Mouse operation in msvs 5.0. Armed Forces Mobile System (OSMSVS): A secure general-purpose operating system. Why does the military need its own OS

In this review, I will try to install a copy of RedHat Enterprice Linux for the needs of the RF Ministry of Defense to see how it works on modern hardware. Latest issue The WSWS was already in 2011, but it still continues to be "useful" in the Russian army:

Getting started with the installation

We will install it on the FUJITSU LIFEBOOK N532 laptop, which works stably for me in Linux and Windows. This laptop was released in 2012, just a year later than WSWS 5.0.

The boot window is a stripped-down copy of RedHat Enterprice Linux:

They were even too lazy to make a normal loading window, changed the background / logo, removed unnecessary buttons and that's it.
To proceed with the installation, just press Enter:

The installer booted in the retro style of MS-DOS, but before the release of MCVS 5, almost all distributions had a graphical installer. Debian also has a text installer, but it is much simpler and more understandable than this one. We are asked whether to check the installation DVD or not. Let's check just in case:

The disc was written normally, there are no errors. Next, we are asked to check additional media, but I do not have them.

The disk partitioning tool booted with the option to delete all partitions selected. What if the officer, relying on the intelligence of the domestic IT industry, simply presses Enter?
Now let's start partitioning the disk. This computer has two other operating systems installed and I selected "Create my own partition"

We have 30GB of unused unformatted space, select "Use free place and create default partition "and we get partition error: unable to distribute requested partitions

Click "Yes" and we get an automatic splitting error:
Click "Yes" and select "Create your own partition"
Since this "dosovsky fdisk" does not show how much is busy and free, so as not to accidentally delete anything, I decided to view the partitions in another OS and pressed reboot (I remember alt + ctrl + del from msdos).
The computer just froze on these words, but responds to CapsLock. We are waiting for another 15 minutes and just press reset. We load another OS, make sure that the free partition is selected correctly, continue the installation and reach the stage of partitioning the disks. The choice of file systems is not rich here, only ext2, ext3 and vfat (which did not fit on the screen).
Let's leave everything as default, that is, we will use grub:
Just press Enter

Next, we are asked to create a password to change the grub boot parameters

had to enter a long password

Now let's start installing the bootloader. The laptop has latest versions Debian and Ubuntu, but the installer did not find them. As a result, after installing MSVS, the menu for selecting operating systems will disappear and you will have to restore grub via LiveCD.
The slider for the list of operating systems is at the very bottom, as if saying that there is something else. I tried to move it by pressing TAB, Ctrl, Ctrl + tab and other keyboard shortcuts. But the slider in which position it was, remained in this position:

Click Yes and continue with the installation:

Choose where to install the bootloader. I in all Linuxes install the bootloader in the MBR master boot record, that is, on / dev / sda, but for recent Windows users this is a difficult question. Or do all the Russian military know Unix?

Next comes the network setup.

Not any network connections we do not have, select "No" and press Enter

a window opened with a request to enter additional network settings:

As you can see, there are no "cancel" and "don't" buttons. There is only yes and back. It would be logical if we were installing the system over the network, but we have a DVD with a complete set of programs. We press Enter.

You left the gateway field blank. Depending on your network environment, there may be problems in the future.

press continue and we are again asked to enter additional network parameters. In general, we return to the first network settings window and indicate what needs to be configured network interface, although we do not have it.

You are asked to enter the name of the network. Choose "Manual" and come up with a name for the network

Choosing your time zone:

Choose a password for the root user (at least six characters):

We select the list of packages to install. I chose everything

Next comes the check of dependencies, after which a window opened with the address of the installation log:

Installation process:

I don’t understand if this is a problem with fonts or encodings?

The installation reaches 100% and the installer happily greets us about the completion of the installation, asks to disconnect the removable media and press Enter to reboot. Press Enter and the computer just freezes like last time.

Push Power button, we wait a few minutes and oh, horror, everything is in English. Or is it such a Russian language in the Russian army?

Where are our Debian and Ubuntu? There is only one WSWS. But it's okay, this can be fixed by reinstalling the Grub bootloader via the LiveCD.

Just press Enter to boot

The system stalls for 15 seconds and shows errors: Memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) notwithin permissable; unable to query Synaptics hardware

and continues loading, during the loading process the settings menu opens

Just select "Exit" and press Enter. After 10 seconds, this screen opens, where there is not a single hint of graphics. We enter the username and password and the system is ready to work:

By the way, note that the 2.6.18 kernel is installed here. This kernel came out five years earlier than WSWS 5.0. Yes, in five years it was possible to build entire industries, as in the Stalinist five-year plans, but almost 10 years have already passed! At that distant time, I was just beginning to be interested in Linux. Although they may have been conducting a code security audit for five years.
Okay, let's try to use what we have.
We are trying to launch the graphics. In nixes, to start graphics, you usually need to enter startx, enter startx:
and we get errors:

Here I deliberately opened the error log /var/log/Xorg.0.log to make it clear what was going on: the system cannot load the standard fbdev and vesa drivers.

We just have to reboot the system and return to the working OS, enter reboot and again we get a freeze on reboot:

Trying to install via VirtualBox:

We also enter the root login, password and startx

Of course, for security reasons, VNIINS does not recommend running X from the administrator. And why, then, after the first launch or in the installer itself, it was not suggested for security reasons to create ordinary users like many other distributions?

O_o, it turns out to be working.

MSWS 5.0 desktop

So what we see is a beautiful lightweight desktop that simulates old windows and KDE. But this is just an embellished open source desktop

File manager released 11 years ago looks a lot like a stripped-down konquerror

In the system tray, there is a time indicator with a calendar, a keyboard layout switch and an indicator of accessibility levels (but this is more likely from the MSVS developers).

MSVS 5.0 settings

In Linux, some programs (for example Chromium) do not run as root for security reasons, so the first thing we do is create a new user and log into the system through it:

Start - Settings - ELK Control Panel, User Management - Add New User:

Password must be at least 8 characters!

The security attributes are impressive, but we will not touch them:

The user was created successfully. We exit the session and go straight to the root console account, where we are greeted with a bunch of errors:

We exit this account by pressing Ctrl + D, log in as a new user and run startx. X started, but did not react to mouse movement and keyboard shortcuts. Restarting the virtual machine did not help, xx in this account don't work either. Okay, you'll have to run as root, which is a security breach.

Our screen resolution is 800x600, we are trying to change it. Go to the "Control Panel" and select the "Monitor" icon. A window opens with a message that we do not have the xorg.conf file and that during its creation the screen will be dark. Create it or not?

Click "Yes"

Configuration initialization error:

Then a window with monitor settings opens. Trying to change something, but no reaction. It is noteworthy that this window shows an example Windows screen 95. And when you click the "Yes" and "Cancel" buttons, the window does not close and nothing happens. You can close the window only by clicking on the cross.

In the "System" menu there is an item "Switching screen resolutions". We select it and we open a program in the tray with only two items: 800x600 and 640x480 and a frequency of 60Hz. But in FreeDOS OS I managed to set it higher and even change the frequency. Hence the conclusion that in OS MSVS the graphics are worse than in DOS!

We look at the information about the equipment:

After clicking "OK", the following window opens:

WSWS 5.0 programs

Interestingly, when we move the mouse pointer from EDE programs to KDE, the color of the mouse pointer changes.
This is because the MSWS desktop is a mixture of the EDE and KDE desktops.
Net. There are ten programs in this category, including ELK Browser, IRC, Wireshark, GFTP, Mail Monitor, Network Monitor and PPP Configuration and Network Device Management.

Network device management

Mail client won't start:

ELK Browser Browser is an exact copy of the Aurora Browser. See, they renamed it ELK, but forgot to change the logo:

ELK browser:

There are as many as 4 terminals in the utilities: ELK-terminal, X-terminal, Console and terminal in superuser mode. Do you know why there are so many of them? Because the MSWS desktop is a blend of EDE with KDE. They didn't even think of removing unnecessary utilities, everything was set as the default, so they left it.

For this reason, there are many programs from two different desktops, but with the same capabilities. This is especially true for viewing pictures, documents (PDF, DJVU, etc.) and text editors.

Emacs text editor in WSWS:

Scientific... The scientific only calculator KDE, which released in 2005:
Graphics. This section contains all programs from 2007 KDE + Xsane.
Games. The games include a set of games from KDE, including the war games Minesweeper and Parachutes:
Multimedia... Simple media player, audio disc player, K3b (CD / DVD burner), volume control and audio recording software.
To check the sound, you need to load in virtual system some movie .. Sound and video do not work here at all. I put Alsa, Oss, SoundBlaster16 in the VirtualBOX settings - nothing works. Tried ogv, ogg, mp4 - in some cases it requires installing codecs, in others it shows an error:
Let's try to install ffmpeg:
Open Start - Control Panel ELK - Program Manager
package lists are checked for a few seconds before starting
let's try to find ffmpeg
This is such a Russian language in the Russian army!

ffmpeg ended up on the list installed packages... And the search for oss and alsa (sound systems) did not give any results at all. Office and firefox queries did not produce any results either.

k3b at startup gives an error that it cannot find the Mime type. You need to click OK 10 times and then it will start:

Shutting down the system:
Conduct ...
1. MSVS does not work on modern equipment
2. The core of the system, like all software, was released 11 years ago, therefore, modern equipment is not supported
3. Screen resolution is set to 800x600 and does not change
4. The video system works only in the emulator, but shows errors after shutdown.
5. The sound does not work at all
6. Graphics only work for root user, which is a security breach
7. By default, shutdown and restart commands are available only through the console and work only in the emulator.

General conclusions.

MSVS5.0 - copied in 2011 by RedHat Enterprice Linux5.0 (2007), does not work correctly already on computers released in 2011. Yes, in the Russian Army, there is generally noticeable craving for antiquity, for example, the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" with its own springboard instead of a catapult, because of which aircraft are forced to fly with incomplete ammunition and sometimes fall into the water during takeoff for aircraft and with a fuel oil power plant, in need of refueling while hiking ...

Release Year: 2010
Version: WSWS 3.0 Build 4, 5, 6
Developer: VNIINS
Developer site: http: //
Architecture: x86
Tabletka: Not required
Interface language: Russian
Description: OS MSVS 3.0 is a mobile, multi-user, multitasking operating system which supports symmetric multiprocessor architectures and operates as in the mode command line and in the graphical interface mode.
The main purpose of OS MSVS 3.0 is to manage system resources and processes that use these resources in calculations.
OS MSVS 3.0 is a tool for managing technical means and tasks in the following areas:
- automated production control systems;
- automated process control systems;
- informational resources;
- queuing systems;
- systems for collecting and analyzing information;
- general purpose multiuser systems.
- OS MSVS 3.0 is certified in the certification system for information security in accordance with the information security requirements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for:
- 2 class of information security from NSD according to RD;

- 1 level of control of the absence of undeclared opportunities according to the RD.

Certificate of Conformity No. 126 dated December 17, 2002.
- OS MSVS 3.0 is certified in the certification system of information security tools in accordance with the information security requirements of the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for:
- 3 class of information security from NSD according to RD;
"Facilities computing technology... Protection against unauthorized access to information. Indicators of security against unauthorized access to information. "
- Level 2 control over the absence of undeclared capabilities in accordance with the RD.
"Protection against unauthorized access to information. Software for information protection. Classification by the level of control of the absence of undeclared capabilities."

Mobile system The Armed Forces (MSWS) is a secure multi-user, general-purpose, time-sharing, multi-user multitasking operating system (OS) developed based on the Red Hat Linux operating system. The OS provides preemptive multitasking prioritization, virtual memory organization, and full network support; works with multiprocessor (SMP - symmetrical multiprocessing) and cluster configurations on platforms Intel, IBM S390, MIPS (complexes of the Baget series produced by Korund-M) and SPARC (Elbrus-90mikro). The peculiarity of OS MSVS 3.0 is built-in protection against unauthorized access that meets the requirements of the Guidance Document of the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for class 2 computer technology. Protections include mandatory access control, access control lists, a role model, and advanced auditing (event logging). OS MSVS is designed to build stationary protected automated systems... The developer of the MSVS is the All-Russian Research Institute for Control Automation in the Non-Industrial Sphere named after V.I. V. V. Solomatina (VNIINS). Accepted for supply to the RF Armed Forces in 2002.

The OS MSVS 3.0 file system supports file names up to 256 characters long with the ability to create Russian-language file and directory names, symbolic links, a quota system and access rights lists. It is possible to mount file FAT systems and NTFS, as well as ISO-9660 (CDs). The quota mechanism allows you to control the use of disk space by users, the number of processes started and the amount of memory allocated to each process. The system can be configured to issue alerts when the resources requested by the user are approaching the specified quota.

The OS MSVS 3.0 includes a graphical system based on X Window. To work in graphical environment two window managers are supplied: IceWM and KDE. Most of the programs in the MSWS OS are focused on working in a graphical environment, which creates favorable conditions not only for the work of users, but also for their transition from the Windows OS to the MSWS OS.

OS MSVS 3.0 is supplied in a configuration that, in addition to the main control program(kernel) includes a set of additional software products. The OS itself is used as a basic element of the organization of automated workstations (AWP) and the construction of automated systems. Additional software (software) can be installed at choice, and is focused on the maximum automation of management and administration of the domain, which allows you to reduce the cost of servicing workstations and concentrate on the fulfillment by users of their target tasks. The installer allows you to install the OS from a bootable CD or over the network using FTP protocol... Usually, the installation server is installed and configured from the disks first, and then the rest of the computers are installed over the network. An installation server in a running domain performs the task of updating and restoring software at workstations. A new version is laid out only on the server and then happens automatic update Workplace software. If the software is damaged at workplaces (for example, when the program file is deleted or the checksums of executable or configuration files do not match), the corresponding software is automatically reinstalled.

During installation, the administrator is prompted to choose either one of the standard installation types or a custom installation. Standard types are used when installing on standard workplaces and cover the main typical options for organizing workplaces based on OS MSVS 3.0. Each standard type defines a set of software products to be installed, a disk configuration, a set of file systems and a number of system settings... A custom installation allows you to explicitly set all the specified characteristics of the final system up to the choice of individual software packages. If you choose a custom installation, you can install MSVS 3.0 OS on a computer with another OS already installed (for example, Windows NT).

OS MSVS 3.0 includes one system documentation (ESD) with information on various aspects of the system's functioning. The EDS consists of a documentation server and a database containing descriptive texts that can be accessed through browsers. When installing additional software, the corresponding reference sections are installed in the EDS database. EDS can be located locally at each workplace, or a special documentation server can be allocated in the MSVS OS domain. The latter option is useful in domains of large size MSWS operating systems to save total disk space, simplify the management process and update documentation. Access to the documentation from other workstations is possible through a Web browser supplied with the MSVS 3.0 OS.

OS MSVS 3.0 Russified both in alphanumeric and graphics modes... Supports virtual terminals, switching between which is carried out using a combination of keys.

The key point from the point of view of system integrity is the operation of registering new users of the MSWS OS, when the user attributes are defined, including the security attributes, in accordance with which the access control system will further control the user's work. The basis for the mandatory model is the information entered when registering a new user.

To implement discretionary access control, the traditional Unix mechanisms of access control bits and access control lists (ACLs) are used. Both mechanisms are implemented at the level file system OS MSVS 3.0 and are used to set access rights to objects of the file system. Bits allow you to define rights for three categories of users (owner, group, others), however, this is not a flexible enough mechanism and is used when setting rights for most OS files that are used in the same way by the main part of users. With ACLs, you can set rights at the level of individual users and / or user groups, and thus achieve significant granularity in setting rights. Lists are used when working with files for which you need, for example, to set different access rights for several specific users.

Specifications OS MSVS 3.0:

Parameter Characteristic
Information security system Built-in
Information security model Discretionary model, mandate model, role model
ISS compatibility with other OS Omonim-390VS, Olivia, MSVS 5.0
Core 2.4.32 ( actually)
The file system is mandatory EXT2, EXT3
Support for other file systems FAT16, FAT32, NTFS (ro), ISO9660
File name length up to 256 characters
Graphics subsystem X-Window
Graphics system Xorg-x11-7.3
A type Client - server room
Window manager Elk, TWM, KDE, IceWM
Graphical shell Elk-1.9.9
Support for multiprocessor systems Up to 32 processors
Built-in services DNS, FTP, Telnet, NTP, FTP, TFTP, SFTP, DHCP, RIP, BGP, OSPF, PPP, PPTP
Supported buses ISA, all PCI, SCSI, IDE, SATA, SAS, AGP, USB 2.0
Development tools included:
Programming languages C / C ++, Perl, Python, Shell, Tcl
C / C ++ compiler 2.95.4, 3.3.6, 4.1.3
System library glibc-2.3.6
QT 4.6.3
Debugger gdb ver 6.8
Installation options CD-ROM, HDD, Network

Installing OS MSVS 3.0

The practical lesson will consider the process of installing MSVS OS on a PC or server computer network... The process of installing OS MSVS 3.0 consists of the following stages:

  1. Loading a PC or a computer network server from the storage medium on which the distribution kit with MSVS 3.0 OS is located. After the completion of the boot process from the media, the image shown in Fig. 2.1. To continue, press the key<Ввод> ().

Figure 2.1. The start screen of the MSVS 3.0 OS installation wizard.

  1. The MSVS OS kernel is initialized and the equipment is detected, after which the image shown in Fig. 2.2. To continue, click the button<Готово>.

Figure 2.2. Discovered devices screen.

  1. The screen displays the "Welcome" shown in fig. 2.3. To continue, click the button<Да>.

Figure 2.3. Welcome screen.

  1. Selecting the model of the mouse connected to the computer (Fig. 2.4). Due to the fact that the manipulator "mouse" will not be used in further work, you should select the item "No mouse" and press the button<Да>.

Figure 2.4. Select the model of the mouse connected to the computer.

  1. Markup hard disk- one of the most crucial moments during the installation of OS MSVS. Not because the partitioning of the hard disk is so complicated, but because the mistakes made in the course of it can only be corrected with great difficulty, and this process can be fraught with data loss.

  1. How to determine if the hardware is supported by the operating system this computer?

  2. What installation options does MSVS 3.0 provide?

  3. What network protocols does the installer support?

  4. When do you need to create bootable floppies?

  5. What are the main installation steps?

  6. What bootloader is used to boot the OS kernel?

  7. What are the main steps for loading a kernel?

  8. What are lilo and lilo.conf?

  9. How do I uninstall LILO and restore the original bootloader?

  10. What is the kernel module mechanism used for?

  11. When do I need to use a RAM disk?

  12. How do I configure the use of RAM disk at boot?

  13. How do boot, bootnet, and drivers boot floppies differ? How do I create them? How can I check them?

  14. What is a software package, package dependencies?

  15. What features do package managers provide?

  16. Which package manager is used to manage software?

  17. How do I install a package from a CD over a network?
  1. Installing OS MSVS 3.0

    1. Basic installation steps

Installing from CD includes the following steps:

  • installation prompt and documentation reminder;

  • selection of the "mouse" manipulator;

  • partitioning the disk into partitions;

  • bootloader configuration;

  • network configuration;

  • setting the computer name;

  • choice of time zone;

  • selection of complexes for installation;

  • installing packages;

  • setting the root user password;

  • creating bootable floppies;

  • setting up a video card and monitor;
  • Each item corresponds to one or more dialog boxes.

    When installing over a network using a server, a few additional preliminary steps are required:

    • making a set of floppy disks for loading a computer and organizing network access to the server;

    • choice of network installation option;

    • configuring the network and organizing network access to the server.
    After network access to the CD-ROM in the server's drive has been installed, the installer will follow the same steps as for CD-ROM installation, starting with the second step (the "installation prompt"). In this case, you do not need to configure the network, you just need to confirm the settings made.
      1. Installing from CD

    Before starting the installation, you need to configure Computer BIOS so that the first in the list boot devices was a CD, and insert the CD with the MSVS 3.0 OS boot module into the CD drive.

    If the BIOS does not support booting from a CD, you must additionally insert a boot floppy disk into the drive and configure the computer BIOS so that the floppy disk is the first in the list of boot devices. Modern computers As a rule, they support booting from a CD, so the need for a bootable floppy disk may arise only when installing the MSVS 3.0 OS on an "old" computer.

    Then you should restart your computer. A prompt will appear on the monitor screen:

    In the format of this prompt, it is possible to pass additional parameters to the installer. For example, the command:

    boot: MCBC mem = 128M

    tells the installer that the volume random access memory this computer is 128 MB.

    Press the key to start loading the installer. The MSVS 3.0 OS kernel will start loading, accompanied by diagnostic messages, then the installation program will start, which will automatically load the drivers for the CD-ROM drive and controllers. hard drives present in the computer and supported by MSVS 3.0 OS.

    If initialization fails, it means that an additional driver must be loaded for this type of CD-ROM or hard disk drive. The installer will offer a list of drivers, in which you need to select the appropriate driver and click the "Yes" button.

    If you booted from the boot floppy disk, after starting the installer, the Driver Disk dialog box appears, instructing you to insert the drivers diskette with the drivers into the disk drive. In this case, the boot diskette must be removed and the drivers diskette inserted.

    After loading the required drivers, a prompt will appear on the monitor screen (Figure 9-1).

    1.1.41. Selection of the manipulator "mouse"

    Next, after the invitation of OS MSVS 3.0, the "Select mouse" dialog box will appear (Fig. 9-2).

    Select the type of "mouse", for example, "Regular PS / 2 mouse" and, if the "mouse" has two buttons, then you can use the emulation of the three-button mode. To do this, you need to enable emulation of the third button and click the "Yes" button.

    1.1.42 Partitioning a Hard Drive

    The Disk Partitioning dialog box (Figure 9-3) will appear and you will be prompted to select a partitioning utility for hard drives: Automatic Partitioning, Disk Druid, or fdisk.

    In most cases, partitioning of hard disks, disk arrays, LVM volumes occurs in Disk Druid. Moreover, the "Automatic Partition" mode is a special case of working with Disk Druid with automatic calculation of the proportions of disk space in accordance with the actually installed hardware. If you need low-level work with a hard disk, you need to use the fdisk utility.

    Highlight Disk Druid and press the key.

    A list of available disks and existing partitions will appear in the "Partitioning" dialog box that appears (Figure 9-4).

    Also in this window there are buttons for working with sections: "New", "Edit", "Delete", "RAID", "Yes", "Back".

    The bottom line contains tips for using hot keys: "F1-Help, F2-New, F3-Edit, F4-Delete, F5-Reset, F12-Yes".

    In general, MSVS 3.0 OS is installed on a computer with a blank hard disk. In this case, you can do the partitioning either using Disk Druid or by choosing automatic splitting.

    To successfully install MSVS 3.0 OS, it is enough to create two partitions: the root partition "/" and the swap partition (swap). The root partition must be at least 1200 MB in size.

    The directories / boot, / home, / var, / tmp and others can be placed on separate partitions. This allows you to isolate, for example, users' home directories from the root filesystem.

    ATTENTION. In OS MSVS 3.0, you cannot place the / usr directory on a separate partition!

    To move a directory to a separate partition, you need to create a partition with the "ext3" file system and assign it a mount point corresponding to the name of the directory.

    To create a section, select the "New" button and press the key. In the "Add section" dialog box that appears (editing a new section) (Fig. 9-5):

    • select the type of file system (for the swap partition - "swap", in other cases - "ext3").

    • the size of the partition in megabytes (if necessary, you can "stretch" the partition to the entire disk);

    • mount point, for the root partition it is "/", for the swap partition setting the mount point is not required.
    For editing existing section you need to select it and click the "Edit" button. After clicking the "Edit" button, the "Edit partition / dev / hda1" dialog box will appear, if the partition / dev / hda1 was selected.

    Upon completion of the work on creating partitions, in the "Partitioning" window, click the "Yes" button.

    The "Save Changes" dialog box appears on the monitor screen.

    Click the "Yes" button.

    The next step is to format the created partitions. A dialog box titled "Attention!" Will appear on the viewer screen. and a list of sections that will be formatted when you click the "Yes" button (Fig. 9-6).

    1.1.43. Bootloader configuration

    The “Bootloader settings” dialog box will appear on the screen (Figure 9-7). In this window, you must select the option to install the system with or without a boot loader. The loader allows you to have several options for starting the system in the system, or selects the OS to be loaded (if there is more than one). In the mode without a bootloader, the MSVS 3.0 OS kernel will be exclusively loaded in this system.

    Click the "Yes" button.

    Next, a dialog box will appear on the screen (Fig. 9-8) with a proposal to enter additional parameters that will be used during boot. By default, in this window the flag is set to use the LBA32 mode (use of 32-bit logical addresses of hard disk blocks), since this mode is required in most cases to support large-capacity disks.

    If there is an IDE CD-ROM burner in the computer, the installation program will place a line like "hdc = ide-scsi" in the parameter input field (for example, if the drive is connected in Master mode to the second IDE controller).

    If you do not need to pass any other parameters to either the LILO loader or the kernel, it is recommended that you leave the parameters provided by the installer and click Yes.

    The next procedure in configuring the bootloader is to set a password for access to change the startup parameters of the system. Since if there is a bootloader, it is possible to transfer specialized kernel parameters from the keyboard at system startup, then to ensure the required level of security given opportunity password protected. In the next dialog box that appears (Fig. 9-9), enter a password, the size of which should not be less than 8 characters. Confirm the password by entering it again on the next line of the window.

    Click the "Yes" button.

    A dialog box for selecting boot partitions will appear on the screen (Fig. 9-10), with a proposal to specify other boot partitions that can be loaded using the MSVS 3.0 OS loader. For example, if your computer has another OS, you can assign a label to it and load it using the MSVS 3.0 OS loader.

    Enter the required data in the appropriate lines and click the "Yes" button.

    In the next window (Fig. 9-11) the location of the bootloader on the disk is specified. There are two options: the master boot record (MBR) of the hard drive (recommended in most cases), or boot sector(boot record) of the corresponding section where the installation is performed.

    Make a selection and press the "Yes" button.

    1.1.44. Network setup

    If the installation program detects at least one network card, the screen will display a sequence of dialog boxes "Network settings for ethX" (Fig. 9-12), where X - serial number, in which the parameters are configured for each network card.

    Protocols automatic tuning BOOTP and DHCP network parameters are used when there is a dedicated server on the network that provides plug-and-play services at the request of the client machine.

    If there is no DHCP server, you need to set the network parameters explicitly, for which select "Activate at boot". After that, several lines will be highlighted in the window, in which you need to specify the parameters network connection.

    Network addresses are represented in decimal notation format (for example, Information on filling in the fields must be provided by the network administrator.

    Network address - The IP address of a computer on the network.

    Netmask is a parameter that characterizes the class of the network segment.

    The default gateway is the node serving the communications of this local network with external network segments.

    A primary name server is a host that supports the DNS to IP address resolution service. Enter the IP addresses of the secondary name servers (DNS) in the appropriate fields. If your network uses a single name server, these fields can be left blank.

    Click the "Yes" button.

    Rice. 9-13. Setting the computer name.

    Rice. 9-14. Time zone selection.

    Then you need to set the computer name. The following dialog box "Computer name setting" will appear on the screen (Fig. 9-13), in which you should fill in the corresponding field. The name must also be agreed with the network administrator.

    Click the "Yes" button.

    1.1.45. Time zone selection

    The following dialog box "Select time zone" will appear on the screen, in which the system time parameters are configured. In OS MSVS 3.0 time counting is carried out in local mode, i.e. the hardware clock of the system uniquely determines its time without additional conversion relative to different reference points such as UTC.

    In the window, you should select the time zone of Russia that most closely matches the location of the computer, indicating the difference in standard time relative to the "zero" zone - Europe / Moscow (Fig. 9-14).

    Click the "Yes" button.

    1.1.46 Selecting and Installing Packages

    The "Select complexes" dialog box will appear on the screen (Fig. 9-15).

    This dialog box offers to select the following complexes:

    • Basic OS configuration;

    • Graphical interface subsystem;

    • Development tools.
    To select the most typical option - the first three complexes marked by default, it is enough, without performing any other actions, to click the "Yes" button. If you need only the "Graphical Interface Subsystem" group or only the "Development Tools" group, you must select the appropriate box.

    Selecting the "Basic OS configuration" group is required, it contains all necessary components for the functioning of OS MSVS 3.0 in the basic version (without additional funds).

    Installation mode "All (including optional)" means the installation of all distribution packages, including modifications of the OS kernel that are not specific to this computer and a set of packages required for making a boot disk for MSVS 3.0 OS.

    For a more detailed selection of packages (perhaps to save disk space occupied by the OS), select the "Individual package selection" option and click the "Yes" button. The "Select packages" window (Figure 9-16) will appear with a list of package groups and packages themselves.

    A group can be collapsed / expanded by bringing the highlight line to it and pressing the key. To get information about the package, you need to bring the highlight line to it and press the key. Enabling / disabling packages in the list for installation is carried out by pressing the key.

    After completing the selection of packages, click the "Yes" button.

    If you have selected an individual list of packages for installation, a situation may arise when unmet dependencies appear among them. This means that the selected list contains packages for the installation of which other packages from the MSVS 3.0 OS boot disk are required, which have not been marked. Package dependencies will be resolved automatically by the installer.

    When the package selection is complete, the Start Installation dialog box appears. This window will contain information about the / root / log file, in which the installer will save the list of installed packages after finishing work.

    The actual partitioning of the disk and the installation of packages will start only after clicking the "Yes" button in the "Start Installation" window. If necessary, up to this point, you can still interrupt the installation process by restarting the computer. In this case, all data on hard drives remain unchanged.

    To start installing packages, click the "Yes" button.

    The "Package installation" window will appear on the screen (Figure 9-17).

    At this stage, you can observe the installation process of the selected packages, which is carried out automatically. For each package, a short description is displayed, as well as statistical information about the installation process of the current package and all packages together.

    1.1.47 Setting the Superuser Password

    The “Root password” dialog box will appear on the screen (Figure 9-18). Set a password in the "Password" line and confirm its entry in the "Confirm password" line (restrictions on the type and size of the password are determined by the security requirements for the system; by default, the password size is at least eight characters). When you set the password from the keyboard, for security reasons, asterisks are displayed instead of the entered characters. Click the "Yes" button.

    1.1.48 Creating Boot Floppies

    The following dialog box "Set of bootable floppies" will appear on the screen (Figure 9-19). A set of bootable floppies may be required in case of damage boot record on your hard drive.

    To create bootable floppies, click the "Yes" button. Then follow the instructions given in dialog boxes.

    If you do not need to create a bootable kit, click the "No" button. In the future, it will be possible to create boot disk using a graphical utility or the mkbootdisk command.

    1.1.49.Configuring the video card and monitor

    The next step is to configure the graphics system. To do this, in the dialog boxes, following the instructions, enter information about the video card and monitor.

    If the installer automatically detects the type of video card, information about it will appear (Figure 9-20).

    Rice. 9-19. Create bootable floppies.

    Rice. 9-20. Choosing a video card.

    Otherwise, the Select Card dialog box will appear. Select its type from the list. If the required video card is not in the list, select “Unspecified card”.

    In the "Server selection" window, select the X-server that the existing video card is capable of working with.

    After that, the "Monitor settings" dialog box will appear (Fig. 9-21). If the installer does not automatically detect your monitor type, select the appropriate monitor from the Change list.

    If necessary, you can specify the monitor parameters "manually". To do this, select the "Other" type item in the list and set the working frequency of the image scan vertically and horizontally (60 ~ 100Hz).

    Click the "Yes" button.

    After selecting a monitor, the "Additional" window will appear on the screen (Fig. 9-22). Select the required color depth and monitor resolution in the window. In addition, in this window, you can select the login mode "Graphic" (recommended) or "Text". If you select graphical login, the graphical interface system will start by default. Make a selection and press the "Yes" button.

    After setting graphics system the information window “Installation completed” will appear (Fig. 9-23) with the message “Congratulations, the installation of MSVS 3.0 OS is complete”.

    Click the "Yes" button to restart. The computer will start to reboot. During reboot, the CD tray will pop out automatically. Remove the disc from the tray.

    Rice. 9-23. Installation completed.

    Rice. 9-24. Installation method