Evaluating and increasing the performance of a Windows 7 computer. Windows Performance Index or what is slowing down your computer? Performing productivity monitoring

Let's go right away Let's evaluate the performance of Windows 7, and then figure out what it is and how to use it. For a more correct assessment, it is worth checking the box in the nutrition plan - ( start - control panel - power supply - high performance) and temporarily disable the antivirus and firewall. You should also close all running applications.

Start - Control Panel - System

And click the blue inscription System rating not available

if you have previously made a performance assessment, then under the table you will see the inscription repeat assessment. If you haven’t checked, then press the button evaluate the computer.

In a couple of minutes, depending on your hardware, you will see CPU performance estimates, random access memory, video card and hard drive.

Now let's have a little debriefing.

The maximum score you can get in Windows 7 is 7.9 points.

The i7-2600 processor with a frequency of 3.4 GHz is slightly outdated and has not been overclocked in any way, the score is 7.7 points, which is not bad in principle.

RAM 16 gb Corsair Dominator with a frequency of 1866 Mhz and timings of 9-10-9-27 works with a bang!

Video card Nvidia GeForce The GTX-670 also rules with a bang (tested by tests and games)

As we can see in the screenshot, the bottleneck in the system is HDD. An indicator of 7.6 points is, in principle, a pretty good result and all because the system has solid state hard drive - SSD with good speed performance, where the write speed and read speed are the same. For conventional screws, the performance rating does not exceed 5.9 points.

Thus, we know our bottleneck in hardware, now, if we have the desire and financial capabilities, we know what we should upgrade. If you haven’t upgraded your hardware for a long time, then the best option will sell the old computer and buy a new one. And under no circumstances buy computers in “vegetable” stores. I mean that there are specialized salons and stores for such things, but not hypermarkets household appliances. If you don’t listen to advice, you’ll cry.

Unfortunately, prices for ssds are quite high, and their capacity does not yet reach the size of the screws we are used to, but something can still be done. We'll talk about how to speed up your computer in the next article soon.

By the way, if you are confident in your hardware, but the tests showed poor results, then look to the side: controller driver updates, replacements motherboard, checking voltage at control points, monitoring the temperature of devices.

http://site/wp-content/uploads/otsenka_proizvoditelnosti.pnghttp://site/wp-content/uploads/otsenka_proizvoditelnosti-150x150.png 2019-08-26T22:36:41+04:00 Windows windows, performanceLet's immediately evaluate the performance of Windows 7, and then figure out what it is and how to use it. For a more correct assessment, it is worth checking the box in the power plan - (Start - Control Panel - Power Options - High Performance) and temporarily disabling the antivirus and firewall. You should also close everything...

A modern computer is a complex device, the final performance of which depends on many factors. Speed hard drive, RAM, video card power often become more significant than clock speed central processor. Intuitive job evaluation Windows systems can roughly indicate the problem, but it is only possible to accurately calculate weak points and find a solution using the performance index.

What is a performance index

To calculate system performance indicators, Microsoft uses test tasks that maximally load each individual computer hardware component. In this way, five indices are calculated: for the central processor, graphics, game graphics, RAM and the main hard drive. The smaller of these is considered the base index for the entire system. The scale starts at 1.0, the highest score is 7.9, but it rises as more powerful hardware solutions become available.

The base index is close to the average for a balanced general purpose computer, since all scores in this configuration are approximately equal. Dedicated hardware solutions are subject to deviations. For example, office computers usually have a weaker video card installed, while for multimedia solutions a faster hard drive is important. In such cases, the overall computer index will be significantly lower than the average, since it is determined by the lowest value. This leads to a simple rule: to increase the base index (and overall computer performance), you should increase the power of the weakest component.

If the hardware requirements for the installed software indicate a minimum base index value, this means that it will work stably on a computer with this or a higher index value.

How to recognize him

To see what your computer's performance index is, open Start, then Control Panel.

In the large “All Control Panel Items” window that opens, find the “Performance Meters and Tools” tab and go to it.

The same result can be achieved using a system search. Click "Start" and enter the word "Counters" in the search bar.

Another way to immediately go to the desired window is to press the Win key combination (with Windows icon) and Pause/Break (a utility key, usually located next to the Print Screen).

The “Evaluating and increasing computer performance” window that opens contains a lot of information.

The central part is occupied by the current indexes of computer components with a brief description. The overall score is highlighted large and provided with a comment on the calculation “Determined by the lowest score.” Several buttons lead to reference materials: “What do these numbers mean?”, “More about estimates and software(on the Internet)”, “Recommendations for improving computer performance”. Windows 7 tries to clearly explain both the principles of forming the rating scale and the best ways to increase the base index. This window is especially useful when upgrading computer hardware, as it stores indexes from previous testing. You can use the special button “Display and print detailed information about computer and system performance” to print the current indicators, and then run a new test by clicking on the “Repeat assessment” on-screen button in the lower right corner.

The same button must be pressed to begin the current test, which usually takes a few minutes. At this time, the computer is operating at maximum power, the screen goes out and lights up several times, which is a consequence of ongoing tests and does not pose a danger.

What do the points mean?

Possible maximum score

Although on this moment Windows announces a maximum score of 7.9 points; this value can only be achieved in the maximum configuration, using the most modern processor, memory and graphics accelerators. The need for such powerful equipment usually arises in computers intended for resource-intensive applications - games, systems virtual reality and so on. For specialized solutions, lower performance of the base index is considered normal.

Table: scores and performance description

Points Description
Up to 3.0Office packages, networking. Some graphic Windows features 7 (Aero branding) will not be available.
From 3.0 to 4.0Graphic Windows interface 7 is available, but may be slow or crash when running in Full HD mode or on multiple monitors simultaneously. If the overall score is low due to graphics parameters, then the computer may not be able to cope with streaming video, for example, when receiving television high definition.
From 4.0 to 6.0Windows 7 can run at full capacity, including multitasking and using multiple monitors.
More than 6.0Powerful computers with high-speed hard drives. Can be used for 3D games, high-definition video streaming, and resource-intensive tasks.

Considering the methodology for forming the index (based on the lowest indicator), there are no clear boundaries between configurations. A powerful computer with a slow hard drive and a balanced weak hardware solution can have the same index value.

How can you improve your score?

An obvious way to increase the overall performance of a computer is to update its weakest nodes. RAM can be replaced with a faster one or simply increased in quantity. The same goes for the hard drive. On desktop computer You can also replace the video card or processor. Laptops have significantly less upgrade capabilities. A more economical way is to configure the system and its individual components, allowing you to eliminate some restrictions in their operation.

Graphics settings

Visual effects, a high resolution screen, working with multiple connected monitors takes up a significant part of the resources of the computer’s graphic nodes. Therefore, you can reduce the load on this component and, accordingly, improve overall performance by disabling some Windows 7 options or reducing the screen resolution.

To change the graphics settings, you need to right-click on a free area of ​​the desktop. In the context menu that opens, select the “Screen resolution” line.

The “Screen Resolution” window that appears contains other parameters of the connected monitors, for example, graphic design (themes). Now we select the "Resolution" drop-down list.

From the list possible options choose a resolution lower than the current one.

Hard drive care

Cleaning up unnecessary information and maintaining a sufficient amount of free disk space can significantly increase the speed of the drive. In addition, if the computer does not have a solid-state drive, but a regular disk, then it is necessary to regularly carry out the defragmentation procedure. This operation combines disparate parts of stored files, bringing them together, thereby reducing read and write times. The reader needs to spend less effort to move from one part to another if they are located in a row. In addition, free space is also consolidated, allowing new files to be written as a whole block.

Click the “Start” button and type “Disk Defragmenter” in the input line, then select the tab that appears with the same name.

The system shows all available drives in one window, allows you to analyze their status and carry out immediate defragmentation.

For regular operation, you can set up an appropriate schedule so that, for example, you run the utility at night.

Defragmentation takes a significant amount of time if the hard drive is large and has little free space, so it is recommended to first delete unnecessary information - this will speed up the work.

System care

Timely updating, replacing drivers with current ones, using special programs to detect problems in the software also have great importance for the index. You can use the system interface to update the driver for the selected device.

Click the “Start” button and type “Driver Update” in the input line. The system shows search results, including the “Device Driver Update” tab we need, to which we go.

The main window of Device Manager contains a list of all hardware components installed on the computer. We select the one whose driver we want to update and right-click on its name.

By selecting the line “Update drivers...” from the context menu, we start the process. In the next window, the system will offer to choose one of two options: automatic search on the Internet or manual search on the computer.

The average user rarely downloads new drivers to the computer in advance, so we select “ Automatic search..." and wait for the update. Windows 7 checks for up-to-dateness installed driver and updates it if necessary. The same steps should be taken for other devices from the list of “Device Manager”.

There are also many free applications, including those that do not require installation, and perform the process of checking and updating drivers in a semi-automatic mode. For example, DriverPack Solution First, it scans the computer and compiles its own list of hardware components and drivers. The program accesses the websites of device manufacturers and checks for updates, after which it downloads and installs new drivers. The application has a simple and friendly interface designed for entry-level users.

Changing Power Settings

For a more economical Windows operation 7 sometimes deliberately reduces performance. For example, this applies to power settings. You can sacrifice some of the autonomy (for a laptop) or energy savings by preventing Windows 7 from switching to the appropriate modes. To do this, type “mobility center” in the search bar and select the appropriate tab.

There are several settings in the window that opens. We are interested in the power settings in which we select the high performance mode. In this case, you need to take into account: battery consumption will increase slightly, which will reduce the battery life of the laptop.

Using the ReadyBoost feature

There is free space not only on the hard drive, but also on external media, including USB flash drives. ReadyBoost allows you to reserve some of it for the needs of Windows 7. To enable the option, you need to select removable media in Explorer and call right click mice context menu, in which select the “Properties” option. Now all that remains is to go to the ReadyBoost tab and set the size of the reserved space.

If the performance review doesn't work or is missing

In some cases, the system refuses to evaluate performance due to cost considerations or more serious obstacles.

Time to troubleshoot

Possible reasons why the assessment could not be made:

  • The assessment has already started. The ability to update scores is disabled while the test is running. You should either cancel the current process or wait for it to finish before starting it again.
  • Lack of access rights. Sometimes the reason may be the restriction of user rights to a specific account. You should log in as an administrator and try to complete the assessment again.
  • The laptop is disconnected from the network. Since calculating indexes requires significant energy consumption, Windows 7 prohibits it from being performed when battery life laptop. The computer must be plugged into a power outlet.
  • Lack of disk space. For Windows ratings 7 requires a certain amount of free space on the hard drive onto which the test file is written. You should clean the drive as much as possible and then try the evaluation again.
  • No multimedia support. Windows 7 can't measure the performance of computers that don't have multimedia capabilities.
  • Outdated video driver. A faulty or outdated video driver will prevent Windows 7 from testing performance. Should check Latest updates system and, if necessary, install the latest versions of drivers or, conversely, return earlier ones. When installing drivers, it is better to use the official website of the manufacturer of your computer, and not, for example, a video card.
  • Antivirus operation. Sometimes the reason is active work antivirus programs. You should turn them off for a while and try the test again.
  • Outdated BIOS. You should update your BIOS to the latest version.

Reinstalling video codecs

A common cause of the problem is damaged or conflicting video codecs. These are files containing algorithms for unpacking video recordings, without which the computer will not be able to display the video on the screen. Windows 7 uses some of the system codecs to analyze the performance of graphics components, so their corruption or accidental removal makes evaluation impossible. Reinstalling will fix the situation.

Click the “Start” on-screen button and select the “Control Panel” tab in the right column of the menu that opens. In the large All Control Panel Items window, select the Programs and Features tab.

We remove video players, as well as codecs for them.

Click the “Turn Windows components on or off” button and go to the “Windows Components” window.

We find Windows Media Player, uncheck the box next to it, then exit the dialog box and restart the computer. After the download is complete, go to this window again in the same way, return the checkbox to Windows Media Player and reboot again. Let's try testing again.

If the problem is not resolved, the VC-1 codec required for testing may be damaged or missing. It can be installed with free package K-Lite for the popular player KMPlayer.

Scan system files

Another reason could be the failure of Windows 7 itself due to damage or removal of some necessary system files. Press the Win+R combination and in the input line of the “Run” window that appears, type the command to start scanning the system and updating damaged files sfc.exe /scannow.

Installing additional components

One of the reasons for the inability to determine performance may be the absence of the MSVCR100.dll library on the computer. It can be downloaded for free from the official Microsoft website along with the 2010 package:

  • https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=5555 - x32, x86.
  • https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=14632 - x64.

If Visual Studio 2010 is already installed, but when trying to determine performance, the system reports problems with MSVCR100.dll, you should reinstall the package, first removing it old version from a computer.

Video: Everything you need to know about the Windows 7 Experience Index

When focusing on the Basic Performance Index when purchasing a computer, you should take into account that the current score is stored on the computer in an unprotected form in the folder C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore in a file whose name begins with the date of the test and ends with “. Formal.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT.xml." Unscrupulous seller maybe with the help of a regular text editor change real numbers to the required values. Therefore, you should carry out an actual test before purchasing.

IN Windows Vista for the first time such an interesting utility as Performance index. With its help, you can see the assessment of the Windows system according to various criteria. Subsequently, this function migrated to Windows 7 and Windows 8, but then the developers decided that it was not needed and therefore in Windows 8.1 you cannot find it so easily. However, many users liked this feature, partly to compare their pussies to see who is cooler. In this article you will learn a little more about the Windows Performance Index (score), and we will also look at how you can still find it out in new version Windows 8.1.

Windows Experience Index (WEI) is an assessment of the Windows system itself of the main characteristics of the computer on which the OS is installed.

The main characteristics are:
Graphic arts
Graphics for games
Disk subsystem

As you can see, it considers all the most important characteristics needed for productivity.

Each of these characteristics is given its own index (number) which is calculated using a special formula. Minimum value 1 , and the maximum depends on the OS version: in Windows Vista it is 5.9 , in Windows 7 7.9 , and in Windows 8 9.9

From all these estimates, the minimum value is selected and reported as the main estimate. I don’t know why they did this, perhaps so that users tried to increase it, paying attention to the minimum value.

How to find out the performance rating (index) in Windows 7 and 8

Click RMB on To my computer and choose Properties.
In this window we pay attention to Evaluation in category System:

click on the link Windows Experience Index for more details.

We get this picture, in which everything is already described:

It happens that the assessment has not yet been made, then it will need to be done. You can also double-check if anything has been changed in the system.

How to find out the performance rating (index) in Windows 8.1

As I wrote above, you won’t be able to find performance in this version of the system, but it’s still there.

Let's go along the way (Window_drive_letter):\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore and in this folder we look for a file that contains the letters Formal.Assessment.

(Window_drive_letter)- this is usually C. You can navigate through folders along the path, or you can simply copy and paste into address bar conductor.

The file we need starts with numbers. They mean the date and time of creation, as well as other “nonsense”. Approximately its name 2014-03-21 Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml
It opens via (usually Internet Explorer).
If there are several such files, then it is better to open the most recent one by creation date.

The opened file looks like this:

We need to pay attention to those characteristics that are located between the WinSPR tags.

I’ll decipher a little what it is and how it’s indicated.

SystemScore- overall performance
MemoryScore- assessment of RAM
CpuScore- processor performance
GraphicsScore- graphics performance assessment
DiskScore- disc rating

There are a few more, but they are not particularly needed. You can translate it yourself if you want.

If this option seems too labor-intensive to you, then you can use it and enter it into
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_WinSAT
resulting in a performance score in Windows 8.1:

It happens that you cannot find this file or the index will not be displayed. This may mean that it has not yet been carried out. If in Windows 7 and 8 this was easily solved, then in Windows 8.1 you will need to enter some commands into command line from the administrator. Namely:

winsat formal- assessment of the overall system performance;
winsat formal -v- assessment of overall system performance, detailed output;
winsat formal -xml file.xml- output the check result to the specified xml file;
winsat formal -restart never- during re-inspection, to evaluate only new components;
winsat formal -restart clean- when re-checking, to reset the check history and perform a full scan again.

It's better to use the first one.

In the end the window will look something like this:

There are also programs that will help you check your performance index.

ChrisPC Win Experience Index


I liked the second one even more, because it does not require installation, is in Russian, and also shows other additional necessary information on the system and hardware.

How to increase or improve the Windows performance index (score).

The answer to this question will be given to you both by the system itself and by ordinary logic.

As a rule, everything consists of replacing computer “spare parts”. If the processor index is small, we change it to a more powerful one, if there is not enough RAM, we increase it.
It happens less often when everything seems to be normal, but the index is small. Then you need to produce.
If the disk score is small, we delete the excess, produce it, etc.

OK it's all over Now. On the one hand, performance evaluation is a necessary thing, it helps you understand what you need to pay attention to based on a low index, but on the other hand, it is not needed if you already know that your computer is weak or there is not enough disk space =)

In Windows 7 there is such a useless index that shows system performance. Thanks to this index, you can determine whether Windows 7 is suitable for installation on your computer or not. But, to be honest, this index is needed only to show off a powerful system to your friends. Now we will tell you how you can increase the performance index.

If you want to ensure that you have a productive hard drive (as if), there is absolutely no need to buy a powerful hard drive with 15,000 rpm. There are two very simple ways, which will increase the productivity index without cost.

Method 1:

This is the easiest way. You just need to download a cheating program called Windows 7 rating changer. It can be done . There should be no problems installing this program. The only thing you need to do after downloading Windows 7 rating changer is disable UAC and reboot the entire system.

The program is very easy to use.

You just need to specify the parameters you want. And that will be enough.

You can increase the index to 7.9. Then you need to click on the button “ Save».

Then you need to check the index again. And enjoy contemplating cool numbers.

Method 2:

This method is a little more complicated, but the result is also good.

First you need to go to this address - C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore.

After this you need to select the file Formal.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT.(necessarily the newest one, this can be determined by the date). When you open the file, you need to find the block highlighted in the figure below.

Change the numbers to whatever you want (maximum - 7.9).

You can even change all the parameters to maximum, but it will not look very realistic.

The photo below shows the result of the work done. Here we did not change all the parameters, but simply changed the overall performance index.

After all these manipulations, you will only need to save the file. And you can enjoy the cool performance index of your personal computer.

Site administration website expresses gratitude to the author for the article SoliX.

If you have any questions, ask them on our website.

From time to time you have to update your computer hardware. To know which component needs to be replaced, the user must know the estimated condition of all components. This is what the performance index is for. Details on how to find out the performance index in Windows 7, increase its value and solve possible problems with its definition, read our article.

What is a performance index?

The tool aims to evaluate how well or poorly a computer performs with a system. But this is not the average among all components. The final score is determined by the lowest score among all nodes. Each component has its own meaning. By looking at them, you can determine what exactly needs replacing.

How to calculate it

Through “Start”, open “Control Panel” and click on the “Counters and Productivity Tools” icon.

Click on “Counters and Productivity Tools”

This window contains both individual scores and the overall score. If one of the nodes was recently replaced, you can see how the index has changed. To do this, click “Repeat assessment”. The system may ask the user to enter or confirm an administrator password.

In the example below, the Processor and Primary Hard Drive components have high scores. But because “Graphics” and “Game Graphics” have low scores, the overall score is also low.

This window provides an overall assessment of performance and each component separately.

What do the points mean?

The higher the score, the better computer copes with tasks, especially resource-intensive ones. A low indicator, accordingly, indicates the opposite.