Register on Facebook right now. Registration on the social network Facebook. How do I add a security question?

Hello, dear friends! Today we are starting to explore a new social network called Facebook. It is not as popular in the countries of the former CIS as, for example, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, but many people still use it. The first article, as always, will be devoted to registration.

Register from a computer

You can register on Facebook for free on the official website, which is kindly provided to us in Russian. Follow the link

Pay attention to the right side of the page that opens, that’s where the registration form is located.

Pay attention to the fields for entering the number mobile phone. If you want to register on Facebook without a phone number, then simply enter your address in this field Email.

It would be logical to assume that if you want to register without an email, you will have to enter a phone number there. Entering nothing and leaving this line empty will not work.

Enter all the data and click on the “Create account” button:

At the next stage, they offer to find friends through their accounts on other services. You can skip this step by clicking on the “Next” button.

Skip the step:

In principle, the main registration is over, we just have to confirm our mailing address. They remind you of this at the very top of the Facebook page. Go to your mailbox and look for a letter.

In the letter we find the “Confirm your account” button and click on it. They also provide us with some kind of confirmation code, but I personally haven’t used it.

That's it, congratulations, you have registered. So far, of course, there is nothing on your page.

Register from a mobile phone

You can also go from your mobile phone to the official website through any browser and do everything that we did in the first point, or you can download mobile app and register with it. Let's take a closer look at the second method.

We go to the Play Market and look for the Facebook application there.

Install it:

Here you are asked to enter your phone number for registration. Not everyone likes this, so we can not enter the phone number, but pay attention to the very bottom of the screen and click on the “Register using an email address” button.

This window may be more suitable for you. Here we register using email.

It seems to be specific to registration in this social network There is nothing more to explain, so we will discuss the remaining questions in the following articles.

I am glad to welcome you to the pages of our blog. Last time we looked at how it can be useful for business. Today we will talk about how to register on Facebook, fill out personal information, and outline goals for further actions after registration. And finally, the most interesting thing - we’ll discuss how and why you need to collect likes for your posts.

This article will be relevant and useful not only for those who do not yet have an account, but also for those who have recently registered.

Where is your phone now? In the pocket? In your bag? In hand?
I bet he's somewhere in close proximity to you.

Are you in a public place? What do you see around? Do people around you have mobile phones? What are these people doing? Play games or update the status of personal accounts? Are they adding photos? Are you viewing the feed?

I ask all these questions and am ready to receive an affirmative answer to them because with the tendency modern world can not argue. More than half of social media users networks logs into them at least once a day. Social media influences how we meet and break up, how we stay in touch with our family, and how we search for work.

Step-by-step algorithm for registration

Based on the information you provided during registration and based on your preferences, Facebook creates a profile about you. Let's continue our acquaintance with this social network, which has gained millions of millions of popularity all over the world, and begin the registration process.

To quickly register, go to the website Facebook, which can also be reached via a short link The registration window looks like this.

Please have a valid email address ready when completing the registration form. In case you do not yet have an electronic mailbox, you need to start it. On specified address you will receive a link to confirm your registration.

Now let's look at our next steps step by step.

Step 1. We are looking for friends.

Many of your friends are probably already on Facebook. If you wish, you can find them by importing contacts from your mailbox. To do this, select your Post service, enter your email address and password, click "Find friends".

In addition, to enter the site in just one click without entering a username and password, you can simply click on the photo.

You should also add a photo to your profile by uploading it from your computer or taking it using a webcam.

Using the third item in the same window, you can find friends by place of study or work, as well as by name.

Step 2. On the left under your profile photo there is a form for filling out information about you.

The following preview window will appear.

Next, windows will appear one after another as you press the button "Save", you need to consistently answer the following questions: where do you work, what is your position, what university did you study at, what city are you from, what school did you go to?

After filling out the data, you will be able to see them in the tab "Information" and make changes if necessary.

Step 3. Filling out the information "About Me", which will be available for viewing for all users.

Step 4. Select a profile photo.

If you skipped this step, upload your photo now.

Your profile picture must be a minimum size of 180 x 180 pixels. When adding a photo, it is better to choose a real photo of you, without glasses, with a friendly expression on your face.

Well, now you can be congratulated on achieving an excellent result! You have created an official account (profile) on Facebook.

We also talked about how to organize the process of creating a profile and selecting interesting graphic materials: avatar, cover photo and images for publications in a separate article about Facebook design(link will come later).

Basic registration mistakes

It also happens that some people cannot register on FB; they get the error “Sorry, we can’t register you.”

This is possible for the following reasons:

In the above cases, you need to enter the correct data in the registration form or try again a little later.

Opportunities with Facebook

  1. Access to materials and publications by over 800 million people.
  2. Open communication with friends and colleagues around the world.
  3. The ability to promote your business and set up advertising.
  4. Ability to share useful information with friends and subscribers.
  5. Viewing and commenting on photo and video content.
  6. Use of mobile applications.
  7. Invitation to interesting events.
  8. View and create live broadcasts.

Now it is very important to determine the direction in which you want to move. According to statistics, most users use the mobile version of the site and often for entertainment purposes.

However, Facebook was originally created as a business platform. It is for this reason that it has well-thought-out business page functionality that you can’t help but use. After all, thousands of roads are now open to you.

Facebook usefulness

  • The number of likes, reposts and comments under a post indicates how interesting and competently you select the material, remember this.

Photos usually get the most likes. People like to leave comments under text articles and publications. Share links is also available makes a lot of sense, since they lead the user somewhere - to your resource or page.

  • After your identification, the moment comes for the comprehensive collection of information about you that you yourself provide. Correctly fill out all fields with personal information.

For example, in the tab "About Me" It is useful to indicate the scope of your activity with detailed description. Then Facebook will automatically generate more news from people in this area or similar to it.

Users of the application share the pictures they take instantly. There is a function to automatically identify who is shown in the photo.


To summarize, we note that today we were able to achieve success in completing the registration procedure on Facebook. Continue to be persistent, purposeful, confident in your results, and we will be happy to help you with this.

We wish you success and see you soon.

On this moment social networks are the most powerful tool in order to communicate, conduct business or spend your leisure time. By creating your own page on one of these sites, a person will discover the endless possibilities that such resources provide.

One of the most popular social networks. networks are considered to be Facebook, which is especially in demand in the West, but in our country it is still inferior to VKontakte. This article will help you understand all aspects of the registration process on this resource.

To start the registration process, you need to go to the site from your computer. Now you will see the main page in Russian. If for some reason a different language is installed, or you want to switch from Russian, then you need to go to the very bottom of the page to change this parameter.

The basic information is filled in on this page, so be careful to ensure that the data you enter is correct. So, in this form you need to enter the following data:

  1. First and last name. You can enter either your real name or a nickname. Just note that the first and last names must be in the same language.
  2. Phone number or email address. This field must be filled out so that you can ensure safe use of the social network. If the page is hacked or if you have forgotten your password, you can always restore access through your phone number or email.
  3. New Password. A password is needed to prevent strangers from accessing your page. Pay attention to this point Special attention. You don't need to set a password that is too simple, but it should be memorable for you. Or write it down so you don't forget.
  4. Date of Birth. Setting the correct age will help protect children from content intended exclusively for adults. Please also note that children under 13 years of age cannot have their own Facebook account.
  5. Floor. Here you just need to indicate your gender.

All you have to do is click "Create an account" to complete the first registration step.

Confirmation of registration and entry of additional data

Now you can use social Facebook network, but in order for all the possibilities of this site to open up to you, you need to confirm your profile. At the very top of your account page a special form will appear where you need to click "Confirm Now".

You will only need to log into your email for your actions to be confirmed. After logging in, a sign should pop up in front of you, which will notify you that the profile has been successfully verified and you can use all the functions of the site.

The first thing you can do is add a photo that your friends can recognize you from, or that will be the main image of your profile. To do this, just click "Add a photo".

Next, you can simply go to the section "Information" to indicate Extra options, which you deem necessary. You can provide information about your place of residence, education or work, you can also fill out information about your preferences in music and cinema, and provide other information about yourself.

This completes the registration process. Now, to log into your profile, you simply need to provide the data that you used during registration, namely your email address and password.

You can also log in to the page you recently logged into on this computer, just click on your main profile image, which will be displayed on home page, and enter the password.

Problems with registration on the social network Facebook

Many users are unable to create a page. Problems arise, for which there may be several reasons:

Incorrectly completed information entry forms

Incorrect entry of certain data is not always highlighted in red, as is the case on most sites, so you need to check everything carefully.

  1. Make sure that your first and last name are written in the same alphabet. That is, you cannot write your first name in Cyrillic and your last name in Latin. Also, you can only enter one word in each of these fields.
  2. Do not use underscores or characters like «@^&$!*» and the like. You also cannot use numbers in the first and last name entry field.
  3. This resource is restricted for children. Therefore, you will not be able to register if you indicated in your date of birth that you are under 13 years old.

I don't receive a confirmation code

One of the most common problems. There can be several reasons for this error:

  1. Incorrectly entered email. Double-check to make sure it's correct.
  2. If you registered by entering a phone number, please note that you need to enter numbers without spaces or hyphens.
  3. Facebook may not support your carrier. If you have this problem, you can contact technical support or register again using your email.

Browser problems

Facebook is built on JavaScript, which may have problems with some browsers, in particular Opera. Therefore, you can use another browser to register on this resource.

These are all the nuances and rules that you need to know when registering on this social network. Now you can fully evaluate the capabilities of this resource and use it for your own purposes.

Facebook plans to introduce fees for using the service

Facebook is free service , and will never require payment of fees for further use of the site. However, you can purchase Facebook credits, which can be used to send gifts or to purchase goods, applications and games.

Also, if you want to use Facebook on your mobile phone, please note that fees may apply for internet use and/or text messages in accordance with the tariffs of the mobile operator.

Minimum age to register on Facebook

User age, creating an account on Facebook must be at least 13 years old.

Is it possible to create one Facebook account for several people?

Facebook accounts are intended for individual use. This means that they do not allow joint account. In addition to one email address, you can only register one account on Facebook, since each account belongs to one person, the social network management requires that each account be represented under a real name. This allows users to always know who they are talking to. When you create an account, you can use the data from third party services to see your contacts with any of your friends in one place.

Why did I receive an invitation to register on Facebook?

This message was sent because someone is inviting you join Facebook. Facebook allows its users to send invitations to contacts by entering their email address or adding contacts.

If you're already using Facebook, this may mean that your friend has given out their email address, which is not currently associated with your Facebook account. If you want, you can add an email address for your Facebook account to ensure you don't receive invitations in the future register on Facebook.

If you are not yet a member and want to join Facebook, you can use this email address to begin the registration process. If you do not want to receive invitations from friends, you can use the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of the email messages you receive.

How do I know if I have a Facebook account?

If you created Facebook account earlier - you can find it. You will need the email address, phone number or username associated with your account. You can also find your account using your friend's Facebook name. Once you find your account you can reset your account password. You can then resume using your account or delete it.

Create a new Facebook account

How do I register on Facebook

create a new account

After filling out the registration form, you will receive a message to the specified email address. Simply click on the confirmation link to complete the registration process.

Difference between login and registration

Facebook Registration

If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one in a few simple steps. To create a new account, fill out the registration form at by giving your full name, date of birth, gender and email address. Then choose a password.

Login to Facebook

If you already have a Facebook account, you can log in to it on the same page. Simply enter your email address and password in the appropriate fields at the top of the page and click the Login button.

Facebook Password Requirements

The generated password must contain at least 6 characters and consist of a sequence of numbers, letters and punctuation marks. If the password you enter is not strong enough, try mixing it with large lowercase letters, or simply making it longer.

Ideally, the password should be easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to figure out. For security reasons, the password should also be different from other passwords you use on the Internet.

How do I add a security question?

A security question is a useful way to verify ownership of your account if you lose access to it. The security question for your account can be set to Security settings:

  1. Click the ↓ button in the upper right corner of any Facebook pages and select account settings.

  1. Click Safety in the menu on the left.
  2. Select the Fund Management section and follow the instructions.

Note: This section will not appear if you have already created Secret Question.

Tips for choosing a good security question:

  • Choose a question and answer that you can remember;
  • Keep your secret question and answer safe;
  • Try to make the answer so specific that it is impossible to guess.

Create a Facebook account using your mobile phone

How to register on Facebook using a mobile phone

Using a mobile device:

  1. Go to

Statistics show that today, Facebook users are increasingly accessing the social network from their smartphones. This is very convenient considering the availability mobile internet and serious technical capabilities modern mobile devices.

All you need to do is download the official app and register on Facebook from your phone or computer. We have already written about how to register in the web version. And in this article we will tell you in detail how to create a personal account using your phone.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, you need to download the official Facebook app. Users of iPhone, Android devices and Windows Phone can find it in stores App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store, respectively. If the technical capabilities of your mobile device do not allow you to run the classic application, you need to install its lightweight version - Facebook Lite.

Not all users will have to register. If you already have a work account on a social network, you just need to log in installed program. If you have not used Facebook before, you will need to register.

Regardless operating system your phone, you need to go through the following steps to create a personal account:

1. Launch Facebook installed on your smartphone.

2. Tap “Sign up for Facebook” and then “Get Started”.

2.Enter your real e-mail, as well as the mobile phone number to which you have access.

3. Carefully reading the accompanying instructions, enter your personal data: first and last name, place of residence/study/work, date of birth, and then come up with strong password(and be sure to remember it).

Once all the required information has been provided, the system will send a confirmation code to your e-mail or number, which you will need to enter in the application to complete registration.

Now you can freely use all the features mobile version social network - find friends and communicate with them, directly send pictures taken with your smartphone camera, like and comment on posts, and even play popular games.

Of course, not everyone uses smartphones, but this does not mean that owners of push-button mobile devices cannot access Zuckerberg’s social network. They just need to install Facebook for each phone - a convenient and “lightweight” application in java.