How to copy a certificate and private key from the registry. Copying using CryptoPro CSP Transferring a CryptoPro container to another computer

Transferring the Kontur.Extern system to another computer. Setting up an additional workplace.

For the initial installation of the Kontur.Extern system,use the instructions .

To transfer the Kontur.Extern system to another workplace necessary:

1. Copying certificates

If the keys electronic signature(ES) at the old workplace were installed in the Registry, you need to copy them to any removable media. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Go to the “Copying” Diagnostics profile using the link.

2. Insert the media to which you want to copy the certificate.

3. On the desired certificate, click on the “Copy” button.

If a password has been set for the container, the message “Enter the password for the device from which the certificate will be copied” will appear.

4. Select the media where you want to copy the certificate and click “Next”.

5. Give the new container a name and click on the “Next” button.

6. A message indicating that the certificate was successfully copied should appear.

If several certificates are installed on your computer, repeat steps 3-6 for each certificate.

2. Transfer of the Kontur.Extern Light program

If you use the Kontur.Extern Light program for your work, you need to transfer the settings and the database of transferred documents from one workplace to another. If you don't use it, go.

To transfer Kontur.Extern Light, you need to copy the settings and database files from the previous workplace and place them in the appropriate directory on the new workplace:

ATTENTION! When performing any actions with the RSBASE file, remember that it is not recommended to delete or move it from the directory if you are not sure of the need for these actions.IN this file All settings and a database of previously transferred documents are stored.When transferring a file from one computer to another, it is recommended to use the file copy function. After this, install Kontur.Extern Light using the installation disk on the desired workstation.

3. Installing the Kontur.Extern system on a new computer

If you log in to the web drive and it doesn't prompt you to install/update any components, then go to the personal certificate.

For complete installation system, click on the “Install” button.

When using the web disk, components already installed on the workstation are automatically checked. After clicking the “Install” button, only the components missing for correct operation will be installed. This method installation is recommended.

You can also use custom installation of components (not recommended). To do this, click on the “Select components to install” link, check necessary components and click the "Start installation" button.

Wait until the installation process completes. After this, restart your browser (restart your computer if necessary) and open the web drive again.

4. Certificate installation

For check installed certificate or use the "External" shortcut. It will appear on the desktop after installing the components.

If, when logging into the service, a message appears that the certificate is not installed, or the certificate is on a flash drive, install the certificate manually.

To transfer the Kontur.Extern system to another workplace, you must:

  • Copy certificates to any removable media if they are installed in the computer registry;
  • If you use the Kontur.Extern Light program for work, you need to transfer the settings and the database of transferred documents;
  • Install the Kontur.Extern system and components on new computer using web drive;
  • Install certificates on the new computer.

Copying certificates

Transferring the Kontur.Extern Light program

If you use the Kontur.Extern Light program for work, you need to transfer the settings and the database of transferred documents from one workplace to another. If you don't use it, skip this step. To transfer the Kontur.Extern Light program, follow these steps:

Installing the system on a new workplace

It is recommended to use a web drive to install the system. Using the web disk, only the latest components necessary for correct operation are installed. Administrator rights are required for installation.
Take advantage of our instructions to install the program

Installing certificates

For correct operation in the reporting system, install all the organization’s certificates (current and expired) with removable disk according to our instructions .

The system has been successfully installed.

To get started, use the “CenterInform” shortcut on your desktop.

Copy using Windows

If you use a floppy disk or flash drive for work, you can copy the container with the certificate using Windows (this method is suitable for versions CryptoPro CSP not lower than 3.0). Place the folder with the private key (and, if there is one, the certificate file - the public key) in the root of the floppy disk / flash drive (if you do not place it in the root, then working with the certificate will be impossible). It is recommended not to change the folder name when copying.

The folder with the private key should contain 6 files with the extension .key. As a rule, the private key contains a public key (the header.key file in this case will weigh more than 1 KB). In this case, it is not necessary to copy the public key. An example of a private key is a folder with six files and a public key is a file with the .cer extension.

Private key Public key

Copy to Diagnostics profile

1. Go to the “Copying” Diagnostics profile using the link.

2. Insert the media to which you want to copy the certificate.

3. On the desired certificate, click on the “Copy” button.

If a password has been set for the container, the message “Enter the password for the device from which the certificate will be copied” will appear.

4. Select the media where you want to copy the certificate and click “Next”.

5. Give the new container a name and click on the “Next” button.

6. A message indicating that the certificate was successfully copied should appear.

Bulk copy

  1. Download and run the utility. Wait for the entire list of containers/certificates to load and select the required checkboxes.
  2. Select the Bulk Actions menu and click on the Copy Containers button.

3. Select the storage media for the container copy and click OK. When copying to the registry, you can check the box “Copy to the key container of the computer”, then after copying the container will be available to all users of this computer.

4. After copying, click the “Update” button at the bottom left.
If you want to work with copied containers, you need .

Copying using CryptoPro CSP

Select “Start” > “Control Panel” > “CryptoPro CSP”. Go to the “Service” tab and click on the “Copy” button.

In the Copy Private Key Container window, click on the Browse button .

Select the container you want to copy and click on the “Ok” button, then “Next”. If you copy from a root token, an input window will appear in which you should enter a pin code. If you have not changed the pin code on the media, the standard pin code is 12345678.

Create and manually specify a name for the new container. Russian layout and spaces are allowed in the container name. Then click "Done".

In the Insert Blank Key Media window, select the media on which the new container will be placed.

You will be prompted to set a password for the new container. We recommend that you set a password that is easy for you to remember, but that others cannot guess or guess. If you do not want to set a password, you can leave the field blank and click OK.

Do not store your password/pin code in places where others have access. If you lose your password/pin code, using the container will become impossible.

If you copy the container to a ruToken smart card, the message will sound different. In the input window, enter your pin code. If you have not changed the pin code on the media, the standard pin code is 12345678.

After copying, the system will return to the “Service” tab of CryptoPro CSP. Copying is complete. If you plan to use a new key container to work in Externa, .

Often people who use electronic devices for their needs digital signatures, you need to copy the CryptoPro certificate to a flash drive. In this lesson we will look at various options for performing this procedure.

By and large, the procedure for copying a certificate to a USB drive can be organized in two groups of ways: using internal tools operating system and using the functions of the CryptoPro CSP program. Next we will look at both options in detail.

Method 1: CryptoPro CSP

First of all, let's look at the copying method using the CryptoPro CSP application itself. All actions will be described using the Windows 7 operating system as an example, but in general the presented algorithm can be used for other operating systems of the Windows family.

The main condition under which it is possible to copy a container with a key is the need for it to be marked as exportable when created on the CryptoPro website. Otherwise, the transfer will not be possible.

  1. Before you begin, connect the USB flash drive to your computer and go to "Control Panel" systems.
  2. Open section "System and safety".
  3. In the specified directory, find the item "CryptoPro CSP" and click on it.
  4. A small window will open where you need to move to the section "Service".
  5. Next, click the button "Copy...".
  6. A window for copying the container will appear, where you need to click on the button "Review…".
  7. A container selection window will open. Select from the list the name of the one from which you want to copy the certificate to a USB drive, and click "OK".
  8. The authentication window will then be displayed, where in the field "Enter password" you need to enter a key expression that is used to password the selected container. After filling out the specified field, click "OK".
  9. After this, you return to the main window for copying the private key container. Please note that in the name field key container the expression will be automatically added to the original name "-Copy". But if you wish, you can change the name to any other, although this is not necessary. Then click the button "Ready".
  10. Next, a window for selecting a new one will open. key carrier. In the list presented, select the drive with the letter that corresponds to the desired flash drive. After that press "OK".
  11. In the authentication window that appears, you will need to enter the same random password for the container twice. It can either correspond to the key expression of the source code or be completely new. There are no restrictions on this. After entering, click "OK".
  12. After this, an information window will be displayed with a message that the container with the key was successfully copied to the selected media, that is, in this case, to a flash drive.

Method 2: Windows Tools

You can also transfer the CryptoPro certificate to a flash drive only using the operating system. Windows systems by simple copying through "Conductor". This method This will only work if the header.key file contains a public certificate. However, as a rule, its weight is at least 1 KB.

As in the previous method, descriptions will be given using the example of actions in the operating room Windows system 7, but in general they are also suitable for other OSes in this line.

At first glance, transferring a CryptoPro certificate to a flash drive using operating system tools is much simpler and more intuitive than actions through CryptoPro CSP. But it should be noted that this method is only suitable for copying public certificate. Otherwise, you will have to use the program for this purpose.