How to delete your email address. How to delete a mailbox and account. How to quickly and permanently delete email on gadgets running iOS

Is today your last day at work? Use the remaining time wisely - copy all the important things and clean up the data on your computer. Here's a guide on how to do it.

Save everything that's important

First the obvious. Before you delete everything from your work computer, be sure to save everything important: PDF documents, photos, your resume and other files dear to your heart.

If you need to save a lot of files, use USB drives. They're cheap, fit easily in your pocket, and can store at least two to four gigabytes of data. Another option for transferring files is services cloud storage Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive. The main thing is to check that you are logged in with your personal and not your work account. If you need to copy several gigabytes of data, it is better to use an external hard drive.

Be sure to check what information you are copying - it must be personal and not contain any confidential data about your company. Otherwise you may get into trouble.

When you leave, you will no longer have access to corporate mail. If you have any important letters or contacts you need on it, forward them to your personal email.

Check USB ports

See if you still have a USB cable left at work to charge your phone. Be sure to check all USB ports. Your cables, flash drives and other devices should not remain in them.

Turn off voicemail

Delete corporate email

If you use mail client(rather than logging in through a browser), then delete all incoming emails and log out of your account. With some settings, logging out of your account will lead to its deletion.

Important: Before deleting all old emails, make sure that it is within your company's policy. It is common practice in some organizations to retain all correspondence for several months or years, even after the employee leaves.

Delete all data from your work computer

Still from the TV series Mr. Robot

If you do not have administrator rights, you must remove all personal information. But if you have full access to files, then delete absolutely everything. First, copy everything you need, and then completely clean your computer. This may take several hours, so plan ahead.

If you are a Mac user, you can remove all data from your computer by simply reinstalling operating system. How to do this is written in detail in the Apple Support Center.

If you have installed on your computer Windows system, use the DBAN program. You will find instructions for it. There are other programs for completely cleaning your computer - KillDisk and DP Wipe.

You may say: why should I delete all data from my work computer? The point is that you don't know what will happen to this computer in the future. Perhaps it will be given to another employee. Or they will sell it. Or they will forget about him altogether. The safest thing to do is not leave any traces behind. Who needs pictures of you and your dog anyway, no matter how cute they are?

Delete everything from your phone

If you are lucky enough to work for a company that has assigned you a separate mobile phone, then you will also need to delete all data from it. Fortunately, this is much faster and easier to do than with computers.

If you have an iPhone, go to the Settings menu and go to the General section. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Reset data. Then click on “Delete all content and settings.” This will reset your phone to factory settings. If you have an iPad, do the same.

If you have an Android phone, go to the Settings menu. In the “Personal Settings” tab, find the “Data reset and recovery” item. Select "Reset to factory settings" (depending on the phone model, the settings menu may look different, but the main thing is that you should find a section dedicated to resetting and restoring data).

What if I don't have permission to delete data from my devices?

If you don't have enough rights to delete all the information yourself, your IT department will probably do it for you. But for personal safety reasons, it is better to exit all active applications - Slack, Telegram and especially the browser.

Be sure to delete any passwords for your web accounts that are saved on your work computer. If you use modern browsers like Chrome, Safari or Firefox, then know that they usually save passwords and tie them to your Google ID, Apple iCloud Keychain or Firefox Sync accounts. If you logged into your browser at work using your personal account, be sure to log out of it. This way, no one will have access to your passwords.

If you used it for work separate browser or logged into the browser using a work account, then you can make the browser forget all your passwords.

If you use Chrome, look in your browser settings for the option “Offer to save passwords for websites”. Uncheck the box and you'll delete all the passwords you used on Google at work. Do this only if you have a unique account that you only used for work. If you logged in at work using a personal account, then unchecking the box will also delete saved passwords from your home computer.

IN Safari browser you will need to find the Settings button in the top left corner. There will be a Passwords tab where you can view and delete all the passwords saved for each specific site.

Passwords saved in Firefox can be deleted in the Security section of the Settings menu. Here's how it's done.

What if I have a Chromebook?

Delete any downloaded files, then log out of your account and delete it. If you are allowed, then reset your Chromebook to factory settings.

Do you want to get rid of many mailboxes and have a main e-mail? Or does a certain address receive tons of spam, so you want to get rid of it? In these and other cases, the optimal solution is to remove What is needed for this and how to perform this operation, we will consider further.

What is needed to complete the task?

To successfully delete mail, two conditions must be met:
  • Internet-connected device.
  • Personal data. If you have forgotten your login and password, you can try to recover your account through a special service. Just click on the button Forgot your password» and answer the service questions. Usually the system asks for a number mobile phone, additional mail and reply to Secret Question(you indicated the answer during registration). If the correct answers are given, you will be given back access to your mailbox. .

Step-by-step removal instructions

If the above conditions are met, you can begin the removal procedure by following the following instructions:

If you do not log into your email account for a long time, the system will automatically delete your email. This procedure is performed in order to relieve the servers by deleting frozen accounts. It is not recommended to choose this method, since you will not be given time to restore.

Consequences of deletion

In addition to the mailbox, you delete all products associated with it. For example, these could be accounts in " Mail replies», « My world" or " Mail games" The service provides the opportunity to restore mail within 90 days after delete email. When this period expires, it will no longer be possible to restore the address and the entire set of options associated with it. In the next article we will tell you.

Check to see if there are any important services that are registered to this address, and only then proceed to the removal instructions.

Video instructions for deleting mail

See how the deletion works using an example. Just repeat the steps performed in the video, and in a couple of minutes you will get rid of your mailbox on is one of the most popular, one might even say “ancient,” mail services. It is used by millions of people, which is not at all surprising in our time.

To use technology comfortably, it is enough to have a couple of mailboxes on different services. They are needed in order to register on the necessary sites, create accounts in Android applications and for communication, of course.

Very often you have to leave your contact information on various resources; basically this is email, and it is required to confirm registration anywhere. Therefore, after some time, the mailbox becomes cluttered with spam and its use becomes far from comfortable.

In such a case, the problem is easily solved by cleaning, but situations arise when the mailbox is easier to remove. There may be other reasons for deletion, such as no longer needed.

Step-by-step instructions for deleting mail with an account in all services

Let's consider deleting a mailbox and account.

1. Go to the website, enter your credentials in the login and password field (or select from the list provided).

2. Lower the next page to the very bottom and click on the “Help” button on the bottom panel. Or go directly to this address.

3. Mail – FAQ and problems / How to remove Mailbox?

At this point, a page will open with a warning and explanation for deletion, get acquainted and go to the deletion page.

4. Click “Delete” and enter the requested data: reason for deletion, password and characters from the picture;

5. Confirm the deletion.

Be careful, a deleted mailbox can be restored, but the data stored in it cannot be restored.

Therefore, before deleting, you need to carefully check your mail and make sure that there are no files of “national importance” in it.

IN modern society E-mail has enormous communication significance, and often a lot of unnecessary information accumulates in our email inbox in the form of tens of thousands of letters. Deleting emails manually takes a long time, but destroying the mailbox with all its contents is an idea.

Deleting mailboxes from different services is not particularly different, but there is still a difference. In order to delete any email, first of all you need to remember your password and login, since the process can only take place from the mailbox itself with your participation. Let's look at a specific example of deleting mail on popular mail servers in our country:
To delete an email in postal service
  • go to the page;
  • select your domain from the list:,, or;
  • Enter your mailbox name and password.

We go into our email box. The opened window should display a list of your emails:
  • Scroll to the end;
  • In the lower right corner we find the inconspicuous Help command;
  • Click on the Help button.

You will see a list called , select a team<Как удалить почтовый ящик, который больше не нужен?>.<специальный интерфейс>The next step: a window notifying you that you need to know the password and name of the email that you no longer plan to use. To delete this mailbox you are asked to click on the active link
  • .
  • Click on the link. A new window that will open will ask you for consent to delete your mail, and also run the following commands:
  • enter the current password for this mailbox;
  • and indicate the reason for deletion;<удалить>;
  • enter the captcha shown in the figure;
in the lower right corner of the window click

Confirm your actions to delete the mailbox in the small window that appears by clicking OK. enter in the field<настройки>And

A settings window will appear with a list of services provided, click on All settings, the window will expand, and at the very bottom of this list you will see a small button<удалить>. Removing the mail service - this will be the name of the next item, and for this you will need to enter the password again. Yandex service also warns that it is impossible to receive letters to this address along with deletion.

email box

All mail services usually hide the function of deleting an email box far away from the user’s eyes, since there are many services, and the competition among them is huge. Therefore, the interface of any mail will subsequently offer you options for restoring your mailbox, thereby trying to keep you as a client.

On the website it is very easy to create a mailbox (as it is written in), which can just as easily be deleted from the system. To do this, first go to your Enter your Name and Password correctly. Please note that if you click on the triangle to the right of the name, other mail options will be visible there. Select the correct one and click.

Login to mail After successfully opening the mail ru website, at the very bottom of the page, find and click.

Help After this, the page will open: Mail - frequently asked questions and problems. Click on the link

How can I delete a mailbox that I no longer need?

Before deleting your mailbox, you are warned that at the same time you are deleting related services: photos, videos, blog, etc. Think: is it worth deleting? If you need to delete your email, first go to these services and save the information contained there. Remember that all your letters on the service will also be deleted, and new ones that will arrive in this mailbox (as you yourself understand) will never get there.

To delete, you will again be asked to insert the current password for the mailbox into the appropriate field. Press the button Delete, A small window will open in which you can safely click OK

and your mailbox is no more (and with it all related services).

That's all. Now you know how to delete a mailbox.

And lastly, in honor of the lost box... May it rest in peace... Read