Partition for windows 10. The best programs for partitioning (partitioning) a hard drive. Use the Disk Management utility

It often happens that when you buy a new PC or laptop, the entire operating system is already installed on it. HDD for 1 section. It is extremely inconvenient to keep both the OS and personal files on the same partition. It is much more convenient and reliable to keep this on different partitions, since when the system crashes, as usually happens, people reinstall Windows by formatting the partition C, which is where personal data ends up. In this article we will look at an example of how to partition a disk WITH standard means Windows 10 without resorting to third-party programs.

Partitioning a hard drive in Windows 10

In fact, the procedure is very simple, but we will look at it in detail and step by step.
First of all, let's look at what we actually have. In our case, we have 1 partition with a capacity of 59.9 GB:

We want to make it into 2 sections.

To do this, click right click mouse on the menu " start" and in the context menu select " Disk management«:

In this window we see all the local disks that are available in the system. (in our case it is 1):

We point the mouse below at the section we need (in this case it is Disk 0, Section C:) and right-click on it. The disk context menu appears. In it, select the item “ Compress volume...«:

In the next window (after calculation), information on the disk appears and a choice of how much you want to “cut off from the disk:

Total compression size— total local disk space

Space available for compression— how much maximum can be cut off from it (we do not recommend cutting off the maximum, especially from the system disk!!!)

Size of compressible space— here you choose how much space you want to “cut off” from the disk for other partitions

Overall size after compression- well, here it is shown how the volume will remain after you saw off the piece you need.

Let's say we decide to cut off half. In this case it turns out to be 30GB.

Enter the size of the compressed space - 30720 (do not forget that 1 GB = 1024 MB), and press the button " Compress»

After compression, the “ Disk management", where we see that partition C: has shrunk, and behind it a 30 GB area has appeared with the signature " Not distributed»

Now let's create from this area new section.

Move the mouse over this area, press the right mouse button and select “ Create a simple volume...»

"It will be revealed to us" Create Simple Volume Wizard". Click " Further»

In this window we select what size we want to create the volume. We can use the entire free area, or, for example, create 2 volumes of 15GB each. In our case, we select the maximum size and click " Further»

The next step is to select the letter that we will assign to our new volume. By default, Windows substitutes the nearest free letter in the alphabet, in this case it is the letter E. Click " Further"

Before using a new volume, it must be formatted. Choose file system NTFS, Enter the house label as you want to name this volume. Don't forget to check the box " Quick formatting “In order not to wait for a long time for formatting, it’s enough for us to simply clear the headers.

Now all we have to do is check if we have configured everything the way we wanted? If everything is correct, then press the button “ Ready". After clicking ready, the operating system will begin creating and formatting a new partition. This usually takes a few seconds.

After completing the procedure in the Disk Management console, we see that we have a second simple volume with the drive letter E and the Data label, which we specified in the partition creation settings.

Let's go to " This computer"and see if we really succeeded?

Yes, everything is exactly as we specified in the wizard. We have a new local disk.

That's all. As you can see, there is nothing difficult about this action. Using this method, you can divide not only drive C, but also any partition into 2,3, 10 partitions, as you wish.

If you have any difficulties, write comments, we will try to figure it out and help you with this problem.

In this short guide, we'll look at how you can partition your hard drive into Windows environment 10. It differs from similar materials in that we use a tool called “Disk Management” to solve this problem. Even if the built-in tool does not have a significant part of the functions that are inherent in utilities from Acronis or free AOMEI, but it is easy to learn, easy to use and completely safe.

Launching the application

To run a program in Windows 10 that allows you to partition your hard drive, we will use the control panel.

  • Go to the “Control Panel” using the shortcut, the WinX menu or the search bar.
  • We launch its applet called “System and Security” when visualizing elements as categories. When displaying elements as icons, move on to the next step.

  • In the “Administration” section, click on the link “Creating and formatting volumes” hard drive».

The “Computer Management” window will appear before the user’s gaze, allowing you to divide the hard drive into logical partitions.

Shrink a partition to create a new one

In Windows 10, as well as previous editions of the window OS, you can split the disk into several, using the free space on the original volume/media.

Explanation: if you want to make several from one partition, make sure that there is free space on it, at least a few percent (and preferably 10% due to incredible defragmentation) more than is required to create the partition.

To create new disk, you need to “bite off” some of the free space from the existing volume.

  • Call up the context menu of the partition that we plan to split in Windows 10, and select the “Compress volume...” command from the drop-down menu.

  • We wait while the hard drive is polled and checked.

The procedure can take up to several minutes on damaged and bulky media, and if there is a fair amount bad sectors on the surface of the magnetic plates of the drive, you will have to check it and then correct the damaged areas.

  • At the end of the procedure, a window will appear where you must enter the size of the compressed space.

The specified volume will be used to create new partition(s). The size of the original disk, which it will become after compression, is displayed in the last column.

After a few seconds, the Disk Management utility window will refresh, as a result of which the partition table will change visually slightly: the hard drive will acquire a new area called “Undefined”.

Create a new section

The disk is compressed, and an unallocated, that is, unused by Windows 10, area is allocated to form a new partition.

  • To turn unallocated space into a full-fledged partition, you need to call up its context menu and select “Create a simple volume.”

  • In the first window of the simple partition creation wizard, click “Next”.
  • In the second window, set the desired volume of the new volume (the maximum value will be entered by default) if you need to create several partitions. Otherwise, we don’t touch anything.

  • Select a free letter label from the drop-down list and click on the “Next” button.

  • In the formatting window, set the desired parameters and click “Next”.

It is better to choose NTFS as a file system due to support for files larger than 4 GB.

After a few seconds, Windows 10 will prepare the hard drive with new scheme breakdown of sections for work. Now the new volume can be used to store personal data, install another operating system (for example, one of Linux distributions) or Windows installations from the hard drive, which eliminates the need to create a bootable USB flash drive.

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Most users are accustomed to using two partitions on one hard drive, usually drives called C and D. Many have become interested in the question of how to change the disk size in Windows 10 using built-in system tools (if Windows installation or after) and third-party free programs.

Use the Disk Management utility

  • Open the utility by right-clicking on the Start menu and selecting Disk Management.
  • In the search bar of the Start menu, type “Control Panel” and open it.

Select "System and Security".
In the window that opens, in the “Administration” item, click on the “Create and format a hard drive” sub-item.

Shrinking a volume, freeing up space to create a new partition in Windows 10

To create a new volume in the utility, you first need to get free space somewhere for this; it can be obtained by compressing space on an existing volume. In the Windows operating system, no more than 4 partitions can exist on one physical HDD, including system ones (for example, the Recovery Partition). Typically there are two local drives C and D.

To create a third volume, you need to right-click on the partition that has more free space, in our case it is drive D. An explorer window will appear, click on the “Shrink volume” item to free up free space, change it to unallocated.

Partition D to create a new volume.

After this, the message “The volume is being polled to determine the available space for compression” will appear. Wait…". The process can last from several seconds to several tens of minutes.
When the system finishes polling the volume, a window will appear in the “Size of volume to be compressed” column, you need to indicate how much space needs to be separated from the donor disk to create free space for now. It will not be possible to allocate more space for a new partition than specified. In the example in the screenshot, the limit is 78880 MB, a little more than 77 GB.

You can specify any other number less than the one specified above, for example, by setting the value to 51200 MB, allocate exactly 50 gigabytes for the new volume. After selecting the “Compress” option, no result will be noticeable for some time. To check whether the compression process is in progress, you need to hover the cursor over the utility window, a spinning icon should appear. blue circle. When a black strip with unallocated space appears at the bottom of the window, this will indicate that compression has occurred.

This frees up space to create a new volume on the HDD in Windows 10. Now the unallocated space needs to be turned into a full-fledged hard drive partition.

— Creating a hard disk partition from unallocated space

You need to right-click on the area labeled “Unallocated” and select “Create a simple volume.”

The “Create a Simple Volume Wizard” will open, click “Next”, in the next window you will need to specify the size of the new volume. You can leave the value unchanged, or, if you want to create two or more sections, specify a smaller value. Click "Next".

After that select Latin letter, which will denote the drive, for example, F. Select a letter and click “Next”.

You will then be able to format the new partition if necessary.

Continue by clicking “Done”.

After a few seconds or minutes, the partition is formatted and a new Windows 10 hard drive partition will be created. When choosing the amount of memory you want to allocate for creating a new one, you must take into account that a small amount of compressed space will be taken by Windows for system needs.
So, when choosing 50 GB of memory, we got a volume of 49.9 GB in size.

Creating partitions when installing Windows 10

When installing Windows 10 on a computer from a flash drive or disk, you can divide the disks into volumes. For those who reinstall the operating system, please note that this will lead to the deletion of data from the system partition.
During Windows installation, after entering (or skipping) the activation key, select “Custom Installation”, after which you will be able to select a partition for installation; tools for setting up partitions are available.

In our case, drive C is partition 4.
To make two partitions from one HDD, you need to use the “Delete” button to create a partition; as a result, it will be converted into “Unallocated space on the disk” (point 4).
Then select an unallocated space, click the “Create” button, set the size of the future “Disk C”. After its creation, there will be free unallocated space that will need to be converted into a second disk partition in the same way.

After creating the second partition, it is recommended to select it and click “Format” (otherwise it may not appear in Explorer after installing Windows 10 and will have to be formatted and assigned a letter through “Disk Management”). Then select the volume that was created first, click “Next” to continue installing the operating system on drive C.

Programs for partitioning disks

In addition to built-in Windows tools, there are many programs for working with disk partitions. Some of the best free programs are Aomei Partition Assistant Free and Minitool Partition Wizard Free.
First, you will need to download the Aomei Partition Assistant program from the official website, install it on your PC and run it. The application has Russian language, we do not select system disk, in our case it is “E”.
Right-click on it and click “Resize partition”.

The selected amount of memory will appear, in our case – 15 GB.
Right click on system local disk C, from context menu select "Resize partition".

Again, drag the slider to the right to the desired size, or set the required space for expansion in the “Unallocated space after” field. You will be prompted to make a recovery image. Windows systems 10 or backup copy using third-party means, press “Ok”. To save changes, click “Apply” in the upper left corner.

A message will appear that there will be several reboots, during which drive C will be merged with unallocated space, select “Go”. A message will appear that the program will work in PreOs mode, click “Yes”.
Will begin reboot Windows 10.
On first boot, the mode will start AOMEI Partition Assistant PreOS Mode.
The process of completing the task will begin.

Today we'll talk about how to partition a hard drive in Windows 10: why it is needed, as well as several ways to do it. Increasingly advanced computer user When installing the operating system, Windows decides to split the system or hard drive into several partitions. What is it for? The main goal is ease of use, and most importantly, the separation of working operating system files and personal data, which we in no case want to lose. And this can happen if the system suddenly crashes. Additionally, partitioning your hard drive will help your Windows 10 to run faster.

So, here are some ways to partition your hard drive in Windows 10:

  1. Using standard operating system tools
  2. When you install Windows 10
  3. Using special programs

Now let's look at each of the methods in more detail.

How to create partitions on your hard drive using Windows 10

The main condition in this method of dividing a hard drive into partitions in Windows 10 is that there is enough free space (so that it is no less than what you decide to define for a new one).

  • Press the Win+R keys and in the “Run” window enter diskmgmt.msc
  • Downloading has started special utility management
  • After loading it, right-click on the partition that corresponds to the disk we are working with
  • Next, select “shrink volume”
  • In the window that opens, in the “Partition of compressible space” column, indicate the size that we are going to allocate for a new disk or logical partition
  • Select “compress”
  • Unallocated space should appear on the right, right-click on it
  • You need to select “create simple volume”
  • The resulting volume will have a default size that is equal to all free space. We can specify a lower value if, for example, we want to create several logical drives
  • Specify the letter of our new drive
  • Define the file system (set a new one or leave it as is) and click “next”
  • That's it, if the steps were followed correctly, our disk is divided into two

Splitting on the command line

You can also change the disk size in Windows 10 using the command line. This method also applies to the tools of your operating system. Please note that this method will work only when you divide the only system partition into two - for system data and your personal ones. And here's how to create a new volume on the hard drive Windows disk 10 in this way:

  • Opening command line on behalf of administrator
  • We begin to enter commands in this order: first diskpart
  • Then list volume. When this command is executed, pay attention to the volume number that corresponds to drive C
  • Enter select volume N. N is the volume number from the previous paragraph
  • Next is the command shrink desired=size. Instead of the word “Size”, enter the number in megabytes by which we will reduce drive C in order to divide it into two
  • Then list disk. When executing this command, remember the number of that HDD or SSD with partition C
  • Next select command disk M. M – the number that we remembered in the previous paragraph
  • Next, enter these commands in order: create partition primary
  • Format fs=ntfs quick
  • Assign letter=desired_drive_letter
  • The process is complete. You can look in Explorer at the disk partition we created

Acronic Disk Director

This program will also help us expand or reduce the size of the railway. How to use it:

  • When you first start the program, select the “manual” operating mode
  • A window will open in which we select the section that we will split
  • Right-click on it and select “split volume”
  • Set the size, then click “OK”
  • Click “apply pending operations”
  • Restart the computer and click “Ok” again

The new operating system from Microsoft, which went through a high-profile release stage, caused conflicting reviews from users. This is not surprising - the company from Redmond has been a monopolist in the market for about two decades software home computers, and with the growth of its popularity, the amount of criticism naturally grows. Whether we like it or not, but with Windows time 10 will become the new dominant operating system on the market, so it makes sense to adapt to it now.

One of the popular aspects of working with any operating system is disk management - both professionals and ordinary users should acquire knowledge here - the need to share a hard drive arises for everyone. Fortunately, Microsoft has restrained its ardor in its desire to stuff its new OS with a lot of innovations, abandoning its own successful solutions. In many ways, this was manifested in the management of such an element as a hard drive - a well-organized interface was borrowed from previous version- 8.1. In Windows 7, which currently ranks first in popularity, memory management is similar to version 10, so this article will be useful to a much larger circle of users.

Only supporters of third-party software can object, but, as practice shows, its use (as well as the purchase of a license) is not justified for the average user, and for most of them the share of used capabilities remains extremely low - the need to share a hard drive rarely arises.

Opening Disk Utility

To start working with media (it doesn’t matter whether you want to split, redistribute or delete a volume), you need to open the built-in program, the name of which in the 10th edition of the OS has not changed since the days of “seven” - “Disk Management”. To do this, you need to do the following manipulations:

  1. In the search bar of the Start menu, look for Control Panel;
  2. Click on the “Administration” item;
  3. In the window that appears, select the “Computer Management” shortcut;
  4. Then select “Disk Management”.

Below are slides showing the above steps.

Creating a new volume on free space

The screenshot shows the open program window and the list of sections available for modification. To create a new one, you need to click on the disk icon and select “Shrink Volume” from the drop-down list. In our case, it is only possible to compress the volume “drive D:” - there is more space on it, and similar manipulations can be done with system partition Not recommended.

Why Shrink Volume? Disk space is limited; you won’t be able to take it out of thin air. Since our hard drive is completely divided between existing drives, the only option is to share the memory for the partition. Another method suggests using free space in the unallocated area (it also appears in this list), or format one of the partitions, delete it and create two new ones of an acceptable size on the resulting unallocated area. It is worth noting that in the latter case All data stored on this volume will be lost, so the method presented in the screenshot in this regard is the most convenient and fastest.

After activating the “Shrink Volume” option, a window will open in which the system will ask you to be patient and wait a few minutes. After this time, information about the maximum volume for the new volume will be displayed on the screen - in our case it is slightly less than 77 GB. The user will be asked to independently select the size of the new partition, which will be within the previously specified 77 GB. We choose 51200 MB - that's exactly 50 GB.

The space can be used for convenient cataloging of your data or for parallel installation of another operating system.

After setting the value, click the “Compress” button and wait. The waiting time can vary greatly - on SSD drives the process will take a few minutes, on older machines - a couple of times longer (since hard drive significantly inferior in speed). Once the process is complete, you will see noticeable improvements in the chart below - among the blue bars indicating existing disks, a black one labeled “Unallocated” will appear.

Creating a section

After compressing the free memory on your hard drive, it's time to start creating a new partition. In Windows 10, control is carried out by right-clicking on the unallocated area and activating the “Create simple volume” item.

The “Create a Simple Volume Wizard” will be called, with the help of which the user will be prompted to manage the volume size. By default, the disk set value will be equal to the size of the free space - it should be changed only if you plan to create more than one disk. You will also be asked to select a volume name and label, after which partition formatting options will open. It is recommended to use the default values ​​​​set in Windows and click “Format”. Now you have a new volume at your disposal.