Cancel blocking of VKontakte Internet resource

The Internet is fraught with a lot of dangers, especially for the fragile minds of the younger generation. But few parents manage to protect their child from harmful information through prohibitions and admonitions. 90% of schoolchildren easily deceive their mother and father and continue to visit non-children's resources.

Adults also “sin” by using the Internet for inappropriate purposes. Mistakes made by office workers often arise because 50% of the time they are busy not with business, but with social networks.

Only one remedy can radically solve the problem - blocking unwanted resources. Read how to block a website from children and careless adults using eight proven methods.

The method of blocking web resources through Hosts, a local database of IP addresses and domain names associated with them, is designed for the most inexperienced. Since even elementary schoolchildren know about Hosts today, for many it will not be difficult to reset the setting and reduce your efforts to nothing. Therefore, you should take measures to protect it. For example:

  • Create for the user for whom you are going to block access to unwanted sites, account With limited rights. Then he will not be able to correct anything in the Hosts file even if he wants to.
  • Use tricks to hide blocking records.

The blocking technology itself is very simple:

  • Log in to Windows using an administrator account.
  • Go to the folder %Windir%\System32\drivers\etc, find a file without an extension with the name “Hosts” and open it using Notepad or a program that replaces it. To avoid problems with saving changes, you can do this: run Windows Notepad(file notepad.exe, located in Windows folder) with administrator rights, through the “File” - “Open” menu, go to Hosts and load it into the program.
  • To any place in the file with new line add an entry site, where instead of “site” we write the address of the blocked resource.

  • Save the file in its original location. So that the notebook is not attributed to him txt extension, the name “hosts”, we write in quotes, and from the file types we select “all files”.

After this, the site will no longer open in browsers, since the computer will look for it not on the Internet, but on itself.

Tricks that will prevent a user from deleting your entry in Hosts

The first option is to hide the entry itself in the file. It is impossible to make it invisible, but you can insert 2-3 hundred empty lines between comments (lines starting with #) and it. The user, when opening a file, most likely will not pay attention to the scroll bar of the document and will not see your entry, since it will be far down.

The second option is to move Hosts file to another, more secluded place. Decide for yourself where to place it, but to prevent the system from losing it, you will have to make a small edit to the registry. Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters branch in the RegEdit editor and in the parameter value DataBasePath write a new path to Hosts.


Traffic from a computer connected to the Internet passes through DNS server(which, like hosts, maps website names to their IP addresses). In addition to the DNS provided by the provider, you can use others, for example, free public ones.

Some public DNS have a content filtering system, that is, they do not load sites with certain content onto the computer.

Unfortunately, you can't block resources of your choice using DNS, but if you want to block access to adult content or potentially malicious websites, the method is very effective. To use it, you just need to specify the required DNS addresses in the connection and protocol properties of the IPv4 version.

This example uses Yandex public DNS with an adult content filter.

There are other blocking options:

  • Yandex: (main) and (alternative) - filtering phishing and fraudulent resources.
  • Norton ConnectSafe (Symantec): (primary) and (alternate) - filters phishing, fraud, malware.
  • Norton ConnectSafe: and - the same plus an adult content filter.
  • Norton ConnectSafe: and - the same plus blocking of any “inappropriate” topics.

In browsers

Modern browsers contain a lot of useful things, but most of them do not have functions for blocking sites of the user's choice. It remains, perhaps, only in Internet Explorer.

To make the ability to block sites appear in your favorite browser, just install a special extension in it, for example, Block Site. This link takes you to the Chrome store, where you can download such a plugin (not just one, but three with the same name) for Google Chrome and Yandex.Browser.

The principle of operation of such extensions is very simple. They add a locking feature to context menu. Clicking right click click on any link (including a file download) and selecting the “Block” command, you will blacklist the site. And the whole thing, and not a separate page.

Some of the presented extensions also allow you to manually add to the blacklist and create custom filters for blocking by content.

Plugins with web resource block functions are produced not only for Chrome, but also for Opera, Mozilla Firefox and other less popular browsers.

Using Windows Firewall or a third-party firewall

Windows Firewall can only block websites based on IP addresses. This is not the most The best way, since one IP is sometimes shared by several resources, and large portals such as VKontakte and Odnoklassniki occupy entire ranges of addresses. Third-party firewalls can be configured more flexibly - they allow you to block access to even a single page. To do this, it is enough to indicate its URL in the program, not its IP, which is much more convenient for the user.

Since each firewall is configured differently, and we cannot consider all of them, we will study the principle of setting up a universal tool - the Windows 10 firewall.

To create a blocking rule, we first determine the site's IP. To do this it is convenient to use the command ping_URL(for example, “ping”) or whois services.

  • Let's open the firewall. In the left panel, select “Outgoing Connection Rules”, and in the “Actions” list, select “Create Rule”.

  • In the next window, check “All programs” (if the site should be blocked in all browsers) or “Program path” (if in one). When choosing the second option, we will indicate the path to the browser executable file.

  • We'll skip the next window. After it, we have to indicate the IP to be blocked. At the bottom of the “Area” window, select the “Specified IP addresses” item and click “Add”. We do not touch the top field, since it is intended for creating rules in local networks.

  • Enter the IP address or range of website addresses and click OK.

  • Next, select “Block connection”.

  • Let's mark the network profiles for which we are going to use the rule.

  • The last step is to give the rule a name.

After clicking “Finish” the rule will take effect.

On the router

Access control settings on routers different models are not the same, but their algorithm is largely similar. Let's figure out how to block access to unwanted sites using TP-Link as an example.

TP-Link access control (and not only) works in black and white list mode. In the first case, access is allowed to any web resources except those specified. In the second, it is prohibited to apply to everyone, except, again, those indicated. Let's consider creating a blacklist as an example, since it is used more often.

  • Go to the admin panel, open the “Access Control” section and click “Setup Wizard”.

  • In the new window, select the “IP address” mode, indicate the name of the host for which we are creating a rule, and enter its IP or address range.

  • Next, select the “Domain name” mode, write an arbitrary target name (for which a rule is created) and list the prohibited sites.

  • The next step is to create a blocking schedule.

  • Then we set the name of the rule, check all the parameters and click “Finish”.

  • The last step is to select a filtering mode (in our case, prohibit packets from the specified domains from passing through the router) and save the rule. Also, don’t forget to check “Enable Internet access control management.”

This completes the setup.

Parental controls

Parental controls are now being built in wherever possible. It is available in many routers antivirus programs and even in themselves operating systems. Before Windows release 7 parental control was a separate system function. In Windows 10, it became “family safety with settings via the Microsoft website,” but its essence did not change. Parents still have the opportunity to use it to limit their child’s access to network resources.

However, what are we all about Windows and about Windows? Let's look at how parental control works in Kaspersky Internet Security.

  • Restrictions are configured through a specially designated section.

  • The first thing you have to do after entering it is to set a password to disable the function and change the settings.
  • Next, you will see a list of user accounts for which you can enable parental controls. Click “Set up restrictions” next to the selected account.

  • Restrictions on access to web content are set in the “Internet” section. There are 2 blocking modes: sites for adults (black list) and all sites except permitted ones (white list).

  • When you select blacklist mode, you can specify categories of content to be blocked, but without specifying specific sites. When selecting whitelist mode, allowed sites must be added to exceptions. Everything else will be blocked.

The control on/off slider is located at the top of the settings window in the user list.

Using static routes

A static (permanent) route is a rigidly defined path for packets to follow from one network node to another. For example, from your computer to the server that hosts the website. Having registered in Windows registry or in the router settings there is a false route to an Internet resource (more precisely, to its IP address), you will make sure that it does not open.

How to do it:

  • Define using the command ping_URL IP address of the desired site.
  • Without closing the command line (it must be launched as administrator), run one more instruction: route -p add destination_site_IP mask metric 1.

The answer “Ok” means that the route to the site has been created. Now will not open on this computer.

In the Windows registry, all static routes are located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\PersistentRoutes.

To remove an entry from there that has become unnecessary and resume access to the site, right-click on the entry and select “Delete.” Or run in command line instructions route - f. Last method deletes all existing permanent routes. If you want to remove only one of them, run the command route delete target_node_IP, For example, route delete After this, the website will become accessible again.

Using local IP security policies (IPSec)

Using IP Security Policy (IPSec) to restrict Internet access is a non-trivial method. Very few people know about the existence of such a possibility (unlike Hosts), and anyone for whom you block a certain web resource will never guess how you did it.

Using IPSec, you can block both an individual IP site and a pool of addresses. The only drawback of this method is that the policy management snap-in is not available in all editions of Windows. So, it is absent in home releases.

Creating an IP security policy may seem complicated, but only the first time. After several attempts, it will not take you more than 2-3 minutes. Moreover, every step of the setup is accompanied by a Wizard.

  • So, to access the snap-in, open Administrative Tools in Control Panel, click Local Security Policy, and select Local PC IP Security Policies.
  • Right-click on the empty area of ​​the right half of the window " Local policies" and select "Create IP security policy". The first Setup Wizard will launch.

  • In the window that opens, enter the name of the new policy and briefly describe its purpose. You can leave these fields as default, but it’s better to fill them out so you don’t get confused later.

  • Then click “Next” without changing anything.

  • Complete the Wizard by checking “Edit Properties” and clicking “Finish.”

  • In the properties window for the future IPSec policy, click “Add”. This will launch the next Wizard - creating IP security rules.

  • In the window " End point tunnel" leave everything as it is.

  • Under Network Type, select All Connections.

  • In the “List of IP filters” (they just need to be created), click “Add”. Next, give your list a name and click “Add” again. The third Wizard will start - IP filters.

  • First of all, give the new filter a description (it’s most convenient to specify the URL of the site to be blocked).

  • Specify “My IP address” as the traffic source.

  • Destination: “Specific IP or subnet.” Below, write the address of the site or subnet to be blocked.

  • In the “Protocol Type” section, check “Any”.

  • The last step is to click “Edit Properties” and “Done”. There is very little left.

  • Confirm the new filter settings.

  • If you want to create another one, click the Add button in the next window. Otherwise, click “OK”. This will launch the Filter Action Configuration Wizard.

  • In the “List of IP filters”, mark the one you just created and click “Next”.
  • Give a name and description to what it will do (block the site).
  • In the action parameters, specify “Block”.
  • The final step of the stage is “Changing properties” and completing the wizard.
  • Now check and confirm the setting again.
  • The final push is to create safety rules. The fifth Master will do this.
  • When it’s finished, change the properties again and click “Finish.”
  • Review and confirm the parameters of the new rule.
  • And finally - all the properties of the policy. It has been created and is displayed in the section list.
  • All that remains is to put the policy into effect. Right-click on it and select “Assign”.

In the “Properties” section you can later change any policy settings, and through the context menu you can disable, rename and delete.

The trends that are now clearly visible in changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation do not please many Russian citizens, limiting the usual freedom on the Internet. More and more sites blocked by censorship and prohibited categories of Internet resources are appearing, and not every user knows how to bypass such Roskomnadzor bans.

Fortunately, in modern information space There are many tricks, tricks and workarounds that can successfully solve most virtual problems. This article will show you several ways to bypass the Roskomnadzor ban and allow you to freely visit sites from the “Register of Prohibited Internet Resources.”

1. Activities of Roskomnadzor on the Internet

Initially, the Internet was declared as a free space, but now there are many censorship bans - Roskomnadzor, because of one suspicious site, easily blocks entire domains and, often, completely unauthorized.

As a result of ill-considered actions, not only pornographic and violent sites are blocked, but also absolutely harmless Internet resources. Roskomnadzor looks less and less like a servant of the law and more and more like a clumsy elephant on the dance floor of a modern disco.

Screenshot from home page Roskomnadzor:

I haven’t seen this “interview with obscene language” with my own eyes, but I’m almost sure that we're talking about about one or two words that can be heard in any place where there is more than one person. In addition, Maxim magazine positions itself as an entertainment publication for men. Is it any wonder that it contains rather candid photographs of beautiful women and a strong word slips through? Probably not.

Instead of limiting access to the magazine for children, as is done in all civilized countries, Roskomnadzor is applying sanctions, for now in the form of a warning, but blocking this Internet resource is quite possible. Who will be fined or blocked next, the Hermitage website for publishing obscene images?

That is why gaining access to the site bypassing the blocking can be safely considered justified for any adult. And the likelihood of punishment for such a violation is negligible, if not completely excluded.

2. Unified register of prohibited Internet resources

The complete “black list” of sites blocked by Roskomnadzor can be found on this resource. In addition, here you can get some recommendations on how to bypass blocking of prohibited sites:
- establish a VPN connection (paid service);
- download and configure TOR browser.

However, these options are not suitable for everyone; the first service is paid, and the second has a number of disadvantages. For example, even if you configure the TOR browser correctly, it can work slowly and very often require the user to enter a “captcha” (blocking using scripts for auto-entry and cheating visits).

3. How to bypass blocking of sites banned by Roskomnadzor

There are many ways to bypass blocking of Internet resources, some of them require some effort and time. But they all allow you to achieve positive result even for users who are not very well versed in IT technologies.

3.1. How to configure the Opera browser to bypass blocking

When trying to get to a prohibited site, users often see this message:

This resource has been blacklisted and cannot be accessed through normal means. If Opera is your main browser, you need to configure the application correctly, which will allow you to bypass the blocking. The “Turbo” function is activated with just one click of the mouse, creating a tunnel between the computer and the Opera server. The option is located in the browser menu,

and in older versions its settings are placed in the lower left corner of the application window. Other browsers do not provide similar opportunities for visiting prohibited Internet resources, but they can use other, no less effective techniques.

3.2. How to bypass Roskomnadzor restrictions: browser plugins

There are a lot of plugins written for all known browsers, among which there are free libraries that allow you to bypass the Roskomnadzor ban.

3.2.1. How to bypass restrictions on the Chrome browser: friGate plugin

You can download it from the Web Store; there will be no linguistic problems, since the official website and the application itself exist only in Russian.

Operating principle friGate plugin for Chrome is based on redirecting requests with addresses of blocked Internet resources to its servers. The exact information about the contents of the list of such sites is closed, but the developers promise that over time it will include all domestic Internet resources with multimedia content that are blocked by Roskomnadzor for “piracy.”

3.2.2. Get to prohibited sites: ZenMate VPN FireFox plugin

Small and free plugin ZenMate VPN will help FireFox users access prohibited sites.

In order to get started, after installing the ZenMate VPN plugin, you need to enter the address of your Email, to which a notification about registration in the system will be sent. The application also generates a login password that can be changed.

ZenMate VPN creates an encrypted tunnel through which all traffic is transmitted, guaranteeing not only the ability to bypass Roskomnadzor restrictions, but also maintain your anonymity when visiting Internet resources.

3.3. How to access a blocked resource: alternative networks

Setting up your system (in this article we are talking about Windows) is quite simple. To do this, use the Control Panel (or double-click on the network connection icon in the lower right corner) and select Network connections. Then in the TCP-IP protocol settings and substitute the DNS values ​​specified in the list into the appropriate fields.

The main disadvantage of this method is the inability to configure computers at work if they are connected to the Internet through a company proxy server. However, there is a way out Alternative option even simpler, since it does not require software configuration.

3.5. How to access prohibited sites using an anonymizer

The use of anonymizers is quite common due to their extreme ease of use. The question “how to bypass the Roskomnadzor ban” disappears immediately - just copy the link to address bar anonymizer and in a few seconds the blocked Internet resource will be loaded. No special knowledge is required, and you can find a suitable site with an anonymous redirect (redirection) in any search engine. As an example, we can recommend one of the simplest anonymizers, located outside of Russia.

4. Conclusion. What is the easiest way to bypass the Roskomnadzor ban?

If we summarize and analyze all of the above, it may seem that the most convenient and quick way- use the services of an anonymizer. This is not entirely true - the easy ways are rarely the best. Practice shows that to bypass blocking of Internet resources, it makes sense to set up a VPN using separate application or browser plugin. Yes, you will have to spend some time finding the most effective program, but after that the system will work automatically and the user will forget about this problem forever.

If you use Internet services (and this is definitely the case, since you wouldn’t be able to read this article otherwise), and also live in the Russian Federation, then you probably know what site blocking is. For you, this means that the provider, citing a decision of Roskomnadzor or some other administrative body, or another “weighty” reason, blocks access to this or that site. Therefore, of course, you will not be able to access this resource in the future.

We will devote this article to a review this issue. In it, we will look at the reasons why sites may be banned, as well as technologies that can easily bypass this. You will learn how to disable despite any attempts by the provider to prevent you from accessing this or that resource.

How do we access the site?

So, first, in order to understand how blocking sites works, you need to understand a little about how we get to this or that resource, how the Internet works in general, and why someone might not allow us to go somewhere. Let's start with the connection - DNS, IP and Domain name.

So, you know that the Internet with which you access the network is provided by your provider. Every month you make payments for using its services, choose tariffs, speed, and so on. The provider, in turn, directs you to DNS servers, which process your request when you try to visit a particular resource. The DNS server, in turn, resolves your request and redirects you to the IP address where the site is located. And the domain name of a site (for example, is simply a literal expression of the IP address, which is easier to perceive.

Locking mechanism

If you want to know what it is, you need to understand at what level the resource was blocked. The first level is the easiest - this is DNS blocking. Removing it is quite simple - use public servers, which are now plentiful. These addresses are currently provided by Google, Comodo, Norton, DNS Advantage, and other service providers. You just need to enter their DNS numbers in your computer settings to use them. Since there are no restrictions on public servers, you can log into VK or another service without any problems.

Lists of proxy servers available for use can be found on the websites, and others. In addition to free lists, there are also those that can be accessed for a certain amount. However, such lists are used, as a rule, by professional programmers and hackers. For home use, free proxy lists are most likely suitable for you.

VPN - fully encrypted

Another technology for how to bypass site blocking (Rostelecom or any other operator - it doesn’t matter) is VPN. This tool provides a “tunnel” of encrypted connection between your computer and the end server. Its beauty lies in the fact that all data that will be transmitted during the session will be encrypted, and technically no one will be able to intercept it. This means not only complete anonymity of all your actions on the computer, but also the security of the transmitted data and, of course, the option of how to bypass the blocking of the Odnoklassniki website (and not only).

For using a VPN You will need to install a client program on your computer. You should also note that the servers through which your data will be transmitted do not work for free. To use VPN technology you need to pay from $5 per month, depending on the level of protection. And, of course, solving the question: “How to bypass the blocking of sites by the administrator?” This approach cannot be, since the administrator of your network will most likely notice the need for data encryption. But on home computer you will be able to enjoy complete freedom of action.

Among the most popular services that provide VPN data encryption services are:,,,, and others. The difference between them lies in the geography of the servers, as well as the cost of final services and the depth of encryption of data transmission. The more servers are involved in the operation scheme, the greater the likelihood that it will be impossible to track where you actually go. And, most likely, no one will do this.

TOR - forget about blocking

Another, more secret and inherently complex software can be called the TOR program. In fact, if you remember, we already briefly mentioned it at the beginning of the article, so now we will describe the principle of operation in detail.

The application consists of many personal computers, connected to single network. Information between them is transmitted through special encrypted channels that are constantly changing, making it impossible to track them. In addition, the very number of participants in the TOR system is changing, which is why it is a real “headache” for intelligence services. Repeatedly they tried to curtail it, drown it out, and otherwise liquidate it. However, TOR is alive.

As already noted, the system operates a whole market of narcotic drugs that can be ordered and sold using encrypted information transmission channels. In addition, TOR has a gigantic catalog of pornography, mostly of a prohibited nature, the placement of which is not allowed on the “regular” Internet on a simple hosting. Due to this, everything is connected to TOR large quantity people, and the control services just shrug their shoulders. This program may be useful to us if we do not know how to bypass the blocking of the VKontakte website and others prohibited by some administrative body. In addition to the fact that with the program you will have access to any resource from any country in the world, you can also maintain anonymity using it. Thus, you don’t need to worry about any prosecution for violating the ban - no one will simply be able to track your computer.

A little moral

As you can see, in this article we have described several ways of understanding what website blocking is, how to bypass it and make sure that no one suspects you of anything. Perhaps the described instructions may seem complicated and inaccessible to some users, but this is not so. Each of the tools mentioned in this article can be used by those who own a PC at a basic level. As a rule, no special knowledge is required to prevent a website blocking program from allowing you to visit a particular resource.

However, it should be understood that we do not encourage violating established legislation. All materials are provided here for informational purposes only. After all, if an Internet site has been prohibited from visiting and blocked by your provider, this means that visiting it is not recommended, it contains materials, including those that can harm you. The question arises: “Do you need to bypass the blocking of such a site?”

It’s one thing when a regime that is undesirable to you is blocked in a state that interests you purely for information; and another when users watch pirated movies (even though everyone does this), order drugs or distribute them, buy weapons or watch pornography. If we talk about the latter, then such prohibitions, on the contrary, protect some users (for example, children) from such materials, which is a clear benefit. And of course, in this case, the measures taken by providers around the world can be called positive.

In addition, some services can be used not only to unlock resources, but also to protect your data, including personal data and location.