Windows phone 8 updates. How to update lumia applications. How to update windows phone on any smartphone? Step-by-step instruction. The easiest method to update Windows Phone

We all remember that last winter, Microsoft presented a beta version of its new mobile operating system- Windows 10 Mobile. Since then, several builds of this OS have been released, and not a single smartphone has frozen during installation new system from Microsoft.

Of course, childhood mistakes, such as broken fonts and installation freezes, are already behind us. It won't be long before your Windows Phone device alerts you that an update to Windows 10 Mobile is available. Today we will tell you whether it is worth switching to a new OS or not.

The upgrade process from Windows Phone 8.1 to Windows 10, depending on the phone, takes on average about an hour with installation of all applications. At this moment the phone is getting very hot, I wash it Nokia Lumia 925 had to be cooled on the balcony. I did not experience any problems with the update, neither on the Lumia 535 nor on the Lumia 925.

After the transition, all applications and settings remain in place. The basic concept of tiles, which was in Windows Phone 7,8,8.1, has also not gone away. Eat main screen, it is also the desktop and there is a menu that appears on the right. If the concept remained the same, the interface changed significantly, the distance between the tiles decreased, a background appeared, transparency of the tiles, icons in the settings menu, a different type of buttons, notifications and tabs. All this makes the new Windows 10 Mobile operating system much nicer than what we saw in Windows Phone 8.1.

The new OS, unlike Windows 8.1, is slower. This feels good when you don’t have the phone under review, but when you use it every day. We can assume that this is due to the fact that Windows 10 Mobile is still raw, but perhaps it is simply more demanding on the smartphone’s resources, since similar posts on the topic of the speed of the new OS have already appeared on the Internet.

Most applications on Windows 10 Mobile have been rewritten to take into account the new interface. Here we are greeted by a new calendar, a new, much more convenient alarm clock, as well as contacts and messages. The latter have integration with Skype and if you use it, then this should be a plus for you.

Microsoft is trying to get rid of the browser Internet Explorer by renaming it to Microsoft Edge. Unfortunately, on Windows 10 Mobile there is practically no difference between the operation of the two browsers. The only exception is that on my Lumia 925 Microsoft Edge runs much slower than IE, and even freezes on heavy sites. Unfortunately, in the case of Edge they did not present anything new, as people expected Google Chrome, so they continue to wait. Opera browser, which is presented on Windows Phone much worse than the same IE in terms of speed, so it is not a competition.

Windows Phone 8.1 had a stylish and convenient MP3 player, in the top ten, they cut it out and added a new one - Groove. Microsoft did a great job here - the player quickly finds new files, looks great, has no delays during playback, and also easily allows you to create playlists. In a word, everything was done conveniently.

Contacts were not spared either. Now it's called "People". This is something like a hub where contacts from all connected accounts go. For example, for me it is Outlook and Gmail. In addition, Microsoft follows the fashion and made round contact icons, which some people just find annoying.

Microsoft has made a new application store, which is not inferior in convenience to the same one Google Play. The new store is truly a great update that everyone has been waiting for.

One of the killer features that has been in Android for a long time, but appeared in a stripped-down form in WP 8.1, is the notification and navigation panel. In Windows 10, it was perfectly redesigned, now the notification panel is the same as in desktop Windows 10.

Ability to disable application permissions. This feature appeared in Android 6 and is now available in Windows 10 Mobile. You can now block applications from accessing certain smartphone functions. For example, access to a camera or GPS. This is very convenient, since previously you either agreed with the rules and installed the application or refused to install it.

Should you upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile right now?
If you have powerful smartphone, for example Lumia 640 and higher - it’s worth it. If you have a Lumia 4** or 520, 525,530,535, 620, 630 smartphone, then it’s unlikely. The update will not bring you joy, as the system speed will drop by 30%.

Speed ​​issues are the only reason to delay an upgrade. I hope Microsoft can make the new Windows mobile as fast as 8.1. You just have to wait a little, although in the case of Windows Phone 8 you had to wait one year for the update to 8.1. Otherwise, 10ka on a smartphone is an excellent system, thanks to which there will be more people using Windows 10 Mobile.

Update of the article from 04/16/2016.

I sold my Lumia 535, Lumia 925. Due to the fact that on the first Windows smartphone 10 Mobile works simply disgustingly and very slowly, and Microsoft refused to update the Nokia Lumia 925. Wait a minute, this smartphone cost 20,000 rubles in 2013 and such spitting is not permissible.

More than a year ago, at the Microsoft Ignite conference, developers promised to add several useful features to Windows 10 Mobile. Among them was updating the phone via USB. Despite the fact that Windows 10 Mobile is virtually dead, Microsoft engineers kept their promise and still released the promised utility. Some time ago Over-The-Cable Updater became available for download.

How to update your smartphone to Windows 10 Mobile using a computer

The program supports phones running Windows Phone 8.1 and higher. It downloads the updates available for your smartphone to your computer, transfers them to the device and starts the installation process. In particular, OTC Updater can update devices to Windows 10 Mobile without any third-party applications like Upgrade Assistant. Today the utility installs only the most stable releases according to Microsoft mobile Windows- versions 1511 and 1607. OTC Update works on computers with Windows 7 and higher.

Smartphone requirements

  • The smartphone must be unlocked before connecting to the computer.
  • It is recommended to activate airplane mode on your device.
  • The smartphone must have Windows Phone 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile 1511 or 1607 installed. The utility does not work with newer versions of Windows mobile.
  • The device must not be running an update process. If it is already trying to install some updates, then wait for them to be installed.
  • The program cannot update smartphones that have not yet completed the first Windows setup process.
  • The device's battery must be charged at least 40%.

Contrary to information published by some sites, the utility does not install all available updates at once. For example, if you are upgrading from Windows Phone 8.1 to the latest Windows versions 10 Mobile, you will still have to install several additional assemblies.


  1. Download the installer from the official website.
  2. Run the downloaded file and select the folder where the program files will be unpacked. Please note that updates for your smartphone will later be downloaded to this directory, so make sure there are enough free space on disk.
  3. Double click on the file otcupdater.exe.
  4. Connect your smartphone to your computer and wait until the utility detects it, finds available updates, downloads them and copies them to your phone.
  5. The smartphone will prepare updates for installation, after which automatically will reboot. You won't be able to defer the update.

Although OTC Updater is designed to corporate clients, it will definitely be useful for ordinary users.

The Windows Phone 10 update was released in June 2015. To date, this update is the newest. Build code - Windows Mobile 10136.

In this article we will consider all the capabilities and features of the system.

What's new in the latest version of the build?

The first feature of the new version of the assembly is a modified home screen blocking. After a flip from bottom to top, a screen for entering a PIN code appears.

Overall, the interface has become more transparent and simplified.

Wait for the installation to finish and restart your phone.

How to update your phone over the air

If your phone has WinPhone OS version 10 080 installed, it is best to update to the new build over the air.

This technology for installing a new OS implies that the entire update process will occur via a wireless connection.

All Windows 10 phones can monitor in real time for updates.

In the device settings, you can configure both automatic and manual checking for new builds for your smartphone or tablet model.

Follow the instructions to check and configure update scanning:

  1. Go to the device settings;
  2. Then select the menu item “update and security”;
  3. Open these settings window;
  4. In the window that opens, several tabs are available: for developers, setting up data archiving services, searching for a user phone, and updating the device. Select “Device Update”;
  5. Click on the “check for updates” button and wait for the scan.

During the installation process, the smartphone reboots 2-3 times. After downloading new software, all user data is saved, backup not required.

If it is necessary to copy a certain type of data, the user will receive an instant notification about this.

When will the update be released for all lumia devices?

Microsoft releases updates gradually, which means that not all Windows phone devices can simultaneously install a new version of the OS or its builds.

Updates for different models smartphones and tablets are released every few months.

This frequency is explained by the fact that software developers try to create unique update options based on the characteristics of each device model.

Thus, the OS becomes more adaptive and stable during operation.

Newer smartphone models receive Latest updates faster.

Also, the availability of some functions of the new operating system depends on technical characteristics devices.

For example, the new Windows 10 OS requires at least 8 GB of internal device memory.

Windows 10 Mobile: what's new in Windows 10 Mobile build 10136

Continuing the topic of updating Lumia smartphones up to Windows 10 Mobile build 10136

The Windows 10 Mobile platform is an operating system designed for smartphones and tablets with screen sizes up to 9 inches. With its advent, mobile devices received almost the same capabilities that are available for personal computers with the same OS version. At the same time, many users of the previous platform have a question about how to update Windows Mobile and increase the functionality of their devices. And owners of smartphones with an already installed platform periodically receive from Microsoft the opportunity to install a new build of the same Windows 10.

Latest and anniversary updates for Windows 10 Mobile

The latest package available for download on the manufacturer’s official website Windows updates 10 Mobile went online on August 16, 2016. It was called Anniversary and provided users with many benefits in the form of increased functionality for applications such as Microsoft Edge, Cortana and Action Center. At the same time, owners of supported devices did not need to take virtually any action to receive the package. It was enough to manually check for an update for the phone and install it. This package is not available for some devices because only supported smartphones and tablets can upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary and later in 2016.

Cumulative updates continue to be released by the software manufacturer. And the last one on this moment is version 14393.448 dated November 9, 2016. Its installation allows you to fix errors from previous updates and increase security, but does not provide noticeable improvements in functionality. Therefore, if you have not yet installed it on your smartphone Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update , you no longer have to think about how to update the system - Microsoft is releasing a new build in April.

April build of Windows 10 Mobile

According to information on the official Microsoft website, from April 25, 2017, users of smartphones with previous builds Windows 10 Mobile will be able to how to update to Windows 10 Mobile to the next versionCreators Update. It is numbered 1704 and should provide users with a greater degree of security compared to builds 1511 and 1607. Among the features of the updated platform:
  • technology support virtual reality and 3D content;
  • quick response to a device security threat;
  • increasing the stability of wireless network access;
  • transition to HTML5 technology instead of outdated Flash.
For users participating in the Windows Insider testing program, the ability to download build 1704 became available on April 5. Moreover, both for late access and for early access. In addition, you can download Creators Update RTM builds from Microsoft servers as an ISO file and install it using a PC.

Windows 10 Update for Windows Phone

For the owner of a device with the Windows Phone operating system installed, it is also possible to update the platform to a more modern version. Although, before you try to update your phone to Windows 10 Mobile, you should find it in the list of supported devices. The names of smartphones can be found on the official website of the software manufacturer.
Installing a new operating system on models supported by Microsoft is carried out in several stages:
  1. Find and download in the Store special application Update Assistant;
  2. Open the program and click “Next”;
  3. Wait until the assistant finds an update available for installation;
  4. Check the box next to the item that allows updates to the Windows 10 platform and click “Next” again;
  5. Do not take any other action until the update is complete.

Before, how to update Windows 10 Mobile via computer, you should do it first backup copy all information located on the smartphone and download the WP Recovery Tool application from the Microsoft website. In this case, connecting to a computer a phone that is not in the list of supported models will display a corresponding message on the screen. If the device is supported, the smartphone is detected and after clicking on the tile with its name, the firmware update begins with official servers. And, if previously the method of updating Windows 10 Mobile via a PC made it possible to install the system even on unsupported models, as of July 23, 2016, the opportunity was closed by the developer.

Possible problems with updating Window 10 Mobile

When installing the operating system, certain problems may arise:
  • If the movement of the gears that indicate loading continues for more than 2 hours, a failure occurred in the process of transmitting information. To solve the problem, the smartphone reboots, and then the installation continues;

  • The smartphone battery can die right during the download. This situation can be avoided by ensuring the battery is fully charged before installing the system;
  • The device memory may not be enough. In this case, it is possible to use a microSD card as a storage device on which the system will be installed.

A failed installation in some cases requires not only a reboot, but also removal of the battery. After returning the battery to its place, sometimes you can simply continue flashing. But, if the previous operating system was already partially damaged, you will first have to restore its functionality with using Windows Device Recovery Tool.

Is it worth upgrading from Windows Phone to Windows 10 Mobile?

  • If Windows user Phone there is a question about Windows 10 Mobile, is it worth upgrading? software, the arguments for a positive answer include:
  • increase in quantity quick settings;
  • built-in support for OTG connectors and USB Type-C;
  • update voice assistant Cortana;
  • built-in Skype application for voice and video communication;
  • a new package for working with office documents.
After the owner of a smartphone compatible with the new operating system succeeded update Windows Mobile Windows Phone, he will have practically full-fledged computer. And he will be able not only to control the gadget with one hand, but also to scale the interface, continuously play the music he is listening to and use the new store Windows Store– the same as for PC.

Almost every user sooner or later needs to update their phone operating system. Moreover, if it became available a new version operating system. True, the update does not always lead to the desired result. But still, even the developers themselves mobile devices It is recommended to update in a timely manner, especially if a new version of the operating system appears. In devices on Windows based Phone such a possibility exists. True, in order to upgrade to Windows Phone 10 you will need to carry out a set of actions.

The easiest method to update Windows Phone

The easiest method to update the operating system Windows systems Phone - use the corresponding section in the “settings” category:

  1. We go to the “All settings” section.
  2. Find the “Phone Update” menu and check for available updates.
  3. If there are available updates, select “Download”, and then “Install”.

The update process may take a long time. During this period of time, it is better not to perform any actions with the smartphone in order to avoid problems with installing the update.

The battery charge should be monitored during this procedure. It's better to first connect your phone to charger, even if the battery is fully charged.

Update using special applications

If you carried out the previous list of actions and as a result saw the notification “Phone does not need to be updated”

But if you know for sure that an update is available for your device, then you will need to download the Upgrade Advisor application and carry out a set of updates with its help.

  1. Download and install Upgrade Advisor.
  2. After installation is complete, activate the application.
  3. Check the box next to the “Allow upgrade to Windows 10” section.
  4. The program will automatically detect available updates, and then you will need to act strictly according to the prompts provided.

When starting to update your phone, be sure to make sure you have the required free space. Otherwise, various errors may occur during the process that will prevent you from updating the device. Also make sure you have a stable internet connection via Wi-Fi network, since you will need to download an update, which is not small in size.