There is no Windows 7 installer service. Error: The Windows Installer service cannot be accessed. Follow the instructions below

Windows Installer Service is one of the significant elements operating system, which is needed to install the software. This service uses all programs developed for Windows, therefore, if, when installing some program, Windows Installer out of access or simply not responding, the installation will not complete.

In most situations, the following messages appear on the computer screen:

To solve the problem of accessing the Windows Installer service in Windows 7, 8 or 10, there are several working methods.

Windows 7 Installer service unavailable

If you do not have access to the installer service, you do not need to reinstall immediately Windows systems, or better yet, take some actions to restore its working functions. First, you need to find out whether this service has started and whether it actually exists.

To do this, we take the following actions:

  • need to open Windows list 7 key clicks Win+R, then enter the command services.msc in the “Run” window;
  • further in the list you need to find Windows Installer and double-click on it;

It is important to know that when Windows startup Installer looks like this:

  • the final stage is to enable the automatic launch of the Windows Installer service (in Windows 7 it is possible to change the startup type to “Automatic”), reboot and reinstall the program.

If the first method of fixing error 1719 did not bring any results, then you should try to register the Windows Installer service in the system in a new way, run it as Administrator command line.

To do this you will need to find in standard programs command line, then right-click on it computer mouse and select "Run as Administrator".

In order to re-register the Windows Installer service in the 32-bit version, you need to enter two commands:

  • first - msiexec/unregister;
  • second - msiexec /register.

It is worth considering that after executing these commands, you must restart the PC.

To resolve the error in the 64-bit version, you need to enter the following commands sequentially:

1.%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /unregister;

2.%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /regserver;

3.%windir%\syswow64\msiexec.exe /unregister;

4.%windir%\syswow64\msiexec.exe /regserver.

After which you need to restart your computer device. After such manipulations, the error should disappear.

Windows 10 Installer service unavailable

If you have a question about how to enable the Windows 10 Installer service, then there are certain steps to solve this problem. this task. One solution is to reset the Windows Installer service settings in the registry.

It goes like this:

  • you need to click on the “Start” button and open the “Run” section;
  • command entry regedit;
  • in the editor window that opens, you need to follow the branch - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\msiserver;
  • checking whether the ImagePath item matches the value - %systemroot%\system32\msiexec.exe /V
  • if the indicators differ, then they need to be balanced by entering the required parameters into the window of this item, which opens after clicking (2 times) with the left side of the computer mouse;
  • starting the service services.msc.

With a 64-bit version of the system, you need to take into account the WOW64 parameter, whose parameter is equal to the zero value. In this case, the hexadecimal number system must be used in the properties.

Upon completion of all manipulations to change the registry parameters, it is imperative to restart the computer.

If, after all the methods used, there is still no access to the Windows Installer service, then you can try a radical method of changing registry settings: creating a registry file using Notepad, then running the file and updating the registry item:

  • after pressing the “Start” key, you need to enter Notepad in the “Search” window;
  • opening a file Notepad.exe in the “Programs” section;
  • In the Notepad window you need to paste the text on updating the registry copied from the official Microsoft website;
  • you need to select “Save As” from the “File” menu and enter the file name Msirepair.reg;
  • in the “File Type” window you must select All files (*.*);
  • in the “Save” field, you need to mark the Desktop, and then the “Save” action itself;
  • to close Notepad you need to press the command Exit in the "File" menu;
  • then on the desktop you need to right-click to open the file Msirepair.reg and select the “Run as Administrator” section. After entering the required password, you need to click “Continue”;
  • after being prompted to install registry keys, you need to click on “Yes”;
  • reinstalling the required program.

It is worth considering that when using this method, the registry is changed. To this action no critical problems have arisen, the entire procedure for resetting parameters must be carried out strictly according to the instructions. It is also recommended to create backup copy registry like additional remedy data protection. This is done to be able to recreate the registry after serious problems.

Uninstalling an outdated version

In some cases, the Windows Installer service cannot be started due to the presence outdated version. It needs to be removed. This is done by going to the “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs” path. In the last paragraph you need to find “Uninstall / Change a program” and use it for the required shortcut. As a result, as usual, you need to reboot and reinstall the system.

If ultimately the Windows Installer service still does not start, then you need to do a clean installation of Windows. Please note that before reinstalling the system you need to save all useful information for any external device data storage to avoid data loss.

Error " Can't access Windows service Installer. Windows is running in protected mode or the Windows Installer service is not installed correctly. Contact Support" may occur when trying to install a program.

The Windows Installer service allows you to add, modify, or remove applications provided by the Windows Installer (*.msi) package. An incorrectly configured service may make it impossible to install any programs.

To resolve the error, you need to perform three steps:

1. Check service availability

To do this you need to go to Control Panel - Administration - Services

Find the service in the window that appears Windows Installer (Windows Installer).

Double-click to open the Windows Installer service properties.

On the tab Are common in field Executable file should be the value: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /V

On the tab Dependencies In chapter This service depends on the following components there must be Remote call procedures (RPC).

2. Check the launch program for the .msi extension

Open My computer or any folder. From the menu, select Tools - Folder Options and go to the tab File types.

Highlight the MSI extension and click the button Additionally. In chapter Actions

There should be three actions: Restore, Delete, Install. If they don't exist, you need to create them. & Action: Restore
application executing the action:

There should be three actions: Restore, Delete, Install. If they don't exist, you need to create them. "C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiexec.exe" /f "%1" %*
& Delete

There should be three actions: Restore, Delete, Install. If they don't exist, you need to create them. "C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiexec.exe" /x "%1" %* application executing the action:
"C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiexec.exe" /i "%1" %*

3. msiexec registration

On the menu Start - Run dial command msiexec/unregister and press ENTER. Then run the command there msiexec /register

After you complete all the steps above, the “Cannot access the Windows Installer service” error should disappear and all programs will install and uninstall normally.

During a normal program installation, some users are “fortunate” to encounter a system message about problems with the Windows installer: it seems like access to it is impossible, the service is not connected, or something like this software is missing from the system. Not much pleasant, right? But is there a chance to get rid of this “gift” without reinstalling Windows? The question is not an easy one. However, if you want to revive the Windows installer in Windows 7, you can use these step-by-step instructions.

Step #1: Check for Service Availability

In the event that the Windows installer for some reason does not work, before complaining about your difficult fate, you need to clarify whether such a program is in principle available on the computer. How to do it? Just select on the keyboard and R then, in the window that appears, enter the value msiexec and click OK:

As a result, if Windows Installer is installed on the computer, a system notification window similar to this will appear:

If a miracle does not happen (for example, an error message appears or about the absence of such a program in Windows 7), you can immediately jump to step No. 5, since a simple reconfiguration will not do. This happens rarely, but still. If everything is fine, the window appears as it should, we move on and try to revive the Windows installer on our own.

Step #2: Trying to start the service

Having established that Windows Installer is on the computer, you need to clarify whether this service is enabled on the system or not. How to do it? To get started, choose one of the following options:

One way or another, the result of such actions will be the appearance of the “Services” window on the screen. In it we find the “Windows Installer” item, click on it with the mouse and check the data indicated opposite it in the “Status” column. What will indicate its performance? The value is "Working". If the column is empty, then most likely the service is not running. In this case, in the upper left corner we find the corresponding button (“Run”) and launch Windows Installer:

If the “Status” column indicates that the installer is running, although this is not at all true, you can try to restart this service by clicking the corresponding item in the upper left corner. After this, all that remains is to restart the computer and test the functionality of the Windows Installer. If after such settings the program returns to normal, we can congratulate ourselves, the “torment” is over. Otherwise, you will have to “step” further.

Step #3: Re-registering the service via the command line

You can return the Windows installer on 7 to normal operation by re-registering such a service in the system. How do we act?

Go to the Start menu, enter cmd in the search box and press Enter. Next, enter the msiexec /unregister parameter into the console that appears, press Enter, and then after the command line responds, enter the msiexec /register value into it and press Enter again:

We repeat entering the commands if we are dealing with 64-bit Windows 7, and then reboot the computer. In principle, this is where all the difficulties with Windows Installer often end. However, if the working atmosphere for the Windows installer has not returned after this, before reinstalling it, you can try to revive it through the registry editor. But what if?

Step #4: Debugging via Registry Editor

You can try to resurrect Windows Installer through the registry editor in this way:

and delete all existing parameters in them:

If there is no data in the destination folders, click right click mouse over the Installer folder, and then click “Permissions” in the list that appears. Next, in the window that opens, click System, check the “Full Control” option and click OK:

After this, we restart the computer and check the functionality of the service. If it doesn’t work this time, go to step No. 5 and reinstall it in Windows 7.

Step #5: Reinstall the service

For reinstalling windows Installer, in principle, does not require any special tricks. It is enough to copy the msiserver folder on the computer with the service running (the branch in the registry editor is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SYSTEM -CurrentControlSet -services), move it to the appropriate folder on a PC with Windows 7, reboot the system and restart the service in the manner indicated in step No. 2. That's all!

Good afternoon everyone good people. The other day, a good friend of mine asked me to help him remotely with the installation of 1C 8.2 under Windows 10. I was sure that there shouldn’t be any special problems. Moreover, everything is licensed. And the operating system and 1C and antivirus, in general, a complete set.

However, when trying to install both under administrator and in compatibility mode, in any case an error occurred - " ". By the way, the same thing happened when trying to install Skype.

I spent some time on search engines and the Microsoft support site, but none of the recommendations found helped solve the problem. Not re-registering the service windows installer, not editing the registry, not restarting the service. Not registry editing files from Microsoft.

In general, I will not describe the entire process, but in the end the culprit turned out to be the one previously installed in the system, after updating to Win10, CryptoPro CSP 3.9.8171 , if I'm not mistaken, version dated 05/28/2014. Just in time for border guard day.

As a result, the latest version available to me was downloaded CryptoPro CSP 3.9.8339 dated October 2, 2015, if I'm not mistaken. I specifically downloaded version 3.9 so as not to bother with transferring keys to CryptoPro. After this version was installed on top of the existing system on behalf of the administrator. The system asked to reboot and after the reboot everything went like clockwork.

The symptoms were the following:
1. When installing programs, specifically 1C 8.2 And Skype, a message was sure to appear Windows installer cannot be accessed. Please contact support to confirm... and the installation was completed.

2. As I noticed, some control panels in the system did not work. For example, it was impossible to view computer properties through context menu etc.

3. There was an old CryptoPro, more than a year old.

Solution: update CryptoPro to the latest available release of the version you have installed. Of course, another solution arises, reinstall windows installer, but as far as I understand from the Microsoft website, windows installer for this version of the operating system is not freely distributed, and downloading it from reliable sources will be problematic. Alternatively, rolling back the system to the time of installation will probably help. CryptoPro, but I haven't checked.

I hope it will be useful to someone, because I didn’t find anything useful on the Internet. If someone suddenly has a burning and irresistible desire to thank me for this post, then you can transfer some money to my phone. My number is +7961-440-1882. Or Yandex money, wallet number 41001859167452.

That's all. To all good people Have a good day and good luck.

A fairly common problem among users of the Windows operating system of any version is the msi error when installing programs from a file with the .msi extension. In this article, I will describe common problems with the Windows 7/10/XP installer and solutions to them, and also make a video on the current issue.

Files with the .msi extension are regular installation packages (distributions) from which the program is installed. Unlike the usual “setup.exe”, the system uses the Windows Installer service (msiexec.exe process) to launch the msi file. Speaking in simple words, Windows Installer will unzip and run the files from the distribution. When Windows Installer does not work, various errors appear.

In general, this really infuriates me, because... After a stupid error message, it’s completely unclear what to do next. Microsoft specifically developed the Windows Installer to expand the capabilities of installing programs (mainly for system administrators), but did not take proper care to ensure that the service would run smoothly or even adequately report problems. Now we have to sort it out :)

Problems may be with the operation of the service itself or may arise during the installation of programs, when everything is configured, in principle, correctly. In the first case, you need to tinker with the installer service, and in the second, solve a problem with a specific file. Let's consider both options, but first the second one.

msi file errors

Very often errors appear due to insufficient system rights to files or folders. This is not to say that Windows Installer does not work; in this case, you just need to add the necessary rights and everything will work. Just yesterday I was faced with the fact that the downloaded distribution kit.msi did not want to be installed, the installation wizard starts successfully, the parameters are selected, but then the system thinks for a few seconds and gives an error:

"Error reading from file 'filename' verify that the file exists and that you can access it" (Error 1305). Translated: “Error reading from file...check if the file exists and if you have access to it.” Well, aren't you stupid? Naturally, the “Retry” button does not help, and canceling stops the entire installation. The message also does not carry any special meaning, because the file definitely exists and I have access to it, otherwise I simply wouldn’t be able to run it and receive this message, and for some reason it’s in English :)

And the mistake is that it is not I who should have access to the file, but the Windows installer, or rather the System itself. The solution is very simple:

Now the installer error will not appear! You can add access to the entire folder from which you usually install programs, for example, to the “Downloads” folder, like mine. Watch a video on solving problems with access rights:

In Windows XP, the Security tab will not appear if simple general access to files. To turn it off, you need to go to “Start -> Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View” and turn off the “Use simple file sharing” option. In stripped-down versions of Windows 7/10 and XP, there is no “Security” tab at all. To see it, you need to log in as an administrator.

More ways to solve the problem

The described method will help with different messages, with different numbers. For example, you may see msi file errors like this:

  • Error 1723
  • Internal Error 2203
  • System error 2147287035
  • Error: "This installation package cannot be opened"
  • Error 1603: A fatal error occurred during installation

In all these cases, setting the rights to the file and/or to some system folders. Check if the "system" has access to the temporary files folder (you may receive the error "The system cannot open the specified device or file"). For this:

After pressing “Enter” the path will change to “normal” and you will be moved to the real temporary folder. The rights to it need to be checked. I also recommend clearing temporary folders of everything that has accumulated there, or even better, deleting them and creating new ones with the same names. If you can’t delete a folder, read, but it’s not necessary.

If the Windows Installer service still does not want to work, then check the rights to the folder "C:\Config.Msi", here the “system” must also have full access. In this case, you might have seen the error “Error 1310”. Just in case, make sure that the folder WHERE you are installing the software also has all rights.

Registry and service settings

The next way to resolve the error is to restore operating parameters in the Windows Installer registry.

To do this, download the archive and run two reg files from there, according to your Windows versions. Agree to import settings.

Important! Before last action desirable! If the method does not help or gets worse, you can recover to your previous state.

In Windows XP or Windows Server set 2000 latest version installer 4.5.

If it doesn’t help, then re-register the components:

  1. Press "Win + R" and enter " cmd". Then in the black window enter the following commands in sequence:
    MSIExec /unregister
    MSIExec /regserver
  2. The answer should be empty, no errors. If the problem is not solved, enter another command
    regsvr32 msi.dll
  3. Close the black window

If it says that you do not have enough rights, then you need to run .

If the commands were executed, but did not help, then run msi_error.bat from the archive and check the result.

The last option is to download the Kerish Doctor program, it has a function for fixing the installer service and many others common problems Windows.

Also, many programs use the .NET Framework, so it would be a good idea to install the latest version of this package. And, finally, one more piece of advice: if in the path to the distribution file there is at least one folder with a space at the beginning of the name, then remove the space. This simple trick will solve your problem :)


Errors with the Windows installer are very unpleasant, there are a lot of them and it’s not immediately clear where to look. One thing is clear - the system has failed and needs to be restored to working condition. Sometimes nothing helps and you have to. However, do not rush to do this, try asking for help on this forum. Describe your problem exactly, tell us what you have already done, what messages you have received, and perhaps they will help you! After all, the world is not without good people :)