How to cancel automatic language translation. How to disable automatic language correction. Why does the input language on the keyboard automatically switch? Word has its own rules

If anyone switched to Windows 8 (8.1) from others Windows versions(Xp, Vista, 7), then he remembers that in previous versions systems, the input language in applications was different.
Let me clarify with an example.
For example, your system default input language is Russian and after you have opened, for example, Notepad, then your language will be Russian. You switched the language to English and typed something there. Then open another application (for example) and in it your language will be Russian again.
And so for all new applications you open (programs, games, utilities, etc.) you will have the default loaded language. Sound familiar? Yes. and it has become commonplace. But in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, the developers overdid something and decided that it would be convenient if you switched the language in any application, then it would be different everywhere.
For example, you opened Notepad (with the default language being Russian), switched the language there to English, and then opened the Browser, then your language there will already be English (although it would normally be Russian).

Maybe someone thinks this is an innovation the best solution, but in this article I will show how to make the input language remain the same in different applications on Windows 8 and 8.1 using the system settings itself.

So, the developers have not completely removed and disabled this feature. We don't even have to go into or.

You just need to go to the “Control Panel” and select “Change input method” in the “Clock, Language and Region” section:

Select the “Advanced options” link:

Check the box “Allow you to choose an input method for each application” and don’t forget about the Save button:

All. You don’t even have to reboot (but whatever you want), but the input language (someone else calls it “keyboard layout”, although this is not correct) in each new open application will be the system standard one. As it was in previous versions of Windows.

Always automatically changes my input or keyboard language.

I have a laptop with built-in QWERTY keyboard English (USA) . When traveling I use this one, but in addition I have my own and also much best keyboard home, which is QWERTZ keyboard German (Germany) . So, when I'm at home, I'd like to use my QWERTZ keyboard.

Unfortunately, Windows 7 doesn't play on this. Every time I start my laptop it usually installs to English (USA), But it's not a problem. In case I am using my laptop QWERTY keyboard English (USA) , Everything is fine. However, if I started my laptop and I would like to use QWERTZ keyboard German (Germany) , I usually press ALT + Left Shift to switch from English (USA) on German (Germany), and Windows 7 switches But only for the program that is currently open. If my input language is set to German (Germany), and I, for example, open NotePad, Windows 7 automatically switches my input language to English (US). This is very annoying since every time I open a new program I have to change the input or keyboard language to German (Germany) .

Why doesn't Windows 7 stay with one input language if I change it manually by pressing ALT + Left Shift? Why manual change Is your input language or keyboard not applied to all of Windows 7? Why does this only affect the currently open program?

Since I have two keyboards with two different layouts, I really need to have both keyboard languages ​​installed.

I tried both of the below settings to find a solution for my problem. I'm currently using the first option, two input languages.

First option: two input languages:

Second option: two keyboard languages:

6 Solutions collect form web for “Why does Windows 7 always automatically change the input or keyboard language?”

However, I have not found out if it is possible to change the default input language using a shortcut or if it is possible to disable regularly returning to the default input language when opening new program, but I found an alternative!

He explains that Russians always have a similar problem with their keyboards regarding Russian and English. So he created a script that checks for and enables the user input, if necessary, default input language when Windows starts. The script can be found in the above link at the very bottom and was written for AutoHotKey, a free keyboard macro program. Luckily, I'm a dedicated AutoHotKey user myself.

Instead of Russian and English, I adapted the script to test German and English languages default input. It works without errors and is very convenient because now I can easily set the default input language :)

In addition, AutoHotKey supports compiling scripts into separate executable files. I don't want to hide my script from everyone who will benefit from it as much as I do.

Switch the default input language [Germany (German)<>Russian (USA)]:

File name:

Operating systems try to be as convenient as possible for users, so many processes have their own automation parameters. There is also an automatic mode for entering text from the keyboard, although this is the main control method. What does this give?

In automatic mode, you do not need to constantly switch the layout if, for example, you need one language in the working browser window, and another in the other tabs.

Also, automatic language switching on the keyboard works when moving from program to program. This feature is especially useful when the user cannot type quickly. Do you want to improve your typing speed? .

Features of different operating systems

If your computer doesn't have per-application language settings, you can easily adjust them. Most operating systems, even new ones like Windows 10, provide layout controls.

But finding them is not always easy. For example, in Windows XP, just click on the layout icon on the panel right click. In the menu that opens, select auto switching.

And in the eighth operating system from Microsoft, as in the previous one, number 7, the settings are somewhat more difficult to find. In the languages ​​section you need to select Extra options, among which there is a menu for switching input methods.

There you can already select an input option for each application - whether to allow it or not, by checking your choice. In mac OS it is easier to find these settings, in the “keyboard” section.

Word has its own rules

Many other opportunities to customize your system and increase your productivity can be found aware of Evgeniy Popov . Just remember that programs are not always able to correctly determine the user's intentions.

Therefore, you should not shift all responsibility for the correctness of the text onto them. For example, when entering a password, such programs often make corrections, preventing you from writing it correctly.

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Automatically switching languages ​​when typing on a computer is possible using the Punto Switcher utility. On the one hand, this is convenient - you don’t have to manually switch to the desired language every time, but sometimes, when you have to type text with a large number of Cyrillic and Latin characters, this gets in the way. There are several ways to disable automatic language switching.


  • To temporarily disable the automatic language switching function without disabling the utility itself, move the mouse cursor to the icon in the running taskbar in the form of a flag (depending on the current language, this may be a Russian or American flag).

    Right-click on it, and in the drop-down menu, remove the marker from the “Auto-switch” line. When you want to return automatic switching, set the marker on the “Auto switching” line again.

  • If you cannot find the utility icon in the taskbar, go to Punto Switcher settings. To do this, through the “Start” menu, in the “Utilities” section, select Punto Switcher, in the window that opens, on the “General” tab, check the “Show icon on taskbar” field. If there is no Punto Switcher icon in the “Utilities” section, go to: C:/Program Files/Yandex/Punto Switcher and run the “punto.exe” file.
  • To completely disable the Punto Switcher utility, from the taskbar, right-click to open the Punto Switcher utility drop-down menu. Select “Exit” by clicking on it with any mouse button. To reactivate the utility, run the “punto.exe” file through the Start menu or from a folder located on the C drive.
  • To disable Punto Switcher using the Task Manager, call the Manager window using the combination Ctrl keys, Alt and Del or by right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting “Task Manager” from the drop-down menu. Go to the "Processes" tab and select from the list running processes punto.exe. Selecting the line with the left mouse button, click on the “End process” button. When asked with the warning “Are you sure you want to end the process?” answer yes. Close the Task Manager window by clicking the "X" icon in the upper right corner of the window.
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    The key combination Alt + Shift (or Ctrl + Shift) is the first thing to remember Windows user. It is responsible for changing the input language (in most cases, from the native language to international English). Sometimes we forget about the current language, so in the texts we type, “ytsuken” turns into “qwerty”. To prevent forgetfulness from bothering us, software developers have made it possible in some programs to automatically switch the language to the one that has already been used. Sometimes this concern for convenience causes confusion (for example, when the text contains both Cyrillic and Latin), but the user does not know how to disable automatic language switching. Let's try to do this.

    First, we need to clearly understand exactly when and how the input language is changed in our case. Most of the users, having set the desired default to Windows system, do not experience problems with manual switching if necessary. At the same time, multitasking plays its own joke: in the window of each new open application The input language will be the one that is installed as the main one in the system. This may seem inconvenient: when typing text in Russian in Microsoft Word, when you go to the browser in address bar you are quite capable of starting to type “tstzunftvuchukg” instead of the address of a well-known search engine. Such metamorphoses are sometimes perceived as automatic language switching, but in fact it is just a discrepancy between system language input and user expectations. On the other hand, it is easy to get confused when jumping between windows with different input languages.

    In Windows 8, the user was given the opportunity to choose how the system behaves with the text input language. In the input method settings, you can optionally indicate the need to remember for each application the language needed in it. If you cancel this command (by unchecking the checkbox), the language will not automatically switch when opening a new application, but will only change at the user’s direction: in Word Russian– Russian both in the browser and in Notepad.

    The above has more to do with the discomfort of one’s own forgetfulness than with the automatic language switching function. This one is present in Microsoft Office: The program changes the layout to match the surrounding text. If you place the cursor next to the English word, the layout will change to English - this is convenient, for example, for correcting typos. But in this case, typing bilingual texts will be painful - it’s easier to disable automatic switching of the input language. This is done in the settings of the Microsoft Word program: Options – Advanced – Editing options – uncheck the corresponding item.

    Software designed to make working with keyboard layouts easier sometimes creates more problems. Typically, users complain about the inability to enter passwords or words in another language in the text: the program thinks that the person made a mistake and corrects the error on its own. Regardless of what program is used (usually they are all some kind of Switcher), there is always an “Auto switching” item in its settings. To work with text in the mode that suits you and not the program, simply uncheck this item. You can also add Word, Notepad or a game to exceptions so that the switching program does not react to changing the language where necessary.

    For ease of use, the Windows operating system provides quick keyboard layouts between used languages. If the user considers this option unnecessary, he can disable it.


    When working on a computer, the need to switch input languages ​​arises quite often - for example, while searching on the Internet. Therefore, disable this option Not recommended. In addition, it does not interfere with comfortable work in any selected layout.

    If you still decide to disable language selection, open “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Regional and Language Options”. Select the "Languages" tab, click the "More details" button. In the new window, click the “Keyboard Options” button, then “Change keyboard shortcuts” and uncheck the “Switch input languages” and “Switch keyboard layouts” checkboxes. Save your changes by clicking OK.

    If you want to remove the layout indicator from the system tray, open the Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and stop the ctfmon.exe process. Then delete the entry for this file from your startup folder. The most convenient way to do this is using the Aida64 (Everest) program. Open “Programs” - “Startup”, select ctfmon.exe in the list and click the “Delete” button at the top of the window.

    To disable or remove ctfmon.exe you can also use CCleaner program. Launch it, open “Tools” - “Startup”. Select the line with ctfmon.exe and click the “Disable” (recommended) or “Delete” button.

    If you do not like the standard appearance of the keyboard layout switcher, replace it (after removing ctfmon.exe from startup) with the Punto Switcher utility. You can set it to display the layout by showing the Russian or US flag, which is very convenient - to determine the layout, just glance at the tray. In the program settings, select the items “Make an icon in the form of country flags” and “Always show the icon at full brightness.” You can download Punto Switcher for Windows XP and Windows 7 from the link:

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    How to switch language on keyboard

    Let's go to “Start” -> “Control Panel” -> “Regional and Language Options”. In the window that appears at the top, select the “Languages ​​and Keyboards” tab and click the “Change Keyboard” button there. On the “General” tab of the window that appears, you have the opportunity to select additional languages, if, of course, you are going to use them. To do this, click the “Add” button. Most users use only English and Russian. Also on this tab you can set which language will be the default when Windows boots.

    In order to configure the method of switching between languages, you need to go to the “Keyboard Switching” tab. Then click the “Change keyboard shortcut” button. Another window appears in which you can change the keyboard shortcut to change the input language, which is what we actually need. We select a key combination that is convenient for us, for example, ALT on the left + SHIFT, click OK, and in the previous window click “Apply” to save the new settings for switching between languages.

    Now let's try to switch the language on the keyboard. Let's open text editor, for example, a notepad. Let's type some word in Russian. Then press ALT+SHIFT (it’s convenient to first hold SHIFT and then press ALT while holding SHIFT) and try to type a word in the switched language.

    Switching using the keys on your keyboard is the most convenient and fastest way to switch between languages, but there is another way. If you look at the panel at the bottom where the “Start” button is located, on the opposite side of this button, that is, on the right, you can see what language you currently have enabled, for example RU. If you click on this RU, a small window will open where you can switch to another language. If you don’t see an indicator of the language being used on the right, then you probably don’t have it turned on. Language bar. In order to enable it, you need to right-click on the bottom panel where the “Start” button is located, no matter where it is, then select “Panel” in the menu that opens, and in the window that appears, check the box next to “Language bar” . As a result, the language bar should appear.

    If your input language automatically switches, it's most likely Punto Switcher. In the program settings, you can assign hotkeys to “enable/disable” auto-switching and cancel layout conversion.

    Punto Switcher Features

    The main, but not the only advantage of this product- automatic switching of the keyboard layout from English to Russian and vice versa. The program tracks the sequence of keystrokes on the keyboard and recognizes what language the text is entered in. How? It’s very simple 🙂 Here’s the most “rude” but clear example: in the Russian language there are no words that begin with “Y”. Therefore, if the first letter of the entered word is “Y”, Punto Switcher will switch to the English layout.

    In addition to switching the keyboard layout, the program has the following functions:

    • applying transliteration to the selected phrase;
    • correcting the case of a word or text;
    • autocorrect function;
    • working with text on the clipboard;
    • the ability to set custom hotkeys and layout switching rules;
    • searching for the meaning of words and terms on the Internet;
    • working with a diary.