A program for creating a list of startup files. Creating a startup menu for programs from a disk using Autoplay Media Studio. Package features. How to create Autorun on a disk or flash drive

  1. Hello, I want to ask how to add a program to startup so that when you turn on the computer, this program starts itself. I would like to automate everything in my operating system. For example, a person got up in the morning, turned on the computer and went to wash his face, then have breakfast, and at that time Windows booted up, went online and automatically launched several necessary programs. A man approached the computer, and everything was ready for work.
  2. Hello admin, first of all, thank you, I read your article and created the necessary string parameter in the registry, that is, everything is as taught, now after turning on the computer, the Internet connects itself. But then a wonderful thought came to my mind: what if I made my favorite one start automatically in the same way? Google browser Chrome. That is, I turn on the computer, first of all the Internet automatically connects, then the browser and the program in which I work launches Adobe Photoshop. Is it possible to arrange this somehow?
  3. I have the following question: I added shortcuts to several programs and a browser to the Startup folder, but for some reason the browser sometimes starts before the computer goes online, so browser pages naturally open with errors. I don’t have a router, but to automatically access the Internet, I created a “batch file” and also placed it in the startup folder.

How to add a program to startup

Hello friends, I think after we learned how to create automatic connection to the Internet, then adding any program to startup will be like a piece of cake for us. Let's look at three ways to solve this problem.

Note: add only necessary programs to startup, since loading any program takes time and if you add a dozen programs to startup at once, your Windows will load much slower.

The first method is very simple, we will simply add shortcuts to the programs we need to the startup folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp.

The second method is also simple. We will add the program to startup using the registry.

The third method is more complicated; in it we will use a task scheduler; it will be useful to us if any program refuses to start using the first method.

The easiest way add program to startup, this is to use the folder StartUp, specially invented for these purposes, located at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp. Let's copy the shortcut to this folder Adobe programs Photoshop and Total Commander, as well as Opera and browser shortcuts Google Chrome, then reboot the computer and see if this whole company starts automatically.

Before adding a program to the startup folder, you need to find this very folder; in early operating systems, for example Windows 7, this was very easy, you had to click on the Start menu, then All Programs and Startup. In Windows 8, there is no Start menu and you have to constantly strain your gray matter to find anything previously associated with the Start menu. We'll do something tricky and get into the startup folder using the shell:Common Startup command.

In the lower left corner of the Windows 8 desktop, right-click and select Run.

Enter the command shell:Common Startup in the input field.

And please, our Startup folder opens, copy into it the shortcuts of those programs that we want to add to startup. I add Adobe Photoshop and Total Commander and also Opera and Google Chrome browser shortcuts, then restart the computer.

Everything loaded automatically for me, the Internet, programs, and browsers. But, if you do not have a router, and you set up an automatic connection to the Internet according to our article “How to make an automatic connection to the Internet,” then in some cases browsers will start before connecting to the Internet, which means in all browsers instead open internet there will be errors on the pages.

To avoid this, you need to use the task scheduler, this is an excellent tool built into Windows and few people use it because they simply don’t know how, but this is not about you and me, friends. The Task Scheduler will give the program the interval between Windows fully loading and the program starting. That is, the program you need (for example, a browser) will launch a little later (for example, after 30 seconds) from the moment when Windows goes online.

How to add a program to startup by editing the registry

We need to create a string value in the registry, it's very simple. I have an FTP client program installed on my computer - FileZilla and I need to add it to startup, I want to do everything using the registry.
Right-click on the Start button and "Run"

Enter "regedit" and OK, the registry opens.

Registry sections responsible for autoloading programs:
For the current user:
For all users:
I'm the only one working at the computer and I'll choose the first branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

I go to the section and click right click mouse, select New->String parameter from the menu,

You can choose any name, for example FileZilla.

Now we indicate the path to the program, right-click on the created parameter and select “Change”,

Specify the location of the program's executable file: C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe and click OK.

From now on, the FTP client program - FileZilla is in Windows 8 startup and the next time you turn on the computer, the program will start automatically.

How to add a program to startup using the Task Scheduler

To improve the hacker experience, let's launch some program through the task scheduler, let's say the same Opera browser, and in the scheduler settings we specify that it should start some time after the other programs are launched, so as not to create a crowd in the general startup.

Run -> enter the command in the input field mmc.exe taskschd.msc

and the task scheduler opens. Action -> Create task.

Specify the "Name" of the task, for example "Opera" Go to the Triggers tab

And click "Create"

In the "Start task" section, select "At login". We postpone the task for 30 seconds and click OK.

"Actions" tab, click on the "Create" button

And in the window that appears, click Browse.

We indicate in Explorer the location of the executable file of our program C:\Program Files\Opera\Opera.exe and click Open

And click OK again.

At the end of the article I want to tell you that there is good program AnVir Task Manager is a cool startup manager, in this manager you can exclude any program from startup, but also add the program you need to delayed startup. This happens a little simpler than in the task scheduler I presented. If interested, you can read our detailed article on this topic.

How to create Autorun on a disk or flash drive?

Without use third party programs and, without having any special skills, you can perform many different actions on computers.

For example, you can speed up the system, run different procedures projector and even create an autorun for any removable memory media.

How to create Autorun on a disk or flash drive? When you insert a disk or flash drive into your computer, a standard window appears asking you to select an action (for example, open a folder). This is not always convenient; for example, if a disc contains a game or program, it makes sense to add an automatic launch file to it.

Creating Autorun.inf for a flash drive and disk in 5 minutes

When a flash drive or disk is connected to the computer, the system immediately checks whether it contains the Autorun.inf file. If it is, then it starts immediately.

You can create it yourself and add any program to it so that it loads automatically. For example, if you have a flash drive with useful program, immediately after connecting it, it will start.

What is Autorun.inf? This is normal Text Document, it can be created in notepad. It doesn't take much intelligence to fill it out. Open notepad and add these lines there:

  • open= program.exe
  • icon= icon.ico

Instead of the word program, you must specify the name of the file to be launched. Instead of an icon, the name of the icon. That’s it, click save and don’t forget to indicate the format in the title:

This text file you need to add it to a disk or flash drive. In the same folder with it there should be an icon and a file in .exe format (which will be launched). Therefore, on the flash drive or disk everything should look like this:

Folders are needed for the program to work, the icon and autorun are needed for automatic launch. The program itself is also located in this folder.

If you add Autorun.inf to the root folder, and the icon or program will be in other folders, the address will need to be specified in full (open= Audio/555/program.exe

If you want Autorun.inf to do additional functions, add a couple more lines to it:

  • open= program.exe
  • action= launch Workion program
  • icon= icon.ico
  • label= flash drive name

The action function opens the text when autorun starts. The label line will come in handy if you are tired of seeing the usual inscription “ Removable drive", she replaces the name.

I decided to write this article for those who need advice when... creating USB autorun flash drive. Tell me, who doesn’t have a flash drive now? Schoolchildren and students, office workers and managers - everyone uses USB flash devices for transferring files from your home computer to work and back. USB flash devices can contain gigabytes of data. Compared to a laptop, they do not burden us with their size and weight. They are ideal for those who want to have audio, video and other computer files and applications are always at hand.

As you know, when USB connection drive to the computer port, a dialog appears autostart USB devices , which will prompt you to select and perform certain actions: print images, launch Windows media player or open a directory. But what if you have specific application on a USB drive and you want to launch it from the USB device autorun dialog? This can be done in two ways. Firstly, you can place the file autorun.inf to the root directory USB disk and edit its commands so that when you connect the flash drive, the desired application is loaded. Secondly, you can create a full menu USB device autostart, which can be used to view presentations, portfolios, etc. Below I'm going to tell you how to implement both of these solutions.

1. Basics of creating an autorun USB device

To begin with, we need the following: the USB device itself, Notepad (other editors are not recommended as they add additional encoding characters) and an application that will be launched when the device is connected to the USB port.

For example, to launch the MyApp.exe application located in the root directory of a USB device, follow these steps:

1. Launch Notepad
2. Enter:

Action=Start MyApp
Label=My Portable PC

3. Save the file as autorun.inf in the root directory of the USB flash drive.

IN in this example, the "Action" command will place the text "Start MyApp" in the USB autorun dialog box. This item will be selected by default. An icon for the specified program will appear next to the text. And, when the user selects the highlighted program item, the application file specified by the "Open" command is launched.

The next time you connect a USB device to the computer port, the specified program will start automatically.

2. How to create a USB device autorun menu

Sometimes we need to do our own thing autorun menu USB storage . For example, if you are an artist, you can put together a portfolio of your work from the right angle and show it to potential clients using. You can create business presentations or lectures that can automatically launch when you connect a flash drive to your computer. Companies can distribute USB devices with autostart marketing research and materials among partners and clients.

If you are looking for an application to create a full menu autorun for USB flash drive, I recommend that you pay attention to Autoplay Menu Designer. The program has an intuitive and beautiful interface, thanks to which even a beginner can make a great-looking presentation or portfolio on a USB flash drive. The program works on the principle of a step-by-step wizard (Wizard), allows you to use one of the existing professionally designed templates, thereby helping you create your own menu USB device autostart almost effortlessly. Just launch the program and start creating!

Once the program has loaded, the New Project Wizard dialog box will open, allowing you to select a layout for the startup menu. Here you can also configure the project properties: folders for project location and results output, window style, size, position on the screen, background, display of the splash screen and localization support, and you can also select the application that will be launched when a USB device is connected to the PC. Once everything is configured, the project template you selected opens in the program editing window. This is where you can change the layout to embody your ideas.

The program offers a wide range of editing functions. Some of them seemed very interesting to me and I want to tell you about them. You can add text blocks and write annotations, add buttons, shapes, lines and other objects by simply dragging them on menu screens with your mouse. To make navigation through the menu simple and interactive, you need to add links and active areas, as well as assign actions to objects. When you hover the cursor or click on an object, they will automatically change, thereby prompting the user about interactivity. For example, you can set an image to show a tooltip when you hover the mouse over an object, set to play a sound, or set a document to open when the mouse button is pressed. There are no restrictions when creating interactive objects. You can do anything you imagine.

At any time you can press mode preview and evaluate how the menu works. If you're not happy with the changes, you can always go back and continue editing until you get what you want.

At the end of the work, you pack the autorun menu files and copy them to a USB drive. The process of creating your own USB device autostart very simple. When the flash drive is connected to the computer, the menu USB device autostart will open automatically.

The desire to save time is quite natural for both ordinary users and experienced programmers. Adding a program to autorun will help not only synchronize certain applications on your personal computer, but also get rid of routine tasks, for example, conducting hardware tests according to predefined parameters. This instruction will reveal the nuances of methods for setting up automatic launch of Windows programs.

Adding a program to startup using StartWindows 7

Step 1. Expand the Start menu and go to the All Programs subdirectory.

Step 2. In the expanded list you need to find the “Startup” folder, and by calling context menu, follow the “Open” link.

Step 3. When the automatic window opens Windows boot 7 You will have the opportunity to edit its contents - just drag the shortcut of the program you need into the window, and it will launch when you log into the operating system.

Important! This is the easiest way to add programs to the auto-download list, but not the best. Many programs that actually run with the system do not appear in the directory

Windows 10

Step 1. To enter the MSconfig environment in Windows 10, you need to expand the context menu of the Start button using the right mouse button.

Right-click on “Start”

Step 2.

Step 3. In the window that pops up, in the query input box, you need to enter the command “msconfig”.

Step 4. IN software interface switch to the “Startup” tab.

Step 6. In the appropriate tab, select the line with the name of the program or application that should be launched together with the operating system, and use the “Enable” button.

On a note! You can launch the task manager in another way - by calling the taskbar context menu and clicking on the desired link. After entering the utility, switch to the bookmark and follow step 6.

Adding a program to startup using MSconfig inWindows 7

Step 1. To enter the MSconfig environment in Windows 7, you need to expand the Start menu, in search bar run “MSconfig” and run it as administrator.

Step 2. After launch, in the software interface, switch to the “Startup” tab.

Step 3. Set automatic download permissions for the required items. To allow all programs, use the “Enable All” button.

On a note! This software shell interacts with the registryWindows, and collects data from it. That is why this utility displays many more startup keys than in the Startup directory. Displaying all elements will allow you to work more closely with program launch parameters when loading operating system.

Adding a program to startup using the registry inWindows 10

Step 1. To enter the registry editing environment in Windows 10, you need to expand the context menu of the Start button using the right mouse button.

Step 2. Start the "Run" procedure.

Step 3. In the window that appears in the query input box, you need to enter the command “regedit” and launch the editor control console.

Step 4. In the console interface, follow the list one by one to the “Run” directory.

  • LOCAL MACHINE (for local station), or CURRENT USER (for your user);
  • SOFTWARE (the folder stores settings software);
  • Microsoft (corporation product settings);
  • Windows (operating system settings);
  • CurrentVersion (current version settings);
  • Run (settings for automatic program launch).

Step 5. To add a program, use the “Edit” menu and use it to select the command to create a new string parameter.

Step 6. Specify the parameter name.

Step 7 Expand the line parameters and write down the path to the executable file. After specifying the path, save the settings.

Important! When changing registry settings, be careful - careless handling of entries can disrupt the normal operation of the software and operating system.

Adding a program to startup using an additional application

To change the software startup mode in Windows, you can use the CCleaner software product. It is completely free and provided "as is".

Step 1. Launch the software product.

On a note! When choosing a program you can download full version(requires installation) or portable (works without installation).

Step 2. Expand the “Service” list located in the left frame of the interface.

Step 3. Go to the Startup list. To deposit additional element part automatic download select it with a mouse click and use the “Enable” button.

Important! Please note that the program uses direct access to the registry, just like the utilityMSconfig. Because theCCleaner is third party software product, attackers can use it for their own purposes. Install only proven versions of the software package.

Video - How to add a program to startup


We looked at ways to edit the list of automatic downloads of programs in Windows, taking into account the version of the operating system. Remember that standard means may change slightly appearance depending on the installed updates, or completely absent, depending on the OS edition. One of the described methods is not standard and therefore may pose a threat information security To your computer. The assessment of each described method, according to our website, is given in the summary table.

Details/NameRegistry EditorMSconfig utilityCCleaner
LicenseDelivered with WindowsDelivered with WindowsFreeSupplied with Windows (not available on Windows 10)
Russian languageDepending on the Windows versionsDepending on software versionDepending on Windows version
Display all autorun itemsYesYesYesNo
Interface convenience (from 1 to 5)3 5 5 5

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I am often asked how to create autorun windows programs 7, so that every time you turn on the computer it starts, plus with certain parameters. Nothing is impossible. We'll look at several ways to do this.

The first is the simplest and perhaps the most correct - look in the parameters or settings of the application that you want to add to startup. Most likely, for most there will be a “Run when Windows starts” option or something similar. This method is also correct because the program can specify specific variables to run, which in the case of the manual method you simply may not know.

The second method is to add the program shortcuts we need to the Startup folder. It works both for the user under whose login you usually log in, and for specifying the launch for all users on your computer. However, for the second option, you must have administrator rights.

The third way is to add a launch line to Windows registry. We looked at how to open the registry.

And the fourth way is to use the task scheduler built in Windows.

How to add a program to Windows 7 startup

Autorun windows 7 programs for the current user

Even starting from the early operating room Windows systems 95, Microsoft has taken care of the convenience of adding programs and shortcuts to startup. This happens by moving or copying shortcuts with parameters or just shortcuts to a folder specially created for this. It is called StartUp (in the Russian version of Windows it is called “Startup”). The full path to it looks like this: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp.

You can use File Explorer to move the shortcuts you need to this folder, but by default it is hidden and you won't see it. To make it visible, you need to open Windows Explorer and go to system disk(on which your operating system is installed). In the top menu, select “Tools” and then “Folder Options”. If the top menu is not displayed in Explorer, you need to press the “Alt” key once.

Next, select the “View” tab and at the very bottom of the parameters find the “Show” switch hidden files, folders and disks." Switch it and click “Ok”. All hidden items will appear in the Explorer list for the folder you were in, including the ProgramData folder.

Please note that you need to navigate by folder names in Russian, although the full path looks like in English as mentioned above.

Now we copy into it all the shortcuts for programs that need to be loaded automatically at startup.

The method above was a little more complicated than it can be done, but it is useful for general knowledge startup structures. The easiest way to get to the StartUp folder is through the Start menu.

1. Open the “Start” menu and click “All Programs” in it. In the list we find the “Startup” bookmark we need and click the right mouse button. Select “Open” from the drop-down list.

2. As a result, the same Windows 7 startup folder will open as in the example above. We take all the necessary program shortcuts and move (copy) to this folder. All these operations will be performed only for the user under whose login you are logged in. To add programs to startup for all existing users, you need to open the folder a little differently.

1. Open the “START” menu and click on “All programs” in the list. Find the “Startup” tab and right-click on it. In the drop-down menu, instead of “Open”, click “Open a common menu for all”. Unlike the previous opening, the folder will contain the entire list of shortcuts for auto download for all users. Add the necessary shortcuts to this folder.

Open the startup menu common to all

For example, you can see the difference for my computer in the figure below.

To check whether the launch of the programs that you added actually works, you need to restart the computer and see if the applications start. Everything worked correctly for me and everything loaded on startup the first time.

Option for Windows 8

This instruction applies to Windows 7. If you want to do the same with Windows 8, you will most likely encounter the problem that the start button is not in its usual place. For this case, you can do the following.

Click in the lower left corner on your desktop Windows desktop 8 right-click and select “Execute” from the list or press the key combination on the keyboard Win + R.

As a result, a window for launching commands and applications will open. In the input field, type or copy the text from here without quotes: “shell:Common Startup”. Click “Ok” and the startup folder window for Windows 8 will immediately open. In the same way as before, copy all the shortcuts necessary for loading and reboot to check.

Autorun programs through the registry

This method is no more difficult than all the previous ones. We will create autoload in the registry.

1. Press the “START” button and in the line quick search type “regedit”. Then click on the file that appears in the list or press the “Enter” button. Or you can press the Win+R key combination and in the Run line type “regedit” and click “OK”. As a result, the Windows 7 Registry Editor will open.

2. In the window we need to find the required section. It will also be different for the current user and for all users. If necessary for the current one, then we find the following section: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. For all users the section looks like this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.

2. In the selected section in the right half-window, right-click and select New -> String parameter

3. Choose an arbitrary name for the parameter (any name that you understand, for example, the name of the program that you add with the word Run).

4. Right-click on the created string parameter and select “Edit”.

5. A window will open for adding (changing) a value for the parameter.

This is all! Now your application will load when Windows starts.

Using the task scheduler to create startup

This method is not at all trivial; not many people know it at all, although it is standard application with the function of launching applications for the Windows 7 operating system. With its help, you can create a lot of useful tasks with all sorts of parameters (for example, time, day, delay, etc.). To get acquainted, we will create an application launch along with the system launch, and you can continue further study and use yourself.

1. Press the Win+R key combination and enter the command in the application launch bar: mmc.exe taskschd.msc

2. Select the menu item “Create task”

3. In the “General” tab, enter the name for our task. I called "Launch Chrome Browser". Briefly and clearly in Russian.

4. Go to the “Triggers” tab and click “Create...”. Select “Create task:” - At startup and click OK.

Filling out the “Triggers” tab

5.Go to the “Actions” tab and click “Create...”. Select the action type “Launch a program”, click browse and select the application to launch in Explorer. At the end, click OK.

6. Result in the list active tasks Your created task should appear after a reboot and programs will autostart when you turn on the computer.
