How to reinstall Windows on a PC from a disk. Meet the chief PC manager - Mr. Bios! When to reinstall the system

What should we have in our arsenal to reinstall windows 7?

An installation disk with the same “seven” will be quite enough. However, there are still options for reinstalling the OS not only with boot disk, and, for example, from a USB drive (flash drive), from an HDD or from a disk disaster recovery. But there are no fundamental differences in the process among these options. The procedure for operations is the same both on a desktop computer from a disk and on a laptop without a disk (from a USB drive).

If you decide to reinstall Windows 7 over the old system, then all your data will be saved. However, it won’t hurt anyone to play it safe once again. No one is immune, for example, from a sudden voltage drop in the network, a power outage, or simply a failure in the program itself. So we still advise you to copy all valuable information to a flash drive or disk.

You may also need drivers (for the video card, for motherboard and etc.). Make sure you have all the driver discs that came with your computer. If something is missing, then before reinstalling Windows 7, the missing drivers should be downloaded from the Internet.

Having prepared all the drivers and saved the necessary data on removable media, we can begin repairing the computer.

Windows 7 reinstallation process

We do all manipulations directly from the computer, and no BIOS settings are required. Loading installation disk and click “install” in the window that opens.

Installation operating system- this is what every confident PC user should be able to do. Many people overestimate this matter and in vain consider it very complicated and difficult to accomplish, because in reality it is not so. Installing Windows is more likely to take some time than it is so complicated

What is the difference between installation and reinstallation?

Installing an operating system differs from reinstalling it in that it involves installing it for the first time, i.e. on the computer where the operating system is installed in this moment This same operating system is not installed. Reinstallation involves installing an operating system on a computer where it is already installed - the installation is done as if on top of the old one, or with formatting local disk C.

How to install/reinstall Windows 7?

It is possible to start reinstalling this operating system both from the system itself and from the BIOS.

Installation from BIOS

1. Boot sequence in BIOS

First, check the boot sequence in the computer in the BIOS. To get into the BIOS settings, when you turn on the computer, continuously press the “del” key until your BIOS window appears, where the boot sequence of elements will be displayed in the “boot” tab. Make sure that DVD drive boots first, at least before the hard drive. This step is not so necessary, since, probably, the manufacturer will already have everything set up as it should be..

2. Start of installation.

Insert the operating system disc into the drive and restart the computer. After performing this action, during the loading phase, white text will appear on a black screen, starting something like this " Press any key to boot from CD or DVD..", do not miss this moment, since the text is displayed for just a few seconds. When it appears, click any key to start downloading. Then wait and do not touch or press anything; the installation files will be copied and the installer will start for some time.

3. Installation

In the window that appears, select your language and click " Further", then " Install". Then select " Full installation". The installer will ask you to select a local disk where you want to install the system. In the same window, you can also format the disk, which will mean completely deleting all data from the local disk. Suitable for those who do not have important data, or important data has been copied, and so If your computer is full of viruses. After selecting the drive, click " Further"The installation has begun.

4.Complete installation

After the automatic preboot, the first boot of the operating system will follow, during which you will need to specify a Username ( Think of anything: Elena, Ivan, Stick) and PC Name (Also come up with something), after which if you have an Activation key, enter it in the appropriate field, otherwise click on the “Skip” button. Configure time, date and other settings.

5. Installing drivers and software

Despite the fact that all the main drivers are installed automatically along with Windows 7 itself, you can update them by downloading the latest versions from the manufacturers' websites. Insert the disk that came with the laptop and install all the drivers that are provided on it (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Card-Reader). For a PC, you must have drivers on separate disks that should come with your equipment (Printers, Mice, etc.), also insert these disks and install the drivers.

Installing Windows 7 from the system

From Windows, the operating system is installed almost the same, only with a difference in the first steps.

1.2. Start the installation.

With the computer turned on, insert the disk with the operating system into the drive and start the installation. Select installable Windows version 7, if there are several of them. After continuing and a short amount of time has elapsed (Copying installation files, a reboot will occur).

3,4,5. The remaining points are exactly the same as in “Installation from BIOS” (see above)

Based on these points, you can install WIndows XP.

Every user sooner or later faces the need to install an operating system. There is a myth that it is difficult to do this on your own, although in reality this is not the case. All you need is to have basic PC user skills and follow simple instructions, which will be discussed below.

Before installation

There are a number of points that you should take care of before starting the installation.

To do this correctly, first pay attention to the following:

  • select the desired version of the operating system;
  • decide on its capacity;
  • prepare HDD to installation;
  • take care of the drivers.

If you are reading this article, there will be no problems choosing the OS version - it will be Windows 7. But what about its bit capacity? How do you know which one is right for your PC?

You may encounter two types of systems:

  • x86 (32bit);
  • x64 (64bit).

What are their differences? 32-bit supports up to 4 GB random access memory, and 64 - from 4 GB or more. The performance of a 64-bit system is higher, so if specifications your PC allows this, you should choose it. Determining the amount of RAM on your computer is very simple - just right-click on the “Computer” icon on the desktop and the necessary technical data will be displayed in the window that appears.

Important! It should be taken into account that after choosing one or another bit depth, subsequently installed programs must be optimized specifically for it.

Now you need to think about where exactly the new operating system will be installed. Most often, drive C is selected for this. However, you need to remember that all data on the disk (including the desktop!) will be permanently deleted. All important files should be moved to another drive or copied to a flash drive.

Another important point is the drivers. Most often, they come bundled with the equipment on special disks, but if not, download them from the Internet in advance. You can find the necessary drivers on the official websites of manufacturers of video cards, network cards and other PC components. Why do you need to take care of this in advance? Because after installation, without a driver for network card

, it will not be possible to do this.

Video: Installing Windows 7

Creating a Disc

To start the installation process, you need a disk with Windows 7. If you have it, you can safely move on to the next step. If it is missing, you will have to create it first. You will need an operating system image, as well as a recording program. It is best to give your preference to “pure” MSDN assemblies that have not been heavily modified. Recording from an image is no different from working with a regular disk. This can be done, for example, with the UltraISO program.

To do this you need:

Installing Windows 7 from disk via BIOS Let's move on to the main process. It starts with working with the BIOS - basic system

I/O It is the installation via BIOS that scares novice users so much, but there is nothing difficult in handling it. For our task, you only need to perform a few basic manipulations.

BIOS setup

First you need to get into the BIOS:

The process itself

After restarting, the system will launch the inserted disk and the installation process will begin:

Note! If you want to install Windows 7 from a formatted disk, then take care in advance of the safety of data that may be lost during this procedure. The installation will begin, usually taking 15 minutes to half an hour. Upon completion, the system will prompt you to enter your username and password (optional), as well as set a hint phrase to restore them. Next you will be prompted to enter serial number

, which is usually found in the box with a copy of the OS. If it is missing or the assembly does this automatically, skip this step.

  • indicate “recommended” security settings;
  • your time zone;
  • network type.

This completes the installation and the system is almost ready for use, all that remains is to configure it.

Video: Installation and configuration

System Setup

The first step is to activate the operating system (if this did not happen automatically during the installation process). Do not forget about this, because after 30 days, annoying reminders will begin to appear informing you that the registration period has expired.

How to check if Windows is activated:

Drivers and programs

The next most important step is to install the drivers. Their absence may result in graphics not displaying correctly. incorrect operation computer and the inability to connect to the Internet. How to determine which drivers the system needs?

Windows 7 will often install a driver for the video adapter, so it won't be listed as unrecognized. Despite this, a driver for the video card is still needed, because without it it will not work at full capacity (which can be noticeable by the not entirely correct display of icons on the desktop). We install it from the manufacturer’s disk or downloaded it in advance from the official website.

Important! Don't forget to install the driver for network adapter, because without it it will be impossible to access the network.

It is worth noting that all such programs are quite effective and can protect your system. For maximum effectiveness, it is worth changing the antivirus you are using from time to time. After installing it, do not forget to activate and update to get latest versions databases that can protect against newly discovered threats.

Now you can start installing the browser. Its choice also entirely depends on the user’s personal preferences. When a new search engine is installed, the first thing to do is update Flash Player, because without it it will be impossible to watch videos or listen to music on many resources.

This can be done in a matter of seconds on the official website.

  • Using a freshly installed browser, start filling the system with new programs that no system can do without: office applications ( Microsoft Office
  • , OpenOffice);
  • archivers (WinRAR, 7-Zip);
  • programs for listening to music and watching videos;
  • useful utilities (CCleaner);
  • communication applications (Skype, Mumble);

Installing any operating system is a matter that requires a thorough and careful approach. Despite this, you should not be afraid of him. Just follow the simple instructions, and very soon your PC will be able to boast a new OS.


We use the easiest way to download - using " Boot Menu"("Download Menu"). To call the “Boot Menu” on different motherboards and laptops, the “F8”, “F9”, “F10”, “F11”, “F12” or “Esc” keys can be used. Often this key is indicated in the prompts that appear when you turn on the computer.

Immediately after turning on the computer, press and hold the “Boot Menu” key until the boot device selection menu appears.

Use the down and up arrows to navigate to the DVD drive or flash drive and press Enter.
Transcend JetFlash 790 8Gb

If the call key is not indicated in the prompts at the initial stage of booting the computer, then you can find out this information from the instructions, on the website of the motherboard or laptop manufacturer, by searching on the Internet, or at random.

The first thing you should see after the BIOS messages is a line like “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...” or “Press any key to boot from USB...” (“Press any button to boot from USB...”) if you are booting from a flash drive.

When you see this message, you should press any key on your keyboard within a few seconds, I usually press Spacebar. If you miss this moment, then Windows installation will not start and you will have to restart the computer again from the old operating system, using the “Ctrl-Alt-Del” key combination or the “Reset” button on the system unit.

Please note that during the installation process Windows computer reboots several times and each time such a message may appear, but pressing “any key” on the keyboard is no longer NECESSARY, otherwise you just repeatedly reinstall Windows from the beginning and you will never finish it!

Sometimes a message like the one in the screenshot below may also appear.

In this case, you just need to press the “Enter” key on your keyboard. And by switching with the “Tab” key to the “Windows Memory Diagnostic” item, you can check the computer’s RAM for serviceability.

Wait for the blue “Install Windows” window to appear.

Installing Windows 7 begins with choosing languages.

3.1. Language selection

At this stage you are asked to select languages.

“Installed language” is the language in which all messages will be displayed in the operating system. If the version of Windows is multilingual, then you will have a choice. Most editions of Windows have only one operating system language and it is advisable that you understand it well.

“Time and Currency Format” – defines the names of months, days of the week, main currency, digital separators accepted in your country (period or comma), etc. What does it mean? Well, for example, if you select “Ukrainian”, then in programs for typing and tables, days of the week, months and monetary units will be automatically entered in Ukrainian, regardless of the language of the entire document. Therefore, choosing a national format only makes sense if the majority of your documents will be in the national language. However, this can be easily changed in Windows at any time.

"Keyboard Layout" is just the default input language that will be used when Windows startup and all programs. It makes sense to install the one on which you communicate and write. If you will use the computer primarily for programming, it may be more convenient to select the “US” (English) layout. After installing Windows, you can add and set any language as default.

For Russian-speaking residents of the CIS, I recommend leaving “Russian” everywhere, since when installing some programs that have a multilingual interface, they may not be in Russian, but in the language that you specified in one of the fields when installing the system.

To continue the installation, click the “Next” button.

3.2. Starting the installation

In the next window, click the “Install” button under the “Windows 7” logo.

3.3. License agreement

Check the box “I accept the license terms” and click “Next”.

4. Windows 7 installation type

We offer two types of installation.

“Update” – allows you to update previous version Windows (Vista) to the new Windows 7 with saving files, programs and settings. Windows XP cannot be updated this way. In any case, I do not recommend using this installation method, since it inherits the problems of the previous operating system and it is likely that the computer will slow down and malfunction.

“Full installation” – installation of a new copies of Windows to a new or existing partition hard drive. When installed on new computer partitions are created on the hard drive, and when installed on old computer partitions are either deleted and recreated, or a partition is selected that has enough space for installation. With this type of installation, you can also install Windows 7 as a second operating system, for example, alongside your existing Windows XP. In this case, when you turn on the computer, you will be asked which operating system you want to load.

We select “Full installation” and a window for selecting a disk for installing Windows 7 will open in front of us.

5. Disk configuration

Disk configuration is the process of creating, deleting, formatting hard disk partitions for installing Windows on it.

5.1. Disk configuration on an old computer

If you are reinstalling Windows on an old computer, then it already has one (“C”) or several partitions (“C”, “D”…). I hope you haven't forgotten from drive "C" to external drive, because in the process Windows reinstallation drive "C" will be cleared.
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If your disk has only one partition, then it is better to delete it and create two new ones - one of small size for the operating system and programs, the second for all the remaining space for your files. This disk configuration will be more convenient and reliable in terms of backing up and restoring the operating system and your files.

If your disk has several partitions, then the first one, on which Windows is installed, can be deleted and a new one created in its place, and the second one with your files can be left as is.

5.2. Disk configuration on a new computer

When installed on a new computer, your disk is completely empty and has no partitions. The best option will create two partitions - one of small size for the operating system and programs, the second for all the remaining space for your files. This disk configuration will be more convenient and reliable in terms of backup and recovery of the operating system and your files.

5.3. Dual drive configuration

If you have two hard drives, or one SSD and one regular disk, then it is advisable to create one partition on each of them and install Windows 7 on the one that is faster (SSD) or smaller in volume, and the second one is completely dedicated to storing your files.

If both disks are large, then you can create two partitions on the first one - one small for the system, one for storing your files. On the second disk, you can create a partition for the entire volume and use it to install programs and games, or you can also create two partitions - the first for programs and games, the second for files. This configuration will ensure maximum loading speed for programs and games, since Windows and the page file will be on one drive, and programs and games on another.

6. Disk setup for Windows 7

The screenshot below shows a computer with a 500 GB disk.

Don't be surprised that the real size is 465.7 GB. Manufacturers round up sizes hard drives to a larger round number. A table with actual hard drive sizes can be downloaded at the end of the article in the “” section.

SSD drive It’s better not to divide it into several partitions, but to give it entirely to the “C” drive for installing Windows, programs and games. Then you will get unrivaled computer speed!

Hard drive A-Data Ultimate SU650 120GB

Click on “Disk Setup” and additional buttons will appear.

The optimal size of the system partition is 10-20% of the total hard drive volume. For Windows 7, I recommend a partition size of at least 40 and no more than 200 GB.

I usually take 10% of the declared disk capacity, that is, 50 GB from a 500 GB disk and 100 GB from a 1000 GB disk. Since this is enough to install basic programs, it is better to install games on the second partition along with other files, since they take up a large amount of space and make it difficult to backup and system recovery, which we'll talk about later.

But if you like to experiment and plan to install a lot of serious programs and games, then it’s better to do system partition more, about 20% of the disk capacity or 100-200 GB in physical terms. Since some of the data still ends up on the system partition and in the future there may be a lack of space on it.

Let's make everything sure, create a system partition of 100 GB in size. To do this, click the “Create” button and enter the size in megabytes.

Please note that 1 GB = 1024 MB. In addition, Windows 7 takes 100 MB of this volume to create a hidden boot partition.

I like everything to be beautiful and the system to display a 100 GB disk, not 97.6 GB, so I calculate the volume in megabytes as follows:

100 GB x 1024 + 100 MB = 102,500 MB

This number must be entered in the “Size” field and click the “Apply” button.

Here is the result of the performed operation.

As you can see, two sections have been created. “Partition 1”, only 100 MB in size, is used for the operating system bootloader and we will not see it in Windows. “Partition 2” has a size of exactly 100 GB and we will install Windows 7 on it.

There is still “Unallocated space…” with a volume of 365.6 GB, on which we will create another partition for storing user files.

By default, all remaining space is allocated for it. It can be divided into several more sections if you know what you need it for. But we will leave everything as it is by simply clicking the “Apply” button.

As a result, we get “Section 3”, which took up all the remaining space. Now you need to click the “Format” button and confirm this action.

You can create this partition after installing Windows, but you will have to perform more steps and possibly change the drive letters. We will also consider this option after installing Windows.

7. Nuances of marking and large-volume disks

A 100 MB hidden boot partition is created when a new partition is created. If you install Windows 7 on an existing partition, the bootloader files will be located on it and a separate partition will not be created.

This configuration will occur if Windows installer 7 will partition the disk using the old MBR system. If Windows Installer partitions the disk in a new GPT system, several service partitions may be created.

MBR is an older partition type that supports disks up to 2 TB. GPT is a new type of partition that supports disks larger than 2 TB and requires support from the motherboard.

There are usually fewer problems with disks marked in MBR, but this is not essential. If you install Windows 7 on a disk with a capacity of 3 TB or more, then you need it to have GPT partitioning, otherwise not all of its capacity (about 2.3 TB) will be used.

The problem is that the Windows 7 installer does not always partition large drives in GPT markup, even with support from the motherboard. In this case, check that BIOS settings your motherboard or laptop in the “Boot” section as a priority boot devices UEFI.

In modern graphical interface the motherboard's "Setup" program it may look like this.

Write this folder onto a USB flash drive and insert it before turning on the computer to install Windows. In this case, the Windows 7 distribution can be located either on the installation DVD or on this flash drive.

When you reach the hard drive selection window, in which it is not displayed, click on the “Download” button and specify the location of the driver files (folder on the flash drive).

If the driver is suitable, the installer should detect your hard drive and it will appear in the window for selecting a disk for installation. After this, you can create partitions on the disk and install Windows on them.

9. Copying and unpacking files

Now select “Partition 2” of 100 GB in size, on which we install Windows 7 and click “Next”.

Copying and unpacking of files begins, which will take some time.

Sometimes this process may stop at 0% or any other place for a while, and then quickly end. Please be patient and do not touch your computer. You may need to wait 15-30 minutes. If after 30 minutes of waiting nothing happens, then most likely the computer has frozen or the installation disk is hard to read. You'll have to start all over again and if it freezes again, perhaps replace the installation disk. The problem may also be caused by a malfunction of the hard drive, RAM, or motherboard.

After copying and unpacking the files, the computer will restart several times and the installation process will continue, requiring user interaction.

Let me remind you that when the message “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...” appears, there is NO NEED to press anything.

10. Configuring Windows 7 settings

Settings Windows settings 7 starts with entering your username.

10.1. Entering your username and computer

In the next window, you need to enter the name of the main user, who will be the computer administrator, and the name of the computer on the network.

I recommend entering the name in English letters without spaces, since the user profile folder will have the same name, into which program and game settings can be saved. And some, even modern, programs and games cannot save files to folders with Russian names.

Names can have capital letters and numbers, and the input language can be switched using the Alt-Shift key combination.

As for the computer name, my recommendations are the same, but you can use a hyphen (minus sign) in the name. For example, for the main home computer, you can name it PC-1, PK-1 or Home-1, for a second computer - PC-2, PK-2 or Home-2, for a laptop - HP, ACER, Samsung, etc. If you have several laptops at home, you can add a username to the computer name, for example, Notebook-Vera or Misha-PC. This will make it easier for you to navigate later, but in principle this does not matter of great importance and the computer name can always be changed. Please also note that the username and computer name must not be the same.

10.2. Entering your password

The next window prompts you to enter the password for the user whose name was entered in the previous window, as well as a hint for this password in case you forget it.

I recommend not entering a password at this step, since during the process of setting up the computer it will reboot more than once and you will simply get tired of entering it. Make it better after full customization computer and create a system backup. In principle, if no one will use the computer except you, you have nothing to hide and you do not plan to exchange files via local network, then you don’t have to use a password at all. In other cases, using a password is highly desirable and we will talk about this in one of the articles about Windows setup. For now, just click Next.

10.3. Entering the key and activating Windows 7

In the next window you are asked to enter your license Windows key 7.

If you have officially purchased the operating system and are sure that this key has not been used on another computer, then enter the 25-digit code indicated on the disk or certificate sticker. In this case, you can leave the “Automatically activate Windows when you connect to the Internet” checkbox and click “Next”. Activation will happen 3 days after the first login.

If you don't have it yet license key or you are installing Windows 7 for evaluation purposes, then do not enter anything. In this case, you need to uncheck the automatic activation checkbox and click the “Next” button. After installation, you will have activated trial period for 30 days. In the future, you can extend it 3 times, thereby increasing the time of familiarization with the operating system to 120 days.

10.4. Setting up Windows 7 updates

In the next window you need to select one of three installation modes Windows updates.

“Use recommended settings” – all important and recommended updates will be installed automatically. Important ones include security updates and bug fixes. Recommended ones include updating drivers, software components and much more. Most experts advise using this mode.

“Install only the most important updates” – only security updates and bug fixes will be installed automatically.

“Delay decision” – do not include automatic update, and configure it later in the operating system.

On a personal note, I want to say that if the protection of your data is important to you and you don’t know how to protect yourself from security threats on the Internet, then important updates need to be installed. On the other hand, multiple updates eventually lead to a slowdown of the computer, and along with recommended updates, a large number of unnecessary components are installed into the operating system. If you use your computer primarily for gaming, you have good security, backup copy system and all personal files, then in principle you can do without updates and the computer will work as quickly as possible. But I still recommend installing at least the most important updates.

10.5. Setting the date and time

The next step asks you to select your time zone, date and time.

There is nothing complicated about this and although it can be configured after installing the system, it is better to do it right away. First you need to set the time zone, and only after that the time. If your locality is not in the list of time zones, then choose any other one that is in the same time zone with you, for example, for Kyiv the time zone is UTC +02:00 as in Athens.

If you live in Russia, then uncheck " Automatic translation to summer time and back,” since time change has been canceled in Russia. In other cases, follow the accepted regulations in your country. For example, in Ukraine, the time change is still in effect and the checkbox must be left. The computer clock will be automatically adjusted to the correct time and day. Click "Next".

10.6. Computer location

If your computer is connected to a network and during Windows installation you were able to install required driver for a network card, the “Select the current location of the computer” window will appear.

“Home network” - select this item if your computer or laptop is currently at your home, connected to the Internet via a router, and you want to exchange files with other home computers.

“Work network” - select this item if your computer or laptop is currently located at your work, where there is computer network to share files with other work computers.

“Public network” – select this item if your computer or laptop is connected to the Internet directly by cable. In this case, it will be used additional protection from attacks from the Internet.

10.7. Home group

This functionality was introduced in Windows 7 to simplify file sharing between home computers, but in principle it is not necessary. You need to check the boxes for the folders with which types of data you want to provide access to. You can also enable general access to a printer connected to this computer. You can check all the boxes, it won't harm you.

If a computer with Windows 7 or higher was detected on the network, you will be prompted to enter the homegroup password, which can be viewed on that computer. After entering your password, click Next. If you don’t have a lot of time, you can skip entering the password and click the “Skip” button, and enter the password later.

If a homegroup was not detected, it will be created on this computer and you will be given a random password. You can record it, and you can watch it later in Windows at any time. But it’s better to write it down or take a photo and click the “Next” button.

11. Login

After this, the user should automatically log in and display main screen Windows, called "Desktop". This completes the installation of Windows 7.

12. Links

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Sandisk Cruzer

How about without a disk? This topic is relevant today. Moreover, it concerns the new OS developments that appeared not so long ago. And now in more detail! Windows 7, or simply “seven,” is one of the latest operating systems from Microsoft, and at the same time the most successful of them. At least that's what many experts think.

What does installing from a boot drive mean?

7 without disk? The standard model for installing any operating system is from a hard drive. And in addition to a disk, a drive can be used as it. The installation option from a flash drive is quite reliable. As with a disk, the host system is installed at a lower level in the computer's software hierarchy. In other words, "from under the old system." In addition, this method of loading a new “OS” allows you to format the hard drive on which the previous system was located. This will protect the OS from old programs that may be malicious, as well as from “under-deleted” parts of files that are invisible at first glance, but remain in the system and interfere with its normal operation. Such “scraps” of unnecessary documents hinder the speed of the system. Malfunctions may occur. You should consider how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk and without a flash drive.

If there is neither a flash drive nor a disk

The standard installation method is not always possible. For example, if there is no disk, but there is an OS file on the computer or laptop itself. What to do in such a situation? How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive on a computer? The system file can be presented in the form of an image, an archive, or simply an installer. To install the system from an image, you should run special program. It is necessary for reading/writing exactly this kind of formats. For example, Daemon Tools. Having launched the image in the program and mounted it, you should select the installation file. If the OS is available as an archive, then there is no need to unpack it. How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive on a computer in such a situation? Click on the archive and select the installer file in It has “.exe” permission. This file is located mainly towards the end of the list of archive contents. There will be no difference in launching the installer even if the operating system is simply located in some folder.

What do you need to remember?

If you are installing a production system for the first time, there are some rules to keep in mind. You need to know them if you need to answer the question of how to reinstall Windows 7. Whether this will be done without a disk or with it does not play an important role.

Firstly, the installation of a new OS may occur due to the computer being infected with viruses. This is a useless process if it is not accompanied by formatting. The fact is that infected files do not disappear anywhere with this type of installation of the main working environment. They are saved in the previous installed system. Subsequently, they will simply switch to a new shell.

Secondly, the best, and most importantly, the most in a safe way there will still be installations use of hard carrier. Reinstalling Windows 7 without a disk in such a situation is not difficult. Enough to have bootable USB flash drive. If it does not exist, then it is created using simple steps. There is a program specifically for this that writes images to media. For example, Ultra ISO. Accordingly, if the files are not in disk image format, you should create one. Usually the same Daemon Tools is used for this.

How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk on a laptop or computer? Please remember that when installing new system You should always use only verified files. The fact is that with modern progress, handicraft assemblies are found everywhere. When downloading Windows 7 from the Internet, no one can say with confidence that it is not “hardwired” with malicious software. software.

First actions

How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk on a laptop or computer? Let's look at how to do it the most in a simple way. Find the folder with the operating system, launch it. After this, the installation window will open. It will display the ability to configure the following parameters:

  • selecting the system language (this is the language of the displayed names of folders, files, disks, and so on);
  • keyboard layout (input language);
  • time format (country, time zone).

For our country, naturally, you should choose the Russian language option everywhere.
After clicking the "Next" button, a window with the "Install" button opens. By clicking on the installation, go to Accept it by checking the box next to the appropriate inscription.

The most popular types of systems

The installer may contain several system options. The most commonly used:

  • home - for an inexperienced user;
  • standard - for those who confidently work with a computer;
  • professional - for an experienced person; it offers extensive capabilities, necessary modules and great access to files;
  • maximum - provides full access to all the functionality of the operating system.

If you are wondering how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive on a laptop or computer, then you should understand that this is an incomplete list of possible systems.

Don't forget about the bit depth

All programs of this type differ in their bit depth, that is, 32-bit (X86) and 64-bit (X64). This parameter is indicated after the system name. For example, Windows 7 Ultimate X86.

The choice of the level of the system to be installed should be made based on the power of the computer's resources. If the laptop or PC is relatively weak, it is recommended to install X86 OS (32-bit version). It is best to install Windows 7 X64 if the RAM size exceeds 4GB. The thing is that the 32-bit version is simply unable to “see” such a volume.

What to do when formatting is needed?

Let's get back to how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk. The next OS installer window will offer the option to complete it on your computer and update. It is necessary to make a choice in favor complete installation. Otherwise, only an update to the pre-existing operating system will occur.

After selecting the preliminary parameters, a window appears with the ability to select a hard drive. This method will not allow you to format it. This is due to the fact that the installer was launched from a running system. If it is necessary to format the disk, which is desirable when installing the OS, then this point can be bypassed. This happens as follows. Until the new “seven” is installed, take any other partition of the disk and clear it of files (move them if you need them, and just don’t touch them if you don’t need them). After that, format the partition. You should not change the drive letter in this situation. When answering the question of how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive on a laptop or computer, you should keep in mind that when you boot the new system, the drive letters will change automatically. The formatted partition should be selected for system installation.

If cleaning is not needed

If formatting is not necessary, you can simply select the drive to install the new system and continue. In such situation old system will remain in the "Windows old" folder. It will be located on drive "C". It will also be possible to start and work from it. But it is not recommended to do this, since two identical operating systems on the same disk may “conflict”. This, in turn, will lead to a malfunction. The old OS can be removed or moved to another medium. There is another very significant point that you should remember when answering the question of how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk on a laptop from Asus, Lenovo, HP, etc.

If the partition on which the new OS is installed does not have enough space for two operating systems, the installation process will not be able to start. This occurs due to the fact that the old shell is not removed and continues to occupy space. It is important to remember that frequent reinstallation of the operating system leads to disk destruction. This can be avoided by using various types defragmenters. For example, the Victoria program.

This problem is not so bad for computers. There is nothing easier than buying a new hard drive and installing it. This is easy to do yourself. However, if the hard drive breaks on a laptop, then, in addition to the cost of the disk itself, you will have to pay for repair services. You should know about this if you are interested in the question of how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk from a flash drive.

What do you need to enter after installation?

Having selected the disk (partition) for installation, click “Next”, which will lead to unpacking and subsequent installation new Windows 7. This process is fully automated. It will last for 25-30 minutes, depending on the power of the computer (laptop). After completing the installation, you need to enter the following parameters:

  1. Username (your own name or a desired nickname).
  2. Computer name (any name in Latin or Russian letters).

If the input is incorrect, the system will tell you about it and ask you to correct the symbols, indicating the error.

Entering the password and key

During installation, you will be asked to assign a password and a hint in case you lose it. After this, a window appears in which you must enter the key to activate the operating system. If it is missing, simply click “Next” after unchecking the box next to “Activation while connected to the Internet.” Then it will be possible to activate the system by any in a convenient way. This is done as follows:

  1. You need to find the "My Computer" folder.
  2. You need to open it by clicking on right button mice.
  3. You need to click on the "Properties" tab.
  4. You should select the “Change product key” option.

It is necessary to protect your computer from external threats

Let's return to the question of how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk on a computer or laptop. The next step is the security settings. You can use the recommended service, or you can postpone the decision and configure it later. Computer protection is one of the most important moments in installing the operating system. The fact is that the security of the equipment will depend on how well you limit access parameters from other people’s devices. This menu is nothing more than offering an option to select a data protection set created by Microsoft specialists. It should be understood that they already provide and set the recommended parameters. By skipping this point, many people forget to perform the configuration manually in the future, putting their files at risk.

So, having decided on security, click “Next” and set up the time and date (time zone, etc.) in a new window.

Next, the installer displays the network parameters window. It can be either home or public. Due to this, the settings in the Internet properties are changed. As for the general understanding, then home network looks more conservative regarding the configuration. The public network, on the other hand, provides greater access to the resources of a laptop or computer.

What can be changed after installation?

This was the last step, after which you will get a practically empty desktop of the newly installed operating system Windows systems 7. Basic settings (for example, adding the “My Computer” folder or user files to the desktop) can be done by left-clicking on the desktop space and selecting the “Personalization” tab.

You can put another one there too background picture, change the default theme (usually Windows 7 Aero), change the screen resolution and much more.

Standard licensed Windows 7 goes without additional programs. However, among the numerous assemblies you can find options that include many additional elements, software and so on.


This article described how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive. You will install it on the computer - it does not play a big role. The principle of the installation process for a new system is the same.