Fire truck call. How to call the fire department from your mobile: basic rules. When emergency medical care is needed

As sad as it may be, most modern people in any emergency situation when they need to call for help from a mobile phone, they panic dial 01 or 03, after which they remain perplexed by the incorrectly dialed number. How to call the gas service mobile phone Even more people don’t know Tele2. In Soviet times, learning all emergency numbers by heart was the direct responsibility of every citizen, but now parents, in the process of raising children, unfortunately miss this point. The article will tell you about when and how to call the gas service correctly.

Emergency number

The old dial for gas workers is 04, but if you dial it on a cell phone, you won’t get through to anyone, since this number was intended for landlines. But how can you call from a mobile phone if the gas service is already on a different number? Just enter 104 and press the call button.

Combination 112 appeared relatively recently. The driving force behind the publication was Article No. 52 “On Communications” of the Russian Federation Law, which obliges absolutely all large and small operators to form combination 112 for mobile phones in order to urgently call for help from the public. At the same time, all cellular companies personally guarantee constant and uninterrupted functionality of emergency technical assistance.

Due to this, the type of call may vary. In the 1st option, the person will hear an answering machine and will have to press the number that relates to his problem. And another type is the answer of the dispatcher-consultant (as in the case of Tele2), who, after hearing about the question, will switch you to the required service.

Note! Combination 112 is valid in all European countries; it is not necessary to have, for example, an Italian operator to call for help in Italy. The first thing you will hear is a proposal to choose a communication language that will be convenient for conversation, then you need to report the current situation and name your location.

The short number 112 works even if there is no SIM card in the phone, and in case of a zero or negative balance.

When to call

If you detect a gas leak in the house or in another room, immediately dial 112 and notify the dispatcher about the current situation. Or you can directly contact gas workers by dialing 104 and the call button.

A gas leak in your own apartment or some other building can cause irreversible results. Therefore, even if there is even the slightest suspicion of a leak, you should immediately contact the appropriate service. You can make a call to the emergency gas service with Tele2 by dialing the number combination 040 (104). The caller must at least tell the operator the exact address where the smell of gas is heard so that rescuers can respond quickly.


Never neglect educating your children and those around you simple combinations numbers that can help out of any emergency situation, especially since the availability cellular communications 95% of the population has it, and, most importantly, the phone is not discharged. Rescuers know what to do, they will arrive on time and resolve a dangerous situation.

Every person must memorize the numbers of emergency services - ambulance, police and Ministry of Emergency Situations. First of all, his life and the lives of his loved ones may depend on this. Previously, when there were no cell phones, everything was simple - everyone knew the numbers 03, 02, 01 from childhood. Now you can’t get through to the Police from a mobile phone at number 02, no matter how hard you try. You can call at least three-digit numbers from your mobile phone. And until recently, different mobile operators had their own special appearance for these three-digit emergency numbers. But fortunately, everything is changing... Don't forget to write down the emergency numbers below, or better yet, remember them!

Unified emergency phone numbers

It is important to remember the numbers that you can call emergency services from a SIM card of any mobile operator. They look like this:

  • Fire protection (EMERCOM, rescuers) – 101
  • Militia (police) – 102
  • Ambulance – 103
  • Gas service – 104
  • Information – 109

Calls to emergency services are completely free and are available not only with a zero balance, but even if the SIM card is blocked or is not in the phone at all.

Calling the Police from a mobile phone via 112 service

Save these numbers to your phone so that in an emergency you have them at hand. In addition to the telephone numbers listed above, there is a single emergency number 112. It allows you to quickly seek the necessary help through a dispatcher to several services at once - this is the Russian analogue of the 911 service. In order to call the Police directly on this number, you must perform the following steps:
  • Dial 112 and wait to enter the voice menu.
  • Press the number “2” on your phone keypad.
  • Wait for a connection with the police department dispatcher.

You can call the Police from a mobile phone at 112 completely free of charge, even when your account balance is zero, when your phone is locked and if there is no SIM card in it. You can also call this number for free from any other phone - a landline phone, a payphone on the street, at a train station or at the airport. As a rule, the connection time with the dispatcher depends on the network load and does not exceed several minutes.

If this number does not help you, then you can call the Police from your mobile phone using other numbers listed below.

Telephone numbers to call the Police

In the event that you cannot make a call to 112 or those listed in the table above, you can use alternative telephone numbers that still work. Each mobile operator used to independently set emergency numbers for its subscribers, so they are different. So, you can call the Police from your mobile phone using the following numbers:

  • For subscribers of MTS, Megafon, Rostelecom, Tele2 and Motiv operators - 020.
  • For subscribers of the Beeline operator, the Police telephone number is 002.

Using similar numbers, you can call the fire department, ambulance, gas service or information service - instead of 2, dial 1, 3, 4 or 9.

A fire is a critical situation that threatens the lives of people and their property. Any delay caused by confusion or panic can lead to irreparable consequences. In order to act collectedly and promptly in stressful circumstances, you need to remember the rules for calling firefighters.

Where to call?

Firefighters can be called from a landline or mobile phone using the numbers “01” (until 2017), “101” and “112”. Where does such a variety of choice come from? Previously, each cellular operator had its own combination of numbers to call services emergency assistance . In January 2014, the Ministry information technologies and communications Russian Federation

Direct emergency numbers were assigned. This means that the call fire department

can be done both from a landline and from a mobile phone using a single number “101”.

In addition, since 2013, our country has joined the European system of calling emergency services using a single number “112”. The 112 system allows you to quickly and comprehensively respond to a call about any incident that threatens the life and health of people.

Fire can be reported different ways: You can call not only from a landline or mobile phone, but also from a payphone, as well as send an SMS message or a message from the official website of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Based on the information provided by you, the dispatcher will independently determine which emergency services need to be additionally sent to the fire.

What should I say?

In order for the help of firefighters to be truly urgent and effective, it is necessary to follow a certain order of information provided to the operator on duty. Therefore, before dialing the fire department, it is better to think in advance what information you will provide. The questions that the dispatcher asks in strict order allow you to fill out the order form required to call the fire service.

Procedure for reporting information

  • The exact address of the fire or fire. He should be called first, because if the connection is suddenly interrupted, the firefighters will already know where their help is needed.
  • Location where the fire was discovered: apartment, private house, garage, etc.
  • Object that is on fire: furniture, TV, car.
  • Additional information: entrance number, number of floors in the building, threat to human life, etc.
  • Last name and first name of the caller, his phone number. Upon arrival, the fire department will search for whoever called. This is especially true when the fire is raging and you are unable to leave the building yourself.

You should speak as calmly, clearly and intelligibly as possible. Don't worry - after you provided the address of the fire, the firefighters have already left, and additional information transmitted to them by radio. According to the rules, you need to wait until the dispatcher finishes the call first, and then hang up. Now you should leave the house to meet the firefighters. Think about where the equipment can quickly and conveniently drive up, and show the car the way.

By following these rules for calling the fire department, you can protect lives and save your property.

Alone at home

If the unexpected happens when parents are not at home, the child may become confused and panic. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the student in advance how to independently call the fire department.

Compile a special children's telephone directory, where, next to photographs of emergency vehicles, place their call numbers.

Explain that the three-digit number can be dialed from both a landline and a mobile phone. Also write down your address and rules for calling firefighters. To reinforce the material, you can rehearse a conversation with, where the child will answer his questions in order.

Be sure to tell your student about the harm that a false emergency call can cause. Firstly, firefighters will not have time to reach those who really need to be saved, and secondly, parents will receive a large fine. In addition, when help is actually needed, no one will believe the child.

Which destroys people's health and property. People often lose their lives because of it. Therefore, the coordinated work of fire services is so important. Many organizations have emergency numbers, but you can only call them from a landline phone. How to call the fire department from your mobile phone?

Nowadays, almost everyone has a cell phone, so you need to quickly navigate a dangerous situation and call the fire department. Difficulties with the call may also arise because almost everyone mobile operator has its own service principles. It's best to add them to your phone book in advance. Or you need to remember how to call the fire department from your mobile phone. This will help out in any situation.

Call from popular operators

How to call the fire department from a mobile phone? This depends on the operator, because each emergency number may be different. If your phone has a Tele 2 SIM card, then you need to dial 010.

How to call a fire department from a mobile phone if the operator is MTS or Megafon? The number used is 010. But Beeline users in such cases need to dial 001. Knowing these numbers will also help if a fire becomes noticeable somewhere.

What is the solution for problems with the SIM card?

There may also be a situation where the card does not work at the right time or there are no funds, although calls to such numbers should be free. There may be other difficulties that prevent you from calling.

How to call the fire department from your mobile in such situations? You need to use your phone, even if it does not have a SIM card. You must dial 112. This number is valid for all operators.

What needs to be said?

To call the fire department from your mobile phone, you need to provide the dispatcher with basic information. This includes address, floor, full name and telephone number. You also need to say what object is burning. Other information may be required. It is important not to panic, because in this state even basic information can be forgotten. Everything must be said clearly and loudly. When the application is accepted, the fire department goes to the site. Usually the car leaves immediately after the call, and the dispatcher communicates the rest of the information to the employees via walkie-talkie.

Then you need to leave the house, and when the help team arrives, you should show convenient ways to enter the object. But it should be taken into account that false calls are punished by law. Offenders are subject to administrative liability. He will be required to pay a fine of 1000-1500 rubles.

False information regarding the threat of mining an object is also punishable. Such pranksters-offenders are subject to criminal liability. In this case, imprisonment for up to 5 years is provided. Teenagers under the age of 16 are registered. Administrative liability is provided for parents of such children.

The occurrence of a fire is a dangerous situation. In everyday life, it is important to follow safety rules so that such situations do not occur. But if this does happen, it is necessary to act correctly in this situation. And knowing the numbers can always help out.

Cellular communications are developing rapidly, more and more people are abandoning landline wired phones, switching to mobile devices communications. Mobile phone is the most common means of communication. In an emergency, it can save lives. But, if you need to call " Ambulance» from a mobile phone, do not rely on the two-digit number 03 memorized from childhood. Currently mobile connection emergency services are contacted via three-digit numbers.

This publication will tell you how to call an ambulance with cell phone how to dial a number correctly various operators cellular communications: MTS, Megafon, Tele2, U-tel, Beeline, Motiv and Skylink.

How to call an ambulance from a cell phone through the unified rescue service: number “112”

Now calling an ambulance from a mobile phone using 03 is impossible, because GSM standards do not support double-digit numbers. In Russia there is a single rescue service, which you can call by dialing “112”. It is supported by both cellular operators and landline phones. The combination of numbers 112 makes it possible to quickly reach an operator, who, in turn, will redirect the call to the rescue area closest to the victim.

What if the phone does not have a SIM card or is it locked by a SIM card? What to do then? Don't know how to dial an ambulance number? Everything is very simple, dial 112- they will answer you! This is a very big plus of the unified rescue service. This number is valid not only on the territory of the Russian Federation: regardless of the place of registration and residence of the subscriber, it is also valid in all countries that are members of the European Union.

Emergency calls from mobile operators

I provide complete emergency dial numbers of leading cellular operators, taken from official sources.

Ambulance phone number: how to call an ambulance from a cell/mobile phone

Calling emergency services from the mobile operator MTS

  • 101 - Emergency rescue service.
  • 102 - Police.
  • 103 - Ambulance.
  • 104 - Gas service.

Beeline emergency numbers

  • 101 - Fire protection.
  • 102 - Police.
  • 103 - Ambulance.
  • 104 - Emergency gas service.

Emergency call numbers of mobile operator Megafon

  • 010 - Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire department.
  • 020 - Call the police.
  • 030 - Call an ambulance.
  • 040 - Call emergency gas service.

Rules for dialing emergency telephone numbers from the Tele2 operator

Tele 2 numbers may vary depending on the service region.

  • 01* or 010 or 101 - Rescue service, fire service.
  • 02* or 020 or 102 - Police Service, Anti-Terror Service.
  • 03* or 030 or 103 - Emergency medical service.
  • 04* or 040 or 104 - Emergency gas network service.

Remember that calls to these numbers are free.

In a shock situation when you need emergency call ambulance to the scene, if you have forgotten how to dial the correct number from your mobile operator, memorize one single number 112 - telephone Unified Service salvation. When you call the answering machine, you will be given voice instructions to further actions.

You will need to dial the extension number:

  • 1 – fire department,
  • 2 – police,
  • 3 – ambulance,
  • 4 – gas.

After which you will be redirected to the appropriate service.

Telephone numbers for calling an ambulance from a mobile phone: call directly

Fast way calling an ambulance from a mobile phone - calling directly, using numbers that are different for each operator. To avoid confusion, always have these numbers at hand and save them in your phone.

Call an ambulance using the numbers depending on mobile operator you can do this:

  1. Megafon, MTS, U-tel and Tele2 - dial 030;
  2. Beeline - call 003;
  3. Motive and Skylink - dial 903.

Is it possible to call an ambulance from a cell phone with a zero balance?

It is unrealistic to constantly monitor your mobile phone account, and funds run out unexpectedly. How to call the rescue service if you have a zero or negative balance? Often a person’s life depends on how quickly a doctor arrives. If you find yourself in a tragic situation or next to a person who is feeling unwell, feel free to dial the numbers 1-1-2 and follow the prompts of the dispatcher or system. The call is free for all operators registered in Russia. Failure to comply with the law is punishable by strict administrative measures.

You can call the emergency service 112 even if there are no funds in your account, or your SIM card is lost or blocked. With a minimum network level, dial the combination 911, and then select option 3 in the answering system, after which you will be connected to the operator. A single emergency telephone number operates throughout the Russian Federation. When you call the doctors, explain the current situation clearly and accurately indicate your location so that the emergency team can quickly get to the bottom of the problem.

After the conversation, the doctor must inform that the call has been accepted and indicate the time of the call. If a medical professional refuses to accept an application, for example, because of the person’s age or for another reason, then feel free to call the police, since a paramedic falls under Art. 124. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Failure to provide assistance to a patient entails appropriate punishment by the medical worker.

Video: how to dial an ambulance from a cell phone