Hot keys (buttons): BIOS boot menu, Boot Menu, Boot Agent, BIOS Setup. Laptops and computers. Acer laptop keyboard key assignment Acer keyboard keys

Our today's article is devoted to laptops, or rather the Fn button on a laptop. Many people ask quite natural questions related to this key. After reading this topic, you will learn what the Fn key is for and where it is, how to turn Fn on or off. In general, everything about this mysterious Fn button is here.

AT modern world, laptops, netbooks, ultrabooks sit firmly in our lives. They are multifunctional, compact, practical. Many who have moved from a computer to a laptop will never return to bulky PCs. Laptops can be used everywhere: in transport, at home, on the street, in other public places. To improve this versatility of laptops, the Fn key is needed. Let's try to answer many popular questions related to this button. But first things first.

Where is the Fn button on the keyboard?

The Fn key in almost all laptops is located in the same place - this is the lower left corner of the keyboard. For various popular brands of electronics such as HP, Asus, Acer, Lenovo, Samsung, LG, the Fn key has taken a permanent place on the keyboard. The difference for some is only in whether this button is before or after the Ctrl key. This arrangement of this key is very convenient for users.

Location of the Fn key to the left of the Ctrl button

What is the Fn key for and how does it work?

So, we will tell you why this button was created and how this button works. The very name of the Fn key comes from the first vowels of the word Function. On your laptop keyboard, you may see keys that have symbols and inscriptions in a different color. Basically it's red or blue color. These keys are called keys. quick access. With their help, you can control the media player on your laptop, work with the screen brightness and battery saving mode, enable and disable access wireless network, adjust the volume. You can also put your laptop into sleep mode. All of these functions will only work in combination with the Fn key.

Fn key on a Lenovo laptop

It is difficult to answer the question of where and what combination for each individual device. For each brand of laptops, the shortcut keys are different. But the principle of their work is absolutely the same for all major brands of HP, Asus, Acer, Lenovo, Samsung, LG. And they differ slightly. I will describe the functionality of the Fn button for a Lenovo laptop.

So, holding down the Fn button in combination with hot keys, we get:

  • Fn + F1 - put the computer into sleep mode.
  • Fn + F2 - turn on / off the monitor.
  • Fn + F3 - switch the display to the connected monitor module, projector.
  • Fn + F4 - monitor extension.
  • Fn + F5 - enable wireless communication modules: wireless network adapters, Bluetooth.
  • Fn + F6 - enable / disable the touchpad - laptop mouse.
  • Fn + F9, Fn + F10, Fn + F11, Fn + F12 - work with the media player - resume / pause, stop, track back, track forward, respectively.
  • Fn + Home - pause in media files.
  • Fn+Insert - enable/disable Scroll Lock.
  • Fn+up arrow/down arrow - increase/decrease monitor brightness.
  • Fn + left arrow / right arrow - decrease / increase the volume for media players.

As you can see, the functionality of our key is very large, knowing these combinations will allow you to use your computer keyboard very efficiently without resorting to the mouse.

How to enable or disable the Fn key?

In order to enable or disable the Fn key on a laptop, you can use several methods. The first way is to use the Fn+NumLock key combination. Pressing these keys at the same time will disable the Fn button, pressing again will activate the key. This method may not work on all laptops.

In some cases, the Fn key is enabled or disabled via Bios. To do this, enter the Setup Utility, then follow the System Configuration and in the Action Keys Mode tab turn off Disabled or turn on Enabled this function fn.

If the Fn key does not work on a laptop

If the above two methods don't work or the Fn key doesn't work at all. Then you need to use programs for the Fn-key. There are a lot of such programs on the Internet. In order to make it easier to decide which programs are suitable for your brand of laptops, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a short list of such programs.

For Samsung laptops - Easy Display Manager (the disk with the program comes with the laptop). This program is freely available on the Internet.

For Sony laptops, you should use the following programs - Sony Shared Library, Setting Utility Series, Vaio Event Service, Vaio Control Center.

For Toshiba laptops - Hotkey Utility, Value Added Package, Flash Cards Support Utility.

Also used for many laptops universal program Magic Keyboard.

Drivers for the Fn key

If your button still does not work, then you should check the drivers for your keyboard, or rather for the Fn key. Such “firewood” should come with a laptop (be sure to check when buying), or they can be downloaded from the Internet. Download from the Internet follows from official pages laptop manufacturers. So on the official sites there are Fn button drivers for Sony, Lenovo, Samsung, HP, DNS, Dell, Toshiba, Acer, Asus, LG.

Acer laptop keyboard key assignment, about this and not only, today I will tell you on a blog for novice users.
Hello! I decided to dedicate this short article to another popular on the Internet Acer laptop. It all started with the fact that Yandex quite often began to "throw" me "foreign" visitors.
The visitor was interested in the answer to the question keyboard Acer laptop , and with enviable persistence he sends them to the article keyboard and. So on the first day of 2015, I decided to correct his mistake.
Moreover, my sister has exactly Acer laptop, with whom I often have to “communicate” in cases of his refusal.

So I'll probably start with photo of the Aser keyboard itself,because the location of some service and additional keys is not in its usual place.

Acer laptop key assignment

Below is a breakdown of the so-called Acer laptop keyboard shortcuts:

Fn+F1-Shows quick key help;
Fn+F2-Acer eSetting;
Fn+F3-Acer ePower Management;
Fn+F4-Standby mode;
Fn+F5-display switch (to display or external monitor);
Fn+F6- screen off to save power;
Fn+F7- on/off tachpad (touch panel);
Fn+F8- on/off built-in laptop speaker;
fn+-increasing the sound level;
Fn+ ↓— reduction of the sound level;
fn+ →-increase screen brightness;
Fn+ ←-decreasing the brightness of the screen;

Acer laptop tachpad problems

If you have acer laptop touchpad problems, then first of all you need to update the drivers, and then turn it on using the Fn + 7 key combination.
In case of failure of the "additional buttons", you should install applications to work with them. It's called Acer Launch Manager, and you can do it on the laptop manufacturer's website.
To do this simply:

  • go to the site
  • then we find -> Support -> Drivers and manuals;
  • select the desired laptop model;
  • version of the installed OS;
  • open the Applications section and download the desired program.

You can also try turning it off for a few minutes. laptop battery, then connect and restart.

And on this positive note, my story Acer laptop keyboard key assignment finished.

And if you are interested in the topic, then this can be done simply by clicking on the link.

The traditional keyboard - laptop, or "desktop", despite the dominance and prevalence of "sensors" on smartphones and tablets - when using which people sometimes begin to forget what keys are - a subject that is in widespread demand. Stylish and - a welcome detail of the computer interior of any IT enthusiast.

Ease of use of the corresponding hardware component of the PC, and not only it appearance- also an important criterion for the comfort of the owner of the computer. The keyboard is, historically, the first PC control element, the mouse was invented later. And therefore, the keys of the device - especially in combination with others - by default, are a very effective and functional tool in the hands of the user. There is a version that the technological features of "desktops" and laptops predetermine some difference between the capabilities of keyboards, with the help of which the corresponding types of devices are controlled.

Does the type of computer keyboard matter in terms of the functionality of the keys? Is there a difference between the standardization policies in this aspect, carried out by different laptop brands? What key combinations can we single out as the most useful?

Keys on laptop and desktop: comparison

As a rule, there is no fundamental difference between how the keyboard of a laptop and a "desktop" is structured. This is understandable - computer manufacturers are trying to release appropriate controls, adhering to standards so that people are more willing to buy equipment without fear that they will have to adapt their skills to a new layout of keys. However, it is worth noting that this thesis is true if a computer in the most popular architecture today is taken into consideration - There are other standards for PC hardware and software layout - such as, for example, Macintosh.

Function standardization

Therefore, it does not matter, provided that we are talking about the same platform that we have at our disposal - buttons in the "desktop" version or a laptop keyboard - the assignment of the keys will be almost the same in all cases. However, there are still nuances. In many ways, they are due, first of all, to the difference in the dimensions of the "desktop" and laptop. At the disposal of the user of a conventional PC, as a rule, is a whole table. It can accommodate a very large keyboard. In the most daring design formats. Another thing is the laptop keyboard. The purpose of the keys on it, although almost the same as on the "desktop" - the buttons have to be extremely compact. As a result, a laptop manufacturer may decide to remove some groups of keys in principle.

Does the designation differ depending on the specific brand? For the most part, no. And this is also largely due to the marketing factor: the manufacturer wants the user, relatively speaking, accustomed to what is at his disposal - the keyboard of a Lenovo laptop, can easily adapt to a similar hardware component from ASUS, and vice versa. Differences, if any, they usually lie in the design of the buttons, their height, shape, color, material of manufacture. The keyboard for an Acer laptop is therefore almost identical to its counterparts from ASUS, HP, Dell and other brands, based on the purpose of the buttons.

However, it will be useful to know key features distribution of functions tied to specific keys. It does not matter - we are talking about buttons adapted for the "desktop", or the laptop keyboard is being studied. The assignment of keys to functional groups, especially in combination with others, is a very interesting area for studying the capabilities of a computer. So let's start by researching the appropriate button types.

Function keys

The function keys on the laptop keyboard are almost always present - if we are talking about equipment released by well-known manufacturers - Acer, Lenovo, ASUS. Consider what each is responsible for. There are 12 function keys in total. They are located above all the others. Let's take a look at what they are responsible for.

The F1 key is almost always programmed to call up help - in the operating system or in some separate program. This function, one might say, is unchanged for all PC models - you use a keyboard for an HP, Lenovo, or ASUS laptop - it doesn't matter. In some cases, if the built-in help file is not provided by the program, pressing F1 may instruct the computer to load the software manufacturer's web page with the necessary information.

The traditional purpose of F2 - laptop or "desktop" keyboard keys is to rename the selected file or folder.

The F3 button in most cases is responsible for calling search engine Windows - loading its general interface, using which you can search for files throughout the computer, or local - in a separate window. If a folder is open, then the search will be conducted by the objects located in it, if the browser window or, say, Word is active, then by the text on the page.

The F4 key is mainly adapted to the use of third-party file shells - such as, for example, Total Commander. Its usefulness in Windows is estimated by many experts as not so obvious. But one can argue with this opinion: by pressing F4, say, in a browser, you can open the address bar - this is faster than a similar action with the mouse.

The F5 key is for fast update the contents of the application window, desktop, or Windows Explorer. At the same time, in third-party file shells, its use, as a rule, is completely different. For example, in Total Commander, using this key on a laptop or desktop keyboard, files and folders are moved.

The F6 key has approximately the same functionality as F4. True, in this case, as a rule, the list with the history of sites in address bar browser.

Some buttons on the laptop and desktop keyboards - F7, F8, F9, and F12 do not have a strict functional binding. Depending on the specific program, or device model, they can be programmed for different commands. This is exactly the case when we can observe the dissimilarity of the technologies used by brands producing equipment or programs.

In turn, the meaning of the keyboard keys of a laptop or "desktop" F10 and F11 is fairly standardized - when it comes to using them in a Windows system. The F10 button is responsible for opening the application menu. F11 is usually programmed to switch windows from normal to full screen and vice versa.

The functions of the laptop keyboard keys have distinctive specifics: as a rule, they are programmed with actions that imply their combination with a specific Fn button, which is absent on desktop keyboards in most cases. Now we will consider the features of working with them.

Fn key

On a laptop, as a rule, it is highlighted in a separate color - for example, white, or blue - so that the user can easily find it on the keyboard. There are usually one or two such keys on the device. Pressing Fn in its pure form, as a rule, does not imply the execution of any function. But its combination with function keys programmed for a large number of useful actions. Their specific content depends on the brand of the laptop. Keyboard for Asus laptop, thus, may differ in terms of Fn key engagement from the equivalent hardware element in Lenovo or Acer devices. However, experts identify several common patterns for all computers regarding the use of Fn capabilities. Let's consider them.

In combination with the F1 key, the Fn key can, for example, instruct the computer to shut down (turn off the power). This saves time when compared to a similar procedure performed with a mouse.

In combination with the F2 button, the Fn key in some cases allows you to call up a window of settings related to energy saving. This option can be useful if, for example, it is discovered that the laptop is running out of battery power, and it urgently needs to be transferred to another, more economical mode of operation.

The Fn key on a laptop in combination with the F3 button can be responsible for turning on and off wireless interfaces- e.g. Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. This is convenient if, for example, there are no hardware switches on the computer case that can be used to perform similar actions.

In combination with the F4 button, the Fn key is usually programmed to instruct the computer to enter sleep mode (without shutting it down). In some brands of laptops, the same combination is also responsible for "waking up" the computer.

Using a combination of Fn and F5 on most models of equipment, you can activate or deactivate the video signal output to external display connected via a wired interface to the video card. At the same time, on many laptops this is the only way to carry out this kind of action by a hardware method - an alternative may be a rather long procedure for outputting a video signal using software settings.

Turn off the monitor, as a rule, allows a combination of Fn and F6 or F7. This key assignment is useful if, for example, the user decides to move away from the computer for a while - in this case, you can save electricity by turning off the display.

A rather useful combination is Fn and F8. It allows you to turn on or turn off the sound on the computer (at the same time, the current sound level is not reset - after pressing this combination again, the settings are restored). This key assignment is useful if, for example, someone called a person on the phone, you need to urgently answer, and loud music is playing on the PC.

Many laptops have the option to temporarily disable the Touch Pad, a built-in touch-type device that performs similar functions to a mouse. This action can be performed by pressing the combination of Fn and F9.

If you use the combination of Fn and F10, you can change the keyboard layout. This is useful if, for example, more familiar keys do not work for some reason.

If the laptop has numeric keypad(usually located on the right), then you can activate or deactivate it by using a combination of Fn and F11.

The combination of Fn and F12 can be programmed for a fairly wide range of actions, depending on specific model computer. An HP laptop keyboard might do one thing, a similar hardware component from Acer might do another. In some cases, this combination implies some program action- for example, the activation of the screen movement function, which works, in particular, in the Excel program.

Also note that the Fn key can be programmed for any function in combination not only with buttons with the F index, but also in combination with the usual ones, which are located lower on the keyboard. Again, it all depends on the device model. The keyboard for an ASUS laptop may have its own rules, for Lenovo they may be completely different. For example, in some device models, the combination of Fn and the key that displays the number 1 (and Exclamation point), can adjust the brightness level of the display. The combination of Fn and the button that has the number 2 (the @ symbol) on it can, in turn, control the volume of the sound.

So we have studied what features the laptop keyboard is characterized by, the purpose of the keys of the functional type. Now let's move on to the study of the most interesting category of buttons. They are called "hot keys". What are their features?


Virtually all keyboards designed for PCs in the IBM architecture and running under Windows control, which means that in laptops too, there are so-called "hot keys". They are designed to quickly activate some hardware or program function OSes invoked via mouse actions tend to be longer and more complex. Let's take a look at the range of the most popular features provided by "hot keys" in Windows 7, one of the most popular operating systems today. Note that the combinations of buttons that we will give below work if we have at our disposal any device for data input - the "desktop" version, or the keyboard of an ASUS laptop. The purpose of the "hot type" keys, in general, is the same on all devices. Provided, of course, that Windows is installed on them.

Hotkeys with pressing ALT

One of the basic keyboard buttons used when activating various functions in hot mode is ALT. What possibilities opens up by pressing it in combination with other keys? Among the most notable features is the activation or deactivation of the file panel: for this you need to use a combination of ALT and P.

The combination of ALT and TAB allows you to quickly navigate between the windows of active applications running in Windows. The ALT key in combination with the UP button allows you to climb higher in the structure of open folder windows. The combination of ALT and F4 closes the window of the active application, or exits the program or computer game. The combination of ALT and space allows you to open the context menu of the running window.

Hotkeys with pressing CTRL

Another group of useful combinations is "headed" CTRL key. Consider examples of popular combinations. The combination of CTRL and A allows you to select all files and folders in the window, or all text and other objects located on the document page or, for example, in the browser. The combination of CTRL and C is a convenient and well-known tool for copying text and other objects. If the second letter is replaced with V, then you can insert the selected one. When using X instead of C - the object is "cut out", and after pressing V - it moves to the place specified by the user.

The combination of CTRL and N allows you to create new file or a document in the appropriate editor program, if you replace N with O, then open the object. The combination of CTRL and P sends text or other data from the screen to be printed to the printer. The combination of CTRL and Z allows you to undo the last action taken by the user. The combination of CTRL and F4 is a bit like pressing ALT and F4 - the active window with the document is closed, while in the second case, the exit is exited. running program fully. By pressing CTRL and ESC you can open the start menu. Using a combination of three keys - CTRL, SHIFT and N, you can create a new folder. Task Manager can be called up by pressing CTRL and TAB.

Hot keys and WIN button

In most cases, the buttons on a laptop or desktop keyboard contain the WIN key. This button looks like a corporate flag from Microsoft. She, in her own way, is adapted to the operating room. Windows system. By the way, it was introduced into the keyboard structure relatively recently (when compared with the evolution of the development of the corresponding PC hardware component) - in 1995, after the Windows 95 OS entered the market. In other OS, it is usually not functional. Although, this is not always the case - in many modern operating systems on open source functions based on the WIN button are implemented quite fully. Still, the trend reflecting the standardization of technologies is typical not only for the hardware area, but also for software. Let's consider what possibilities the use of the WIN key in combination with other buttons opens up.

If you press a combination of WIN and UP, you can expand the active application window to full screen. In turn, if you replace UP with DOWN in this combination, the window will collapse, or its original size will be restored. Pressing WIN and the left arrow moves the active window to left side screen. If you use the "right" button, then the window will also move in the same direction. The combination of WIN and HOME allows you to simultaneously minimize or maximize all windows, except for the one that acts as the active one. Using the combination of WIN and E, you can open Windows Explorer. You can enlarge or reduce the image on the screen by using a combination of WIN and the "+" or "-" buttons. The combination of WIN and F starts the file search system.

Standardization of "software"

We note the most important nuance - all the above patterns in the aspect are fully functional when working in Windows OS. If the user has a different operating system at his disposal - for example, Linux or Google OS, then there may be discrepancies in the aspect of binding button combinations to certain functions. At the same time, as many IT experts note, the universalization of technologies is observed not only at the hardware level - in relation to the assignment of keys (we talked about this at the beginning of the article), but also in the software direction. That is, if we talk about latest versions OS other than Windows, in many of them the algorithms for implementing "hot" functions or using, say, the WIN key, are similar to those (if not completely identical) that are present in the most popular operating system in the world.

We also note that historically Windows is not the first operating system under which the keys that we studied today were adapted. By the time this OS entered the market, keyboards with the arrangement of function and other buttons - identical to the way we see them now, or in a very similar way - had existed for decades. So, it is more fair to say that the functionality of many keys is dictated not only by the leadership of Windows, but also by historical background.


Having studied the design features of keyboards for "desktops" and laptops, we can draw a number of conclusions.

Firstly, there are groups of keys that have a fairly strict binding to some specific functions - and there are most of them. There are, in turn, buttons that allow you to send commands to the computer, depending on the context of a particular application.

Secondly, we have the right to note a rather large variety of combinations of various keys. In many cases, they can be used as a viable alternative to working with a mouse and, as a result, use the PC more efficiently.

Thirdly, we may note high level standardization not only in terms of the location and purpose of the keys, but also in the level of interpretation of their various combinations program elements PC - operating system, applications for viewing and editing files, browsers.

Good day everyone!

Why memorize something you don't need every day? It is enough to open and read the information when you need it - the main thing is to be able to use it! I usually do this myself, and these keyboard shortcuts are no exception ...

This article is for reference, it contains buttons to enter the BIOS, to call the boot menu (it is also called the Boot Menu). Often they are simply "vitally" necessary when reinstalling Windows, when restoring the computer, setting up the BIOS, etc. I hope the information will be relevant and you will find the treasured key to call the desired menu.

Note :

  1. The information on the page will be updated and expanded from time to time;
  2. You can see the buttons for entering the BIOS in this article (as well as how to enter the BIOS in general :)):
  3. At the end of the article, examples and explanations of abbreviations in the table, decoding of functions are given.


ManufacturerBIOS (Model)hot keyFunction
Acer PhoenixF2Enter Setup
F12Boot Menu (Change boot device,
Multi Boot Selection Menu)
Alt+F10D2D Recovery (disk-to-disk
system recovery)
Asus AMIF2Enter Setup
ESCpopup menu
F4Easy Flash
Phoenix AwardDELBIOS Setup
F8boot menu
F9D2D Recovery
Benq PhoenixF2BIOS Setup
Dell Phoenix, AptioF2Setup
F12boot menu
Ctrl+F11D2D Recovery
PhoenixF12boot menu
F12boot menu
PhoenixClick mouse or EnterMenu
F2BIOS Settings
F10boot menu
F12PXE Boot
(Hewlett-Packard) / Compaq
InsydeESCStartup Menu
F1System Information
F2System Diagnostics
F9Boot Device Options
F10BIOS Setup
F11System Recovery
EnterContinue Startup
Phoenix SecureCore TianoF2Setup
F12Multi Boot Menu
* DELSetup
F11boot menu
TABShow POST screen
Bell (Acer)
F12boot menu
Samsung * ESCboot menu
Toshiba PhoenixEsc, F1, F2Enter Setup
Satellite A300


mother boardBIOShot keyFunction
Acer DelEnter Setup
F12boot menu
ASRockAMIF2 or DELrun setup
F6Instant Flash
F11boot menu
TABSwitch Screen
AsusPhoenix AwardDELBIOS Setup
TABDisplay BIOS POST Message
F8boot menu
Alt+F2Asus EZ Flash 2
F4Asus Core Unlocker
BioStarPhoenix AwardF8Enable System Configuration
F9Select Booting Device after POST
ChaintechAwardDELEnter SETUP
(Elite Grour)
ESCboot menu
gigabyteAwardESCSkip memory test
DELEnter SETUP/Q-Flash
F9Xpress Recovery Xpress Recovery
F12boot menu

REFERENCE (on the above tables)

BIOS Setup (also Enter Setup, BIOS Settings, or simply BIOS)- this is the button to enter BIOS settings. You need to press it after turning on the computer (laptop), and it is better several times until the screen appears. The name may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer of the equipment.

Boot Menu (also Change Boot Device, Popup Menu)- a very useful menu that allows you to select the device from which the device will boot. Moreover, to select a device, you do not need to enter the BIOS and change the boot queue. That is, for example, you need to install Windows - press the button to enter the Boot Menu, select the installation USB flash drive, and after rebooting, the computer will automatically boot from hard drive(and no extra BIOS settings).

An example of a Boot Menu is an HP laptop (Boot Option Menu).

D2D Recovery (also Recovery)- Windows recovery function on laptops. Allows you to quickly restore the device from a hidden partition of the hard drive. To be honest, I personally do not like to use this function, because. recovery in laptops is often “crooked”, works clumsily and there is not always a choice detailed settings"how and what" ... I prefer installation and Windows recovery from a bootable flash drive.

Easy Flash - used for BIOS updates(not recommended for beginners...).

System Information - system information about the laptop and its components (for example, this option is available on HP laptops).


For additions on the topic of the article - thanks in advance. Your information (for example, the buttons to enter the BIOS on your laptop model) will be added to the article. All the best!