Transferring data from htc. How to send, transfer from HTC one x desire c desire v sensation and save contacts, numbers, data in the phone book. Program for transferring contacts to HTC. Exporting your contact book through the HTC phone's "safe" mode

Transfer contacts from HTC phone. After purchasing a new phone, the problem immediately arises of transferring the phone book with contacts to it.

You can solve this problem by copying contacts to a new HTC manually or via a SIM card.

You can also transfer contacts via a computer or the Internet. Depending on model HTC one x, one s, desire c, wildfire s, desire v, one m8, one m7, one m9, one a9, 626, desire 816, desire 300, desire 600 dual sim, eye, sensation xe, desire 820, one e9, desire 326g, one plus, sense, desire hd, 626g dual sim, incredible s, desire 700, g, 620, desire 210 dual sim, desire 620g dual sim, 510, desire 610, desire 400, 816g, one max, mozart, radar, one e8, desire 526g dual sim, butterfly, desire 310 dual sim, 516 dual, desire 616 dual, 820g, 601 dual, desire 500 dual sim, sensation, desire x, one v, 8s, desire sv, windows phone, hd2, one tab, jetstream, flyer 3g 32gb wi fi, evo view 4g, p510e, one x and others, you can use it in one way or another.

Below, several methods, or rather 6 ways, are described in detail on how to send, transfer, save contacts, numbers and data, and the phone book from an old phone/tablet: HTC one s desire c wildfire s desire v and other models on new phone, computer or SIM card.

Most convenient way data transfer: method number 6(data transfer via the Internet) - synchronization of the contact book via a server on the Internet. But not all HTC phones support it.

Transfer your contact book and data from your cell phone to a new HTC smartphone or computer.

Transfer contacts from HTC one x, one s, desire c, wildfire s, desire v, one m8, one m7, one m9, one a9, 626, desire 816, desire 300, desire 600 dual sim, eye, sensation xe, desire 820, one e9, desire 326g, one plus, sense, desire hd, 626g dual sim, incredible s, desire 700, g, 620, desire 210 dual sim, desire 620g dual sim, 510, desire 610, desire 400, 816g, one max, mozart, radar, one e8, desire 526g dual sim, butterfly, desire 310 dual sim, 516 dual, desire 616 dual, 820g, 601 dual, desire 500 dual sim, sensation, desire x, one v, 8s, desire sv, windows phone, hd2, one tab, jetstream, flyer 3g 32gb wi fi, evo view 4g, p510e, one x and other models, the new phone is complicated by the variety of types, types of phone books that contain different contact fields.

Video: Saving contacts from your phone to your computer.

1.Saving contacts on the SIM card of your HTC phone.

Transfer via SIM card. This is the easiest and most intuitive way to transfer contacts from phone to phone. Depending on the HTC phone model, it is possible to transfer contact book numbers to a SIM card. If, when creating a new contact, you did not save it to a SIM card, then in order to transfer contacts from the phone memory to a SIM card, you need to run the command in the phone - copy contacts from your phone's contact book to a SIM card (not supported by all models).

Advice. Experience with contacts shows that when creating an important contact, it is best to immediately save it to a SIM card. Even though the SIM card has few fields, there is no Email, Additional Information, or fields for Extension telephones. But a SIM card is usually used for years, and users change phones approximately every 1-3 years. In this case, when purchasing a new HTC phone, all important contacts will always be reflected in its phone book without any problems. To do this, you won’t have to do anything, just insert the old SIM card into the new phone.

- When copying to a SIM card, some information is lost. Firstly, the long lines First Name and Last Name are cut off and additional information about the contact cannot be stored on the SIM card: Address, Additional Phone, E-mail and other contact records.

Another disadvantage of such a transfer is the small amount of SIM card memory, on which you can save about 200-250 entries. Therefore, this method is not suitable for saving large phone books.

2.Exchange business cards between HTC phones.

- Many modern phones allow you to create "electronic business cards"- files in the format .VCF(Virtual Card File), which are designed for storing and transmitting personal data.

Such contact business card, can be transferred to another phone that supports the vCard format using any of the methods supported by phones: via Bluetooth, WiFi, infrared or a memory card.

It is especially convenient to transfer VCard contacts from HTC phone to another phone via Bluetooth. First you need to connect two phones via Bluetooth. Then you go to “Contact” and give the command to send it via Bluetooth. On the second phone a message appears, “Accept contact”, click “Save”.

It is also convenient to transfer contacts in VCard format via a flash drive - a removable phone memory card. On the old phone in the menu, you copy contacts to the memory card. You take it out and insert it into a new HTC phone or another. In the new phone, through the menu, you import contacts into the contact book.

The vCard format is compatible with almost any by mail program, for example Microsoft Outlook (how to use it will be written below). This allows you to save contacts from your HTC phone to your computer, and edit them on it, as well as create new contacts, on a convenient big screen computer and using the PC keyboard.

In order to create an electronic business card on a PC, you need to open Microsoft Outlook, create an entry (contact) in it and use the command File > Save As > vCard Format (VCF), save it in a format that your mobile phone can understand. Then this contact - a business card - can be transferred to a mobile phone using any of the phone's capabilities: Bluetooth, memory card, WiFi, DATA cable, IR port, USB cable or flash drive (memory card).

3.Branded contact synchronization utilities for HTC.

Use of proprietary software. This is when copying and transferring data from an HTC phone to a computer is carried out through special Software (driver, program). All more or less well-known manufacturers mobile technology: HTC and others specifically create and distribute programs that allow you to enter the phone’s memory from a PC.

When using the phone manufacturer's proprietary program, a backup copy is first created address book on the PC of an old HTC phone. Then a new phone from the same manufacturer is connected to the computer: HTC, and in the same program, the contact book is transferred to the memory of the new phone.

But we must keep in mind that phones of different price lines do not have the ability to connect to a computer or laptop. They either don't have Wi-Fi or USB or Bluetooth.

Another problem is that different phone models have different numbers of fields in the contact book. Because of this, when transferring contacts from an expensive model to a budget model from the same manufacturer, the contacts will not be transferred correctly. For example, when you transfer a Misha contact containing 6 phone numbers to a simple device, you can get six contacts with the name Misha, each of which will have one number. Or such data is simply lost during transfer.

And if a transfer needs to be done between phones from different manufacturers, then not proprietary HTC software is used, but universal software to synchronize phone data with a computer and with different models, from different manufacturers.

- In addition to proprietary programs, there are alternative (universal) contact synchronization programs that allow you to transfer address books between phones of different models and manufacturers.

For example, the program MobilEdit. This program supports many phone models. But you need to keep in mind that this program may also not correctly transfer contacts from an HTC phone to another phone, splitting one contact into several. Also, it may not support some company phone models. There is no ideal option for all occasions.

4.Transfer HTC phone contacts via computer.

The classic way to transfer contacts from mobile to mobile phone is to use HTC Branded Software or a similar program mentioned earlier, for example MobilEdit and others. In this case, the phone connects to the computer via cable or Bluetooth or Wi-Fi or infrared. Next, the data synchronization program is launched and contacts are copied from the HTC phone database to the PC. If the models are the same or the phone manufacturer is the same, this method is effective. If the old and new phones are from different manufacturers, then in addition to the proprietary program of the phone manufacturer, the “intermediary” program is used - the program Microsoft Outlook(from Microsoft package Office, not to be confused with mail client Outlook Express).

Program Microsoft Outlook, included in the software package Microsoft Office, can be used as a contact storage database that can be accessed by a wide variety of mobile devices. It is convenient to edit Outlook address book fields on a computer or laptop, add new fields or entries, and then synchronize them with cell phones of almost any model and manufacturer.

So, to transfer contacts via a computer or laptop, you need to:
- Microsoft Outlook program (from the Microsoft Office software package).
- a proprietary program from the HTC phone manufacturer (see on the HTC website or on the phone CD), which allows you to read data from the HTC phone's address book and then write it to the Outlook database.
- and depending on the method of connecting the phone to the PC you need: Cable, IR or Bluetooth connection, WiFi connection.

Microsoft Outlook- the most common program for storing personal data or a contact book. Almost all developers of programs for synchronizing mobile phones use it as a database.

- Contacts in Outlook are standardized and include: full name, organization name, home address, four fields for entering phone numbers, email and website addresses, and additional fields.

All phone manufacturers are trying to bring the number of fields in mobile phone address books as close as possible to this standard. But despite all the efforts to standardize contacts with Outlook, in reality the phone books of some HTC phone models may differ greatly from this standard. Because of this, a clean and correct transfer of contacts from one mobile phone to another is not always possible, even on phones from the same manufacturer. Full correspondence between the fields in the old and new devices can be achieved only with a minimum number of fields in the record. For example: First Name, Last Name and a pair of Phone Numbers.

It was a theory, and now it is a practice. For transfer contacts from phone to Outlook database, connection required mobile phone from a PC, using a cable or wireless device. Using the capabilities of your phone, in our case HTC, and your computer, set up a connection between your phone and your PC.

Second, find the software included with the telephone, including the necessary drivers and utilities for synchronizing with a PC. If the disk has software could not be found, then you need to download it from the HTC website via the Internet.

After installing the drivers and proprietary program from the disk, give the command in it copy the phone book to Outlook format.

After transferring the contact database from a mobile phone to a PC, you can connect a second device and synchronize in the opposite direction, also using either the phone’s proprietary software, or universal program to synchronize your phone with your PC.

5.Export your contact book through the "safe" mode of your HTC phone.

In addition to synchronization through Outlook, for smartphones and HTC phones, there are other methods for transferring contacts. For example, the method of copying the phone book directly from file system phone and then converting it into a standard spreadsheet file - .CSV.

It is necessary to warn that incorrect actions with folders and files on your phone in safe mode, can render it inoperable and loss of warranty on the phone.

- Contact data in the phone is stored in a file contact.cdb in the DATA folder of the phone. To copy data, you need to connect your HTC phone to your PC via USB and boot your smartphone in safe mode.

To do this, when booting your HTC phone, hold down the ABC key; for some models you need to hold down the pound key. For touchscreen smartphones, when rebooting the OS, hold down the main iron key "Home", "On/Off." or "Back".

Next, by going to "Save Mode" mode, using a file manager, for example Total Commander, you need to go to your phone and rename the DATA folder, for example, to Data1. After that, copy the contact.cdb file to your PC. After copying the file, you need to rename the Data1 folder on the phone back to the Data folder and reboot the phone in normal mode. If you forget to do this, you can break the phone, make it inoperable, and lose the warranty, without the possibility of restoring it.

Having a Contact Database File - contact.cdb, you can transfer it to a new device, in the same way, by booting a new smartphone in safe mode, renaming the DATA folder, replacing the contact.cdb file with another, returning the original name to the folder and rebooting the mobile phone in normal mode mode.

The possibility of killing the device due to inattentive actions is quite large, therefore:

Additionally, it is necessary to clarify: the contact.cdb file copied from the smartphone OS can be modified and edited. To do this, it must be converted into table format.CSV. This can be done using the appropriate program, for example Contact Manager Agora company (

CSV file contains the values ​​of a contact record, the fields of which are separated by a comma, and each new entry begin with new line. A file with contacts.CSV can be easily opened in the program Microsoft Excel or Open Office and it is convenient to edit, change, add contact records.

After editing the .CSV file, you can, in the same program, convert it back into the contact.cdb file, and then import it back into the phone.

6.Transfer HTC contacts via the Internet.

The most modern and convenient way to transfer contacts from an old HTC phone to a new one - transferring a contact book via a Web service. In order to use this service, you must have Internet access on both phones, old and new. But even with this possibility, there are exceptions, for the very old or not expensive phones, you will not be able to use this method of transferring contacts. The system may not support them.

Contact transfer is based on technology SyncML. SyncML provides data synchronization in various devices and applications over networks various types. SyncML technology is generally supported by many mobile device manufacturers, including HTC.

This technology allows, after registering on the site, to transfer data from an HTC phone to the server database via the Internet: Address Book, Calendar, SMS and MMS Messages, Data from other Applications, and then download this information to another device.

Based on this technology, there are several web servers on the Internet that transfer data from HTC one x, one s, desire c, wildfire s, desire v, one m8, one m7, one m9, one a9, 626, desire 816, desire 300, desire 600 dual sim, eye, sensation xe, desire 820, one e9, desire 326g, one plus, sense, desire hd, 626g dual sim, incredible s, desire 700, g, 620, desire 210 dual sim, desire 620g dual sim, 510, desire 610, desire 400, 816g, one max, mozart, radar, one e8, desire 526g dual sim, butterfly, desire 310 dual sim, 516 dual, desire 616 dual, 820g, 601 dual, desire 500 dual sim, sensation, desire x, one v, 8s, desire sv, windows phone, hd2, one tab, jetstream, flyer 3g 32gb wi fi, evo view 4g, p510e, one x and others, to your phone via the Internet. The most popular ones at the time of writing will be written below. You can search for other sites in Yandex and Google.

- this service has the following capabilities: synchronization of the address book, diary, tasks and notes of an HTC mobile phone/tablet, with the ability to manage this information via a PC browser or WAP browser cell phone.

The service supports synchronization with more than 600 modern mobile phones. The website has a Help section with detailed information. step by step instructions to set up a synchronization profile for your HTC cell phone.

- MTS website and its “Second Memory” service. The capabilities of the service apply only to MTS clients and allow you to save: contacts from the address book, photos, videos, music on the MTS server, with the ability to transfer them to another phone, as well as edit this data via the Internet.

In this case, synchronization occurs through a proprietary program MTS "Second Memory" which is downloaded and installed on a mobile phone manufactured by HTC. The user is required to launch the program, and it will do the rest automatically.

  • You need to start the process of synchronizing phones by connecting to the “Second Memory - MTS” service. This is done through USSD command from the phone.
  • Next, you will receive a link in the SMS message through which you will need to download and install the application program "Second Memory" to the phone. To do this, the phone must be connected to the Internet.
  • After launching this application on your phone, it will copy and transfer your contact book to the MTS server.
  • Next, you need to insert into the new phone the SIM card through which the contacts in the old phone have just been synchronized and repeat the download and installation of the “Second Memory” program on the new phone.
  • After launch, the program will transfer your contact database and other data from the server to the new phone.

Service cost, at the time of writing, "MTS - Second Memory" - Light version - 10 rubles / month, Full version- 33.52 rubles/month. Money is debited monthly.

The full version of the program allows you to transfer not only contacts but also other information to your HTC phone: photos, videos, music and other data.

After transferring contacts, so that money is not debited every month, the “Second Memory” service can be disabled, for this you need dial USSD command - *111*4001#.

More detailed information available on the MTS website.

Yandex.Disk is relatively new and free service transfer contacts via the Internet. Contacts can be transferred to smartphones and tablets based on Android, Java or Apple OS.

The technology for transferring a phone book from a phone to a phone from HTC or another manufacturer is carried out through the proprietary program "Yandex.Move".

This program runs on the Java or Android platform and is installed on many older and newer HTC mobile phones, but not all.

After installing the program on old phone and after synchronizing the data with the Yandex.Disk folder on the Internet, you need to start the synchronization process with the cloud folder in Yandex.Disk on a new Android or iOS phone.

Learn more about how to transfer your HTC contact book, messages and calendar through the service "Yandex Disk" described in the article:

Video: Transferring a phone book from one Android phone to another.

P.S.: This article was created to cover all possible ways to transfer contacts from an HTC phone to a phone or another manufacturer, without switching to specific models phone.

It is clear that depending on the model and capabilities of a particular phone, some method will work and some will not. It depends on the operating system phone, whether it has Internet access or the ability to connect to a computer via Bluetooth or a USB port.

That's all, I wish you successful transfer of contacts to your phone. If you encounter any difficulties or errors, please write about it in the comments.

How to copy and save contacts, send data from one HTC phone to another phone or to a SIM card. How to transfer phone book and contacts from old phone one x, one s, desire c, wildfire s, desire v, one m8, one m7, one m9, one a9, 626, desire 816, desire 300, desire 600 dual sim, eye , sensation xe, desire 820, one e9, desire 326g, one plus, sense, desire hd, 626g dual sim, incredible s, desire 700, g, 620, desire 210 dual sim, desire 620g dual sim, 510, desire 610, desire 400, 816g, one max, mozart, radar, one e8, desire 526g dual sim, butterfly, desire 310 dual sim, 516 dual, desire 616 dual, 820g, 601 dual, desire 500 dual sim, sensation, desire x, one v, 8s, desire sv, windows phone, hd2, one tab, jetstream, flyer 3g 32gb wi fi, evo view 4g, p510e, one x and other models, for a new Android phone or computer. A program for transferring contacts from an old HTC phone to a computer.

When purchasing a new smartphone or tablet on the Android platform, many users are looking for how to easily and quickly transfer contacts from Android to Android. In fact, this is done very simply. Using one of the methods below, you can transfer the numbers you log into your phone or tablet.

We use a Google account

The easiest way to copy recordings to a new phone is to sync with Google. The fact is that any Android device has a Google account connected to it. It works through Google Play Market, thanks to which you can download games and applications to your smartphone.

Moreover, mostly users of Android gadgets work in Gmail. Therefore, you need to resort to using a Google account to copy contacts from your old phone. This is done as follows:

1 Log in to the settings from your old mobile phone and find the “Accounts” item there.

2 If the device already has a Google account, that is, the account is connected, under the above inscription there will be a “Google” item.

If not, go through the process of connecting your Google account to your device. To do this, click "Add account", enter your username and password.

Rice. 1. “Accounts” in settings

3 Click on your account, that is, on your e-mail.

Rice. 2. Email in the “Accounts” section

4 This way you are in the synchronization settings. To save contacts from Android in the system Google services, click on “Contacts”. The synchronization process will occur.

Rice. 3. Synchronization menu

5 Now you need to connect the new device with Google, and with the same account to which the old device was connected. To do this, repeat all the steps described in this list up to the Gmail item.

The entire contact list will be transferred.

Using vcf file

This is also a very simple method to transfer contacts from Android to Android. It allows you to move data to the device’s memory, to a flash drive and to Windows computer, and then transfer them via Bluetooth, USB cable, email and other methods.

Now let's figure out how to transfer contacts from Android using a vcf file. First of all, you need to export the data to a file:

1 Go to the phone book application and click on the additional menu (most often presented as three dots in the upper right corner). To transfer information from phone to phone, select "Import Export".

Rice. 4. “Import/export” in the phone application

Note: In some Android versions in the menu, there may be buttons “Export” and “Import” (separately). In this case, select “Export”. It also happens that after clicking on the item shown in Figure 4, you need to click the “Export” button again. This is quite normal, you shouldn’t be afraid of it - it’s just that the mobile phone has such an OS.

2 To move your phone contacts, you need to select where exactly the contact file will be written. Choose the option with memory or SD card.

Rice. 5. Copy path options

3 Check the boxes next to the entries that you want to transfer from one Android to another by exporting. You can also select Select All.

Rice. 6. Record selection process

4 A request will appear to export and, accordingly, whether contacts will be transferred from one device to another. Click OK or Yes.

That's all. Now you have a file in vcf format (aka vCard, in some cases a csv is also created, but it is practically useless), which can be sent via Bluetooth.

You can also transfer the data to a memory card, then insert it into a second smartphone or tablet. You can also use any cloud. If it is most convenient for you to transfer contacts to a new device via a computer (first to the PC, then from it), then this is done via a USB cable.

To do this, we first connect the first gadget using a computer and cable, copy the file with the vcf extension, then change phones and transfer it to a new one.

Clue: If the computer does not see the phone, the data cable may be faulty. Use a different one or use a different USB port.

This way you will transfer data from Android to Personal Computer, and then to the second device. Of course, transferring information from your phone to your computer is not the best option.

It is much more convenient to use Bluetooth or a memory card. In any case, this method works and you can also quickly transfer Android contacts to a computer, and then from it to the desired device.

Rice. 7. File.vcf with data

Once the file transferred via USB or other method is on the new device, simply open it and watch as the Android system imports the necessary contacts.

There is another “tricky” option - use Outlook. Its only advantage is that you can edit data as the program runs. True, there may be problems with encoding, so if you decide to switch from Outlook to Android, this is fraught with headaches.

We figured out how to copy contacts as a file from Android to a computer. Then you can simply open them in the same Outlook or the Windows Contacts program.

Rice. 8. Open a file on your computer

To do this, just click right click mouse over the file, select "To open with" and choose the one you need. But the use of these programs only allows you to edit saved entries.

As for how to transfer Windows contacts and how to transfer contacts from Outlook to Android, then in these programs this task impossible to perform. You have to save the file and use the transfer described above.

Copy numbers to SIM card

Now let's look at how to transfer contacts from Android to a SIM card. To transfer data from your phone to SIM, go to the book of phone numbers application, press menu additional functions, you are taking "Import Export" and select the item "Export to SIM card".

Rice. 9. Export numbers to a SIM card

After which you need to select all the numbers, or which ones to save, the only negative this method, this is a limitation on the number of contacts - 200-220 pieces. If you have fewer numbers, then you can safely use this method.

Import contacts from SIM card to Android

Rice. 10. Menu in the phone book

Now let's look at how to transfer contacts from a SIM card to Android. This is done just as easily, go to the phone book, click on the menu (three dots on the right), then select "Import Export"

The next step is to choose where to download contacts from, in our case you choose "Export from SIM card"

Rice. 11. Import numbers from SIM

This way, the information of each contact will be copied to the phone.

For information: The phone may ask where to save the numbers, to the device or to a Google account (If an account is connected Google entry).

We described a slightly different method in the article about transferring contacts. To do this, you also need to select “Contacts” on Android and using the same menu "Import Export" transfer information from the SIM card to the phone.

Using a computer and MOBILedit

Exactly the same principle is used in special programs, each of which transfers information. For example, there is MOBILedit, one of the best working programs that perform the task in question.

The process of using this software, which helps you understand how to transfer contacts to Android, is as follows:

1 Download MOBILedit from the official website of the computer program and install it. On your own mobile device install Android Connector(ibid.).

It is presented in the form apk file. If it is not possible to download it directly from your smartphone, download it to your computer and copy it to your device.

2 Open the program and follow the instructions to connect the gadget. When starting, press “Phone”, then “Cable connection”, if you connected your tablet/smartphone using a USB cable, or “Bluetooth connection”, “Wi-Fi connection”.

3 The computer display will display all the phonebook entries of the connected device in the MOBILedit window when you click “Phonebook”. Do this and click "Export".

  • Contact Backup & Restore. Here everything is as easy as possible. On home page Click “Backup” (there is only one button) and select the forwarding path. Next, open the file on the second device.
  • As you can see, transferring contacts from Android to Android is simple, and possible ways to do this is also not enough. In terms of complexity, they do not require special knowledge of a PC or smartphone. You just need to follow the instructions that we have described.

    The task at hand is almost always accomplished by transferring the vcf file in one way or another. Well, or synchronization with any cloud.

    Thematic video:

    Sooner or later, you need to replace the old one Android smartphone new. But before you send the device to the shelf or find another use for the phone, you need to transfer the accumulated information to a new device. In this article you will learn how to transfer data from Android to Android in the most convenient and affordable way.

    Methods for transferring information from an Android phone

    Since the replacement of smartphones among users is a common occurrence, a lot of ways to transfer information have appeared, conditionally divided into three categories:

    1. Standard tools.
    2. Third party services.
    3. Manual transfer.

    The first category includes built-in tools implemented by the operating system developer or user interface. For example, Android OS owner services – Google, pre-installed on all certified devices. Or large companies developing their own shell. For example, Xiaomi with the Mi Cloud service pre-installed in MIUI firmware.

    TO third party services, include mobile and desktop programs, created by Android device manufacturers, private companies or application developers.

    Manual method involves data transfer with in-depth user participation. Using tools not included in the first two categories.

    Important! The methods in each category are focused on transferring a specific type of data. And the preferred method is influenced by the ease of interaction, the type, quantity and volume of information transferred.

    How to transfer data from android to android using standard tools

    The operating principle is based on automatic. In accordance with the configured settings and if the Internet is available, the data is synchronized and sent to the server for storage automatically. And since the content is tied to your account, you just need to enter your login and password on the new device to receive a copy of the content.

    Automatic backup will allow you to transfer data and settings: phone book contacts, application installations, calendar events, passwords, browser history, etc.

    Media files can only be copied to a cloud drive with a fixed capacity. If you have a lot of videos, music and other massive files on your phone, you will have to buy additional space or use other transfer methods.

    Below we will look at three ways to transfer data using automatic backup.

    Method 1. Transfer data from Android to Android via Google services


    • To create a backup, having an account is required.
    • Recovery options are affected by the device type and . File transfer is not possible or only partially if the data is transferred from a later version of the OS to earlier version. For example, from Android 7.1 to 4.1 or 5.0, etc.
    • For multimedia files, used cloud storage Google drive. The basic disk capacity is 15 GB.
    • Application settings are copied to the server no more than once a day. In this case you need to connect Android device to the power grid and Wi-Fi. Also, don’t use your phone for a couple of hours. If the device is inactive for 14 days, Google will delete application data after 60 days. The period is automatically extended when activity resumes.
    • Backup For some applications it is not supported, since the developers did not activate this option.


    Create a Google account if you haven't already. Go to settings, open the “Accounts” section. Then choose – add a Google account. To complete registration, follow the account creation wizard and enter the required information.

    Activate backup. In most devices without a modified interface, the parameter is called “Restore and reset”. Activate the option, and also familiarize yourself with the type of data that will be saved. Next, select an account.

    Important! To restore the contents of the information on a new Android phone, you need to activate the “automatic recovery function”.

    For multimedia files, go to Google Drive, click the “Add” button and specify the path to the files. Automatic download photos and images, available in the settings section.

    Method 2. Transfer data from Android to Android using Mi Cloud


    • The service is available only in MIUI firmware.
    • To use Mi Cloud, you must first register a Mi account.
    • The basic disk capacity is 5 GB.


    1. Create a Mi account if you haven't done so before. Straight link to the registration page.
    2. In system settings, open the Mi account section.
    3. Accept the user agreement and allow access to the service.
    4. Enter login and password.
    5. Select the type of data you want to save, and then create a backup copy.

    Method 3. Creating a local backup on MIUI firmware


    Local backup does not save multimedia files: music, videos, photos, voice recorders, etc.


    1. Open system settings.
    2. Select Advanced, then “Backup and Reset”.
    3. Then – the “Local backup” item.
    4. In the new window, click on the “Backup” button and select the type of data that you want to save. The “system settings” item includes: passwords Wi-Fi networks, messages, call log, etc. “Applications” item – data of third-party applications.
    5. For convenience, set a schedule for automatic creation backup copies.
    6. After some time, which is influenced by the amount of information being backed up, a folder with data will appear in memory. Path: Miui – backup – AllBackup. Transfer the folder to the cloud or to your computer so that you can later copy it to a new device.
    7. To restore files, you should visit the section for creating backup copies, select a backup and click on the “restore” button.

    Transferring data from one Android to another Android using third-party services

    Transferring information, including photos, videos and music, is carried out using a utility from a specific manufacturer: Motorola Migrate. Sony Xperia Transfer Mobile, HTC Transfer Tool, LG Mobile Switch or . Or programs written by application developers, for example – CLONEit – Batch Copy All Data.

    The listed programs work on a similar principle. The user selects the data type, and then a new Android device with the same program. Next, the application creates a copy of the files and sends it to the new phone.

    Method 1: Transfer files using the Motorola Migrate app

    1. Download the app on your old and new phone.
    2. Launch the program and establish pairing between the two devices. Using your old device, scan the QR code on your new phone.
    3. Select the type of data you need to send, and then choose your preferred sending method.
    4. Wait until the files being transferred are finished.

    Important! The Motorola Migrate utility is not supported on Android 7 and above.

    Method 2. How to transfer data from Android to Android using CLONEit

    1. Install and then launch the apps on both phones.
    2. Activate Wi-Fi. On the old phone, click on the “send” button, and on the new one, “accept”.
    3. Wait for both Android devices to establish a connection.
    4. Select the files required to upload and then the appropriate button to confirm

    How to transfer data from android to android manually

    Manual file transfer is useful when you need to transfer a specific type of information or a selected group of files. For example, music, videos or application data. Moreover, sending directly to a new Android device, cloud storage or computer is available.

    Method 1: Back up applications using Titanium Backup

    The program allows you to selectively or completely create a copy installed applications, or save only the data and then restore on a new device. In this case, on both smartphones it is necessary. For details, visit our corresponding resource.


    1. Open on your old Android device.
    2. Click on the "Backups" tab.
    3. Select the application you are interested in and click the “Save” button in the new window. The backup will start automatically. For the duration of creation of the r.k. influenced by the amount of data.
    4. To transfer data, hold down the application item until a window with actions appears. Select "Transfer latest backup" and then the data type.
    5. In the next window, select the desired file transfer method: Email, cloud disk, etc.
    6. If you need to make multiple backups, check required applications. For a complete backup, visit the “Batch Actions” section in the menu.
    7. Default backups are saved in the “Titanium Backup” folder on the internal drive. Move the folder to the new device, then go into the program and restore the data of the necessary programs one by one. Or, through the “Batch Actions” section, restore all applications.

    Important! Some programs are sometimes restored incorrectly due to hardware and software differences between the new and old smartphone.

    Method 2. Copy files to cloud storage

    Services cloud storage information, offer 5-50 GB of free disk space. Sometimes this is enough to temporarily or permanently store some data, including photos, music or videos. To choose the optimal service, we recommend reading the relevant material below.


    1. Install your preferred cloud storage service client.
    2. Register an account and/or log in.
    3. To copy content, in the application, click the “Add” button, and then mark the necessary files.
    4. Install similar client on your new phone, log in. Then go to the application and download the necessary information.

    Alternative option:

    Method 3. Transferring data to a computer

    A convenient method of transferring data in case the old device is damaged - the screen is broken or the sensor does not respond.


    1. Connect the old cable.
    2. In the “USB configuration” section, select MPT.
    3. Wait until the removable drives are displayed. Then copy the necessary data to your computer.
    4. Then connect your new Android device and transfer the previously copied information.

    Method 4. Transferring data to a computer via a Wi-Fi router


    1. Install the Moto File Manager app on your old phone.
    2. Connect your smartphone and computer to the Wi-Fi network.
    3. In the left hidden panel on your phone, select remote control, and then "connect".
    4. Enter the displayed address on your PC in address bar conductor.
    5. Transfer content from your old smartphone to your computer.
    6. When finished, stop the connection on the old phone, and then connect the new device to transfer data.

    Method 5: Send files using NFC

    Important! Data exchange is possible provided that the old and new smartphone, equipped with a module.


    1. Open the system settings of both phones. Expand hidden sections to view additional items.
    2. Activate the NFC module and Android function Beam, for the ability to exchange data.
    3. Select the files you need to transfer, such as photos. Click on the Share button and then select via NFC.
    4. Place the old phone against the new one. If necessary, confirm receipt of the files.

    Method 6: Transfer files using Bluetooth


    1. Open the settings of both devices.
    2. In the Bluetooth section, turn the switch to active.
    3. On your old phone, prepare files for sending, select and click on the “Share” button.
    4. In the new window, select "Bluetooth".
    5. On the new device, enable discovery.
    6. Wait on the old phone for the name of the new device to appear, and then select the device.
    7. If necessary, confirm receipt of files by new Android smartphone.

    Method 7. Transferring files using a memory card

    If your old and new smartphone support installing MicroSD cards, you just need to transfer the information to the drive and then install the card in the new device.

    Important! Do not use this method if the Adoptable storage function was activated on your old phone.


    1. Insert a memory card into your old device.
    2. Open file manager.
    3. Go to the internal memory of the device, select the necessary data and transfer it to the memory card.
    4. When finished, remove the memory card and install it in a new device. If necessary, use a file manager to move information from the MicroSD card to the internal partition of the phone.

    Method 8. Transferring files using an OTG adapter

    If your new or old device does not support installing a MicroSD card, you should use an adapter to connect the drive externally.


    1. Install MicroSD card into the card reader – Card reader, and then into the USB connector of the OTG adapter.
    2. Connect the assembled structure to the old phone.
    3. Open a file manager and transfer data to a removable drive.
    4. When finished, disconnect the drive and connect it to the new phone. Open the file manager and transfer the data to the internal memory.

    Method 9. Use Android applications to transfer data

    Another effective method of transferring information is data transfer programs. It works provided that both devices have working Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth modules.

    Principle of operation:

    1. Install one of the programs from the article “” on both devices.
    2. On the sending device, select the files, then click on the “Send” button or the button with the corresponding function.
    3. On the receiving device, click on the accept button. Or use the QR code.
    4. Next, specify the recipient on the sending device. In a little time, the information will be successfully copied to the new device.


    For quick and easy transfer important information, use standard backup. This will make it easy to change the device, as well as save time on setting up and entering additional information.

    If standard way not satisfied or not suitable, then use third-party services.

    Large files: music, videos or images are best transferred to a cloud drive, to a computer or directly to a new device. Also, if you have ROOT rights, quick and convenient transfer of applications is available using the Titanium Backup utility.

    (13 ratings, average: 4,15 out of 5)

    More and more people are switching from using regular phones To modern smartphones. Thus, the number of Android devices alone has more than doubled over the past year. But according to statistics, the majority of users who buy their first smart phone prefer budget models that are easier to learn and give the opportunity to “try out” the technology. HTC is well aware that the top-end HTC One is unlikely to be anyone's first Android device, so We took care in advance of ways to ease the transition to the new flagship.

    Of course, for people who synchronize their phone book and calendar with Google web services - and these are probably the vast majority of Android users - transferring basic data to a new phone will not be difficult, just add your account. But besides this information, there are many less obvious things that, nevertheless, are responsible for a significant part of the comfortable environment. Just to synchronize such data, HTC introduced the HTC Transfer Tool application. It allows communication via Wi-Fi Direct with phones running Android 2.3 Gingerbread or later and transfer saved music, photos and videos, bookmarks, desktop themes, and even sound profile and screen settings to the new device - more than a hundred different options in total.

    Those who use phone synchronization with desktop computer, can use another method - transfer data using the HTC Sync Manager program, which has similar functionality. Its versions are available for both PC and Mac, and additionally, as we have already written, it allows you to save contacts and information from iPhone to HTC smartphone. The ability to switch to Android is also available for BlackBerry users - to do this, you can use the function of transferring settings via Bluetooth.

    HTC One has already appeared in the proprietary HTC Get Started web service, which allows you to create a theme with design and settings on your computer, and then transfer it to your mobile device. On the site, you can design your desktop, set up a sound profile, select applications to install on your smartphone, and connect to various BlinkFeed channels.

    Gifts are always nice. It’s especially nice to receive a brand new smartphone as a gift.

    So, you are the happy owner of a smartphone. But what now needs to be done so that all personal data from the old device ends up on the new one? If copying folders with videos and music is still somehow clear, then what to do with the phone book? Do you have to fill in all your existing contacts manually? Well, of course not. It's quite simple. Let's look at the optimal procedure for transferring personal data to a new Android device.

    I. Backup

    Before you begin the data transfer process, you need to make sure that the Data Backup and AutoRecovery options are active (they should be checked). Data archiving is required to create an account Google backup copies of user data such as Wi-Fi settings networks, browser bookmarks and some programs. When unchecking Google systems this data will be automatically deleted. The AutoRecovery option saves data and application settings during reinstallation.

    The backup is started as follows: go to the “Settings” menu item, select “Personal”, then “Backup and reset”.

    After this, you need to log into your Google account from your new Android device: “Settings”, then “Accounts and Synchronization”, then “Add an account”. This will make data backups available and allow you to use Google Play Store on a new device. Log in to your Google account. When you first enter your account login information under your account Google contacts, Gmail messages, Calendar events, and other data saved in Settings will be automatically transferred.

    II. Transfer contacts from phone memory

    In order to transfer contact information from the memory of an old phone to a new device, it is not at all necessary to frantically enter an infinite number of numbers manually. You just need to go to Contacts of your old device, press the Menu button and select “Import/Export”. The window that opens will show you how easy and simple everything is: just export the list to an SD card (internal memory). On the new device, you just need to repeat the same steps by selecting “Import from internal memory", i.e. from the same card.

    If there is no SD card in the device, then you will need to connect the phone to the PC via a USB cable. The archive with contacts will need to be transferred from the internal memory of the device to the computer. The import process itself will be exactly the opposite of the export process.

    III. Transferring applications downloaded from Google Play

    Google Play Store allows you to download programs purchased and used on your old phone absolutely free. All this is achieved through the fact that all purchases in the Google Play Store are tied not to a specific device, but to an account.

    Paid applications are available through the Google Play Store menu in “My Apps”. You will not need to look for them again and pay again. And here are the ones downloaded earlier free apps will not be saved in this folder.

    IV. Transferring Call Log and SMS History

    Here you will need a separate program, such as SMS Backup, available for download through the Google Play Store. This application will save information about SMS, MMS messages and calls as a separate entry in GMail/Google calendar.