Please make sure the router's dhcp server is enabled. DHCP - what is it? DHCP setup, options and configuration. How to enable or disable DHCP? For Windows XP and earlier OS versions

A fairly large number of people who use Wi-Fi are faced with the fact that when trying to connect to the Internet, an error occurs with the text "DHCP is not enabled on the network adapter."

In some cases, this error also occurs when trying to combine several machines into one local network. Quite rare, but it can also occur when connected via an RJ45 cable.

In any case, the ways to resolve this error are the same in all cases, although there are some that only apply to Wi-Fi. We will cover all the methods that help to get rid of the problem associated with DHCP.

The above error often occurs due to incorrect network settings. In some cases, novice system administrators conduct various experiments, as a result of which the network goes astray. In any case, if you have a problem with DHCP, you need to do the following:

1. Open the "Network Control Center ...". You can perform such a task using the Start menu or the Control Panel (if it does not immediately appear, use the search), or through the Internet connection icon in the panel quick access. For the second method, click on this icon right click mouse and select the desired item from the drop-down menu.

Rice. 1. Using the "Network Sharing Center ..." in two ways

3. Then select the connection that you are using and with which, accordingly, there are problems, and click on it (only use the right mouse button). A new menu will appear, in which you should click "Properties".

Rice. 2. Go to Internet connection properties

5. If this did not happen automatically, go to the "General" section. There, set the marks on the items that are shown in Figure No. 3. For the changes to take effect, click "OK" and close everything.

Rice. 3. Enable automatic assignment of IP address and DNS server address

Now try to connect again.

Back to menu

Sometimes a situation arises when DHCP is turned off in the router settings. The same applies to other devices that are connected to the local network. Therefore, the procedure described below must be performed for them as well. But, of course, this is true if you are trying to organize this very local network. If you are dealing with only one router, do this:

1. Open the router settings panel. IN address bar browser, enter or (one of them will definitely work, and you will be taken to the router settings panel). If you did not change anything in these settings, then the password and login will be standard - "admin" and "admin". But in some cases, the router has its own unique logins and passwords, usually this is written on the back of the device.

2. Among the sections, find the item with the name "DHCP" and in it the subsection "Settings ...". Next, check the box next to the “Enable” item next to the “DHCP server” item. For the settings to take effect, click Save.

Rice. 4. Enable the DHCP server in the router settings

In your case, the router settings interface may differ, but all of the above items will still be present. If you encounter any problems, please contact your device manufacturer's support team.

Back to menu

In addition to the fact that DHCP services can be disabled on the router, they can also be disabled on the computer for some reason. Even if you did not turn them off yourself, they may have turned off due to the influence of viruses or some other failures. In any case, this option is definitely worth checking out. To do this, do the following:

  1. Launch the program execution window. The easiest way to do this is by simultaneously pressing the "Win" and "R" buttons. In the only input field, write "services.msc" (can be copied from here) and press the "OK" button in the same window or Enter on the keyboard.
  2. Further, among the whole variety of services, find an item called "DHCP client". If all is well, the status column should read "Running". If this is not the case, right-click on the above item and click on the “Run” item.
  3. Even if the “Running” status is present, just in case, try restarting this service. To do this, in the drop-down menu that opens by clicking the right mouse button, select the "Restart" item.

Rice. 5. Working with the DHCP service on the computer

back to menu

If all the above steps do not help, you can try to manually do DHCP work.

A bit of theory

DHCP is a protocol that assigns IP addresses to all hosts on a local network. Actually, if you use a computer and a router, then these same addresses, with DHCP enabled, will be assigned automatically. At the same time, each router has its own range of IP addresses with which it can work.

So, in some cases, the protocol may not work correctly and assign the computer the address with which the router cannot work. And it also happens that DHCP simply refuses to work and there are no signs of this, except for the absence of the Internet. Therefore, in this case, you must try to assign these same addresses manually, and from the range that the router can serve.

Manual assignment of an IP address

  1. Take the router and all documents to it. On the back of the device, on the service label or in the documentation, there will definitely be a “Static IP address” or something similar. In general, there will be only one address and you will immediately see it. Often this is or (this is the same address with which we previously accessed the router settings). If so, then the first address that can be assigned to the next node on the network, that is, a computer, may be or
  2. Now follow all the steps that are listed in the heading "Set automatic assignment of IP addresses" above. But now in the protocol properties window, you need to check the box next to "Use the following IP address". Finally, in the "IP address" field, you must enter or (we talked about how to determine this address above). The mask will be assigned automatically. In the Default Gateway field, enter the previously obtained static IP address.
  3. Click OK, close all windows and restart your computer.

Rice. 6. Static IP assignments

It is worth saying that this method is a big gamble and it does not always work.

In some cases, there may be other devices on the local network that you will not know about (especially if you are a novice user). And they will have their own IP addresses. And, if you assign a computer an address that another device already has, a conflict will occur.

Of course, there will be no Internet connection, and cannot be. Therefore, you will have to use trial and error to assign different IP addresses from the range covered by the router.

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Of course, there are times when all the above methods do not help and the Internet still does not work. In such a case, do the following:

  1. Unplug the router from the outlet and plug it in again after 10-15 minutes. In some cases, this rather simple method helps. In the same way, you can restart a computer that does not want to connect to the Internet.
  2. Try to connect via cable directly - just plug the RJ45 into the computer port. If the Internet still does not work, then the problem is in the cable. Although in this case it is not particularly clear why an error occurs with DHCP. In any case, then you need to call your provider and say that you do not have Internet.
  3. If the Internet works through a cable directly, you can try to reset the router settings. To do this, on the back of the device there is a small "Reset" button. Sometimes it is in some recess and you need to press it with a needle or other sharp object. Click this button and try to connect to the network again.

Rice. 7. Reset button on the back of the router

What if the problem is not solved even then?

Then, again, call your provider and call the master at home.

Below you can clearly see the methods described above for solving the problem.

How to get rid of the error - instructions

Enable the DHCP function

For users in whom several computers appear at home, there is a need to combine all existing PCs into a local network. This process is needed to make the interaction between them convenient.

Enable DHCP

This will make it possible to access the Internet, while using one connection, using all the features of the local network. It will become available to exchange files, documents over the network, remotely manage different computers.

All this becomes possible using a router, ADSL modem, any other device. The main thing is that it has a built-in router. First you need to enable DHCP on your network adapter, separately on each of the computers. Then enable the corresponding service on your router, modem. They will act as a server.

This protocol allows computers to automatically configure interaction with other PCs. This is done using a server or router. Many PC users are interested in the question of how to enable DHCP in order to connect multiple devices to a local network.

Before you enable DHCP on the network adapter, you need to see if the DHCP Server service is enabled on the router or, if you are using an ADSL modem, then on it. To find out, you need to turn on the “Router Control Panel”. To start it this tool you need to use the web interface. This will require you to enter your username and password. We need the data that the administrator uses.

In the network settings, you need to double-check whether the checkbox next to the item called "Automatically assign IP addresses" or "Dynamic IP Address Mode" if the English version is checked. If this utility is not activated, then you will need to put a bird on the corresponding item. Save changed settings. Then reboot your device.

Enable DHCP

When dhcp is not enabled on the network adapter, then you first need to double-check if the DHCP client is enabled on all computers in use. To do this, just enter the “services.msc” command in the search bar of the “Run” tool. It can be called by searching the start menu. In the window that opens, it is possible to enable or disable DHCP. By default, when starting a service, the type should be set to automatic. If a different value is indicated there, it will have to be changed to "Automatic". Click "OK" and reboot.

To open the command prompt, you just need to right-click on the Start menu icon. Then run it as administrator. Or by typing "cmd" in the "Run" box. Then write the value "netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" dhcp" in the line. In this command, the phrase "Local Area Connection" means the name of your connection. This will switch from static connection settings. To switch the list of statistical dns server settings to dynamic ones, you will also need to set the value "netsh interface ip set dnsserver "Local Area Connection" dhcp".

Enable DHCP on the network adapter

To perform this operation, you need to enter the settings of your network connections on the network adapter. To do this, you will need to enter the command "Ncpa.cpl" by typing it in the search bar. This line appears when you turn on the menu, after pressing the Start button. Then click the "Enter" / "Enter" button on your keyboard.

You can enter the network connection settings without the command line. You just need to open the Control Panel.

In the window that opens, you will need to find the connection that is used on the local network. Then right click on its icon. A context menu will open, in which you will need to select an item called "Properties". Then select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Then click the "Properties" button. In the "General" tab, put the values ​​\u200b\u200bunder the name "Obtain an IP address automatically" and also "Obtain DNS server address automatically". Click "OK", after which all the changes made will be saved.

After the above steps, the router and network adapters of the computers will be configured. The DHCP protocol will be fully operational.

So using a DHCP server, you can easily and quickly speed up the process of connecting all the necessary PCs. At the same time, insure against all possible errors, which may be formed during connection.

DHCP how to enable the protocol on the computer and router - [instruction]

Not all users know what the dhcp protocol is and even fewer know how to enable it. This information is quite important, especially when there are two or more computers in the house.

Such a network is convenient for small offices with 4-5 computers, and for the home.

Read below for how it works.


What is it? This acronym stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. With it, you can set up a local network.

When using it, it can be built through a modem or router. It is through it that in this case one computer can access all other devices on the network (this is true, of course, for each device).

The protocol greatly facilitates the process of creating such an interconnected system. It was specially designed to make the process as simple and fast as possible, for applying the method at home or in small offices.

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What can make the job easier? How does it work and why should you use it?

  • It connects all desired computers to a local area network;
  • It helps to establish a simple, fast and efficient interaction between them;
  • A single local network is being formed that uses one connection to access the Internet;
  • Within the local network, you can quickly exchange data and files;
  • It is possible to set up remote control and use of one computer from another;
  • It is possible to connect all PCs to one printer for remote printing (in this case, for example, the printer can be connected to one of the computers).

The big advantage of such a network is that it is quite easy to set up, especially compared to a server. To create it, you only need an ADSL modem or router, but always with a routing function.

Router preparation

Before starting the connection and configuration processes, check if all the necessary functions are activated. To do this, do the following:

1Open the router control panel through the online interface;

2Log in to the control panel using your login and password;

3 Go to Settings;

4Find there the item Automatic assignment of IP addresses;

5It is necessary that this item be activated, if it is not, then activate it (put a marker or checkmark in the checkbox, move the slider, etc.);

6Save changes made;

7Reboot your computer and router.

After that, turn on all devices again - computers on the network and the modem.

In some cases, the necessary settings may not be available or blocked, and then the setting can be carried out only by resetting the device to factory settings.

To do this, find a hole on the back of the router or at its bottom with the inscription Reset above it. It is in it that there is a small reset button to the factory settings - hold it down with something sharp, for example, a toothpick, for a few seconds.

To re-login to the control panel, you will need to enter the administrator login and password. Now all functions will be unlocked and you will need to carry out the setup described above.

Back to menu

For merging into single system on computers, the corresponding function must also be activated. To do this merging, do the following:

1Call the Run window by holding the Win + R key combination on the keyboard;

2In the input field that opens, type services.msc and press Enter;

3In Windows 10, you can click on the Start menu button and type the word Run to open the same window;

4The network settings window will open;

5Find the DHCP client section in it;

6The function must be activated (in the Status column it must be written Running);

7It is necessary that the startup type be set to Automatic;

8If other parameters are set, then move the cursor over the line and right-click;

9In the drop-down menu, select Properties;

10 Turn it on if necessary;

11Change the startup type to Automatic in the corresponding field;

12Save the changes by pressing the OK button in the window and close the window;

13Reboot your PC.

Repeat these procedures on all computers that you plan to connect to the future network.

Back to menu

For this function to work correctly, this protocol must also be activated on the network adapter. This is done using a computer. To enable it, do the following:

    If you have an operating system Windows version earlier than 8, then enter the combination ncpa.cpl in the Search line and press Search or Enter;

    On the operating systems ah Windows 8, 8.1, 10, etc., you can simply click on the Start menu button and type this combination of letters. In the search results that open, go to the appropriate section;

    To the Settings section network connection the user can also go using the Control Panel, which can be accessed along the path Start\Standard\Control Panel;

    Go to Network connection settings;

  • Choose the type of connection that will be used for the network (the one that creates your configured router);
  • On the icon of this connection, right-click;

    In the drop-down menu, go to the Properties item;

    Click on this line with the right mouse button and in the drop-down menu again go to the Properties item;

    In the new window, find the line Obtain an IP address automatically and put a marker in the checkbox next to it;

    Do the same with the line Obtain DNS server address automatically;

    Click OK and close the window.

After restarting all computers, your devices will be ready to be connected to a single system.

Back to menu

Now the connection is created and the protocol is configured. It is necessary to check the system for operability. To do this, it is recommended to use the command line:

  • Click on the Start button and type Run or hold down the Win + R key combination to open the same window;
  • In the window that appears, type cmd in the input field;

  • Press Enter;
  • A command prompt will open, in which you need to type the following combination: ipconfig / all, and then press Enter;

After that, computers can be combined into one network and use one connection.

You must install the DHCP Manager program on your computer, which simplifies the management of computers and their networking.

In the Administration tab in this program, the user will be able to add all the necessary devices on which such a protocol is connected and configured using the methods described above.

how to enable dhcp on network adapter windows 7, 8, 10 + video

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) provides communication between the server and the local client computer. The system messages identify the PC on the network. For correct identification and correct connection device, it needs a list of unique parameters:

  • personal IP address;
  • Subnet mask;
  • DNS server address, etc.

This data can be entered either manually or automatically from the DHCP server. In the second option, the computer requests data, reserves it in its settings, then asks the server for permission to connect, and receives (or does not receive) it. Therefore, to receive a personal IP address from the server, you need to:

  1. Set up DHCP on the router.
  2. Enable DHCP protocol on PC.
  3. Start the procedure for automatically obtaining a personal IP.

Configuring DHCP on the Router

In order for dhcp to work on the router, you will need to connect it to a PC and enter the interface through a browser. The connection is made using a cable that should be included with the router.

  1. Look for a static IP on the label, which is usually located on the back of the device.
  2. Log in to the settings panel network card PC and set a static IP based on the previous point. If the router address is, for example,, then the PC adapter address will be and by analogy for other combinations.
  3. Open a web browser and enter the static IP of the router in the address bar. An authentication window for entering user data will appear.
  4. Move to the section called "LAN Setup" (or "local network") and check the box next to the words "Enable DHCP server".
  5. Click Save. The router is set up.

Attention! There should be a checkbox in the router's admin panel to allow it to automatically issue personal addresses to computer clients.

Enable the protocol on the computer

The procedure for enabling the protocol is identical for Windows versions 7 and up. To enable DHCP on a PC, you need to launch the Services Control Panel. Click the combination Win + R, then in the window that appears, type "services.msc" and click "OK". A list of services on your computer will open. Find "DHCP client" in the list and make sure that the required parameters are set:

  • in the line "Status" - "Working";
  • in the line "Startup type" - "Automatically".
Advice. If something is wrong, you can set the desired indicators in the "Properties" list. It is easy to get into it: click with the touchpad or right-click on the line you are interested in.

Reasons for refusal to start the client can be:

  • incorrect functioning of the LAN adapter;
  • operating system failure;
  • driver failure (mechanical or due to viruses).

Therefore, the first steps to correct the situation are as follows:

  1. Enter the "Device Manager" and check if the network card is in the list of active devices, if its name matches the real name.
  2. Scan your system with a reliable antivirus.
  3. Update the driver.
  4. Reinstall OS.

Obtaining an automatic IP and problems associated with this procedure

Restart your computer after the previous steps. Then find the connection you just created in the Network and Sharing Center. Right-click to open its menu and select "Properties". Next - "Network" and "Internet Protocol ...".

In the tab that appears, the checkboxes opposite the words of the phrases "get ..." should be checked:

  • IP automatically;
  • DNS address automatically.

Attention! The names of these items may differ slightly from those indicated.

If the server refused to assign an address via dhcp, the cause may be protocol incompatibility. This happens because:

  • the server tried to provide a new client with an IP address available on the network;
  • two dhcp servers manage the same network;
  • on one of the computers, the address was assigned manually.

To solve any of these problems, you need to find and fix the discrepancy manually. And do not forget to restart the OS after each change of parameters.

How to set up a TP-Link DHCP server: video

What is DHCP and how it works

Even many system administrators who have been working with network devices for years cannot always give a clear and intelligible answer - what is a DHCP server. They know that if it works, then the computer will have an IP address - and that's good. But this is very important point! This protocol greatly simplifies the life of a system administrator when setting up and managing networks. It works both in ordinary home networks on household WiFi routers and modems, and in large corporate networks and helps a computer, laptop or other network device to quickly get an IP address and identify itself.

Let's take a closer look at the basic principles of the DHCP server.

What is DHCP?

DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - is a protocol for dynamically configuring an application layer host using the OSI model. It was developed back in 1993, but still not only has not lost its relevance, but vice versa - it has received a new version to work with the IPv6 protocol. Model of work - "Client-server". However, the DHCP server has its own method of exchanging messages between the client and the server. The protocol allows you to automatically configure the IP version 4 protocol, as well as more new version 6, thereby facilitating the network setup process and eliminating the possibility of errors during manual data entry.

What does a DHCP server do?!

On the DHTsP server, the system administrator sets a certain range of IP addresses that can be issued to client devices upon access. In this case, the lease time of the address (lease time) can be additionally configured, during which it is assigned to the MAC address of the computer and cannot be occupied by another device.

The server has three options for allocating addresses on the network:

1 - Dynamic. This option works on 95% of servers. The address is given to a computer for a certain period (lease time), after which the IP will be considered free and can be assigned to another computer on the network.

2 - Automatic. Everything is similar to dynamic allocation, with the only exception that the IP is issued to the device on an ongoing basis and does not change anymore.

3 - Manual. In this case, the server administrator compiles a table of correspondence between IP and MAC addresses of devices, according to which they will receive network parameters in the future. This method is practically not used. If only in networks with a high level of security.

How DHCP server works

Server operation is based on broadcast network requests. The procedure for "communication" between the client and the server looks something like this:

1. The client sends a broadcast message “I need an IP” 2. The server replies with the same message “I have an address Arrange? 3. Client - "Yes, it will!" 4. Server - “OK! The address is reserved for you." For the presented "communication" the following special broadcast requests are used.

Here, for clarity, is a diagram of the dialogue between the client and the DHTsP server:

The range of IP addresses intended to be distributed among clients on the same network using the DHCP protocol is considered as a single administrative block. It is called "scope" - scope. If the server operates on multiple subnets, then when configuring the DHCP service, the administrator must create a separate scope for each physical subnet. Ideally, for stable operation, there should be at least two DHCP servers for each served network segment, but this requirement is not relevant for home use.

Types of server requests

Messaging scheme between client and DHCP server:

DHCPDISCOVER - This message is sent by the client when connecting to the network to look for an active DCHP server. In this case, is used as the source IP, and is used as the delivery address.

DHCPOFFER - A response from a DHCP server to a DHCPDISCOVER client request that offers specific network settings.

DHCPREQUEST - A broadcast message from a client in response to a DHCPOFFER indicating that it has accepted the settings.

DHCPACK - a response message to the client after receiving a DHCPREQUEST from it, which means the completion of the communication process. It confirms that everything is agreed and the PC can work on the network.

DHCPRELEASE - This broadcast message is sent by the client if it stops using the network address.

DHCPNAK - This response will be sent to the client in case the DHCPREQUEST parameters cannot be satisfied.

DHCPDECLINE - Broadcast response to the server when the client detects that its assigned IP address is already in use.

DHCPINFORM - Message to the server if the DHCP client has a static IP address and does not need to be dynamically allocated.

DCHP protocol messages have the following fields:

Field Length (bytes) Description
op 1 Message type
htype 1 Hardware address type
hlen 1 Hardware address length
hops 1 The number of relay agents used. Clients set the value to 0.
xid 4 ID (unique identification number) of the transaction used by the client and servers during the session
secs 2 Elapsed time (in seconds) since the client requested the process to start
flags 2 Meaning of the flags
ciaddr 4 Client IP address (if available).
yiaddr 4 IP address offered by the server to the client
siaddr 4 Server IP
giaddr 4 IP address of the relay agent (relay agent)
chaddr 16 Client hardware address (mainly MAC).
sname 64 Server name.
file 128 The name of the download file.
options changeable Additional options

How to enable DHCP on a network adapter

In the operating room Windows system 10 The DHCP client is enabled by default as a service, and the network adapter must be set to automatically acquire an IP. To do this, press the key combination Win + R to open the Run window and enter the ncpa.cpl command.

Click on the "OK" button. A window will appear with network Windows connections 10.

On the adapter where we want to enable DHCP, right-click to display the context menu. In the menu - select the item "Properties".

In the next window, select the line "IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" and click on the "Properties" button to open the protocol parameters:

Here you need to check the boxes for automatic receipt of addresses and click on the "OK" button.

In operating systems of the Linux family, all settings are specified in the configuration files. For example, in the popular Ubuntu this is /etc/network/interfaces. Here is an example config that allows you to enable DHCP on the eth0 network adapter:

Here: auto eth0 - automatic switch on eth0 network card when the system boots. iface eth0 inet static - with this line we indicate to the system that the interface of the network card eth0 is in the address range with dynamic ip acquisition.

If the Network Manager connection manager is running on the system, then you can enable DHCP on the network adapter and in GUI:

P.S.: It is worth noting separately that the presence of a working DHCP service is a sign of good taste for any local network. Setting up the server requires special serious knowledge from the administrator! In most modern network devices (terminals, routers and modems), it is generally already configured by default and does not require additional configuration.

It is unlikely that we will be able to open America by saying that before connecting a computer to the Internet via a TCP / IP network, you must first configure the DHCP network protocol. What can you say? It is he who is responsible for ensuring that the PC automatically receives an IP address and other necessary parameters for the full use of the Internet. By default, such a protocol in the Windows system is activated automatically. True, it doesn't always work. In this case, you have to think about how to manually enable DHCP in Windows 7. And this is actually not difficult to do.

Method number 1: Launch through the "Services" option

Based on the client-server DHCP action model, you can enable this network protocol in Windows 7 through the Services service. In this case, you must first enter the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel" section, and select the "Administration" tab in it:

Next, in the list that opens, we find and click on the “Services” item so that the window of the corresponding service appears. After it has opened, we look for the DHCP client service in it and start it by pressing the corresponding button in the menu on the left:

The next step is to check the startup type of the service. Ideally, it should start automatically. If this is not the case, right-click on the DHCP client item, select the "Properties" tab in the menu that appears, set the automatic startup type and save the settings by pressing the OK button:

As a result of such actions, the network protocol in OS Windows 7 will work automatically, without requiring advanced settings.

Method number 2: Setting up through the "Network Control Center"

It is not more difficult to debug the operation of the network protocol in the client-server model by setting the parameters for connecting to the local network in the Network Control Center. In this case, the procedure will be as follows:

As a result, we can immediately start working on the Internet, because everything desired settings DHCP is thus included in OS Windows 7. If desired, of course, you can check the service's performance using the command line.

How to enter it in Windows 7? In different ways, for example, by pressing the buttons and R on the keyboard, launch the Run utility and drive the cmd.exe task into it. One way or another, after entering the “Command Line”, all that remains is to enter the value ipconfig / all in it, confirm the entry by pressing Enter and check the connection settings, including the DHCP operation parameters. That's all!

In this digital age, where we can't do without the Internet for even a minute, most corporate and home networks are configured with DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), which allows a computer to automatically obtain an IP address when connected to the Internet.

In order to enable or disable DHCP in Windows, you must perform the following steps for your version of the operating system.

Note. When disabling DHCP and using a static IP address, make sure you know correct settings and they are all entered correctly. Entering the wrong settings may cause both the internet connection and the network connection.

For Windows 8 and Windows 10

  • On the desktop computer click windows keys+ X to open the Power User menu;
  • Select the Network Connections option;
  • You should see at least two types of network connections: Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Double click on the active network connection;
  • In the network connection status window, click the "Properties" button;
  • Click the Internet Protocol Version 4 button and click the Properties button. For Internet Protocol version 6, you may need to complete some additional steps as well.
  • If you want to enable DHCP, make sure the "Obtain an IP address automatically" option is selected, as well as the "Obtain DNS server address" option automatically.

If you want to disable DHCP and enter your own network settings, read the article for general education and then select the "Use the following IP address" option and enter the data for the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway. Then select the "Use the following DNS server address" option and enter your preferred DNS server details. You can also enter a value for an alternate DNS server if you like.

For Windows Vista and Windows 7

  • Open the control panel.
  • Click the Network and Sharing icon.
  • In the View Active Networks section, click the Local Area Connection link.
  • In the Local Area Connection Status window, click the Properties button.
  • Highlight the Internet Protocol Version 4 option and click the Properties button. You may need to complete some additional steps for Internet Protocol version 6.

If you want to disable DHCP and enter your network settings, select the "Use the following IP address" option and enter values ​​for the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Also select the "Use the following DNS server address" option and enter a value for your preferred DNS server. You can also enter a value for an alternate DNS server if you like.

For Windows XP and earlier OS versions

  • Open the control panel.
  • Double click Network Connections.
  • Note. Instead, you may see a "Network and Internet Connections" link. In this case, double click on it and then select "Network Connections".
  • Right click on Local Area Connection and select Properties.
  • Highlight the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) option and click the Properties button.

If you want to enable DHCP, make sure that the options "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address" automatically are selected.

If you want to disable DHCP and set your network settings manually, select the "Use the following IP address" option. Then enter the appropriate values ​​for the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Also select the "Use the following DNS server address" option and enter a value for your preferred DNS server. You can also enter a value for an alternate DNS server.

How can I find out if DHCP is currently in use?

An easy way to determine if DHCP is currently enabled or disabled is to use the ipconfig /all command from the command line. When you enter this command for "Ethernet Adapter LAN Connection", one of the lines will tell you if DHCP is enabled. If enabled, you will see the line

It is unlikely that we will be able to open America by saying that before connecting a computer to the Internet via a TCP / IP network, you must first configure the DHCP network protocol. What can you say? It is he who is responsible for ensuring that the PC automatically receives an IP address and other necessary parameters for the full use of the Internet. By default, such a protocol in the windows system is activated automatically. True, it doesn't always work. In this case, you have to think about how to manually enable DHCP in windows 7. And this is actually not difficult to do.

Method number 1: Launch through the "Services" option

Based on the client-server DHCP action model, you can enable this network protocol in windows 7 through the Services service. In this case, you must first enter the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel" section, and select the "Administration" tab in it:

Next, in the list that opens, we find and click on the “Services” item so that the window of the corresponding service appears. After it has opened, we look for the DHCP client service in it and start it by pressing the corresponding button in the menu on the left:

The next step is to check the startup type of the service. Ideally, it should start automatically. If this is not the case, right-click on the DHCP client item, select the "Properties" tab in the menu that appears, set the automatic startup type and save the settings by pressing the OK button:

As a result of such actions, the network protocol in OS windows 7 will work automatically, without requiring additional settings.

Method number 2: Setting up through the "Network Control Center"

It is not more difficult to debug the operation of the network protocol in the client-server model by setting the parameters for connecting to the local network in the Network Control Center. In this case, the procedure will be as follows:

As a result, we can immediately start working on the Internet, because all the necessary DHCP settings are thus entered into OS windows 7. If you wish, of course, you can check the service's performance using the command line.

How to enter it in windows 7? In different ways, for example, by pressing the buttons and R on the keyboard, launch the Run utility and drive the cmd.exe task into it. One way or another, after entering the “Command Line”, all that remains is to enter the value ipconfig / all in it, confirm the entry by pressing Enter and check the connection settings, including the DHCP operation parameters. That's all!

Enable DHCP on the network adapter

If there are several computers in your house, then for the convenient interaction of individual machines, we propose to combine them into a local network. Thus, you will be able to:

  • access the Internet from a particular PC using a single connection;
  • share files and print documents on one printer.

Enabling DHCP makes it easy to set up any network

In addition, you will have the opportunity remote control any computer on the network. An ADSL modem or a built-in router will help organize this opportunity. All you need to do is enable DHCP on the network adapter of each PC and start the modem or router service of the same name. The device will act as a server. The great thing is that configuring DHCP will not cause problems even for an unprepared user.

How to enable DHCP? This question is of interest to many users, because few people have come across it before. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - this is how the above abbreviation is translated. This is a special configuration protocol that allows auto tuning computers. It helps them communicate with each other.

Enable DHCP

Before you start creating a network between your computers, you must enable the DHCP server service on your router or modem. In the event that you do not know how to do this, then refer to the operating instructions for your device. After activating the service, it needs to be restarted. Next, you need to check if the DHCP Client service is running on all computers. To do this is easy enough. OS windows vista and windows 7, all you have to do is type services.msc in the search box that appears above the Start button when you click it. Press Enter. In the window that opens, you can enable or disable DHCP. The startup type of the service must be automatic, otherwise it must be made that way. As for windows XP, the above command must be entered in the input field, which can be called by pressing Ctrl + R. Having found the corresponding line, right-click on it and select "Properties", then set "Automatic" in the "Startup type" field . Click OK and restart your PC. By the way, by performing the same steps in reverse order, the service can be disabled.

In the next step, you need to find the mentioned service on the network adapter in the connection settings. To do this, use the Ncpa.cpl command in the above fields, depending on the operating system. If you are not used to using such commands, then you can find the connection settings in the Control Panel. Make a right click with the mouse and go to the "Properties" of the connection that is related to your local network. In order not to get confused, network adapters that are obviously not used in creating a shared connection can be disabled. Select "TCP/IPv4" - "Properties". Set the IP address and DNS values ​​to receive automatically and click OK. After all this, it is recommended that you restart your computer.

As you can see, setting up DHCP is quite simple, so even a novice PC user can easily combine several computers into one network. If you don't need sharing your PCs, then you can disable the service using all the above steps.

dhcp not enabled on network adapter: setting | Your network

In continuation of the topic about the DHCP protocol, started in the article Purpose of the dhcp protocol, let's look at how to enable the dhcp client service on windows OS and the basics of dhcp reservation.

dhcp not enabled on network adapter: what to do?

Often, when trying to connect to a network on a computer, an error occurs: "dhcp is not enabled on the network adapter", which you can fix with the help of this article.

First, let's figure out why this problem occurs. The presented diagram shows that the client is connected to the local network, but the dhcp client is not working.

The client cannot send a broadcast request to the server due to a programming error.

How to set up dhcp?

To properly configure dhcp, follow these steps:

  • Select the next menu item.

  • In the Active Connection Wizard on your computer, on the left, select "Change adapter settings".

  • Select "Local Area Connection", then right-click to bring up the context menu and here click "Properties".

  • In the settings of the network card, disable the protocol version number 6.

After that, the dhcp setup on your computer will be completed.

It remains to check the performance of the DHCP client in Windows 7.

Click on the start button icon (1) and select "Control Panel" (2).

Select the view mode (1) and the item "Administration" (2).

In the administration settings window (1), select services.

In the window that appears, check the status of the service (2) DHCP client, the start type of which should be automatic, and the status should be running.

After enabling all the settings (subject to the recommendations of this article), you should establish a connection between the client and the DHCP router using this scheme as an example:

How to enable dhcp via command line?

If the dhcp service does not start, you can enable dhcp on windows 7 through the command line.

To do this, follow these steps step by step:

Click on the "Start" button
In the address bar of the search, write in English letters cmd

Then select "Run as Administrator"

IN command line to enable dhcp write the following lines:

netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" dhcp where "(1)" is your connection name.

The command will switch from static connection settings

to the dynamic configuration.

netsh interface command ip set dnsserver "Local Area Connection" dhcp

toggles the list of static dns servers

into dynamic.

How to enable dhcp on the router?

Sometimes when connecting via a web browser to the ip-address of the router, an error appears about authorization blocking, i.e. wrong login or password.

Although the router address is pinged by other computers, and the mechanism for issuing a dhcp address lease on all local network clients works.

dhcp blocked by router: what to do?

In this case, you need to reset the modem to factory settings as shown in the example:

Each router has a button for resetting the settings to factory settings. Thus, if the dhcp distributor disconnected itself by ip address and in program mode(via the web interface) call the command " reset factory settings" is not possible, then you should use the hardware method.

There is a small round hole on the back of the router. The reset button is hidden in this hole - hold it for 15 seconds with a paper clip, the tip of a pencil or a narrow thin object. In the process of resetting the settings, you should turn off all the indicators (bulbs) on the front panel of the router.

You can specify the factory settings of the router on the rear panel of the device:

For re-authorization, you will need the connection ip-address, login and password

Then connect to the router and re-configure the dhcp rules for routing, leasing, etc.

dhcp address reservation

For fast network connection and failure recovery, it is recommended to use dhcp address reservation on the router. The principle of such “booking” is to fill the DHCP table with ip and mac addresses of computers.

An example of such a reservation table on routers D-Link DIR 615\850.

(1) - MAC address network device,

(2) – IP address, (3) – DHCP lease expiration date, (4) – pm_test01 computer name in the local network.

An example of such a table for Cisco LinkSYS.

Every device on the network has a unique physical and network address. All data about the device on the network can be viewed in the network configuration of the equipment and entered into the table of rules for reserving dhcp addresses in the router.

dhcp is not enabled on the network adapter: how to enable the protocol | Your network

The dhcp protocol is a kind of artery of every local network and, at the same time, the “pet peeve” of most novice system administrators. Moreover, they remember about its existence only at the moment when the computer does not receive an ip address via dhcp, and the system intrusively informs the user about the problem that has arisen.

Therefore, here we will look at how dhcp works and what to do when "dhcp is not enabled on the network adapter" when connecting over a local network.

Purpose of the dhcp service

It will be quite difficult to deal with the question “how to connect dhcp on a network adapter”, without realizing what this service is intended for at all. The fact is that the dhcp configuration occurs as on any network computer, and on the server (or network equipment performing its functions), respectively, and possible causes there is plenty of software failure here: from the “crooked” operating system to a router malfunction.

How does dhcp work?

The principle of operation of dhcp can be conditionally represented as a mail message between a client (or a computer connected to a local network) and a server (router). At the same time, the role of letters here is played by special system messages, with the help of which the device is “authorized” in computer network.

The dhcp protocol literally stands for "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol". In general, it acts as an alternative to manually setting up a local network: the device receives connection parameters directly from the server via special teams.

So, in order to correctly connect to a local (LAN) or global (WAN) network of a new device, it needs a number of unique parameters that provide identification of this network node.

In particular, each computer receives an individual IP address, as well as a subnet mask, DNS server address, and so on.

Of course, you can enter the network connection data manually (for example, when simple connection two computers), but in most cases it is much easier to get them automatically from the dhcp server.

In this case, when connecting to the network, the computer first “asks permission” from the server (which is usually a router) using the DHCPDISCOVER system message.

To which the server responds with a DHCPOFFER message, in which all the network settings necessary for the client are encrypted.

The computer receives such a "package", extracts from there data about the IP address assigned to it (subnet mask, etc.) and saves them in the settings of the network card (adapter). It then informs the server that it is ready to connect to the network using a DHCPREQUEST message.

The server checks the specified configuration parameters and, if there are no errors, responds with a DHCPACK message that allows the client to be authorized on the network.

Thus, to automatically obtain the dhcp ip address, you must:

Configure dhcp on the router (otherwise the “server” will not be able to respond to requests from the “client”);

Start the dhcp service on the computer;

Set the network adapter to automatically obtain an IP address.

How to enable dhcp on the router?

Configuring dhcp on the router is carried out through the web interface of the device. For this you need:

Connect the router to the computer using a network cable (supplied with the device);

Go to the settings of the computer's network card and set a static IP address there from the range of the router;

The static IP address of the router is indicated on the service label affixed to the back of the device. In most cases, this is a combination of numbers or, respectively, the static IP of the network adapter can be or

Open any Internet browser, enter the IP of the router (from the factory sticker) in the address bar and press "Enter"

In the authentication window, enter user data (with factory settings admin / admin)

Here you should go to the "LAN Settings" ("LAN Settings") section and mark "Enable DHCP server" (or "DHCP server" -> allow access).

How to enable dhcp on windows 7/windows 8?

The next step is to enable the dhcp client on your PC. To do this, press Win + R, in the window that opens, enter the command "services.msc" and click "Ok".

You will see the "Services" window, where you should find the "dhcp client" service and check that the "Status" column is "Running", and the "Startup Type" column is "Automatic".

If dhcp is not enabled on the network adapter:

Click on the selected line with the right mouse button;

Select in context menu"Properties";

Start the dhcp client service using the start button.

The reason that the dhcp service does not start may be damage to the network card driver (for example, when a computer is infected with viruses) or an operating system failure. In this case, it is recommended to scan the PC using good antivirus and update network driver(from the disk or the manufacturer's website). In extreme cases, reinstalling windows 7 can solve the problem.

Also, if the dhcp client does not start, you should check the correct operation of the LAN adapter itself.

To do this, go to "Control Panel" -> "Hardware and Sound" and in the upper right corner click "Device Manager". Here you need to make sure that the network card is in the list of active devices, and its name matches the actual name.

dhcp not enabled on ethernet network adapter

And finally, you should configure on the network adapter dynamic acquisition IP addresses on the local network. To do this, go to the settings of the network card, set the marker opposite "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address automatically"

and be sure to click "Ok" in all open windows.

dhcp client: access denied

Also, the reason that the computer does not receive an ip address via dhcp may be dhcp incompatibility. Typically, this situation occurs when:

Two DHCP servers operate on the same network;

The DHCP server tries to give the new device an IP address that already exists on the network.

A conflict of DHCP addresses is possible if an IP is assigned manually on any computer.

Enable DHCP service on network adapter

DHCP is a network protocol with which computers can automatically receive all the necessary parameters to work on a TCP / IP network. Thanks to this service, you do not have to register IP addresses on each machine, and the process of creating a local network will be much faster and more convenient than with manual setting.

But let's leave general information and move on to the practical part - how to enable DHCP and configure the network correctly.

Setting up a router

A local network is created using a router, which in this case plays the role of a server. Therefore, you must first enable the DHCP service on the router.

To do this, go to the web interface of the router and find the "DHCP server" section, and then check that access is allowed there.

Also write down the start and end IP addresses to limit the number of possible connections. This is the easiest way to protect your network from unauthorized access.

Depending on the router model, these parameters can be configured in different interface menus. Check the instructions for your router, where you can specify the DHCP server settings.

After saving the changes and rebooting the router, you can begin to study the question of how to enable DHCP on the computer's network adapter.

Configuring network adapters

First of all, check if the DHCP service is running on your computer. Press Win + R and type the command "services.msc" (in windows 7 you can write it through the search bar in the Start menu).

Scroll through the list of active available windows services and search for "DHCP client". Make sure the Status field says it's running, and the Startup Type field is set to Automatic.

To change the settings for the DHCP client, right-click on it and select "Properties".

Through the "Control Panel" or using the "ncpa.cpl" command, open the list of available connections. Find the connection that is used on the local network and open its properties by selecting the appropriate item from the context menu.

In the "Components" field, select "Internet Protocol TCP / IPv4" and open its "Properties". Set the values ​​for automatically obtaining IP addresses and DNS server address. Save your changes.

The router and network adapters of the computers are configured properly, and the DHCP protocol is ready to perform its functions.


Be sure to apply what you have learned if you need to connect a laptop to a laptop. With the help of a DHCP server, you will significantly speed up and simplify the process of connecting computers and insure yourself against possible connection errors.

If you need not just a “local” that allows you to transfer data between two computers, but a wireless network to which you can connect several devices with a Wi-FI adapter, then it will be useful for you to learn how to set up mypublicwifi.

This program allows you to turn your computer into a kind of router that distributes Wi-Fi to other devices. But it would be better to buy and customize D-link router DIR-300 or a router of another well-known brand - in this case, the capabilities of your wireless network will be practically unlimited, and the transmission quality will allow you to use Wi-Fi without problems even at a decent distance from the signal source.

The article describes the DHCP protocol, and provides examples of configuration in operating systems of the Windows 7 - 10 family, Windows Server 2008 R2 - 2016, CentOS/RHEL, Ubuntu.

DHCP is a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol designed to transmit network settings. Based on a client-server architecture, used for auto tuning network interfaces computer and network equipment, as well as for devices that support booting over the network. The main transmitted parameters include - IP address, mask, gateway, DNS. The DHCP server may send additional options depending on the requirements of the client and the network environment.

Address distribution

The DHCP service provides manual, automatic, and dynamic methods for issuing addresses. manual method based on the reservation of one client IP for a specific physical address (MAC). The only convenience is that the client interface is configured automatically and the IP is issued for permanent use. When automatic selection- the server assigns an IP already from the specified pool of addresses. With dynamic– the network address is issued for a certain time, while the service guarantees that this address will not be issued to another client before the expiration of the set time interval. In this case, the period of time is called the lease time.

Principle of operation

By architecture, the operation of the protocol is based on the interaction between the server and the client through the exchange of messages. All messages are divided into special fields:

Field Bytes (octets) Explanation
Op 1 Message code. 1 = request, 2 = response
htype 1 Device address type — physical, network.
Hlen 1 The length of the device address.
Hops 1 Number of nodes with a relay between hosts.
xid 4 The ID of the request/response match.
Sex 2 Time in seconds. Countdown from the beginning of the request.
Flags 2 Flags.
Ciaddr 4 client IP.
Yiaddr 4 In the RFC 2131 documentation - "<Ваш>(client) IP ".
Siaddr 4 IP of the next DHCP server.
Giaddr 4 relay IP.
Chaddr 16 The MAC address of the client.
Sname 64 Server name (optional).
File 128 The name of the download file.
Options variable Optional parameters.

The message format is largely inherited from the previous BOOTP protocol, when sent transport protocol is used UDP, DHCP ports 67, 68.

The protocol exchange between the client and the server occurs according to the following messages:

Message Usage
DHCPDISCOVER Search for available servers using broadcast.
DHCPOFFER Network configuration proposal.
DHCPREQUEST Sending a message to servers:
  • requesting parameters from one server and refusing offers from other servers;
  • confirms the correctness of the previously provided address (for example, after a reboot);
  • renewal of the network address lease.
DHCPACK Sending configuration parameters, with a network address.
DHCPNAK Incorrect address (for example, when the client moves to another subnet) or the lease expires.
DHCPDECLINE The address is busy.
DHCPRELEASE Releasing a network address and relinquishing the lease.
DHCPINFORM Request for local configuration parameters; the client is already configured in a different way.

There is another interesting property of the service - work in relay mode. When the client and server are on different subnets, problems arise when passing configuration parameters(router does not accept broadcast), in this case, you can use the service as a relay. Then the repeater for the client network will be local server, and will request parameters from the main server.

Enable DHCP

To enable the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol in a Windows environment, you must start the DHCP Client service and enable automatic IP acquisition in the network connection properties. Similar steps are required if Windows reports that DHCP is not enabled on the network adapter. It is carried out in stages:

To turn on the server in the operating system familieslinux necessary:

  1. Add to the network settings configuration file:
BOOTPROTO=dhcp (CentOS/RHEL) auto "interface name" (for Ubuntu)
  1. Save the configuration file and restart the network service or network card:
sudo systemctl restart networking - for CentOS / RHEL, ifdown "interface name", ifup "interface name" - for Ubuntu.

Server settings

To change settings in the Windows Server operating system, you must do the following:

  1. Add role DHCP Server.
  2. Set up a group security DHCP Administrators.
  3. In the "Server Manager" management console open the corresponding snap.
  4. in a snap set parameters:
    • the name of the area (scope) and the range of IP for distribution;
    • range exceptions;
    • time period of lease (lease);
    • set the gateway and DNS server as options.

After activating the area, the service will be ready to work and will start issuing addresses to clients.

In operating system familieslinux the following steps should be followed:

  • install package"DHCP" or "isc-dhcp-server" from the repository (depending on your CentOS/RHEL or Ubuntu distribution)
  • set in service configuration DHCP following options:
    • subnet– network for which the settings are applied;
    • range– range of IP for distribution;
    • option routers- Gateway;
    • max-lease-time– maximum rental time;
    • default-lease-time- rental time;
    • option domain-name-servers– DNS are specified;
  • save configuration;
  • restart service.

DHCP in the router

The service can also be configured on the router to distribute IP to equipment on the local network. For example, in a router Zyxel Keenetic Lite III DHCP service can be configured as follows (on other routers it is configured similarly):

Server Features

At the protocol design stage, the developers sought to solve the following tasks:

  • possibility control system administrators configuring parameters of network devices;
  • minimum participation client host and administrator assistance;
  • function usage relaying;
  • guaranteed extradite free IP;
  • save parameters when restarting the client.

Among these protocol features, important functions that improve the quality of service should also be noted:

  • backup storage of network settings;
  • the task alternative configuration(moving nodes between subnets);
  • achievement high availability.

These capabilities, along with advances in server operating system technologies (clustering, fault tolerance), help minimize disruptions to the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol service.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the protocol include:

  • reliability assignment of an IP address. Minimum configuration errors;
  • cost reduction when administering a network;
  • opportunity to use central location when configuring;
  • security work efficiency, with frequent changes in the configuration parameters of clients;
  • using a repeater, eliminating the need to install a DHCP server on each subnet.

Disadvantages to be aware of when deploying a service:

  • DHCP is based on UDP and IP protocols, which in principle are not protected;
  • filtering complexity by IP addresses;
  • Problems when configuring interface monitoring.