How to correctly analyze a commercial proposal? Commercial proposal for SEO sample

Here is just a small list of what can be included in a typical CP when promoting a website:

  1. Drawing up a detailed semantic core.
  2. Creating or correcting the site structure.
  3. Content content of the project.
  4. Bringing the site to the TOP 10 for fixed queries within the agreed time frame.
  5. Technical optimization of the project.
  6. Development of recommendations to increase conversion on the site.
  7. Improved usability and navigation.
  8. Comprehensive resource refinement, optimization mobile version website.
  9. Promotion on social networks.
  10. Link promotion (white methods), etc.

We guarantee a significant increase in volume target audience, arriving according to targeted requests. While working on the site, our team will improve its visibility and authority, study behavioral factors and develop optimal measures to promote the project.

Work on websites is carried out according to this plan

Details of events for each type of promotion

Nuances of social and information promotion

During these types of promotion of the site’s commercial offer, the following are performed:

  1. Development of a strategy for website popularity on social and thematic platforms.
  2. The target audience is determined and researched, and the site is optimized for social services.
  3. A selection of interaction options is carried out and an action plan is implemented for the website in the social Internet environment.

For all types of services, a monthly report is compiled on the work done and the results obtained. The prospects for further promotion of competitive positions within the agreed field of requests are assessed. Efforts are adjusted by type of promotion.

The cost of website promotion is calculated individually for each project, taking into account the CP from our agency. Monthly maintenance includes basic resource support, allowing you to quickly adapt to changes in the competitive environment.

Hot material, private information, pale, all in one bottle... I don’t know how else to describe this topic, but here are collected documents, contracts, SEO promotion market leaders, leaders at a certain point in time. This information was collected by a certain Mikhail K., probably as part of a future study on.

Mikhail K.- thank you very much, you can express this research, and for many SEO specialists this material can only mean one thing, the May holidays will be very interesting. It will be possible to analyze competitors in detail, see which of them promises something on the site, but in the contract “not very” is signed under these words.

It will also be possible to audit your documents and compare the pros and cons. And based on commercial proposals, analyze how companies lure customers into their networks.

We have achieved success in website promotion because we have always changed faster than others. What remains constant is our commitment to our clients. Advance brings you new customers using Internet marketing. Contextual advertising is gaining momentum, and we have joined this life-giving flow.

The scope of activities of the Antarion company includes the creation of websites and web design, design and development of trade electronic platforms, online stores, production of corporate information portals and implementation of IT technologies in the business environment.


Our specialty is increasing our clients' sales through comprehensive Internet marketing solutions. Since 2004, we have accumulated unique experience in successfully developing businesses on the Internet. More than 200 qualified specialists from 4 regional offices of our company work daily to ensure that in the shortest possible time and with minimal costs attract “hot” target buyers to our clients’ websites.

Ingate was founded in 2000 and specializes in providing premium search advertising services. Today we employ more than 200 excellent professionals; Over the course of our work, we have implemented over 1,200 successful projects. The company's interests are wherever people search and find information.


It was created from scratch without a single ruble of investment in August 2004 as a kind of joint Russian-Ukrainian enterprise. Transformed into the Internet Technologies group of companies in 2007 due to an increase in sales volumes and the opening of regional representative offices in cities of Russia and neighboring countries. Today it is a small holding company engaged in website promotion in search engines Oh.

The MegaSeo group of companies was founded in 2005 and represents a friendly team of experienced specialists, the main office is located in Orenburg. The customer service office is located in Moscow. Over two thousand clients have trusted us search engine promotion their websites over the past 5 years. Many of them work with us to this day.

The Newmann Bauer marketing group specializes in providing services in the field of Internet marketing - SEO, SEM, SMO, conducting marketing research of various business segments, developing innovative online solutions for small and medium-sized businesses.

Web studio of Peter Penzev

"Web Studio of Peter Penzev" offers to bring your website to the first page of Yandex, Google, Rambler. Your potential clients will see your website. Traffic will increase, there will be more calls, more sales. Be higher than your competitors, sell more!

Our company offers you comprehensive services promotion of sites that compare favorably with competitive offers with a qualified technical approach and stable results. Five years of successful work in the website promotion market have allowed us to develop effective website promotion solutions, the effectiveness of which has been tested in practice.

SEO Dream company was founded in 2005. The main activity of the Company is comprehensive advertising on the Internet. Today, SEO Dream Company promotes more than 350 websites in various topics.


The SEONE company was founded in 2005 as a studio for creating and promoting websites. From the very beginning, we abandoned the path followed by many SEO companies that promote sites only to achieve certain positions in search engine results. We have always been interested not only in positions on specified requests, but primarily in attracting the target audience, potential consumers of goods and services offered by this resource, to the client’s website.

TRINET entered the market information technologies in 2000. Over the course of these years, we searched for ourselves, set goals, made decisions, were not afraid to take risks, and achieved results. Every year we gained experience, constantly raising the level of our work.

The WebProjects company has been working in the website development and promotion market since 2002. The company employs specialists with many years of experience. The number of successfully implemented projects is more than 100. We provide services for the development, support and promotion of Internet sites for business, society and government agencies.

A person is greeted by his clothes, and an SEO company is greeted by his commercial offer. The commercial offer is probably the most important element in the sales funnel, and this applies not only to SEO, but to almost every area of ​​business, unless, of course, you have “girls, let’s sign up for nails.” A commercial proposal is like a palm for a palmist; it tells you a lot, a lot about your future partner, and most importantly, it shows his attitude towards you, your business, your time and his business. In this article, we will tell you how to use a commercial proposal to find out who is in front of you, a representative of a team of professionals or a Herbalife seller.

You are offered work that relates exclusively to your project or a specific project situation.

There is a little life hack on how to check this item really quickly. I recommend that you simply replace the name of your project in the CP with the name of any other that may not even be closely related to your topic, and if the meaning is preserved, then no more than 15 minutes were spent on this commercial proposal and it was not compiled by a person, but at best by an analyzer . At worst, the find-replace method.

But speaking completely seriously, the commercial proposal should contain ways to solve your specific problems. Essentially, your future contractor should already know what exactly to do with your project and therefore, it should contain at least this minimum:

  • The main problems of your site are briefly described;
  • A small pool of requests has been selected (we call it the demo core);
  • A promotion strategy has been prepared in general terms;
  • The primary work plan is described briefly and clearly;
  • The sales specialist will have to justify each item of planned work.

The main idea of ​​this paragraph: “We will not find out during the work what to do with your site, we ALREADY know what to do and all that remains is to start the work.”

The commercial proposal contains information on your commercial benefits. Naturally, the offer is commercial.

The essence of the CP is to describe the commercial benefits for both parties, that is, in short it looks like this: “You give us your money, and we give you work that will help you earn money.” more money. Here are the numbers and forecasts." This is surprising, but many companies and freelancers remember the first part very well, but either completely forget about the second part or give abstract information for abstract benefits, and, as a rule, there can be no talk of any numbers. And if you put a standard automatic gearbox under the knife, it will look something like this: “You give us your money, and we will do something for you with the site and you will be in the top, because this is cool.”

Perhaps I exaggerated a little. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that having a website in the coveted top 3 for necessary queries leads to increased sales and rapid development of the company. No, your future partner will not be able to find out with 100% accuracy exactly how much you will earn, but he can show the positions of leading competitors in the demo pool of requests and show that you are probably seriously behind the leaders of your niche, as well as calculate savings in Ya.Direct and G.Adwords for the same queries.

Information presented in this way will not make you doubt the importance of SEO promotion and the commercial benefits of working with such an attentive and far-sighted contractor. The main idea: “We didn’t come to you to solve our SEO problems for your money, we are here to solve your business problems for your money.”

The sales pitch communicates to you in your language, not yours. SEO specialists.

The most valuable resource we have is time. Only those employees and partners who protect this time for both you and themselves deserve professional respect.

Now imagine that you have received a huge file from a N SEO agency/freelancer, which is replete with complex terms, clever but specialized words, the meaning of which will become clear to you only after you yourself have promoted a couple or three sites to the top. You will have no choice but to put it off “for later”, while this “later” will probably never come.

By doing this, sales specialists do not value your time; you simply do not have it to decipher this cryptogram, after which a subsequent meeting is out of the question. Moreover, by sending such files, inexperienced agencies try to seem much smarter than they actually are, thus trying to avoid awkward questions in further communications.

The main idea: “We communicate with you in your language in order to simplify communication and significantly save your and our time.”

The commercial proposal does not contain any blank spots; every point and stage of work is clear and justified.

If in the incorrect CP from the previous paragraph unnecessary information significantly predominates, then in the correct CP there simply cannot be such information. Each point, even if it contains a term or definition that is at first glance incomprehensible, must be translated into Russian and justified.

If this is a work plan, then it must be explained. If this is a promotion strategy, then there must be an explanation of why the contractor is going to do this and not otherwise.

In the paragraphs above, I wrote that it is necessary to provide information about competitors and for good reason. In SEO, a large number of decisions are made based on data from the TOP 10 for a particular request, and if such information is not in the CP, then you should request it from a sales department specialist or direct contractor, and he will not have to refuse you. Otherwise, you are offered work for the sake of work.

The main idea: “All our decisions are based on analysis data and practical experience, we produce only relevant work and do not hide anything from you.”


A commercial offer without a price is like a spinner without a bearing, that is, it is not a commercial offer at all.

Understand that SEO has changed a lot over the past few years and today it is an expensive examination that requires a lot of time and deep immersion in the entrusted project, where the cost of an error is very high. Therefore, do not be surprised if there is an appropriate price for quality services. No, I’m not saying that price determines quality, I’m rather saying that you should be wary of suspiciously low prices.

Think for yourself what more expensive services, the more experienced specialists work on your site and the less the project load on each of them. The lower the project load, the more attention your site receives, and the more attention, the more results.

Bottom line

Perhaps these are the main postulates of correct commercial offer, which you need to take into account so that during the first minutes of communication with the file you can make the right choice.

Perhaps I was a little idealistic and too categorical, but such a critical and strict approach will help you avoid being deceived by an unscrupulous contractor.

If you are interested in website promotion, contact us, and we will prepare for you a comprehensive commercial proposal for SEO promotion, in which we will show why your resource needs promotion, in what ways it will be carried out, and what results it will provide. Our offer will help you make sure that the promotion of a commercial website in our agency is carried out professionally and on favorable terms.

Commercial website promotion

To evaluate the offer of SEO services, you need to understand what they are and what they are needed for. The goal of promotion is to bring the resource to the TOP of search engine results and increase traffic. Top rankings in search results ensure the popularity of the site, and internal optimization allows you to effectively work with visitors and encourage them to make a purchase. Thus, promotion is a powerful modern marketing tool that allows you to solve the main problems in this area with minimal costs.

Commercial proposal for website promotion

SEO services are provided by hundreds of agencies, companies, organizations and freelancers. An indicator of a company’s professionalism is its commercial offer for website promotion. This is a document that is prepared by an organization so that a potential client understands what services are offered to him and under what conditions. Based on how this document is compiled and what information it contains, one can conclude what the results of cooperation will be.

Commercial proposal for SEO promotion

To evaluate a commercial proposal, you can focus on the following objective signs:

  • All given figures and values ​​must be accompanied by comments from a specialist. This suggests that the resource was actually checked and analyzed;
  • The document should contain data not only on a specific site, but also on the market and industry as a whole, as well as on direct competitors;
  • It is important that when analyzing not only purely specifications, but also some usability parameters;
  • All terms and expressions in the document must be explained. It must be completely understandable to the potential client;
  • It is necessary to have a clear cost calculation scheme;
  • The amount of work required and its results should also be recorded.

You can agree to an offer made in accordance with these characteristics. Contact us and we will prepare this document specifically for your resource! 8 800 700 34 35.