Wix personal account (Wix). Wix Personal Account (Wix) How to change your password and email in your Wix profile

Wix is a free, as well as a premium online platform that anyone can use to build HTML5 websites, users can also create mobile sites and customized Facebook pages for any purpose, the site offers an easy to use, simple, and very user friendly interface that any person will be able to understand and use to get their job done, the service also features an advanced “Drag & Drop” tools system that will allow your or anyone else to easily and quickly create great looking sites in a matter of minutes. Don’t forget that the service is also available for mobile, so you can actually edit and update already existing websites, or even create new sites on the go using nothing but your mobile phone or tablet.

Wix Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Go to Wix’s official website, their homepage is located at the following url: http://www.wix.com/.

2. Click the purple colored link located on the upper right corner of your screen that says “Sign In”.

3. Enter your email address in the first field of the access form that will show up in a pop up window as soon as you click on “Sign In”.

4. Enter your Wix user password in the second field box.

4. Now all you have to do is click on the big purple button at the bottom that reads “Go” and that’s it, you have successfully logged in!

Wix Login With Facebook and Google+

You can also access the site using your Facebook.com or your Google+ user information, using this option to access your account is better simply because it’s easier and faster. Just go to the site's home page and open up the access form just like I told you in the first part of this tutorial, then click on the “ ” or “ ” button located on the right, accept the app and the terms of service of the site, and you're done!

Wix Sign Up

To access the site you must have an account, if you haven't created an account yet go to the official site's homepage using the above link, click the “Start Now” button located in the middle of the page, enter your email address in the first field of the registration form that will show up in a pop up window as soon as you click on the “Start Now” button that I previously mentioned, enter your password, click “Go”, and then follow the provided instructions to get started right away. Once you have completed the registration process come back to this page to learn how to access your account.

Online website builder, giving anyone the opportunity to create their own website in a day without writing a single line of code. Vicks.com does not require any programming knowledge, allowing you to create colorful modern Internet resources!

If you want to try out the rich features Wix.com and make your website with its help, it’s better to do it on the weekend. But not because it will take a long time to figure it out - a simple website can be created here in 10-20 minutes. But because it is an exciting activity that is difficult to tear yourself away from. After all, much of what impressed you on other, spectacular and “cool” Internet resources, you can now do on your own website!

Wix.com - website builder

Create an account on Vicks.com will take one minute, after which you will begin to suffer... choice - you will have to choose a template, which will determine appearance your brainchild. As a serious website builder, Wix.com offers hundreds of templates for projects of various categories - music, design, photography, style, entertainment...

Selecting a template on Vicks.com

You can choose a template specifically for blogging. Or (for training) a one-page website template to simply make a page with your address - like on services or.

Template from the "Blog" category

The second stage begins with pressing a button "Edit!". Now you need to populate your new website. But before that, you can customize its appearance (tab "Design"), changing the colors, background and fonts offered by the template.

The design proposed by the template can be changed to taste

And now about the filling.

Tab "Pages" Responsible for adding, editing and deleting website pages.

Tab "Add" allows you to place texts, photographs, photo galleries, audio recordings, videos, audio players and many other elements on the site, including online store tools and payment system buttons.

"Settings" are responsible for SEO parameters ( search engine optimization). Correctly selected title, description And keywords will help search engines find your site on the Internet, will give you the first small traffic and bring your first visitors!

If some things are not clear, Vix.com has a “Training Center” with video tutorials that will help you make your website correctly and explain all the technical details.

But that is not all. Fifth tab, "App Store", will allow you to embed such interesting features, like a forum(!), Google maps , tapes Instagram And Tumblr, comments from Facebook, 3D slideshows, audio and video players and much more. Thanks to the "Shop" you can expand the capabilities of the site almost indefinitely!

App Store

All in all, Vicks.com- This is a great toy for adults. However... And what, exactly, can’t a schoolchild cope with here? The service can be used for school assignments: “collect a herbarium, take a photo and make it on Wix.com"Nature of my city" website.

In addition to the main one, you can create and mobile version your website!

Perhaps, friends, you will find it suspicious - something is all too beautiful and for free. Okay, I’ll briefly talk about the disadvantages of creating an Internet site using a website builder.

Vicks.com will provide you with Domain name third level(two dots in the address), which is not suitable, for example, for reputable companies and organizations - they need second-level names (with one dot in the address). Plus, you won't be able to "quit" Wix.com and transfer your database to another hosting. And finally, you will have to put up with built-in advertising Wix in the form of a small line at the bottom of the site.

If this suits you or doesn’t mean anything at all, you can safely use this website builder. Moreover, over time, you can switch to an inexpensive paid account, which will allow you to remove advertising and link the site to another domain.

Section "Exhibition" - the best sites created on Vicks.com

So, friends, if you have outgrown the short pants of social networks, and you are tired of being one of tens of millions of ordinary users In contact with (Odnoklassniki, Facebook etc.), try to keep up with the times - make your own website using the website builder Vicks.com. He will be able to adequately represent your individuality on the world wide web!

The effects of the Cartier commercial are nothing short of amazing!

Modern technologies allow any user familiar with the basics of working on a computer and the Internet, without knowledge of programming languages ​​or design skills, to create completely professional internet projects. There are quite a large number of such services on the Internet that offer services for creating such sites in the designer. Those. You simply design the site yourself, using simple steps. One of these popular services is Wix, a free online website builder.

Login to your wix com account

Click the big “Create website” button. We get to the registration window.

We paste our Email into the appropriate fields, come up with and insert a password and click “Continue”. But you can, of course, access the service from Facebook or Google+ (choose whichever is more convenient for you). After that to your address Email You will receive a letter saying that you are registered. The template selection window opens.

Here we choose what our brainchild - an Internet resource - will look like. The template (if you don’t like it) can be changed at any time. Let's try "Entertainment".

We are offered a choice of templates. Select “Cinema” and press the “GO” button (which means “Forward!” translated from bourgeois).

And again, choosing a template or theme. Please note that there are more pages with templates at the bottom right. Each template can be viewed (the “View” button or edited using the “Editor” button). For example, in the online series template I pressed the edit button.

Pay attention to how many editing tools there are (and so on in each template). Change whatever you want and then click “Site” and “Preview”.

We looked at what our masterpiece will look like on the Internet and click the “Save” button

Let's understand the domain (this is the name of the site). We have 2 options: either choose their free one or your paid one. Which is better? And who cares about this. Free is better for those who want to try themselves in website building and just have their own resource. The disadvantage is that if you try to monetize such a project, some problems may arise. And the most important thing is that you are not the owner of such a free site. The owner is wix. And at any moment he can throw you out.

Click “Finish” After this you can publish, i.e. the Internet project will appear on the Internet.

That's all! Our website on the Internet at http://sead54.wix.com/web-series-ru-ru

Hello, my new and regular readers!

What makes people pay attention to any information on the Internet? Of course, a colorful and clear interface.

This is exactly what you can create with the WIX designer. With this service you can absolutely outside help and special education.

Today I just want to tell you about how to create your own website on WIX.

Briefly about WIX

First of all, it must be said that this resource serves its clients for free, which is why the designer is incredibly popular among beginners. A large number of templates will allow you to create an Internet project for absolutely any taste and theme, from cooking to business.

Without much difficulty, you can quickly create a one-page website on VICS that can serve as an advertising platform.

If this is your first time encountering the creation of Internet projects, then on Vicks you will find a step-by-step, very detailed and simple instructions, with which you can find answers to all sorts of questions.

With the help of WIX, more than 45 thousand people have already acquired their own stores, blogs and similar pages on the Internet. The VICS resource itself offers not only a website builder program, but also a reliable high level protection, about which a few words should also be said.

Watch the video from the official Vicks website:

All you have to do is register and log in. That's all, then you can proceed directly to the process of creating your web project.

Advantages of the designer

If you have just started looking closely at various services on creating Internet resources, choosing the most optimal and convenient one for yourself, then you can easily find out absolutely any information you are interested in about Vicks from the portal itself. Moreover, this can be done without registration and other similar login options.

If the information on the resource page is not enough for you, then you can easily ask your question directly to the resource administration. Competent consultants will be happy to help solve your problem. For example, you can ask how much a particular service costs, and what payment methods the portal designer can offer you, since not everything here is free.

WIX is one of the easiest methods for creating a website

Despite the fact that the designer is very simple and understandable, I will still tell you step by step what you need to do.

After a short registration, a window will open in which the “Start creating a website!” button will be located. Click it.

First of all, you will be asked to choose a template for your web resource. There are an incredible number of them here, there is plenty to choose from. In the Vicks assortment you will find both free templates, and paid.

After clicking on the “Go” button, the following page will open in front of you.

Once you have confirmed your template selection, you should enter a name for your project. Enter the name and save.

Note! The site name can be changed at any time.

  1. Free domain from wix.com
  2. Your own domain (buy on Regra or webNames)

For the sake of example, I chose the free option.

After this, a window appears in which you can publish the site, that is, place it on the Internet. This action can be done later, in your project settings.

Click on the "editor" button next to your site image. Will open new inset. On the left side there is a toolbar with the following functions:

The editor also has a top menu. IN this moment We are interested in links to the control panel and settings.

Next, in the settings, you need to make it visible to all Internet users, if you have not done so previously. In the “Settings” menu in the Seo section, enable “Allow search engines to find my site”, this will give you the opportunity to promote your project.

Now we just have to figure out how to use the control panel, add articles and pages, and more. But this is a topic for a separate article.

By the way, you are now on my blog, created on the WordPress platform. You can find out more by following the link.

That's it, your site is working. Fill it up and delight your visitors.
Now you know how to create your own Internet project of any type. In fact, it's not that difficult, right?! You just need to follow the instructions and other tips, both from me and from the VICS designer himself. And don’t spare money on maintenance, it will pay off a hundredfold in the future.

Don't forget to tell your friends what you read, they might also want to create their own Internet resource with WIX. Subscribe to blog updates, see you!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Today you won’t surprise anyone with a website on the Internet, but really high-quality websites, unfortunately, are rare, and:

  • they were either made by experts in their field for a lot of money;
  • or they were made by aces in their business for themselves.

Cheap and good - this is unrealistic!.. This is exactly what people think when faced with a problem.

Is opening a website really that difficult? Open good resource, which will WORK and solve the owner’s primary tasks:

  • Attract visitors;
  • Be pleasant by design;
  • Simple in usability and so on!

Until recently, one could say: no, this option is possible, but at a big cost. Today you can bring all this to life yourself!

Yes, yes, yourself, WITH YOUR OWN hands. Now with the help online designer Wix(Vicks)— creating a website is not difficult! But first things first.

Now you might be thinking:

  • Yes, it's just a publicity stunt!
  • This is just another website builder with minimal features and restrictions!

The only way to convince you is by showing a REAL EXAMPLE of creating a website on Vicks with your own hands. This:

  • Very fast;
  • As simple as possible;
  • 100% effective!

So, just look at these instructions, and already in 15 minutes you will create your own resource, just by learning an online website builder for free!

Create your website for free!

And, believe me, the result will satisfy you; the resulting site will not be inferior to resources created by professional studios.

It's time to get started!

Stage 1. Registration/authorization

For full-fledged work, so that you, in the truest sense of the word, feel at home, you need to go through simple registration on the site.

After quick registration you will see your login in the upper right corner. Now you can proceed directly to creating your website! An online website builder is at your disposal for free.

Stage 2. We begin work on creating a website!

You will see an invitation from the site administration, which will say “Start creating a site”!

Everything is simple and intuitive!

Let's imagine that you are planning to open a website for a company that sells children's clothing. Now we will see step by step how the Internet representation of this company is born.

Attention! Now we are working in absolutely free mode!

Stage 3. Select a template for the site.

So, by clicking on the button, we will be automatically redirected to select a template for the site. Yes, there is plenty to choose from, and that makes me happy! The free online website builder offers categories, and there are a ton of them. That is, choose what suits the specifics of your activity:

This template is just perfect for us when selecting a template for a company specializing in the sale of children's clothing:

Please note that there are both free and paid templates ( however, their cost is very symbolic).

Stage 4. Design the website!

And now you can see directly WIX website builder. First, give your resource a name (you can then change it at any time).

You can also at any time link your domain to your site.
You can change ABSOLUTELY ALL elements. This feature is offered by the WIX website builder:

As you can see in the illustration, on the left there is a toolbar with the following options:

From here you can at any time:

  • Change the site name;
  • Add SEO elements for promotion;
  • Enable mobile version;
  • Add a contact form and social network profiles;
  • Study statistics;
  • Add a favicon and more.

Here is an example with SEO filling:

And also there are very interesting opportunity, which provides WIX website builder:

These are very useful applications and applications that can be added to your website in no time ( there are a lot of free ones, which is good news).

For example, let's add the ability to follow you on Twitter right now:

You can also simply change the photo style:

Add text, tell about yourself, your company, activities. It’s real to create a website for free in 5 minutes – just click and write:

Write what you like, stretch it as you want, paste it anywhere on the site:

Design a “basement” with copyright:

Creating a business card website for free in 5 minutes becomes real, because you don’t do things by touch in complex editors, but simply collect all the parts of a single whole.

At any time you can click on “Preview" to evaluate changes made, to “Save” so that the actions are not lost, and also, when everything is ready, to “Publish”, and the site will appear online! The “Upgrade” button will enable new features at the tariff you choose!

Before publishing your site, you need to make a few simple settings:

Check the following:
  • Allow search engines to index the site;
  • Show mobile version control panel;
  • Confirm your contact details.

All! The creation of the company's business card website is completed! You can always easily make adjustments, supplement, improve, and develop your site!

Benefits of WIX (Viks)

As you can already clearly see, creating a website in WIX is very simple. We can confidently say that Wix is ​​the best website builder out there right now. And here are some of its advantages:

  • You don't need to have any special skills, everything is intuitive! There is no mention of programming;
  • WIX is a universal and one-of-a-kind Drag&Drop (drag and paste) builder with HTML5 functionality;
  • There are a huge number of original templates;
  • Many applications that expand basic functionality;
  • You can customize your website to suit yourself, to suit your corporate style. It's easy and simple. Creating a website with your own hands turns into pleasure. You simply collect everything on the screen and IMMEDIATELY see the changes;
  • You also get professional hosting absolutely free – even on the basic plan without subscription fee! 100% benefit;
  • There is the possibility of integration with social networks and SMO marketing;
  • Additional paid Premium tariffs at more than affordable prices open up new opportunities!

Create your website for free!

The advantages of the Premium tariff are obvious:

  • No advertising;
  • Low cost for the 1st month - comparable in cost to 2 cups of coffee;
  • Coupon for 2000 rubles for an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct;
  • Connect your domain name + favicon;
  • Even more space for your data;
  • Unlimited channel speed;
  • 99.9% uptime + DDOS protection;
  • Quality assurance;
  • VIP support.

And many many others!

That's why this online website builder is the best! You should have seen this by creating a website! Get creative and have fun!