Setting up and using AVG Antivirus FREE antivirus. AVG Antivirus: review and reviews. Virus and malware protection from AVG Free programs free download

The main window of the program displays information about the security status of your computer (Fig. 4.44).

Rice. 4.44. AVG program interface

Green color means everything is ok. If any protection component does not work or is out of date antivirus databases, the color will change to red. In addition, in the center of the window will appear big button, offering to fix all security holes (Fig. 4.45).

Rice. 4.45. Error recovery button

The screen displays four tiles with security components (Firewall is only available in paid version programs):

Computer; . Web;

Lich. data;

Email mail.

Components can be disabled, enabled, and their operating parameters can be changed. To configure, click on the desired component, for example Computer (Fig. 4.46).

Rice. 4.46. Possible actions with security components Computer

To return to the main window, use the button

In addition to the protection component tiles, the main program window has buttons that are related to protection and located under the tiles (see Figure 4.44).

Improve your performance. It is known that while working on a computer, various system garbage (outdated files) accumulates, which does not harm the computer, but slows down its operation. By clicking this button, you can scan your computer for such files and errors (Fig. 4.47). When, having familiarized yourself with the results of the analysis, you want to fix everything and press the appropriate button, you will be offered to download a separate program, which will eliminate all errors for free the first time, but in the future it will ask for money for its work.

AVG Mobilization. To protect your mobile phone With operating system Android from viruses and malicious attacks has been developed this version AVG antivirus. Click this button to go to the website where you can download the AVG Mobilation app.

More protection. Click this button to open a window advertising paid antivirus features.

More from AVG. Will show you the first two buttons again (Improve Performance and AVG Mobilation).

Scan. Scanning your computer for viruses in various variations.

Update now. Click to start updating the anti-virus databases manually.

Rice. 4.47. PC Analyzer Window


Settings in the program are divided into two types: simple (Options) and advanced ( Extra options). In this case, the Settings duplicate the main interface of the program with minor additions.

To open settings, click the button Options in the upper right corner of the program window (see Fig. 4.44). In the menu that appears Options(Fig. 4.48) you can:

Start scanning;

Update anti-virus databases;

Go to information about viruses;

Buy the paid version.

Rice. 4.48. List of antivirus settings

Let's take a closer look at the Additional parameters item (Fig. 4.49).

Rice. 4.49. Extra options

To get in Extra options you can also use protection components (click on the component and select Options). In this case, you will be taken directly to the section (submenu) of the settings that relates to the selected protection component, which is quite convenient.

Let's highlight the main settings items needed by most users. First of all, they will concern protection components.

In Fig. 4.49 you can see that some settings are combined into groups.

Computer protection, Protection Email, Browsing protection, Identity Protection are responsible for protection components. Initially, they set the optimal parameters for effective fight against viruses. If you wish, you can add some parameters or, conversely, remove them.

Scans. By default, AVG Antivirus Free provides one standard set of parameters for four types of scanning, and the user himself determines which of them will be used during the scan (Fig. 4.50).

Rice. 4.50. Scan Settings

The more parameters are involved, the more thorough the check, but such a scan will take much more time and resources. And vice versa, the fewer parameters selected, the faster will be tested, however, reliability will decrease. Please note: the developer has set optimal settings for each type of scan. The only thing you can add is to check the Enable removable device scanning checkbox in the Removable device scanning item. Considering how many computers get infected when using other people's unverified removable storage media, this would be justified.

Shell extension scanning allows you to scan through the context menu.

In the Schedules group, you can set up a schedule according to which AVG Antivirus Free will scan your computer, update anti-virus databases and the program itself (Fig. 4.51).

Rice. 4.51. Scheduled Scan

Scheduling a scan is very easy. This operation consists of three steps based on three tabs:

Schedule - set the scan time;

Options - select scan options;

Location - determine what exactly you plan to check (disk, folder, file).

It's even easier with the update schedule. In the appropriate settings, activate (or deactivate) the task and specify the desired time.

Some AVG files Antivirus Free can detect as unwanted and restrict access to them. To work properly with the necessary files in such cases, add them to Exceptions (Fig. 4.52).

Rice. 4.52. Exceptions

Virus storage is a place where all viruses detected on a computer are isolated. You can configure its size and possible actions with objects placed in it (Fig. 4.53).

If you configured something incorrectly and the program began to work worse, return initial settings: Click the Default button in the lower left corner of the Advanced Settings window.

Rice. 4.53. Configuring the Virus Repository


To start a full scan, click the Scan button in the main program window (Fig. 4.54). To select a different scanning option, use the Scan Options button, which is located to the right of the Scan button.

Rice. 4.54. Scan Options

In addition to the proposed Full Scan, you can perform a Scheduled Scan, as well as scan individual files and folders.

If the scan takes a long time, you can configure the computer to turn off after the scan is completed. To do this, in the Settings window, click on the Additional scanning settings link and in the window that appears, check the Turn off the computer after scanning is complete (Fig. 4.55).

Rice. 4.55. Advanced Scan Options

It's very easy to check a single file or folder. To do this, click right click mouse on the selected object, in the appeared context menu run the command Scan with AVG. Let us remind you that the settings for this type of scanning are in the menu Options Advanced Scan Options Shell Extension Scan.

It should be noted that working with the program is pleasant. User-friendly interface, extensive customization options and, most importantly, high reliability allow you to use AVG Antivirus as a full-fledged computer protector.

AVG Antivirus Free 2019 is a free, powerful antivirus application that ensures high security for your computer and smartphone.

Download AVG Antivirus Free 2019 for free for a whole year - this is one of the most popular free antiviruses in recent times, providing both high computer performance and downloading updates containing information about the latest threats. AVG Antivirus Free for Windows, Mac OS and Android is completely in Russian, it is fast, effective and easy to use.

Downloading free AVG Antivirus Free is necessary not only to protect your device, because... The program is capable of correcting registry errors, fragmentation errors and broken shortcuts, it will easily check and analyze there too.

The latest version of the popular free antivirus AVG is distinguished by the presence of a “cloud” file reputation service and the “Self-Defense” system.

With AVG Antivirus Free in Russian and for 1 year free license It will become impossible to obtain and unintentionally distribute spyware and even such dangerous viruses, like rootkits (Anti-Rootkit is built in). And those who like to surf the Internet will be provided with basic protection thanks to the built-in LinkScanner component containing the Surf-Shield module.

It is no longer possible to download AVG Antivirus Free 2019 for free for a year from the official website, because... became available latest version and you can download it from the link below.

With all this, AVG antivirus in Russian can be downloaded for free, because it is distributed under the FreeWare license. Therefore, just follow the link at the end of the description and the download will begin automatically, then make a couple of clicks in running program and within 2-3 minutes it will be successfully installed and launched.

The program boasts accessible interface both in English and Russian. Desktop supported Windows system and Android mobile OS. A smart utility with the help of Identity Protection will protect your credentials in the process of making banking transactions and purchases, its E-mail Scanner will scan incoming and outgoing email messages, and the files you are working on in this moment, V background will check Resident Shield.

AVG AntiVirus Free is also subject to registry errors, fragmentation errors and broken shortcuts, it will easily check and analyze them there too. The latest version of the popular free antivirus AVG is distinguished by the presence of a cloud-based file reputation service and the Self-Defense system.

New in version 20.2.3113 Beta (12.03.2020)


  • Password Protection - Protects passwords stored in Chrome or Firefox.
  • The JS platform has been redesigned to speed up the interface and speed up the application of changes. There may be problems with the interface because the work is not finished yet.
  • New driver firewall.

Known bugs:

  • Damaged dialog boxes and restart dialog.
  • Missed browser category in SmartScan.
  • HTTP connections may be blocked for 1 minute after product installation on Windows 8.1.
  • The screen that was displayed after the update is not shown.
  • Old files may remain in the program folder after the update.
  • Uninstalling the program may fail.
  • The interface may fail to load after the update.

New in version 19.7.3103 Final (22.08.2019)

  • You can now automatically shut down your computer after completing a full, custom, or custom scan.
  • Quick scans can now be added to custom scans and scheduled at any time you wish.
  • Added the "Enable QUIC/HTTTP3 scanning" option to Settings > Security > Core Security > Web Protection.
  • Split tracking permissions Google Analytics and Jumpshot in Settings.
  • Fixed an issue when scanning File Explorer where the toast notification would only appear the first time.
  • Fixed a memory leak in the aswStm.sys driver.
  • Fixed broken email messages in Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Fixed intermittent blocking Windows updates 10 using the self-defense component.
  • Fixed an issue with built-in virtualization and VirtualBox/VMware.

New in version 2019

AVG Internet Security 2019 received enhanced privacy protection features

AVG AntiVirus FREE - basic protection for a Windows computer that does not slow down the system.

Free antivirus AVG regularly receives high ratings among the world's leading antiviruses and offers some best features, providing security, completely free.

Key features of AVG AntiVirus FREE

Installing a basic antivirus takes a few moments, but the protection will remain constant and will not slow down your computer. AVG AntiVirus FREE provides two levels of protection:

Computer protection

Our real-time protection will protect your computer from viruses, spyware, ransomware, rootkits, Trojans and other troubles. Real-time and advanced analysis artificial intelligence will prevent danger even from the latest threats.

Web and email security

Blocking all unsafe links, downloads or email attachments will allow you to use the Internet without worrying about your safety.

Better yet, every time an AVG user encounters an unknown threat, the developers quickly research it and create a countermeasure that is sent to millions of users, providing each of them with reliable protection. In this case, you don't have to do anything.

Updates and new features are sent automatically, ensuring you're always using the latest software.

Anyone who is looking for a simple and convenient antivirus that can provide reliable protection and does not slow down the computer should try the free antivirus AVG AntiVirus FREE.

AVG AntiVirus FREE protection levels

The main secret of AVG's effectiveness in detecting malicious files and exploits is its multiple layers of protection. All files are pre-scanned and safe objects are excluded from the quick scan list.

Signature detection system- compares files with known virus definitions - a sequence of bytes that is a characteristic of an individual virus. A detailed analysis is then performed to identify the type of infection.

Polymorphic detection system- used to detect new variants of a known virus, even if the new variant works differently. This method very effective in detecting macro viruses and script viruses.

Heuristic analysis system- the third level of virus detection, monitors the behavior of objects to identify their malicious nature. This level protection allows you to identify malware, which are not contained in the signature database.

Behavioral analysis system - monitors the behavior of programs and identifies signs of malicious behavior and then prevents further execution of the object. This system has been improved with technology machine learning AI Detection, which allows you to identify the latest threats that have not yet been classified by the AVG ThreatLabs team. AI Detection continuously learns from telemetry data received from AVG users.

Detection of active malware outbreaks- The cloud-based system for detecting common infections has been enhanced with collective learning technology to improve the identification of new threat variants in real time.

New: CyberCapture- new own cloud technology Intelligent scanning, which reduces detection time by isolating and analyzing unknown files in real time. CyberCapture isolates unknown files to the cloud for in-depth analysis and automatically establishes a two-channel connection to AVG Threat Labs for faster detection.

Testing Awards

AVG AntiVirus FREE- effective and fast free antivirus. Detects, blocks and eliminates viruses, spyware and malware. Includes Windows support 10, securely delete files and cloud service file reputation.

In the new version 2019 new convenient user interface programs. New feature Deep Scan allows you to identify specific hidden threats and perform a more intensive scan of your computer to detect them. Improved recognition of new threats by sending suspicious files to AVG Technologies servers for in-depth analysis. Block dangerous file downloads. Automatically receive real-time security updates.

Key features of AVG AntiVirus FREE

  • Anti-Spyware - protection against spyware and adware.
  • Anti-Rootkit - protection against rootkits hidden in the operating system.
  • LinkScanner - protection when browsing the Internet.
  • E-mail Scanner - scans incoming and outgoing email.
  • Identity Protection - protection against identity theft.
  • Resident Shield - operates in the background and scans all files that are currently being worked with.

AVG AntiVirus Free download free

Download AVG antivirus for free in Russian for a year - free AVG antivirus for your computer, from the official AVG website. Our website monitors all software updates so that you have the latest version of the free AVG antivirus. A new version antivirus is released once a year.