Atol tsd driver. Driver for data collection terminals. Connecting ZEBEX terminals

The driver from Cleverens is a complete set of ready-made, integrated software, which allows the use of TSD with the operating room Windows system for inventory, acceptance and shipment of barcoded goods. Included in delivery: installer special program on TSD, integration components for 1C, TSD program editor, as well as complete documentation and a set of additional treatments for standard 1C configurations that implement additional advanced driver functionality.

The driver from Cleverens not only allows you to connect the TSD to 1C:Enterprise, it turns it into an effective business automation tool. 4 years of operation and more than 5,000 driver installations have allowed Cleverens specialists to find solutions to most of the issues and small details that arise during the implementation of barcoding. Experience real use, collected by the labor of thousands of companies - now in your store, in your warehouse, in your production.

The driver kit includes:

  • Program for data collection terminal ( free client Mobile SMARTS);
  • An external component for 1C that implements the standard for a retail equipment driver;
  • Processing of the commercial equipment driver + additional processing for advanced driver functions;
  • Data collection terminal program configurator (free Mobile SMARTS control panel).

Product details:

Address storage

Distant work

To work with TSDs that are not connected to the specific computer on which 1C is running, the wired version of the driver provides special utility synchronization, which copies files from the TSD to a computer with 1C and vice versa. In wireless versions of the driver, it generally happens directly via the Internet, by connecting via Wi-Fi or locally via a cradle (when inserted into the cradle, the TSD begins to see the network).

Mobile revaluation

In the standard delivery of any driver, several methods of conducting mobile revaluation are available, including printing to mobile printers. Mobile printing requires a special additional license.

Serial numbers

Serial numbers. Establishment upon receipt and shipment by serial numbers for goods for which serial accounting is maintained in the 1C database.

Everything is configurable
A free configurator (mobile operations development environment) is supplied with each driver, which allows you to change the logic for processing documents and user interface TSD, as well as develop new operations.

Driver functional characteristics:

The need to make changes to the configuration: No
Supported operations: For "1C:Enterprise 8"
Buyer's order (all in the form of Barcode Collection),
Sales of goods and services,
Return of goods from the buyer,
Orders to suppliers,
Receipts of goods and services,
Returns of goods to suppliers,
Receipt of goods and services in NTT,
Revaluation of goods in retail,
Incoming and outgoing orders,
Movement of goods and services,
Inventory of goods and services,
Receipt of goods,
Write-off of goods,
Adding barcodes for goods on TSD,
+ some others
For "1C:Enterprise 7.7"
Purchase Request (all in the form of Barcode Collection),
Request for a warehouse
Formation of a book of purchases and sales,
Receipt of goods and materials,
Retail arrival,
Warehouse inventory,
Entering balances
+ any others where there is nomenclature, quantity, units
Uploading documents to TSD: Yes
Weight product support: Yes
Remote (RDP) access to 1C: Yes (via a special utility)
Supported directory volumes:
with 32MB RAM without SD card 5000
32MB RAM with SD card 150,000 or more
64MB RAM without SD card 30000
64MB RAM with SD card 500,000 or more
Many documents on one terminal: Yes
Wireless/Online: No

“ATOL: Data Collection Terminal Driver” is a software component (driver) designed to work with data collection terminals.


“ATOL: Data Collection Terminal Driver” is a software component (driver) designed to work with various models of data collection terminals.

[diagram of device interaction with PC]

A data collection terminal is a portable device used primarily to automate trading processes.

  • Carrying out an inventory
  • Reception and release of goods in warehouses or sales areas.
  • Selection of orders, etc.

The terminal can operate autonomously from batteries therefore, you can take it with you to any remote site (warehouse, sales floor, etc.) to collect data such as: barcode quantity, etc.

Depending on the model, the data collection terminal may have: a built-in or external barcode scanner internal memory alphanumeric keyboard LCD display. Simplicity and reliability in operation, small dimensions and weight make the data collection terminal an invaluable assistant for storekeepers, merchandise managers, sales floor managers and other employees involved in accounting and collecting information.

Cycle of work with the data collection terminal:

    1. Clear terminal memory
    2. Enter product information. To do this, scan the barcode or enter it manually. Additionally, for example, information about the quantity of goods can be entered. Repeat entering product data as many times as necessary (until all information is collected).
    3. Connect the terminal to the computer.
    4. Using the data collection terminal driver, upload data to inventory or cash register software.
    5. Process data: control stock balances (inventory) fill out tabular part document with selected goods (issue of goods), etc.

Using the driver, your program can: receive necessary information from the data collection terminal, configure device parameters, set the format and rules for the entered data!


Visual customization

"ATOL: Data Collection Terminal Driver" has a visual properties page that makes it easier to work with each of the connected devices. Using the properties page, you can easily configure the necessary parameters for working with the data collection terminal (connection port, data transfer speed, etc.) and visually check the work with the devices - the client application does not need to program these parameters or create its own user interface to configure them.

The driver provides automatic saving and restoration of settings for working with connected devices.

Search for connected equipment

The driver has the ability to search for connected equipment. A convenient and simple dialog has been implemented for searching. With its help, you can quickly determine the parameters of data collection terminals connected to a PC.

Connecting multiple terminals to different ports of one PC

The driver can work with several terminals from one workstation, for which a “logical devices” mechanism is implemented. A logical device is a set of connection parameters with a specific data collection terminal.

Visually on the driver properties page (or programmatically - using methods and properties) you can create and configure the required number of logical devices and connect to the selected terminal using predefined connection parameters.

Setting system parameters

Through the methods and properties of the driver, you can configure the system parameters of the terminal (date and time, sound, screen backlight, etc.), obtain information about the type of connected terminal, the amount of occupied and free memory, and much more.

Setting up readable barcodes

The driver allows you to flexibly set the settings for readable barcodes and set the barcode prefix and suffix. You can immediately check the correctness of the configured parameters on the visual form of the driver by simply clicking on the “Scan” button.

Setting the terminal data format

Using the driver, you can set different logic for the terminal’s behavior when entering data, as well as determine the structure of the input data. For example, you can configure the terminal in such a way that after reading the barcode, a prompt to enter a quantity will appear on the device’s display (and while entering the quantity, the device itself will control that it does not go beyond the set range of values).

Such terminal settings make the user's work more understandable and convenient and can eliminate a large number of errors.

Working with a terminal connected to a remote PC over a network

The driver supports Microsoft DCOM technology, which ensures interaction between software components located on different cars online. You can configure the driver so that your program will interact with a terminal connected to another computer on the network. In this case, the user will not feel any differences between working with this terminal and a terminal connected locally.

Supported Hardware

Currently, the driver supports the following models of data collection terminals:

  • "MobileLogistics v.4»:
  • All terminals with pre-installed system Mobile Logistics Lite»:
  • Zebex PDX
  • Zebex Z-1050
  • Zebex Z-2030
  • CipherLab CPT-7XX
  • CipherLab CPT-8XXX… (Stay tuned)

OS Compatibility

Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7

Software compatibility

All Windows development tools that support OLE Automation technology:

  • Delphi · C++ Builder
  • Microsoft Visual C++
  • Microsoft Visual Basic
  • Microsoft Visual Fox Pro
  • Applications Microsoft Office with VBA ( Excel Word Access, etc.)
  • Navision Axapta
  • 1C: Enterprise versions 7.5 7.7 8.0 8.1
  • and etc.


"ATOL: Data Collection Terminal Driver" is an external component and has been tested for compatibility with the 1C: Enterprise program system versions 7.7 8.0 8.1 and works with them as:

  • ActiveX
  • External component.

The presence of the “1C-compatible” sign indicates that this software tested for compatibility with the 1C program system by specialists from the 1C company. The mark also indicates that the developer, ATOL Technologies, has been awarded 1C:Franchisee status.

Terms of distribution

"ATOL: Data Collection Terminal Driver" is a commercial product and is copy protected electronic key protection.
Without a security key, the driver will work in demo mode in which you can write to the TSD and read from it no more than 10 records.

"ATOL: Data Collection Terminal Driver" is free when working with terminal models using the following systems:

  • "MobileLogistics"
  • "ATOL: MobleLogistics Lite"

Attention! To use the driver in a terminal session, a multi-user version is required. However, ATOL Group of Companies does not guarantee the correct operation of the driver in the terminal session and reserves the right, at its own discretion, to refuse consultations in the event of such organization of the driver’s work.

Delivery options

ATOL: Data collection terminal driver v.8.x 1 workplace Price: 3500 rub.

ATOL: Driver for data collection terminals v.8.x 5 workstations Price: 15,000 rub.

ATOL: Data collection terminal driver v.8.x 10 workstations Price: 23,000 rub.

Static text for products. For example: basic information about delivery methods and times. Shown for all products.
You can change it in the product.tpl file

The driver from Cleverens is a complete set of ready-made, integrated software that allows you to use TSD with the Windows or Android operating system for inventory, acceptance and shipment of barcoded goods. The delivery set includes: an installer for a special program on the TSD, integration components for 1C, a TSD program editor, as well as complete documentation and a set of additional processing for standard 1C configurations that implement additional advanced driver functionality.

The driver from Cleverens not only allows you to connect the TSD to 1C:Enterprise, it turns it into an effective business automation tool. 4 years of operation and more than 5,000 driver installations have allowed Cleverens specialists to find solutions to most of the issues and small details that arise during the implementation of barcoding. Experience of real use, collected by the work of thousands of companies, is now in your store, in your warehouse, in your production.

More about features

Collecting barcodes in a store

The simplest operation is to scan barcodes and enter quantities. The result can be loaded into any accounting system document that contains goods and quantities.

If barcodes have not yet been added to the system, then it is possible to associate barcodes with known products directly during scanning. If the product card has not yet been created, you can still scan the barcode and link it to the newly created card later.

Product information by barcode in the store

Obtaining information about the name, unit of measurement, price and availability of the product, taking into account the characteristics.

MINIMUM and BASIC licenses display the latest download data.

Printing to a mobile printer

In the standard delivery of any driver, several methods of conducting mobile revaluation are available, including printing to mobile printers. Mobile printing requires a special additional license for MS-1C-PRINT.

Revaluation using a mobile printer is very simple. We scan the product, if the price on the sales floor is out of date, then we immediately print a new label using a mobile printer with Bluetooth and glue it on.

Work completely online

Support online communications with an accounting system via Wi-Fi. Allows you to receive up-to-date information about the product range, current balances and prices; print documents or price tags. And even create new documents directly from the terminal.

Online work is supported only in PROF

Working with characteristics

Whenever a product is scanned, its characteristics are taken into account. It could be color, size or anything else. Working with characteristics allows you to avoid over-grading.

A product may have several characteristics. If products with different characteristics have the same barcode, then mobile device will prompt you to select the desired characteristic from the list.

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Microprocessor systems

"Data collection terminal driver"

Completed by: student

Borisova T.I. 22575

Checked by: Konyukhov M.I.

Yelabuga 2011


TSD Data collection terminal.

PC Personal computer.

OS Operating system.

Software Software.

VK External component for the 1C:ENTERPRISE v program system. 7.7.

LU Logical device.

ShK Barcode.

About data collection terminals

A data collection terminal (hereinafter referred to as a terminal, TSD) is a portable device designed to automate inventory, receipt and release of goods in warehouses or sales areas. Having a barcode scanner (built-in or external), an alphanumeric keyboard, an LCD display, autonomous power supply (rechargeable batteries or replaceable batteries), the ability to transfer data to a PC, small dimensions and weight, being simple and reliable in operation, the terminal becomes an invaluable assistant for storekeepers , commodity experts, managers of trading floors and other employees involved in recording and collecting information.

The TSD operating cycle usually looks like:

Clear TSD memory.

Enter information about products.

Make the necessary data corrections in the commodity accounting system.

Terminal diagram for HDD

Portable data collection terminals

Supported terminal models

This software supports the following TSD models:

ZEBEX: PDx-10 and PDx-20 series.

OPTICON: PHL, OPL series and model DWT7133. OPTICON terminals must be controlled by the “Task-M” application, developed by the Shtrikh-M company specifically for these terminals.

ZEBEX PDx series terminals

ZEBEX terminal software

In the EPROM memory of the TSD The ZEBEX PDx series houses an operating system called ROM Operation System (ROS). Its main functions are launching the TSD, managing memory, input/output, and executing tasks.

The ZEBEX TSD package includes a CD with the WinTaskGen program. This program allows you to create tasks and forms for collecting data and upload them to the TSD. WinTaskGen uses its own macro language to write tasks. WinTaskGen help file and WinTaskGen interface in English.

Users of the “Data Collection Terminal Driver version A3.0” have the ability to create and download forms for Zebex TSD using the built-in form editor. To learn how to use the form editor, see the chapter “Using the form editor.”

Connecting ZEBEX terminals

To work with the driver, set the terminal to the following state:

Install the TSD on a communication stand connected to the PC COM port with a cable, or (if you are using a PDx-10 model without a stand) connect the TSD to the PC COM port with a cable.

Set the exchange parameters (speed, parity, number of stop bits, data bit size) on the TSD to the ones you intend to use on your PC.

If the display is blank, turn on the terminal by pressing the button. A message indicating readiness for use appears on the display. For example, for PDL-20:

PDL-20 VER. 1.01

If the terminal is already turned on, then you need to press the button until the same message appears on the display. OPTICON terminals

This documentation describes the operation of the TSD under the control of the TASK-M version 3.0 application.

OPTICON terminal software

General information

Working with TSD Opticon is controlled by an application that can be downloaded from a PC via a special cradle or directly via cable. The application is downloaded using special software that is included with the driver. The TSD also has its own operating system, which can be loaded into the TSD using the same software.

Operating system files have the extension .hex (for OPL-s32)

Application files for TSD have the extension .s2 (for OPL-s32).

Data in the TSD is stored in the form of regular files. Text files in DOS format.

This documentation describes the operation of the TSD under the control of the TASK-M (Task Manager) application version 3.0. The original file name of this application for each TSD model:

T3P172.s2 - application for TSD PHL 1700-20.

T3P171.s2 - application for TSD PHL 1700-10.

T3P278.s2 - application for TSD PHL 2700.

T3P138.s2 - application for PHL 1300 TSD.

T3DWT.s2 - application for TSD DWT 7133.

T3OPL3.s32 - application for TSD OPL 9723.

T3OPL5.s32 - application for TSD OPL 9725.

T3OP81.s32 - application for TSD OPL 9728-1 MB.

T3OPL8.s32 - application for TSD OPL 9728-512 kB.

T3RFDC.s2 - application for TSD PHL2700RFDC.

Attention! Each TSD model corresponds only to its own application and OS.

Usually the TSD comes with software already installed in it, but sometimes it becomes necessary to update the built-in application or OS. To do this, below is a description of the sequence of actions for loading software into the TSD using a loader program.

Loading software into the OPTICON terminal

The driver package includes a program for loading software into TSD OPTICON. Before you start downloading, install the downloader program on your PC. Everything you need for this after installing the driver on your PC can be found at %Installation path (by default “C:\ProgramFiles\Shtrikh-M\TSD 3.0\”)%\Application\Opticon\Apploaders\SETUP. After installation, run the loader program (Appload.exe), which is included with the driver.

Before starting to download software to the TSD, connect the TSD or communication cradle to the COM port of the PC.

In the window that appears, select the SETTINGS main menu item.

Configure the sharing settings from your PC.

Note. The baud rate of the communication cradle is set at the bottom using switches. To set the baud rate, see the instructions for the communication cradle.

When downloading applications via the cradle, please note that it is important to set the baud rate correctly to the PC port on the cradle.

For the IRU 1600, set switches 1-8 to the default position (corresponding to 38400 baud): on, off, off, off, off, off, off, off.

For the IRU 1000 cradle, switches 1-6 (auto-speed detection): on, off, off, on, on, on.

For IRU 2700, switches 1-6 (19200 baud): on, off, off, off, off, on.

1. On TSD series PHL:

When loading via cable or through the IRU1000 stand: While holding down the [S] and buttons, press the PW button with the TSD turned off.

When loading through the IRU2700 stand: While holding down the [S] and buttons, with the PHL2700 turned off, press the PW button. Loading the OS onto PHL 1700 terminals can only be done via cable.

The red light on the terminal will light up. At this time, the old operating system and all files in the terminal will be deleted.

On DWT7133: press all buttons at once and install the TSD on the stand.

On OPL972x: install the TSD on the stand.

2. In the APPLOAD.EXE program, in the FILES menu, select the DOWNLOADS item.

A file selection dialog will appear.

3.Select the Operation system mask in the dialog and find required file operating system.

4. Having selected the desired file, click OK.

After the download is completed, the application will be launched on the terminal or, if it does not exist, the message: “Not Application”.

1.On TSD series PHL: While holding down the and buttons ( and [.] for PHL1300) on the TURNED OFF terminal, press the PW button.

On DWT7133 and OPL9723: press all buttons at once and install the TSD on the stand.

On OPL9725: install the TSD on the stand.

It will appear on the terminal system menu O.C.

2.Select Download Application.

3.Select the communication method: Via cable, via cradle or via IrDA.

In PHL1300 and OPL9725 the communication method is not selectable.

4.In the APPLOAD.EXE program, in the FILES menu, select the Download item.

A file selection dialog will appear.

3.Select the Application mask in the dialog and find the required application file.

5.Having selected the desired file, click OK.

After the download is complete, the application on the TSD will be launched immediately.

Connecting OPTICON terminals

Before you start, set the exchange parameters on the terminal.

To do this, from the main menu, go to the “Settings” item, then to the “COM PORT” item, then to the “Method” item and select the method by which data will be exchanged with the PC.

If you are using a communications cradle, set the baud rate on it to be equal to the baud rate set in the TSD.

Then return to the main menu again. Select item 3 of the main menu “Exchange with PC”. The display will show the following message:

TSD in mode

Sharing with PC

Method: xxxxx

Speed: xxxbaud

In this position, the OPTICON TSD is ready to work with this driver.


The terminal is connected to a PC using a communication stand that combines the functions charger and an interface cable connecting the terminal to the PC.

CRD-20 DB-9 connector and plug

There are two possible ways to exchange data with a PC:

* Data exchange with a PC via RS-232 interface via a COM port using a communication cradle.

* Infrared data exchange via the built-in IrDA communication port of the stand or PC.

RS-232C interface

The RS-232C interface is intended for connecting equipment that transmits or receives data (00D - data terminal equipment, or ADF - data transmission equipment; DTE - Data Terminal Equipment) to data channel terminal equipment (DCE--Data Communication Equipment). A computer, printer, plotter and other peripheral equipment can act as an ADF. The modem usually plays the role of the ADC. The ultimate purpose of the connection is to connect two ADF devices. The complete connection diagram is shown in Fig. 2.1; The interface allows you to exclude a remote communication channel together with a pair of AKD devices by connecting the devices directly using a null modem cable (Fig. 2.2).

Rice. 2.2. Connection via RS-232C with a null modem cable

The standard describes interface control signals, data transfer, electrical interface, and connector types. The standard provides for asynchronous and synchronous exchange modes, but COM ports support only asynchronous mode.

The RS-232C standard describes single-ended transmitters and receivers - the signal is transmitted relative to a common wire - circuit ground (balanced differential signals are used in other interfaces - for example, RS-422). The interface does not provide galvanic isolation of devices. A logical one corresponds to the voltage at the receiver input in the range from -12 to -3 V. For control signal lines, this state is called ON, for serial data lines - MARK. Logical zero corresponds to the range from +3 to +12 V. For control signal lines, the state is called OFF, and for serial data lines - SPACE. The range from -3 to +3 V is a dead zone that causes hysteresis of the receiver: the line state will be considered changed only after crossing the threshold (Fig. 2.3). The signal levels at the transmitter outputs must be in the ranges of -12 to -5 V and +5 to +12 V to represent one and zero, respectively. The potential difference between the circuit grounds (SG) of the connected devices should be less than 2 V; higher potential differences may cause misperception of signals. The interface assumes a protective ground for the connected devices if they are both AC powered and have line filters.


Connecting and disconnecting interface cables for devices with self-powered must be done with the power off. Otherwise, the difference in uneven potentials of devices at the time of switching may be applied to the output or input (which is more dangerous) interface circuits and damage the microcircuits.

The RS-232C standard regulates the types of connectors used.

On ADF equipment (including COM ports), it is customary to install PV-25R plugs or a more compact version - DB-9P. Nine-pin connectors do not have contacts for additional signals required for synchronous mode (most 25-pin connectors do not use these pins).

On AKD equipment (modems), DB-25S or DB-9S sockets are installed. This rule assumes that AKD connectors can be connected to ADF connectors directly or through adapter “straight” cables with a socket and plug, in which the contacts are connected “one to one” . Adapter cables can also be adapters from 9 to 25-pin connectors (Fig. 2.4).

If the ADF equipment is connected without modems, then the connectors of the devices (plugs) are connected to each other with a null-modem cable (Zero-modem, or Z-modem), which has sockets at both ends, the contacts of which are connected crosswise according to one of the diagrams shown in Fig. 2.5.

RS-232C interface

Rice. 2.3. Receiving RS-232C signals

Rice. 2.4. Modem connection cables

Rice. 2.5. Null modem cable: a - minimal, b - complete

If a socket is installed on any ADF device, it is almost 100% that it must be connected to another device with a straight cable, similar to the modem connection cable. The socket is usually installed on those devices that have remote connection via modem is not provided.

In table 2.1 shows the purpose of the contacts of the COM port connectors (and any other ADF data transmission equipment). The DB-25S connector pins are defined by the EIA/TIA-232-E standard, the DB-9S connector is defined by the EIA/TIA-574 standard. For modems (AKD), the names of the circuits and contacts are the same, but the roles of the signals (input-output) are reversed.

Table 2.1. RS-232C interface connectors and signals

Circuit designation

cable wire no.


remote PC connector

1 Ribbon cable for 8-bit multicards.

2 Ribbon cable for 16-bit multicards and ports on motherboards.

3 Option for ribbon cable ports on motherboards.

4 Wide ribbon cable to 25-pin connector.

Let's consider a subset of RS-232C signals related to asynchronous mode from the point of view of the PC COM port. For convenience, we will use the name mnemonic adopted in the descriptions of COM ports and most devices (it differs from the faceless designations RS-232 and V.24). Let us recall that the active state of the signal (“on”) and the logical unit of the transmitted data corresponds to the negative potential (below -3 V) of the interface signal, and the state “off” and logical zero corresponds to the positive potential (above +3 V). The purpose of the interface signals is given in table. 2.2. The normal sequence of control signals for the case of connecting a modem to a COM port is illustrated in Fig. 2.6.

Table 2.2. Purpose of RS-232C interface signals

Signal Purpose

PG Protected Ground - protective ground, connected to the device body and cable shield

SG Signal Ground -- signal (circuit) ground relative to which signal levels apply

TD Transmit Data -- serial data -- transmitter output

RD Receive Data -- serial data -- receiver input

RTS Request To Send -- data transfer request output: "enabled" state

notifies the modem that the terminal has data to transmit. In half-duplex mode, it is used to control direction - the “on” state serves as a signal to the modem to switch to transmit mode

CIS Clear To Send - input allowing the terminal to send data. State

“off” prohibits data transfer. The signal is used for hardware flow control

DSR Data Set Ready - input of the readiness signal from the data transmission equipment (the modem is connected to the channel in operating mode and has completed its coordination with the equipment at the opposite end of the channel)

DTR Data Terminal Ready - output signal that the terminal is ready for data exchange.

The "on" state keeps the switched circuit in a connected state

DCD Data Carrier Detected -- remote modem carrier detection signal input

Rl Ring Indicator - call indicator input. In a switched channel, this signal is used by the modem to indicate that the call has been accepted.

Rice. 2.6. Interface control signal sequence

By setting DTR, the computer indicates its desire to use a modem.

By installing DSR, the modem signals that it is ready and that the connection has been established.

With the RTS signal, the computer requests permission to transmit and declares its readiness to receive data from the modem.

With the CTS signal, the modem notifies that it is ready to receive data from the computer and transmit it to the line.

By removing CTS, the modem signals that further reception is impossible (for example, the buffer is full) - the computer must pause data transmission.

With the CTS signal, the modem allows the computer to continue transmission (to the Communications via COM port

The terminal communicates with a PC via a COM port via the interface

RS-232C. To connect the terminal to the COM port, you must perform the following steps:

1. Turn off your PC and terminal.

2. Insert the 9-pin DB-9 connector

communication cable

stands, in 9-pin

PC serial COM port.

Connect the power adapter to the connector as shown in the figure.

If the serial COM port

PC - 25 pin, then necessary

use an adapter for

COM port (from 9 to 25 pin),

which can be purchased


3. Turn on your PC.

4. Turn on the terminal.

5. Launch the necessary software with which data will be exchanged.

Communication via IrDA port

Communication between the terminal and a PC via the IrDA interface allows data exchange at a small (about 10-20 cm) distance from the PC. A communication stand or the IrDA port built into the PC can be used as an IR receiver. This communication method can be convenient when using the terminal with a laptop.

To use the IrDA protocol, it must be supported by both the client software and the internal software of the terminal.

Note: At the time of writing this manual, the ability to communicate via the IrDA interface was not supported in the internal software. This feature should appear in next versions Software from the terminal manufacturer.

Procedure for connecting the terminal to a PC via the IrDA interface:

1. Point the red IrDA elements located on the top of the terminal (see “Device Structure”) directly to the IR receiver (IR receiver elements on the communication cradle or the IrDA port of the PC).

2. Enable the infrared data transmission function in the terminal.

3. Make sure that the distance between the stand and the terminal does not exceed 20 cm.

Installing and using the driver

Description of the operating principle of the driver

All PC operations with TSD are carried out under the control of a program running on the PC.

This section will describe the “Driver” circuit element. This description is intended primarily for programmers creating their own software for working with TSD.

The internal organization of the driver is such that it can be used as Server Automation or an external component for the 1C: Enterprise program system versions 7.7.

Driver protection strategy

The driver can be used to work with Zebex TSD only if there is a security key. A security key is not required to work with the Opticon TSD.

This driver can be used as part of any commercial programs when specifying a link to the Shtrikh-M Scientific and Technical Center.

The latest software versions can be found on our Web server:

Driver installation and registration

Automatic installation

Insert the CD into your CD drive and select the file\Driver\Setup.exe, press Enter.

The driver installation program will launch on your PC:

The installation program window will appear on the screen. To continue the installation, click the “Next>>” button.

Carefully read the messages displayed by the program. This will help you avoid annoying mistakes.

Specify the directory in which you want to place the drivers, test utility, documentation, examples and other files included in the package.

Select installation type:

- Full installation

- Optional installation

To install all components of the TSD driver, select “Full installation”.

Specify the main menu program group in which the link to the test utility should be placed. The test utility will be placed in the “Tests” subgroup of the specified group.

Click next to begin the installation and wait until all necessary modules are copied and registered.

If the security key driver has not been installed or has been removed, a prompt will appear on the screen to install it.

It is usually not necessary to configure the security key driver, but if you do, click Configure Driver. see also

\Guardant\INSTDRV.txt in the directory specified during installation.

After all files have been copied to the PC’s hard drive and the necessary registrations have been made, a window will appear indicating the successful completion of the installation. Click the "OK" button to exit the program.

Note: When installing the driver, the VCL50.BPL library is placed in the Windows system directory.

You can find out the driver version on its properties page. To do this, click on the “About” button on this page.

You can unregister the driver by running: RegSvr32.exe /u Terminals.dll

You can find out the location of the driver file by running:

a) run RegEdit.exe

b) go to the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID

c) press Ctrl+F

d) enter the name of the driver object (AddIn.Terminals and press Enter

e) if the string was not found, then the driver is not in the system


f) press F3 to continue searching

g) above the found subkey there is a subkey InprocServer32

h) the default value of this subkey stores the name of the driver file used by the system when calling the driver as an OLE-Automation server; to view (after searching) press Tab, Up Arrow, Up Arrow

Configuring driver settings

To get started, you need to configure the driver. This is easy to do using the test utility supplied with the driver:

Connect the TSD to the PC.

Run the test utility.

Open the driver properties page (the “Properties settings” button).

Click the "Search for Equipment" button.

Search for all TSDs connected to the PC by clicking the “Search” button.

Note: If you deliberately search for ZEBEX TSD, it is recommended to use the “Search only ZEBEX TSD” button, which will significantly reduce the search time.

Create a LU structure so that it is convenient for you to work with it:

* button - add a new LU;

* button - delete current LU;

* button - change the name of the current LU;

The current LU is indicated in the Current Logical Device field. You can make the current LU by clicking the button and selecting the desired LU from the list that appears.

Configure each LU to the required communication parameters.

You can check the correctness of the settings of any LU using the following sequence of actions:

* make the current LU configured for this TSD;

* click the “Test connection” button;

– in the “Result” field the TSD type should be displayed, for example, “PDL-20 Terminal version 1.01 ID: _”.

During operation, to “switch” the driver from one piece of equipment to another, simply select the appropriate LU (on the driver properties page, the “Current Device” field). For the utility to work with the TSD, you need to occupy the port - check the “Device is on” checkbox (there is a checkmark). If the device is not turned on, then work with the equipment will not be carried out.

Test utility TestTerminals.exe

Purpose and capabilities of the utility

The utility is designed to familiarize developers with the principles of using the driver and allows you to:

Configure the driver.

Read data stored in the TSD memory

Load data into the TSD memory.

Load tasks into the memory of the ZEBEX TSD and applications into the OPTICON TSD.

Delete data in the TSD memory.

Visually configure the TSD parameters (including the form format).

Main window of the utility

After launching the utility, the main window of the utility will appear on the screen:

Creating a new table form with the number of fields equal to the number of fields in the form specified in “Form number”.

Addition new entry to the end of the table.

Inserts a new record at a specified location in the table.

Deleting the current (highlighted) entry.

Opens the Search window. See below for more details.

Erases all data from the tabular part of the test utility.

Add a column to the table section

Delete a column in the table section

"Device on" flag

Enables the current LU (for more details, see the DeviceEnabled property).

Add data from the table to the specified form in the TSD.

Erase the data stored in the form with the number specified in “Form number” in the TSD memory. (see Clear method).

Opens the visual properties page of the driver. (See the ShowProperties method for more details).

Open the logical device settings window.

Flag "Progress bar"

Whether or not to show the progress window when working with data (loading/uploading data, tasks, etc.). See the ShowProgress property for more details.

Field "Form number"

Specifies the number of the current TSD form. (see the FormNumber property for more details).

File name field, button

This field specifies the file name (full path) to perform various operations of loading data from and into a file. The button is used to select a file using the standard file selection dialog box.

"Result" field

Error codes are displayed in this field.

Result Description field

Field "Field number"

This field indicates the number of the field in which data will be searched by key.

Search Key field

This field indicates the string (search key) by which data is searched when retrieving data from the TSD by key.

Fields “Record selection from ... to ...”

These fields indicate the minimum and maximum values ​​of record numbers for obtaining data from the TSD by record number.

Fields in the “Number of fields in the form” panel: “For input”, “For reading”, “For writing”

Shows the number of fields in the form intended for loading from the terminal (“For writing”), for reading (“For reading”) and the total number of fields created in the form (“For input”). These values ​​can be different only in TSD under the control of the “Task-m” application starting from version 3.0. For more information, see the application description and the “Creating tasks” chapter.

Updates the values ​​in the Number of Form Fields panel

“Files and tasks” tab:

Field “File name in TSD”

The name of the file in the TSD memory is entered into this field to upload the file from the TSD. (see UploadFile method).

Uploading a file from TSD to a PC. (see UploadFile method). The file name in the TSD is set in the “File name in TSD” field. The file name on the PC is set in the "File" field.

Deleting a file in the TSD. (see EraseFile method). The file name in the TSD is set in the “File name in TSD” field.

Deleting form settings along with its data in the OPTICON TSD. (see EraseFile method)

Logical Device Configuration window

The window opens by clicking the “Logical Devices” button or selecting the “Properties/Logical Devices” menu item on the main form of the utility.

Fields “Index”, “Number” and “Total quantity”

The “Index” and “Number” fields allow you to switch LUs (by index and number). See the CurrentDeviceIndex, CurrentDeviceNumber, and DeviceCount properties. The Total Quantity field shows the total number of driver logical devices.

Add button

Adds one LU (see AddDevice method).

Delete button

Deletes the current LU (see DeleteDevice method).

"Set parameters" button

Saves changes to the current LU parameter settings.

Close button

Closes the window for working with LU and returns control main form utilities.

Field "Name"

Contains the name of the current LU. In this field you can specify a new name for the current LU. See the CurrentDeviceName property.

Fields “Port number”, “Speed”, “Timeout”, “Parity”, “Data bits”, “Stop bits”

The fields specify the communication parameters of the current LU. See properties PortNumber, BaudRate, Timeout, Parity, DataBits, StopBits.

"Device on" flag

Enable the current LU (see the DeviceEnabled property).

Result fields

Error messages are displayed in this field.

"Block devices" flag

see the LockDevices property.

Logic devices

Logical device - a set of driver properties that has unique number and an optional name. There can be from 1 to 99 such sets (devices) at a time. This allows, once you have configured several sets of properties, to quickly apply the necessary parameters simply by switching devices. The device number is assigned automatically when it is created and cannot be changed. The device name can be changed at any time.

The current device is the device whose properties are currently available for reading and editing. All driver methods work with the properties of this particular device. To change the properties of another device, you must first make it current.

Logical device index - serial number devices in the driver's list of existing logical devices. That is, when a new logical device is created, it is assigned the minimum free number, and the indices are recalculated so that the numbers are in order. When a logical device is removed from the “middle” of the device list, the numbers of the remaining devices do not change, but the indices are changed so that a continuous series of values ​​is again obtained.

For example, there were three logical devices numbered: 1, 2 and 3 with indices 0, 1 and 2 respectively; after removing logical device number 2, a “hole” will appear, i.e. You can make logical device number 1 or 3 current, but not 2. However, the index of device number 3 has changed from “2” to “1”. When creating a new logical device, it will be assigned number 2 and index 1 (for device No. 3 the index will change from 1 to 2). Such “gaps in numbers” create certain problems when working with devices, for this reason the concept of logical device index was introduced.

Driver programming

Data types

This chapter uses types to describe data:

Driver connection

Different programming languages ​​use different syntax; we will give here only an example for “1C: TRADE AND WAREHOUSE” v. 7.7.

The driver object name is "AddIn.Terminals".

Example of a global configuration module 1C: ENTERPRISE:

Variable Trm Export; // Global variable to work with the driver

Variable Result; // Service variable

. . . // Section for describing global procedures

Result = LoadExternalComponent("Terminals.dll");

// Initialization of global. variable if the component is found

If Result = 1 Then Trm = CreateObject("AddIn.Terminals");

Else Report("External component not found.");


//After this, you can access the properties and methods of the driver
// in all modules:

// Call driver method

If Trm.AddDevice()< 0

// Accessing a property

Then Report("Error:" + String(Trm.ResultDescription));


Driver Methods

Almost all driver methods are functions, that is, they return a value. Many of them return the error code that occurred when executing this method (the error code is also entered in the ResultCode property, and its description in the ResultDescription). When called, methods can use or modify properties:

* - as a result of executing the method, the values ​​of the specified properties are updated. As already mentioned, each method also enters the error code in the ResultCode property, and its description in the ResultDescription.

Methods for working with logical devices


Return type: Integer / Whole.

Method for creating a new logical device (the number and index are assigned automatically, and the name of the new device is set to “Untitled”). Returns the error code.

Actions taken:

If DeviceCount = 99, then -7 is returned and the LU creation process is interrupted.

A new LU is created (all properties with the property type “L” take on the current values).

DeviceCount is increased by one.

The new LU is assigned the minimum of the unoccupied numbers.

Indexes are recalculated:

LUs are sorted in ascending order of numbers;

The LU with the minimum number is assigned an index of 0, the next _ 1,..., the LU with the maximum number is assigned an index (DeviceCount - 1).

The created LU is made current.

See also: CurrentDeviceNumber, CurrentDeviceIndex, DeviceCount, and CurrentDeviceName properties.


Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

The method is intended to delete the current logical device. It is important to remember that you cannot remove all devices (at least one must remain), so when you try to remove the last logical device, the method returns -8. Be careful - it is impossible to undo the deletion.

See also: CurrentDeviceNumber, CurrentDeviceIndex, and DeviceCount properties.

Methods for reading data from TSD memory


Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

The report start method reads all data from the terminal memory into the PC memory (driver buffer). The number of the form from which data is read is specified in FormNumber.

See also: DeviceEnabled, ShowProgress, Field1...Field16 properties and EndReport and GetRecord methods.


Type return value: Integer / Integer.

Returns the error code.

The report start method reads data from the terminal memory into the PC memory (driver buffer), selecting only those records whose field, the number of which is contained in SearchFieldNumber, contains a value equal to the current value of the KeySearch property. The number of the form from which data is read is specified in FormNumber. The driver buffer must be cleared before executing the method, otherwise the method returns -10 and the report will not be received. If the ShowProgress property contains TRUE, then when reading data from the TSD, a window with a progress bar will be displayed on the PC screen. To execute a method necessary condition: DeviceEnabled = TRUE.

See also: DeviceEnabled, SearchFieldNumber, KeySearch, ShowProgress, Field1...Field16 properties and EndReport and GetRecord methods.


Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

The report start method reads data records from the terminal memory into the PC memory (driver buffer). Records are read starting from record number MinRecNumber and ending with number MaxRecNumber. The number of the form from which data is read is specified in FormNumber.

The driver buffer must be cleared before executing the method, otherwise the method returns -10 and the report will not be received.

If the ShowProgress property contains TRUE, then when reading data from the TSD, a window with a progress bar will be displayed on the PC screen.

To execute the method, the necessary condition is: DeviceEnabled = TRUE.

See also: properties DeviceEnabled, MinRecNumber, MaxRecNumber, ShowProgress , Field1...Field16 and EndReport and GetRecord methods.


Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

The method finishes working with report data and clears the internal driver buffer.

See also: BeginReport and GetRecord methods.


Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

Command to receive the next report record from the driver buffer. The logic of the driver is as follows: all fields of the next record are placed in the corresponding properties in text form. The first field is in the Field1 property, the second is in Field2... the sixteenth is in Field16. If there are fewer than 16 fields in the form, then the Fieldx properties, where x is greater than the actual number of fields in the current form, should be ignored.

The structure of these fields (purpose, type) depends on the settings of the terminal form. You can quickly and clearly customize the form using the form editor, accessible from the visual properties page (the “Form Editor” button).

If you try to get a record before the start of the report (BeginReport) or after it is closed using the EndReport method, GetRecord will return error -10.

See also: properties Field1 ... Field16 and methods BeginReport and EndReport.

GetField(FieldNumber: Integer)

Return type: WideString / String.

Returns the Param number field.

A command to obtain a field with the number specified as a function parameter from the next report record from the driver buffer

See also: properties Field1 ... Field16 and methods GetRecord, BeginReport and EndReport.


Return type: WideString / String.

Returns the title of the read form from the file's internal buffer.

To execute the method, the necessary condition is: DeviceEnabled = TRUE.

See also: FormNumber property and GetRecord method.

SaveToFile(Param1: WideString)
WriteToFile(Parameter: String)

Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

The method writes data from the form with FormNumber to a file named Param1(Parameter). For file format, see LoadFromFile description.

To execute the method, the necessary condition is: DeviceEnabled = TRUE.

See also: FormNumber property, LoadFromFile method.

DownLoadFile(TFile: WideString; PCFile: WideString)

Returns the error code.


Uploads the contents of a file from the TSD named Tfile to a file named PCFile.

See also: UploadFile method.

Methods for writing data to TSD memory


Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

Preparing the internal driver buffer for loading data into PDx. The buffer is formed by adding rows with the AddInTable command.

The driver's internal buffer must be cleared, otherwise the method will return error -10 and the operation will not be completed.

See also: AddInTable , ClearTable and DownLoadTable methods.

AddInTable(Param1: WideStr)
AddToTable(Parameter: String)

Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

The method adds the string Param1 (Parameter) to the buffer when creating a table for loading into PDx.

The loading table is formed according to the following algorithm:








where x is the number of fields in the record;

y - number of records;


Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

The method loads data from the internal buffer into the TSD form with FormNumber. The old data in the TSD form is deleted. After executing this method, the driver buffer is cleared.

To execute the method, the necessary condition is: DeviceEnabled = TRUE.

See also: FormNumber property.


Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

The method adds data from the internal buffer to the TSD form with FormNumber. The old data in the form of TSD is retained. After executing this method, the driver buffer is cleared.

To execute the method, the necessary condition is: DeviceEnabled = TRUE.

See also: FormNumber property.


Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

Clears the internal driver buffer when creating a table for loading into the TSD.

See also: FormNumber property.

LoadFromFile(Param1: WideString)
LoadFromFile(Parameter: String)

Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

Used only for ZEBEX TSD.

Writes data from a file (*.ULD) to the TSD form with FormNumber.

The data in the file must be in a special format:

1st line: Form title;

The following lines are records whose fields are separated by a space;

This format (*.ULD file) is used in the WinTaskGen program, supplied with the ZEBEX terminal, when working with data, as well as in the LoadFromFile and SaveToFile methods of this driver.

See also: FormNumber property, LoadFromFile and SaveToFile methods.

UploadFile(FileName: WideString)

Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.


Loads a file from a PC with the name FileName into the TSD.

See also: Download File method.

Additional Methods


Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the number of records in the form.

The command to get the number of records in the form, the number of which is specified in the FormNumber property.

To execute the method, the necessary condition is: DeviceEnabled = TRUE.

See also: FormNumber property.

Return type: Byte/Unsigned integer.
Returns the number of fields in a form entry.

A command to get the number of fields in a form record whose number is specified in FormNumber.

To execute the method, the necessary condition is: DeviceEnabled = TRUE.

See also: FormNumber property.


Return type: WideString / String.

Returns the name of the form.

The command to get the name of the form whose number is specified in FormNumber.

To execute the method, the necessary condition is: DeviceEnabled = TRUE.

See also: FormNumber property.


Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

This method erases all data in the form (the form number is specified in FormNumber) of the terminal. After this command, all data in the terminal memory is irretrievably lost.

To execute the method, the necessary condition is: DeviceEnabled = TRUE.

See also: DeviceEnabled property.

LoadTask(Param1: WideStr)
LoadTask(Parameter: String)

Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

For Zebex: Load a task from a file named Param1(Parameter). File format - *.TSL. The task file is software for the ZEBEX TSD, developed in the WINTASKGEN environment, which is supplied with the ZEBEX TSD (on CD).

For OPTICON: Not supported. Applications are downloaded using special software. You can also load the application file into the TSD memory and then use the corresponding command in the TSD application.

Before calling the method, you must delete all data in all TSD forms.

To execute the method, the necessary condition is: DeviceEnabled = TRUE.

LoadFormFromFile(Param1: WideString)
LoadFormFromFile(Parameter: String)

Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

Loads a form from a file named Param1. File format - (*.TSF) or, for TASK-M applications version 3.0: (*.OTF).

Development of *.TSF forms can be done using the “Form Editor” on the properties page of this driver or in the WINTASKGEN environment, which is supplied with the ZEBEX TSD (on CD). *.OTF forms are developed by the task editor, available on the driver properties page.


Return value type: Integer.

Returns the error code.


Deleting settings and form data with FormNumber.

EraseFile(FileName: WideString)
DeleteForm (FileName: String)

Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.


Deleting a file named FileName in the OPTICON TSD.

SetTime(TimeString: WideString)
SetTime(Time: String)

Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

Sets the time in the TSD. Sent string format: HH/MM/SS.

H - hours, M - minutes, S - seconds. For example, “09/11/00” - 9 hours, 11 minutes, 0 seconds.

SetDate(DateString: WideString)
SetDate (Date: String)

Return type: Integer / Whole.

Returns the error code.

Only for OPTICON TSD (TASK-M from version 3.0)

Sets the date in the TSD. Sent string format: MM/DD/YY.

GetTime() : WideString
GetTime() : String

Returns a string containing the time received from the TSD.

Only for OPTICON TSD (TASK-M from version 3.0)

Received time format: HH/MM/SS, as in the SetTime method.

GetDate() : WideString
GetDate() : String

Return type: WideString/String.

Returns a string obtained from the TSD containing the date.

Only for OPTICON TSD (TASK-M from version 3.0)

Received date format: MM/DD/YY, as in the SetDate method.

ShowProperties () driver utility editor given

The method displays a visual property page through which you can:

add, change and delete LUs

configure communication parameters with equipment

check connection with equipment

search for the COM port to which the equipment is connected

This method cannot be called if the driver is used as an external component for 1C:ENTERPRISE system programs. In this case, the properties page can be displayed by selecting the “Tools/Options...” menu item on the “Data collection terminal settings” tab.

By clicking the “Test Connection” button on the properties page:

The type and number of the TSD is requested (if DeviceEnabled = FALSE for the current LU, then the driver temporarily occupies the port).

If the operation failed, a description of the error is displayed in the “Result:” field.

If the data is successfully received, then a line is displayed in the “Result:” field, for example: “PDL-20 terminal version 1.01 ID: _”.

By clicking the “Equipment Search” button, a standard equipment search window appears on the screen:

“Search” starts a search (on all available ports of a given PC, the driver tries to request the TSD ID). For each port, the search is carried out until the first correct answer. The “Search Result” field contains records only about the successful discovery of equipment.

“Search only for Zebex TSD” starts a search (on all available ports of this PC, the driver tries to request the ID of the Zebex TSD) only for Zebex TSD. The presence of this operation is due to the fact that the search for only the ZEBEX TSD is carried out much faster than the OPTICON TSD.

“Abort” - interrupts the search.

“Close” - closes the search window. Search results do not affect the properties of the LU driver in any way.

By clicking the “System parameters” button on the properties page, if there is a connection with the TSD, then the “ System settings terminal":

By clicking the “Barcode Parameters” button on the properties page, the “Decoder Modes” window opens:

By clicking the “Terminal task configuration tools” button on the properties page, the “Development tools” window opens:

Here you can select one of the built-in editors available in the driver for developing forms or tasks. Moreover, the task editor can only be used for TSD running “Task-m” starting from version 3.0.

For information on how to use the Form Editor, see the chapter “Using the Form Editor.”

For information on how to use the Task Editor, see the chapter “Creating forms using the Task Editor.”

By clicking the “About the program” button on the properties page, the “About the program” window opens:

If an Internet browser is installed on the system, then click on to open the www page “Shtrih-M”. If you have an email system installed on your system, click [email protected] to create a letter to the service technical support And [email protected] to create a letter to the Shtrikh-M information service.

Driver Properties

English name

Russian-language name

Data type


Exchange Rate








Data Bits

Number of Devices





Field1 ... Field16

Empty drain

Form Number



Port Number



Description of the result

"No errors"



Number of Fields

Number of records




Search Key

MinRecord Number



Number of FieldsWin

Number of FieldsLoad

1 - There are two types of access to a property: RW - the property is writable and readable, R - the property is read-only.

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“ATOL: Data Collection Terminal Driver” is a software component (driver) designed to work with various models of data collection terminals.


A data collection terminal is a portable device used primarily to automate trading processes.

  • Carrying out an inventory
  • Reception and release of goods in warehouses or sales areas.
  • Selection of orders, etc.

The terminal can operate autonomously from rechargeable batteries, so you can take it with you to any remote site (warehouse, sales floor, etc.) to collect data such as: barcode quantity, etc.

Depending on the model, the data collection terminal may have: a built-in or external barcode scanner, internal memory, alphanumeric keyboard, LCD display. Simplicity and reliability in operation, small dimensions and weight make the data collection terminal an invaluable assistant for storekeepers, merchandise managers, sales floor managers and other employees involved in accounting and collecting information.

Cycle of work with the data collection terminal:

  1. Clear terminal memory
  2. Enter product information. To do this, scan the barcode or enter it manually. Additionally, for example, information about the quantity of goods can be entered. Repeat entering product data as many times as necessary (until all information is collected).
  3. Connect the terminal to the computer.
  4. Using the data collection terminal driver, upload data to inventory or cash register software.
  5. Process the data: control the balances in the warehouse (inventory), fill out the tabular part of the document with selected goods (issue of goods), etc.

Using the driver, your program can: receive the necessary information from the data collection terminal, configure device parameters, set the format and rules for the input data!


Visual customization

"ATOL: Data Collection Terminal Driver" has a visual properties page that makes it easier to work with each of the connected devices. Using the properties page, you can easily configure the necessary parameters for working with the data collection terminal (connection port, data transfer speed, etc.) and visually check the work with the devices - the client application does not need to program these parameters or create its own user interface to configure them.

The driver provides automatic saving and restoration of settings for working with connected devices.

Search for connected equipment

The driver has the ability to search for connected equipment. A convenient and simple dialog has been implemented for searching. With its help, you can quickly determine the parameters of data collection terminals connected to a PC.

Connecting multiple terminals to different ports of one PC

The driver can work with several terminals from one workstation, for which a “logical devices” mechanism is implemented. A logical device is a set of connection parameters with a specific data collection terminal.

Visually on the driver properties page (or programmatically - using methods and properties) you can create and configure the required number of logical devices and connect to the selected terminal using predefined connection parameters.

Setting system parameters

Through the methods and properties of the driver, you can configure the system parameters of the terminal (date and time, sound, screen backlight, etc.), obtain information about the type of connected terminal, the amount of occupied and free memory, and much more.

Setting up readable barcodes

The driver allows you to flexibly set the settings for readable barcodes and set the barcode prefix and suffix. You can immediately check the correctness of the configured parameters on the visual form of the driver by simply clicking on the “Scan” button.

Setting the terminal data format

Using the driver, you can set different logic for the terminal’s behavior when entering data, as well as determine the structure of the input data. For example, you can configure the terminal in such a way that after reading the barcode, a prompt to enter a quantity will appear on the device’s display (and while entering the quantity, the device itself will control that it does not go beyond the set range of values).

Such terminal settings make the user's work more understandable and convenient and can eliminate a large number of errors.

Working with a terminal connected to a remote PC over a network

The driver supports Microsoft DCOM technology, which ensures interaction between software components located on different machines on the network. You can configure the driver so that your program will interact with a terminal connected to another computer on the network. In this case, the user will not feel any differences between working with this terminal and a terminal connected locally.

Supported Hardware

Currently, the driver supports the following models of data collection terminals:

  • "MobileLogistics v.4»:
  • All terminals with a pre-installed system Mobile Logistics Lite»:
  • Zebex PDX
  • Zebex Z-1050
  • Zebex Z-2030
  • CipherLab CPT-7XX
  • CipherLab CPT-8XXX
  • … (Stay tuned)

OS Compatibility

Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7

Software compatibility

All Windows development tools that support OLE Automation technology:

  • Delphi · C++ Builder
  • Microsoft Visual C++
  • Microsoft Visual Basic
  • Microsoft Visual Fox Pro
  • Microsoft Office applications with VBA (Excel Word Access, etc.)
  • Navision Axapta
  • 1C: Enterprise versions 7.5 7.7 8.0 8.1
  • and etc.


"ATOL: Data Collection Terminal Driver" is an external component and has been tested for compatibility with the 1C: Enterprise program system versions 7.7 8.0 8.1 and works with them as:

  • ActiveX
  • External component.

The presence of the “1C-compatible” sign indicates that this software product has been tested for compatibility with the 1C program system by specialists from the 1C company. The mark also indicates that the developer, ATOL Technologies, has been awarded 1C:Franchisee status.

Terms of distribution

"ATOL: Data Collection Terminal Driver" is a commercial product and is protected from copying by an electronic security key.
Without a security key, the driver will work in demo mode in which you can write to the TSD and read from it no more than 10 records.

"ATOL: Data Collection Terminal Driver" is free when working with terminal models using the following systems:

  • "Mobile Logistics"
  • "ATOL: Moble Logistics Lite"

Attention! To use the driver in a terminal session, a multi-user version is required. However, ATOL Group of Companies does not guarantee the correct operation of the driver in the terminal session and reserves the right, at its own discretion, to refuse consultations in the event of such organization of the driver’s work.

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