How to completely remove the crap from Windows 7. How to completely remove Mozilla Firefox from your computer? Backing up and restoring a profile using the MozBackup utility

I consider one of the main browsers Mozilla Firefox. Why? Yes, if only because it is convenient for me to use it, unlike Opera, which after several years I simply could not get used to. I also like Google Chrome, but habits, you know, take their toll... In the last couple of weeks, Firefox began to take an excessively long time to open when first launched, and this despite the fact that I have far from the weakest “system”. In principle, this is not news to me, since I encountered a similar problem on my previous PC. Various methods, including deleting the cache and cookies, did not help, so I decided to delete the browser and reinstall it again. Since I have very few bookmarks, I decided to save them in Text Document, and delete your profile along with the browser. By the way, if you leave your profile and after reinstalling the program, export it again, then loading Mozilla will probably take the same long seconds as before deleting it, so it is not advisable to do this.

Now I will tell you how to correctly carry out this procedure.

Instructions for removing the browser

If you decide to save some information, that is, bookmarks, logins, passwords and other data, then first use the MozBackup program, which allows you to save them and then transfer them to a new profile. You can download it at Russian version official forum. Using the utility is very easy and simple, so we will not describe the principle of its operation. By the way, never store logins and passwords in your browser, as they can easily be stolen from there using simple Trojans.

If you decide to create a new profile, completely getting rid of the old one (recommended method), then simply use our further instructions.

And one more thing - deleting a shortcut from the desktop does not delete the browser, as some people think. Don't forget about it!

Well, now let's proceed directly to the procedure.

As was written above, there is no need to remove the Internet browser shortcut from your desktop - this will not give you anything. It is necessary to remove the program using the built-in operating system Windows system"Programs and Features" utility, accessible through the "Control Panel" section. Click “Start”, then “Control Panel” and “Programs and Features”.

Find Mozilla Firefox, click on it right click mouse you will see the inscription “Delete”. Click on it.

Uninstall the browser by clicking on the “Next” button.

Go to the Program Files section on your computer and find the Program Files\Mozilla Firefox folder (usually located on drive C). We delete it manually (either by deleting it to the trash, or using a combination SHIFT key+ DELETE).

Now you need to get rid of the temporary folders belonging to this program. For Windows XP the directories are as follows:

  • \Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Mozilla
  • \Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla

For Windows 7 or Vista:

  • \Users\Username\AppData\Local\Mozilla
  • \Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\

All? Alas, this is not the end yet. Now you need to remove all the tails left after uninstalling the browser. Go to the registry editor (Start - Find all programs and files - Regedit) and delete the following elements in the directories:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mozilla
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MozillaPlugins

However, some keys may be missing. This is quite normal.

If you do not want to use the registry editor, you can use any third party utility, which will remove all unnecessary “tails” in the system. For example, . I recommend using it if the terms like do not mean anything to you. In addition, CCleaner can be downloaded completely free of charge.

Download CCleaner, install it on your computer and run it. Select the “Registry” section, click on the “Search for problems” button.

The utility will find the necessary data, including the “tails” left after removing the browser. On the right side of the window, click “Fix.”

Only now, after completely deleting the browser, you can rearrange it and export all saved files (or do absolutely nothing).

Some users may encounter certain difficulties when it comes to uninstalling programs. If any software was damaged by a virus or was deleted in an incorrect way– he may disappear from the list installed programs, but still remain on the computer. Remaining entries in the system registry may prevent you from installing new version this application, and service files will take up extra space on your hard drive. This article discusses how to completely remove the Mozilla Firefox browser from your personal computer.

First of all, it is worth noting that you should never erase the contents of the Mozilla Firefox directory manually. Such actions do not change any entries in Windows registry and would rather harm than help. In this way, you can clean the “tails” left after uninstalling the program, but under no circumstances remove the software itself.

Your operating system already has all the tools with which you can remove unnecessary software. You can get to them through the Control Panel. Follow the steps given in these instructions:

After this, your Internet browser will be uninstalled. This method works in the vast majority of cases.

CCleanerand installation

If some of the files responsible for the operation of the program were damaged or deleted manually, it is possible that the previous method will not have an effect. In this case, you will need to download and install an additional utility.

The most common program that can be used to remove unnecessary software and edit the registry is CCleaner. There are 3 versions of this utility: one is freely available and intended for home use, the second and third are paid and have tools that will be useful to professionals and system administrators.

All versions can be downloaded from the official website of the developer Follow this hyperlink and click on the green “Free Download” button, after which you will be taken to the download page. Here you can choose which distribution you need.

The capabilities of the freely distributed version are quite sufficient for your purposes.

  1. Click on the leftmost “Free Download” button to start downloading.
  2. Run the exe file downloaded from the website.
  3. Select Russian interface language.
  4. Click on the “Install” button.
  5. Click "Finish" to close the installation window and launch CCleaner.

How to remove a browser usingCCleaner

To remove Mozilla Firefox from your operating system completely, you must do the following.

I think, if not everyone, then definitely many of us are familiar with the situation when a program installed on a computer begins to work incorrectly, simply put, “glitchy.” Usually all your attempts to “bring her to her senses” are zero, but the situation must be resolved somehow! With the Mozilla Firefox browser, as with any other browser, incidents are also possible, so you should know what to do in such cases.

But usually everything is banal and simple: you need to remove the browser and then install it again. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do this, and therefore the topic of this material there will be a question: how to remove mozilla firefox completely? Let's find out!

By normal removal

There are two options to completely remove Firefox: the standard way and manually. To use the first one, do the following:

Manual removal

Usually everyone successfully uses the first method, but if for some reason it is not possible, you can also use manual removal. You are required to delete only a few folders, namely:

So, to summarize, I want to note once again that you can remove Mozilla Firefox, or any other browser, in only two ways: manually or using standard means. It’s quite easy to do, the main thing is to know how.

One of the most popular browsers is . Among its advantages are convenient data management (bookmarks) and fast opening of pages (thanks to caching). Recently, due to functionality and convenience, people have begun to switch to working on it. But the problem of uninstalling Firefox remains. As it turned out, it is not so simple. Now I will explain to you how to perform this procedure.

Step 1: Uninstall using Programs and Features utility

To do this we should:

As a result of the actions taken, the removal wizard will open of this browser. As you delete, don't forget to check the box. “Delete personal data, profiles and settings from my Firefox”.

I don't have a checkbox on Windows 8.1 (picture from Windows 7).

Advice! Not always, after performing the above steps, the program folder located on the disk disappears - it is worth checking this and, if necessary, deleting it (located at C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox).

It is also worth checking whether profiles and personal data have been deleted. If not, then delete the following folders:

  • for Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Mozilla
    \Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla;
  • for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, Vista: \Users\Username\AppData\Local\Mozilla

Step 2: Cleaning the Registry

The computer registry is a database that contains the addresses and settings of files. And, of course, a small part of the data about Mozilla Firefox remained in it. The following directories should be removed:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mozilla;
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MozillaPlugins;

Other methods:

Important! For more earlier versions OS than Windows XP, you can use the commands appwiz.cpl or control.exe appwiz.cpl (to open the “Add or Remove Programs” window).

Support programs

There are a number of programs that allow you to perform all these actions with one click. Some of the most convenient (and most importantly tested by me) are:

  1. Uninstall Tools is, in my opinion, the most convenient and powerful utility.
  2. CCleaner - will help clear the cache and registry.
  3. Revo Uninstaller is a powerful force cleaning tool.

Any of these programs will help you effortlessly erase everything left on your computer or tablet from Mozilla Firefox. However, it will be much safer to perform manual removal. I wrote how to do this. Good luck to all!

Although Mazila is considered one of the best web browsers, there are times when it becomes redundant.

Defuse him in the usual way does not work. In principle, it is possible, but not advisable. What's the correct way to remove it completely? mozilla browser firefox?

If mozilla firefox is running, close it. Also, look to see if the workflow is still there - otherwise you won’t be able to delete it using the standard method.

Standard way to remove mozilla firefox

To remove the mozilla firefox browser, open and find, or rather click, the program and features option.

Select it (by right-clicking) and at the very top click on the option - delete.

Generally standard way not bad, although it has one drawback - it leaves garbage. To prevent this from happening in the future, I recommend the best option, and use it not only to remove browsers, but all other applications, regardless of whether it is Windows 7, Vista, XP or Windows 8.

A universal way to remove calluses

To take advantage the best option removal of muzz (mozilla firefox), you will need to go and download special. prog. It is free and in Russian (INSTRUCTIONS ARE ATTACHED). Installation also does not require special knowledge.

What benefits will you get in relation to removing mozilla? firefox standard method? When you download, install and run this program, you will see all the applications on your computer right there.

You just need to select mozilla firefox and click uninstall at the top. Only this is only half the work. After removing the browser itself, the “search” option will appear at the bottom. Click on it and the program will automatically find all the “tails”.

All you need to do is check the boxes (click select all) and click delete. That's it - the program will independently clear garbage from the registry, as a result of which junk will not be collected, and as a result, computer performance will not decrease either. Good luck.