Superscript and subscript characters in Microsoft Office Word. Subscript character in MS Word: learning how to insert superscript letters in Word

Subscript and superscript - useful features, which make the text correct and more attractive. Using Word, setting these symbols takes a few seconds.

Upper and lower subscripts are necessary not only for entering formulas, but also, for example, for describing patterns. In Word, you can very easily make such an inscription from any written letter, number, word, or even a piece of text. But if you are thinking about how to make an interlinear inscription in Word, you should know that not all methods can be equally effective.

First, let's figure out what subscript and superscript are. The superscript is used, for example, to denote square and cubic meters (m2, m3). Subscript – for formulas (for example H2SO4). Agree, this is much better than m2, m3, H2SO4. And if with meters everything goes wrong, then in the case of formulas the use of an index helps a lot, sometimes it’s completely necessary.

So how do you install these tricky signs?

Method #1

The easiest option for inserting a subscript (or superscript) is to use the capabilities of the Word program. For this:

  • Open the required file in a text editor;
  • Select the piece of text with which you want to perform the operation;
  • Find the “Font” section in the control panel (located on the “Home” tab);
  • Click on the "x₂" symbol if you want to make a subscript, or the "x²" symbol if you want a superscript.

Everything is very fast and simple, but this method there is one drawback: the entered inscriptions are displayed correctly only in Word itself. This cannot be guaranteed in other programs; some applications simply do not recognize this function, and output plain text instead of subscript/superscript.

Therefore, the use of this method is justified only when you plan to continue to use Word (or you know that the person who will open the file uses this program). In all other cases, it is better to use another method of inserting subscript or superscript, which guarantees greater compatibility with the vast majority of modern applications.

Method #2

Instead of the built-in Word functions, you can use special characters from the Unicode table. It is used by most modern programs that work with text, even if they do not recognize Word formats.

To insert a subscript or superscript:

The superscripts "1", "2" and "3" are from the beginning of the list. The rest are located in the “Superscript and Subscript” section. To go to this group, specify this option when you click on the "Dial" button.

  1. Open the table and go to the “Insert” section;
  2. Click on the “Symbol” item;
  3. Select the desired index. If you've used it recently, it will be in the list of 20 that are displayed by default. If it is not there, expand the list by pressing the “Other symbols” key.
  4. After selecting the desired symbol, click “Insert” and close the window.

Now the subscript or superscript will appear in the editor.


If you use Word 2003, you can perform this operation even faster:

  • To write a subscript, just use the hotkey combination “Ctrl”+“=”;
  • For the top inscription - “Ctrl” + “+”.

You can use these indexes both on the text that has already been entered, and on the text that you just want to print. For the entered text, you just need to select the fragment that you want to convert into superscript/subscript. To enter: First press the key combination (or turn on the "x₂" or "x²" button on the control panel), and then type the desired text. After this, press the key combination again so that the letters are entered in normal format.

Setting up a keyboard shortcut

The keyboard shortcut can also be configured in another version of Word. If you often use subscripts and superscripts, then this is recommended. In addition, in Word 2003, hotkeys may also not work. To fix this:

  • Open the “Service” section and click on “Settings”;
  • Select "Keyboard";
  • On the left, click “Categories” and select “Edit”;
  • On the right, click on the command you want to configure. Clicking on it will show you a list of current keyboard shortcuts for that command (if any);
  • Enter a keyboard shortcut that is convenient for you in the “Press new shortcut key” field, and then click “Assign”.

This way you can customize the keyboard shortcut for any command. If you use some functions frequently, and the standard hot keys seem inconvenient to you, you can easily assign a new combination to the command. For example, selecting text in italics is “Ctrl+I”, or the function to repeat input is “Ctrl+Y”. These are not very convenient combinations, especially if you use them often. But in the settings window this situation can be easily corrected. Thus, using Word will bring you a lot of benefits. It will take you much less time to create the same document in this editor than when working in other applications.

There are two ways to insert subscript or superscript in Word. If you are using another application, then there is only one method - using a Unicode table. In any of the options, with constant use of these functions, index insertion does not take much time and occurs almost automatically.

Anyone who has ever worked in the Word program knows how unique and universal it is in its own way. When working with this program, you may need to represent a number or even a word to a certain extent. This is easy to do, but it is worth considering all possible options.

To begin with, I would like to say that Word 2003 is already considered quite outdated, but still relevant among a number of users.

  1. Select our number or word and press right click mice.
  2. In the pop-up menu, select the “Font” item and click on it.
  3. If necessary, select the font and size you need, and be sure to check the box next to the “Superscript” item.

That's all. Now, when writing, the font will rise up, and you can set the degree you need.

Degree in Word 2007 or higher

In Word 2007 and higher, everything has been greatly simplified.

By the way, you can use hot keys ctrl+shift+“+” and after that you will be able to immediately write in degrees, without once again turning to the toolbar.

Read also!

To get even more comfortable with Word, be sure to read. Vertical text in some documents you also have to insert it.

Often you need to convert PDF to Word. So that this is not a problem for you, read. Let's look at a couple of conversion methods.

How to make a frame in Word is written in . Often the frame is in Word program required for more beautiful design text, but many do not know how this is implemented.

In EXCEL, it is easy to format a font to display superscript (x 2) and subscript (Al 2 O 3) characters. This can be done by selecting part of the text in a cell and using the Format Cells / Font dialog box ( CTRL+SHIFT+F) apply the required font formatting. But this approach does not work if the cell contains not a value, but a formula. And yet, in some cases, there is a way out.

Let's imagine a rather exotic task: it is necessary to display numbers in the format 225.00 2 Moreover, the value (225.00) can change depending on the values ​​of other cells, i.e. The cell contains a formula.

Font formatting will not help here; we do not have a text string, but a formula.

Let's try to use not the number 2, but the symbol 2. This character has ASCII code 178.

TEXT() function

To an empty cell, through Insert/Text/Symbol or by pressing (in the English layout, using the number pad on the right side of the keyboard), insert the character 2. You must understand that this is not a number, but only a symbol. Select it and copy it to the clipboard. Next we write the formula: =TEXT(225;"# ##0.00"&" 2 "), inserting the symbol in the desired place. Let's get the result in the form of text (the TEXT() function returns a text value).

Custom Format

You can go the other way - change the cell format to .

Opening the window Cell Format, tab Number, select ( all formats). And enter the format in the field Type# ##0.00 2 (after deleting everything from it and copying symbol 2 to the Clipboard).

Sometimes users think about how to make a superscript font in Word. This is a fairly simple task. Even a schoolboy can handle it. Below we will look at the most common scenarios. Instructions will help you choose suitable way Converting text to subscript and superscript.


To begin with, this is working with the toolbar text editor. It allows you to format at any time text documents or their individual fragments.

To achieve this task you will need:

  1. Select the elements that need to be adjusted.
  2. Find the images x 2 and x 2 on the Word toolbar (line at the top).
  3. Click on the first button to create
  4. Press the second button to get subscript.
  5. Deselect text at the end of its formatting.

This is just one of possible methods solving the problem. Sometimes the mentioned buttons are not on the toolbar. Then you should act differently.

Function menu

How to make a subscript font in Word? What about superscript? The second technique is working with functional formatting menus.

In our case, we will need to adhere to this plan:

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. Press RMB and in the drop-down list click on the line labeled “Font”. You can immediately go to "Format" - "Font...".
  3. The user will see a new small menu. Here you have to select the font type. For subscript you will have to check the box next to the corresponding inscription, for superscript too.
  4. Confirm the formatting.

All decisive actions are over. The text will be converted according to the specified parameters.


Another way out of the situation is to work with hot keys. With their help, the user will quickly convert inscriptions to superscript or subscript.

The step-by-step operation of text formatting will have the following interpretation:

  1. Select the fragment to be edited.
  2. Click on Ctrl + "+". This technique will result in the formation of a superscript.
  3. Click Ctrl and "=". The combination allows you to create subscript characters.
  4. Deselect the selection once the document is formatted.

Fast, simple and very convenient. How to make a superscript font in Word? If we're talking about about raising to a power, you can choose a different solution.

Inserting symbols

Namely, to insert special characters. This technique is not very common in practice, but it does occur.

You will have to act like this:

  1. Open "Insert" - "Symbols".
  2. Find characters with upward shift. For example, this can be done in different font sets.
  3. Click on the appropriate symbol. Double tap required.

Important: for exponentiation, it is better to use inserting formulas in Word using the image with a mark above the main symbol).