner of the Zen channel. To do this, click on the channel logo at the top left, settings will open on the left;

  5. If the site is not registered yet, go to Yandex Webmaster and add it;

  6. Confirm ownership. The easiest option is to upload an HTML file to the root of the site;

  7. Also, if the site has already been added to Yandex Webmaster on another account, simply delegate the rights to it to the account that is the owner of the Yandex Zen channel;

After successfully confirming site ownership, go back to the channel settings and submit the site for moderation. It can take from 7 days to several weeks.

To undergo moderation in Yandex Zen, you need a functionality or plugin that will create an RSS feed.

Registration requirements

List of Yandex Zen topics

  • War
  • Design
  • Health
  • Celebrities
  • Culture
  • Literature
  • Music
  • The science
  • Society
  • Policy
  • Nature
  • Incidents
  • Psychology
  • Trips
  • Sport
  • Technologies
  • Photos
  • Hobby
  • Economy

WordPress plugin for creating RSS for Yandex Zen

copyright = "c" . get_bloginfo("name"); // Metaboxes add_action("add_meta_boxes", array($this, "metabox")); ) function metabox() ( $screens = $this -> post_types; foreach ($screens as $screen) add_meta_box("is_in_zen", "Whether to display Zen in Yandex", array($this, "is_in_zen"), $screen, $context = "side", $priority = "high" ) function is_in_zen() ( global $post; $checked = get_post_meta($post -> ID, "is_in_zen", 1); // Use nonce to verify wp_nonce_field (plugin_basename(__FILE__), "is_in_zen__nonce"); // Form fields for entering data echo " "; ) function save($post_id) ( // If there is no $_POST data, skip if (empty($_POST)) return; // If we are not interested in the current post type, skip if (!in_array($_POST["post_type "], $this -> post_types)) return; // Security check if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST["is_in_zen__nonce"], plugin_basename(__FILE__))) return; // Skip autosaving if (defined("DOING_AUTOSAVE") && DOING_AUTOSAVE) return; // Checking the current user's permissions if (!current_user_can("edit_" . $_POST["post_type"], $post_id)) return; // Update the Yandex Zen data in the post metadata if ($is_in_zen = $_POST ["is_in_zen"]) ( update_post_meta($post_id, "is_in_zen", $is_in_zen); ) ) function zen() ( add_feed($this -> feed_url, array($this, "zen_feed")); ) function zen_feed( ) ( header("Content-Type: " . feed_content_type("rss-http") . "; charset=" . get_option("blog_charset")); $p = get_posts(array("posts_per_page" => $this -> posts_per_page, // Maximum number of posts to display in the feed "category__not_in" => $this -> category__not_in, // Array with excluded categories "post_type" => $this -> post_types, // Only posts of the desired type are processed (by default , "Posts") "orderby" => $this -> orderby, // Sort the posts in the feed by date of publication, modification or something else // Below is a block that allows you to select only those posts whose metadata contains "is_in_zen" " = "on" // You can delete it, then all published entries will automatically appear in the Zen feed "meta_query" => array(array("key" => "is_in_zen", "value" => "on",) ), // End of block, do not delete further));"; ?> > <?php bloginfo_rss("name"); ?> if ($p) ( echo " <?= $title; ?> ru ?utm_source=zen_yandex is_adult ?> category; ?> guide. "" type="" . $img -> post_mime_type . "" />"; ) unset($img); // If there are no media files attached to the post, extract and insert images from the content // If images are not attached to posts, then this condition should be removed. In this case, duplicate images are possible V post_content," /i", $post -> post_content, $matches); // Display all images foreach ($matches as $src) ( // In an amicable way, you need to determine the mime-type of the image, but by default image/jpeg $ mime = "image/jpeg"; echo " "; ) unset($src); ) ) ?>
)/i"; $replacement = " " . get_the_title($post) . "
"; $content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content); // Remove unnecessary paired tags and their contents $r = array("script", "iframe", "style", "ins"); foreach ( $r as $_) ( $content = preg_replace("#<" . $_ . ".*?>(.*?)#is", "", $content); ) unset($_); // Remove all empty paired tags $content = preg_replace("#<\w+[^>]*>(\s*()?\s*)<\/\w+>#i", "", $content); // Remove extra characters $r = array(" ",); foreach ($r as $_) ( $content = str_replace($_, " ", $content); ) unset($_); // Display the content echo strip_tags(html_entity_decode($content),"

    1. "); ?>]]>
    2. I recommend inserting this code as follows (create a directory /wp-content/mu-plugins/, create a file in it sheensay_zen_yandex.php, copy the code there).

      The file must be saved strictly in encoding UTF-8

    3. Then go to Settings - Permalinks (, and, without changing anything on the page, click Save;

    Now, a metabox will appear on the post pages:

    The RSS feed for Yandex Zen is available at

    Browsers hard cache the feed page. If you make changes to the code or just check the feed, do not forget to refresh the feed tab by clearing the cache using Ctrl + F5.

    How to send all entries to RSS at once

    If you want all published posts to be included in Zen by default, you need to find part of the code in the above plugin and delete or comment out it:

    "meta_query" => array(array("key" => "is_in_zen", "value" => "on",)),

    If you want only selected posts to be included in Zen, you do not need to delete the above block of code. And in order not to manually mark all the articles that you want to add to the RSS feed for Zen, you can use the following instructions:

    -1, "post_type" => array("post"), "post_status" => array("publish", "future"),));

    1. // Iterate through records foreach ($p as $post) ( setup_postdata($post); // We assign metadata to the records so that they get into the Yandex Zen RSS feed update_post_meta($post -> ID, "is_in_zen", "on") ; // Delete metadata so that posts do NOT appear in the Yandex Zen RSS feed // delete_post_meta($post -> ID, "is_in_zen" ) wp_reset_postdata();
    2. echo "Done";
    3. exit; ) Copy and paste the code above into the file /wp-content/mu-plugins/zen_update_post_meta.php; Then, run the following URL: (change to your domain);

    The page may take a long time to load. When you see the inscription

    This section contains solutions for setting up a channel.
    All settings are in one place. How to get there:

    1. Log in to Yandex Zen;
    2. Find the channel logo in the upper left corner and click on it;
    3. Carry out the necessary manipulations;
    4. Save changes.

    Below are the options for what you can configure.

    How to change Yandex Zen channel URL

    By default, when registering Zen, the channel is given an unreadable digital address To replace numbers with a unique label, for example, you need

    1. Follow the instructions above to go to the channel settings;
    2. Click the Create short address button. You can use the Latin alphabet, numbers and _.

      If there is no button, it means your channel has not yet reached the required 10,000 views per week.

    3. Save changes.

    You can change the address only once during the existence of the channel.

    How to collect Zen channel statistics

    Now you can connect Yandex Metrica to collect channel analytics.