Fast indexing in Yandex how. Yandex Webmaster tools are available without registration. What does indexing speed depend on?

What is site indexing in search engines known to many webmasters.

They are looking forward to updating the search database in order to enjoy the indexing results or to find and correct optimization errors that interfere with high-quality indexing and further promotion of the site.

Thanks to high-quality indexing of sites on the Internet, you can find anything you want.
How does the indexing system work in major search engines?

Search engines have robot programs (search bots) that constantly “walk” along links in search of new pages. If they find a new page that meets the requirements of the search engine's algorithm, it is included in the search results and indexed.

Fig: Indexing helps you find sites The most valuable and at the same time complex are the search engine algorithms by which they select pages for their search base. U different search engines

they are their own: some are better, others are a little simpler. This also needs to be taken into account when indexing a site.

They say that you can find anything on the Internet. How can you find it?

Right! Thanks to high-quality site indexing.

How to add a site to the search engine index?

To speed up indexing, many recommend registering your site in social bookmarking systems. This is really justified, because... search robots (programs that perform indexing) visit such sites very often. If they see a link to your resource there, it won’t take long for it to be indexed.

You can register your site in search engines and social bookmarks either independently or entrust this matter to companies that deal with website promotion.

Why is indexing needed?

Do you need a website that increases your company's sales and promotes your products? Or maybe you need a website that generates profit in itself? Maybe you want to lead Personal diary and get paid for it?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should at least have a general idea of ​​what site indexing in search engines is.

Follow the main condition - create a website “for people”, convenient and with unique content.

Indeed, if your site is not in the search results of the largest search engines (Yandex, Google, Rambler...), then you may not even hope to make a profit and promote your products or services. The website will be an extra burden, eating away at the company’s budget for its maintenance.

A completely different situation will arise if the site is indexed. Moreover, the more pages that are indexed, the better. The main thing that is necessary for successful indexing is the optimization and uniqueness of the site’s content.

Search engines are developing rapidly, indexing algorithms are constantly being improved. Now it is no longer difficult for search engines to identify plagiarism or unreadable text. Therefore, follow the main condition that is necessary for successful indexing - create a site “for people”, convenient and with unique content.

Site indexing not only provides a large number of targeted visitors (which ultimately affects the sales of your company’s products), it also contributes to the development of the project itself and can guide the site owner along a more promising path to expand their Internet project.

How often does indexing occur on the Internet?

A person who knows a little about Internet terminology probably knows what “up” is. But only those who are involved in the promotion and promotion of sites know what search base upgrading or indexing updating is.

We understand that data in search engines cannot be updated constantly. This is fraught not only with banal server overloads, but also with equipment failure. Of course, small databases can constantly change their state, but if we are talking about search engine databases that are responsible for indexing sites, then this is a completely different matter.

Imagine the huge number of requests the indexing database receives every second. What will happen to it if the indexing information changes at the same time? Naturally, it may not hold up, as was observed at the dawn of the development of search engines.

Today this problem has been solved quite

in a universal way

  1. : indexing data from search robots is stored in temporary databases, and the “main” database is updated with a delay of several days. Therefore, sites are indexed in major search engines quite quickly and without any glitches.

  2. Preparing the site for indexing. Many novice webmasters on specialized forums ask the same question: how to properly prepare a website for indexing. Perhaps these recommendations will help you: Successful indexing requires high-quality, unique content. This is perhaps the first and main condition. If your site uses “stolen” content, then the likelihood that indexing will be successful is low. Don't use “gray” and “black-hat” methods of page optimization: abandon the list once and for all keywords

  3. in the color of the page background, as well as various iframe structures. If the search engine robot suspects you of such violations, then

  4. Domain name

  5. will be generally prohibited for indexing.

As you can see, the tips are quite simple. But for some reason, many novice SEOs do not pay enough attention to them, and then complain that the indexing of their sites is delayed for several months.

Other materials

Until the search engine indexes the site page, it will not participate in its search results. A search engine can find out about a site in two ways:

  1. from the webmaster. Why do you need to add the URL of a web document to the Yandex add-on or Google(from English add url).
  2. by navigating to site pages via links from other indexed web documents.

On this blog, I encountered a situation where, without any problems, Yandex only indexed Home page, but the internal ones did not participate in the search. Google did not experience similar inattention. There, you could almost instantly notice your article in the search results.

Why is the site not indexed in Yandex?

  1. Google enters all pages of a site into its database: high-quality and low-quality, indiscriminately. But only useful web documents [not to be confused] are included in the ranking. Yandex does not immediately include web junk. You can force it to index any page, but over time the search engine will remove the garbage. Both systems have an additional index. For both systems, low-quality pages affect the ranking of the site as a whole. On the last point there is an official statement [see. Google blog] and simple logic. A particular person’s favorite sites will be in higher positions in his search results. But this same person will have difficulty finding a site that failed to interest him last time. Therefore, first you need to block duplicate web documents from indexing, check whether there are pages with missing content and not allow worthless content into the search results.
  2. "Check URL" in Webmaster.Yandex will remind you what or what the server is delivering.
  3. If you purchased a supported domain that was subject to sanctions, you need to write to the support service something like Hello. On January 1, 2000, the domain was acquired. On January 20, 2000, the site was added to Webmaster and Addurilka. After three weeks it was not indexed. Please tell me, can a domain cause poor indexing?

How to speed up indexing in Yandex

  1. Confirm rights to manage the site in Yandex.Webmaster.
  2. Publish a link to the article in . Since 2012, Yandex has signed an agreement with him.
  3. Install Yandex Browser on your computer and navigate the pages of the site using it.
  4. Add . There, in the “Indexing” column, you can enter your URLs manually, just like in Adduril. [not relevant ]
  5. Install the Yandex.Metrica code without checking the "Prohibition of sending pages for indexing" checkbox.
  6. Create Sitemap file. Then, upon arrival to the site, the robot will first check it. This file exists only for him and is not visible to the audience. It consists of a list of page URLs. Newly created or with updated content are at the top. The Sitemap address is registered in robots.txt or in the appropriate form in Webmaster - "Indexing settings" - "Sitemap files".

Additional actions when Yandex has indexed only 1 page

  1. How often the page is updated is how often search robot will reindex it. Basically, the content changes periodically on the "site map" and Home pages. The more often new articles are published, the more often the above-mentioned pages will be updated and indexed using the links inside them new material.
  2. If you make a cross-cutting block on all pages with the latest written publications, then the search robot can go to new entry from any website page he visited. And it will be faster. Links in an end-to-end block should not be implemented by a script; there is no need for them.
  3. Sites that have , can register in the Yandex.blogs directory, and from there the data will be transferred to the main robot.
  4. Leave links to your articles on frequently updated resources: “LiveJournal”, “, “”, etc.

Database update - issue update(s)- occurs on average once a week. If all the above actions did not help, which I have never had, then you should write a letter to the support service, telling them what was done, a little about the site, that it is regularly updated, that people are interested in it, give a couple of links to the best articles as examples. If a resource has low traffic due to its narrow subject matter, you need to talk about it. For example, say that the project does not plan for large attendance, since it was created for the society of lepidopterologists who study butterflies of the Lepidoptera family. If the site is commercial, then indicate that there is a real organization behind it.

Every webmaster knows that in order for people to start visiting his resource from search engines, it needs to be indexed. We will talk about what site indexing is, how it is carried out, and what its meaning is in this article.

What is indexing?

So, the word “indexation” itself means entering something into a register, a census of materials that are available. The same principle applies to website indexing. In fact, this process can also be called entering information about Internet resources into the search engine database.

Thus, as soon as the user enters another phrase into the Google search field, the script will return him a result, including the title of your site and its brief description, which we see below.

How is indexing done?

The indexing itself (“Yandex” or Google does not matter) is quite simple. The entire Internet, based on the database of IP addresses that search engines have, is scanned by powerful robots - “spiders” that collect information about your site. Each search engine has a huge number of them, and they work automatically 24 hours a day. Their task is to go to your website and “read” all the content on it, while entering data into the database.

Therefore, in theory, site indexing depends little on the owner of the resource. The decisive factor here is who comes to the site and explores it. This is what affects how quickly your site appears in search results.

Indexation deadlines?

Of course, it is beneficial for every webmaster for his resource to appear in search results as quickly as possible. This will influence, firstly, the timing of bringing the site to the first positions, and, secondly, when the first stages of monetization of the site begin. Thus, the sooner the search robot “eats” all the pages of your resource, the better.

Each has its own algorithm for entering data about sites into its database. For example, indexing pages in Yandex is carried out in stages: robots constantly scan sites, then organize the information, after which a so-called “update” takes place, when all changes take effect. The company does not establish the regularity of such events: they are held once every 5-7 days (as a rule), but can be completed either 2 or 15 days in advance.

At the same time, site indexing in Google follows a different model. In this search engine, such “updates” (base updates) take place regularly, so there is no need to wait each time for robots to enter information into the database, and then it will be sorted every few days.

Based on the above, we can draw the following conclusion: pages in Yandex are added after 1-2 “updates” (that is, in 7-20 days on average), but in Google this can happen much faster - literally in a day.

At the same time, of course, each search engine There are some peculiarities in how indexing is carried out. Yandex, for example, has a so-called “fastbot” - a robot that can enter data into the search results in a few hours. True, getting him to visit your resource is not easy: this applies mainly to news and various high-profile events that develop in real time.

How to get into the index?

The answer to the question of how to enter data about your site into the search engine index is both simple and complex. Page indexing is a natural phenomenon, and if you don’t even think about it, but simply, say, maintain your blog, gradually filling it with information, search engines will eventually “swallow” your content perfectly.

Another thing is when you need to speed up the indexing of a page, for example, if you have a network of so-called “satellites” (sites designed to sell links or place advertisements, the quality of which is usually worse). In this case, you need to take measures to ensure that robots notice your site. The following are considered common: adding the site URL to a special form (it’s called “AddUrl”); running the resource address through link directories; adding an address to bookmark directories and much more. There is a lot of discussion on SEO forums about how each of these methods works. As practice shows, each case is unique, and it is difficult to more accurately find the reasons why one site was indexed in 10 days, and another in 2 months.

How to speed up getting into the index?

However, the logic by which you can make a site get into the index faster is based on it. In particular, we're talking about about placing URLs on free and public sites (bookmarks, directories, blogs, forums); about buying links on large and popular sites (using the Sape exchange, for example); and also about adding addURL to the form. There may be other methods, but those that have already been listed can confidently be called the most popular. Let us remind you that in general everything depends on the site and the luck of its owner.

What sites are included in the index?

According to the official position of all search engines, sites that pass a number of filters are included in the index. Nobody knows what requirements the latter contain. It is only known that over time they are all improved in such a way as to weed out pseudo-sites created to make money by selling links and other resources that do not carry useful information for the user. Of course, for the creators of these sites main task is to index pages as much as possible (to attract visitors, sell links, and so on).

What resources do search engines ban?

Based on the previous information, we can draw a conclusion about which sites are most likely not included in search results. The same information is also voiced by official representatives of search engines. First of all, these are sites containing non-unique, automatically generated content that is not useful for visitors. This is followed by resources that contain a minimum of information, created to sell links, and so on.

True, if you analyze the search engine results, you can find all these sites in it. Therefore, if we talk about sites that will not be present in the search results, you should note not only non-unique content, but also a number of other factors - many links, improperly organized structure, and so on.

Hiding the content. How to prevent page indexing?

Search engines crawl all content on a website. However, there is a technique that can be used to limit search robots’ access to a particular section. This is done using the robots.txt file, to which search engine spiders react.

If you place this file in the root of the site, it will proceed according to the script that is written in it. In particular, you can disable indexing using a single command - Disallow. In addition to it, the file can also indicate sections of the site to which this ban will apply. For example, to prevent an entire site from being included in the index, it is enough to specify one slash “/”; and to exclude the “shop” section from the results, just indicate the following characteristic in your file: “/shop”. As you can see, everything is logical and extremely simple. Page indexing is closed very easily. In this case, search robots come to your page, read robots.txt and do not enter the data into the database. This way you can easily manipulate it to see certain characteristics of sites in the search. Now let's talk about how the index is checked.

How can I check the indexing of a page?

There are several ways to find out how many and what pages are present in the Yandex or Google database. The first - the simplest - is to set the appropriate request in the search form. It looks like this:, where instead of you enter the address of your site. When you make such a request, the search engine will show all the results (pages) located at the specified URL. Moreover, in addition to simply listing all pages, you can also see the total number of indexed material (to the right of the phrase “Number of results”).

The second way is to check the indexing of the page using specialized services. There are a large number of them now; off the top of my head you can name and On such resources you can not only see the total number of pages, but also determine the quality of some of them. However, you only need this if you have a more in-depth understanding of this topic. Typically, these are professional SEO tools.

About “forced” indexing

I would also like to write a little about the so-called “forced” indexing, when a person tries to force his site into the index using various “aggressive” methods. Optimizers do not recommend doing this.

At a minimum, search engines, having noticed excessive activity associated with a new resource, can introduce some kind of sanctions that negatively affect the condition of the site. Therefore, it is better to do everything so that page indexing looks as organic, gradual and smooth as possible.

Website optimization is a process consisting of several levels. The result of imperfections and errors at each stage will be the reduction of all future work to slow or incomplete indexing of all pages of the site. Site indexing inherently depends on how search robots process your site. You probably already know that search robots are programs that crawl a site and fill the search engine database with search information. How to speed up site indexing and ensure its rapid promotion in search engines?

Ways to quickly index a site

If you add your new web resource to search engines that you know, it will happen much faster. Add to Yandex -, to Google -

You need to create a site map. Register in the services and Specify your sitemap.xml file there.

To speed up site indexing, registration in social bookmarks and networks (,,,, etc.) will help you. There you can add different pages your site.

Create your blogs on,,,, etc. Add entries to them with links to the pages of your site. As new pages appear on the site, to quickly index them by search engines, add links in your blogs to these pages.

It's worth registering with several popular catalogs and ratings. For example, registration on LiveInternet and Rambler TOP100 can speed up site indexing due to the fact that robots quite often look at the TOPs.

Search bots love to visit popular blogs with their comments. At the same time, robots carefully monitor all links in blogs. Try visiting such blogs and leaving unobtrusive comments with links there. Try to follow the blog rules and insert links in specially designated places to avoid deleting your comment as spam.

Another similar tip for speeding up site indexing is comments on forums with a large number of pages. Just on forums, by the way, it is absolutely not prohibited to insert links if they are related to your resource. Forums are visited by bots no worse than blogs.

Methods for quickly indexing web resources by posting a large number of articles with links to your site on third-party resources are considered quite labor-intensive, but popular. The difficulty lies in writing a huge number of articles with interesting and relevant content. These articles perform a function similar to a link directory.

It is necessary to build a clear and competent website structure. Its construction should be easy and convenient for search robots to work with site pages. This is not at all difficult to achieve. The principle is that links on all pages of the site direct the visitor from one page to another.

If your project contains a huge number of pages, then to quickly index the site you should pay attention to the following method. The search engine robot reads and analyzes information, gradually moving through the pages of the site. With a fairly significant number of pages, it may simply not reach some of the last pages, which are significantly removed from the main page. At the same time, the indexing of the site in search engines worsens.
The ideal in this case is a tree-like clear structure of your site map, in which each branch will correspond to a subsection with fewer pages. Each page of the site should preferably be no more than three clicks away from the main page.

If individual pages of the site are not indexed by search robots, links to these pages should be scattered across third-party resources. When indexing sites with your links, the robot will definitely visit your pages.

If you are creating an online store, then each of your products (or group of products) will be assigned its own website page. For this purpose, there are ways to quickly index all pages with a store’s products, which consists of placing links on each of these pages that point to pages with similar types of products.

In order for the site to be indexed faster, it is necessary to ensure that robots visit its pages more often. To achieve this, you will have to update the site pages quite often and replenish new information. And the most important thing is to fill the site with articles and texts that are 100% unique.

Greetings, friends. Today is an important article: I will share information on how to speed up the indexing of new website pages and show you what tools I use. Special attention should be addressed to newbie bloggers.

Those who have just started blogging have already encountered this problem. You write new articles, publish them, but there is still no traffic. Check whether search engines Yandex and Google new posts, and you find out - no. It seems like a week, 2 weeks, or even a month has passed, but indexing has not happened.

What problems it carries? The most dangerous thing is that your content can be copied by advanced blogs and the authorship of your wonderful article that you worked on will go to them. A search engine may still mistake your site for a plagiarist.

The second problem is not so critical, but also unpleasant - a long wait for traffic. It seems like there are already 50 articles, but no visitors.

But okay, if you have a young blog (2-4 months), but what about those who have been blogging for a year or more and still have difficulties with quick indexing? First of all, don't despair. And, secondly, read my algorithm for speeding up indexing below.

Original texts Yandex

Point number 0. There are various rumors among bloggers and SEO specialists: some say that this tool is of no use, others prove the opposite. While no one has given an exact answer, I advise you not to neglect this feature and add the text of a new article here.

Attention! You need to add text before publication on your blog. If the text has already been indexed by Yandex, you should not add it, otherwise it will consider it plagiarism.

After that, you can publish the material on your blog.

Addurilki Yandex and Google

This point gives the greatest effect. IN Google indexing new page happens instantly!

Set of social networks depends on the content you share. If you have high quality photos, you can add Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr. For videos - Youtube and Vimeo. For portfolios - Behance and Coroflot.

It will be even better if you have a group for your blog. We make an announcement in the group and repost it on our wall. If the group consists not of bots, but of real people, you will receive transitions, which will only increase the speed of indexing of the new page.

How else to increase the influence of social media? networks for indexing? You can purchase social media. signals:

  • Reposts, retweets, likes of your post;
  • Separate posts from other people.

For these tasks I use Forumok and Webartex. More often I order tweets (7-9 pieces) and likes on VK (5-10). The price on the forum is from 2.5 rubles, on WebArtext it’s more expensive. IN Google Plus I get likes using the exchange method: I give them to other bloggers and they respond to me. I have already formed a list of those who reciprocate. Add me to your circles, colleagues: my social networks. There are networks in the sidebar on the right.

Actions that affect indexing speed

In addition to the active means described above, which we use immediately and one-time, there are passive ones. They depend on prolonged exposure.

  1. Publish new materials more often;
  2. Maintain regularity - the search robot loves when new articles appear at regular intervals and visits such blogs more actively;
  3. Create a sitemap for robots;
  4. Linking - place internal links to other articles;

Surely, you have noticed that since the new year I have been regularly publishing articles (at least 1 per week, sometimes more often). As a result, Google indexes new material in 2 minutes.

Algorithm to speed up indexing

Let me summarize the sequence of actions:

  1. Before publishing, add the article to " Original texts Yandex";
  2. Search network add-ons;
  3. Repost to your social profiles. networks;
  4. Strengthening social signals.

I am sure that this information will help you speed up the indexing of new pages. I will be glad to repost this article, because it was not in vain that I tried, guys) Good luck!